Thursday 9 January 2014

Story 78 An Evening to Remember – Part Two.

            Hi again from India. It is Amita again here.
            So what an interesting letter. That was a good story Lizamoa. Thank you, Shanti for letting us share in what must have been a hard day for you. I remember while you were in India, one day at our house we sat around the pool and had the story night. (see Letter 56  Part B)
           I remember how confident you both were that your parents had never found you both out. It must have been a big shock finding that they even knew it all. 

            First off for our plans. It is looking good for us in February. I think we will all be able to make it. I just am not sure about Mootie, if he can get the time off. It seems like they are going through some changes in the Game Reserve. They are building something at our little lake. I hope they don't ruin the peacefulness there with bus loads of tourists. Anyway, back to Mootie, he is hopeful he can come with us so we will see how that works out.
            Katrina and I went onto the internet and saw the website for the resort. The photos look so good. I am thinking this must be a very beautiful place. I know I am looking forward to going there. I am also looking forward to seeing you all once again.  
            Sarvesh wants to speak with you before you book. He has some connections for international travel which could give us a very good discount. So please don't book anything until you contact us, OK?

            This letter we have a special surprise for you. Sorry, there has been some delay in getting it to you. This is the second half of the story of the evening that Mootie & Hansini – Brian & Mega decided to partner swap for the first time. What is special about this story is that we have a new writer who has never written anything for The Letters Book before.
            So let me now “park my pen” (I love that saying but it is hard to use when I am typing this on a computer) So let me park my mouse and hand over to Mootie. 

            A story for The Letters Book! When Amita told me I was not sure, I could do it. Hunting tigers and crocodiles; not so scary if you are careful. Digging a ditch all day in the hot sun; not so hard to do. Sitting at a computer typing a story; now that’s scary and really hard work.          
            Hi, it is Mootie here. I am going to tell you about the other half of our partner swapping evening. Why me? Probably because I was present for that second adventure. Although I must admit, I have “volunteered” Mega to help me.           

Now how did all this begin?
         We took the first step when Amita was dared by Mandara to have sex on the dining table as Joseph and Lizamoa had done. They were so open about it, doing it in front of all of us. As Sarvesh did, he even invited Brian and I, to rub oil over his wife’s breasts as well. Yes, a sexy little session but one that caught us totally by surprise too. (see Story72) I remember Hansini teased me about that late, asking me if I enjoyed playing with Amita’s titties. Sure I did, and I know Amita enjoyed it too, her nipples were hard and erect.
        Another step came the weekend when Amita swapped the sleeping arrangements around when those two couples did a partner swap. At the time, I thought things were a bit strange but I was not fully informed as to the details. Of course, my wife knew all about it and was able to provide details about it too. It seems there was a sexy shower to get the men excited and then the girls would swap their husbands for the night. This story is already been recorded for The Letters Book as (see Story 74.)
        I think that night was the only time we mentioned the possibility of doing so ourselves. But it was more like some sexy talking to heighten our foreplay for our own love-games rather than actually discussing partner swapping. A sexy movie watching those wild Singapore girls, followed by the thoughts of what those couples were doing in the guest house was more than enough to get us going, very exciting for us. I would have thought Hansini and Mega would not have liked a movie like that but it seems they were both totally turned on by it.       

