Friday 2 October 2015

Story 161 Singapore Stopover – Part Two.

Hi from Jeevan again.
        Later that evening we went out for dinner. We had dressed up for the evening and Katrina looked stunning. Long dress, bare shoulders, cut across the upper swells of her breasts. She took my arm as we walked through the hotel lobby towards the front entrance and I felt sure all eyes in the room were on us.
       The doorman opened the door of the taxi for us, Katrina got in first showing a lot of leg up the split of her long dress as she slid across the seat and I sat in beside her. I gave instructions to the driver as he pulled away, directing him towards the restaurant I’d booked. As I sat back into the softness of the seat, Katrina shifted across, her body against me, her head against my shoulder.
       Together we watched as the taxi navigated the busy streets. Singapore is a city that never stops, a busy city, an exciting city to visit, even better when you have a beautiful woman beside you. The lights, the sounds and the smells  - I love coming here.
        I’d never been to this restaurant, Sarvesh had recommended it. There was a doorman waiting outside to open the door for us. I slipped out and turned to help Katrina out. Again a lot of leg, that both the doorman and I caught. I nodded thanks to the doorman, then arm in arm we walked up the steps to the door.
       Another man greeted us at the door with a nod, “Sir – Mamm” he said. Then turning he opened the door for us.  Again I nodded thanks and we walked into the building.
       It was an old building, very old. It reminded me of the old colonial palaces in India that they now used as deluxe hotels. Everything about the place looked the part. I began to wonder if I was out of my depth here but it was too late to think that now. Sarvesh said we would enjoy it, so enjoy we would.
        We were greeted by the restaurant host, a pretty Chinese girl dressed in her uniform that tightly hugged what looked like a sexy body, and shown to our table. “A waiter will be with you shortly,” she told us.
       Sure enough, soon a waiter appeared beside our table and so began what was one of the best meals I have ever had. Excellent food, good wine and a band playing soft music in the corner. The lights were dim, just enough to see which also added to the atmosphere.
        Across the table, Katrina looked stunning. Oh! Have I said that already? Well, I meant it. There is no other word to describe her. I’d never seen her in that dress before. I was sure she had got it from Amita but did she look good in it. She looked good in this place too. She was smiling, relaxed, not looking around in amazement like a lost country girl, but with confidence, an ease as if she came here every night for dinner.
       Our conversation over dinner was light..... a bit of business and a few other things but underneath there was always a hint of sexual tension between us. That lick of her lips when she caught my eye, sly one-liner remarks with sexual double meanings whispered between us, all helped to heighten my desire for her again.
       After the meal, we went on to a club but didn’t stay long. The music was loud and we didn’t feel in the mood so after a short while we decided to return to the hotel. I did ask the taxi driver to take us on a short tour on the way. As I said above I love seeing Singapore, especially at night, I enjoy just being out looking at the sights, which I think Katrina enjoyed too. She rested her head against my shoulder again, taking note of everything around us. 

        Now Sarvesh had given Katrina a job for the next day. She had to cross into Malaysia and visit a bank and our warehouse in Johor. I could have gone with her but I knew why he wanted her to go herself. Ever since she had joined our company Sarvesh has been pushing her, stretching her knowledge and experience with new assignments and tasks.
        At the restaurant, she had confided that she was nervous about this so I agreed to go over the details with her. Really, the assignment was quite simple. I had done similar a few times, myself. You go to one of his business or operations to meet someone, pick up some papers and just observe what is going on. You then report back to him, giving an impression of what you saw. In this way, he gets another view rather than the show they put on whenever he visits.
         Meanwhile, I had to stay in Singapore as I had a busy schedule of meetings all day. 

