Friday 21 May 2021

Story 256 Part One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 256 Part One.

Hello Everyone.
       My name is Anne.

            This series on Tukiko is a project being driven by me, Anne. I am submitting them for another website, (KIWIANNE12'S SUBMISSIONS). If you go there, search for the names, kiwianne12; sexysue12; kiakim12.
            My purpose is to improve my writing skills while at the same time experimenting with other themes and writing styles not used in this blog. Put another way, my purpose is to seek out new themes and new writing styles, to boldly go where we've never gone before, Which sort of explains the incest theme of (Story 254  Mum and Dad).
            As these are some of my best work we have decided to include them here but you find that what is published there may vary from what appears here as rules and restrictions differ on that site. After this story, we intend to get back to the work some of the other writers have been doing as we move into Volume Seventeen.
            My reason for attempting this story is that I wanted to try writing about a larger group of people who are talking and interacting together. Some conflict and emotions should be involved too. Masanori, Tukiko's boyfriend, finding out about her other sexual activities became the perfect theme to try this group story. As I wrote it, this story became a big one and so I decided to split it into three parts. This is Part One.
            Mostly in our writing, it has been in the first hand. For example; - I did this; I said that; etc, using the pronouns I and me. There is a limitation to this in that we can only know what one person is seeing and thinking. Get into one person's head you might say. My writing coach at Literotica encouraged me to try another way in which the writer is not a character from the story but rather an outside observer who can see all and know all things. In this way, the thoughts and views of a number of people can be revealed. This was a new and exciting idea for me and so I decided to try it here.

            Tukiko has been through some exciting sexual adventures and tried a lot of new things, some she didn't even know about or think was possible. But when she lay awake after the orgy she had that ended with the cum shower, her mind drifted back to her boyfriend Masanori. (In an earlier story, it was mentioned Tukiko's boyfriend is non-Japanese and then further down he is given a Japanese name. An error I have fixed now. I know that most people seemed to have overlooked it but I saw it. So now, Tukiko has a Japanese boyfriend called Masanori.
            She was beginning to feel uneasy about cheating on him. With everything she'd been doing, you might say it was a bit late for that now but that didn't help her from feeling guilty. So that is where we finished off (Story 255 - Naughty Books, Naughty Men and Naughty Fun) with Tukiko deciding she needed to ask her mother for advice.
            This story is the outcome of that, where a plan is made on how Masanori can be told in such a way that he is included in the fun too. The problem is that he works out what is going on and it all goes hopelessly wrong.
            In this story, the plan is made and then comes the scene of conflict. It ends with Tukiko and Masdanori leaving together. In the next part, they will begin trying to repair their relationship. I expect to publish this second part within a week from now.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 256 Part One.


  1. I went to visit that other site. Impressed with your work there Anne.

    1. We can all see the improvement Anne. You have changed and done well with the challenge of this new story telling style.

    2. We just saw your email, Asami.
      Another great story Anne but I am impressed with your boldness to try new things.
      I admit that some of these stories, like the incest one, was testing some of us readers. But they have all been great stories, well worthy of this blog.
      Raymond and Nina.

  2. Stories printed in black is a bit different as usually that is for Admin and Backgrounds. But I see why since this story was not told by a character.