        Finally came the evening when we had called Brian and Mega over to our house for a meal. They were happy to come as well. Hansini had cooked a wonderful meal and we were all relaxing after having enjoyed a nice time together.
            “What are we going to do now,” Hansini asked.
            “Could we play a game or something?” suggested Brian.
            “Why not? That is a good idea, but what about playing something a bit more sexy?” asked Mega.
            I was at first a little bit surprised at this. For no particular reason, we didn’t usually play any sexy games when we were just with them.
            “Amita and Sarvesh have a game called ‘Strip’ which they have played. It sounds like a good game,” Hansini said.
            “But we don’t have that game, Hansini,” I replied.
            “I know but didn’t Mike have that same problem when he was here in India?”
            “That is right!” I said. “He wanted a pack of cards but ended up using a set of dominos.” (See Story 57)
            “Yes,” said Mega. “I remember reading that story but weren’t they playing to decide who they would sleep with?”
            “Yes, they were but we could play for anything we want.”
            Then Hansini surprised us all by saying, “That was a very sexy story. I wonder what I would feel like seeing those men playing a game to decide which one would share my bed.”
            “Hansini!” said Mega. “Are you saying you would be willing to try that?”
            “Yes,” she replied. “With someone, I know very well. I think I would be willing to try it.”
            “What are you saying Hansini? Are you wanting to try partner swapping?” I asked her.
            “I said I was interested but of course you must be happy with it too.”
            “Brian and I were talking about it too,” said Mega. “We are interested.... You know, interested in trying it too.”
            “I know this is a very bold thing to be asking. Do you want to try..... I mean tonight?”
            “You mean we swap husbands tonight Hansini?”
            “Yes, Mega. I will spend tonight with Brian and you can with Mootie.”
            “Oh!” said Mega a bit surprised. “This is a very big step..... It is not that I don’t want to...... I want to......” She looked over at her husband Brian. “We have known ever since we have been going to Sarvesh’s weekends that this was coming but tonight is very fast.”
            “Well if you don’t want to Mega. We are all OK with that,” replied Hansini.
            “No, I didn’t say I don’t want to. I just want to think about it for a minute.”
            I could see she was interested and I began to get interested myself that this might actually happen tonight. Mega was an attractive woman and I would be happy to be with her. I looked over at Brian and I thought he might be feeling like me, just staying silent waiting for the girls to work it through.
            “We didn’t bring any gear to stay the night,” Mega said.
            “That isn’t a problem. I am sure we can find anything you need. Anyway, for a start, you will not be needing any clothes to sleep in will you?”
            “I guess not,” Mega replied with a nervous giggle.
            “As for clothes, you could use the same clothes you have on now, just to go home in the morning.”
            “Yes, that wouldn’t be a problem.”
            “We have a spare room with another double bed. One couple could use that.”
            Mega didn’t answer for a few moments. She was thinking it all through. She looked over at her husband. He smiled and nodded his head. So he was in for it. It now remained only for Mega to make her mind. Then suddenly she looked over at me and smiled.
            “Yes! Yes!” she said. “I would be happy to share Mootie’s bed tonight if he will want me.”
            “Of course!” I replied. “Of course, Mega. You are most welcome to share my bed tonight.”
            “Well Brian,” said my wife with a laugh. “Looks like you and I will be sharing the other bed tonight.”
            So that was how it all happened. Suddenly we were partner swapping.
            I opened a bottle of wine and poured three glasses. Then Hansini said, “Make that one for me too. I’ll just get a glass.”
            So she left the room to get a glass for herself.  That was not like Hansini to drink wine and as I discovered later to was partly for courage. While she was away, Mega suddenly got up and came over to sit beside me where Hansini had been sitting. When Hansini returned, she noticed Mega had moved. She just smiled, poured herself a drink and sat beside Brian.
            Holding up my glass I said, “Here’s to a night of fun and great sex.”
            The others copied me. “Great sex,” they all said.
            On the other side of the room, Hansini was now leaning against Brian. He put his arm around her and then I noticed his hand move down on to her breast. I didn’t take much more notice because things began happening on my side of the room as well.
            I felt a hand come to rest on my thigh first and then it began to move up my leg. Soon it had reached the top of my thigh then slipping down between my legs. She soon found what she was looking for.
            “Ohhhh,” she said with a laugh. “Mootie is ready for the bed fun.”
          “Is he?” my wife laughed. “I think we have a naughty boy over here too.”
          “I think so,” Mega laughed. “I can see where his hand is doing.”
            “Yes, it’s getting late,” said Hansini. “I think we are all ready. Let’s go to our rooms now?”
            We all got up to leave the lounge. Hansini came over and wrapped her arms around me. I noticed Mega and Brian were hugging too.
            “Have fun tonight,” she whispered in my ear.
            “You too,” I whispered back.
            “Are you nervous?” she asked.
            “No, not really,” I replied.
            “I am a bit,” she admitted.
            “You’ll be fine,” I reassured her. “You are a good lover. Great in bed.”
