Friday 13 March 2020

Story 232 Kai Iwi Lakes - Bull-Rush.

Hello from Mike.

         That summer came in hot and dry. Day after day, there was no rain until Auckland had broken a record for the most days without rain. Over 40 days it seemed. Yes, drought and fire restrictions were declared throughout the entire North Island. Especially in Northland and Auckland, it was very bad. In mid-February, we decided to take a short holiday and go camping at the Kai Iwi Lakes. These lakes are nearly three hours north of Auckland, on the west coast further north from Dargaville. 
         When word got around our group, everyone wanted to come. We planned to leave on Saturday morning and not come back until Sunday the following weekend. A nice holiday of a bit over a week. My first holiday since we had returned from India during the previous winter. I for one was really looking forward to getting away. I think my wife, Shanti, was feeling the same too. 
          We left early Saturday morning to drive up for a late breakfast in Wellsford before continuing on towards our camping area. Reaching Dargaville, some of the women wanted to stop at the supermarket for some last-minute food items and this turned into a lunch stop too.
          Once on the road north of Dargaville, we soon reached the turn-off for the Kai Iwi Lakes. It wasn’t long after that we were approaching the lakes themselves. It is normal for people to turn off towards the Pine Beach Campground but we continued on the other side of the main lake towards the Promenade Point Campground. But I was heading further than that, for somewhere much quieter and private since we were intending going naked, most of the time. Further around is this narrow strip of land between two of the lakes. It was here, in a private location off the walking track, that I selected to camp.

          It didn’t take long to find a place and set up our camp with our vehicles arranged to screen any view from those passing on the 'round the lake' walking track. I drove in first to be followed by Steve in the big camper. Behind him were two more cars driven by Joseph and Jenny, with their families. The final car was driven by Simon with his wife Deanna and girls Roxanne and Rachael. You may remember them from, Story 81 Nude Bull Rush, where I met Deanna’s breasts before meeting her. We had kept in touch over the years and Kathy and Roxanne had become good friends at high school. 

          A bit later, into the evening, Brian and Mega, would be joining us too.
         Soon everyone, including the kids, got involved in getting the camp set up. With so many of us, there were quite a few tents to put up but once we had finished, it was looking pretty good actually. Thanks, Peter, for suggesting the layout.
         About that time, a park ranger turned up to check our permit. We were a few people over but he let it go just warning us not to have any open fires as there were fire restrictions, a total fire ban, in the entire area.
        I noticed the ranger was checking out a few of the women too, those who had already got naked. My wife was bold enough to come over and join our conversation, also completely naked. I could see Shanti was well aware he was checking her out and I got the impression she was enjoying it too. Even keeping him talking longer so he would keep looking. Naughty girl!
        “Come over and see us any time,” she friendly told him as he left. I took that as meaning come over and check me out any time. Is that right, Shanti?
        It was then that we decided on going for a swim. Yes, you’ve guessed it. Time for everyone who wasn’t already naked, to strip. Soon we were all down on the beach and into the water. It was lovely. Not too cold, just refreshing. 
        I noticed that three of the young girls, Kathy, Roxanne and Brian’s older daughter were beginning to develop. Joseph’s daughter, Sabeena, would not be far behind them. Shanti and I had already been talking about should we continue our nude camping as the kids reached puberty. She was in favour of it but I wasn’t so sure. Roxanne was already showing signs of growing a pussy too, so we would need to decide soon. Rachael, of course, being two years older than her sister, was into her teens now, with a body to match.

         After our swim, we were getting started on cooking dinner. There were no open fires allowed so it was all done on gas cookers and barbecues. Deanna was beside me as I was cooking some chops and sausages. Steve was on the other side helping too.

