Thursday 8 September 2022

Story 289 Brittany - Simon's Story Part One.

Index of Letters                  Story 289 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 288.

Forward to Story 290.

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Brittany – Simon’s Ex-wife.

Hello from Shanti.
        I will only be doing an introduction for this story, Deanna will continue telling it, much as she told us that night in Taupo. My only claim to fame is that I started it off by asking about Simon’s first wife.

Let me explain: -
        It was getting late in the evening when we were staying in the motel/campground near Rotorua that our friends owned. We had first met them when we were touring with friends and stayed at another motel they owned near Waitomo. This new motel suited our larger group and we had booked most of the place for a week. This meant more privacy, nude swimming in the swimming pool and swapping between rooms whenever we wanted.
        So, getting back to the story, it was the late evening of the second to last night before we returned to Auckland. We were sitting in a lounge area that we had booked with the rooms. The kids had gone to bed hours ago and many of the adults had paired off too. Not necessarily with their spouse either. We were talking about places we could go after we had done our touring and got back to Auckland.
        Simon mentioned that his first wife owned a holiday home on Waiheke Island. He thought she might be willing to let us use it. While it was a good idea, we decided against it as in the end, it was only a holiday house, too small for the large group we had. But the thought stuck in my mind that Deanna was Simon’s second wife.
        “I didn’t know you were married before, Simon?” I asked him.
        “Yes, I was married to a woman called Brittany, before I married Deanna.”
        “What happened? If you don’t mind me asking,” I said.
        Straight away, I could see he did mind. Realising I’d put my foot in it I tried to say sorry and back out of the conversation.
        “No! No!, Shanti, it is Ok,” Simon replied. “I don’t mind you hearing the story. You are our friends, now. It’s just that, I’m not sure I can tell you myself. Deanna knows what happened, she’ll tell you.”
        I was surprised at that. I still wanted to drop the subject, but I think Simon wanted it to continue, so we all grabbed ourselves another drink and settled down to listen.
        It was quite a story. I once met Britany but didn’t realize her relationship with Simon. She lives in the apartment above his business, I didn’t know she was his ex.
                That's it from me. Now others are going to tell this story.

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Brittany Was Cheating On Simon!

Hello, from Deanna.
        We are writing this story based closely on the way I told you all that evening in Rotorua, but now we've had the chance to think about it and add much more detail. I know it happened many years ago and conversations etc, will have been lost but Simon has helped me with details I had either forgotten or didn’t know. I even got the chance to talk with Brittany too and she was willing to help. She has also read and approved this before it is published for you. The last I heard, she was reading other stories in our blog too.
        Shanti and Mike gave me help with the writing and conversations to help make our story more readable for all of you reading this. Thank you everyone for your help.

Now let's get on with the story.
        Brittany and Simon met at Otago University. It was through a common friend and while he knew Brittany had broken up from a long-term, living-together relationship, Simon didn’t know much about the details back then. All he knew was this beautiful woman wanted to go out with him and date him. What man would say no to that? Quickly their relationship became sexual and they had a flat together.
        When they both finished their studies and moved back to Auckland, the relationship continued and they decided they were ready to get married. It was a big event and while many of Brittany’s family were there, not many of her friends attended. Simon asked her about that and she had just murmured something about moving on.
        Married life seemed to be good for both of them. The sex certainly was. Both had careers, Simon establishing his investment company while Brittany was into real estate. They were very successful and soon had the money to buy a nice house in an up-market part of the city. A large holiday house on Waiheke Island followed being built to Simon’s design for entertaining guests.
        Simon’s business continued to expand and flourish. Soon they brought a four-story building near the edge of the CBD overlooking the harbour as the Head Office overseeing an ever-growing property portfolio. The office took two floors with two apartments on the top floor with the best views. The lower floor was a basement car park.

        After nearly three years, Simon noticed their sex life began to tail off. Brittany was too busy, too tired, and often out until late at night. He began to wonder if she was having an affair. It was certainly looking that way.
        He tried to talk with her, even came right out and asked her but she just brushed him off laughing, saying nothing was happening like that. There was no other man. It was just she had a busy life with work and everything.
        What was the ‘everything?’ Simon thought.

        About a month later, Brittany said those five words no married person wants to hear. “Honey, we need to talk.”
        Taking a glass of wine each, they sat down and Brittany began to tell Simon about her friend called Rochelle. It surprised Simon that his wife had been interested in a woman. Even lived with this woman for nearly a year. When Rochelle got the chance to study in the UK for three months she took it, leaving Brittany alone in New Zealand. When Brittany discovered Rochelle was having an affair with another woman over there, she was devastated. She broke off with Rochelle. It was at that time that she met Simon.
        Well, Rochelle had returned to New Zealand, she tried to win Brittany back but by then, Brittany was living with Simon. Rochelle gave up and disappeared for the next few years. Now, it seemed she was back and ready to try for Brittany again. It didn’t seem to matter that Brittany was now a married woman. Brittany tried to resist but those old feelings and desires were still there. Soon they had fallen into a relationship with Rochelle again.
        With Rochelle demanding ever more of Brittany’s time, she was finding it harder to have quality time with her husband, Simon. Finally, Brittany knew she had to talk with him. With her head full of ideas Rochelle had been telling her, she thought she could have the best of both, a husband and a lover. Since Rochelle was a woman, Simon wouldn’t think it was really an affair, would he? Once he knew about Rochelle, it wasn’t really breaking her marriage vows and cheating on him, was it?
        That was when she came to Simon.

        “So, what happens now?” Simon asked.
        “I’m going to keep seeing Rochelle,” Brittany said.
        “You mean keep cheating on me?”
        “It’s not cheating because you know about it now. You are Ok with it.”
        “Damn it! I’m not Ok. You’re still cheating on me.”
        “I’m not cheating. Rochelle is a woman.”
        “Anyone who is taking your time, love and sex away from me, is cheating,” Simon replied.
        “It’s not cheating and I’m going to do it. You’ll just have to live with it.”
        That was a hard attitude. He did not expect that from her. It caught him on the hop. He didn’t know what to say or do. She took advantage of that to push for what she wanted first. Rochelle had said to her Simon would fold and agree to it. It was looking like she was right.
        “What if I leave you?” he threw back at her.
        “You won’t. I’ll take everything you’ve got including your business if you do.”
        The malice in her voice as she said that! It wasn’t his wife that he knew and loved. He was confused and hurt. Who was this woman? She didn't seem like the woman he had married. He even questioned if she still loved him. It didn't seem like it. Perhaps she never loved him at all. Perhaps it was all a big sham as she waited for her girlfriend to come back.

        Over the next few weeks, things continued as they were, except now Brittany was flaunting her relationship with Rochelle. She was openly telling him when she was going out with her girlfriend. Soon it became her staying out all night and coming home the next morning.
        Simon took legal advice and Brittany was right. It would get messy and he would lose a lot if she fought the divorce. The lawyer he spoke with said his wife probably knew more about this than Simon did. He advised Simon to collect as much information and evidence as he could. He gave Simon the number of a company that specialized in investigation work. His last warning was, "Be careful! Don't do anything stupid!"
        Simon rang the number straight away and arranged an appointment that afternoon with Terry the owner. The meeting Simon had with Terry was very enlightening. Terry felt sorry for the position Simon found himself in and agreed to help. He said there was a lot he could do and cheaply too. Hidden cameras, phone taps, and recording software on computers. Much of it he could set up himself or with minimal help from Terry.
        One day, while Brittany was at work, Terry and Simon met at the house. Cameras were installed in the lounge, master bedroom, guest bedroom and office. Any movement in any of those rooms would trigger a recorder in the garage.
        A recording app was installed on the home computer and Terry showed Simon how to install the same software on her phone and laptop if he got the chance. It would bury itself in the background and unless she was a computer expert, Brittany would never know it was there.
        The next day they took the ferry to Waiheke Island and installed a similar camera system at the holiday home too.
        Simon could access both systems from his computer in his office at his business. That way he could record anything at either house, on her phone or the computers remotely. If she discovered the system, he wouldn’t lose anything as everything was uploaded and collected on I-Cloud.

        During this time, things didn’t improve between them much. She made a few approaches to having sex but each time he rebutted her. After a while, she gave up. How could he have any kind of sexual relationship with her when she openly laughed about going off to fuck her girlfriend? She was openly cheating on him.
        "Make your mind up, Brit," he had told her. "You can't have two lovers. I'm not sharing you with anyone else."
        "You will eventually. I know you, Simon. You can't go without sex forever."
        "What if I find a girlfriend, a lover too?"
        "You won't," she laughed. "You won't cheat on me."
        It surprised Simon at how confident she was that she had him where she wanted him. She could have him and her lover at the same time. Little did she know that he wasn't going to stand for what she was doing.
        There was already another woman waiting for him. She had made it very clear she wanted him and he was welcome in her bed any time he liked. But now was not the right time to begin a relationship himself so he and this other woman remained friends. Very good friends, actually. Any sexual relationship had to be kept on hold. He couldn't risk Brittany finding him cheating too.
        He was following the advice he'd been given. Bide his time. Just wait, patiently collect what information he could and be ready when the time came to strike. Don’t do anything stupid!

        When it came, it happened sooner than he expected.
        One day, Simon was at his office when a message came up that someone was inside his house when both he and Brittany were supposed to be at work. Quickly, he called Deanna, his secretary that he was not to be disturbed. Closing and locking the door, he sat down to watch what was happening.
        Brittany was in the dining room with a woman Simon had never seen before. She was slightly taller than Brittany, very good-looking and had a great-looking body. She had long dark hair flowing down over her shoulders with an olive complexion. But as they talked it became clear Rochelle was the dominant one. She must be the masculine side of the relationship, he thought.
        When Brittany had made a cup of coffee, they were sitting talking.
        Simon made sure he was recording as he began to listen.
        “What are you planning?” Rochelle asked.
        “I’ve been off the pill for two months now. I am ovulating this weekend. I’m going to try and seduce him.”
        “Do you think he will? He hasn’t been interested in you since you told him about us.”
        “I know what excites him. I know what turns him on.”
        “Hope you can,” Rochelle replied.
        “Of course, I can,” Brittany said, sounding very confident. “It’s a long weekend. I have three days to get him horny.”
        “How are you going to do that?”
        “I’ll get home early on Friday and cook his favourite dish. I’ll be ready to meet him wearing a sexy maid costume, the one you brought for me.
        “What if that doesn’t work?” Rochelle asked.
        “I’ve got some very sexy undies. He’ll like that! If that doesn’t work, I know he likes me showing my body off in public. Once I went topless for him and he loved it. Fucked me all night.”
        “You going to do that again?” Rochelle asked. “I don’t like you showing your body to other people. Your body is mine, Brittany. I don't like others lusting over you.
        “You know I am yours, honey. I always will be,” Brittany said to her lover.
        Simon was shocked at that confession but it did show him how bad things had gotten between him and Brittany.
        Rochelle continued, “But if it gets results, I suppose you must do it.”
        “It’s going to be worse than topless. I’ve brought a tiny bikini he’s never seen. I’ll get him to take me to the nude beach out near St Heliers. I’ll wear the bikini and then take it off for him. Both halves. Get naked for him. I know that will work.”
        “You are prepared to go naked in public for us?” Rochelle asked.
        “Yes,” Brittany said softly. “If you are ok with it.”
        “I don’t like it, but you must do whatever it takes. I do want our own children, Brittany.”
        “So do I,” Brittany replied.
        “Once he gets me pregnant, we have him hooked. When the baby is born, I get pregnant again with our second child and then I leave him. The silly fool won’t know what hit him.”
        Both women laughed at that. Laughing at thinking how they were fooling him.
        “Let’s go to the bedroom and celebrate our plan coming together," Brittany laughed.
        Simon was left feeling sick in his stomach. How could she be so cold like that? How could she plan something like that? Well, it wasn't going to work if he had anything to do with it.