            “Thanks,” she said giving me a kiss. “Thanks for being such a wonderful husband.”
            I have to say that it felt a tiny bit weird us hugging each other, telling each other how much we loved each other before going off to share somebody else’s bed. But looking back at it I think it was the best thing we could have done it.
            We parted and Hansini went over and put her arm around Brian. Together they left to go upstairs. As they climbed the stairs, I noticed his hand on her bum and heard her giggle. I had to smile at that.
           I looked over at Mega. She had been watching those two depart as well. “Come on,” I said. “I will show you the spare room. You can get ready while I turn off the lights.”
            Taking her arm, as I led her through into our spare room, I felt her give my bum a squeeze too. Naughty girl!
            Leaving her I went back to turn off the lights and check everything was locked etc. When I returned to the spare bedroom Mega was still sitting there on the edge of the bed, just where I had left her, still fully dressed.
            I was a little surprised. I asked her, “Are you ready?”
            She nodded and replied. “I am still a bit nervous about this so maybe we should take our time.”
            “Are you sure you want to do this?”
            “Yes..... Yes, I want to. It is just taking something to get my head around it.”
            “Well you must be all of 100% sure before we do this,” I told her.
            “Yes, Mootie. I am very sure.”
            “OK, maybe we should take things slowly. Shall we take a shower together first.”
            Reading in the Letters Book I knew taking a shower together first was always a good way to start. I thought at least that would help her get her clothes off. After that, we could just see how things went. I was beginning to wonder if, in fact, she would be backing out but at least we could see where things went to.
            We went into the downstairs bathroom and I stood behind her. She began to slowly remove her clothes and I asked if I could do that for her. She nodded yes and so I began undressing her. I thought Mega would return the favour to me but no, she was just content to let me undress her.
            So she was down to just her underwear. I was removing her bra to bare her breasts when suddenly she decided I needed to be naked too. Wearing just her panties, she began undressing me, removing each item and placing it neatly on a chair. I would not have worried just letting everything drop on the floor but I suppose she wanted to be neat and tidy. Soon she had me naked and then I removed her panties. Like this, we both turned to step into the shower.
            I stood behind her and began by rubbing soap all over her shoulders and back. From there I moved down lower along the sweeping curve of her back until I reached her tight rounded behind. From here my hands ran down on to the backs of her thighs then lower down her legs. Then standing up I took her by the shoulders and turned her towards me.
          Mega was a lot smaller than Hansini but she still had a sexy body. Her breasts stood out from her chest, crowned with those lovely nipples, so ready for me to suck. Her pussy was a generous bush deep between her thighs. 
            Now turning her with her towards me I was ready to begin on her front. First I started with her neck and shoulders. Rubbing the soap on to her with my hands. Then moving lower to come to the breasts. As I did she let out a small moan, closing her eyes. I took one breast with both hands rubbing all over and giving her nipple the extra attention too. Then I came to the other one also giving it attention with both of my hands too.
            Then I began moving lower. Down lower across the flatness of her belly until I came to the first hint of her bush hair. Then I jumped over starting on her lower legs. From this position, her pussy was directly in front of me only inches from my face. For a moment I considered giving her pussy some tongue treatment but then I decided to leave that until we got to the bedroom. My hands moved up along her thighs until finally, I reached her pussy.
            I could feel her body trembling under my touch. Once I found her secret place she reacted by giving a gasp as I touched her there. She was soaking wet, not from the shower water either. She was soaking wet and slippery wet from her cum juices. I then came to know how affected she was by what was happening to us. After giving her pussy a bit of attention it was time to move on.
            I stood up taking the shower in my hand I began to run the warm water over her body taking off the soap I had put on. As the water washed the soap away, she turned so I could get all sides of her. Then she took the shower off me. Taking it, she splashed the warm water over me, wetting down my chest and front of my body. She then pushed my shoulder to turn me away from her. Again, she splashed the water over my back before she replaced the shower in its holder.
            Now two soft hands began applying soap to my back as Mega started with my shoulders working lower until she reached my behind. Then she turns me back towards where she was and was beginning on my front. She was running her hands across my chest. Applying the soap covering every part of me.
            Now she had moved lower cross my stomach until she came to the first of my pubic hair. I was hard with an erection by then and with one soapy hand, she took hold of my shaft and with the other cupping my balls. It felt so good as she rubbed soap all over my cock and balls before she slowly began to pump my shaft with her hand wrapped around it.
            I was getting more and more turned on now and I knew I would need to stop that treatment, if I wasn’t I would be cumming. Taking her hand, I held it for a moment, and then pull her hand away from me. I didn't need to say anything, she looked up at me and smiled. She knew it was time to move to the bedroom. 