         Katrina came out of the bathroom from her shower. She had a towel wrapped around her. I guessed naked underneath.
        “Do you want to go over tomorrow?” I asked.
         “Yes please,” she replied come over to me.
         I patted the seat beside me and she sat. I then began giving her a briefing on what she would find and need to do. I had some photos and information on the screen.
        As I continued I noticed the towel had slipped lower. Now the swell of her breasts was revealed. It was a distraction. I tried not to look, to focus on our conversation but in the back of my mind was ‘breast’ 'breast' 'breast'!
        I had some papers to show her and as she leaned forward to reach for them a nipple popped out. That was it for me. My eyes went straight to the dark little nub surrounded by its equally dark ring against the lighter brown of her breast.
       She noticed my sudden distraction and looked down at herself, smiling when she discovered the offending nipple. Yes, she just smiled but made no attempt to hide it again.
      “Jeevan!” she said.
      “What?” I asked as I tore my eyes away from that nipple, up to her face.
      “You aren’t paying attention.”
      “How can I with you…….?”
      She giggled, her hand going to the top of the towel. With a slight pull, the towel fell away completely baring both her beautiful breasts. 
      That was the end of our briefing. My hands came up to her, my fingers moving over the soft smooth skin until the found the hard roughness of her nipples. She let out a deep sigh as my fingers touched her there, and her eyes closed. She looked so beautiful, I couldn't help it, I leaned further and kissed her on the lips.
       She wasn’t expecting that. Her eyes snapped open, and then she smiled. Her head came forward, our lips met and we kissed again. This time the kiss was deeper as her lips parted and our tongues met.
      Well, I’m sure you all know where this is going. Soon she stood up as the rest of the towel fell away leaving her naked. She took my hand, pulling me to get up too. Quickly she undressed me, taking care to lay my good clothes neatly on the dresser then she led me to the bed. It’s rather strange being undressed by someone else, particularly someone a lot smaller and younger than me. But she did it and it felt a bit sexy too.
          Pulling me by the hand she led me to the bed before jumping on to it herself and lying back against the pillows.
          “Your turn now,” she said.  “Your turn to be on top.”
          "Really? Are you sure, Katrina?"
          "Yes," she replied. "Show me how good you are."
          She just gave a laugh.
          I climbed on beside her and began to work on her body. My hands, followed by my tongue, went everywhere. The first attraction for me was those beautiful breasts topped with their dark nipples. The soft brown of her breasts highlighted the black of her nipples, making them stand out, look good, ready to be played with and sucked. With her laying back like that they appeared small but still a sight to behold. My hands went for them. I felt the silky smooth skin, the puckered rings around rough, erect nipples.
         Now my mouth followed my hands. My tongue found the crowning peak, licking over and around the hard nub before taking it into my mouth. As my lips closed over it she moaned, as my tongue flicked over it she gasped with the pleasure. For a moment I thought she might get off, with just me doing that.
          Then I came to her other breast. First my hands, then I squashed her breast lightly between my hands, my thumbs working at her nipple. Her eyes were closed as she let out a deep moan. I am surprised with Katrina, just how easy she can get turned on and ready for sex. I get the feeling that she is always horny. (Are you Katrina?)
         While one hand stayed at her breast the other went for her pussy where I quickly discovered she was more than ready to go. I ran my fingers through the forest of hair, over the hard mound, down to the softness beneath. I soon found the lips of her pussy. I soon found how ready she was too. 
        I rolled up over her, being careful not to put my full weight on her at first. She is so small and I am a big man so I was worried I might hurt her. But she didn’t seem to notice my weight as she eagerly humped back at me.
       The sex that followed was good, perhaps more out of control than I would normally have liked. But with her under me, humping back, urging me on vocally, I didn’t hold back. I’m afraid she took a hard fucking that time but she took it, giving me back as good as she got.
       While the sex was energetic, the orgasms were powerful, mind-blowing for both of us. We were left, bathed in sweat, gasping for breath.
       She looked up at me smiling.
       “That was good sex,” she said.
       “Thanks,” was all I could think to say.
       “With a bit more practice we might train you well.”
       “Cheeky!” was all I replied.
       She gave a giggle.  

Katrina now – My trip to Malaysia.
         Singapore is close to Malaysia, just across a causeway to the State of Johor. It is common for Singapore taxis to take tourists over for a quick visit and tour. We arranged a taxi to take me over there too. He would stay with me, waiting outside each place I was required to visit.         