        Moving to the bedroom cam, he watched these two women undress each other and climb onto their marriage bed. He watched his wife, cheating with another woman on their own bed.
        Their kissing and cuddling turned into a hot sixty-nine. Rochelle was on the bottom while his wife Brittany was on top. From the position of the camera, Simon could see Rochelle's pussy and saw how Brittany pulled the lips open to expose the soft wet inner flesh. Then Brittany's head came down as she went in with her tongue. Simon could see how Rochelle was humping up against his wife's face. He could see how much this woman was enjoying getting her pussy eaten. It looked so hot!
        Soon the pussy eating turned into playing with toys. He had never noticed that box on the top shelf on her side of the wardrobe. Now he knew. Their sex toys, so it was not the first time she'd shared their marriage bed with her lover.
        Then Rochelle picked up this huge cock shaped toy. It was long and thick. Bigger than anything he had ever seen before and it was obvious she intended to put it into his wife's cunt. She pushed it against Brittany's pussy lips and Simon heard the moan that turned into a cry as Rochelle pressed harder. Brittany's lips stretched and were forced open as Rochelle pushed the long shaft further in.
        The way Rochelle was thrusting that huge toy into Brittany had Simon thinking she was going to get hurt. But no, she loved it. Humping her pussy and crying out as a powerful cum overtook her. Then they returned to the oral stuff where Brittany brought Rochelle off several times.
        'Celebrations' over, they took a shower together before both getting dressed and leaving the house.
        Damn! That was so hot! He cum twice before their session was over. And it was all recorded ready for him to play back whenever he wanted.
        ‘So that was their plan,’ he thought. ‘Use me to get two children and then dump me. Playing games with me. Well, I can play games too. My first objective was to keep from having sex with Brittany during each ovulation period. The first one, this coming long weekend, it seems. Me getting her pregnant! No way! Not going to happen.’

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Their Plan - Seducing Simon.

        Friday afternoon, Brittany left work early. She wanted to be home and get things ready before Simon arrived. What she didn’t know was that from the moment she entered the house, Simon was watching her on the cams.
        He watched her rushing around in the kitchen cooking and quickly realized she was cooking his favourite, a spicy lamb stew. He saw the kumara and pumpkin mash and those special bread rolls he liked. There would be apple pie with cream and ice cream to follow. Obviously, the diet plan was thrown out the window tonight, he smiled to himself. No rabbit food. Not a salad to be seen.
        Once the meal was organized, he watched her rush off to the bedroom to get ready. Pulling out an outfit he had never seen before, she lay it out on the bed. Then she disappeared into the bathroom for a shower. While she was away, Simon got ready to leave work but first, he wanted to watch her getting dressed. See what she was going to be wearing as she attempted to seduce him.
        Brittany arrived back from her shower naked. She pulled out a sexy, low-cut bra with tiny matching G-string panties. That looked sexy. He’d never seen that before either. Then she put on the fantasy costume she had left on the bed.
        It was a sexy maid costume. Low cut up top so her breasts were almost popping out and a skirt so short it could hardly be called a skirt at all. At any other time, seeing her dressed like that would be a huge turn-on but now, knowing why she was seducing him, it left him cold. Anyway, he knew what his task was that night, enjoy the meal and evening while avoiding getting into bed with her. It was a big ask. Brittany was a force to reckon with when she wanted him. Wearing that sexy maid outfit didn't help either, but he had a few ideas.
        Picking up his phone, he rang her. It was funny, watching her online talking to him on her phone.
        “I’m leaving work, Brit. Do you want me to pick up some pizza on the way?” he asked her.
        “No, thanks. I’m cooking tonight. Just get home safely, honey,” Brittany replied.
        Ah! The loving wife act. She had it off almost perfectly.

        That night, things didn’t go the way Brittany planned. But to find out what happened, let's listen to what Brittany told Rochelle the following morning.
        Simon was with his friends when he heard her pick up her phone and he connected to listen to the call. His friends and their wives were listening too.
        Quickly, he heard Rochelle answer the call.
            “How did it go last night?” she asked.
            “Not very well,” Brittany replied.
            “Why? What happened?”
            “When he came home, I met him at the door wearing the sexy maid costume we brought.”
            “Yes, that is hot,” Rochelle said. “I can’t wait for you to wear it again for me. So I can put you over my knee, lift your tiny dress and smack you naughty bum.”
            They heard Brittany give a soft moan of desire before she recovered herself to continue.
        "So that's what they get up to?" one of the women with Simon giggled.
            “I tried to hug him but he avoided me, saying he needed a shower first," Brittany explained. "When he returned he was wearing a T-shirt and shorts. Made no attempt to dress up for me.”
            “What about that fantasy outfit we brought for him,” Rochelle asked.
            “I left it on the bed for him but he didn’t wear it. I asked him if he saw it and he said he did but couldn’t be bothered putting it on.”
            “But he should have, after all the trouble you’d gone to.”
            “Yeah, I know. I was disappointed,” Brittany said. "He would have looked so hot!"

        She paused for a moment before she began again.
            “The meal went well other than it seemed like hard work making conversation with him. He especially didn’t respond to anything sexy I said. We sat in the lounge and had a drink. I made sure I was sitting close beside him but when he got up to refill our glasses he came back and sat in a single-seater across the room from me.”
            “I asked him if he liked the maid outfit and he replied that I looked great in it. When I asked if he wanted to see what I was wearing underneath, he just said sure. I was hoping he would remove the maid dress himself but when he made no move to do it, I had to undress, myself.”
            “Did he like the undies?” Rochelle asked. “They look hot on you!”
            “He looked and then said, ‘Those look tiny. It’s a wonder they stay on.’”
            “'Come to the bedroom and you can take them off if you want,'” I told him, trying to sound as sexy as I could.
            “'Ok,' he replied. 'I’ll just rinse the glasses first.'”
            “I waited for him in the bedroom, but he never arrived. Finally, I went looking for him and found him in the lounge watching football on TV. I asked him about coming to bed and he said he’d be there after the game.”
            “What? He was watching a damn football game? What's wrong with that man?”
            “I don’t know! He just didn’t seem interested. When I stood in front of him to strip off the undies he reached out and pushed me to one side. When I tried to get on his knee he said, ‘Not now honey, I’m watching this game.’ I didn’t know what else to do so I went to bed. I didn’t know when he arrived and he was out and gone this morning before I woke up. Off with his friends, to play golf I think.”
            “I can’t believe that maid idea didn’t work. Men are stupid. They go for things like that.”
            “Yes, I thought so too.”
            “Well, Brittany. You’ve got to get him to do it,” Rochelle said. “You know I’m counting on you to get me a baby. You promised me.”
            “I trying,” Brittany said, almost in tears. "But all the usual things just aren't working anymore."
            “Well, try harder!” Rochelle said angrily. “That man is so thick. Can’t he see you want him? You almost threw yourself at him.”
            “I know. But I don’t think he is thick. Something else is going on!”
            “What do you mean, going on, Britt?”
            “Rock, I think he knows more than he's letting on,” Brittany said.
            “How can he know? He's just playing hard to get to teach you a lesson for being with me. You just have to keep at it, babe. He's a male, he'll come round. He won't hold out forever.”
            “I suppose you're right,” Brittany replied sadly.
            “Damn right, I am! Just follow our plan, Britt.”
        The conversation ended soon after that. Those listening looked at each other shocked. Surprised at what they had just heard.

        Simon hadn’t gone to play golf. He was over at his friend’s house. Both his golf partners, Rodney and Trevor, with their wives, Wendy and Vicky, were there too. They had all heard the conversation between Brittany and Rochelle.
        “What are you going to do now, Simon?” Vicky asked.
        “I’m not sure. Somehow, I have to get through two more days. I can’t take the risk of her getting pregnant.”
        “Well, you did ok, last night, mate,” Trevor said.
        “Not really. She looked so hot in that maid outfit. She almost had me,” Simon explained.
        “Maybe we can help,” Wendy said. “What if we all go out to dinner tonight?”
        “Then come back to our house,” her husband Trevor added.
        “We can keep you both distracted for the evening,” Vicky said.
        “What if the boys start flirting with Brittany? I mean really coming on to her. You can pretend to get offended and have an argument. That will kill the mood for the night,” Wendy added.
        It seemed a dangerous plan but since Simon already knew his marriage was over, he had nothing to lose, he decided to go with it.

        “Hi Love,” Simon said as Brittany answered the phone.
        “Where are you?” she asked angrily without answering his 'hi.'
        “Just over at Trevor’s house.”
        “I thought you were playing golf?”
        “No, not today. We’re helping him with a job here.”
        “When are you coming home, Simon?”
        “Later,” Simon said. “I'll probably be here most of the day.”
        “Oh,” she said. “I was planning on going to the beach with you, today.”
        “We can do that tomorrow, honey. I’m busy today,” Simon said. “But we’re all going out for dinner and a club tonight. I’ll be back at about 6 to change and pick you up.”
        “Can’t we stay at home tonight? A night together. Just us. I'll cook something special for you.”
        “No, Brit. I want to go out with our friends.”
        “They are your friends, not mine!”
        What could she do? She had no choice but to agree to go. The other alternative would be staying at home by herself. He’d be annoyed when he got home and she’d have no chance of being with him.
        “Oh, wear something sexy. That little black dress, I love,” he told her. “With just a tiny G-string underneath with no bra. I want you to look hot for me, tonight.”
        Brittany wondered what he meant by that but him wanting her to look sexy. She decided she had to go for that. She'd go all out to look hot and sexy for him.

        Putting down the phone he was laughing with his friends at how she had fallen for it.
        “All limits are off tonight guys. You can do what you like with her on the dance floor. As long as your wives are ok with it.”
        “Don’t worry about us,” Wendy said. “We’ll be having fun with you, Simon.”
        “Lots of fun,” Vicky purred sexily.
        He wondered about that but just smiled. But they were both good-looking women. He wouldn't say no to either of them if they offered and it was Ok with his mates.

        Simon made sure he was late when he got home. That way it would be a rush for him to shower and get ready before they had to meet their friends. Not wanting to be caught drink-driving later, they called a uber to collect them.
        Of course, Brittany had gone all out to please him. She’d been to get her hair and face done. Now she was wearing that sexy, figure-hugging black dress he loved. The short one that showed so much of her thigh. There was no bra, just that tiny G-string underneath.
        She noticed him checking her out too. This was going well, she thought. If he could have a good night without too much to drink, he might be in the mood for it. She felt she might be in with a chance to have sex with him when they got home.
        The meal went well as everyone including Simon seemed to be in a good mood. Joking and laughing, having fun. But Brittany did notice that both Wendy and Vicky seemed a bit cool with her, joking and talking with the men rather than with her. Not that it bothered her too much. She was more interested in Simon than those two bitches!

