Friday 31 January 2014

Story 81 Nude Bull Rush.

Hi, Mike here next.
       As you will understand, Shanti hasn’t been in the mood for writing recently. Her father passing away hit her harder than we expected it would. We all knew it was coming but then it's different to when it actually happens, I suppose.
       Everyone else here sends their love and greetings.       

       Since Shanti didn’t want to write I decided to do the next story for you in India. This story comes from our nude camping holiday. It’s a bit different since it involves an ordinary game made sexier by the fact we were all playing it in the nude. Maybe there is no sex going on, but playing with a group of people like this was sexy enough, well I think so, anyway.
       Let me explain what happened. One day while we were still camping, I was approached by a man from another large group, about playing a mixed sports day. It sounded like fun so I when I got back to our camp, I suggested it to everyone.

       “What games are they playing?” Shanti asked.
       “He said Bull Rush might be one.”
       “Bull Rush? Isn’t that the rough game banned in schools?” Jenny asked.
       “Yes it is now but we all used to play it,” Sharon explained. “I broke my arm playing that.”
       “Ouch! I bet that hurt?”
       “Yes, it did a bit. But all us kids got hurt a bit. It was part of playing, part of growing up.”
       “I didn’t think you were into things like that Sharon,” Shanti said.
       “Why, Shanti?”
       “Well weren’t you very withdrawn and quiet because of your family problems when your parents broke up?”
       “No Mike, I played sports,” Sharon replied. “It used to get me away from being at home.”
       “I played Bull Rush too,” said Shanti.
       “You did? I thought you were very shy because of your speech?” Joseph asked her.
       “Yes,” Peter added. “That was one thing that always amazed us. Shanti would join in games like that. We would see her laughing and playing, but never talking. Then she would go back to her normal self again.”
       “Yes I saw that too Peter,” Mike said. “That was one reason I was attracted to her. I think back now, during those games we saw the real Shanti trying to come out.”
       “You mean the bossy Shanti,” said Steve.
       “Hey!” Shanti cried. She let fly with the potato she was peeling. It flew across the fire and before he could duck, hit him hard in the chest.
       “And violent with it too,” Steve laughed.
       She picked up another potato ready to follow the first.
      “Hold on Shanti,” I called out. “We’ve got to eat those.”
      She grinned as she lowered her hand, picked up the peeler to begin peeling it.
      We noticed Steve rubbing his chest. “I bet that hurt too,” laughed Peter.
      Steve lifted the T-shirt to show us a red mark on his chest.
      “Sorry Steve,” Shanti said. “I didn’t mean to hit that hard. You just got cheeky.”
      “You didn’t need to hit him at all, Shanti” I scolded her.
      “He made me mad,” she replied.
      We returned to the idea I had of joining in the sports games. They all interested and we all thought playing Bull Rush would be fun. We were happy to play it nude although some of the girls were concerned about the kids.
       “What about the kids?” asked Shanti. “I don’t want any of them hurt.”
       “I believe the plan is for them to be involved as well,” I said. “He told me they usually let the kids play and allow them to catch the other kids. Sort of like a game within a game I think.”
       The girls seemed happy with that and so they all agreed to play the following morning.  

      Down below the camping areas was the main office and kitchen where campers could cook and eat. There was also a tennis court and children’s play area. A path let down from here to a larger playing area down near the larger lake. This area was flat mowed grass, big enough to play a game of football. This was where we all met.
       When we got there, we were surprised to find how many people had decided to join in. They were both men and women and of course kids of all sizes too. A man called Mark had arranged it all so while we sat on a grassy bank, he laid out the rules of the game. I also like the warning he gave us concerning the children. He said to be gentle with them. He also laughed that the very younger ones often had a different understanding of the rules so just let them run around and play because after all it was just fun and no one was too worried about winning.
       “ OK,” he said. “First we need two people in the middle. A girl and a guy.”
      “That is an interesting way to start,” I heard Steve say.
      “Yes,” I agreed.
      I was just about to volunteer when Peter beat me to it.
      “I’ll be the guy,” he called out.
       A girl soon volunteered to join him. She was a girl in her early twenties. I had seen her down at the lake with a couple of kids. She was quite attractive, with long black hair and a hot body.
       Steve leant over to me and said in a low voice, “Peter’s landed a hot one there.”
      “Yes, she’s a fox,” I replied.
      "I better let her catch me," he laughed.
      “You guys,” Shanti behind me said. “Focus on the game, not the girls.”
      “That’s a bit hard,” Steve, as he laughed again.
      “Better watch you don’t get hard,” I replied. “Might be painful falling like that.”
      I heard a snigger from a few around us. Obviously, we weren’t the only ones who were noticing players of the other sex.
      Well as Peter and his new girlfriend went to the middle of the field I heard Jenny called, "You two behave yourselves."
      He called back, "You never know with a hot sexy girl!"
      We all laughed at that but the girl reached out and whacked his bum. That certainly set the scene for many of us.
      Now we all lined up on one side of the field ready to play with Peter and his 'girlfriend' waiting in the middle. 