        Next morning the taxi was waiting for me at the hotel entrance. The diver, a younger Chinese man came out to greet me as the hotel doorman opened the back door. I surprised them both by asking if I could sit in the front seat beside the driver. This was new to me going over to Malaysia, I wanted to see everything.
         Jeevan had helped me select what I was wearing. He had chosen a slightly shorter skirt than I would normally wear for business but I wore it anyway. Now in the taxi, sitting made it even shorter so a good part of my thighs was showing. I was aware of how much leg I was showing. The drive noticed too. I caught him looking a couple of times but never said anything.
         The first place I had to visit was the warehouse. It gathered produce from nearby contract businesses and sent export items to our bigger operation in Singapore. This warehouse also received containers from India bringing produce and manufactured items into Malaysia. Sarvesh had owned this company for about two years. During that time he had not been happy with its performance.
         The taxi was to wait for me. He was with me for the whole day. He dropped me at the main door and parked nearby under some shade to wait.
         The Manager met me almost at the door. That surprised me; I was expecting an employee to take me to him. He was a larger man, scruffy, greasy and had a funny unpleasant smell about him too. I didn’t like him from the start and my opinion of him never got any better during my visit. He hurried me into an office, ordered a cold drink and began showing me papers and things.
         Finally, I was becoming a bit annoyed. I wasn’t there to look at papers and profits. I knew Sarvesh had seen all these and suspected they were false. I was there to look around the operation. Jeevan had told me to ask if they didn’t show me.
        “Can I see your warehouse?” I asked.
        “We are very busy…… Will be distracting for….. the warehouse workers.”
        “I came here to review your warehouse. Can I see it?” 
        He seemed a bit surprised or maybe reluctant.
        Jeevan had told me to assert myself, "Don't back down. Demand what you want!"
        When I insisted again he finally agreed. Soon we were off on a tour. I would have liked to have had someone else or even better, explored myself but no, it was obvious he was intending to be there the whole time.
       The place was messy. There were things lying around all over the place. I had been in a number of warehouses in India and even the old ones were kept clean and tidy. I was not impressed with this at all.
        There had been a few accidents in this warehouse. One where a man had been hit by a forklift so I asked about their Health and Safety. He was a bit vague and when I asked about the accident, he laid the blame firmly on the hurt man. Again I was not happy with his answers but like Jeevan had told me, I didn’t comment, just remembered things I need to record later.
        Finally, we came around to a loading area. As I watched, a man dropped a box of fruit. The box split, some spilling out onto a very dirty floor. The man just stuffed the fruit back into the box then pushed the broken box into the container he was loading.
       That was it. I’d seen enough! We went back to the office. He offered me another cold drink but I wanted out of there. I told him I needed to go as I had other appointments.
       Back in the car, I sat for a few minutes writing some notes for Jeevan and Sarvesh. I glanced up at the building a saw the manager looking out the window so I asked the driver to find us a nice place for lunch. 

       He found a small café that was quieter and so I invited him to join me. He sat and waited while I finished writing then we ordered lunch. I paid for him too.
       “You didn’t like that place,” he said.
       “It shows,” he replied.
       “Is it that obvious?” I asked.
       “Yes. And I think the manager saw it too. That is why he was watching out the window.”
       Over the meal, the driver told me about his wife and child in Singapore. I told him about my work, how I started as a maid and now ended up working for this international business.
       Then he took me on to the bank. Here the manager was an older man. Very neat appearance and very helpful. He showed me around, answered all my questions and also had the papers I had to pick up, ready for me. I was very impressed and wrote that in my notebook too.
       Then it was back across the causeway and I asked to go straight back to our hotel. 

       Jeevan was still out when I got there so I left a note for him beside my notebook. I’d left it open to the page I wanted him to read. The note said I was down at the pool. Quickly changing into my bikini I left, heading downstairs. No, I didn't take long in front of the mirror. No use showing off when there was no one there to watch.
       As was usual I went for a swim first, doing a few laps of the pool. I like swimming a bit to keep fit. Again I was aware of being watched. Of course, an Indian wearing a bikini is not very common, even in Singapore.
        When I got out I stood to dry my face and head but as usual, didn’t bother with my body. I sat back in my easy chair and picked up my phone.
        I’d hardly been there a few minutes when a guy walked over. A bit older than me, but good looking, with a good body too. Yes, I notice men’s bodies. He was just wearing swim shorts with a towel over his shoulder.
        “Is anyone sitting here?” he asked sitting next to me.
        “Looks like you are,” I replied.
        “I’m Raymond,” he said offering me his hand.
        “Katrina,” I answered, not excepting his hand.
        “Good to meet you, Katrina. Are you a stranger here?” he asked.
        I thought most people who visited a hotel were strangers. Could not understand his question, so I just replied, “Yes.”
       “Where do you come from?”
       I thought my one-word replies would discourage him but it didn’t.
       “Are you alone here?”
       “I am at the moment.”
       “Are you staying long?”
       “Going back to India?”
       “No, to Perth.”
       “Oh!” he said. Then after a short pause asked, “Does your room have two beds?”
       What did he ask that for? Then I realised; that was a bit over the top.
       “Just one big one, queen size.”
       “Then you need a King to go with it.”
       Oh, that was good! It made me smile.
       “If I had a King then I’d need a king-size bed.”
       He laughed at that.
      “Are you doing anything tonight?
      “Not any plans yet,” I replied.
      “Let me make some for you.”
      “How do you know I’ll like your plans?”
      “I’m sure you will.”
       “You’re very sure of yourself, Raymond.”
       “I know what a beautiful girl like you would want.”
       “And what would that be?”
        I was interested to find out but I never got the chance as Jeevan arrived with two drinks in his hands.
       “I brought you a cold drink, honey,” he told me as he leaned over to kiss me on the cheek.
       “You are a sweetie,” I replied. 

