Day Seven – Rotorua to Auckland.
Day seven of our trip was the final day in which we were leaving Rotorua and travelling to the city Auckland again. During this trip, we had three attractions which we were to attend.
The first one was at the town called Tirau where I got to do some shopping for gifts to take back to my family and friends in India. At this town, Shanti told they also had some of the best ice-creams in the entire New Zealand and so we were all able to try one of these as well. I am thinking that the ice-creams and the chocolates in New Zealand are much better than we have in India. I am also thinking maybe I took too many while I was there too
From here we travelled to the town of Matamata, where we had lunch before going to some hot pools which were nearby. Peter and Mike wanted to get back to Auckland because they wanted to see how things were going with their business but some of the rest of us were in no such hurry, so we split up into two groups at the Matamata town. Some of us were going to the local hot pools and some going on with Mike and Peter. I stayed to go to the hot pools.