      Before I continue I think I better just explain just what Bull Rush is in case you don’t play this game in India. The game comes from the idea of the herd of bulls charging and having to get caught. The person in the middle must do their best to catch one of the runners and tag them with three hits on their back. When a runner is caught they stay in the middle to help catch until all the players have been caught.
      With the catching process, it can get a bit rough if the runner puts up a fight, which is why I have heard the game has been banned in some schools. That is why we were warned, be gentle with the smaller players.
       In our game, the last man and the last woman caught would remain in the middle for the next game. Over the course of a couple of hours, we got to play three games. By then it was late morning and getting hotter so we stopped. Most of the players ended up having a swim in the lake afterwards too. 

Now for the game.
       I noticed that Peter and the girl were together talking. I knew at school Peter would arrange the players in the middle so they targeted certain people which always made his teams more effective. I knew he was doing that now.
      Steve yelled out, "Come on Peter. Stop chatting her up and get on with the game!"
      This brought a big laugh from most of us.
      Finally, they stood a bit apart and he called out, “Ready, charge!”
      We all charged across the field. I knew by sheer numbers that most of us would make it across. I ran just behind the main group headed directly for Peter. I dodged at the last moment and continued to the other side. They weren’t after me, so I easily escaped.
      It was Lizamoa they were after. She had never played before so I think Peter thought she'd make an easy target. She was running beside me when she saw him going for her and dodged at almost the same time as I did. She went the other way and ran straight towards the girl. She was looking back at Peter until she turned to see the girl coming straight for her. She realised her mistake and tried to avoid but it was too late. The girl grabbed held her so Peter could tag her but Liz was putting up a fight. They fell to the ground and were rolling together. From where I was standing, I could see there was more than one open pussy on display for Peter before he got her tagged. Maybe Lizamoa shouldn’t have been that rough, considering she was pregnant again.
      Now Peter was telling them what to do next. When he called for us to charge again, I kept clear of trouble and made it over. Shanti was right behind me. Two others were not so lucky. First, one of the other women was caught by the two girls. I think one caught her and the other one tagged her. Meanwhile, Peter had caught one of the children, a girl about 8 or 9 I think. As the girl run past, he had grabbed her and quickly tagged her back. I knew why he wanted a child, he wanted to start this child catching the others their own size.
       So, that was how the game continued. Next to be targeted was Steve. He put up a big fight when two girls tackled him. It ended up with him on the ground with the girls on top of him before they got him tagged. I notice that one was sitting over him, her legs each side of him and her pussy pressed against his chest. Wow, that was hot! But as if that wasn’t sexy enough it was about to get worse.
      They were having a job rolling him over and both women ended up on the ground, at times in close contact with him. Finally, one Lizamoa, who was on top of him, rolled as she pulled him. He was pushed by the other girl and ended up face down on top of Lizamoa, their entire bodies making contact as if they were having sex. The second girl had fallen against him so her body and breasts were pressed against his back. As she pulled herself off him, she tagged him with three hits on the back.
      As he rolled off Lizamoa, they both got up laughing.
      “Rolling in the mud with two naked girls. That was fun. I must try and get caught more often.”
      This brought a laugh from most of the players.
      Shanti, who was standing beside me, whispered to me, “Wow, this game is getting to be almost x-rated.”
      “Yes,” I agreed. “Looking a bit like it.”
      Lizamoa and the young girl had caught an older boy, about 14 I think. So now, they had a good team in the middle. I wonder what that boy thought of a naked Indian woman grabbing him and holding him against her chest until her teammates could tag him. It was surprising me how the girls were willing to make close contact like that.
      Steve and Peter took me down in the next charge. I could see they were going for me as the runners around me scattered. I tried to dodge Peter but Steve was behind him to cover. Steve grabbed my arm and soon Peter had the other arm, I felt three slaps on my back from the young girl. Peter later told me he had arranged for her to stay close in and tag anyone they caught. I thought that was a clever tactic.  

