Saturday 16 May 2015

Story 142 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Reshma.
Hi from Reshma,
         This is not a very long story, not particularly sexy either, just a fun one. When Kim wrote her Story 134 ‘Food Fight’ I wanted to try something with food too. I also liked the story Anne wrote years ago, Letter 25 ‘Ice Cream.’ Taking these two ideas I set out to write.

         The plot is dead simple; Sarvesh comes back to find his chocolate gone. Upon questioning Amita he discovers it, in a very interesting place actually.
         That’s it! The story is done, go read it.
                        Bye form Reshma.

Friday 8 May 2015

Story 141 The Decision.

Jenny here.
         I was talking with Mega the other day at the café where the Riverhead Road meets State Highway 16. She was telling me about the stories she was writing concerning their coming to New Zealand. I asked if she wanted any help, thinking I might be able to help with her stories. To my surprise, she gave me one to write myself. There were some handwritten notes, to begin with, otherwise, it's all how we remembered it.
         The final decision was made a few days before Mega and Brian left to return to India. Four of us couples had decided to go out for a meal. Mike chose the place as he often did. We usually leave things like that to him since he seems to know the best places. The place he chose this time was one I had heard about but never been to, 'The Riverhead,' a historic tavern to the north-west of Auckland. 

         We arrived at the tavern as it started to rain. You know, one of those summer heat showers, Auckland often gets on hot afternoons. Heavy rain for a while, then it’s gone.
        The restaurant was an amazing place, full of history from this area. Photographs and artefacts on the walls, the room fully restored much as it must have been years ago. I kind of wish we’d brought our other Indian friends here as well when you were all in New Zealand.
        We were shown to our table, on the covered deck, overlooking the river. I thought the guys would get together at one end leaving us girls at the other, but no, we scattered around the table mixed together. I like it that way better as everyone is involved in the conversations. 

Story 141 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Allan.

Hi from Allan.
          When the younger members of our team voted to keep Jenny in the stories, a period of extensive re-writing was required. Further out, since Mega had replaced Jenny, she appeared in many of the stories Anne had written, so they all had to be corrected now. One way we got around this was by bringing Mega to New Zealand, it was then likely she would appear in New Zealand stories. She still had Brian so of course, he needed to come along too.
         First off we needed a story about bringing them to New Zealand for a visit (Story 139 Mega & Brian in New Zealand). That was the three-part story written by Susan with some help from her friends. Anne had already written Story 140  The Fishing Trip. Mega is mentioned in this story too, but it doesn’t say she was attached to Peter, so we were could leave it how it was by just adding Brian's name a couple of times. Now finally Brian and Mega needed to make that decision to move to New Zealand. This is the story published this week. 

         I knew I had to write this story. I decided that a nice location might work. One day I had business in the city that finished early, so on the way home, I stopped off at 'The Riverhead' a tavern. I loved this old pub; it had been a favourite watering hole of mine. I’d heard it had re-opened under new owners so decided to check it out. Originally I intended just having a couple of beers but then decided on a late lunch.
          I really liked the location and atmosphere of the restaurant. I suddenly thought this was the ideal location for my story. Over my meal and a couple of beers afterwards, most of the story was written, scribbled out on notepaper. I think the staff there were a bit surprised at this guy turning up and writing a story there.
         Back on the farm, the girls liked the idea and so I developed it further until I had a version ready to use. Of course, the publishing process made a number of changes but most of what you read today was what was written that afternoon in the restaurant.
         It’s not sexy, was never meant to be. This story is one of those linking, transition stories where we move and develop our characters, ready for many new stories to come. Did I say ‘come’ or should I mean ‘cum’?  LOL.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Story 140 The Fishing Trip.

Hi, Mike here.
       The next story in this volume has to be about the fishing trip we all went on recently. Peter heard of a company which offered all weekend fishing trips out into Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf. The trip left Auckland Friday evening and docked at Coromandel for the night. Since the boat had only limited sleeping accommodation for the crew, passengers were transferred to a motel in the town then returned to the boat the following morning.
       All day Saturday was spent out on the boat fishing and cruising around Great Barrier Island before returning to Coromandel for the second night going out at a restaurant/club with a live band before returning to the motel. Sunday was again spent out on the water before returning to Auckland that evening.
       Well, that was the plan according to the brochure now here is our version of what actually happened on our trip.  

Story 140 Background.