        After the meal, they moved on to a night-club that specialized in dancing. There was a live band and a large dance floor. It was then that the trouble started. They had found an empty table and were having a drink watching those already on the dance floor.
        “Would you like to dance, Brittany,” Rodney asked her.
        While she would have rather danced with her husband, she agreed, to start getting everyone up on the floor. Once they were all dancing, she knew she would be able to get close to Simon while they were dancing. Getting close might get him interested in something more when she got him home.
        So she allowed this other man to take her hand as they stepped out onto the dance floor together. Right from the start, Rodney was coming on to her. He pulled her close, holding her tightly so she couldn’t pull away. She could feel her breasts against his chest and his cock against her thigh. Soon his hand had moved lower onto her arse. She pulled his hand up but quickly it returned there. She was grateful when the dance ended and she would get away from him.
        It was then that she noticed Simon was dancing with Wendy. Holding her tightly too. As they broke up, Brittany started towards him but Vicky got there first, taking him for the next dance. They were dancing close too. She was all over him like a rash.
        Before Brittany knew it, Trevor had grabbed her pulling her back out onto the dance floor. His hands turned out to be as bad as Rodney’s had been. He even dared push his hand up under her dress onto her almost bare arse.
        This continued with the two men keeping Brittany busy while their wives kept Simon away from her.
        This was frustrating for Brittany because her main goal was to be with her husband. She began thinking that these other two couples might be trying to keep them apart. If so, then it was planned with Simon. That thought worried her. Why would he want to keep away from her when he knew she was a better dancer than those other two?
        If it had been Simon, she would have let him do anything these two men were doing, but it wasn't him, it was his stupid mates!

        After a few more dances they left the club and went back to Trevor’s house. Simon proudly showed Brittany the project they had finished that day. It was a game and entertainment room. It seemed all of them, including the two women, had been involved in the project and she didn't even know about it. Brittany felt a moment of sadness as she realized she had been purposely left out. It would have been fun working with Simon on a project like that but she wasn't given the chance.
        The room included a bar, a large pool table and a comfortable area for sitting. Nicely done too.
        Of course, the two men continued hitting on her, making her feel uncomfortable. The two women were all over Simon too.
        She got invited to play pool but quickly discovered that as she bent over to take a shot, that dress was so short, that most of her bare arse was being shown. That G-string he had insisted she wore, hid nothing from behind.
        It was made worse by those two men always being in the right position to get a good show. Soon they were reaching to touch too. A hand on her arse cheek, fingers running down the split between her cheeks.
        She tried to get them to stop by brushing their hands away and telling them to stop but they were persistent. She looked over at Simon, hoping he would say something but he was too interested in Vickie's tits that were almost falling out of her dress as she sat on his knee.
        Trevor got her pressed against the pool table. His body was pressing her back, one hand on her breast and the other pulling her dress up. His thigh was pressed against her pussy mound, as he rubbed himself against her. She struggled with him, trying to push him off. When he tried to kiss her, that was too much. Using both hands against his chest, she pushed back with all her strength. It was just enough to allow her to slip out and escape from him.

        This was getting too much. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore. She walked over to Simon, demanding his attention.
        “What’s going on with your friends?” she asked, looking down at him sitting between the two women. Then she noticed his hand right up under Wendy's short skirt.
        “What do you mean?” Simon replied angrily as he stood up. “It’s you, Brittany. Coming on to my friends like a slut!”
        Brittany was shocked. How could he say that to her? And with what he was doing too!
        She looked around the room and they were all looking at her. Rodney and Trevor were smiling like they were about to get lucky while their wives were glaring at her like it was all her fault. Simon’s face was hard to read. Was he angry? Why should he? Nothing worse happened than what he was doing with those two sluts. Throwing themselves at him like that! He had told her to dress like she was. And he was dancing and playing with those other women all evening. Why should she get the blame?
        “Simon I...”
        “I’m sorry everyone for how my wife behaved. I think I better take her home.”
        Simon grabbed Brittany’s hand, pulled her and headed towards the door. She didn't even have a chance to say, 'Goodbye.' Not like they looked like they wanted to have anything to do with her.
        Outside there was a taxi waiting which took them home. They sat silent the whole way as Brittany could sense how angry he was and didn’t want to make a scene in front of the driver.
        At home, she expected an argument to begin but it didn’t. He just told her to go to bed and he’ll be in later. She awoke later to find he still wasn’t there so went looking for him. He was asleep on the couch in the lounge.
        She woke him say, “Come to bed, honey.”
        He followed her. Getting into bed on the other side and rolling away turning his back to her.
        She reached for him, but he just shrugged her off saying, “Not now. I need to sleep.”

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The Nude Beach.

        The next morning Simon seemed bright and happy, so Brittany thought it better not to mention the night before.
        She’d woken up and found him still asleep so decided to cook breakfast for him.
        Not long after, she noticed him arrive in the kitchen.
        “What are we going to do today?” Simon asked Brittany over the lovely breakfast she’d cooked for him. He was enjoying the attention he was getting from her. Pity there was that ulterior motive behind her actions. He knew what she had planned but wanted her to tell him rather than him revealing that he knew.
        “You know that nude beach out past St Heliers? Let’s go there?”
        “You mean Ladies Bay? You've never wanted to go there. Why the sudden change?”
        “I just want to. I want to try my new bikini. The sexiest I’ve ever worn.”
        “Oh wow, Brit!” Simon replied. “Are you going to get nude too?”
        “I might for you, honey. Do you want me to?”
        “You know I would! But I don't think it's a good idea.”
        He saw the surprise and panic in her eyes for a moment before she recovered herself.
        “I want to go,” she said. “You want me too. Will be sexy. Good for us.”
        “Ok, then. Only if you are sure.”
        “Yes, Simon. I want to go. It will be fun,” Brittany replied.
        'Oh yes! This was going to be fun, alright,' Simon thought. 'But not the fun you are expecting!'
        He was mildly surprised. She really was serious about this, wasn’t she? The trick was going to be, to have fun with her but not end up in bed with her.

        Brittany put her new bikini on in the bathroom. It was tiny. The smallest she had ever worn. How could she wear this to the beach? How could she even go further and take it completely off? But she knew how much it would turn her husband on, she had to try. Rather than try, she had to do it.
        She looked at herself in the mirror. God! This was tiny! The top struggled to hide her breasts, just managing to keep her nipples covered. Down lower there had been a drastic trim of her pussy hair to keep it under the bikini bottom. In the end, she had removed so much that she decided it might as well all come off. A shaved pussy, that was another turn-on for him. She had never dared do for him, before. Now she had.
        Rochelle wouldn’t be pleased. She liked the heart shape of her pussy. But she had to do it. It would soon grow again. What Brittany didn’t think about was what she would be showing when nude at the beach.

        In the car on the way there, Simon glanced over at his soon-to-be ex-wife beside him. She was already looking a bit nervous, so he decided to heap more onto her. “On a day like this, you know this beach will be quite busy,” Simon told her.
        “How many people?” she asked with a quiet voice.
        “Quite a few. It’s a popular place. People come to go nude and show off their bodies. Many others come to perv.”
        He heard the sharp intake of breath and smiled to himself. So, she was probably a bit scared, certainly nervous. Would she do it? Would she actually get naked? He was going to push hard to make sure she did.
        “You don’t have to go there if you don’t want to, Brittany. There are other good beaches around here too.”
        She looked at him and saw him smirking. She knew he could see she was nervous. Enjoying her discomfort. It made her even more determined. She knew, or at least she hoped, once she got there and got undressed, he would enjoy it, be turned on by it. She had to try! Rochelle was counting on her.

        When they got to the parking area above the cliffs and found the car park almost full, Simon was pleased. The beach would be crowded. Just what he wanted.
        Brittany was thinking, ‘So many cars! Were they all at the beach?’ It made her even more nervous.
        "Looks like it's busy today. Lots of people," Simon said cheerfully.
        Brittany didn't reply. Her face said it all.
        Walking down the steep stairs to the beach they finally arrived at the beach itself. It was a pretty little beach, the tide was in too. Almost a perfect place if it hadn’t been for so many people. Many of them were nude with some women topless but there were also quite a few fully clothed as well.
        Simon had been here before and he knew if they had continued around the headland, there were a few smaller beaches that were more private but he decided not to tell Brittany. If she was going to do this, it would be here, right in front of all these people. It had been one of his fantasies to see her visit a nude beach like this and she knew it too. One reason she was trying it now.
        But for Simon, things had changed. He knew this was no longer about pleasing him. This was her suggestion, her idea to turn him on. It was a means to an end for her and Rochelle. Get him turned on, get her pregnant then drop him. How cold was that? Every time he thought about it, he felt angry again. A huge turn-off.
        So, for him, this nude beach thing was more about making her suffer and humiliated than him getting excited and a turn-on. Willing to visit a place like this and willing to get naked in public, in front of many people like this. It showed how desperate she was. Yes, he was going to try and make her do it. No chickening out if he could help it. He’d given her the chance in the car.
        They found a place about halfway along the beach and sat on the grass behind the sand. He had chosen the place well since there was nowhere to hide, some people nearly by and a group of five boys not far from them. They were going to enjoy her show. If she did one that was. The look on her face told him she was already having second thoughts.
        “If you’re ready we can go for a swim,” he said.
        She knew what he was trying to do. Go for a swim, get her to undress.
        He took his shorts off, leaving himself in just his swim shorts. She slipped out of her shorts and then pulled the T-shirt off over her head. It was then that he caught the bikini she was wearing. He’d never seen that before. Wow! She would never dare wear anything so tiny. Now, look at her. Almost naked before she even got her bikini off.

        He allowed her to sit for a few minutes before pushing her to go further.
        He reached for his shorts, slipping them down so he was naked. Simon used to go skinny-dipping a lot when he was growing up. He had an average cock, nothing to be ashamed of. He was fine with being naked, even better if it made her get naked too.
        “This is a nude beach,” he told her.
        He saw the look she gave him. A flash of annoyance before she tried to smile. She reached around to undo the tie behind her back and pulled the bikini top off. No laying down or turning over, she sat there, her full breasts and nipples displayed. He was naked and she knew she would have to be too.
        There was that intake of breath as she steeled herself and reached to push her bikini bottoms down. As she did, he caught a view of her pussy. Damn! She was shaved too. Brittany was also looking down at her pussy, instantly regretting having shaved. It left everything on show. But she was determined to go through with this. She just had to. Rochelle was expecting her to.
        “Let’s have a swim,” he cheerful said. “Then we can have lunch. After that perhaps we can take a walk around the rocks.”
        Going for a swim? He wanted her to get up and walk around like this? How could he? But Simon wasn’t taking no for an answer. As he got up, he pulled her to her feet too. Reluctantly, she walked with him down towards the water.
        The water was nice and it wasn’t so bad as her body was covered by the water. Swimming and playing with him wasn’t so bad and for a while, it almost felt like it used to be when they were first married. Brittany even felt a bit sad that things had changed. He was a good man. Maybe she should still stay with him.
        Getting out of the water and walking back to their gear was the worst. Those five boys! They were looking at her. She knew it, looking at her tits and bare pussy. How could she do this? She wanted to cover herself with her hands but knew she shouldn’t. All she could do was walk beside Simon.
        Simon had to admire how brave she was. First time with public nudity and she was doing it. Looked a bit nervous, more like a trapped fawn than a beautiful, sexy woman. But she did it.
        They sat for a while after lunch, but he didn’t push the planned walk. Actually, by now he was beginning to feel sorry for her. There was a steady stream of clothed men walking backwards and forwards. Each would look at her as they passed. Finally, he decided she had, had enough.
        “You’re not enjoying this, are you?”
        She shook her head.
        “It’s no fun unless you enjoy the exhibitionism too. Let’s go.” Simon said, reaching for his shorts.
        “We can stay a bit if you want to,” she said. “Maybe do that walk.”
        “No. You don’t want to. Let’s go!” he replied, rather sternly.
        It was at that moment, that Brittany realised this trip had been a failure. He wasn’t turned on by it at all. She reached for her shorts and T-shirt, not bothering to take the time to replace her bikini. She just wanted to cover up and get out of there.

