Friday 9 October 2015

Story 162 Katrina Arrives in Perth

Hi, my name is David.
         Many of you I have not met but I saw you all while at the resort in Queensland. I met those from India again during my recent visit to India but those from New Zealand I would still like to get to know better. I’m sure other stories will have filled you in on the relationship developing between Katrina and myself. I now have my own copy of the Letter’s Books but have not been able to read them all yet.

         When Katrina gave me my copy I was amazed at how big it was. I thumbed through some of the volumes and made a point of reading some of the stories about Katrina. She then asked me to help her with two stories about my trip to India. I have now completed those for her and I am attempting a full one myself. Let’s see how this goes.  

         A few days before Katrina and Jeevan were due to arrive, my Uncle and I were talking about preparations that might need to be made. I was surprised when my Uncle Donald suggested that Katrina might wish to stay with me, in my flat downstairs.  We had spent one night together in India and then had sex a couple of times at the house I was staying at. But each time, after the sex was over, she had returned to her own room. I was really hoping she would agree to stay with me. 

Let me explain;
         When I came to work for my Uncle’s business I had to move, from the outback gold mining town where my family lived, to the big city of Perth. Until I became established, the plan was that I would stay with my Uncle Donald & Aunty Paula but as things worked out well, I stayed on, creating my own pad downstairs.
        I turned an old storage area into quite a good place, lots of room, my own bathroom and with the rest being open plan. Kitchen, dining, lounge and bedroom - all in one room. Just step outside through the slider and straight into the pool. It works for me. I must admit though I’ve got into the habit of going upstairs for meals instead of cooking myself. 

         Now the day Katrina arrived I was busy at the office. While Paula and Donald went to the airport, I went in to get a couple of containers sorted for India. It took me most of the morning in the end and by the time I left the office I heard they were already on their way home. I pushed it but in the event, they beat me. I pulled into the drive to find Donald’s car already there. (He must have been speeding! Ha! Ha!)
        I went in through my pad, dumping my gear then headed upstairs, bounding up the steps two at a time. I looked up and there she was, at the top of the steps, smiling. I grabbed her, my hug sweeping her off her feet as she giggled with a squeal of delight.
        “Oh, David! So pleased……. Pleased to see……See you,” she tried to get out in her excitement. She didn’t say anything more as my lips found hers and we kissed.
        She was surprised when she was given the choice of a room upstairs or staying downstairs with me. She hesitated – she told me later of was worried about the culture in Australia. Then she smiled.
       “Yes! Yes!” she said. “I will stay with David.”
       “Watch out, Katrina. It’s a bachelors pad,” Paula laughed. “David doesn’t major in house cleaning.” (Thanks, Aunty Paula, remind me never to get a reference from you!)
       I smiled to myself because I’d worked late the previous night getting it all cleaned-up.
       “I don’t mind,” she said. “I’ll be happy.”
       “Come on down and have a look,” I told her. “Then you can decide.”
       “No!” she said firmly, picking up her bag. “I will stay with you, David!”
       I was a tiny bit taken back by that. She had made up her mind and that was that! This girl obviously had a will of her own.
       So I grabbed her suitcase and she followed me downstairs. At the door I allowed her to step inside first. She looked around, standing just inside the door. This is nice David. It is a nice house.
       I took her bags over beside the bed while she set out to explore my pad. She took longer than I thought while I sat on the bed watching her. She looked through the kitchen, touched many of the items on my shelves. Admired the half-built sailing-ship on the table, and then found the bathroom. After a quick look in there, she returned to me.
       “If this is my bed, where will you sleep David?”
       “Guess,” I said pulling her down.
       She giggled as she fell back on the bed and I leaned over to kiss her.
       When we broke apart she looked around again before saying, “I’m going to like it here.”
       “Would you like a cool drink?” I suddenly remembered to ask her.
       “Yes, David. That would be nice, thank you.”
       I was pleased I’d taken that trip to the shop; I could offer her beer, soft drink and fruit juice.
        “Fruit juice has too much sugar. Do you have plain water?”
        Opps! I’d forgotten, my sister was like that. I had tape water but not anything chilled.
        “You make yourself at home and I’ll get some from upstairs.”
        So after showing her a chest of draws I had carried down for her and the extra hangers I had placed in the wardrobe, I headed upstairs. 
        She had her bags on the bed and open when I got back. I poured a glass for each of us and put the bottle in the fridge.
        She thanked me then looked at my glass. “Do you take water to David?”
        “Well not actually.”
        “Then you take what you like,” she said placing a hand on my arm. “Don’t be special just for me.”
        I placed my glass in the fridge and grabbed a beer, then sat on a chest of draws to watch her. By now she was busy getting things out of her case. She had some clothes to wash so I showed her where the washing machine was behind the cars in the garage. Then we went back to the room. 