        He sat down in the spare seat next to mine. When I looked back at Raymond he looked a bit shocked. I don’t think he thought there was a man with me. Certainly, not one as old as Jeevan. He must have thought this was my father. LOL.       
       “This is Raymond,” I told Jeevan.
       “Hi Raymond,” Jeevan greeted him.
       “I was just talking…. Got to go…… Maybe see you…. Later.”
       “Bye Raymond,” Jeevan said with a smile.
        The guy got up and left. In a bit of a hurry too which kind of amused me.  
        “You chased my toy-boy away,” I said trying to look sad.
        “You already have a toy-boy,” Jeevan replied.
        “Who would that be?”
        “Ok toy-boy. Make yourself useful…. put some oil on me.”
        “For protection or a show?”
        “What do you think?”
        “Naughty girl!”
        “Cheeky!” I replied. 

        Jeevan began to put suntan oil on me. He started with my upper back and shoulders. This quickly became more a shoulder massage than a light coating of sun lotion. He was good with his hands. It felt good, I felt relaxed too.
        When I rolled over, gently he pressed me back against the seat and then he began on my front. Almost from the start, this turned sexy. It had to be sexy – it couldn’t be anything else.
        He began with my arms, first my hand actually. His hand holding mine, coating lotion all over, even carefully between each finger. Then he extended up my arm until he reached my shoulder. Then he did the other arm in much the same way.
       The fronts of my shoulders came next. Then down along the straps of my bikini top. Suddenly one hand moved down along the edge of my bikini top. Over the bared swell of my breast, down deep between them before climbing the other side.
        I gave a sigh at that. Partly because of what he had just done, partly because of feelings it began to arouse. Doing that out here in front of so many people was nothing short of erotic.
        Now he jumped to the other end of my body. Starting with my feet, one foot, and both hands ran all over it. When he did between my toes it kind of tickled and I gave a little giggle. Then he had moved to my other foot giving it the same treatment.
        His hands moved to my leg, first my calf, up over my knee and on to my thigh. He took his time here, working over my smooth skin, working at the muscle underneath. He gave the inside of my thigh particular attention, a couple of times his hand running right up stopping a faction before the edge of my bikini. His hand was almost touching my pussy before it moved away again. He repeated with my other leg, calf, knee and then thigh. Covering the inside well as he did. I would have been happy if he’d moved to my pussy now, she was asking for attention, but here was not the place for that.
        It was at this time that I looked up and saw Raymond still watching us. When Jeevan turned up I think Raymond thought he was my father. What Jeevan was doing to me now certainly wasn’t any father/daughter relationship. It must have been seen as obviously very sexual.
       “I think it’s time we went up to the room,” I told him.
       “I agree. We’re attracting attention here.”
       “We?” I said. “You’re doing it all.”
       “Ahh, but Katrina, I don’t hear you telling me to stop.”
       “Ok, stop Jeevan. Let’s finish this in our room.
       Our massage was abandoned as picking up my gear we left, heading up to our room to finish what we started beside the pool. 
       The way we rushed off like that, I'm certain more than one watcher thought, 'I know what those two are going to do now!'