        That evening she tried with him again. But he kept her away. She had hoped he would have been turned on by her public display of nudity but it almost seemed like it had made him worse. The look on his face showed he almost despised her now. There was no anger anymore, just pity. Yes, that is what it was, pity. Now she knew the nude beach was a dumb idea. It just made things worse.
        Simon looked over at her and felt nothing but sadness for her. She had been so desperate that she’d even dared to go naked at a public beach. It hadn’t been sexy like it should have been. The thought of why she did it, suffered all that humiliation, just left him cold. There was nothing sexy about it and he was feeling nothing sexy about her either. He knew there was no going back now. It was over between them. Just how long would it be before they parted?

        Life went on between them. Quietly, Simon began preparing for the end. His lawyer was ready, he had the information, videos, photos and recordings to make a strong case for her being the cheating, unfaithful wife. Not that it would be legal evidence in court but would be a strong lever against her.
        The phone calls with Rochelle had made interesting listening. Simon felt Rochelle was quite rough on Brittany. He was almost feeling sorry for her. It seemed like Rochelle thought Brittany had failed.
        That was a dumb idea. Wouldn’t it be better if Brittany began building her sex life with him again? With regular sex, when the time came to try getting pregnant, it would seem normal. But Rochelle forbid Brittany to have any sex with him. She was Rochelle’s now.
        Twice a week and probably when he played golf at the weekends, she was away at Rochelle’s although she didn’t say so now and he didn’t ask her either.

        In the office, his secretary, Deanna had noticed Simon was a bit down. Eventually, one evening, he had taken her out for dinner and told her what was happening with Brittany. She’d invited him back to her place.
        Deanna was kind and understanding, listening to all he said, only asking the occasional question.
        They sat on the couch and she held him. There were some tears from both of them while he got it all out. They hugged, then their lips met and they kissed. Clothes were removed and they ended up in bed together.
        Deanna was five years younger than Simon. He'd known her since she'd joined the company as one of his original employees. Now the company was larger she had officially become his PA doing what she had always done for him. She was a redhead, deep ginger, shoulder length hair. A hot-looking woman who knew how to wear great-looking clothes. Sexy but still entirely appropriate for business. He had seen Deanna wearing a bikini at a pool party organised by the company. She'd looked hot then with her ample chest straining to escape the confines of her bikini top. Seeing her naked was even better.
        The sex between them was exciting and energetic even though he came a bit quickly the first time. But what could you expect? He'd been in a sexual desert for months. After three good sessions, she fell into his arms and they slept. He stayed the night.
        The next morning, when he walked in, Brittany was looking at him. He could see it on her face, ‘where were you last night?’ But she didn’t ask, he didn’t tell her either. After that, he and Deanna met regularly and usually, they ended up in bed. Often he would stay the night. She was great, the sex was great and they were becoming closer.
        Brittany knew something was going on. She would have loved to have asked him but knew he wouldn't tell her. He was seeing someone. He had found someone. She knew it but there was no proof other than regularly he would suddenly disappear to spend the night away.
        Simon knew his wife suspected something. It was pretty obvious that something was going on. But he knew it was better to keep a low profile about his new relationship.

        Three weeks after the nude beach visit, Simon decided to go out to the island holiday house. He wanted to paint a couple of rooms. When Brittany flatly declined to go help, Simon happily invited Deanna.
        They left work early, taking the car ferry to the island. They had hardly arrived and she was wearing that tiny bikini again. A sexy woman in a tiny bikini always was a big turn-on for Simon. Very soon that bikini was off and they were doing it on the couch, on the floor in the lounge before finally making it to the bedroom. It felt great being with a woman who wanted him as much as he wanted her.
        It was a great weekend, swimming, walking and the sex was great too. They explored the island and took meals at the restaurant in a local winery. She helped with the painting too. Then it was back to sex again. On the couch, out on the deck and in the spa. They even did it down on the private beach below the house. Those people further along the Beach had a good show.
        Another huge plus was Simon discovered nudity wasn't a problem for her. Deanna joined him naked when they visited the main nudist beach on the island. That was sexy for both of them and led to more sexy back at the house, both in the spa pool and then in bed.
        It had been a long time since Simon had so much sex in one weekend with Brittany. If it had ever happened. Deanna was a sexy woman who loved fucking. She was ready for it at any time and almost anywhere.
        In the end, they stayed an extra night and came back Monday evening. Well, it wasn't like Deanna was going to be in trouble with her boss, was it? It was that weekend that they made a commitment, once this stuff with Brittany was over, they would be together.
        He was in a great mood when he got home. Singing in the shower, smiling and happy during dinner. Brittany suspected he had taken his girlfriend to the island that weekend. She wanted to ask him what was going on, but she kept it to herself.
        The next day, Simon listened, amused as Brittany told her lover Rochelle what she suspected. They were discussing who it might be and if Brittany could find out. But now Simon had been warned and would be more careful.
        A couple of times Brittany tried asking about it but he just shut her down.

        When Rochelle and Brittany made a plan to try and find out who Simon was seeing, Brittany made the tactical error of ringing Deanna to ask if she knew anything about an affair. Deanna was happy to talk with Brittany and assure her that Simon wasn't dating any other woman in the office. Deanna even promised to tell Brittany if she heard anything. Then Deanna couldn't wait to rush into Simon's office to laugh about the phone call she had with his wife. It was a big joke between them.
        "So if you fuck anyone else, I've got to tell your wife," Deanna laughed pressing her hand against his chest. "So you better behave yourself, mister!"
        "You won't need to. I'm too busy fucking you," Simon replied.
        "Good to have a man that knows his place," she laughed.
        "Oh, I know my place alright. It's in your hot pussy," he replied.
        The look on her face told him she was considering doing him right there on his desk.

        One morning Simon told Brittany he wouldn't be home that evening so don't worry about dinner for him.
        That afternoon, Deanna noticed a car parked across the road from his business with two people sitting in it. It looked familiar to Simon and he wondered where he'd seen it before. Suddenly he recognised it. He'd seen it before, it had been parked at his house one day. It was Rochelle's car. So they were watching to see who he'd go off with.
        At 5pm, Deanna left first and turned to the left heading for the motorway. Simon left straight behind her. At the motorway, Deanna turned right toward the Harbour Bridge and onto her apartment on the North Shore while Simon turned left onto Highway 16, the North-Western motorway to West Auckland. He noticed the two women followed him and called Deanna to let her know she was in the clear.
        Turning off at Henderson, Simon cut through a couple of side streets and then through the grounds of Waitakere Hospital before going straight out the other entrance. The car following got stuck at the pay station and lost him so he headed back to the North-Western and up around Upper-Harbour Motorway to the North Shore.
        That evening, sitting at a bar/restaurant overlooking Takapuna Beach, they had a great laugh about how he had lost them by driving through the Hospital grounds.

        The next morning when he got home, Brittany couldn't help asking where he had been.
        “Oh, a very close friend of mine has just had a baby. I went to maturity at Waitakere Hospital to visit her.”
        More questions quickly came but he wasn't answering any. That gave her and Rochelle lots to talk about later that day while Simon and Deanna sat at work listening to them. Rochelle even suggested the woman he visited might have been Simon's girlfriend. But Brittany quickly discounted it would be too soon for Simon to have got someone pregnant who'd already had a baby. The timing was all wrong.
        Again, Simon and Deanna enjoyed the joke.
        "Are you sure you didn’t have a baby the other day?" he asked her.
        "I think one of us would have both noticed if I did " she laughed in reply. "But if I was going to, that orgasm you gave me last night would have done it."
        "As good as that, was it?" he laughed.
        But they both agreed that this was a dangerous game and they would need to be extra careful. The last thing Simon needed was Brittany getting evidence about him having an affair.

        But we're getting a bit ahead of our selves here. First, we need to hear about the second time Brittany attempted to trap Simon into having sex with her.

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The Holiday House.

        Four weeks later, after there was nothing sexual at all between them, she was coming onto him again. Surely she must have realised how obvious it was but neither Brittany nor Rochelle seemed to think of that. This time she suggested going to their holiday house on Waiheke Island. Her plan was to go out on the car ferry Friday afternoon and stay until Sunday afternoon. Perhaps this came from what Brittany thought had happened the week before when Simon was at the holiday house to do some painting.
        To her surprise, Simon was happy to place the booking for their car on both days.
        What Brittany didn’t know was that while she was off for her evening with Rochelle, Simon got together with his two golfing friends and their wives. He invited them to come with them to the beach house, going on a later sailing of the ferry and then returning Saturday morning. For the return trip, he made sure he booked five people.
        “So what's the plan for Friday night?” Vicky asked.
        “Get me drunk and unable to fuck with Brit,” Simon replied.
        “Any ideas how?”
        “You're a smart lady, Vicky. I'm sure you and Wendy will come up with something. I'm open to anything you like as long as your husbands are cool with it.”
        “You mean fucking and stuff?” Wendy asked.
        “Of course,” her husband Rodney said. “How else are you going to drain his balls dry.”
        Wendy was shocked. She looked at her husband and he was smiling.
        “Maybe even some swapping with us too?” Vicky asked.
        “Maybe that too if Trevor is keen,” Wendy added.
        'Oh wow!' Simon thought. 'This evening was going to be fun. He thought his friend's wives were hot. Now they had all but agreed to fuck him.'
        "Play things right and you two can have Brittany too if you can get her," Simon laughed. "Although my guess is she won't be too happy when you guys turn up."
        The other two men laughed too but they both seriously considered the possibility of fucking Brittany. They both thought she was totally hot. Simon liked the idea too. That would be funny, her fucking them instead of him. Not that he thought she'd do it. They'd have to get her totally pissed to have any chance of that.