        To my surprise, she began taking off her clothes, right there in front of me. She explained she was hot and sweaty after travelling. Her clothes were removed and flung into the growing pile of dirty clothing on the floor. There was so much to wash. I realised I had a girl in the house.
         Totally naked she took her clothes to the washing machine, returned to my room, back to her unpacking. Yes, she was remained like that, naked. She didn’t seem at all worried about her nudity and I couldn’t help watching her. What a beautiful body, so many shades of brown; from a light tan of her body, dark brown of her arms, to the black of her nipples. She looked beautiful. Not in the least bit self-conscious of her nakedness as she chattered away to me.
        Dresses and skirts, so many clothes, were placed in the wardrobe, other clothes in the draws. All sorted and neatly placed. I thought about the mess in my draws. Wait until she found that. I watched her moving around, a slight jiggle of her breasts now and again, the proud mound of her pussy highlighted between her moving thighs. Yes, she had my full attention.
        She bent over, with her back to me. A lovely view of pussy appeared between her thighs, with her little arse hole, directly above it. Her body pressing back caused her lips to press open. What a show, I couldn’t help but look.
        “Woo,” escaped my lips and she suddenly realised what she was showing.
        “David!” she exclaimed. Her hand reaching around to cover her behind.
        “Sorry,” I said. “I didn’t mean to look.”
        Then she smiled.
        “You can look David. I don’t mind. I was showing, wasn't I?”
        Then turning away from me she bent over as she had been before. Again everything was openly on show but this time she knew it too. She wanted me to look.
        She discovered a few items needed ironing. “Where is your iron, David?”
        Opps, no iron! Never used one. Just brought shirts that didn’t need it.
        “Oh, sorry. I’ll just get you one.”
        By the time I lugged the iron and board back down the stairs, her unpacking was finished and she was exploring my kitchen again.
        “You don’t have much for cooking,” she said as she saw me.
        “No. Mostly I eat upstairs.”
        “I need some things to cook for you David.”
        “It's Ok. We can borrow what you need.”
        She smiled at that and came over to hug me. As I held her I could feel her naked body against me. She felt good being in my arms until suddenly she broke away from me. I bent down to kiss her again as I felt my body becoming aroused.
       Suddenly she pulled away from me.
       “David, I need a shower first.”
       “We can do it afterwards.”
       I reached for her again but she put her hand to my chest, pushing me away.
       “No, David.  I am dirty.”
       I stepped back, not sure what to do. It was a moment of tension between us. She picked up her toilet bag and looked over at me. A smile appeared on her face as she said, “You can help me if you like.”
       Help a sexy girl like her in the shower! Wow! What are we waiting for? You don’t need to ask me twice. I followed her into the bathroom. I stood watching as she fussed around placing her toothbrush and other items on the shelf and moving mine around, and then she turned to look at me.
        “Do you take your shower in your clothes?” she asked with a laugh.
        I reached to undo my shirt but her hands got there first.
        “I can do this for you,” she said as she began undressing me.
        Soon she had me naked and we were in the shower together. We were washing each other, rubbing soap over each other’s body. It was fun and it was sexy too. Soon we had a reaction too. She looked down and saw it, giving a giggle.
         “Oh! You are the naughty boy,” she laughed. “Look at your cock now.”
         I didn’t need to look. I knew how hard I was, so turned on by taking a shower with her.
         “I can’t help it,” I replied.
         “Just a simple shower and look at the state of you!” She said laughing. “What am I going to do with you?”
         “Come to the bed and I’ll show you.”
         “Yes, you are the very naughty boy!” A hand reached around behind me and she slapped me on my bum. "But, I like naughty boys!"
         Two soapy hands went straight for my cock. First, she was rubbing, soaping all around me, then both hands were on my cock. While one hand wrapped around my shaft pumping me, she worked on the head, rolling it between her fingers in a gentle pinching motion. It felt good and she knew it too. She was looking directly at my face, watching for a reaction from me.
         It didn’t take long before she got one too. My cock jerked, cum exploding from it, hitting her in the stomach and thigh.
        “See! I told you were a naughty boy,” she laughed, smacking my bum again.
        I bend my head down to her, her face coming up to meet mine and we kissed.
        As we broke apart I said, “You’re a naughty girl too.”
        “Why am I naughty?”
        “Being naked in the shower with me. Doing naughty things.”
        "You don't have to be here with me," she said with a giggle.
        "I seem to remember you invited me."
        She smiled, reached up and kissed me again.
        “Let’s get out of here," she said. "I’ll show you how naughty I can be.”
        “Nice!” was all I replied.