                                                                                Posted by Anne.
From Anne.
        Allan arranged with a group friends to go on this fishing trip. When he heard some of the other men were bringing wives/girlfriends he asked if I wanted to go. At that time we were still dating, I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could, so I agreed to go, even knowing that fishing was going to bore my brain out. When his friends heard I was coming, they decided to bring their wives/girlfriends too. So, in the end, we had a mixed group of guys and girls.
         Now the trip was much as it is in the story with the boat dropping us off each night in Coromandel then picking us up in the morning. The fishing was good, the guys enjoyed it, and us girls weren’t bored out of our trees either. I actually did some fishing and caught some too.       

        So that was the background for my story. Now I wanted to get it sexier. First, of course, came to topless swimming at the motel. I once got told off for that at a motel in Napier so I decided to use that here. We talked about going back and all going topless but we never did.
       Now on another boat trip, I had a go at steering while Allan stood behind me holding and playing with my tits. He even pulled my bikini top back, baring my tits and nipples. We used that idea in the nude cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef,  Story 97 – The Nude Cruise. Now I decided to develop that idea further here and actually get the girl naked. Susan suggested that he gets the girl off too with a hot orgasm. That all sounded like fun so that was how I wrote it. 

Friday 24 April 2015

Story 139 Part C Mega and Brian in New Zealand.

Part C – A Night with the Girls.

Told by Brian.
       My wife Mega has mentioned in her story that I was dropped off at Shanti’s house by Jenny and Peter. She tells us how she sat in the back of the car watching me approach the door. She also tells us the car had driven up the driveway before she could see who answered that door. I believe things were arranged like that because before I could knock, the door in front of me opened and I found Sharon standing there.
       I stepped inside as she closed the door behind me.
       “Shanti,” Sharon called. “The master is here. Ready for his sex slaves.”
       “Sex slaves?” I asked in surprise.
       “Yes,” came a voice from behind me. “We are your sex slaves for tonight.”
       “Ready to please our master,” Sharon added.
       “Oh, nice!” I said as I realised what was going on. 
       I had no problem with having these two girls as my sex-slaves. Particularly the way they were dressed. Both girls were wearing tight little shorts with their shirts unbuttoned but just tied below their breasts. Obviously not having anything underneath, it had the effect of exposing a lot of breast without showing everything. I have to admit they both looked damn sexy. Just looking at them like that had my cock awakening in my pants.
      “Oh sexy clothes,” I told them.
      “Thanks,” Shanti said with a grin. “Glad you like it.”
       She turned around so I could get the full effect from all angles.
       “I love it! You girls should dress like that all the time.”
       “We will if master wants,” said Sharon.
       “Yes! Master wants very much!” 

Story 139 Part C Background.

Part C – A Night with the Girls.
Hi, Sexy Sue yet again.
          Yes, three parts to this story. They all had to be done in only a few weeks too. By the time I got to this section, I was running right up on publication dates. In fact, I was still working on the final details the morning before it was published. It worked, I got it done but I think some places could have been better if I had time to rework them again.
         I think it was worth the effort as it fattens up Mega and Brian’s visit to New Zealand. Gives them some more sexy adventures. Really that’s the primary purpose of this story. We had split the adventure with Mega into two parts and add Brian in too. This group is their first trip to New Zealand. Later in this volume, there are a few more stories where they come to New Zealand again. Each group of stories was a bit empty so my story here helps full it out a bit.  

         When I started this section, I knew by now you would have worked out that Shanti and Sharon were at the house where Brian was dropped off, which took away some of the surprise. I needed to start the story off with something different and I remembered something we have not done for a while, a girl walking into a shower with her clothes on. Of course, by getting them in sexy clothes to start with I had the making of one hot sexy scene.
        That was how I began. Then we go on to two more sexy scenes. I had more planned for the bedroom but as I explained above publishing came up too fast. Don’t worry I’ve kept the notes of those other scenes and will use them in a future story.

Friday 17 April 2015

Story 139 Part B Mega and Brian in New Zealand.

Part B – My Surprise Night.

