Friday 30 August 2013

Letter/Story 64 Joseph & Lizamoa in New Zealand.

         Hi from me to all of you. It is Lizamoa here.
         As you will be knowing, we have now arrived in New Zealand and now we are under the kind care of Mike and Shanti living in their house. It is very good of them to do this for us.
         When we arrived at Auckland we were very tired. It had been a long flight even though we had arranged a stop-over in Singapore. On the flight the baby, Jagesh wouldn’t settle and this kept us awake. My mother-in-law, Greeshma, was also very tired as well. But we are here safely and we are thankful for that too.
         Now we are settled in here and we are working on the many arrangements which must be made before Joseph, my husband, must report to his job at the Waitakere Park Centre. First off Peter had a car here waiting for us so we have our own transport. Shanti had contacted a friend who has a beautiful house which is available to rent. We went to visit this house and we are very happy with it. We have paid the deposit on it because we must keep it but it means we will need to pay the rent for almost a month before we can move to the house. Mike says in this area finding a house to rent at a reasonable price is very hard, so we must do it.

          The weather is very cold compared to last time we were here in the summer. Now it is the end of winter and there is cold and rain most days. My mother-in-law was feeling the cold until Shanti’s mother came to visit. They talked for only a little time and she took Greeshma out in her car taking Shanti and I too. When we came back we had purchased some warm clothes for her. Now she is wearing the warm Western clothing and leaving her sari until the warm weather.
          No Shanti. Joseph has told me to tell you that you have not made another convert! She is only doing because she is cold.  Ha. Ha.
          My mother-in-law is settling in very well since then and she has even gone and spent some nights at Shanti’s parent’s house. They are being very nice to her and happy to come to know her. They are also loving playing with my son Jagesh. And when they talk baby talk to him he chatters back to them in his own baby talk. They sometimes take Kathy, Shanti’s baby to look after and they are happy to take Jagesh at the same time. 

