Friday 16 August 2013

Letter/Story 63 We Are Coming to New Zealand. - Part A

Part A – Meeting Mootie and Hansini

Dear Readers of Letters.
            It is Joseph here. Hi from India.
            It seems like this will be the last time I will be able to write “Hi from India.” Very soon I will need to be writing “Hi from New Zealand.” There are now only four days before we leave India. I am not sure we will get time to complete this story before we leave.

          (Editor Note: - Actually most of this story was completed before they left to move to New Zealand so 'Hi from India' is probably correct. It appears Joseph might have written this opening section about 3 weeks before their departure while the main story was started about four days before departure and finished in New Zealand.) 

            It is all completed now. I have the paperworks completed now and they have just told us we are able to come to New Zealand whenever we want. I have spoken with the Head Ranger in the Waitakere Park and he will be expecting me to start work on the 5th October. That is about one and half months away for now.
            I understand that for the first few months I will need to be doing training to understand the conditions in New Zealand before I will be able to accept my duties within the park. After my training, I will be able to work as the Park Ranger within the park. This will be a good job to be doing because the Waitakere Park is a very beautiful place.
            To help me they have sent me a beautiful book on the Park that is giving me the history and also informations on the forest and animals found in the park. There are not many animals but mainly birds. And I see there are not any crocodiles Shanti so you can be keeping your gun at home. Ha. Ha.
            I have given my notice at the Game Reserve and they are sorry to see me going away. Now here is a surprise for you. Mootie will be being my replacement. He will be doing my current job and become the Head Ranger after me.
            I will be leaving the job in two weeks’ time and then we hope to leave India about a week after that. We will be sending a container to New Zealand with our things and that could take one months to get there. While we are waiting we will need a place to stay.
            We are very grateful to accept your kind offer of us staying with you. It will be a bit more for you with four of us now and of course, you have a young child too. Are you sure you can do all this for us? Once we are there we will be finding a house and then when our furniture arrives we can move to our own house.
            Now everything is ready we are both getting excited but also I think a bit sad to be leaving India and all our friends as well. But of course, we must make this move because I know that New Zealand will be a lot better place, especially for our children. 

            But here is a surprise for you; we have a story to tell.
            You will remember Mootie the guy who was watching us from the bushes in Letter 14 I think, well we have an adventure which concerns him and his wife Hansini.
            As you will remember the day of the crocodile in Letter 54, Lizamoa discovered that this guy was now employed by me. After you had returned to New Zealand he had called us to come to his house to meet his wife and take a meal but since Lizamoa was still embarrassed about what had happened a long time before I had to politely explain no.
            Well, when I handed in my notice of leaving at the Game Reserve I put in a strong recommendation for Mootie to replace me because he was such a good worker. He was interviewed by Head Office and was successful in getting the promotion to Head Game Keeper.
            This was a very good career step for him because now he is having a very important job. He was so pleased with this help I had given him that he called us for dinner again and of course I felt important to go. Lizamoa didn’t want to but I insisted saying that this is the last time you will ever see him because we will be leaving India in a few weeks. So finally she agreed to go with me too.
            So when we arrived at his house Mootie came to greet us at the door. He was especially welcoming to Lizamoa telling her that things which happened a long time before should not affect our friendship now.
            I think the fact he brought this up when we just arrived showed he still remembered and so this was a bit embarrassing for Lizamoa but we were in his house by then so we were not able to go away again. So she had to put the brave face on and just accept his statement and carry on with the evening.
            We then went in to meet his wife Hansini. She was a very nice lady. Very pretty with an attractive face too. And as Lizamoa is reading this I will not be commenting on her body shape. She was very friendly and very welcoming. We both were feeling very comfortable with her. (See Lizamoa are you pleased I am not requiring another scolding from you. Ha Ha) 