        “Can you two remember how you first met?” he asked.
        “Yes,” replied Deanna. “We were rolling in the mud with his head between my tits.”
        I laughed at that. “As I remember it, there wasn’t much mud, only grass,” I added.
        “I wouldn’t mind doing it again,” she said.
        “What? Getting my head between your tits?” I laughed.
        “No, silly. Playing bullrush. It was fun.”
        “Ok, then,” I said. “Let’s have a game tomorrow on the beach before it gets too hot.”
        “Us all naked? I think it will be hot already,” Deanna added. 
        “It will if I catch you.”
        “Promises!” Deanna said as she turned away to take a tray of food to the table. She gave a nice wiggle of her arse as she walked. She knew I was watching without even turning to look. It was a sexy arse too, with round globes and split down the middle, something a guy could really grab on to.
         I looked back and Steve was watching me. “She’s keen on you, mate,” he said.
         “Just flirting a bit.”
         “No, I think she might be willing to play.”
         “I don’t think so. Anyway, her husband Simon isn’t interested.”
         “Don’t be so sure,” Steve said. “Look at your wife.”
         Just as I looked, I saw Simon give Shanti’s bare arse a playful slap and she was giggling. ‘Maybe, they might be looking to play,’ I thought. I decided to ask Shanti later that evening as to what she thought.

         Over dinner, the idea of some beach games was discussed and everyone seemed in agreement. It was decided there would be three games of Bull Rush before we all went for a swim. Then we could relax under the trees at our camp during the heat of the day.

          It was about that time that Brian arrived towing his boat. I went with him, back around to the boat ramp on the other side of the lake. While Brian and I came over in the boat, Sharon drove their car and boat trailer back around. By the time we got back, their tent was up and Mega, with the help of some of the women had their camp setup. She was already naked too.

          Later, once the kids had gone to bed, we were sitting around having some drinks. It would have been nice to have a campfire to sit around but, as has been said above, the whole area was under a total fire ban. Steve came up with an idea, taking a lamp from his camper and setting it up on a box. 

         “There,” he said. “Our campfire.”
         He got a laugh from most of us but it was a good idea. Gave us a focus to form a ring of seats around. We were entertained as a few stories came out regarding other camping trips we had been on. There is always something funny or sexy that happened. These make good stories to remember. 
        As the evening went on some of the stories became sexier with some teasing of those involved. I wasn’t sure how Simon and Deanna would take this because as far as I knew, they only went nude at that camp near Te Henga Beach, where we had met them. But they seemed to be enjoying the evening and the stories, laughing along with the rest of us.
        It got cooler after dark and some of the women had put T-shirts or shirts on. I notice Shanti was wearing one of my shirts. Most of the men still remained naked, tougher, I think. LOL. 
        The Ripper-Stripper Parties came up. We used to go to these but the club had been closed and they no longer held them. They were good fun and many of the women enjoyed putting on a show in the contests too. Some of those with us on this camp hadn’t been to one of these parties and so they wondered what they were like. It was then that Sharon suggested a contest similar to the ones they had held at the parties. Quickly, many agreed, particularly the women.
        So, that was going to be our evening’s entertainment.

        Lizamoa kicked it off by performing a sexy strip from a sari. We had managed to find some music which worked for her and as she danced around, with the only light being our ‘campfire’ she stripped item by item in time with the music. It was a sexy show that began with that Indian dance that in its self was slightly erotic. When she began to remove her sari it only got more erotic. As she gracefully continued, item by item was undone and discarded in time with the music. It was a sexual act and held our full attention until she had finished performing with that sexy little pussy rub at the end. 

         By public opinion, Shanti and I were selected next to do a joint strip. We went to our tent to quickly rack up whatever suitable clothes we could find and then came back to perform our show. I think with some practice, we might have done better but it went ok. We followed the usual pattern by taking turns, removing items off each other, steadily undressing until we were naked again. I found stripping Shanti like this to be slightly erotic and got a very obvious reaction. She saw it and dropped to her knees in front of me to play for a while. I suddenly realised she was intending going further to even try getting me off. The way she worked my cock alternating between wanking and sucking was just too much. Our grand final was me delivering cum all over her tits.