      I notice there was not much discipline among our kids since they were all too young to know what was going on. They just ran with the group, sometimes on to the other side, sometimes staying in the middle. All that mattered was they were having fun. I noticed that my little Kathy got so carried away with excitement, she did a charge all by herself.
      I heard Steve call to me, “She’s all yours mate.”
      She was squealing with delight as I chased her, picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder to give her bare bum three playful slaps. As I put her down again she ran off, on to the other side, as if she hadn’t been caught. Obviously being caught by your Dad doesn’t count.  

      In the next charge, Shanti was one of the targets. I think she realised that they were after her soon after she left the sideline. She doubled back and tied crossing further down the field but Steve and Peter both went after her. Finally, she found herself blocked as Lizamoa and another girl joined in the chase.
      She ran at Lizamoa and the two crashed into each other. The shock made Liz miss grabbing her, Shanti stumbled and for a moment it looked like she was going to get away. But, there was an older boy behind waiting for her. She saw him and tried to dodge but as she ran past, he turned and took her with a rugby tackle. They both hit the ground and as she rolled over on her back, he was still clinging on. She almost got away, slipping out from his grasp, she was pulling away from him, but he was holding one to her legs. This left his head about level with her pussy and as she struggled her legs parted.
      This must have been fantasy material for that young guy, on top of a naked woman like that, looking straight at her pussy. She was trying to fend him off by pushing him with her hands but somehow he managed to hang on until the others reached them. They rolled her over and the little girl slapped Shanti three times on the back and she was tagged. I think that guy must have got a great close view of her pussy that time.
      When she walked over to me, I asked her, “And what was going on here, Shanti? Giving him some pussy pie?”
      “Or were you just having fun?” I added with a laugh.
      “Oh, I think he enjoyed it,” she said, laughing with me. 

      In the next charge, Joseph was taken out by three women including Shanti. He put up a fight but by then Peter and Steve had joined in. By sheer weight of numbers, they had him to his knees. Then once again, he was tagged by that little girl, while the women held him. She certainly was good at that.
      Once Joseph was caught there was not much hope for anyone. Quickly all the adult runners were caught while the children were mostly caught by the other children. I did notice Joseph had some fun when he caught a teenage girl about 19 I think. She put up a fight and he ended up pulling her against him as he reached around to tag her.
      “Joseph, stop cuddling the girls,” Lizamoa called out.
      “I was just catching her,” he replied as he broke away from the girl.
      “Being a naughty boy more like,” I heard Jenny say.
      “Yes, naughty boy,” the teenage girl said as she gave Joseph a hard slap on the bum. That made us start laughing.
      “Hey!” Joseph cried out as he turned, but she was gone, running as fast as she could.       

       So that should give you some idea of what this game was like. I must admit one fun part, for me was when I went after a woman about my age. She was running hard but just before the sideline, I managed to catch her. As I reached her, she turned to fend me off but with her momentum, she fell. Since she still held on to me, I fell with her. Falling on top of a naked woman was one thing but falling and finding your face between her breasts was something else again. It was made worse when Steve called out to ask if I was thirsty. Trust that smart arse to have something to say!
      I then looked up to see my wife Shanti standing just in front of me on the sideline, her hands on her hips.
      “Having fun are we?” she asked.
     “Yes,” I replied with a grin. “Lots of fun.”
      “And what about you?” Shanti asked the woman I had just caught. “Do you mind my randy husband rolling all over you with his face between your tits?”
      “Not at all,” replied the woman with a laugh. “Makes the game much more interesting.”
      We got up and looked at each other. “That was fun,” she said. “We must do it again sometime.”
      “I’m Mike by the way,” I said to her holding out my hand.
      “Deanna,” she replied. “Nice to meet you, Mike.” Then she laughed and added, “Should I say, nice way to meet you, Mike.”
      Then with a grin, her hands went to hold her tits. “I know you have already met my girls,”
      “Oh yes. We are well acquainted,” I replied.
       With that, she leant over and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
      “Huumpp,” Shanti said as we turned and walked away towards the centre.
      “Is that your wife? Hope you are not in trouble,” the woman asked.
      “No, she is OK.” I said, “Just winding me up. She probably wants a guy to roll around in the mud with too.”
       We both laughed as we walked back into the centre of the field. I did turn around to find Shanti still looking at us. She saw me looking and poked her tongue out. I gave a laugh and gladly returned the gesture. The woman still beside me caught it and laughed too.     

      I think the funniest moment must have been when Joseph caught a very young girl. I would say she must have been about five or six. She looks behind to see this massive man bearing down on her. She gave a squeal and was really going for it, but with large strides, he was quickly gaining on her. He caught her as she let out another squeal. His hands grabbed her by the hips lifting her completely off the ground. It looked so funny seeing her legs still going flat out has he held her out in front of him. As he put her down, she was quickly tagged by another player.
      I noticed after that they became a team. He began telling her which player he was going for next. As he made a catch, this little girl would rush in and tag for him.  

