Saturday 30 September 2017

Story 205 Background.

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Shandra here,
       When they needed a story as a fill-in here, I thought of something that had happened the morning after one of our big parties. Let me explain: -

      It was March 2016, a week after Ayaka and Geoff had got married. All our guests from overseas were still with us so on Friday night we held one of our more sexual parties. It had gone well with most of us having hot party fun before going off with one of the men to get laid again. Well, that was how it worked out for me, anyway.
      Next morning, a few of us were sitting on the deck, waiting to start on a very late breakfast. Most, including that horny young Japanese guy I'd been with, were still sleeping. I was sipping my coffee while talking quietly with James and his wife Raviprabha.
      Susan appeared. All she was wearing was a sarong wrapped around her waist with the top half bare. She likes going like that and looks sexy doing so. Certainly, she captured the attention of everyone sitting there that morning completely unself-conscious of her naked breasts. She sat near us and began talking with James. Straight off, the conversation turned sexual as they began talking about what Susan had done the night before. 
      As they were talking I noticed James move in his seat, trying to get more comfortable but there was an obvious bulge growing in the front of his swimming shorts. Susan saw it too. "You need a hand with that," she said. It was a statement, not a question. Before any of us knew what was happening she was kneeling in front of him, pulling his shorts down. Well, soon she was giving him a great blow-job and it was clear she intended getting him off.
      Suddenly she stopped saying, "I want some of this too." Her sarong was off showing she was naked underneath. She climbed onto his seat, one knee each side of him as she brought her bare, smooth pussy down to his cock. With one hand resting against his chest, she guided him in with the other hand. The sex that followed, didn't take that long, with her cumming first to be followed closely by him. That was it, she got off him, wrapping her sarong around her waist again. "I better go help with breakfast," she laughed as she turned and walked away with Raviprabha, leaving us sitting there astonished.

      That is where this story came from. The names changed, more detail of the sex and it was written. I've confirmed with James that I can use his name in this background. 
      He said, "Being able to claim I've been with Susan. Of course, you can use my name."

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Friday 15 September 2017

Story 204 Two Men in My Life – Part Two.

Hi from Katrina,
        A few days later, during the nude weekend, I had the opportunity to be with the second important man in my life. Yes, you've guessed it, his name is Mike. 
        In this case, we had spent most of the afternoon naked by the pool and got into some sexy fun there and then came the Stripping XX game that followed in the evening. I’d played that game before and knew how it would go but for everyone else playing, it was something new. Once again, I’d got my share of attention from the men too which had been a lot of fun. I’d been paired up with Tom, the naughty farmer and he had been a lot of fun. Made me laugh a lot and we did some sexy things. I know why the other women, Hansini and Amita, are attracted to him.
       Now it was over and we were going off to bed. I noticed some swapping among people and knew many were getting into some hot sex that night but David and I didn’t take part in that as our plans had already been made.  
       During the afternoon, we had talked with Mike and Shanti again and they agreed to swap partners for the evening. This time it was to be a proper swap with two couples in different rooms. This time it would be Mike and me, just the two of us sharing a bed. I was looking forward to that, looking forward to having a night of sex with him. Shanti wanted to stay in their room so Mike and I took a room in the guest house. David, of course, was with Shanti. I hear she gave him a good time too.
        After the game, Strip XXX, I was a bit messy and sweaty. I wanted a shower. When the food had been introduced, some of us had got really messy. Mike joined me, of course. We were in the shower downstairs in the room where the spa was. Yes, it was open-plan so anyone could walk in on us but I was ok with that. Nothing we’d do there could be any worse to what I had just done in the game. Yes, we were also in the guest house. I could have used the master bedroom but I had given that to David so he could enjoy being there with Shanti. I later learnt they had moved to Shanti’s room and I heard Sarvesh was in the master bedroom in the end. Not sure who he took there but I know he was not alone. (I think Shanti wanted to be close to her little girl, as Petra had been a bit sick earlier in the day.)

Story 204 Background.

