Friday 9 October 2015

Story 162 Background

                                                                               Posted by Kim/Allan snr.
       I seem to have got a few of these stories through this section. Now after a few nights in Singapore, the story moves on to Perth in Australia. I have never been to this city so I had to leave details of the city and locations to others to write about.
        The new boss of the Letters project, Ayaka, laid down instructions on what she wanted me to achieve with this story which I felt was good because it made writing easier, sort of giving me some goals to work towards. 

Her instructions:-
        “Get Katrina & Jeevan to Perth. Settle Katrina in living with David. Give them some exciting sex. Get Katrina dressed into a magenta & gold gown to go out for dinner.”  
                                                                                            Big Boss Ayaka! 

        That was it. Everything else was left for me. I was working on the story one evening when Allan snr came over to see what I was doing. I showed him what I’d done and he made a few comments and suggestions. Soon he was so involved I have put him down above as a co-author. He added some of those domestic views of Katrina settling in to stay with David. He said it was based on me moving in with him. Yeah right! Ha! Ha!
        One of the important aspects of our writing is to try and link stories together to make it appear as if it’s all part of one big story. Now while I was writing my story, Susan was working on a story about Jeevan covering a similar time period. We had planned a chance for Donald and Paula to have fun with Katrina so Susan had added a little scene, a conversation between the two of them. Its purpose - to let Donald know his attentions were welcome. Just to add to her work, we did a shorter version of that exchange in our story too.

Friday 2 October 2015

Story 161 Singapore Stopover – Part Two.

Hi from Jeevan again.
        Later that evening we went out for dinner. We had dressed up for the evening and Katrina looked stunning. Long dress, bare shoulders, cut across the upper swells of her breasts. She took my arm as we walked through the hotel lobby towards the front entrance and I felt sure all eyes in the room were on us.
       The doorman opened the door of the taxi for us, Katrina got in first showing a lot of leg up the split of her long dress as she slid across the seat and I sat in beside her. I gave instructions to the driver as he pulled away, directing him towards the restaurant I’d booked. As I sat back into the softness of the seat, Katrina shifted across, her body against me, her head against my shoulder.
       Together we watched as the taxi navigated the busy streets. Singapore is a city that never stops, a busy city, an exciting city to visit, even better when you have a beautiful woman beside you. The lights, the sounds and the smells  - I love coming here.
        I’d never been to this restaurant, Sarvesh had recommended it. There was a doorman waiting outside to open the door for us. I slipped out and turned to help Katrina out. Again a lot of leg, that both the doorman and I caught. I nodded thanks to the doorman, then arm in arm we walked up the steps to the door.
       Another man greeted us at the door with a nod, “Sir – Mamm” he said. Then turning he opened the door for us.  Again I nodded thanks and we walked into the building.
       It was an old building, very old. It reminded me of the old colonial palaces in India that they now used as deluxe hotels. Everything about the place looked the part. I began to wonder if I was out of my depth here but it was too late to think that now. Sarvesh said we would enjoy it, so enjoy we would.
        We were greeted by the restaurant host, a pretty Chinese girl dressed in her uniform that tightly hugged what looked like a sexy body, and shown to our table. “A waiter will be with you shortly,” she told us.
       Sure enough, soon a waiter appeared beside our table and so began what was one of the best meals I have ever had. Excellent food, good wine and a band playing soft music in the corner. The lights were dim, just enough to see which also added to the atmosphere.
        Across the table, Katrina looked stunning. Oh! Have I said that already? Well, I meant it. There is no other word to describe her. I’d never seen her in that dress before. I was sure she had got it from Amita but did she look good in it. She looked good in this place too. She was smiling, relaxed, not looking around in amazement like a lost country girl, but with confidence, an ease as if she came here every night for dinner.
       Our conversation over dinner was light..... a bit of business and a few other things but underneath there was always a hint of sexual tension between us. That lick of her lips when she caught my eye, sly one-liner remarks with sexual double meanings whispered between us, all helped to heighten my desire for her again.
       After the meal, we went on to a club but didn’t stay long. The music was loud and we didn’t feel in the mood so after a short while we decided to return to the hotel. I did ask the taxi driver to take us on a short tour on the way. As I said above I love seeing Singapore, especially at night, I enjoy just being out looking at the sights, which I think Katrina enjoyed too. She rested her head against my shoulder again, taking note of everything around us. 

Story 161 Part Two Background.

                                                                               Posted by Reshma.
        This story had been started a long time ago by Anne. She had done some parts, written some notes for other parts. To tell you the truth, it was a bit of a mess. One day, Ayaka asked me if I’d be interested in completing it. When she said I could do as I wanted, I took the job on.
        It wasn’t just a sexy story as we used the chance to add some character background and scene setting for some future stories. It was going well and I made good progress until we decided to cut it into two parts. The second part was too small, I wanted something to fatten up.