            We got out of the shower and dried each other off. Then we went back into the bedroom. To my surprise, she pulled back the sheet and slipped in under it. What was all this sudden modesty for? I had seen her naked often enough and after what we had just done together in the shower. I couldn’t understand it but I decided just to follow her example and did the same.
            Now she lay on her back and I lay beside her. I gently held her as she cuddled up to me. Now I let my spare hand touch her body under the sheet. My fingers came to the soft swelling of her breast. They climbed her peak to find the nub of her nipple. It was hard and erect. I touched it, which brought an intake of breath.
            It was then that we heard Hansini cry out.
            “Sounds like Brian hit the jack-pot,” I said with a laugh.
            “Yes it does,” she agreed with me giggling.
            We remained like that for a moment and then Mega said, “I think it is time Mootie hit the jack-pot too.” With that, she pulled me towards her so I rolled over on top of her.
            I know that was not much foreplay but I don’t think foreplay was needed anyway, after what we had done in the shower. She didn’t take long to find my erect shaft and with ease, she guided me into her wet tight pussy. She felt so good, so hot once I was inside.
            Slowly I began to pump into her. I was not going to be in too much hurry. I was prepared to take the time and get her to build up for me before I would begin working to cum myself but she was not wanting to do that. Soon she began the moaning and was getting excited with her thrusting back at me. We got out of time for a minute before I began to increase my speed.
            Soon I was giving in to her all I could give and she was thrusting back at me and bucking around under me. I knew she must be only seconds away from her climax now. I began the pushing even faster and I began to feel my cum climbing as well.
            Then it happened I could not hold back any longer and started pumping into her filling her pussy with my cum. She felt that and with a couple of big thrusts of her pussy at me, she had the cum as well. She let out a moan in my ear and then her body was giving the shudder as she was cum too. 