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         First, I want you women, (Susan, Anne, Ayaka) to take notice. No matter how good you think you are at writing, you can't capture the feelings of a man during sex just right. Read this story and pay attention. I'll show you how it's really done! Ha! Ha!
        Rexy, Spot and Jane, move over. After this, I'll be in the dog house with you. LOL

Hi, Allan here.
        Now this story was intended to be a joint venture between Ayaka and me but after writing the opening she pulled out to go on to other things. I continued, using a night I had with her recently as my inspiration. Let me explain.
        Ayaka and I had just finished a game of strip chess which I had decisively won, demonstrating my superior skills at the game. Really, it had been a tough game and we had both lost most of our clothing before it was over. Now I was claiming my rights as the winner. Getting to fuck her.
       She laughed when I asked her for a night with her. "I think that has already been decided."
       I looked behind me where she nodded. There was Anne on the couch, sitting on Geoff's lap, snogging with him. Her blouse was open and his hand on her tit. This story is based on the evening that followed. Anne and Geoff took our bedroom while Ayaka and I went over to her flat since she wanted to be close to their baby there. Susan said she would put the kids to bed and sleep in our daughter Rebecca's room.

       The sex that followed is close to the final version of this story. Then came that conversation. Both Ayaka and I were thinking about her first time when I'd taken her virginity. She was scratching my beard, which I love having done. She joked about me purring like our cat Princess. She laughed when I went "Purr! Purr! Purr!
       When she moved to the mass of hairs on my chest, it was then that I asked her if she was now going to call me a monkey. She did that after my first night with her. She laughed at that too. We had used both those ideas from my first time with her when we wrote the final sexy scene between Mike and Katrina. It seemed natural to use it again here.

       So you can see that this turned out to be a story linking to Mike's first time with Katrina (Story 102) while maintaining strong links to the reality of Ayaka and I as well.

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Tuesday 15 August 2017

Story 203 Naughty Farmer.

          It had been an exciting evening for this girl. I had seen many of the sexy things who was done by many people but even more, I myself had been doing also. Yes, I was involved in the playing the sexy stripping game. I was with a game partner called Donald. He was a white man, a director of Sarvesh’s company for the Australian division. It made us to have the most unusual team with both the oldest player and the youngest player in one team.
          Like all these men he turned out to become very naughty to me. I liked that one too. We had been asked to do some very sexy things to each other but also to others too. I discovered Donald was a great pussy eater. What he did for me caused me making two very strongly cums. I was happy for this and when the time came I licked and sucked to his cock until he cum in my mouth. I kissed him like that, making his cum spread over his mouth too.
        It was fun to play this game but now the evening events were almost over. I was sitting to one side watching the last few playing on the mats. Yes, it was full sex with Joyce and Mega involved with some men from New Zealand. Those girls were having too much fun. I am surprised the men had enough to keep going too.

Story 203 Background.

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Hi, Susan,
         As we've been completing this series of stories some of us faster writers have been throwing in extra stories. This is one from me. I was reading Mary's story where she wrote about a short conversation between Tom and Kalki. It was short, not really serious, just some light hearted flirting. I decided to explore this idea further, the idea of Tom and Kalki getting together. If you jumped straight into the story before reading these notes you might be wondering who the real writer was as its not my usual style. Let me explain.
        Now, Kalki was writing this so I had to get inside her head. What is she really like? How would she write a story like this? She is young, not so experienced sexually but still a bit bold with an interest to try something different. She has already written part of a story but we must assume she had a lot of help from Amita and Hansini with that. Now she was going to try one herself.
        Speaking mostly in her mother tongue, English would be a second language for her. While not speaking it so well, writing in English would be even harder. So her language would be rough with a number of errors, with many of these being picked up by either Hansini or Amita, a few would remain. (Please note that Moa before you kick my arse!) 
        I noticed when Reshma had written Story 192  Europeans in Our House, she had done a lot to build out the character of Kalki. This was very useful for me. As has been pointed out in the comments of that earlier story, Kalki turned out to be much like a friend of Asami's, Tukiko from Japan. Tukiko has this habit of referring to herself as 'this girl' which I borrowed for this story. I rather like that so 'this girl' (Susan) thought she would use it too. 
       Kalki starts her story off a bit confusingly. She doesn't identify herself at the top but just jumps straight into her story. Then she decides to stop and say its Kalki here, almost as if she starts her story again. Her fun with Donald gets repeated twice too. Inexperienced at writing, not organizing her thoughts before starting, she struggles until she settles into her story. Sound convincing to you? Anne brought it, so if the boss likes it, we publish.

       The story itself doesn't have much of a plot, just two people going off for some sex. What I did want to use, was the inexperience of Kalki against the smallness of Tom's cock. It has been asked how someone can fuck with a cock like that and be successful. Well, now you know. Ha! Ha! Am I guessing here or speaking from experience? Work that out yourselves. 