         We then invited couples who had never been to the party to try a strip dance too.

         “You don’t have to do anything else,” Steve told them. “Just do an act, stripping each other will be fine.”
        Mega was keen and soon she had her husband Brian into it too. Simon and Deanna weren’t so keen. It took them a few moments to decide to join in too. 
         While both couples went off to find clothes, we agreed to drop the time limit on their acts. If they got naked quickly then no problems. If they took longer, then no problems either. It was brave enough for them to do it.

         It surprised me that Simon and Deanna went first. I would have thought they might have waited to see how Brian and Mega went. But no, they quickly got up first. Looks like they might have talked about it a bit and with the upbeat music Jenny selected for them, soon they were dancing before each other. Deanna made the first move by removing Simon’s jacket. On such a hot night, he was probably glad to get it off. Her blouse came off next. displaying a very racy bra underneath. It was tiny, almost showing more than it covered. Her nipples must have only barely been hidden. His shirt came off next to be followed by a short skirt she was wearing. So, Simon was wearing just shorts and undies while Deanna had on that sexy bra and matching G-string panties. Very hot and sexy, I thought. Now, we were going to get to see more.

        Suddenly, they came over to Shanti and me, inviting us to join them. We were still both naked but we got up to join in their dance. Shanti was dancing with Simon and I was dancing with Deanna. 

       “Take my bra,” off she told me and she turned away.

        I reached for the clip, her bra coming loose but still held in place. I was teasing her but also teasing our audience too. Suddenly, I let the bra go, my hands slipping up to cover her nipples before the bra fell away. I could feel them harden under my touch and gave them a few extra squeezes before pulling my hands clear to bare all of her tits. That was a bit daring, going for her tits like that but she didn't seem to mind.
         When I turned to look, Shanti was kneeling in front of Simon and pulling his shorts down. He was wearing some tight undies that displayed a very nice bulge for the women. I saw her hands go up to rub over it too. Then before Deanna and I had time to do our next item, Shanti was pulling his undies down to show a very hard cock to everyone. She gave him a few good pumps with her hand before finishing with a kiss on the tip of his cock.
         Facing Deanna, I was on my knees, facing her pussy covered by just those tiny panties. I reach for each side and began to peel them down. She had a full pussy so as the panties were pulled lower, more and more of her hairy pussy appeared. It was sexy to see and I had the feeling she was very turned on by it too. 
        The G-string fell to the ground and as she stepped out of it, my hands went for her pussy. My fingers ran down her pussy lips as she gave a soft moan. She was wet, very wet. Her lips covered with silky smooth cum juice. I gave her a few more rubs and saw the jerk her body made and I realised how close she was. I wondered if she would let me get her off. She certainly needed it. I decided to try.
         Standing behind her again, I reached around for her pussy. I pressed in with my fingers and she opened to allow me in. While I began finger-fucking her, my other hand went for her clitty. I was rubbing it over her hood until suddenly she opened and I made direct contact. As she cried out, my hands came up to hold her hips. Her body jerked against my hands a couple of times as her orgasm hit her. It was a good one, I think.
         Behind us, someone began clapping and quickly others joined in. I think Deanna was shocked when she realised what had just happened in front of everyone. I stood up and put my arms around her, giving her a hug.
        “Good show!” I whispered in her ear.
        “Thank, you,” she whispered back.

         Mega and Brian were up next. Like Simon and Deanna did, they danced to the same music as they began their act. I noticed Brian looked a bit uncomfortable with this dancing stuff and after a while, it became just stepping side from side to the music.

