Thursday 2 October 2014

Story 114 The European Girls.

          Well, Steve, you weren’t the only ones to get into some hot sex that night. Four of us had an interesting time up at the camp too. This story and the one told by Mike, that is following next week, took place at the same time as the seven person orgy down by the stream. (The Story 113   My Night with Hansini and Amita, last week.) 

Hi, it is Joseph here.
        Let me tell you what happened. It had been a good day. We’d all had a lot of fun, now in the evening, three of us men were sitting around the fire with a few beers. The beer was warm, but that was OK. It was nice, just sitting there, relaxing, talking, enjoying time together. After all that had been happening through this part of our New Zealand holiday I would have been happy spending the remainder of the evening just like that.
         Peter and Sarvesh had just left us, deciding to go down and see what was happening with Steve. Four girls were down there already so we knew something was going on. After they had been gone a while and it became obvious they weren’t coming back.
        “It looks like Peter and Sarvesh might have hit it lucky,” Mike said. “They haven’t come back yet.”
        “Yes,” agreed Mootie. “I am thinking we will not see them for a while.”
        “Want another one Mike?” I asked him as I opened the chilli-bin beside me.
        “Sure,” he replied.
        Then I heard Jenny’s voice behind me, “And one for us too, Joseph.”
        I looked around to see Jenny and Sharon coming towards us. “Sure,” I replied.
        The girls came and sat down by the fire. I handed Mike his beer and then gave the girls one each too.
        “Not very cold,” said Sharon.
        “No, sorry,” I replied. “The ice has melted.”
        “So what are you guys up to?” Jenny asked.
        “Nothing much. Just talking.”
        “Well I feel like some fun,” Jenny said with a rather naughty smile. “I feel like some horny fun.”
        “Go down the stream,” I said. “You might find a full-on orgy.”
        “No, I am looking for some one-on-one fun.”
        “So what have you in mind?” I asked.
        “Maybe some hard cock. Hard Indian cock,” she replied.
        I sort of knew where she was going with this, it was so obvious, but I still asked, “Do you have anyone in mind, Jenny?”
        “Yes, Joseph! You and me!”
        “And you with me Mootie,” Sharon added.

Story 114 Background.

                                                                Posted by Reshma.

          After I finished that joint story with Rajah, Story 99 in Volume 7, Rajah went on to do a story himself. It was Story 112 The Second Rabbit Hunting story. I was talking to my sister Shandra and she suggested that I try writing one myself too.
        ‘Ok,’ I thought. ‘Why not? I’ll try one myself.’
        A week later we were at the writer's meetings discussing this part of Volume 8. They wanted to build it up a bit more. Susan and Allan had already completed Story 113 My Night with Hansini and Amita about the seven-way orgy down by the river. The question was asked, ‘While all that was going on, what was happening back in camp?’ The original intention had been not to do anything here but now we realised there was a chance for one or two extra stories.
        Ayaka wanted to try something with Mike and Katrina. I was unsure what, as in the stories before this they had just written that Katrina was tired and sore, well and truly fucked actually. When Ayaka said she had an idea, Anne allowed her to run with it. Then Shandra suggested me. There were four people left, two Indian men and two European women. Anne invited me to see what I could do with them. I wasn't sure what but it was obviously going to be some kind of foursome.   

         When we wrote Story 99 my sister and I had swapped husbands for the night. See Story 99  Part B Background. That was still on my mind and I still thought it was rather sexy. When I talked about it with my husband he had suggested that it might have been fun if we had done it together so he could watch me and I could watch him. I knew what he meant, one of his favourite stories was Ayaka and Kim’s Story 92 Four by Four-some. So finally a plan was beginning to take shape in my mind.      
         By then Ayaka was well into her story with Mike and Katrina. Before I started mine, I asked her how she was beginning her story. We sat down together one afternoon and she allowed me to read what she had done. She began with the three men sitting by the fire drinking beer and talking. We both knew this was where my story should begin too. I copied that from her story, making a few changes to fit with mine and that became my beginning.
        Ayaka was writing her stories from a man’s point of view and when we got together to make sure our stories fitted together she suggested I try doing the same too. Now that was something different to try, writing from a guy's point of view, so I decided to try. I had to get feedback from my husband a couple of times but I think, in the end ‘Joseph’ tells a good story here. Ha! Ha!
        Here is the final result.

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Story 113 My Night with Hansini and Amita.

            Hi, it is Steve here now.
            When the girls came back from their hunting trip they were telling us about the fun they had. It sounded like they made a better job of the hunting this time and I think they both managed to shoot a rabbit themselves.
            After dinner, we were sitting around the camp fire watching the flames. It was a warm night and we were enjoying all being together. There was just a gentle breeze rustling the trees over our heads making the smoke from the fire drift lazily upward. 

            Come on Steve, not too much of that. Next, you will be telling us about the blue sky and birds singing in the trees. Ha Ha. 

            No Shanti there were no birds and blue sky, it was dark of course. Anyway, stop interrupting and let me finish my story.

Story 113 Background.