         Soon we were dry and on the bed. Neither of us bothered with clothes because we both knew what was going to happen. We didn’t even bother getting into bed, just landed on top and did it there. With it being such a warm day, there was no need to get under the covers.
        She lay back on the bed as I crawled up beside her. Her arms came up to meet me, pulling me down on top of her. I lay partly beside her, partly on top of her. It was my intention to play a bit first. I loved running my hands over her smooth golden body. But no, she wanted none of that.
        “That can wait, David,” she said.
        I stopped and looked at her.
        “I want you now…… You cock into me…….”
       I was hard again so it was no problem. I rolled fully on top of her and discovered she was wet and ready when I tried to enter her. I felt myself slipping into the warmth of her body. She allowed me to go in deep, my second thrust deeper, my third taking my whole length.
        She gave a deep moan in my ear as her pelvis humped back at me, urging me to get on with it. As my body worked above her, her body responded, working with me, matching me. The feeling of our bodies moving together was a strong impression for me from that first sex secession in India. Here it felt the same, my thought was we made a good team together.
        Under me, she was beginning to warm up. I could hear her breathing had quickened. Her movements became stronger and more aggressive. I then noticed she was slipping out of time with me. I tried to match her but suddenly she was all over the place, bucking around underneath me.
       Suddenly she gasped as her body gave a massive shudder. I heard her give a cry as she cum. Her pussy clamped around my cock gripping me as she slowed then stopped moving.
       I had stopped moving by then too. I lifted my head to look at her face. She was smiling.
       “Oh David…..” she gasped, still trying to catch her breath. “That was…… Oh, it was good.”
       I hadn’t made it but I was pleased she did. After what happened in the shower, now we were about even again. Not that either of us was really counting.
       “What about you David? I want you to as well.”
       “I’m OK,” tried to say.
       “No, you can cum too.”
       To my surprise she pushed up at me, her body pressing against mine, rolling me off her. I was surprised how strong she was. As I rolled on to my back, she rolled with me. We ended up with me on my back and her sitting up with a knee each side of me. With ease, she manoeuvred her body to line up my cock with herself again. Without any guiding from her hand, she pressed against me and I felt myself slipping into her again. (That was well done, Katrina!)         
         Now as she looked down at me her hips began to move. As she pressed down, she pressed backwards as well, pressing her pelvis bone against the shaft of my cock. That felt good, I knew she would get me off that way, I'm sure she knew it too. But what I didn’t realise in my inexperience of sexual positions was that she brought her clitty directly in contact with me too.
        As she continued I could feel my body responding, building towards my climax. I was looking up at her, At her smiling face, at her breasts doing a marrying dance as they jiggled to her body moving.
       I could resist bringing my hands up to touch them. My fingers found her hard, dark nipples. Holding them, rolling them between my fingers, slightly pulling at them. She liked that, her eyes closed as she let out a soft moan.
       At first, I thought it was what I was doing to her nipples but what I didn’t realise was that she was almost ready to cum again. Suddenly she bucked against me, her body pressing down, causing me to drive deep inside her. She let out a gasp, was it a cry? Something between and she fell forward on to me.
        That was so hot. It was enough to send me over too. As we lay like that, with her on top, as lips met and we kissed. We could both feel the final spasms of my cock as I filled her with my cum. Then we lay together in that position until my cock softened enough to slip out of her.
        “Was that good?” she asked, breaking away from our kiss.
        “Was it ever,” I replied.
        She just smiled.
        So she had rolled off beside me. Her body against me as I held her. We talked quietly for a while but then we must have drifted off to sleep. 