         Once they started stripping each other it got better. Mega seemed a natural at it and Brian didn’t do to bad either. I loved the sexy little undies set she was wearing under her sari. 
         Steve asked, “Why did you bring such a sexy little set camping?”
         She laughed and said, “In case some horny man needed exciting.”
         “If he was horny, would he need any more exciting?”
         “Always helps to have more.”
         By now the bra was off and Brian was down to a tiny male G-string. That was sexy, them having matching undies. Even the same colour. Never seen that before in a strip contest.
         Once they were naked, they got into a hot little 69 session. While Brian was eating her pussy, she was lying on top of him sucking his cock off. It didn’t take him long to get a spectacular reaction from her. Wow! That must have been some cum. 
        She then settled down to get him off and it wasn’t long before he was shooting his cum into her mouth and over her face. 
        Jenny was quick to hand her a towel and she wiped her face before they stepped forward to take a bow.
         Peter and Steve got their wives into a four-way strip-tease that turned very sexy at the end. As they were stripping, they were swapping between partners and with the feeling and playing that went on, it was quickly becoming very sexy. Once all four of them were naked, Peter and Steve swapped wives and both girls got a really good fucking. That orgasm Jenny had was a real show stopper. So hot! Yes, that was when things crossed the line and became much sexier. 
         Not to be outdone, Joseph and Brian performed a similar act with their wives which once again turned into fucking each other’s wives. I was a bit surprised that Mega would do that but she appeared keen to get naked again and even fuck in front of us all. When she had Joseph’s big cock pumping into her, she was making quite a lot of noise. Really enjoyed it, I think. Brian gave Lizamoa a good fucking too.

          Joseph had just finished with Mega when he looked up at the grass behind me. He must have seen a movement, I think.

          “Ok,” he called out. “We know you are there. Come out.”
          We all turned to see three people sit up in the long grass. My daughter Kathy, Simon’s daughter Roxanna and Joseph’s daughter Sabeena were there. They stood there looking very guilty.  
          “Go back to your tent now. If I see you up again there is going to be trouble!” Joseph told them. “We will talk more about this in the morning.”
          Quickly, they scurried away, back to the tent they were sharing but for us, it was a party pooper. After that, no one seemed keen to continue. I was wondered how long and how much the girls had seen. It showed that we really need to be more careful when these older kids were around.
          Soon, we began getting up and going to our tents. I did notice that some couples were doing partner swaps but Shanti and I wanted to spend this first night together.

          That night when we got to bed, I asked Shanti about Simon and Deanna.