            Now after the meal we went into their hall (lounge) and were sitting the four of us having a drink. At first, the conversation was about the Game Reserve for us guys while Hansini and Lizamoa began talking about our moving to New Zealand. Soon Mootie and I were a part of their conversations as well.
            Then the conversation took a surprising turn.
            Hansini began, “Mootie told me how he first met you both – You know at the lake in the Game Reserve.”
            “Oh no!” gasped Lizamoa covering her face with embarrassment.
            “It’s Ok Lizamoa. I don’t mind. It happened a long time ago before Mootie and I were married.”
            “But Joseph, you told me Hansini didn’t know,” Lizamoa blurted out.
            “Oh, I am sorry Joseph,” said Mootie. “I forgot to tell you Hansini knew of this story.”
            “Mootie told me the story one night in the bed before we had the sex together. It was a very sexy story for me to be hearing,” Hansini explained.
            By now Lizamoa had moved her hand from her face and was looking at Hansini with some interest.
            Hansini continued, “I was shocked at the beginning but as Mootie told me the story I was becoming more and more interested. And then I was even becoming excited as well with what he was telling me.”
            I looked over at Lizamoa and now I noticed she had that slight smile on her face. Obviously, she was beginning to see the funny side of where this conversation was going. I was thinking that this was a surprising turn to things too.
            “When we had the sex I was so excited after the story telling it was very good sex. We had a good time in bed that night,” Hansini explained.
            “I hope you don’t mind too much,” Mootie asked.
            “No, not really,” replied Lizamoa. “I was surprised at this at first but now I am OK with it.”
            “Did it all really happen like Mootie told in the story?” Hansini asked.
            “I don’t know. What did Mootie tell?” Lizamoa asked.
            “Oh, you were taking the photos. And more and more you were both taking the clothes off too. And even when you were knowing Mootie was there too. You were knowing he was watching. But you continued with the photography and with the undressing.”
            “Yes, that is right,” I said.
            “And then you were taking the photos together without any of the clothes being on. Even when you were having the sex you were not caring that he was watching you. Was that happening too?”
            “Yes,” I agreed with her story.
            “And then you involved Mootie to see closely too. You were calling him and he was coming close to watch. You were doing the show with your hand and the both men were doing with their hand too.”
            “He told you everything!” said Lizamoa a bit surprised.
            “Yes, he did. Is that the whole story? I am happy he did because it was a good story to tell. A sexy story to be telling too.”
            “Yes for us it was a sexy thing to do as well,” I added.
            “I am thinking the boys should have put the cum over you.”
            Oh wow, I thought. This girl is very bold and direct.
            “That would have been nice,” Lizamoa replied. “But we didn’t think about it at the time.”
            “I would have been happy to see this happen. It would be sexy to be in the behind the bush with Mootie to witness this.”
            “Really?” I said. “You would be happy to see.”
            “Yes,” Hansini replied. Then with her voice lowered she added, “But maybe Mootie and I could have stayed behind the bush to be doing some sexy things with both of us,” she laughed. 
            I again looked across at Lizamoa and she now had that sly smile she gets when she thinks something is a bit funny but she doesn’t want to actually be laughing about it. I could now see her amusement about this whole situation now. I was happy that she was amused and she was taking it so well. It would have been bad if the evening had all gone wrong and we would have to leave with things bad between us.                       

