Sunday 27 May 2012

Letter 17 Love on the Beach.

Index of Letters                  Letter 17 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 16.

Forward to Letter 18.

From Shanti,            
New Zealand.            

            To Joseph,
            The Game Reserve,
            Andhra Pradesh,

Dear Joseph and Lizamoa,
        That was another interesting letter from you. I am always glad to get letters from my dear friends in India.
        Yes, we can make our correspondence into a book. I have a computer, the one that I type all my letters to you on, and so I can open the file where all my letters are located and then add your ones in. These will then give us a complete set of every letter that has been posted between us. We will then print off a set for you too.

        We found and enjoyed the nude photos of you both. Yes, of course, we liked them and they have been added to our growing collection of photos sent by you. Mike was interested to view Lizamoa with her body bare for his inspection but I was more interested to see you with that great erection sticking out. The final touch was when you even caught our hidden watcher on film. I really liked that, what a nice touch although I think it might have been by accident. Thank you for these photos.
        In return, here are our nude photos. But the Red Sari Series has not ended yet. Yes, I know I am standing before you naked, showing everything I have got but there is more to the story yet. For you to know what happens next you are going to have to be patient and wait until my very next letter to arrive. I wonder how you are going to keep yourself entertained in the meantime. So there you are. We are before you in the nude. What do you think? I know what I think. It makes me so very randy just to think of you viewing my naked body.

        So it is all arranged for you to play “Strip.” We are looking forward to reading your story on how it went. We tried it again with the same six people and it wasn’t as good as the first time. Now it's just fun but not so exciting.

        Now to get down to business. The story in this letter goes a bit further than any of my other stories. We were reminded of this story when we read about Lizamoa giving you a great big blow-job in front of the camera and your hidden watcher.
        It was a beautiful summer's day and we had the whole day to ourselves. We decided to take a drive out to the end of the peninsula and go for a walk across the farm park. Leaving our car in the car park near the beach, we turned our backs to the ocean and began the climb up towards the ridge behind the bay. It was a long climb, fairly steep in places, particularly just below the crest, but the effort was well worth it.
        Looking back we were greeted with a spectacular view. The rich green of the pasture stretched from our feet to the flat land behind the beach. Near a group of trees, our car could be seen, along with a few others, sitting in the car park. The white sand of the beach formed a border between the green of the land and the deep blue of the ocean. Far beyond this lay some of the inner islands, clothed in the blue-green of their bush-covered slopes. Away in the distance, the mainland was covered with the houses and larger buildings of the distant city of Auckland.
        Up here it was cooler, with a fresh wind blowing in off the ocean. This was a welcome change after the exertions of our climb to the ridge. We stood there for a while, enjoying the view and the cool breeze on our faces before turning to continue our walk.
        Our path now led along the crest of the ridge with farmland falling away on either side. We were now following a partly metaled farm road which twisted and turned as it clung to the rolling contours of the land. Almost at the furthermost reaches of the peninsula, we found ourselves overlooking a small valley surrounded by hills on three sides. Along the floor of this sheltered valley a small, swampy creek trickled as it made its way towards the sea.
        As we started down, a few sheep scattered from our path. Otherwise, we were completely alone, just the two of us, not another soul in sight. We were enjoying this sense of being alone together. It was a good time to talk and enjoy each other's company. Our conversation covered a wide range of subjects, from our work to the house or what we'd planted in the garden. From when we first met, nine years ago, to our relationship as it is today. We talked about our love for each other. Was it more or was it less than when we first met?