Told by Mega.
       A couple of days later it was the weekend. I asked what we were doing over breakfast and noticed Jenny and Peter just smiled. I pressed them for more and finally got Peter to answer.
       “Let’s just say, you’re in for an interesting day Mega.”
       “Take some overnight things with you. You’ll be staying somewhere else tonight,” Jenny explained.
       Now I really wanted to know all the details!
       “Where?” I asked.
       “We can’t tell you yet. Just be ready for a fun tonight,” Jenny said. And then with a smile, she added, “Naughty fun!”
       Peter continued, "And pack a bag each as you won't be staying together."
       So that explained a lot. We were being lined up for another sexy evening. Well if that was what they were planning, I was OK with that too. But what was happening? It was still confusing as they weren't telling everything for me. Where were we going? Not staying together? So many questions were entering my mind.
       “Are we partner swapping again?” I asked.
       “Too many questions, Mega,” Peter said, putting his finger to my lips as if to seal them.
       “But I just want to know.”
       Jenny said, “Something like that, but not with Peter and I.”
       They would give me nothing more. As much as I tried, they just laughed it off, giving me no more information.  

Story 139 Part B Background.

Part Two - My Surprise Evening.

Hi, Sexy Sue again.
        Once Mega and Brian had swapped with Peter and Jenny, I was looking for something else they could get into. It was then that I remembered those old three-some stories. So why not give Mega and Brian an extra treat too; two people to be their sex slaves for the night.
         Ayaka said I needed to keep it a secret from them, like had happened in India with Shanti and Mike. (See Letter 50 and Letter 51) So I kept Mega guessing until she stepped into the house and found Mike and Steve. Peter and Jenny were teasing her a bit by feeding her enough information to keep her wondering what was going on. Then Shanti’s car parked outside was a nice twist from Allan, just to confuse her more.
        One of my goals in this story was to bring out a contrast between these two men. Mega noticed they were different in their love-making styles but she was careful to say she enjoyed both of them. I think she would be careful here because she would have known of the rivalry between these two men. But I also don’t think what she said would have been a lie as she appears to have enjoyed both men.

         In my writing, I draw on a lot of experiences I’ve had done with guys I’ve known. If any of my ex-b/fs recognize this (yes at least 3 of you follow this blog), then you can take pride in knowing you left enough of an impression that I’m writing you into this story. I think there is a new dimension coming into play here when you get three people together. At first, the boys took a turn each by the fire then later in bed they were both involved with her at once. Mega says she found it sexy and I’m sure I would have too.
        What more can I say? Go read the story!
                   I'm off to find a couple of willing guys. LOL

Friday 10 April 2015

Story 139 Part A Mega and Brian in New Zealand.

Part One – First Night in New Zealand.

Hi, from Mega,
        Some months after we returned to India, Brian and I were talking about our trip to Australia. By then many of the stories were being published and Amita was sending us new additions to our volumes almost every week. It was fun to read about what we had done at the resort. Once the resort stories were finished, they began on the New Zealand ones. Unfortunately, Brian and I didn’t get the chance to go on to New Zealand, we needed to get back to India for our business, but I had heard some of what they did.
        One day Brian came home with another packet containing the latest updates. There were two stories for us to add. The first was written by our friend from New Zealand, Mike. His story, (Story 109  Fun in the Sand Dunes) told us about a visit to the location of one of the very early stories (Letter 19  First Time Skinny Dipping.) The second story, told by his wife Shanti, was about horse riding topless on a public beach, (Story 110  Topless Horse Riding.)
        We had just finished reading them when Brian asked me, “Mega, would you go topless like that?”
        “I did more than that at the resort.”
        “No, I mean on a public beach like that.”
        While to me it didn’t seem any worse than the resort, I suppose that on that beach other people may have seen them. Not that I'd think they would have worried too much. After all, they were only topless.
        “Yes, I might,” I replied. “I’d need to see where it was first.”
        “I’d like to see you do it,” he laughed.
        “Don't you think I would?”
        “No,” He replied. “I said I would like to see you do it.”
        “Oh!” I said as I suddenly realised what he was saying.
        “I wish we’d gone to New Zealand. Then I could have shown you.”
        “So do I, Mega. So do I,” he said, his voice a bit sad. “Think it was a mistake not going.”

Story 139 Part A Background.

                                                                               Posted by Susan.
Part One – Peter & Jenny.
Hi, Sexy Sue here.
        This story was quickly added a few weeks before publishing. At first, it was supposed to be a short fill-in story, just getting Mega and Brian to New Zealand. Anne gave me two side goals that needed achieving. First, we wanted Brian and Mega to talk about her going topless in public, preparing for the fishing story that will follow this one. Then we wanted the twins to start deceiving people by swapping names. Apparently, this is a feature of some stories further out in Letter’s the Next Generation.