      After the game, the swim in the lake was good to cool off while we washed the dirt, mud, sweat and in a few cases a bit of blood too. So many people in the water at once, I have never seen so many swimming together like that. All of us were naked, all of us enjoying ourselves. We had met new people, made new friends. All around us, I could hear people reliving events which had happened in the games.
       Deanna and a man came over to Shanti and I and introduced the man as her husband Simon. We talked for a few minutes then to our surprise, they invited us for dinner that evening. After telling us where they were camped, they left us.
      “It seems you have got a girlfriend,” said Lizamoa with a grin. “Now she’s invited you on a date.”
      “Lizamoa!” Joseph warned her.
      “And her hubby is hot too, Shanti.”
      “It is only, dinner,” Shanti said.
      “Yes, but what’s for dinner,” Liz added with a cheeky grin. “It might be you guys on the menu.”
      As Joseph and Lizamoa walked away Shanti looked at me. “What do you think Mike?”
      “No, Shanti. It's nothing, just Liz with a big imagination.” 
      Once the kids looked to be finished swimming, it was back to our camp for quick lunch and more than a few of us had a nap afterwards too.  

      Joseph's mum, Greeshma, was staying with us at that time and had sat on the bank under the trees to watch. After the game, she had joined us in the water topless. With some many people there, that was brave of her.
      Back at our camp, she said, "That was a rough game."
      "Yes," Shanti replied. "But a lot of fun."
      We were watching Lizamoa putting a band-aid on her son, Jagesh's knee.
      "Some of the children go hurt too."
      "Yes Mum," Liz said. "But only little scraps like this. They'll be fine." She reached up to ruffle her son's hair. "Won't you?"
      The little boy smiled. He had been fixed up. He was happy. He was off with Kathy who had been standing waiting for him.
       "Things are so different here in New Zealand," Greeshma said. "You have changed so much."
      "You're different. You've changed too," Lizamoa smiled. "Look at you, sitting there with your tits out."
      The old lady laughed. "Yes," she agreed. "I have too."
      "And shocked your son," Shanti added.
      Which made all three women laugh.

      Later that evening we did go over to Deanna and Simon’s camp for dinner. We left Michael with the girls as he was asleep but took Kathy with us, as she was asking to come. Since it was an invitation Shanti decided to dress for dinner. She threw a cover-up over her shoulders leaving it open at the front. I just remained as I was, naked.
       I must say we both enjoyed meeting Deanna and Simon. Simon was an investment manager so he and Shanti had a lot to talk about. I found Deanna had gone to the same high school we went too. She remembered Shanti sitting by the flagpole for lunch and had wondered whatever became of her.
       They had two daughters Rachael, the 8-year-old girl, the first one Peter caught and Roxanne who was about Kathy's age. Both girls seemed to play happily although Kathy was a lot younger than Rachael.
       We have made plans to invite them over to our house when we get time. They are a nice couple, we enjoyed getting to know them. 

      Well, the trip to the resort is now rushing up. I am really looking forward to it. It has been a while since we have all been together and there are more of you to meet now. I’m also looking forward to getting together and having some fun. I hope you guys are all up for some fun too. And Amita, I hope we will get to do some naked rolling around together too. Ha! Ha!
       So bye from me now. In our next letter, Lizamoa has a nice story to tell you about kiwis, not the human ones, the ones which have feathers. Not a sexy story, but interesting.

        Bye now,
             From Mike and the NZ Team.


  1. A Deanna in your story! I like that. I know she is not me, just using my name but its a nice touch how you guys do that for your friends.
    Now Deanna has a husband called Simon. My God! Did you have to do that? Working with him is bad enough without being married to him! Although sometimes it almost feels as if I am.
    Nice story Allan. You managed to catch those spicy little bits as guys and girls caught each other. Now Mike ending up with his face between Deanna's tits. Is that living out some fantasy Allan? Maybe the real Allan wants his face between the real Deanna's tits? Is this so?
    I've played that game as a kid at school. Yes it was popular and played in large mixed groups. I remember one of our female teaches played it once. She was tackled by one of the older guys and things got touched which shouldn't have been.