        We were up at the farm for a writers meeting and I brought the problem up. I read out what I had written and then we batted around a few ideas. My brother-in-law Rajah, suggested that a guy tries to pick Katrina up down at the pool. That sounded like fun so we went for that. I was just unsure how to start this when Anne became my rescuer.
        She took us out on to the deck and made Ayaka sit in a deck chair. Then she took Geoff (Ayaka’s b/f) and began to brief him.
       “You are Raymond, this is Katrina. Now you saw this Indian girl in her sexy bikini. You saw her swimming, now she is sitting here. She looks hot….. You’ve never tried it with an Indian girl…. Here is your chance…..So go try and pick her up.”
        Geoff thought for a few moments then acting as Raymond went over to Katrina (Ayaka). I grabbed a pen & paper, so did Anne. What happened next is very close to what appears in my story. And they did it with one take too. Good work guys!

        Now one question remains unanswered. Where did Anne get that name Raymond from? I’m not sure that she would suddenly pick it out of the air.

Friday 25 September 2015

Story 161 Singapore Stopover – Part One.

Hi from Jeevan,
        I will be telling you much of this next story, with some help from Katrina of course, since it was only the two of us there. Yes, it is a sexy story but I hope you will find it fun too. I enjoyed being with Katrina, as this story will show. She is, of course, great in bed, but also fun to be with too. Quick to catch on to a joke and return with a witty reply. 
        Soon after Katrina and Elizabeth arrived back from their trip to Mumbai, we had to leave on our business trip to Perth, in Australia. Donald had achieved a lot over there and we wanted to visit his operation, with a view to developing it further. Our first stop would be Singapore where we had some business appointments for two days. More than business took place there too. 

Hi from Jeevan.    
       I was surprised at the room Elizabeth had booked for us. It was a double room instead of the twin we had intended to get. When I said to Katrina I think she had made a mistake, Katrina said, “No Jeevan, there was no mistake. I think Elizabeth knew what she was doing.”
       I suddenly realised that this had been arranged for Katrina and me to be together. Maybe by Katrina, I wondered if even Sarvesh was involved too. I never found out the truth until Sarvesh told me his wife Amita was involved. Naughty girl, Amita! 

       When we arrived at our hotel it was early afternoon. We had no appointments that day and so while I sat at the table studying a presentation I had to show to some potential business partners the following day, meanwhile Katrina lay on the bed reading the magazine from the airline. Suddenly she announced she wanted to go swimming in the hotel pool. She asked if I wanted to come.
       “Do you want a swim, Jeevan.”
       “No Katrina. I need to finish preparing for tomorrow.”
       “Oh! I was hoping you would come too.”
       “Sorry Katrina. I can’t.”
       “Ok, I’ll go down myself.”
       She lifted her suitcase onto the bed and began rummaging through it. Finally, she had selected and pulled out the two halves of her bikini. It was her original one, that same one she had worn at the resort complete with matching cover-up and skirt. I was a bit surprised she had elected to wear a bikini here at this Singapore hotel. I would have thought she would have chosen a one-piece.

Story 161 Part One Background

                                                                               Posted by Reshma.
        This is another story that had been started a long time ago by Anne. She had done some parts, written some notes for other parts. To tell you the truth, it was a bit of a mess, even she said so, herself. One day, Ayaka asked me if I’d be interested in completing it. Since I could really do as I wanted, I took the job on. By the time I finished, not much had remained of Anne’s original work.
       Part of Katrina’s new job was to visit other operations in the business. She was with Jeevan in Singapore and they were on their way to Perth, Australia. Of course, we all know why Katrina wanted to go to Perth; David lived there.  

       Now at first, Singapore was meant to be a one-night stop-over when the story was given to me. I thought here was a chance for a good story. As Jeevan has not been included in many stories, here was a chance for him to have fun with Katrina too, his moment to shine you could say.  So the stop-over got increased to 3 nights which gave them plenty of time to play.
       It isn’t just a sexy story, we used the chance to add some character background and scene setting for some future stories. Notice also the fun we had with the one-liner “Cheeky!” That was Susan’s idea. Cheeky girl! 

      This is Part One, we will complete it with Part Two next week.

Friday 18 September 2015

Story 160 Elizabeth in Mumbai.

      Hi, Katrina again.       