        I began writing and as I worked, it sort of began to grow on me. Once I introduced the sex scenes it became a major story. It grew so much, first, we divided it into two sections and then it became three.
        Now in the original version of Letters Jenny died and Mega moved to New Zealand to be Peter’s partner. In that story, which has now been deleted, it’s colder, being winter and she discovers the soft warmth of a water-bed. I liked the water-bed idea so decided to use it here too. I’ve tried it on a water-bed a few times myself since Shandra had one, so I knew it would be a different experience for Mega too. So Peter got to keep his water-bed. LOL.   
         The sex scene must be the climax of this story. It had to be detailed, drawn out and slowly building to their orgasms together. I got Ayaka to work over the completed version to rough it up a bit with some bad grammar such as might be made by someone who struggles with English but has got the use of the editing features of a computer. Finally, it was ready to publish.

Saturday 4 April 2015

Story 138 Buying a Swimsuit for Mum.

Hi, Shanti here.
         I hope everyone enjoyed that last story by Sharon. We have not had any feedback or comments yet. Hope this story gets some of you guys in India writing again.
        Here in New Zealand, we are all fine and the New Zealand Team send their greetings to the India Team. 

         One of the most surprising things about my husband Mike is his relationship with my mother. For me, there has always been some tension there. Sure we get on OK most of the time, but then, we just seem to find things to disagree on. We never fight, have arguments or anything like that now, although when I was younger and living at home, I used to argue with her a lot, there is always something between us. Often something... something which is hard to put your finger on what it is... But it is there.
        In Mike’s case, the situation is completely the opposite. She seems to think he is the greatest thing since sliced bread. In her eyes, he can do no wrong. While for him, he thinks she is the best mother anyone could have. He’s always asking me why I don’t get on with her. He can’t understand why I don’t. It’s such a big contrast to his own mother whom we rarely ever see.
        Of course, Mike goes out of his way to help as far as Mum is concerned. Nothing is too much trouble for him. Nothing too much bother. He is always there if she needs help with anything. Particularly since my father has died, Mum and Mike seem to have become a lot closer. 

Story 138 Background

                                                                               Posted by Shandra.

       Once again reality and fantasy meet. In this story, I explore two ideas. First is the relationship between a mum and daughter. Second is a man helping his mother-in-law buy her first swim-suit. 

       First – It is well known that Anne and her Mum argue a lot. Her Father once said, “It’s been so peaceful since Anne left home.” LOL! But I can see both sides of it actually. On one hand, you have Anne’s mother who wants the best for her daughter. On the other is Anne, who wants to do things her way, making her own mistakes if necessary. Both are strong-willed, both want their own way, so when they come face to face, neither wants to give way and sparks begin to fly.      

         Second – One day Anne’s mother suggested she wanted to buy a swim-suit, the first she had ever owned. To Anne’s surprise when Allan offered to help her, his offer was accepted. Her mother adding she liked his choice of clothes for Anne, which was also surprised Anne since her mother always seemed to criticize her clothing styles. When Anne found herself being left at home, she was at first a bit hurt and then she saw the reason why.
        Now the shopping trip was similar to the story. A number of suits were considered before some reached the point of trying on. When she modelled it for him he did mention some parts of her body that kind of shocked her. During the fitting room part, she did accidentally drop a curtain a bit and exposed a breast and nipple.
       “Opps,” she said with a giggle. “That was showing a bit much!”
       It has never been established if that was accidental or on purpose. Anyway, a couple of suits were decided upon. One was purchased and once she had changed to her clothes, Anne’s mum discovered the other had been purchased by Allan as well. 

       I was with them that day and so with some help from Allan, I made it into a story.

Friday 27 March 2015

Story 137 Daisy Chain Party.

Forward to Story 138          

               Hi, it is Sharon here. That was a good way to end the last volume, a hot steamy girl-girl session. Way to go girls!
        As you will have already seen in Volume Nine, Mega and Mandara were not the only girls to experiment with this kind of sex. Some of us were doing things like this while we were touring New Zealand. That session I had with Lizamoa is something I will not forget for a long time. Come over for a repeat performance anytime Liz.
        I consider myself to be very straight as I love Steve and love being with him or for that matter any of you other men, but I must admit, I did enjoy being with another woman. It is hard to say why, except just different with a woman, compared to a man. Please take note guys; I said different, not better or worse. For me, all sex is good!