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Sunday 30 July 2017

Story 202 Amita’s Distractions.

Hi from Steve,
        Amita is a sexy woman. I really like her. Great sense of humour and a fun girl to be with. Loves sex too and she’s good at it. I like her body as well. She is tall and slim, smaller breasts, great nipples with those wide dark areolas, a flat stomach, slim waist and those long legs. Sexy girl! Don't you just love it? For a girl who doesn’t work-out much and has had 2 kids, she keeps herself in really good shape too.       
        I don’t know what made her call my hand like that. Offering to play with her tits had been nothing more than a joke. With the game and all, I thought she'd be too busy to play with me. Well, after all, she was the unofficial umpire of the Strip XXX game. So I don’t know why she suddenly agreed to leave the game and go off with me. But she did and of course, I had no problems with it either. Who would have a problem with it? 
        We could have played around a bit, somewhere near the pool, even done it all for that matter but she had sort of promised me ‘much more than playing with her tits.’ To be honest I wanted much more too. I think she was looking for somewhere more private, certainly more comfortable than the hard concrete beside the pool. Not that she wasn't looking for something hard, mind. We didn't decide where, well I didn't anyway, just followed her off into the house.
        As she came over to me, I put my arm around her waist and she slipped her arm around mine too. She is almost the same height as me and naked like me so my hand contacted the smoothness of her waist. That was how we walked off.
        I heard her husband Sarvesh laugh, saying, “There goes our umpire.”   
       My wife said something like, "Those two can't keep away from each other."
       I heard Mike say, "Hope she behaves for him this time.
       Others laughed at that.
      There were some other smart-arse comments too but I didn’t catch them all.
      “They’re just jealous they don’t get to play with a hottie like you,” I told her as my hand slips down to squeeze her sexy arse.
       “Or I horny guy like you,” she added with a smile as her hand moved down to give my arse a light slap too.
       As you can guess, that brought another round of remarks from those watching us leave, those in the peanut gallery.

Story 202 Background.

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Hi from Anne,
         This was never intended to be a big story. It's a quick story with a very simple storyline. Just two friends leaving a sexy party to go away by themselves for some private sexy fun before they returned to the party. In Mary's Story 200 she writes that Betty left and didn't return. She also wrote that for a while Betty and Payam had watched the party from an upstairs window and considered going back down before returning to their own love-making. 

         I decided I would do it differently. After a quick intense fuck that was great sex for both of them, Steve and Amita would return to the party for more fun.
         I've seen this happen at our parties, some might even suggest I'm guilty of it myself. LOL But that works for some of us. Susan does it almost every party with my little brother. Others like to take their time with sex. Do it properly they will say. But that is a matter of opinion for each one to decide. 
        What I like about sex like this is that it's unexpected and unplanned. You don't know until just before you do it. That can add excitement too. Often this kind of sex is more intense, more aggressive than planned sex, driven by suddenly intense passion. Again, it's a matter of taste. Personally, I like it although not admitting to anything, Ok. LOL

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Friday 14 July 2017

Story 201 Stripping XXX – Totally Sexy.

Hi from Joyce.
        I know two others have covered what happened during the game Stripping XX so I will just confine myself to telling you what happened to me. I want to tell you because I notice this has not been included in the other stories. Like others, playing this game had been a fantasy of mine. Of course, when Donald and Paula were given the board game, we played that, but just the stripping version until everyone got naked. That was fun for a few times but this time it promised to go way beyond just stripping.
        Of course, the stripping part had to come first. Having this handsome Indian guy Hamza, removing my clothes was sexy too. The plan was that whenever there was a strip demand made on us, we would each take one article off our partner. So, while Hamza was getting me naked, I was getting him there too. That was fun, there was more than just taking clothes off, we got into a bit of touching each other too.
       I was fascinated by these Indian men. Until  I came on this trip, I had only really seen a naked Indian girl close up and the naked Indian men at the Island Resort. Now on this trip to India, I got to play with some sexy Indian guys too. I loved seeing them naked, viewing their dark bodies. Most of the men were much darker than the woman. Now I was playing this game with this handsome one, about my own age too.

Story 201 Background.

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Hi from Rochelle.
          When they were planning this series of stories all the writers were encouraged to be involved. I took a story too. My one was to be the third Stripping XXX story after Allan’s and Mary’s. As Mary explained in her background, Allan’s story was abandoned so she took over his introduction to the game. In my case, it doesn’t change things very much as the purpose of my story was still to follow Joyce through her adventures that evening.