      My job working for Jeevan and Sarvesh in the shipping/exporting business had steadily become busier and busier. I was having to stay back late most nights, just to get all my work done. One evening Sarvesh was also in the office and he came into my room.
      “Katrina, you are here late again.”
      “Yes I just want to get these contents reports finished for the New Zealand customs,” I replied.
      “Will you be long?”
      “No, not too long. About another 20mintes.”
      “OK I’ll wait and give you a lift home,” Sarvesh said.
      “There is no need for you to stay. I can lock-up and catch a taxi.”
      “It’s no problem. I have a few things to finish too,” he answered.
      “Thank you, Sarvesh.”
      I sat in the back of the car with him on the way to Hansini’s house, and he asked how often I needed to stay late doing my work.  I told him it was now most weeknights and often all day Saturday too. He asked if some of that work could be given to someone else. When I agreed that it could, he asked if I wanted him to get a girl to help as my secretary. Again I agreed I could do with someone to help me.

Story 160 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Kim/Susan.
       This is an older story that took a bit of fitting into our newly arranged series of stories. It is not as good as many of the stories around here because it was older when I was first learning about this Letter writing. This idea for this story goes right back to the first time Elizabeth appeared in the stories.
        Back in Letter/Story 70, Elizabeth was brought into the story to assist Katrina on the nude weekends. Well, the writers had a second purpose for her, being a ‘playmate’ for Katrina. This theme was started with a bit of breast touching in the spa pool but then at a writer's meeting, it was suddenly decided to drop any girl/girl activity for Katrina at this point. They wanted her focused on her trip to the Barrier Reef Resort and her big night with Mike.

        Susan never let this idea die. Some notes were written, a story was started and kept. Recently the subject was brought up again. We knew Elizabeth was working for another company owned by Sarvesh so it would be a simple matter of transferring her to work with Katrina. I picked up Susan’s half-completed story and did most of the work needed to complete. Then came the problem of where to fit it. You see Volume 11 is actually made up of two short series of stories, nude camping by the New Zealand Team, in the first half, and the Perth Trip by the India team in the second half.
        Finally, it was decided the only chance we had of using this story was to place it here, in the centre of this volume. When Katina became very serious with David, either this story had to be dropped again or be placed here before Katrina’s trip to Perth. You might notice that one part almost seems like it was after the Perth trip as that is where I originally thought this story would be placed.

        After this, the theme was dropped again. It’s unlikely Elizabeth will ever come into the stories again but the door is still open as she still continues to work with Katrina and eventually she will take over Katrina's job. So she could appear in some other adventure if we wanted. We could even allow her to bring the girlfriend who has been hinted about in this story.

Thursday 10 September 2015

Story 159 The Last Evening Camping.

Hi, Mega here.
      When Steve arrived back at camp by himself we knew Greeshma had decided to stay on with Mary and not come back. I thought she might but Shanti and Lizamoa had been sure she would be back. I decided to check their tent and yes all her gear was gone except for the sleeping bags and the tent itself.
          Brian came over as I was standing there and we decided since the tent would not be used again we might as well pull it down and pack it away while it was still dry. It would save having to do it when we broke camp the following morning. Peter came over to help and it didn’t take us long to get it packed in the back of our car.
         While we were working the men were talking. I was just listening.
        “What’s happening tonight?” Steve asked.
        “I don’t know but we should do something since it is our last night,” Peter replied.
         “Maybe Joseph will have an idea.”
         “I hear Joseph is not coming back tonight. He has an early start tomorrow,” Peter explained. “I heard him arranging with Mike to get Lizamoa and the kids packed up tomorrow when we break camp.”
        “Oh, well that makes a difference.”
        “Why?” I asked, finally entering their conversation.
        “Well Mega if we do some swapping tonight we are now one guy short,” Steve explained.
        “That just means one of us guys gets two girls,” Peter said with a grin.
        “Lizamoa was saying before she was interested in having some fun with me,” Steve said. “Maybe I’ll take her up on it since she is alone tonight.”
        “Yes I think Sharon could do with some company too,” Peter added.
        “What about me?” I asked.

Story 159 Background

                                                                               Posted by Susan.
        Yes finally all good things come to an end and so it was with this nude holiday. But of course, we had to include one last night in which there was some sexy fun among members of our group. 

       The story is another one by Mega. This time she spends the night with Mike and Shanti. I thought a more normal three-some would go well with the one Shandra had written. Again this is an older story that had been completed before we did many of those stories in volumes eight and nine. But then as Shandra said our stories got pushed back until they found a place here. I had to do some work to change names etc but mostly this story is how it was written a few years ago.
       This is the last story from the New Zealand nude camping holiday. It is time to move on to other things and other adventures.  

Friday 4 September 2015

Story 158 A Surprise Sex Partner.

Hi, Lizamoa here. I will be starting Steve’s story off and then he will take over from me.

      After a few days, Mary went back home but Greeshma decided to stay on at the camp. I think she was enjoying herself so much. One day we were sitting talking while we watched Mike & Peter teaching the kids how to play cricket. Since the kids were so young it wasn’t going that well but everyone was having fun so it didn’t really matter that no one really knew who was winning and in fact half those playing had no idea how to play anyway.
       You know you have problems when a certain female player chases the ball, throws it at the wicket and cheers because she has just got her own team member out! Anyway, it's not about cricket it's about a conversation Greeshma and I were having.