       I thought we would be straight into the sex but no, Jeevan wanted a shower first, saying he had been out in the heat all day and needed to clean up. I watched him get his things organized and then he headed off for the shower. When I followed him in, he looked at me in surprise.
         “I have to come and watch you,” I said.
         When he didn’t reply I continued. “I’ve got to check on you Jeevan. I never know what you men might get up to in the shower.”
         He laughed. He knew I had got him with his own joke again.
         “Cheeky minx!” he said, his hand reaching out to slap my bum. I managed to duck clear, his hand finding only air.
         I watched him turn on the shower, then as he stripped his clothes off, taking and folding each item as he did. Now he carefully arranged his towel to be within easy reach then he returned to adjust the shower.
        I thought this man was so methodical, frustratingly methodical. That last bit amused me and I giggled. Somewhere I’d read that about Jeevan. He looked up and saw me grinning. Suddenly he reached out and grabbed me, pulling me after him, straight into the shower.
        Soon we were both soaking wet. He totally naked, me in my bikini, covered with my coverall and skirt.  Before I knew it his hands were all over me, touching me everywhere through the wetness of my clothing. Yes, I know it was swimwear designed to be wet and seen wet but in this situation, it was also sexy too. I must add, I was not slow with what my hands were doing either.
          After touching and feeling me all over, pulling me to him with my body pressed against him, he began undressing me. My cover-all then the skirt were peeling away to be carelessly discarded on the shower floor. He then came to my bikini top where he reached behind me, undoing the back tie and lifting it up over my head. Now my breasts really got the treatment, his fingers and hands all over them before his mouth and lips took over. As the water poured over us, I help his head to my chest while he sucked and licked my nipples.
        My bikini bottom was last to go, as with a sharp pull he soon had around my ankles. I just stepped out of them, leaving them with my other discarded items on the floor. Soon a hand was on my pussy, fingers digging into me, rubbing over my swollen lips, opening me up.
       There was no thought of washing now, things were driven by sexual desires as passion overtook us. I knew we were headed for more sex but I didn’t expect him to try it in the shower.
       First, he pushed me against the wall as he tried to enter me. But being taller than me it just didn’t line up. When he bent to my height he couldn’t get it right. He picked me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist which presented my pussy to his cock. With ease he entered me like that, going in quite deep too, but again we couldn’t get the motion right.
       By this time we were both cooling off a bit and so we decided to postpone it for the bed. Getting out I grabbed a towel and dried him off then he did the same for me. This had got him hard again and he stepped up behind me. He pushed me forward so my hands rested on the sink, holding me up. Suddenly I realised he was going to try it again as this position presented my behind nicely to him. I felt his hard cock between my legs. I felt him adjust himself slightly and then he was inside me.
       We could both watch in the mirror as he began fucking me. Oh it was good and to my surprise, I was starting to get aroused by it but before I could get very far I felt him break his rhythm, give a gasp and begin to cum. Watching us fucking like that. It was sexy to watch as I could see his face in front of me.
        As I said, suddenly I knew he was cumming. It happened so fast. I didn’t have enough time to get there. I was left without finishing as he began to soften and fall out.
       “Sorry,” he said. “I didn’t mean it to happen that fast.”
       “It’s Ok, Jeevan.”
       “I felt so good like that, I couldn’t help it.”
       "It's fine," I said, my fingers going to his lips. "Glad you enjoyed."
       I left him in the bathroom and was in bed by the time he appeared. He tried to apologise again but I cut him short saying it was OK. The sex had been good in the bathroom, I didn’t really mind that I hadn’t made it but he still wasn’t happy so before long we were doing it again.
       He lay beside me, we talked quietly. Then we began to play. Well, more should I say, he began to play with me. Touching my breasts, tweaking at my nipples. Soon, a hand found my pussy too. Fingers stroking down my lips, then pressing inside me.
       When he rolled so his body was over me, I noticed he had become hard. It was easy for him to enter me because of my wetness and soon we were fucking again. This time it was different like he was holding back, allowing me to enjoy.  
       This time his focus was on me, on my pleasure only. Yes, he more than made up for the bathroom by the time he had finished with me. I got a couple of good orgasms but I notice he didn’t.     

Hi From Jeevan again.
       Surprise sex, the unexpected is always good in the bathroom. I think Katrina found that out then too. My problem was it was too good and I beat her to the post. Never mine I ensured she was well rewarded later.
       Afterwards, we were laying there, me on my back and Katrina beside me. As she leaned over to trace invisible lines across my chest with her fingers, I could feel her breasts press against my side.
        “I like having sex with you,” she suddenly said.
        “Why is that?” I asked.
        “You are funny.”
        “What? Now I’m a comedian now am I? A funny-man.”
        “Hush!” she said, her fingers coming up to my lips. “I’m trying to be serious here.”
        So I kept quiet until she continued.
        “It’s a nice kind of funny. You make sex different. I never know what to expect.”
        “An orgasm at the end I hope.”
        She giggled at that, “Well yes, that would be nice, but there is more than that.”
        “What is more?”
        She gave me a punch.
        “You know. Sex is a journey. It’s not just the ending but two people travelling together that makes it worthwhile.”
        “That’s a clever thing to say, Katrina. I wish I’d said it.”
        Whomp, she punched me again. “You did say it!”
        So she was paying attention after all.  