         Now, preparing for my story, the first step was to read that old story back in Story 108 Playing Strip XX. I noticed they only had two 'Xs' back then so since my story was assigned with three 'Xs' then it would need to be sexier. The main focus of that earlier story was on Katrina so I thought I would follow that idea by putting all my focus on the girl from Australia called Joyce.
         By this time Allan had been working on his story and his introduction was completed. So, I had some general rules for the game, who would be playing etc. You can see the background behind my story was now taking shape as ideas began forming in my mind. Susan had also said she would support and help us less experienced writers but while she was on holiday she wanted me to do as much as I could.
         Now, my next question was, who is Joyce? If I was going to get into her head and write for her I needed to know a bit about her. Again, Susan came to my assistance by giving me some key stories about Joyce. I read some very sexual stories set on an island near Perth. I also read some others where Joyce had been with Donald and David. So I discovered this woman was very bold when it came to sexual things so I considered she would be into the action in this story too.
         In my opening, I wrote that there were two other stories on this evening. When Allan’s story was dropped I had already written that. We decided to leave it as Joyce would be in Australia when she wrote this story, she might not know what others in New Zealand or India were doing or writing. Susan said that this is a part of our stories that they don’t always agree as different people don’t always agree when the recall the same events.

         Finally, my big sex scene had to be those two Indian girls licking the mango jam off Joyce. I don’t know why Shandra said it should be mango. Maybe that was popular in India but to me, it didn’t matter. What was important is what they did. I selected those two younger girls as it would give them the chance to come out in these stories. Sairu took the lesser role of licking the breasts while Kalki was given the pussy.
        I have really taken part in like this at a party where I had helped Julie licking jam & honey off Susan. In that time, I had taken her top half, the breasts. Now in my writing, I had to put myself in the place of the girl being licked. What would this feel like? What would she enjoy? In our case, Susan had a good orgasm so that had to be my story too. Kalki would work at Joyce’s shaved pussy until she brought her over the top to orgasm.
       This scene went into much more fine detail as it was the feature of my story. I wanted it to be described like that as Joyce tells how these two girls took her to orgasm like that. It was made sexier when we did at that party while others were watching and so people watching needed to be the same in my story. I hope you can capture this in my story.
       Of course, in a game like this, there would be more fun waiting for Joyce and I wrote some of that into my story. We talked about if more was needed and then decided she would want to tell us more of her story so that is how I did too.

       Hope you enjoy my story,

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Friday 30 June 2017

Story 200 Strip XXX - Another Fantasy off my Bucket List.

Hi from Betty & Tom.
         Tom and I had found that story about playing Stripping XXX. (Story 108 – Playing Strip XX.) It surprised us that it actually happened at our farm. It was a sexy story, one of the best, and quickly became one of our favourites. We’ve made up many bedroom fantasies about playing that game. Saying to each other, what if we’d been there that night?
        Now we were back in Southern India and we’d just learnt they were going to play that game Friday night. That one on our farm had been double X but this one they were planning was triple X so does that mean it’s better? I spoke to Tom and he agreed that we should get into this game if we could. I got him off to a great couple of orgasms that night by telling him about all that hot Indian pussy he was going to get. He didn’t take long to return the favour, telling me about all the hard, Indian cock I was going to get.
        Of course, that didn’t take our desires away, only made them worse.

Story 200 Background

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                                                                                         Posted by Mary.
Hi from Mary.
        They have told me that this story will be labelled ‘Story 200.’ They also tell me that this is the 500th post uploaded to this blog. Two special numbers, that’s amazing they both landed together like that. I believe there might be a celebration when everyone gets back from holiday.
        (Yes I have heard that they are planning something for Saturday 1st July.)
        It was Friday night when we published this story. We had the writers team and a few friends for some beer & wine with steak sandwiches. 

Now my story.
         Originally, I was given the second of three stories about playing ‘Strip XXX’ and so I began writing accordingly under the impression that Allan had opened and introduced the game first. Then came word that he wanted to drop this and move on to another Letters project. Anne decided not to replace him with another writer so they made Allan’s story available for me to take anything I wanted to help me add an introduction to the game. I did take a lot but much of it was rewritten so you could say in the end I only used his ideas.
         Now, since I was writing for Betty, my story needed to take on an older person’s view which was easy considering I’m much the same age as Betty in the story. Now, what do many older women have fantasies about? A young male, cock hard as steel that never goes down. Well, you other women speak for yourselves. I know I do, so I decided to give one for Betty to play with. A young Indian man in his 20s, not as sexually experienced as he would like to appear but he is fascinated by while women with big tits. Betty and I both score well there too.
         I also called on some personal experiences as I did play this game once. Then it had been sexy, even more so considering I was not teamed with my husband. I got into some very sexy activities too until in the end the game lost it way becoming more of an orgy. I knew Rochelle was intending to cover the later parts of the game so I decided to pull Betty out early, sending her off to spend the night with the man with the ‘steel’ cock.