Story 158 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Allan.
         Well after her adventures at the nude camp and reading the Letters Stories, Greeshma decides she wants more. She shocks Lizamoa when she says she wants to have sex with one of the guys, a European guy at that.
        Lizamoa tells Joseph and he wants nothing to do with it. It gets a bit heated between them too. I wanted to let Lizamoa challenge her husband a bit. It gave her more attitude and kind of shocked him too. Then he says he doesn’t even want to know anything about it. But notice he makes one last comment by telling Lizamoa to talk to Steve. Liz talks to Steve and he agrees with the idea. Steve talks to his wife Sharon who predicts it won’t go well and he’ll come back with his tail between his legs.
       So what happens? How does Steve go with Lizamoa’s mother-in-law, Greeshma? Read the story and find out.  

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Story 157 The Three Perverts.

Hi, Shanti here now.
       While we were camping we managed to get the chance to go out to the beach a few times too. Bethell’s Beach is a wild west coast beach, with usually some decent surf. It can be dangerous but knowing where to swim makes it safe enough for us without the kids. Of course we nearly always went over to O’Neils Beach where there were usually not so many people and often we could swim nude.
      One day Lizamoa and I wanted to go out to the beach. We asked the others but nobody seemed too keen. We were discussing whether to just go ourselves when Mike offered to come too. So leaving the kids in the camp where they had plenty of fun things to do, we headed for the beach. To our surprise, there were only a few cars in the car park and so we knew there wouldn’t be too many people around.
      When Mike suggested we take the track up over the hill we thought this would probably be a great idea since normally we walk around on the beach. Of course, the view from the top was spectacular as usual then we started down the other side towards the beach again. Coming around the side of the hill we saw the whole of O’Neils Bay laid out in front of us. Below us were the scrub-covered sand dunes we had to make our way through to get to the beach.
       It was then that was spotted them. Tucked away in the dunes, there were three of them, a guy and two girls. We were a lot higher than them but not that far away. It was obvious all three of them were naked. The guy was laying on his back and his friends were kneeling each side of him.  

Story 157 Background

                                                                               Posted by Susan.
          Yes, I need to have fun with my stories. It would be a boring world if we didn’t get to laugh sometimes and it’s the same with our stories. We need to laugh there too.
         My theme here was to send these two girls off to the beach where they get to watch two strangers making-love. This is exhibitionism in reverse where they are the watchers instead of the performers. I also wanted to break away from the usual idea of it being guys doing the watching. Yes, us girls are interested in watching sex too, you know. Given the right situation and we can be just as turned-on by it, as you guys are. 

        I remember once watching a couple fucking in the sand dunes behind the beach. We were up in the hills behind looking down at them. It didn’t take long before both Anne and I had our hands down inside our bikini bottoms, then later our bottoms came off. When the couple finished and moved off, we turned on each other. After some exciting sex, driven by what we had just witnessed, we got each other off with some powerful orgasms.
        When we got home we were both on to Allan for some more fun too. He at first was wondering why we were both so horny until we told him what we had been doing at the beach. He called us a couple of perverts which made us laugh. That was how this story got that name.
        That was the true story behind the one I am publishing here.

Friday 21 August 2015

Story 156 Camping with Greeshma

Hi again, it is Lizamoa.
         Not too long after Shanti’s father died, my mother-in-law, Greeshma came over to visit us. We thought she would probably move back in with us but she decided to stay on with Mary, Shanti’s mother. I thought because they got on so well together both being similar ages.
         Like I said, Greeshma and I were sitting outside beside our pool, under some shade since it was a hot afternoon. I had just brought out cold drinks for us while we were waiting for Joseph to come home from work.
        Suddenly Greeshma asked, “What happened to that book of letters which you had? Do you still have it?”
        “Yes, we do,” I replied not really sure where this was leading too.
        “I would like to see it again sometime. Maybe borrow it so I can read all the stories. I didn’t have much of a chance in India.”
         “But you know what these stories are about. Some are very sexy too.”
         “Yes dear, I know that. That doesn’t bother me. Maybe I will enjoy them too.” 
        Now I was surprised. What could I say? Finally, I decided to go for a safe reply by saying, “Joseph wouldn’t like it.”
       “Yes I know that, but he doesn’t need to know does he?”
       “It will be hard to hide it from him if he finds a volume missing.”
       “That is a pity; I would have liked to read it.”
       Then I had an idea. “I will ask Shanti and see if she can let you read her copy.”
       “Thank you, dear,” she said.  “That would be nice if you could.”