          “I think he might be,” she said. “Was a bit touchy. Felt my arse a couple of times and gave my tit a quick squeeze too.”
          “Oh wow!” I replied. “I think Deanna was a bit flirty too.”
          “It got a bit hot with you and him when we joined them dancing.”
          “Yeah, I know,” she laughed. “Wish I’d got him off like you did with her.”
          “We went further than I intended,” I explained. “But when I discovered she was so hot for it…..”
          “You interested in more?” she asked. “I mean fucking her.”
          “Sure!” I replied. “I like Deanna. Got great tits too.”
          “You men! Can’t you think of anything but tits?”
          “Nope!” I replied with a laugh.
          “Well, let's see what happens then. I think they might be up for it.” 
          For those who don’t know what Bull Rush is perhaps you might want to read Story 81 Nude Bull Rush, before continuing here. 
          After breakfast was cleaned up, we were all down on the beach ready for the games. Some of us took the opportunity for a quick swim too. I noticed that everyone was naked because as we had discussed the evening before this was going to be nude bullrush.
           We were going to select the first catcher when  Peter volunteered. It is not the first time he has done that but being fit and strong, he was right for the job. We all knew his strategy too. He would try and catch a selection of people, another man, a couple of women and two or three kids. This would give him a strong team to catch others.  
           So, Peter called, “Ready!” and the game was underway. Everyone, including most of the kids, charged from the sideline heading for the other side of the field. In a charge like this, with only one person in the middle, the chance of being caught was very small. Peter would only have time to catch one person. 
          I ran with Kathy and Shanti was directly in front of us. It was soon obvious that Peter was targeting her. Shanti saw him and dived to the left while Kathy and I went to the right. Mega, who was right behind us didn’t see Peter in time and he caught her. Her naked body falling against him as he tagged her on the back. 
           The next charge saw Peter go after another woman while Mega went after one of the older children. Kathy and Roxanne were running together. Sabeena, Joseph’s daughter was with them. The three of them together like that made them a target. Mega went for Roxanne as Kathy slipped past her. She missed and turned on Sabeena, catching her. Meanwhile, Peter had added Jenny to his team. 
           Now, this was becoming a bit more dangerous as I was sure Peter would be after a man next. I could see them talking in the middle of the field as Peter instructed them who to go for. This is why Peter was so good. He planned and directed his centre team. Hardly ever was there a charge against him without someone getting caught.
           Next charge, Peter got Simon and the girls got Lizamoa. The charge after that, Steve and Sharon got taken along with two of the younger kids. It was interesting watching the fight Sharon put up against Simon. It only ended when Lizamoa jumped in and tagged her. I could see what Peter was doing now. He wanted the two young kids as taggers who would jump in and tag while the adults held anyone they caught. Steve put up a fight too and at one point had both Peter and Simon holding him before Sharon, who moments before had been tagged herself, tagged him too.
          So that is how the game continued with the team of catchers steadily growing while those of us left to charge were dwindling in numbers.
          Soon I was caught and in the middle. Kathy was caught at the same time. She had been clever by always running beside me. This was noticed by the catchers and we were both targeted and both caught. Kathy put up a fight too and for a while looked like she might have escaped from the kids holding her until Jenny got involved and tagged her.  
          Of course, I wanted to go after Deanna as so I asked Peter. 
          “Go for it, mate,” he replied. “Have fun!”
          To my surprise, Sabeena went after her older brother, Ragesh and Kathy went after her brother Michael. Both girls caught their targets in what became rough and tough tangles, but the boys proved too strong for the girls to tag. It wasn’t until Peter’s twins Kirsten & Carol came over that the boys got tagged. 
          Then a great dispute broke out as the twins actually hadn’t been caught. They just saw their daddy and mummy in the centre of the field and decided to change sides and join them. Peter and some of us were yelling it was fair while Joseph and Brian were calling back, saying it was cheating. Finally, the two tags were allowed. The poor little twins were standing there wondering what the hell was going on. They were just playing the game as they understood it. LOL.
          In my case, Deanna was ready to put up a fight. She was really going for it by the time she reached me. She saw me coming and tried to dodge but I went with her. She cut back to the right again and I almost missed her. My arms went around her, across her ample chest. She turned as we fell and I landed on my back with her still on top of me. Of course, my arms were still around her chest, covering her breasts. 
          My hand clamped on to a nipple giving it a good feel as she began to protest. By then Kathy and Sabeena were with me, grabbing an arm each to try pulling her off me so I had to behave myself, allowing them to pull Deanna up. They got her high enough so I could deliver the three slaps to her back.  
          So that will give you some idea on how a game of nude bull rush would go. Of course, each person playing could tell a different story of what happened to them.

          What I want to talk about now was what happened with Simon and Deanna. As seen above, in the first game I went for Deanna, have a good tittie feel along the way. Across on the other side, Simon went for Shanti. She can put up a fight when she wants too and the first time, she managed to escape from him. Of course, the second time she came up against Simon and Sharon. While Simon went in and caught her, Sharon quickly delivered the tag. It was over quickly, but not before Simon got a good feel of my wife’s tits.

          The second game, it ended up with Sharon and Deanna going after me. Two women with big tits. It is almost tempting to just get caught. LOL. But they got me together and soon we were down rolling on the ground, one man, two women and four big tits. 

          When Simon took on Shanti again, this time she got a good pussy feel up. Naughty Girl! I think she enjoyed it and gave in too easy.