    1. I love you too!

    2. This is good. Deanna and Simon together. What I nice couple. And may you both live happily ever after. LOL

    3. Oh nice one Kirsten. I love it!!!!!
      Sexy Sue.

    4. Oh Deanna this is interesting!
      The fantasy idea of Allan's face between your tits re-enacted in this story. I hadn't thought of that. But I am wondering if it might be your fantasy Deanna, considering it was you who mentioned it.

    5. What's happening here? Allan's head between Deanna's tits. Is Deanna a friend of yours Anne? If she doesn't want it, send Allan to me. LOL

    6. Yes Janet. I was wondering that too. Who is Simon and Deanna? Do they work on the farm there?

    7. Hi Janet and "Anonymous"
      It is Deanna here again. Yes Anne we do work weekends. Both Simon my "work-husband" and I are here in the office today. Catching up on our work. Not like one farm manager I hear has become progressively more lazy over the past 9 months. She sits around all day while her team slave out there in the sun and takes long sleeps every afternoon. I hear she has become so "fat" she can no longer climb onto a tractor.
      Now to Answer your questions. Simon is the big boss, Board Chairman, General Manager of the company which owns all these farms. I am his personal secretary, the one who runs around after him picking up things he forgets and cleaning up his mess.
      Hope that helps you understand the jokes here.

    8. So Deanna,
      Fat - am I? Lazy - am I? Well for your information I expect to have the problem sorted this week. Might even be today - who knows. My worker slaving under the hot sun? I rather like the comment, not that there is much truth in it.
      It was a big surprise to find you and your "work-husband" were in the office. Most unusual for a Saturday, most unexpected.
      But in your reply above Deanna you failed to address the comments regarding Allan's face between your tits. Is this his fantasy or your fantasy. My guess would be a bit of both.
      Ha! Ha!

    9. So you still have some fight in you Anne. Ha Ha
      Yes contrary to what all of you out there think, we do work hard in the office here. Oh I take that back about your fine workers slaving out in the sun. They have probably copied you by now.

      Now the matter of Allan and my tits. I can't deny having some interest. Lets just say if there is a game of nude bulrush going count me in. I can't run as fast as I used to but then I'm not intending getting away.

      No sign of the baby yet?
      Have fun.
      Love Deanna.

    10. Anne hasn't got so much fight now. Hi Shandra here.
      This afternoon the contractions began. Kim rang Helensville Birth Centre and they said bring her in. So Kim took her and Auntie in. I hear Anne screamed at Kim a couple of times for driving. 20ks over was a bit too much. LOL
      Susan came out and got Allan. He has a quick shower and left after them. Ayaka and I finished the milking and just a few minutes ago Kim came back. So its a big waiting game now.

    11. Congratulations Anne and Allan.
      We have just heard the news that you now have a little boy.
      That is such good news. I know you are going to make wonderful parents.

  2. Now I have some time with the holiday today, let me address this Simon and Deanna business. Was that your doing Anne? Or was it you Sexy Susan. It certainly wasn't the stated author of this story. Allan wouldn't do that. And of course neither would my Sexy Thai Princess either. Ayaka might be cheeky enough too but its not really her style. So my guess is Susan.
    Well thanks for included our names in your stories. I know it is an honour to have that. both Deanna and I appreciate the gesture.

    I'm not sure I would be that good in a game of nude bull-rush. I haven't done a lot of running lately. I certainly could do with the exercise though. Maybe I would be the cannon fodder, allowing the faster ones to escape. I'd just need to make sure its a couple of sexy girls who catch me. Yes you guys, another good story with another different theme. And some fun comments to follow. Deanna sure got a bite from Anne. I laughed at that.

    I hear there has been a mutiny out on the farm. Allan has been kicked out by Shandra. Three bosses in as many weeks. LOL When does the iron fist of Anne return. She'll sort you all out LOL.

    Congratulation Anne and Allan from all of us here at head office. I loved holding little Robert yesterday. I asked him when he will be a manager. And got a big smile in return. Or was it a yawn. LOL

    1. You got that wrong there Simon. It wasn't Anne of Susan who added your and Deanna's name to this story. It was Kirsten and I. LOL

    2. I should have known Kirsten would get in on something like that. But you Kim, my Sexy Thai Princess! Now that is surprise. Obviously you've been living with Anne and Susan too long.

    3. Yes I'm guilty! Guilty as charged. LOL
      Well Simon you and Deanna nag each other like a married couple. Just thought you might as well be married.
      Just to get the record straight, I had the idea (made the bullet) and Kim added it in. Anne, Susan and Allan have all seen it and didn't object either. But don't you think its good that Deanna got Allan's face (Oh sorry I mean Mike's face) between her tits.

    4. Yes Yes Kirsten
      You have made your point. We all know what you really mean.