       I woke to find Katrina, kneeling beside me shaking my shoulder.
      “Come on David! Wake up!”
      “We are going out for dinner. We’ve got to get ready.”
      “Where are we going……?”
      “I am not knowing. Jeevan said it was a very good place.”
      I wondered how she talked to Jeevan until she brought my attention back.
      “We have to get dressed up.”
      She left me on the bed then I heard the shower going again. This time it was quick. By the time I got in there she was out and standing before the mirror, drying her hair. While I had my shower I could watch her through the glass. She was now brushing her hair, and then she went on to other preparations she had to do.
       By the time she came out I was in the bedroom laying out a good jacket and trousers. I watched as she pulled out a beautiful dress. It was a deep magenta colour with gold trimming. That is one thing that I liked about Indian woman, they certainly know how to wear beautiful colours.
       I had never watched a woman dress like this before so I was fascinated to watch her. She soon had panties on but no bra. When I commented on it she explained there was a bra built into the dress. Next, she slipped on a garment that covered her hips and panties. That was to hide the panties lines she explained as the dress was so tight. Now she was stepping into the dress. It was tight and I could see how she had to pull it up over her body.
       There was a zip at the back that she couldn’t reach so I helped by zipping it up for her and fastening a small clip. She really looked good in that dress. It hugged her body making her look so sexy.
       Suddenly she looked at me, “David! Hurry up!”
       I realised that while watching her, I had forgotten to get dressed myself. With her help, I quickly rushed to get my clothes on. I must admit it was kind of nice standing there while a girl did my tie for me and straightened my shirt.  

       When we went upstairs I saw Donald check out Katrina as we walked in.
       “Oh! Sexy girl,” he said, coming over to us.
       “Thank you,” she replied with a smile, reaching up to give him a hug.
       His arm went around her pulling her against him. Then I noticed his hand go down to grab her sexy behind through the tight material of her dress.
       As she pulled away she said, “You the naughty boy too, Donald.”
       “I could feel…. You were touching with my bum.”
       “It was asking to be touched, Katrina.”
       She threw a punch at him, connecting his forearm.
       “Hey! That hurt,” Donald said.
       “You’ll learn to duck fast with this girl,” Jeevan laughed.
       She turned to look at Jeevan. “If you were closer you’ll get one too.”
       “Hey! What did I do?” Jeevan said.
       “You encouraged him.”
       Personally, I couldn’t see how Jeevan was involved. My uncle was the one touching her bum.
       “That’s the one Katrina. Don’t let these boys get away with any nonsense,” Paula said.
       She smiled back, “Maybe I might like a bit of nonsense!”
       That stopped Paula. She looked at Katrina for a moment. I think that surprised her. Then she replied. “With those guys, maybe you will, honey.”  


  1. This story promised to be one of those linking stories, leading characters from one place to another. I was pleasantly surprised. I like the way you set it against the rather domestic view of Katrina unpacking. But unpacking in the nude! Now that is something different Kim.
    Oh I see your b/f was involved in this too. Did he just help with the writing or did he provide other encouragement and inspiration too? I bet he did!
    Ha! Ha!

    1. Hi Janet.
      Yes I don't like those linking stories. I like to liven them up.
      Now unpacking in the nude. Well Katrina would say it was a convenience thing, since she had to take off the clothes she had travelled in, it was so hot that afternoon in Perth, David had already see her naked, so it seemed the natural think to do.
      But you and I know there is more to it than that. She knew she had his attention. She knew she was turning him on and it could only end up with them in bed.
      Did Allan snr help. Lets say he did more than just type words. LOL

  2. I agree with you Janet. Domestic work in the nude. You girls should all do your house work like that. And it works too! She had David's full attention.

    1. Andrew, Why are you so surprised at nude house work?
      I know a lady who does nude lawn mowing in the summer.

    2. Oh the girl who does the nude lawn mowing. So delightful to see that too.
      Now that is not so bad up there on your farm where nobody else can see but you did worse than that young lady.
      You dared Ayaka to mow the lawns topless at the house where you live now. Cars were hooting and drivers waving. LOL The neighbour ringing to complain to Allan snr. And who was behind that, Kim?
      LOL don't just blame Ayaka for being naughty. You are just as bad Kimberley!

    3. Hey! I had nothing to do with it other then offering the slightest of suggestions.
      If Ayaka wants to run around topless mowing lawns, who am I to stand in her way? LOL
      The Innocent Thai Princess.

  3. Slightest of suggestions. Ha! Ha! Good one!