            That had been good sex. I was surprised it went like that. I was expecting Mega not to be like that. She was a gentle girl so I expected the sex to be gentle the same. We were laying back in the bed, side by side as we were getting the breath back.
            “That was good,” she said her voice almost a purr.
            “I’m happy you enjoyed it Mega.”
            “You are the only man I have had the sex with except Brian.”
            “Well, it was the same for me. I have only had one woman before you.”
            “Really?" she said as she rolled over to face me. "I thought you were much more experienced than that.”
            “No, until tonight Hansini was the only woman I had made the love-games with.”
            “Well, we did pretty good for beginners then didn’t we?”
            “We sure did,” I replied with a laugh.
            “Are you ready to be doing it again?”
            “Sure,” I replied as I reached for her. 

            Soon with Mega on the top this time, we were into doing it again. And again, we were doing with much of the excitement and the passion. This time was also very good and we were both able to have the intense orgasms as well. 
            That was not all we were able to do that evening because after we had recovered we were doing it once again for the third time. And this time it was as good as the first time. We did not get to sleep until it was very late and even then I do not feel we had got very much of the sleep.
            It was late when we woke up with Mega cuddled up against me. I was laying there half-awake thinking about the night before when I felt she was waking up. She murmured something as she cuddled up against me. Then I felt her hand finding my cock. Soon she had me worked up again and my erection was hard again.
            This time she was in charge as she rolled towards me pushing me back until she was on top of me. Then I felt her lining her pussy up and allowing me to slip into her. She began to skillfully work her hips so her pussy rubbing up and down against the hard of my shaft. She was moving a bit faster and then even faster again until suddenly she had made herself cum. She fell forward as I took over from her. I was pressing up at her, pressing myself into her until it was for me also to cum.
            We had got out of the bed and were taking the shower together and then we were getting dressed to go out for the breakfast.
            To my surprise, there was nobody up yet. We were so late too, I thought they would have been up for ages. Mega began making some coffee and then we were just sitting down to enjoy it, when the other two, my wife and Mega’s husband appeared.
            “How was your night Hansini?” I asked.
            “I was good,” she replied. “I enjoyed it.”
            “Yes, we know you did.” I laugh.
            “What? How?”
            “Oh, we could hear you from our room,” I laughed.
            “Was I that loud?” she asked.
            “You were,” added Mega with a giggle.
            “Oh. I hope I didn’t disturb you guys too much.”
            I think she was a bit embarrassed at that.
            "No, you helped us actually."
            "You helped us with our love-making."
            "What?" Did you guys get off listening to me?
            "Something like that," I said.
            Mega giggled. "No Hansini - we only heard you once."
            So that was the night that Mega and I spent together. 

            Now before I end I have something you may be interested in, particularly you Joseph.
            We are building the new visitor centre by the small lake. I have got the permission to establish a new visitor centre and animal viewing platform at this lake. This will not be open to the general public but only for special organised tourist guided parties.
            The building will cover that beautiful spot where the picnic area was. It will extend out over the lake on poles so people can view the animals on and around the lake without being seen. In this way, we will keep the site protected but make it more open for people to view the animals in their natural and their wild state.
            I know that once when we talked you mentioned to me that we should be doing something like this. I am sure that you will be happy with the knowledge that we have been working to make your idea come true.        
            We will be moving Shanti’s crocodile to this new building because it is taking up too much room at the old visitor centre. We are going to make a display around it featuring some of the animals which it had eaten and show how much damage such a predator could do in a protected park. 

            So that is all from us in India.
            We look forward to hearing of your next letter.
            We also look forward to seeing you again early next year. Yes, Hansini and I will be coming as well. I have applied for the leave and been successful too. I will be able to leave for over a month because the new centre will have been completed by that time. 

            So form all the India Team.
                        Good bye from us.


  1. Hi Susan and the writers.
    Have not talked with you guys for a few days now.
    I like this story better than the first one "Story 76." The is a more rough vivid quality about it. You also give us a much better picture of how they came to get into this partner swapping evening. Again a hot shower scene. You guys seem to do them well then the sex. Not as good as in some stories but then the rest of the story balances this out. No triple orgasm either I see. LOL
    But the stories over the past three weeks have all been good. I have not had a hand in any of then since they are all old stories but I do notice they have been up-graded nicely to fit the newer ones too.
    I see our old friend the crocodile appeared again. Did you know he has improved his status in this blog too. He is now such an important character that he is worthy of an entry in the "Cast of Letters" page. Did you know about this Anne?

    1. Thanks for your comments Reshma,
      I always like what you have to say, even when you are kicking my arse. More than one of us has mentioned you and asked what you will think of a particular idea. Again thinks for this, I believe you help to keep us striving for better stories.
      Now that crocodile business. No I have not seen that entry on the Cast of Letters page. I like that. "here he is laying in the sun minding his own business when along comes Shanti and shoots him." LOL Very good!
      I have a fair idea who put it there too. A certain young Japanese lady who likes to muck around with the blog eg Comments in her part of the Writers Page about Princess, The heading for the About this Blog page. Now the crocodile. Anyway its a bit funny so I think we will leave it LOL

    2. Ah! That crocodile. I have always wondered why he ever got into the story in the first place. Something about girls who hunt are sexy to guys I think.
      Nice one Ayaka. Well done girl.