         Anne is running this part of Letters and you can see her planning sheet online. See in the heading above. So, Susan has taken the role of coach, helping and encouraging us less experienced writers. She kept reading what I had written and challenged me to do better, word it differently, polish up conversations etc. While being frustrating at the time, it has made for a better story, now I'm waiting to see how it stands under the critical eye of Moa. 

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Thursday 15 June 2017

Story 199 Shanti – The Boss!

Hi from Mootie,
       We had all watched my friend Joseph with the sexy girl, Kalki. What a little hottie she is. What they did over that table was amazing. The way she went off too, like wow! That girl and her friend Sairu, both sexy girls, both willing to play too. I was hoping to be able to be with them again soon, even before this weekend ended. Maybe both together would be nice but they seemed more interested in those white men from overseas. I had been with each of them so I was happy to allow my visiting friends some fun. My turn could wait.
       But then there was Joyce too, white girl from Australia. Young and pretty, a hot one too. That sexy body with shaved pussy. I liked her and I knew she liked to play as well. She was standing in the water near me now.
       “Well, who wants to get fucked next?” I asked looking at her.

Story 199 Background

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                                                                                        Posted by Anne.
Hi from Anne.
         We were working on the first of the Nude Weekend stories when suddenly I had a bright idea. Yes, before you smart arse guys start with your comments, I do get them sometimes. What about doing another story with Shanti? Over the past year or so she had been left out a bit, taking more support roles. She is still a sexy, desirable woman so why not use her in a story of her own.
        My idea was based on a true story of an issue between Susan and my mother when they had stood up to each other face to face. See Letters Special – Story 100 Extra. My father wrote how Susan had stood there naked, facing up to mum. He had described her as ‘dangerous.’ I thought I could use this in a story.
       Now I had Shanti as my main character, and I needed someone for her to play against. Joseph would have been good, or even Sarvesh but both of them had featured in recent stories so my attention turned to Mootie. That first part of the story was quickly done in one sitting then through a computer problem, it was lost. I did it again but can’t remember how different it was to the original. Then just a couple of days to work out the sex scene and I was done.

        Susan quickly added it to the series just after Kim and Ayaka’s story. It’s a natural fit here, following on with the fighting theme. It’s been more recently pointed out that my impression of Shanti not being involved in the stories was wrong but that was my impression when I was writing my story and so this story and background stand as they were written. 

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Tuesday 30 May 2017

Story 198 Naughty Joseph.

Hi from Kalki,
        I heard they were going to hold a nude weekend up at the big house. I knew this would not just be everyone getting naked, there would be lots of sexual activity as well. Since joining in with the fun of Amita’s weekends, I’d had each of the men from India and so I was not scared to try with new partners. But now there were those from Australia and New Zealand too. Men, I didn’t know who might want with me.
        I was nervous about this and at one point even considered not attending. I talked to my husband Hamza, about my feelings. He was surprised I was feeling in this way. He reminded me of only a few days before I had welcomed a stranger, Peter, into our house and into my bed also, that very same night. So, what was the difference here? I think he was also thinking, if I stayed away, he would miss out too.
       “Kalki, you know at Sarvesh’s there is never pressure on anyone. Just enjoy yourself. Go with the flow.”
       Go with the flow! I’d not heard him say that before. He must have got it from the New Zealand men. So, I made my mind to go, to enjoy and be involved. To ‘go with the flow.’ Ha! Ha! I like that saying and I wondered what sexy adventures would go flowing to me. I was not to be knowing this would be happening soon after we arrived there. 

Story 198 Background.