        Upon reaching the valley floor we turned to follow the creek towards the sea. A style led to a short track, which brought us out onto a small sandy beach. Being at the far end of the peninsula, this tiny strip of sand was set against the base of high cliffs, except where the creek escaped from the farmland to the sea. The sand was white and smooth, without a single footprint on its wave-swept surface. It was like we had discovered a beach where no one had ever been before.
        The breeze we had experienced earlier now passed high over our heads, while on the beach, sheltered by the high cliffs, the air was still and warm.
        Walking to one end we placed our bag by some rocks at the base of the cliff. Casting off our shoes, the sand felt warm under our feet and between our toes. Our jumpers were soon neatly placed beside our bag and then we set off to explore this new beach that we'd discovered.
        We made tracks in the sand with our feet and then wrote our names in large letters. We even wrote love letters to each other. Down near where the waves lapped the shore, we built a large sandcastle, decorated with stones and shells found on the surrounding sand. It even had a leaf flag, flying from a driftwood flag pole.
        Rolling up the bottoms of our jeans, we paddled in the cool water. It felt so nice after the heat of the beach.
        "Let's go for a swim?" suggested Mike.
        "We haven't got our togs," I replied.
        "We don't need them," he counted. "Let's go skinny dipping."
        There was no one anywhere around. We hadn't seen a single person since we'd left our car far over the hills at the other bay but still, I wasn't sure.
        "What if somebody comes?" I asked.
        "We'll see them coming down the track. We'll have plenty of time. Anyway nobody is going to come all the way down here."
        "Well, O.K. then," I agreed reluctantly, "as long as you think it’s all right."
        "Sure," he said. "It'll be fine."

        Soon our clothes lay in two neat piles beside our bag and we raced down across the sand towards the water. Its coolness felt so good against our naked bodies, we were like a pair of kids, splashing and enjoying ourselves, diving and grabbing at each other's legs, trying to duck each other into a wave.
        Grabbing Mike's arm with both hands, I pulled for all I was worth as I turned away from him. Taken by surprise, he swung around my hip and was plunged into the water. He came up with a mouth full, spluttering.
        As you know Mike is much bigger and stronger than me and it surprised me that I could throw him so easily. I laughed as I turned to run. I tried my hardest to escape but the water slowed me down. Looking behind I found he was swiftly gaining on me. When he made a dive at me, with a squeal I tried to jump clear but he caught me around the waist. We were both sent sprawling into the surf as another wave broke over us.
        I came up with Mike still clinging to me. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close so I could feel my back pressed against his body as I leaned against him. His hands moved up to grasp my bare breasts. It felt so good as his strong hands squeezed my mounds of pleasure. Deep down between my legs, there was a stirring as my mood changed to one of passion and my nipples hardened under his touch. I knew he was excited too for I could feel his prick harden against the cheeks of my bum.
        I turned in his arms and we kissed. As he embraced me, my breasts were pressed against the hairs on his chest and my arms stretched up around his neck. It was a long, deep kiss. Deeper than we'd had in a long time. It was so nice to be in his arms. So nice to have him holding me and to know that he loved me. At that moment I suddenly felt very close to him, so very much in love with him.

        Sometime later, together we left the water. By now the incoming tide had reached our castle. All thoughts of our recent passion were momentarily forgotten as we watched the waves attack our handy work.
        Our rampart of shells and stones didn't have much effect against the on-slaughter of the ocean. As each wave crashed around the castle's base, eating into the sand, large chunks of the walls fell to be swept away in the swirling water. Finally, the central tower collapsed, taking away our flag. The next wave broke over the castle completely, leaving a pile of wave-washed sand.

        We returned to our gear, walking up the beach hand in hand. Each reflecting upon how nice it was to be alone together and do things together. Luckily I had decided to put a large towel in the bottom of our bag as we were now able to spread it out and sit down.
        On the sheltered beach, I could feel the heat of the sun against my darker skin. I knew I'd be burnt if I wasn't careful. Mike offered to apply some suntan oil so I rolled over onto my stomach so he could start on my back. First my neck and then my shoulders, from there onto my back.
        The cool oil felt delicious as he massaged it into my hot skin. His strong hands felt soft and slippery, lubricated by the slickness of the liquid.
        Mike must have looked up because he said, "We've got company."
        I looked along the beach towards the track but I didn't see anyone, the beach was still completely deserted.
        "No, up on the cliff." he said, "Between those two large trees. See, by that bush."
        I looked up. Near the bush, I thought I saw a movement but I couldn't be sure. There was suddenly a flash. We both saw it. It could only have been glass, glinting in the sunlight. Nothing else would have been so bright.
        "Probably a pair of binoculars," Mike said.
        There was a quick movement and then nothing. He had seen us looking up and had ducked down or maybe moved.