    3. Why do I get the blame for everything.
      I don't even know this crocodile. Since I have never met him how can I be telling you how he feels. LOL

    4. Ayaka there is no need to ask the crocodile how he felt. I'm sure be would have been greatly pissed-off. LOL

    5. I think we are straying from the point here. It is not about whether the crocodile was "pissed-off" when Shanti shot him, its about whether he qualifies as a character in this blog. My vote is yes, keep him in. Maybe he is not as active as many of the characters but he does appear or is mentioned in a number of stories.
      Ayaka your entry is well worded and a bit of a laugh. You could use Paul's word the way I used it above too.

    6. Yes Susan and Ayaka,
      Keep that entry in the Cast of Letters page. It is a bit of fun and it does give us a brief history of that story theme. You will need to up-date it like you do with all the other entries.

    7. I see someone has changed this Crocodile entry again. Now it appears as if the crocodile has written this himself. That I would like to see, from a distant mind. Yes keep it there, its another of those little amusing moments you writers like leaving for us to find.

    8. Yes I noticed that Brian.
      My guess, its the work of Susan this time. She did mention it then we discovered someone had done it. Have a close look at the structure and you can see its Susan.

    9. Damn I never know what will happen next in this blog. I see the crocodile is still lose. I wonder how you managed to teach him it type. LOL

    10. A crocodile typing! Ha! Ha! Nice one Paul.
      I agree with you Brian too. Those little treats hidden away to be discovered by those who look, that is something I like about this blog.
      Allan snr

    11. Have you managed to catch that crocodile yet. I hope he is not still hiding within this blog somewhere waiting to jump out and eat someone. Ha Ha.
      This has been funny following you. I have seen Paul into it as well. Him and Kirsten were laughing about it over dinner last night.
      Bye now Asami.

    12. Yes Asami the crocodile is now secure. We might let him out for a run around in Story 84 and Story 86. Yes it was funny, another of these comment conversations which we seem to get in this blog. What I like is that we never know when one will start and who will get involved in it.

  2. Susan
    Another good story but not your usual style. Usually your stories include the hottest and sexist scenes but not so in this story. As Reshma mentioned above, I think Shandra's triple orgasm beat you. But a good story anyway, full of lot of good detail.
    I am interested in the adult resort you guys keep mentioning. It is nice the way you build towards it so your characters are anticipating it as much as we are. I keep looking at the contents page to see how far away it is.
    One question:- Now Hansini and Mootie have partner swapped with Mega and Brian, will they do so with the other two Indian couples? Will they with the Europeans once they get to the resort?

    1. Thanks Janet,
      How do you know Mega didn't have a tripe orgasm too? She just might be to modest and polite to openly brag about it. LOL.
      That was two questions Janet, not one. You're only allowed one so which do you want answered.
      Yes these two couple will swap with the other Indian couples although we don't read much about it. See in two weeks time. Yes they do get involved in a lot of sexy fun at the resort, particularly Hansini. Let me just say, she will turn out to be quite a wild lady. LOL

    2. Thank you Susan
      Sorry it took so long to get back here again. Why are multiple question not allowed when multiple orgasms are? LOL
      I think we are already seeing that hint of boldness in Hansini. She certainly led her husband into the sexy adventures. Looking forward to these resort stories. Just wish you will hurry up and get there.

    3. Hi Janet
      To answer your two questions for Anne. Multiple questions mean we have to make multiple replies. Multiple orgasms mean we all have fun. Can you see the difference?

    4. Yes Ayaka, I see the difference. Put me down for the multiple orgasms.