        Early Friday afternoon he picked up Brittany from her office and they drove down for the ferry from downtown Auckland. She thought it was strange that they took her car but didn’t say anything. Soon they were on their way toward the island. Brittany had changed from her work suit to some very sexy cut-off shorts and a shirt tied in a knot on her stomach. It left from bare stomach lower down and it was obvious she was wearing that tiny new bikini underneath. He had to admit how hot and sexy she looked. If things had been different it would have been the opening to a very sexy weekend.
        They drove from the ferry to the main shops where they picked up some supplies. He was surprised at her shopping while dressed like that. But then, wasn’t that the purpose of all this, to surprise and excite him?
        The house, as usual, was tidy. How he had left it the week before. It is an unusual house built down the steep hillside with the garage at the top, living areas below, and bedrooms further down again. Simon always called it his upside-down house. He’d designed it himself and was proud of the final result.
        Brittany found a bikini left in the main bedroom. Simon knew it was Deanna’s. She had told him she’d accidentally left it behind but it was easy to explain, “It must have been left by that group who had used the house a few weeks before,” Simon told her, explaining he had found it the weekend before and forgotten to bring it back with him.
        She was holding up the top. “This is for a big girl. I didn't know any of the girls in that group had tits like this?”
        Simon didn't want her to work out it might be his secretary, Deanna and so he ignored her, just continuing to get changed himself.
        But Brittany didn't buy it. She was sure it had been left by his girlfriend. If he had slept in that bed, how could that bikini have been left from the party before? No, it had been left by the woman with him the weekend before. She decided on Monday she would ring Deanna, her spy in his office and ask if she knew who it was.
        Brittany was pleased with herself for getting him alone on the island with her. So she dropped the subject. She didn't want to ruin things over a missed placed bikini. She’d got him there and she was certain to be having sex with him more than a few times that weekend. To keep him interested and horny she had taken the shorts and shirt off, wearing just her tiny bikini again. She knew he had a thing about bikinis. Yes, he noticed it too. She caught him looking a few times as they unpacked and settled in. So, he still wanted to look, did he? Hopefully, that would soon be touching too.
        But unknown to her, Simon had other plans for the weekend.

        Suddenly, Simon got a text to say his friends had arrived. Telling Brittany he was going up to the car for something, he went up to let them in. But unknown to him, while he was gone, Brittany decided to make it more sex for him by removing her top. The first thing Brittany knew was his four visitors were with her in the lounge/kitchen area. She screamed and tried to cover herself with her hands but there wasn’t much she could do other than run for the stairs down to the bedrooms.
        As she changed, she was thinking about what had just happened. There was the shock of them seeing so much of her but even a bigger shock that they were there, in the first place. Simon must have known they were coming. He had invited them. That was going to spoil her plans for the weekend. She even began to wonder if he knew more about her and Rochelle than he was letting on.
        Brittany came back up smiling, trying to be pleasant. She apologised about the bikini saying that she wasn’t expecting visitors. One of the men even said she should have left it how she was. She looked so sexy. Brittany looked at her husband and he was smiling. Maybe she should have left the bikini on or maybe even just the bottom. Maybe his friends seeing her topless would have excited Simon too. She had missed an opportunity there.
        When Brittany suggested to Simon that they took a walk along the beach after dinner, Simon didn't want to be alone with her so he asked his friends to come along too. Wendy was quick to agree to go and so the other three went along with it knowing it would annoy Brittany. Simon saw the glare that Brittany gave him but he pretended he didn't notice.
        They all went for a walk along the beach and things seemed to be going well.

        When they got back to the house, one of the men suggested they all get in the spa. Lucky Simon had turned it on when they first got there. It was warm now.
        ‘Ok,’ thought Brittany. ‘I’m going to call his bluff. I’m going to wear that bikini again.’
        While everyone went to get changed, Brittany caught Simon in their bedroom. “Why did you invite them?” she hissed.
        “They are my friends,” he replied.
        “But I wanted a nice weekend with just us.”
        “I don’t know why. We never do anything together. We haven't had sex for months.”
        “We could have this weekend. It could have been different.”
        ‘Yeah,’ he thought. ‘He knew why this weekend was important. It was so, not going to happen!’
        He watched her undress and then to his surprise she picked up the bottom half of her tiny bikini. As she stepped into it and pulled it up over her pussy, he asked. “Are you going to wear that?”
        “Yeah! Why not? They’ve already seen me in it.”
        “Ok then. If, you are sure.”
        “Don’t you want me to?” Brittany asked him.
        “Of course, I want you to. It’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen on you.”
        “I might even go topless again.”
        “That would be great. The other women might too.”
        “Do you just want to see them?”
        Simon realised his error. “No honey. I want to see you bare your breasts for my friends.”
        Brittany smiled at that.
        He knew that would make sure she did it. Why not let his friends check out her tits? It would be the last chance they would ever get. Going topless would get Vicky and Wendy worked up for later too.

        All six of them were in the spa and the drinks were flowing. The conversation got sexy. Finally, Simon said, “I think it’s time these women lost their tops.”
        Without hesitation, Britany had her top off, displaying her bare nipples above the water. The two other women were quick to follow. The three men were checking out three pairs of tits and the women knew it too. The drinks were enough to ensure they enjoyed being ogled at and kept their tits above the water surface much of the time.
        Simon noticed the two women watching him. Yes, they were still interested and looked a bit horny too. He was sure he would be getting lucky tonight.
        Brittany noticed the two women giving her husband the come-on. 'Bitches!' she thought. 'But he was her's tonight. They weren't going to get any of him if she had anything to do with it.' She knew it was time she got him away to be alone with him.

        When they got out of the pool to have a last drink, all three women remained topless. Seeing them wearing nothing but their tiny bikini bottoms was a turn-on for the men too.
        “It's getting late now,” Brittany suggested. “I think it's was time we called it a night.”
        “I’ll be down soon honey,” Simon said. “I’ll just make sure our guests are ok.”
        She was pleased with that. With his friends being on the floor above, she might still get to be with him that night. Perhaps seeing those two women topless did turn him on. If so, it worked for her.         But it was at that moment that she committed a tactical error that played into his hands. She should have stayed and waited for him but Brittany left them, still without her top, going down to dry herself off and get into bed naked, ready for when her husband arrived. But after waiting for a while, he still hadn’t arrived. She must have fallen asleep.

        Brittany woke over an hour or so later, to hear noises coming from upstairs in the lounge. It sounded like men laughing and a woman moaned. She went up to see what was going on. Did she get a surprise? There was her husband laying naked on a pull-out bed with two equally naked women sitting over him.
        Wendy was humping her pussy at his face while Vicky was bouncing up and down on his cock. Their husbands, Rodney and Trevor, also both naked, were sitting on the couch cheering their wives on.
        Brittany screamed at the sight, turned and run back downstairs, slamming the door to the bedroom.
        “I don’t think she enjoyed our little show,” Vicky laughed.
        “We are,” her husband Trevor laughed. “When you finish with him, I’m going to try Wendy while you get Rodney.”
        Vicky looked at her husband's friend Rodney and smiled. She fancied him and had been wanting to try with him for a while. This business with Simon and Brittany had given her the chance she was looking for, given her a hall pass and she was determined not to miss any fun going.

        Of course, after Brittany had gone, the fucking continued. Simon was surprised at how turned on the two women were. And in front of their husbands too. With two hot juicy cunts to enjoy, he was into that too. While one woman was bouncing on his cock, he was licking and eating the other one.
        After both girls had swapped between his cock and mouth a few times, there were hot orgasms for both of them. They were so turned on that soon they were playing with each other's tits, even sucking nipples too. Seeing that was a turn-on for all three men and before long, Simon cum giving Wendy a big load deep inside her pussy.
        It was his turn to sit on the couch slowly stroking his cock while watching his friends take each other’s wives. That was a sexy show as the girls were into it as much as the men were. They were really into fucking that night. Both men were enjoying trying their friend's wives too.
        Having fucked the two men, the two women returned to Simon. Their intention was to fuck him until he had nothing more to give. During the wild sex that followed, Vicky got a load from him doggy style and Wendy got a second load, in her mouth this time. He then tried giving Vicky a load on her tits but only got a couple of quick squirts. More like dribbles than squirts.
        The girls were still turned on and turned on each other. None of the men knew either Wendy or Vicky was interested in other women and them making out became a big turn-on for all three men. The girls ended up getting a cum shower while they lay on their sides eating out each other’s pussy. Their husbands could manage a good load but by then Simon had almost nothing left. He only managed a few drops that he did manage to land on Vicky's face. Everyone watched as Wendy quickly cleaned it up with her tongue.
        That was so hot. It also ended the session for everyone. It left Simon very drunk and totally drained sexually. The other men weren’t much better. It was left for the two women to help Simon down the stairs to his bedroom.

        Much later, when her husband arrived in the room, Brittany was still awake. In the almost dark room, she could see he was still naked and looked a bit drunk too. She had noticed it was the two equally naked women who had brought him in and helped him to bed. There was more hugging and touching as both girls giggled before they left him.
        “That was fun,” Wendy whispered to him. “You're welcome for more any time.”
        "My pussy is open for you too," Brittany heard Vicky say.
        Both women giggled again and they were gone.
        Brittany was fuming. How could he do that to her? But she held her cool. Pretended she was asleep until after the women had left.
        “Had fun, did we,” she said sharply.
        “Sorry about that,” he said, his words slurring a bit. “Things just got away on us a bit.”
        Brittany knew she still had to try with him that night. She still wanted to get pregnant. But she was concerned he had given the cum meant for her to those two bitches.
        “It’s ok,” she said. “I know you didn’t mean it. You all were just drunk.”
        Simon was a bit surprised at her. He thought he would really be in the doghouse and she wouldn't want a thing to do with him. She must be really desperate if she was prepared to forgive him that easily.
        As he still lay on his back where he had fallen onto the bed, she moved over beside him to kiss him. “It’s ok, honey,” she said again. “I know you didn’t mean it.”
        So close to him like that, she could smell those other women on him. And the stale taste of beer in his mouth was terrible too. It almost made her stomach turn. But she braced herself. She had promised Rochelle. She had to try.
        He didn’t respond well and so Brittany decided to try something else. She reached down for his cock and felt he was still soft. His cock felt sticky and wet too. Gross! Did she really need to suck that thing? She knew him. She knew it was her only chance of getting anything out of him that night.
        Moving down on him, she brought her mouth down to him.
        “You like sloppy seconds,” he laughed at her.
        “Mmmm,” was all she could say, trying not to throw up from the taste of those other women on his cock.
        She tried hard but it didn’t work. She rubbed him, tried to wank him with her hand and sucked him again but it was no use. He stayed soft. Then she heard a soft snore and looked up to find he had fallen asleep.
        “Damn!” Brittany said out loud. He was wrecking all their plans. There was nothing more she could do but try and sleep herself. In the morning she hoped they could have make-up sex.

        The next morning, when Brittany woke up, she found the man beside her was gone. Pulling on a bathrobe she went upstairs to find them all awake and watching while her husband was cooking breakfast. He was putting on his usual show by tossing the bacon strips and catching them. They were all laughing and cheering each time he did it. When they saw her, the talking and laughing stopped! They all watched silently as Brittany approached.
        The food smelt nice and so she asked, “Any for me, honey?”
        “Of course,” Simon smiled, handing her a plate.
        Breakfast was quiet and strained. She could tell they were all watching her. Waiting to see what she would do or say. But Brittany was determined to keep her cool. If she was going to get anything out of this mess, she had to play it right. She still hoped that by appearing to forgive him, they would still get to have some make-up sex.