          Third game and Shanti and Deanna worked as a team to take out both Simon and I. In the first attempt they took Simon and in the charge after that, they took me down. In both cases, the capture proved to be a bit erotic with what happened once we were on the ground.

           During the swim afterwards, Shanti and I were with Simon and Deanna in the water. I was telling them about the viewpoint on the northern side of the lake. From there you could see the Tasman Sea on the West Coast. I also told them I knew of a sheltered little bay with some shady trees where we could have some afternoon tea before coming back. 

          “Is that all you’ve got planned, Mike?” Deanna asked.
          That was cheeky! So, I decided it was time to call her bluff.
          “No,” I replied. “I’ve got lots of plans for you and me, honey.”
          “Are they sexy?”
          “Of course! Very sexy!”
          “Well, bring it on then,” she said with a laugh.
          I looked across at Shanti and she gave me a wink. She was right with me too. I was certain about Deanna, now. She was ready to fuck. And I think after how Simon had behaved during the Bull Rush; he would be keen on Shanti too. He would make a good choice there too. She would give him something to remember.


  1. Ok, Allan & Rochelle,
    That formatting problem is fixed. I don't know why it did that. You seemed to do everything right. All I can think was it was something in the MS Word coding.

    I took the time to read this story. Interesting how we are off in a new direction. Back to the old theme of nude camping again too. Two more stories in this series. I see you have them up-loaded but since you are still working on them I'll not opening them unless you need help again.
    I went back to your old story Allan. Seen it before but nice to refresh myself with it. Then I read your part here. Sexy and fun. But we know this because often we play this game. I like how Kathy is a tiny child that time and this time she has grown up at lot more. You capture the item of time passing with writing like that.
    Simon and Deanna are back! Do the real Simon and real Deanna know that yet?

    1. Rochelle and Allan, you make a good team. I know you say Allan was driving this but I also know he never could have done it himself. He had help from many of us. Perhaps that is where Allan's strength lays, in getting a team together and guiding them where he wants them to go.

    2. Good story! I liked the rough and tumble of the BullRush game. Seem much like we play it. Sure sometimes people get a bit hurt but usually we patch them up and the game continues.
      So Simon and Deanna are back. I like that. Even if it is just to wind the real Simon and Deanna up a bit. But in Story 81 Deanna seemed like a fun woman so hoping that will continue here.
      Well done Rochelle & Allan.

    3. That formatting problem came back when we put the link in for Story 233. The entire story got formatted to the centre.
      We had to go through and change every line from "center" back to "left"

  2. So here we go again, off on another series of adventure. Bring it on, I say.
    Deanna & Simon in the stores again. I looking forward to more from them but I am concerned that suddenly we have a rush of new characters in our stories. Isn't there a danger of readers not being able to keep up. Me thinks, best you update your 'Cast of Letters' page. Where a character is named after a reader then maybe you can tell us this in the entry regarding that character.

    1. Hello Rochelle & Anne.
      Lovely Rochelle, my French doll, writing again.
      So what is this? My name up in lights again. Good story. In a few places got sexy too. Fiction Simon getting into the action too. So next story does he get the hot sexy Anne? Opps I mean Shanti.
      Yes, give him Shanti. Leave Anne and Susan to me, the real Simon.

    2. LOL Simon and Deanna.
      You guys are back again.
      Just when you thought we had forgotten about you.
      Anyway, hope you both enjoy this and the next story.

    3. Good to see Deanna & Simon back.
      Glad to see them again as I enjoyed reading about them way back then.
      I noticed the Deanna got more orgasms than Simon.

    4. Number of orgasms doesn't count Deanna. It is the quality and strength of them.

    5. Simon and Deanna getting naughty at the party.
      Love it.

  3. My expectation is that a story like this would be difficult one to write and hold focus through a number of different scenes. There is the danger you could lose your readers along the way.
    But I also realise there is a need to get this story done, sort of set the scene for the more sexy stories to follow.
    In that way it works well.