        Later that afternoon before we went out to dinner, I picked up her notebook.
        “I saw this earlier,” I said. “I want you to type this and send it to Sarvesh tonight.”
       She looked at me a bit surprised.
       “That guy is finished with us now!”
       “I hope I didn’t cause…..”
       “No Katrina. We have been watching him. You were just his last chance.” 

       (While we were in Perth I heard Sarvesh had flown to Singapore/Malaysia. Yes, that warehouse manager was gone. Now there are new managers in the warehouse and the bank. The old Bank Manager has been promoted to our Malaysia Manager.) 

       Next morning we had to leave early to catch our flight to Perth. There was no playing within the bed, just a rush to get ready and out of the hotel. There was a taxi outside and soon we were on our flight and leaving this amazing city/country. 
      When we arrived in Perth, Donald and Paula met us at the airport and took us back to their house. I was surprised that they asked Katrina if she wanted to stay in the same room with David. Of course, Katrina was happy to accept this offer.
       As she picked up her bag to follow him I called after her.
       “Now, you two be good!”
       “Of course, we’ll be very good,” Katrina replied. Then she added, “You can ask David how good I am.”
       “That’s what I afraid of,” I laughed.
       “Cheeky!” I heard her call as she disappeared downstairs.


  1. So the story continues.
    Not as sexy as the first part, maybe a bit repetitive, but I liked it.
    And it showed Jeevan in a new way too. Seems a fun guy, I'd like to play with him.
    Feeling Naughty Janet.

    1. Naughty Janet!
      Should have known you would be one of the first to comment.
      You want to have fun with Jeevan do you? Well if my story makes you feel like that, then we must be doing something right.

  2. Good story Reshma.
    I like the sex scenes but there is much more to your story than that.
    I could see Katrina and Jeevan having fun together.
    That Cheeky! joke continued between them too.
    Nice job.

    1. Cheeky!
      Yeah we had fun with that didn't we?
      I think there should be more than just sex. Boys write stories like that! I want to have fun in stories I write, have a laugh, read something interesting, or maybe get a bit horny too. LOL
      Thanks for take time to comment.

    2. Boys write stories like that? Oh I know some girls who do too.
      You girls write hot sexy stories. My wife and I love reading them.

    3. Hi Brian
      Sure girls write sexy stories but you've got to admit girls do it with style.

    4. Yes Reshma, I know that honey.
      Ever since I first met you at that holiday at Ohope you have done everything in style.
      You could say I like your style.

      (For those who don't know what I am talking about - Read Brian's Page above.)

  3. Hi again Reshma,
    I disagree with the comments above regarding the quality of this post.
    Both posts should be considered as they were written, as one story. You captured many aspects of these two people spending a few days together. Their difference in ages, the was they related to each other, joked with each other, not mentioning had great sex together too.
    Reshma, a good story, well worth reading.

    1. Thank you so much for your comments Liem
      If I was being paid for this I'd go for a pay-rise and promotion on what you said.

      No, seriously now, I really like the way you caught what I was trying to do with this story. I wanted to go beyond just sexy stories and bring the characters alive like real people. That is why I included the interaction between these two. We can see them having fun with each other, Then that part where Katrina goes over to Malaysia was a chance to show some uncertainty and give Jeevan the chance to help her.

      Again, thanks Liem

  4. The is a great story Reshma.
    Yes the sex drives it but we can see what you were trying to achieve by adding some other scenes, like visiting Malaysia or going to that up market restaurant. We really like that balance. It was better the second time be read it when we could read both halves one after the other.

    Now I must say those sex scenes were some of the better ones we've seen in this blog. Very sexy, very hot. I enjoyed the interaction between them, the talking during sex. It happens like that in the real world. Makes it more real in the story too. Fred.

    I enjoyed the relationship between these two people. It has been mentioned before that there was an age difference. Maybe not as much as Karina tried to make out. Ha! Ha! But there was also a relaxed closeness between them too which I liked. Ginger.

    Good work Reshma. Well done girl.
    Fred & Ginger.

    1. Thanks guys.
      Comments like yours above makes it worth all the work. I'm excited about where our blog is going now. I think we've changed as we've got along. By that I don't just mean we got better but also that we have developed our cast as well.
      Your comments hinted at realism. I believe that is the secret. We all know this is a fantasy but its better when the stories and conversations appear as if they could be real.