        After breakfast, the other couples volunteered to clean up. Brittany took the chance to get her husband away by themselves and find out what happened the night before. They left together. Going down to walk along the beach.
        “What happened last night?” she asked.
        “Well, we were just drinking and talking. I told them that you had a girlfriend. The guys began the jokes about me having a threesome. One thing led to another, Vicky said she’d always wanted to try a threesome.”
        “What? You told them about Rochelle?”
        “Just you were friends at Uni, you lived together.”
        “Oh my God! Why did you tell them that?”
        “They are my friends. I thought you and Rochelle were open about it,” Simon explained.
        Brittany was shocked. This wasn’t what she expected. How could she look at his friends again? They must be thinking she was a lesbian.
        “So that was Vicky’s threesome I saw?”
        “Yes, then the two guys did a swap and took each other’s wife. It was fun. You should have stayed. You could have fucked both men,” Simon laughed.
        “I don’t want two other men. I just wanted my husband,” she said sadly.
        “And your lover girlfriend,” Simon shot back at her.
        “So, why you? Why didn't Vicky and Wendy try with one of their husbands?”
        “I suppose she thought another man would be more fun.”
        Brittany didn't reply to that.
        “So, what’s going on Brittany? I know you’re fucking her. Are you going to leave me for her?”
        “We are just friends, Simon. I like being with her.”
        “You like fucking her which explains why I’ve got nothing for the last few months.”
        “Simon! It’s not like that...”
        “It is, Brittany. No sex for five months then suddenly you wanted me all weekend. Then four weeks later you want to trip to the house here. What’s going on?”
        “Honey, I know we’ve been drifting apart. I hoped some time alone might help our marriage.”
        “It looks more like you are trying to get pregnant.”
        “No! It’s not that. I just...”
        “Are you still on the pill, Brittany?”
        “Simon I...”
        “Are you?”
        This was bad! It was all going wrong. What could she do? What could she say? It seemed like he had guessed what she and Rochelle were planning.
        When she didn’t reply, he said. “I thought so. I couldn’t find any pills in your bag this morning.”
        What could she say? How could she answer? Rochelle was going to be angry with her. She had promised Rochelle she would get pregnant this weekend. There was little or no chance that would ever happen now.
        They walked back along the beach in silence before climbing the steep steps back up to the house.

        Brittany was surprised to find the other two couples had their bags ready in the lounge. Then she saw her husband’s bag there two.
        “Are we going back today?” she asked. “I thought we were booked on the Sunday ferry.”
        “We are. Well, I mean your car is. I’m going back today.”
        “What about me?”
        “Someone has to stay here to bring your car back. Since it’s your car, it might as well be you,” Simon laughed.
        Suddenly Brittany realised what he was saying. That explained why he insisted on separate bags and wanted to bring her car instead of his own.
        “Damn you! You bastard!” she screamed at him.
        “Such lady-like language,” he laughed.
        His friends laughed too. The two women were openly smirking at her.
        What could she do? Too late to change bookings now. She had no choice but to wait here alone until Sunday afternoon.

        She watched as the five of them left. Soon she heard the car start and the garage door closing. She was left there alone. Damn him! Something was going on. She knew he had figured out what she and Rochelle were doing.
        When Brittany rang, at first, Rochelle was angry but she worked out that if Simon had guessed then it wasn’t Brittany’s fault. There would be no way Simon would let her near him whatever Brittany did.
        They came up with another plan. If Rochelle was to move in with Simon and Brittany, they could both put more pressure on him to perform. There was only one small flaw to their plan that they were unaware of.
        While sitting in the car waiting for the ferry, Simon and his friends were listening to their conversation.
        Finally, Brittany invited Rochelle to come over and spend the rest of the weekend with her.

        Brittany had nothing to do until Rochelle arrived and so she decided to go up to the garage and clean her car. While she was there, she heard a strange noise like a recording machine switching on or off. She went looking and tucked away on a shelf in a cardboard box she found the recorder. The screen showed a feed of her and the garage.
        So that was it. He was recording everything. If so, then probably their house would be the same. That meant he knew Rochelle was visiting and no doubt saw what they did in the bedroom. So that is how he knew what was going on.
        Suddenly, she thought, he must have been recording last night too. Then a copy of him fucking those two women might come in handy. Taking the machine down to the kitchen she ran it back to the beginning of the tape. To her shock, it started with their car leaving and the garage door going down. The rest was just her moving from room to room in the house.
        “The Bastard,” she said out loud when she realised, he had deleted everything before he left. She also found there was a link to an I-cloud account. So, everything was still being recorded so he would know she had found the recording machine.
        Lucky! Rochelle was due on the afternoon ferry. She left the recorder turned off so he wouldn’t know how she would spend the rest of her weekend.

        When Brittany arrived home Sunday evening, she was still angry. Like a good husband that he was, Simon had dinner prepared for her but when they sat at the table together, there was nothing said between them.
        She could have gone off at him but she knew it wouldn’t have made any difference. It seemed like he no longer cared. It was at that moment that she realised their marriage might be ending sooner than she had planned.

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Rochelle Wants to Move in.

        Over the next few days, the computer was cleaned and then her laptop stopped transmitting anything. It wasn't long before the cameras began dropping offline and Simon found the recorder in the garage had also been switched off too. But her phone continued sending him, her calls. That hadn't been cleaned. Somehow, they had overlooked that.
        He was a bit surprised that Brittany and Rochelle took a couple of weeks before they made their next move. When they did, Simon was ready for them.
        She had an over-nighter at Rochelle's place and then came another request. “Honey, we need to talk.”
        “What for?" Simon asked "All the talking has been done. You are a cheating bitch who won’t stop. What more can be said?”
        She looked at him in horror for calling her a cheating bitch. She was beginning to realise how bad things had gotten between them. The Simon she knew before would never say anything like that to her. But she had to press on with her plan.
        “Rochelle hasn’t got anywhere to stay. She is going to stay with us.”
        She didn't ask him. Rochelle thought it would be better if she just told him it was going to happen. After a bit of complaining, he'd roll over and accept it.
        “Like hell she is,” came Simon’s reply.
        It was only to be expected. Brittany knew she’d have to wear him down. But of course, Simon knew it was coming and already had worked out how to handle it.
        “She has nowhere to live. We’ve got to help her.”
        "No, we don't! You might want to help her but I want nothing to do with the bitch. She has poisoned your mind and ruined our marriage."
        "Don't be so hard, Simon. Rochelle needs help and we have the room. Only two of us in this big house."
        "Three of us with someone like her is too many," Simon said angrily.
        "But Simon I..."
        "Look, Brittany, I don't want her in this house. I want nothing to do with your dike lover!"
        "But Simon, do this for me, please. I want her to come."
        "What, so you two can fuck all night and I get to lay all night next door listening? That's no fun for me."
        "What if I give you fun too? As much as I give to Rochelle."
        "You want to fuck both of us? That's nice and cozy for you. Your husband and lover in the same house."
        "If that's what you want. I will do that for you."
        Simon could see what she was trying for here. But he knew, that once Rochelle got into the house, things would be different. He had a plan. They wanted this, not him. He'd make the rules and they'll have to play by them or both are out the door.
        “Ok then," he said. "She can stay. But we need to lay down some rules.”
        Brittany was surprised. He had agreed too quickly. She should have realised it was too quick but she was so pleased he had agreed, that she missed it. She jumped at him to give him a hug but his hands came up holding her off. She looked at him and saw the anger and hate on his face. Rochelle was moving in but this was not a victory. She backed away from him as he let her go.
        Simon went on. “Tell lover-girl to be here for breakfast on Saturday. We will discuss how she can live here.”
        “What do you mean, Simon?” Brittany said becoming a bit worried.
        “Never you mind. Just make sure you are both here.”
        Now Brittany was worried. Something wasn’t right with this. She decided to cancel having Rochelle stay.

        When she spoke to Rochelle about her concerns, Rochelle wanted to push on with their plans. "Don't worry, Brittany. Let him make his rules. He will be doing what we want before he knows it."
        "I'm not so sure, Rochelle. Simon might not be as easy as you think."
        "He's agreed to let me stay, hasn't he? That's a big start."
        "I don't know. I think he is playing us. Something is going on. He gave in too easy."
        "Don't worry about it, Brittany. Trust me. It will all work out."
        But Brittany wasn't so sure. This seemed all wrong. She felt like she was rushing into trouble but didn't know how to stop it.

        Brittany went out Friday night. She was dressed like she was going out somewhere but while she said she wouldn’t be back that night, she promised Simon, that both she and Rochelle would be there to meet him for breakfast the following morning.
        Sure enough. At just after 8 am they both arrived. This was the first time Simon had actually met Rochelle. Unknown to her, he had seen her many times on cam, both dressed and naked. She was actually very attractive and in different circumstances, he might have been open to having a threesome relationship with her and Brittany. But being good looking and sexy was going to make it easier for what he had planned for her that morning.
        He decided to get things kicked off with a 'nice' greeting, “So you’re the bitch who wants to steal my wife.”
        She glared back at him. He expected a suitable reply back but she controlled herself by saying, “Hello Simon. It’s nice to meet you at last. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
        “I hope it’s all bad.”
        “No, on the contrary, it’s been mostly good.”
        “Really?” he said genuinely surprised.
        “Brittany still loves you, you know. That is why I agreed to stay with you. I love her too.”
        “You agreed to stay with us? So, she gets the best of both. A husband and a lover under one roof. Lucky girl!”
        Simon could see they were both getting uneasy at his sarcastic attitude, particularly Brittany. But they weren’t leaving so it continued.
        He had cooked breakfast for them and they sat down to eat. There were a few attempts at conversation from Brittany, but neither Rochelle nor Simon were helping. Both glared at each other across the table. He wanted to make it as uncomfortable as he could for them, but he also realised he needed to be careful. He didn’t want them to walk out before his surprise arrived.

        After breakfast was cleared away, Brittany made some coffee and they sat down at the table to talk. They could have gone to the more comfortable lounge, but he didn’t want them to get too comfortable.
        Rochelle started by telling him the three conditions for him to accept if she was to live here. That was interesting. Simon was a bit amused at this since he thought they were doing Rochelle a favour, After all, she was supposed to have nowhere to live. Anyway, he didn’t say anything, just nodded to say he’d listen.
        “First, Brittany and I will sleep in the master bedroom and Simon, you will move to the guest bedroom.
        Second, Simon, you have to do all the cooking and cleaning in the house.
        Third, Simon, you have to agree to sex with Brittany whenever we ask you.”

        To their surprise, he started laughing. It shocked both women.
        “Do you really think I am going to agree with that? Do you really think I’d become your house slave? I think we should share the work three ways and I’m staying in the master bedroom. You two can go where you like.”
        They both just sat there looking at him, so he continued.
        “Look, this moving in is not my idea. Do you think for a moment I want this? If we have to do this it is going to happen my way. If not, you are both welcome to leave, right now!”
        “But I...” Rochelle began to argue but Brittany put her hand on Rochelle’s arm to stop her.
        “We agree to that, Simon,” Brittany said. “Rochelle will stay in the guest bedroom. It is a big room, quite comfortable.”
        She glanced across at Rochelle before continuing. “We equally share the housework, I will sleep in either room. I intend to maintain a sexual relationship with you Simon.”
        “Is that until you get yourself pregnant? Then you're going to kick my arse.”
        Their faces showed he’d hit the mark.
        “No Simon, I do still love you.”
        “Well, Brit. You have a funny way of showing it.”

