Monday 8 October 2018

Story 214 Background.

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Hi from Susan,
          The next story was another of those half-finished stories left when we stopped writing. I picked it up, to complete it so we can move out of these Nude Weekend Stories. The first problem I found was a rather timid woman being lined up with Tom. Since I would be writing from the woman's point of view I wanted someone more exciting, someone like me you could say. So Amita was added as the replacement woman.
         Next, there was Tom. To tell you the truth, I'm getting a bit tired of Tom. He has appeared in more than enough stories recently. I wanted someone we haven't seen much of. Someone who could turn out to be good in bed, a good match for Amita. I decided on Brian because Amita had been a bit turned on by him during that driving story.
        So there were my two prime characters, Amita and Brian. Now I was left with this big ugly piece of writing concerning Tom. My first response was to delete it all and start almost from scratch but then I decided to leave it and let you think it Tom was going to be the leading man before I suddenly switch to Brian. Part of this was already in other stories so in some ways my story links in with these earlier ones.  
       Now Brian in the stories is based on a real Brian, an ex-boyfriend of mine. He gave us some help back in the earlier stories so like with many others we named a character after him. He became my inspiration for this story. So here were my two main characters, Amita, very similar to me in her outgoing, wild and sexy personality and Brian whom I based on the real Brian.

       I tried to write in a style of Amita writing this in a hurry. She slips back into rather poor English in places and get a bit confused and distracted during the sex scenes. Hope this works for you. I also tried to include many of the things I like my sexual partner to do to me. Yes, the sex scene that takes up nearly half the story is based on real-life experiences. Of course, it should be too. What better way to create a realistic story than to base it on real-life adventures. 

      Love you all.
             Sexy Sue.

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  1. For those who enjoy reading and commenting on writing the stories. Your comments are welcome here.

  2. I enjoyed your story Susan. Your writing is always vivid and exciting. You can capture you characters and being them to life. For that reason I think it was a mistake leaving the part about Tom in. It is not your writing or ideas so it doesn't fit. As a test, in you mind try reading the story without the parts about Tom. You can see it works well. My point, the Tom part does nothing to the story. If you want to keep the fire bit, which is a bit funny, just change that to Brian.

    1. Yes, Rochelle, I think I agree with you. It was a mistake leaving Tom in this story. I should have just gone with Amita and Brian.

  3. I like the character named after me appearing in your stories but in this case I tend to agree. He is not needed. If I had the choice of those two younger Indian women or you Sexy Sue, I would take you every time.
    Tom (or Little Tom as you call me.)

    1. Thanks Tom. I better than Sairu & Kalki, wow! That does my ego no end of good. Thanks for the vote of confidence, mate.
      Sexy Sue.

  4. Good story Susan. Sexy and flows well.
    The sex scenes are a bit slower but enriched with detail.
    That debate on the part about Tom is interesting. It seems you hesitated almost from the beginning. Maybe you should have gone with your gut feeling on that. Anyway, its here now and it certainly leads us in the wrong direction as to who Amita's leading man is going to be. I've looked at it closely and it is possible to delete most of it, just leaving Brian for the fire scene. But I suggest we just drop what could have been and enjoy what we have got.

    1. Yes Amanda, we agree with you on this one. A few times we have jumped into after publishing changes and shot ourselves in the foot. So this time we're leaving it as is.
