Shanti here again now.
I will start this story but someone else will complete it.
As my husband Mike, has told you, everyone went camping with us, including my mother, Mary and Joseph’s mother, Greeshma. Once again, they came well supplied with all my father's camping gear. It still kind of surprises me, my mother’s sudden interest in camping. It had always been a problem getting her to go when Dad was alive and more often then not, it was just us two girls going along with Dad. But now, she seems to have changed, happy to go camping with Greeshma and us.
So, when we went to the Kai Iwi Lakes, both Mum (Mary) and Greeshma, wanted to come too. Here they were, both keen to go camping with us. Nude camping at that too. Naughty ladies! The boys quickly set up their tent and soon they were busy moving bags and sleeping bags in. A while later, I looked back at their tent again to discover they were both naked, setting up a clothesline for wet towels and things.
‘That was fast,’ I thought. ‘Mum and Greeshma had even beaten me getting naked. LOL.’
Mike noticed it too and gave me some stick about it, how I was getting slow as two old ladies could beat me. But I was glad to have them and glad that this time they had been so quick to get into the swing of things. But talking about getting into the fun of things, Greeshma was quick with that too.