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                                                                                        Posted by Kim & Ayaka.
Hi from Kim.
        As we got into the nude weekend the first-time period we had to fill was Friday afternoon. The idea for a nude weekend and planning for it has been covered by Julie in her story. Now our story was to take over with everyone arriving and settling into their first nude afternoon. The setting we chose for this was out by the pool. It would have been a hot afternoon so being outside in the shade, with some refreshing dips in the pool, seemed the way to go.
        Among our real group of writers and friends we sometimes get into these fighting games where the girls take on the men. More often than not, it is the men who win but in the end, we all have fun and often someone gets fucked too. I know it gets a bit rough and playing these games, some of us have got hurt. For example, me breaking my wrist while playing “Catch Princess” (our cat) when we fell off the desk onto the rockery. Susan fell on top of Princess and I, hurting us both. Or when we play that rough game “Bull Rush” there are often scrapes, cuts or bruises.
         There is something a bit sexual about fighting a man too. During the process, your body comes up against them, bodies in close contact. That is sexual enough but often there is a bit of sexual feeling-up too which adds more to the fun. As I’ve said above, some hot sex has come out of these games too. 
         Here is Ayaka now to tell you about our story.

Hi from Ayaka.
        I really enjoyed the story about Kalki and Peter (Story 192 Europeans in our House). Reshma had developed that shy girl by bringing out her cheeky side. In the end, even her husband had noticed it. I wanted to do more with this girl so Kim and I chose Kalki as our central character.
       The story begins with some almost admin type stuff. Our purpose here was to develop Sarvesh and Amita. I wanted Kalki to admire Amita as being a strong, capable woman. I wanted the story to stray into some technical things like the gate and security systems as a way of displaying a new side of Amita.
       Next came to the fun by the pool when the men decide to throw all the women in the pool. It was here that Joseph singled out Kalki by trying to throw her in the pool. I have a feeling that in spite of her protests, his attention is more than welcome. Certainly, it was by the time they got to the fuck scene on the table. A nice sex scene to finish off and we were done.

       They also asked that as much as possible we do this whole story ourselves since some readers have been pointing out how our are writing styles are blending together. We have just used each other to check our work with Reshma doing a final check for spelling and grammar. Keeping in mind that we often use badly worded grammar on purpose to reflect the English writing skills of those from India.

       So go on now, enjoy our story.
              Kim & Ayaka.

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Monday 15 May 2017

Story 197 The Nude Weekend.

Hi from Amita,
         Well, it had been so nice having all our friends in India but sadly, their holiday was fast coming to an end. Just one weekend left, just a few days and they would be leaving so Sarvesh and I had planned it to be special. Sort of go out with a bang if you are getting for my meaning. Well, I intended getting ‘banged,’ that was for sure!
        The week after the wedding had gone fast. Katrina and David were away on their honeymoon, a short trip to visit places in North India. Two other couples, Betty and Tom; Joyce and Jeremy had gone with them. It seemed funny, other people going with them on their honeymoon but they seemed Ok with it. I did ask Katrina but she said she was happy having those other couples with them so it looked like my husband got it right that time.
       Meanwhile, David’s family had to leave to return to Australia. I knew they had a few days stop-over in Singapore and so I asked Sarvesh if he could help. Sarvesh and David’s father talked and then both went into the company office. Air flights couldn’t be changed but I hear he got them upgraded to that hotel we usually use. He also helped arrange some tours and a meal at a up-market restaurant too. I was happy Sarvesh could do that for them.

Story 197 Background

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                                                                                        Posted by Julie.
Hi from Julie.
       We were at a writers meeting when they were discussing the nude weekend series of stories. It quickly became clear that this was going to be a biggie. The main writers were taking different parts but Susan seemed to think we needed an opening story. Sort of a way introducing the whole idea and getting Sarvesh to layout how the weekend would go. It sounded easy enough so when Susan offered it to me I agreed to give it a hit.

       Now, Anne had another pet project she has been working on concerning Amita driving. No one but her had any idea where this was going. After the meeting, she took me aside and asked if I wanted to add driving into my story since she wanted to bring this theme to a head. We worked out a few ideas until the driving became the central theme of this story. I rather liked that idea to tell you the truth. It made the story just that bit more interesting while at the same time making it a bit more challenging for me as a new writer.
      I touched base with Shandra to get a bit of Indian culture into the story. She suggested crazy traffic and the restaurant. She also said that Sarvesh, being very wealthy, most like wouldn’t drive himself or deal with simple things like buying from local trade people.
      I talked with Susan and she said the story needed a sex scene. Of course it does, this is a sexy blog, isn't it? I wondered about this and almost changed it to an overnight trip but then Allan who had been sitting with my husband Brian suggested the idea of a driving fantasy. The two men bounced ideas off each other and almost knocked out that last section. When Anne agreed, after all, the driving theme was her baby, in it went.