        Mike continued to massage me with the oil. He had now moved down onto the lower part of my back. I felt a trickle of oil run down between the cheeks of my bum. It was then that I realised how turned-on I was becoming. I parted my legs slightly as he moved onto the backs of my legs. He worked the oil over my skin in long stroking motions as he massaged the muscles of my thighs. Somehow Mike had a way of making it feel so good, so sensual. It had been so long since he'd given me a full body massage.
        "Shall I do the other side?" he asked.
        I wanted him to but I thought about the guy up there on the cliff. I quickly glanced along the cliff-top but couldn't see him. Was he still there or was he gone, knowing that we'd caught him? I was sure that he was still there, just being more careful now.
        Thoughts raced through my head. I wanted Mike to continue but by rolling over I'd be completely on display to that stranger up there. Anyway, he must have been there for a while. Until we had sat down, believing we were alone I'd gone swimming and walked around making no effort to hide my naked body. I bet he'd already had a good show, particularly since he would have been using binoculars.
        'Well!' I said to myself, 'It's too late to hide now. He's already had a good show.'

        In answer to Mike's question, I rolled over and spread out on my back. The sun was in my eyes and so I closed them. I could feel Mike's hands as he started on my legs. First my feet, his fingers working between my toes, then up one leg, past my knee and onto my thigh. He spent some time here alternatively kneading, then stroking as he massaged the thigh. Once he ran his hand right up the inside of my leg and brushed across my bush. It sent a tingle through my body.
        'Did he do that on purpose or was it an accident?' I asked myself. 'Did he know how aroused and turned-on I was becoming?'
        Now he moved to my other leg. Again starting at my toes and working up.
        'It must have been an accident,' I thought.
        He appeared to be completely engrossed in what he was doing. Now he had reached my thigh and again he took his time here. He used plenty of oil, working and stroking the muscles with his strong hands. I was laying there completely relaxed, with my eyes closed enjoying the feeling of his hands on my skin. Then he did it again! His hand ran right up the inside of my thigh and again he touched my cunt but this time I felt his thumb run up parting my wet lips as he went. It sent a sensation like an electric shock right through my body.
        It was no accident this time. He must have felt how wet and excited I was. He couldn't have missed how my body reacted to his touch.
        My desire for Mike was rising. I knew where things were headed. It would be only a matter of time before we had reached the point of no return. If I didn't want to make love we'd have to stop soon. Did I want to go that far? Of course, I wanted to, but could I do it, knowing that we were being watched?'
        By now Mike had moved up beside me and started working on my arm. First, he did my hand, carefully oiling each finger in turn, and then he moved up onto my arm. He followed the same procedure with my other arm, paying special attention not to miss a single spot even right down to the tips of my fingers.
        Next, he moved behind my head because I could feel a knee beside each ear. Starting with my forehead he began on my face. Down around my eyes, using only the tips of his fingers he did my nose and then onto my cheeks. It tickled as he touched my lips and then finally he came to my chin.
        My neck was next to receive attention. From my shoulders to my chin his hands stroked, each movement adding to the pleasure. His hands seemed to know exactly when and where to be gentle or to apply more pressure. Under my chin, he used the back of his fingernails. Not scratching but harder than when he used his fingertips.
        My breasts were next in line for some treatment. He held each one between his hands, gently squeezing them as he rubbed plenty of oil onto the soft mounds of flesh. He rolled each nipple between his fingers until they became rock hard and it felt as if they would burst.
        From my breasts, he moved lower onto my stomach applying oil as far as he could reach. In long strokes, he ran two hands from my neck, down between my breasts, over my stomach until his fingertips touched the edge of my bush, then up each side of my body, across both breasts until his hands met again at my throat. As he made each stroke, his hands glided over my slippery nude body. When he reached forward, I could sense him close to my face. I still had my eyes closed so I couldn't see him but I could smell the scent of his body. His closeness heightened my desire for him. As he pulled back, briefly I felt the sun's heat on my face before he bent forward again.
        The whole front of my body was alive to his touch. First, he'd rake over my skin with the backs of his fingernails, and then he'd use just the very tips of his fingers, and then more firmly using the whole palm of his hands. Each stroke was a new sensation, different from the one before. He continued this movement for quite some time. In some ways, it was very relaxing but it was also highly arousing too.