        There was silence for a while but as time was getting on and Simon knew he needed to kick this meeting along.
        “So, when are you moving in, Rochelle?” Simon asked.
        “Today,” she replied. “We’ll bring my things over after lunch.”
        Simon smiled. He knew that was coming. He had heard them talking.
        “Ok. I’m out at golf this afternoon. So, you two can do the moving. Don’t think I’m going to help you with this.”
        “We hoped you would,” Brittany said.
        “Not happening, Brit.”
        She just nodded like she kind of expected it.
        Now Simon was ready to drop the punch line. This was the test to see how serious they were about this.
        “Before you move in Rochelle. I have one more condition.”
        They both stopped. One more condition? They had thought it was all decided.
        “Rochelle, I want to find out what Brittany sees in you. I want to fuck you.”
        They were both shocked. Silent for a moment.
        “No, you can’t,” Rochelle said angrily. “I’d never fuck a man.”
        “That’s fine,” Simon said. Then turning to his wife, he added. “So, when are you moving in with her now?”
        “Simon! You can’t ask that. Why do you want to fuck her anyway?”
        “I told you. She is stealing you off me. I want to find out why.”
        “I won’t do it,” Rochelle firmly said.
        “Then you won’t move in here,” Simon firmly replied.
        “Don’t do this, Simon," Brittany pleaded. "Please?"
        “It’s not negotiable. I fuck her or she doesn’t move in.”
        “No way!” Rochelle said, almost yelling now.
        “Well, Rochelle. There’s the door. Goodbye! It was nice meeting you, bitch!”
        “Wait!” Brittany said. “Can we go talk about this for a minute?”
        “Ok,” Simon said. “I’ll give you time while I clean up from breakfast. Then I want an answer. You either stay my way or you both go.”

        The two women went off to the lounge and he could hear them talking. It sounded a bit heated. He was surprised at how Brittany seemed to be standing up to her.
        “But you made me do all that stuff...” he heard Brittany’s raised voice.
        “Do you know how humiliated I was... nude on that beach… I did it for you... for us.”
        “You need to do this for me… we both want this.”
        Was Brittany winning? It almost seemed like it.

        Simon had just finished putting the dishes away when they both arrived back in the room.
        "So...?" he asked them.
        “Yes, Simon,” Brittany said. “We will do it. But I have to stay in the room.”
        "That's fine Brit, if you want to play voyeur," Simon laughed.
        "Simon, it's not like..." Brittany began before Simon cut her off.
        “What about you, Rochelle? You ok with this?”
        Rochelle didn’t look up at him. She just nodded.
        “Ok,” he told them. “Go upstairs and get naked on the bed, Rochelle. I'll be up soon."
        He saw her flinch at that but they both went off together. There would be nothing sexy about this. He would just walk in and fuck her.

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Fucking Rochelle.

        When Simon reached the room he found Rochelle in the bed with the covers pulled up. He could see her bare shoulders so he assumed she was naked. After taking his shirt off he reached down for his shorts. His undies and shorts came off at the same time. He could have made it sexier for her, doing an erotic strip for her. But why should he? They were there to fuck, not make erotic love.
        Straightening up, his full nude body was presented to her. He heard the sharp intake of breath when she saw his raging erection. Looking down he didn't see any desire or lust, rather it looked like shock or even fear.
        He didn't care now. He was going to fuck her whether she liked it or not. What this bitch needed was a good hard fucking and that was what she was about to get. Teach her a lesson for breaking his marriage. Show her what a real man is like.
        That thought had made him hard. He was surprised at what a turn-on it was. Teach her a lesson. That was good.
        “I said on the bed, not in it,” he told her as he tore the covers off her. "I want to see all of you."
        She gasped in shock, a hand going to hide her pussy while the other arm tried to hide her ample breasts. He smiled at that. Little did she know he had seen it all before.
        He climbed on the bed, pulling her legs apart. Rochelle seemed to give up hiding her breasts, using both hands to hide her pussy.
        “Now first, let’s see if you taste as good as Brit does. Maybe that’s why she likes you.”
        “Simon!” Brittany gasped. "Don't talk like...
        “Brittany, this is my fuck. You can watch but stay out of it.”
        He reached up with both hands, roughly grabbing her wrists to pull her hands away. Now her pussy was fully displayed. A beautiful pussy, nicely trimmed into the shape of a heart. She couldn't close her legs because now he was kneeling between them. She couldn't cover herself with her hands because he was holding them away. She felt so naked, completely exposed.
        His fingers moved in, pulling her lips open and he went in with his tongue. She was dry at first but with a bit of licking, she began to juice up. Just as he hoped she would. This whole exercise was to get her, to force himself onto her and make her enjoy being taken by a man. It was also meant to make Brittany jealous too. Put a few rocks in their relationship.
        Rochelle gave a moan and humped against him. Oh yes, she was getting turned on by a ‘man.’ He decided to try getting her to cum. It seemed like she was getting close. A couple more humps from her and he knew she was ready. His lips closed on her clitty and he sucked hard.
        He felt the shock surge through her body. She cried out, her body bucked against his as her first cum burst over her. Her first cum with a man and it was a good one. Simon was pleased and sure Rochelle was too, judging by the noise she just made.
        She lay there gasping, trying to recover herself. It was hard to read what was on her face, certainly not the hate she had before.
        He glanced up at Brittany and saw she was totally shocked by what had just happened.
        'Nice one!' he thought.

        Rochelle lay back on the bed allowing Simon to move on top of her. He pressed his cock against her pussy and heard her whisper in his ear. “Be gentle, please. I’ve never done this before.”
        “Are you a virgin?” Simon asked, surprised.
        “Yes,” she replied. “I’ve never been with a man. Only women.”
        “Ok,” Simon replied, suddenly feeling guilty. This woman was giving up her virginity to him. Doing it for her lover, his wife. Is that fucked up or what? He had intended to give her a good hard fucking. Teach her what it was like to be really fucked. But now things were different.
        He felt sorry for her as he warned her, “This might hurt a little bit.”
        “Maybe, not so much, I’ve had toys in there.”
        "Ok," he replied. He remembered seeing Brittany stuffing toys in there more than a few times. Big ones too, bigger than him.

        Simon pushed his cock slowly into her. He met just the tiniest bit of resistance and then he was in. He heard her give a soft cry so knew it had hurt her a bit. He held it, waiting until she was ready to continue.
        “You ok?” he asked her gently.
        She looked at him for a moment, surprised at his gentle concern for her. Suddenly, she was seeing a new side of him.
        “Yes, yes!” she replied. “Go on. Just get this over with.”
        So, he did. Another thrust as he pushed deeper inside her. He felt her body tense so that must have hurt too. But he didn't stop now. This virgin cunt felt so good! Beginning with long slow strokes, he sped up as he felt she was ready for it. Soon it became clear that Rochelle was taking it without any pain. ‘All those toys she’d been stuffing in her cunt must have done the trick.’ Simon thought. He decided to give her the real fucking he intended.
        Building up his speed he was also using more energy with each stroke. She responded immediately both vocally and by trying to hump up to meet each of his downward thrusts.
        “Slow down, Simon!” Brittany cried out. “She’s a virgin. Be careful!”
        “Not anymore,” Simon laughed as he continued pounding his cock into her. "Can't you see she has a cunt full of cock now. My cock!"
        Brittany was shocked at him talking like this but by the look of it, Rochelle was excited by it.
        Then suddenly something happened that neither Simon nor Brittany expected. Rochelle cum, a big one too. So quickly after they had started. As she gave a cry and bucked around underneath him, Simon kept his steady stroking going, making it last as long as he could. Now, he was feeling very pleased with himself. This was going good, far better than he expected. Before it had been to punish her for what she had done to him, now he was feeling he really wanted her to enjoy it.
        Rochelle settled down and they continued fucking. Soon Simon realized she was heading for another one. Two orgasms her first time. Damn! That was good.
        She cum again. Another good one by the looks. This woman really knew how to cum well. But by then it was almost over for Simon too. His cum was approaching.
        Rochelle realized it and said, “Don’t cum inside me,” she gasped.
        Simon’s first thought was to just ignore her and carry on but then he thought, what if she got pregnant? That would really stuff things up.
        He pulled out, a couple of strokes with his hand and he began shooting a huge load. Since he hadn't had sex for a while, he had lots to give her. He didn’t care where it went. All over her, her body, her tits, even some on her face and hair.
        Rochelle was shocked. How could he do that? Make such a mess all over her?
        "What the fuck did you do that for?" she cried out.
        "Well, you said not in your cunt so it had to go somewhere," he laughed.

        He rolled off her and sat up. He looked over a Brittany on the other side, she looked horrified, perhaps even angry. He looked down at Rochelle and she was looking up at him adoringly. No longer angry he had shot cum all over her.
        “How was that?” he asked.
        “Amazing!” she gasped. “I didn’t know... Fucking... So good.”
        He smiled. She’d cum three times. Been a good session for her. “Would you let me again?” he asked.
        “Of course, I like that. Any time, Simon.”
        “Rochelle, you can’t! You’re not into men!” Brittany blurted out.
        Rochelle looked over at Brittany and smiled. “I am now! His cock is better than your tongue, Britt."
        Brittany was in tears. She could see her exclusive lover slipping away. It didn't occur to her that a threesome relationship with her lover girlfriend and her husband might even have worked. But then, in a moment like this, who could think straight anyway?
        “Why did you have to do that, Simon?” Brittany asked
        “Just wanted to find out why Rochelle is better than me.”
        “Well, you ruined it. Now she wants your cock more than my pussy.”
        “No, Brit. I didn't ruin it. I fucked it,” he laughed.
        This was turning out so good. Even better than he expected. She cum and she liked it. Now that was something he totally didn't expect!

        When Simon finished with Rochelle, he noticed it was almost 11am. He said to Brittany, “I’ve finished fucking Rochelle, now I’m going to fuck you. Brit, get naked and ready.”
        "Simon, I'm not going..."
        "Do as you're told, Britt. Now I'm going to fuck you," he said raising his voice.
        Reluctantly, Brittany began to undress. At that moment, fucking him was the last thing she wanted to do but she knew she had no choice. Neither Simon nor Rochelle would let her get away.
        Brittany watched him leave the room and he heard her begin to argue with Rochelle. She was not supposed to enjoy it, but she had! It was obvious, that Brittany didn’t like that at all. In fact, she seemed totally pissed about it and probably jealous too.
        Simon smiled to himself. The morning had gone well for him and the best was yet to come.

        Quickly Simon got dressed, grabbed the last of the bags he packed the night before and put them in his car.
        When the well-dressed man arrived with a big brown envelope in his hand, Simon directed him upstairs to the bedroom. “You are looking for the blonde,” he said.
        As the man disappeared up the stairs, Simon waited at the front door to hear the reaction.

        Brittany and Rochelle were both screaming as the man came hurriedly down the stairs and went to quickly leave the house.
        “They didn’t take it too well?” he asked the man.
        “The princess was on the floor crying and the witch was on the bed screaming,” the man smiled.
        The princess and the witch. He liked that. Suited them.