      So there I was, with all these ideas and a small pile of notes, I went home to write. The story proved very easy to write and went together very quickly. By mid-April, I was completed and ready for uploading when I was told Shandra was jumping in first with her story. I was surprised but it sort of makes sense when you read her story.   

          (Uploaded for Julie by Asami.) 

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Monday 1 May 2017

Story 196 Two Men in My Life – Part One.

The Nude Weekend.
Note from writing team: -
         This next volume mainly concerns the final weekend in India, the nude weekend. There were several events happening during this weekend, plus other side adventures too, so we have included a summary as part of this first story to help you put it all together in your minds.  
         Various writers have taken different characters and so the stories will tend to mix together and overlap but we hope each will throw new insights into what is going on.
         The final story of this series will be when everyone leaves to return to their homes. Of course, Katrina will leave with David and the Australians too. 

Friday –
       Morning staff leave and everyone arrived.
       Lunch and fun in the pool.
       Evening a stripping game “Strip XX.”

Saturday –
       Games – Strip Chess Contest.
       Naughty Couples Night. Movie director.

Sunday –
       Planning session for writing the stories.
       Costume Ripper Stripper Party. Anything goes contest.   

Monday – Clean-up and get ready to leave.

         Hope you all enjoy.
                  Susan & Anne
                           For the writing team.

Story 196 Background

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Shandra Here.
       When we were beginning the wedding stories there was a debate about what to do after that. Of course, the long-term plan is always to go to Letters the Next Generation but before then should we do more with the current group? We had them all in India so there was an idea for a nude weekend. This was supposed to have been a story, maybe two stories, after the wedding but as ideas were bounced around one meeting, it became obvious we could do a lot more. The question then arose, is there enough for an entire volume?
       The general feeling among the writers was that we could do enough stories. The more relaxed writing and publishing schedule meant that stories could almost be written as we went so it was agreed to go for it.

       We open with an admin section from Shanti. We believe these stories might mean more if you had a list of events to refer back to. It is certainly helping the writing team to link everything together. The Nude Weekend lasted over an entire weekend, beginning on Friday and ending on Monday. Everyone, all the main characters from the stories attended and joined in the fun. There are lots we can do with this and new ideas are being added as we write.

        Now to my story. Since Katrina is leaving for Australia and she wanted to spend a night with the two men who had been important to her during her sexual journey. Of course, you've guessed it, one is Mike and the other is Sarvesh. This story focuses on the night Katrina and David spent with Amita and Sarvesh. It is two views of the evening, from both Katrina and David and while in many parts they overlap, they both see the events in different ways. We've done this sort of thing a lot in our stories.

         While this story is set in the short period between when Katrina and David arrived back from their honeymoon and the beginning of the Nude Weekend, we still consider it as part of the weekend, you might say a warm-up for what is about to come. So, most of the story is about sex. Really, just one big sex scene moving through the shower, the spa and the bed.     

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Friday 14 April 2017

Story 195 Katrina gets Married - Part Three.

A word from writer Anne.
       Sorry for this story. It has got overlapped by the nude weekend stories. In the end, we got bored with it. We would have pulled the whole section but already Section One had been published. Since we had to carry on, Susan and I have rushed to complete it so we can move on to better things. 

Sub-Story E - Breakfast in the Game Reserve.

Hi from Shanti
       It was just getting light as we arrived at the smaller lake. They had set up tables for breakfast out on the viewing decks. It was perfect. A clear, still morning where we could watch the sun rise over the lake.
       The only real formal part of this event came after the meal. Mootie was giving a good speech until he managed to stuff it up at the end.
       “Well, David,” he said. “Your last breakfast as a free man. Now is the time to run.......”
       He didn’t get to finish, the outcry from us women, put an end to any more talking.
       Hansini did manage to add, “You run now David and I’m coming after you with Shanti’s crocodile gun.” That got a laugh from everyone.
       After breakfast, the park landrovers took us back to the main park centre where our bus was waiting. It was only a short trip to the station where Katrina would arrive. Some stayed to wait while the rest of us went on to the club. From what I hear, maybe I should have waited to see the train arrive too.

Story 195 Part Three Background.