                                                                Posted by Susan & Allan.
          Now back at the end of Volume 7, there were three stories that fit together to make one big story about Amita and Hansini with Steve. (Read Story 100Setting Steve Up, then Story 101 The World’s Greatest Lover, and then Story 103 The trial of Amita and Hansini.)
         Basically, these stories tell how Amita and Hansini became tired of Steve bragging and going on about how good he was in bed. They decided to teach him a lesson, but their night with him got out of hand in the morning. The guys then decided to teach the two girls a lesson by having a mock trial and sentencing them to a punishment. Part of their punishment was to make it up to Steve by giving him a night like they had promised him. But other events got in the way and this never happened at the resort.
        Now to this story set in New Zealand. The girls arranged with Steve to spend the night with him to fulfil their punishment. They promised to behave and Mike also warned them, but actually, both girls were still bent on revenge. They were going to get back at him even though Steve didn’t organize the trial. Of course what happens is not what either Steve or the girls intended.    
        There is also a bit of competition with what Anne did with her orgy scene in Story 111. We thought we could start from a different angle. Where she used Jenny and Katrina we went back and picked up that battle between Steve and the girls. Our scene turned into almost a fight between them until we threw some more people in.

        Now this story has gone through a large number of changes as others have had their say and even added bits. While Susan and my names are at the top we must credit this story as a bit of a team effort. Anyway, its made it to publishing and fits in well with those earlier stories I mentioned above so we are happy with it.
        When we were completing this story we began to realise that there would be some people left in the camp that evening not involved. This has evolved into two more stories that will follow this one over the next couple of weeks.

Friday 19 September 2014

Story 112 Second Rabbit Hunting.

Hi, it is Lizamoa here.
          That evening Mike and Peter were going hunting again. Tom also decided to join them. When they asked Hansini if she wanted to go again she was only too keen to join them and so I decided to go too.
          We took the four guns with us again but this time I did not carry a gun. The men each had one and Hansini had the fourth one. We walked up through the farm until we came to the steep track. At the last gate, they loaded the guns like we did before and then we started climbing the steep track.
         Near the large clearing, we came upon the goats again but they must have been watching for us. Because after last night they were ready to run for the thicker trees at the first sign of us and the boys were unable to get a shot off at them.
            So our journey continued on as we were climbing higher up the track. At one place we were looking down on some open fields below us and here is where Tom told us to be extra quiet. As the boys moved closer to the edge suddenly Peter raised his gun. The other two boys followed him.  Then Peter fired followed moments later by the other two guns. Three rabbits were lying dead in the paddock below us.

Story 112 Background.

                                                                Posted by Rajah.

          My wife Shandra completed Story 107, the first Rabbit Hunting story. I had helped her with it a bit but I wanted to make some changes and inject a bit of fun into the story. Shandra wouldn’t allow it. This disagreement came out at a writer’s meeting and Anne invited me to put a few ideas on paper. If they were good enough we might use them a second story she said.
          My main goal was to get Hansini to shoot a gun and have Lizamoa play a trick on Tom. Well, they liked my first attempt but I was asked to make it a bit sexier. Shandra suggested that I try to develop things between Tom and Hansini a bit more as by then she was planning a sexual encounter story featuring the two of them. So with those ideas in mind did a rewrite of some parts.
         Here is the result. Maybe not too good but it has made it into the blog. 

Thursday 11 September 2014

Story 111 Threesome with Katrina.

            Hi, it is Jenny here.
            When we arrived back from the beach we were all feeling like an afternoon nap during the hottest part of the day. I had just been putting the twins down for their nap in the RV, I was returning to our tent.
            I noticed Katrina was sitting by the campfire, poking the ashes with a stick.
            “What are you doing, Katrina?” I asked as I sat down beside her.
            “Oh, I was just thinking,” she replied.
            “Thinking about what?’
            “Just about what has happened on my trip.”
            I didn’t reply to that, instead just waited for her to continue if she wanted. She took a few moments to gather her thoughts first.
            “I was thinking about the things we did last night, with Peter and I.”
            “Yes, it was sexy watching you.”
            “I was thinking that I would have liked to do more with him.”
            “With my Peter?”
            “Yes if you don’t mind.”
           “No, I don’t mind. There are other guys around for me.”
            “He is a very nice man.”
           “Well honey, why didn’t you say something?”
            “Oh everyone was going to their tents and I was shy to ask at that time.”
            “Well, you should have.”
            “Yes, I know. Shanti told me this already.”
            “Well, I can’t do anything about last night, but I can do something about now. Come back to our tent. I’m sure Peter will be happy if you did.”
            “What about you Jenny?”
            “Oh, I’m coming too. This will be a chance for Peter to have two women instead of one. He’ll be happy with that, I’m sure.” I said with a laugh.
             She just smiled shyly.  "And I am trying with the threesome."
             "Yes honey," I replied. "Your very first threesome."

Story 111 Background.