        Simon is backing the car out when an almost naked Brittany came running out holding the envelope. Rochelle was running after her. She called and screamed after him, attracting the attention of many of the neighbours. She must have been a sight to remember, wearing nothing but her tiny G-string panties.
        As he began to turn into the road, Simon saw Brittany slump down on the driveway wailing, “What have I done? Come back, Simon. We can talk about this.”
        Meanwhile, Wayne from next door was at the fence, looking over at the two women on the driveway. Simon saw him and wound down his car window.
        “Got what they deserve for cheating on me,” he called to Wayne. “They both got fucked!”
        This caused another loud wail from Brittany and a “You Bastard!” from Rochelle.
        He drove off laughing, feeling very pleased with himself.
        The last thing he saw, was Brittany on the pavement while Rochelle, wearing not much more than her lover, was trying to comfort her, pull her up and get her out of sight, back into the house. Meanwhile, many of the neighbours had gathered, watching this surprise show.

        A couple of weeks later, Simon could see that the legal fight was going to get messy. Brittany’s lawyer was out for blood, to take him for everything they could get. It was then that Simon decided it was time to play his hidden ace.
        He rang Brittany and got a frosty reception. But at least she listened to what he had to say.
        “This is going to cost us both heaps if we fight this. Let’s meet and sort it out between us.”
        Brittany’s first thought was to tell him to get stuffed, but she also could see he was making sense. Already her lawyer was costing her more than she could afford. She agreed to meet him.

        They met in a nearby park where they knew they would be alone.
        “Why, Simon,” she asked him. “Why divorce?”
        “I heard you say - 'When I have the second baby, I'll drop him. The fool won’t know what hit him!' How cold is that, Brittany? It was at that moment I knew we were finished as a couple.”
        She looked at him shocked. “I didn't know you heard that, Simon.”
        “Well, I did and it ripped my heart out.”
        She could see the hurt on his face.
        “I didn't mean you to hear that.”
        “And lucky I did because it told me what you bitches were up to.”
        She stared at him. Silent. She could see the anger and bitterness on his face. What could she say? No wonder he was ahead of her all the way. He knew. He knew all the time.

        “Now, let’s not fool around. I’ll get straight to the point,” Simon told her gently.
        She just nodded, a bit surprised at his sudden change in tone.
        “You know I have photos, videos and recordings of you. There is a copy here so you can see.”
        “I know, but none of that is legal in court because it was taken without my consent.”
        “I’m not going to use it in court,” he replied.
        “Then what?”
        “Unless you agree to my original 50/50 offer, I’m going to send all these to your family, your work colleagues and everyone on your phone contact list. Let them all see what a nice person you really are.”
        “You wouldn’t dare!” she hissed, her eyes blazing with anger.
        “Try me!”
        “I’d sue you for all you’re worth.”
        “But by then, the damage would be done. You’ll be ruined too.”
        She slumped in her seat. She knew he was right. She didn't want all that coming out for her family and friends. It was bad enough that her marriage was failing.
        “Ok, then. What must I do?”
        “Just agree to my fair offer. 50/50 split. You take the holiday house. I take my business. We sell and split the house and other assets.”
        “But how can I know that you won't still send the videos?”
        “You’ll have to trust me.”
        “But I...
        “Look, Brittany! Have I ever been dishonest to you? Have you always trusted me?”
        “Well, yes...”
        “Then do it one more time.”
        She nodded.
        “If we sell the house, where will I live?”
        “There are two apartments in the building at work. You can use one of those, rent-free until you get established. I’m using the other so just stay clear of me and my staff. They don’t need to know our business.”
        Brittany nodded again.
        “Ok, Simon,” she said quietly. “I’ll inform my lawyer first thing Monday morning.”
        As they got up to leave she stepped toward him. “Thank you,” she said as she stepped forward to give him a hug but quickly, he sidestepped her, his hand reaching out to touch her chest between and above her breasts, pushing her away. For a moment she looked visibly hurt before he turned and walked away.
        She stood watching him until he disappeared, and then she turned to leave too, the tears now streaming down her face. He was a good man. Had always been a good man to her. Now she realized what a fool she was to let him go.

        Just after nine, Monday morning, Simon got a call from his lawyer. Brittany had given notice she was going for the 50/50 split. It seemed her lawyer wasn’t happy about it. He knew something had happened between Simon and Brittany over the weekend but she wouldn't tell him what. There was nothing he could do other than follow his client’s instructions.
        In the end, Simon had to give away his dream holiday house to save his business. Brittany knew how much he loved that house, probably more than she did. It was a huge loss to him. The business might have been worth more but Brittany knew the value was in him, not the assets. If she got the business, without him, it would be gone in six months. What point was there in destroying them both?
        A month later, since things were going well between them, he made a second offer, giving her some shares which would give her a small income. That had surprised her and when she asked him why, his reply shocked her to the core.
        “I still love you, Brit,” he said.
        Her eyes teared up again and Simon felt sorry for her. He wanted to take her in his arms and hug her, comfort her but knew he never could. Anyway, by then things were moving forward with his new life and new love.
        The house was sold and since they both needed somewhere to stay, they ended up taking the two apartments in Simon’s building. She kept her car but his more expensive BMW was sold and the proceeds split between them. He didn't need an expensive car and he had the company cars he could use for a while.
        As agreed, they both used the same story to explain why their marriage ended. “We still love each other but he/she was a pain in the butt to live with.”
                Bye From,

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆


(Just a few loose ends. You don’t need to read this!)

Hello again from Shanti.
        Simon was expecting Rochelle and Brittany to live together but not long after the divorce they broke up. He didn’t find out why until he asked Brittany much later. She told him that Rochelle decided she liked fucking men so much that she found a man with a big cock from the gym and moved in with him.
        “Why would she do that?” Simon smirked. “You told me she only liked girls.”
        “She did until you stuffed it up.”
        “You mean when I fucked up,” he laughed. “Fucked up her hot cunt!”
        She didn't walk away and so after a pause, he continued.
        “So, what about you?” he asked. “Got anyone special now?”
        “Nothing much going on for me,” she sadly replied.
        For a moment Simon felt sorry for her but there was no going back now. What was done is done. No going back!

        Soon after they had filed for divorce, Deanna, Simon’s secretary, discovered she was pregnant. She had been comforting Simon in the fullest sense of the word comfort.
        Knowing it would be bad if Brittany found out, they decided Deanna would go on paid leave once she began showing. She would live with a sister over on the North Shore.
        The baby, a little girl called Rachael, was born, a couple of months after Simon’s divorce was finalised. Deanna and Simon were married not long after that. When Brittany saw the baby, he could see the hurt on her face. But it was too late now. She had made her choice. He was moving on.

        Things didn’t work out so well for Brittany. She was an attractive woman and could easily find both men and women but it was never the same. While the sex was mostly good, she was always left feeling something was missing. She knew what it was too, Simon. But he was now taken by his slutty secretary. The cheek of that bitch, jumping into his bed so quickly like that. Then getting pregnant to ensure she kept him.
        Brittany continued to live in the apartment above Simon’s business. She gave up the real estate and began painting full-time. Soon she had a steady stream of clients wanting ‘private’ pictures painted. Yes, she soon specialized in doing commissioned nudes and sexual paintings.
        She will be known by all our letters group friends for the two large, almost full-size nude paintings she did. One of Jenny, (Story 139 Part A Mega and Brian in New Zealand.) The other of Shanti, (Story 274 Part Two. Chiharu and Kenshin Join the Group.) Both reclining nudes hung above the headboards in their master bedrooms.

Index of Letters                  Story 289 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 288.

Forward to Story 290.


  1. Oh, dear! This is quite some story.
    Well written as it held my full attention until I finished. It was very different to stories usually found here. I am enjoying the variety recently. Brittany was very unkind to her husband, perhaps you'd even say she was a bitch. It set him up so he gave her children was so cruel. But then it is just a story.
    I have met the real Brittany, the woman in the background. Yes, she is Simon's ex but their break-up was nothing like this. She is actually quite a nice lady. Let us use that lovely holiday house.
    Nina and Raymond.

    1. Wow! A good one.
      Brett and I have been enjoying the stories recently as you've moved into exploring some very different themes. A cheating wife who refuses to stop when her husband knows. Then she sets out to trap him into providing children for her and her woman lover. That is an unusual storyline but we thought it made a great story.
      Keep up the great work here. Looking forwards to two more parts of this story.

    2. Loved this story. You did well, Anne. I particularly liked how you captured the struggle as Simon was coming to terms with what his wife was doing. Once he caught on with their plan I liked how he was ahead of them every step. It could really only end the way it did. There was no going back. With Rochelle around, Simon would never be able to trust Brittany again.

      The real Brittany in a bikini was a surprise too.

    3. Thanks for the comments guys. Yes, the story is based on fact but mostly fiction. I'm not as bad as Anne made me out in the story. Simon and I split because we just couldn't live with each other anymore. We are still friends but he is just a pain in the arse to live with.
      Rochelle and I both enjoyed the final result and I was happy to give my permission for it to be published. We loved the personal interaction between the different characters as the story progressed. Well done Anne and your friends.

      Thanks also for the comments on my bikini. Yes, it's the sexiest one I wear. I posed in three bikinis for Allan, Anne's partner that day. And my girlfriend Rochelle posed for some too. This is the photo I considered the best so we used it here. It's kind of hot for me to be featured on this website wearing something so sexy. Yes, there were also some sexier when our bikinis came off but don't get excited, they won't be appearing here. They are for my girlfriend and me.

    4. Thank you, Brittany and Rochelle. When Anne told me you wanted to do a photoshoot I must confess, I was wondering how it would go. But both of you were great models, naturals in front of the camera. You can see that with this photo of you here.
      I am pleased to present you with that photo album with some amazing photos of two sexy ladies.
      I really love this photo. It's a great-looking bikini, and a sexy model in a sexy pose. Thanks for allowing me to have the privilege of being your photographer.
      Allan jr.

      Please note, we are not talking about Rochelle who lives on the farms here. This is a 'friend' of Brittany's.

  2. An interesting story structure. We are taken through what proved to be a difficult time for Simon. You captured the hurt as to changed to a desire to fight back, a desire for revenge.
    Well done Anne. I think this is up among your best stories.

    1. We enjoyed this one. Yes, Anne, you did achieve something different but still worthy of being included here.
      You seem concerned about it fitting in here. May I suggest that most of us readers wouldn't notice as we read one story at a time and so are not so concerned about the major storyline. Anyway, you have given a loose excuse for the story to be here. That is enough because once you start reading, this story speaks for itself.

    2. You captured me with this story. It was a roller-coaster of emotion. I was angry at Brittany and hating her. I was feeling sorry for Simon and cheering when he began to get her back. Then at the end I was feeling sorry for Brittany. Try to work that one out.

  3. Glad you are enjoying this story. It has turned into a project much larger than I expected but I'm happy with it so far.
    There will be at least two more sections as Part Two blew out so much a large part had to be moved to start Part Three.

  4. My namesake is the baddie in this story! That is not good!
    LOL I was asked about it before hand. I was ok with it.

    We are enjoying this story, Both this and the next part are great and read very well too. It's going to be a long story by the time Anne gets finished. I like how she is not trying to rush the story, instead taking time to explore each adventure in more detail. I also like how the adventures first appear as random but will eventually all tie together.
    I also noticed the extensive use of bikinis in this story. Does that partner of yours, Allan jr have something t do with that? I think, yes.