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Anne Here.
        We struggled with this one. I think partly because the big plans we had just didn't work out and partly because the developing stories surrounding the nude weekend caused us to lose interest. I was about to let it go and publish it as it was when Susan stopped me. She asked if I'd let her add a sex scene to spice it up a bit. I really didn't know how she would do this but she seemed confident enough so I let her have a go.
        The outcome was that sexy part where Sairu and Jeremy slip away from the party together. Her first draft was good but once we had worked over it together it was even better since we added that bit where they got found out afterwards. It's good Susan. You did well.
        Now that became the driving force behind us having another go at the rest of the story. Really it just took a bit more detail to turn it into a half decent story. Just to finish it off I added that fun bit during Katrina's speech which made a few of them laugh when I read it at the meeting.

       So that is it. The wedding is behind us now. Let's move on to the nude weekend. I'm writing this on Sunday evening the 9th of April and already one story is complete and five others are underway. There is a list of another six possible stories after that. (For you Janet it's another sex possible stories. LOL) So it's going to be fun writing and publishing them. I think our story characters are going to have lots of fun too. Well, they better or else the stories won't be much fun.

      That is all from me.

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Thursday 30 March 2017

Story 195 Katrina gets Married – Part Two.

Forward to Story 195 Part Three.

My Opener - by Shanti.
       My husband Mike and Amita were sent to Kadapa to meet David's family. I saw from the start that there was going to be some sexy fun. Two naughty people like them, left alone in a hotel overnight? Come on, it's a no-brainer. You just know something is going to happen. I'm not sure why but Mike has always been attracted to Amita. I feel that attraction is shared by her too. She certainly looked very pleased when she discovered she was going with him.
       I wasn't there when they left because we had gone over to the Game Reserve for the afternoon. Before that, I was with Mike in our room when he was throwing a few things into a bag. You know how guys do it. Things are selected and fly across the room to land roughly in the general location of the bag, to be all stuffed in at the last minute.
      "Have a safe trip," I told him.
      "Thanks, honey, I will."
      "Have fun with Amita too," I added with a grin.
      "I'll do that too," he laughed.
      Then he added, "What about you Shanti?"
      "Oh, don't worry about me, Mike. I intend to have fun too."
      "Mike, you know me. Of course, I'll get something going."
      "Maybe keep Sarvesh company," he suggested.
      "Now that's an idea," I agreed.
      We hugged each other and I left him to his packing while I headed to where they were waiting at the bus but I noticed he followed me out to see us off.
      I gave him a last-minute hug and just as I turned away he added, "And leave that waiter alone too."
      "You heard me. The guy you were checking out at the dinner yesterday."
      "There's enough guys around here without you hunting fresh meat."
      I heard Hansini laugh.
      "That goes for you too," he told her as we both climbed on to the bus.

Story 195 Part Two Background.

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                                                                                        Posted by Reshma & Susan.
         Part Two of the Wedding Story. I was given the task. They showed me the overall plan, which has been included in Part One and then Susan laid out the two main goals for the story. 1) Prepare Katrina and get her on the wedding train. 2) Meet David’s family at the airport.
        It was quickly obvious that this would be two separate stories with two groups going off in opposite directions. It was also obvious that with them going off like this there would be possibilities of sexual encounters too.
        Mike and Amita going off together, that was a no-brainer. All I needed to do was arrange for them to stay somewhere overnight. I quickly laid out the main details of the story and started writing it. Both of these were older characters and so I wanted to bring them out well. We all know Amita is a wild one in bed. Reading through the stories, Mike has had his moments too. Two well-known people and it would be a challenge putting them together.
        Now, the second part where Steve & Peter went off with Lizamoa, looked to be a lot more complexed. See, Lizamoa was supposed to be helping prepare while the two boys were off preparing some steam train. It was clear I needed help here. My step-father, Allan snr, likes trains so I asked him to help. Much of that train stuff was written by him with me just changing a few things to blend it into my story. But with the three of them, it would most likely end with her having three-some with the two boys so that is the way I went with it.
        So by the time the next writers meet came around I had a lot to show of my story. They liked the ideas and sex scenes even though those parts were only partly done. They also liked the steam engine too. Then Julie suggested that I could add a new part where Sarvesh got up to some mischief while Amita was away with Mike. The outcome of this was that Susan quickly wrote the part where Sarvesh and Shanti get together. In the end that was the last part started and the first part finished. Susan then went on to help with my other sex scenes. I know Anne helped a bit too.


       Don’t let my helping take away anything from Reshma. This was her story. I only did the scene with Sarvesh and Shanti. I then just spiced up her other sex scenes a bit too. Spiced up? Of course, why not? They are in India. LOL.

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