        Finally, he stopped and moved to a new position. Now, where was he? Was he beside me? Yes! He was lying beside me. For a moment I thought he had finished. Nothing seemed to be happening.
        I felt liquid drip onto me. It landed at the base of my stomach near the hairline. Then another dip landed just into my pubic hair. A third drop landed amongst the hairs at the peak of my mound, then a drop landed right on the crest of my mound and I felt it run down between my legs.
        Now a hand was touching me again. Some fingers gently spreading the oil over my lower stomach and down through the matted hairs of my bush. The fingers worked the oil into the thick forest of hairs on my mound and then moved on down lower still to where my inner thighs met and with a slow, gentle, upward motion they stroked the soft skin of my most secret parts.
        Finally, his fingers arrived at my love opening. My whole body felt alive and trembling with each touch. A finger ran down the length of my slit then as it came back up it slightly parted my lips. A little deeper next time and then on the third stroke it slipped right inside as my eager pussy opened up for him.
        I was soaking with the oil and my juices. I felt as hot, almost ready to come as his finger slipped in and out. I couldn't wait any longer. I just had to feel his cock inside me. I reached for him.
        He was ready for me. As I parted my legs he rolled on top of me. He was so hard and I was so wet that easily he slipped straight in. Mike quickly settled into a steady rhythm with slow powerful strokes as I raised my body to meet each thrust.
        I was so hot for him that the feeling of him inside me was just too much. It sent me over the top with an explosion of pleasure. Moments later I felt him jerk as his warm juices gushed into me. Burst after burst I could feel him gush into me until I felt he would fill me to overflowing.
        He lay on top of me for a few moments as we both enjoyed the afterglow of our passion and the feeling of our naked bodies pressed against each other. I could feel his cock relax and soften, then slowly slip out of me. It always surprised me to feel how fast he contracted once he had come.

        It was then that I remembered our friend up on the cliff. I had completely forgotten about him and been carried away by Mike's massage. Was he still there? I looked up. Yes, he was there all right. Even from the position, I was in, on my back with Mike still on top of me, I could still clearly see him. He now made no attempt to hide himself but stood up in full view watching us through the binoculars.
        "That guy's still there," I said to Mike.
        "Hope he enjoyed our show," Mike answered with a laugh. "We had a good time, didn't we?
        I had to admit that we did. Now I wasn't too sure whether to laugh or be upset. A complete stranger had seen me naked, which usually would have been so unthinkable but what was even worse than that, he had been watching while Mike and I made love. To think we had carried on knowing we were being watched. It surprised me to think I had dared do such a thing.
        Mike rolled off me, we got up and went down to the water to clean up. It ended up with us taking another swim. As we returned to our gear I looked up. The guy was still there but partly hidden now.
        Quickly we dressed and packed up our gear. It took only a few minutes to walk along the beach and up the track, and then we were in the farm paddocks again. I looked towards the clifftops but couldn't see him. Was he still there hiding or had he gone?
        It was then that Mike spotted a movement. Not on the cliff top where I was looking but right across the valley, high up on the other ridge. Yes, it was our friend. He climbed the last few feet to the skyline, briefly looked back at us, and then with a wave, he disappeared over the ridge.
        We laughed to each other as we started to climb the slope and follow him back towards the other bay where we had left our car.

        So that was our story of how we put on a show for a complete stranger. We hope that you liked it as much as we enjoyed writing it.
        Well, Joseph, that’s about it for this letter. This must have been one of the longest letters I’ve written to you. Hope you enjoyed it.

        We are looking forward to reading about how you played "Strip" with your friends.
                Bye for now,
                        Love from,
                                Shanti and Mike.

Index of Letters                  Letter 17 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 16.

Forward to Letter 18.


  1. Anne and Allan
    I know you and this letter fits so close to yoy both. It is very romantic but sexy too. I like the way you have managed to get both into your story.
    I love this story.