                                                                Posted by Anne.
         The title of this story is actually quite misleading. It should be an orgy for Katrina. But I will get to that later. First, where did this story come from? A lot of the stories through this period had a background theme of giving Katrina further sexual experiences. In Story 109  “Fun in the Sand Dunes,” Shandra had written about Katrina wanting more fun after playing Strip XX. This had been discussed at a meeting and I wrote a similar conversation, this time between Katrina and Jenny.
         I think I bet Shandra to write a story about it so she left the idea to me and moved on to another project. In this story, Jenny asks Katrina to join Peter and her. So Katrina gets to experience her third European guy. Following that Jenny and Katrina go down to the stream to clean up. What follows is a sex scene where others join in until we have that little orgy I mentioned above.

         Group sex like this was something we didn't get into for a long time. It was only when Ayaka and Kim got involved that things began to change. First just three-some but later when all of us were together.
        What I like about sex like this is that you never know how it will go or whom your partner/partners will be. Usually, a sex session like this, involving all of us, will be unplanned so it could start anywhere in places where we would usually all be nude together. For example, in the lounge after a stripping game, out on the deck beside the pool or on the grassy bank up beside the waterfall. With most of us girls being bi-sexual, the combinations can be interesting, to say the least, with girls playing with each other as well as playing with the guys. 

Thursday 4 September 2014

Story 110 Topless Horse Riding.

Hi, Shanti again.
         We left the beach and headed back into the little town of Leigh. During the summer this is a busy little holiday town but by now; late summer it was a lot quieter. We stopped at the Old Sawmill Café for lunch and then some went back to camp with the kids while we went on to do some horse riding after that.
            Riding a horse was something many of our group had never done and so it was a lot of fun for them to try. They organized horse riding treks down onto the beach. Since there were so many of us they just took us in our own group.
       The track to the beach went through a pine forest. As we reached the edge of the forest before descending down onto the beach we came across a sign which said “Topless Beach Beyond This Point.”
       The guide who was leading us said we were welcome to ride topless if we wanted. I thought to myself I bet he says that to every party and I wondered just how many girls take him up on it too. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was the one who had put the sign there. Smiling to myself I reached around to undo my bikini top. Anyway, he was going to get lucky today I said to myself.
      I heard Katrina, who was just behind me say, “Shanti, are you going topless horse riding?”
      Since I already had my top off I thought the answer was pretty obvious but then Mike who was behind Katrina laughed. “Of course she is Katrina. Have you ever known Shanti to miss a chance to get her tits out?”
      “Mike!” I protested.
      He just laughed as he passed us.
      “OK. I will too,” Katrina said.
      I looked around to see her take her T-shirt off and then her bikini top. Soon Hansini and Amita had joined us too. I bet the guide enjoyed that seeing four Indian girls topless. He came back passing close to us and offered to hold our tops in his pack. Of course, when he came close to take them he got a close view of each of us too. 

Story 110 Backcround.

                                                                Posted by Ayaka.

Hi everyone, it is Ayaka again.
          When this part of the Letters Series was re-written they were looking for some more stories. I had just finished some in the earlier volumes and now was looking for a new project. Anne suggested I do a story here. Allan told me about the horse riding trips they do up there. I wanted to try horse riding. We don’t use horses on this farm so I decided to write about horse riding.
         Now next problem – how do you make horse riding sexy? The others had some suggestions for me to use. Going topless, getting clothes wet, flirting with the tour guide. All made for what I thought was a good story. Then Susan asked if I knew a girl could get herself off with the rubbing of her pussy against the horse. Oh wow! I could not believe that but Anne confirmed that it was possible. I just couldn’t leave that one alone. It had to get into my story too.
         Later we did actually go horse riding in the Woodhill State Forest. Yes, it does feel nice riding a horse. And you know what I meant by ‘nice.’ No, I didn’t have an orgasm but really got me horny. LOL
         I do not do a lot of horse riding now because I have discovered that riding horny men is a lot more rewarding than riding horses.

Wednesday 27 August 2014

Story 109 Fun in the Sand Dunes.

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Story 109 Background.

                                                                Posted by Shandra.
          When Anne and Allan wrote that story about the little beach I wanted to write a similar story. I teamed up with Susan to write about the first time Shanti went naked at the beach. Unknown to us Anne and Allan had also said it was the first time she skinny dipped in their story too. Since we didn’t want to change either story, we actually ended up with her having two first times skinny dipping. LOL Go back and check it out for yourself. (Letter 17 Love on the Beach & Letter 19 First Time Skinny Dipping.) 

         So following up on the theme running through this series of New Zealand stories, the team went to visit the place where Shanti lost her red bikini. It started with them having a surf swim before they decided to try and locate where the sex scene had taken place in the sand dunes. Surprisingly they did find that little hollow between the dunes hidden by the scrub.
         Amita dared Mike and Shanti to show them what they did. Quickly they agreed to put on a little sex show. A good scene but then came a surprise sex scene from another couple. Who? Read the story to find that out. Ha! Ha! 

          I suppose this is not one of my best stories. Sort of middle of the road I’d say. By itself, it was really not fitting in and at one point was almost deleted, then Ayaka came up with her topless horse riding story. (See that next week) This filled out this part of the volume nicely, giving them two adventures before they returned to their camp.
          One goal achieved in these stories is the continued development of Katrina. She took a leading role in last week’s Strip XX story. Now in this one and the next, we again see her getting involved in more fun and activities. Any yes, getting cheeky too!