            Later the conversation came up again.
            Mootie asked, “That Indian girl from New Zealand – married to the European fellow with the beard. Have they gone back to New Zealand?”
            I said, “Yes. We toured around India with them and then they left for New Zealand again with the other New Zealanders”
            “She is a very interesting lady,” he said.
            “Why do you say that?”
            “Well, she was dressed differently and the way she talked was not like other Indian girls. She was very direct and openly talking with us men and looking at us directly in the eyes.”
            “Yes, she is different to most Indian girls. Shanti is a woman who is very bold and very confident. She has surprised me many times, particularly that day when you met her at the lake.”
            “Mootie tells me she killed the crocodile,” Hansini asked.
            “Yes, that is correct,” added Lizamoa. “Shanti made the first shot. They all say it was her shot which killed it.”
            “You were there too, Lizamoa?”
            “Yes, I went with them. I was standing just behind Shanti when she made this shot.”
            “Oh, that might be exciting to see. I would love to try hunting one day.”
            “Yes it was exciting,” confessed Lizamoa. “Well I thought so but the others in the van; I don’t think they wanted to see this killing.”
            “Yes, Shanti is a very bold lady,” said Mootie. “She is a very sexy lady too. I think it is sexy to have a woman doing something like the hunting.  I thought she might ride is the van with the other woman but she stayed on the truck with her husband – the Kiwi fellow – Mark I think his name was.
            “Actually his name was Mike.”
           “Oh, it was a long time before. I must have forgotten that,” said Mootie.
           “Many men find Shanti to be a different woman,” I said. “I even think some men maybe a bit scared of her too. I have come to know, or should I say both Lizamoa and I have got to know her very well but always we are surprised at her sometimes.”
            Then Hansini lowered her voice a little as she asked, “If you don’t mind my asking. Have you both done any sexy things with her and her husband?”
            Wow! That was a shock question. This woman really knew how to get to the point of things. I was about to say no and kill the conversation there but then Lizamoa answered.
            “Yes, we have. We have played some adult games together and we have been swimming with the nude together with them too.”
            “Really!” said Hansini. “Where did you do this?”
            “At first when we were in New Zealand. When they came to India we did it again too.”
            “That is sexy to be swimming with them without the clothes. Where did you do this in India?” she asked.
            “We went once to the lake in the Game Reserve. We also went swimming at a friend’s house where he has a swimming pool.”
            “This would be nice to see. Going swimming with the nude without the clothing both the men and the women together,” Hansini said.
            “Would you like to try it too?” Lizamoa asked her.
            That was a shock question back again too. I knew that Lizamoa was now giving her back as good as she gave us.
            She had a smile for a moment and then after a pause to think she said. “Well maybe. I would like to see first. Then maybe I could be brave enough to even try.”
            Mootie asked, “Did the others in the van go nude swimming too?”
            “Well, yes they did,” I said.
            “Oh, I think I recognised both men. One owned the rice shop near the market. I think the other man works in the bank.”
            “That is right,” I said. “But you must keep this to yourself.  They would not like people to come to know. They are both business men and it would be bad for them too.”
            “Of course! Of course, we will. We will not be saying about this to anyone,” he replied. 

            So the conversation continued on other things. Later Lizamoa suggested that they might want to come to our farewell party being held at Sarvesh’s.
            “Will they be doing nude swimming there?” Hansini asked.
            “I don’t think so, there are many people from the town coming too. But once most of the people are going they could be later in the evening.”
            Mootie and Hansini agreed to come to the party.

            Later that night we were at home having just gone to bed. Lizamoa and I were talking.
            "Hansini is a nice lady," I said.
            "Do you like her, Joseph? I like her."
            "Yes," I replied.
            "I think she could be a bit bold too."
            "What do you mean, Lizamoa?"
            "Well, she did say she might be bold enough to go nude swimming."
            "Yes, but you were a bit cheeky asking her like that. She said that to appear bold."
             "I know that Joseph. But I really think, given the right place, she might actually do it."
             "Really?" I replied. "Do you really think she would?"
             "Does that excite you, Joseph?"
             "No, just interested."
             "Interested in a scientific way, of course," she laughed.
             Lizamoa knows me too well. She was right of course and she knew it. There was no need for me to say anything.
             But I think maybe she was a bit turned on too because the sex which followed we good. Hard and aggressive leading to explosive orgasms for both of us. To be followed with a gentle second round before we finally got off to sleep. 
            Next week Joseph will finish his story as we see what happens at their going away party.


  1. Now this seems a bit better. Looks like things might be getting interesting again.
    So what happens at the party? Give us a sneak preview.

    1. Thanks Janet.
      Yes things are beginning to happen but sorry no previews. LOL

  2. Good morning Anne
    I have not been into your blog for a few weeks so its been interesting catching up again.

    Now this story; Yes I good story but I thought it would deliver more. Effectively it began just one conversation. Yes I realise the goal you wanted to achieve, bring two new people into the Letters Story. Yes I know this is only the first of two parts and things get more interesting in the second part but I'm not sure many of your readers with like reading all that and not getting to an exciting ending.

    Just how I see it Anne.

    1. Thanks for your comments Reshma.
      I think if you take this as one story then you would be right. But if you look at this and the one following together them you can see how they fit as one story. You did see the purpose were aiming for, get Hansini and Mootie involved. They will replace Joseph and Lizamoa moving to New Zealand.