  2. Hi Ayaka Taka....
    Both Allan and I think you for your comments on this story. Yes it is very special for us as well since it is based on the very first time I had sex.
    I just like to add that we enjoyed taking you on that little walk at the beach today to where Allan showed you the very spot where our real sex took place. I know you enjoyed that too.
    Your cousin Anne.

  3. Hi Anne and Allan
    This is the best story I have seen so far. It has all the ingredients for a good story. The romance of two people in love. The excitment of skinny dipping and sex on the beach. Then some exhibitionism and voyeurism thrown in for a bit of spice.
    Great story guys.

    1. This story is very special to Anne and I. We are glad you liked it Kirsten.
      Allan & Anne

    2. Hi Kirsten
      I have just seen Allan's reply. He forgot to mention the two reasons why this story is special to us.
      First, like I said above to Ayaka, it was based on the first time I ever had sex. Secondly it is also the first story in which Allan was involved in writing all the way through.

  4. Hi Allan & Anne
    Yes I agree with you Kirsten. This story really has something going for it. I know it was written with love because I have seen the real love behind it.
    I have known Anne ever since I came to New Zealand. I got to know Allan when he came into her life too. My husband and I enjoy spending time with them. They are a lovely couple, so fill of love for eachother that it overflows on all those around them.
    Love you guys

  5. Nice story girls.
    We both think this is the best so far. It has everything needed to make a great story.
    Fred & Ginger

    1. Thanks Fred and Ginger,
      I tend to agree with you. Among our early stories I think this is the best. But I much admit that there are reasons why I have a special attachment to this story. Read the background.

  6. Hi Anne & Allan
    This is a beautiful story. I first saw it a few days ago and then could not take it from my mind. I was pulled back to read it again. Now after my third time I feel qualified to comment on it.

    I can see the love grown between you both which is reflected within the story. It made even more important for me when I saw the real story in the background part too. Then when I saw it had been the very first time for you Anne I knew why there was the special love in the story too.

    1. Thank you Asami,
      I am so glad you liked it. As we have said above, this story was very important for Anne and I. We both still feel like it is one of our best. But then, like you have said above there are special reasons why we should like it so much.

      I see you are making progress through the letters again. We have not heard from you for a while and Anne was just saying the other day that she was wondering where you were up too.

      Again, thanks for you comments.
      Love you!
      Allan and Anne.

  7. Good morning Anne and Allan.
    Here is a very sexy story. It has many sexual factors. The skinny-dipping and the enjoying the beach nude. The sexual massage as he rubbed her body all over with oil, naming her body parts as he went. Then someone spying at them from high on the cliff. But they go to having full intercourse knowing he is still watching. So hot, so sexy, this one.
    As Shanti told of the sex she was enjoying I felt like I was there watching them. I know the feeling she was enjoying as this was told too. The sex was not that detailed as I would expecting but she described the way he fills her with his cum.
    Sakura is our best reader in English so she read the story for all of us. We had agreed this is the best story so far which we have seen. I have heard there are better but we are content to find them when we do. But then we went to the background notes and made an important discovered which caused us all to review this story in a very special way.
    (See my comments there)
    Tukiko & Sakura.

    1. Hi Tukiko & Sakura. Regards to Kenshin & Masanori too.
      I think this story is among the best of our early ones. It is one of the first where one of the main themes was a sexual session. I know we write them quite often now but back then this was exciting new territory for us. Like you mentioned above, we touched on a number of different sexy themes but we must say the climax came when they made love together.
      This was a joint story written by Allan and I. Now in Letter 19 we will find a similar story where Shandra and Susan teamed up to write a story about the same couple at the beach. I was a bit of a contest, well for them anyway.
      I like that point you made about one of you reading out our stories. This is a good idea. We do it often here too.
      Love you guys

  8. Kia Ora
    Anne and Allan,
    A story of love and sex. That has been seen in other comments above and I'm sure with most who have read it. It still followed the exhibition theme but I noticed it seemed more real than some of your earlier stories. I followed the link to the background notes and discovered the real side of this story.
    I must say I'm glad my friend Moa told me about this blog.
    Rangi Mari