          When my mother-in-law went to stay with them on Saturday evening she took the two babies as well. We took the chance to get an adventure in. Steve and Sharon, Peter and Jenny joined us and we went to those hot pools which we enjoyed last time we came to New Zealand. And to my surprise being the last Saturday of the month it was the Nudie Night. During the winter there are not so many people there but they still have this special night.
         When we made the plan to go I was very excited. I was hoping we would have an opportunity for doing any sexy fun things and when it came suddenly we had our chance to take. When Mike told me it would be the Nude Night I was very happy with this also.
          Like on the other time Mike arranged for us to get to the pools early before they put up the screens and began the Nudie Night. Shanti and I had worn our most sexy bikinis under our clothes and so with only a minute in the changing room we were out and into the hot water. For the others it took a bit longer because they had to change completely but soon all four men were also in the pool as well. Sharon and Jenny came out together after that. I think Jenny had to take her time getting changed so Sharon stayed with her.
          So once Sharon and Jenny were in the water we were all enjoying the warm and also it was good to be with our New Zealand friends again. They were saying it was like we had never been apart because we were all getting on and joking and laughing straight away. But with those fellows Peter and Steve they are always having jokes anyway.
          As you might know Jenny is now nearly eight months with her pregnancy and when she wore her bikini it was showing that she was pregnant. Lucky with her bikini it covered the top and the bottom and not the bulge in the middle otherwise she would not have fitted into it. Peter was telling us that she is extra big now because she is in fact having twins. I suppose that sets of twins are more common within New Zealand.
          “I’m glad it’s you and not me,” Shanti said.
          And that started Joseph off. “Tell me Shanti. Why was being pregnant so bad for you?”
          “Oh! I just felt so uncomfortable all the time. I felt so fat, you know like a…..”
          “Yes! Yes, we know,” he butted in. “Like the waddling duck and the beached whale.”
          This brought a laugh form some of us but it didn’t worry Shanti.
          “Exactly!” she agreed. “That’s exactly how I felt. How perceptive of you Joseph.”
          Joseph sat back knowing his little joke had failed while we all really did start to laugh.
          Now after some time it became 6pm and we saw the man hanging up the screen to hide the pools from being seen from the outside. Once he had done this he came back to a couple of other people and immediately they stripped their clothes off.
          I decided it was the time my bikini came off too.
          “Come on Shanti,” I said. “Let’s get our bikinis off too.”
          Soon both of us girls were making our way out of the water to where our bags were placed on a small table. I did not hesitate; I just unclipped my bikini top and pulled it off. So soon I was standing there with my breasts now bare as I hooked my fingers into the sides of my bikini bottom and soon that was off too. For you Shanti, you were just behind me. Then both of us were totally naked as we now walked back across to the others still in the pool. It always attracts attention, two Indian women strolling and walking around naked.
          They had taken their togs off while still in the water. We both were happy to pick up their togs and take them back to the rest of our gear. I know it was cold out of the water but I also know that I was enjoying the chance to walk around in front of everyone naked too but once we returned to the pool I know that by then I were happy to get back into the hot water again.
          As I said earlier, there was not so many people there as I remember there was before but a few more people turned up around 7pm and then others began to leave early.
          By now we had moved to the spa pools and we found one to ourselves down the very far end. This is a good place to be because this pool is a little bit bigger than the others so we could all get into the same pool. Being a bit around the corner it was more private and also there wasn’t so much light down at that end which was good too.
          Jenny had to get out and go to the ladies room. I knew how she felt, because at that stage I was always going for a pee as well. Mike stood up to take her hand and help her out. Well, when she came back we saw her carefully walking because she could not let herself slip over on the wet decking. Coming to the edge of our spa pool she stopped for a second to steady herself before taking the step into the pool.
          Suddenly Joseph stood up and I thought he was going to be the gentleman and taking her hand to help her down into the pool as Mike had done. No but to her surprise and ours as well. He lifted her and very gently placed her down into the pool on the seat beside himself.
          Recovering from her surprise, she leant against him, “Thank you, Joseph,” she said. “That was very kind of you.”
          “You are welcome, Jenny,” he replied as he put his arm around her.
          Then she added, “I am happy you are now going to live in New Zealand.” With that, she reached up and kissed him on the cheek.
          “Yes Jenny,” Joseph replied. “Lizamoa and I are happy to be here too.”
          Then looking down into the water she said, “And I am very happy you are here too, big boy.”
          I could see through the water that she had actually taken his penis in her hand, and was rubbing it. And it began to harden.
          “Jenny!” said Shanti sitting next to her.
          “What wrong Shanti?” she laughed. “Just because I’m pregnant doesn’t mean to say I’m not still a red blooded woman.”
          “But here? What if somebody was to come? What if somebody was to see you?”
          “Let them see,” she shrugged. “I don’t care.”
          “It’s starting to get hotter and hotter in this pool. Maybe we better turn the bubble jets on,” joked Steve.
          “Yes,” added Peter. “Didn’t we tell you Jenny, nudie night is not supposed to be x-rated night.”
          “I told you I don’t care. If anybody comes I’ll probably get out and sit back on the edge.  Then they can watch Joseph pushing his big cock in and out of my dripping wet pussy.”
          We were all a bit speechless at that.
          Then suddenly Jenny shuddered. “All this sex talk is making me randy.”
          Then to surprise of Joseph and for that matter all of us she turned rolling against him until she was sitting facing him with one leg each side of him. We could see she hesitated for a moment as she guided him into her pussy and then she sunk down on to him with a sigh of relief. She did that so smoothly and it happened so fast.
          For a moment they sat like that then letting out a soft moan of pleasure she began to slowly pump him with her own body.
          “Jenny! What are you doing?” asked her husband Peter.
          “What does it look like honey?” she laughed over her shoulder. “I told you I’m still a red-blooded woman. Just because I’m pregnant, I still have desires too you know.”
          “That is the problem, you have too much desires,” Peter replied.
          She laughed as she turned back towards Joseph to continue what she was doing.
          “Yes, Mike. You’d better get those bubble jets on. If we didn’t need them before we certainly need them now,” Steve joked.
          “No amount of bubbles is going to hide what they are doing,” laughed Mike as he reached for the button close beside him.
          As streams of bubbles burst out all over the pool Jenny let out a gasp as one jet of bubbles had obviously hit a very sensitive spot.
          “Opps! You had the wrong effect there mate. I think you’ve made it worse,” laughed Peter.
          “I hope they change the water each day,” Mike added.
          “You never know what will be left in the water after all this nooky,” joked Peter.
          “Well Peter,” laughed Steve, “At least you don’t have to worry about her getting pregnant.”   
          I couldn’t believe it. There was my husband having sex in a public pool with a very pregnant woman and these guys were just sitting around watching and making the jokes.
          “You guys,” Sharon scolded them. “And Peter, don’t start Steve off on the nooky jokes again. We had enough of that in India.”
          “Ahh, but last time we were only talking about nooky,” said Steve. “Look, we have real nooky now.”         
          “Oh, no,” cried Sharon holding her head. “It’s too late, he’s started. That’s all we’ll hear now, isn’t it? Nooky, nooky, nooky, all the time.”    
          We all laughed but over on the other side of the pool things were coming to a climax. They were now both breathing heavy. I was beginning to wonder about Jenny doing all that in her condition. I was thinking, ‘Was it good to be doing sex like that?’
          Suddenly she was cumming. She gasped and let out a moan. She bucked around on him with the power of her orgasm.
          “Careful there Jenny,” laughed Steve. “Watch out or we might have a couple of babies join us in the pool.”
          “Stephen!” said his wife Sharon. “Can’t you shut-up!”
          “Oh, no! My wife just called me Stephen. I’m in trouble again!”
          Joseph gave that moan he makes and I heard him gasp, I saw her shoulders moving as he pumped up at her. Then I knew Joseph was cumming deeply inside her.
          “too late Joseph, the oven is full already mate,” laughed Mike.
          I was sitting next to Mike and I asked, “What do you mean too late?”
          “Oh, Lizamoa” laughed Mike as he put his arm around me. Then he explained to me.  “Joseph is too late to put his sperm into her because she is already pregnant.”

          Everybody laughed at that and I think laughing at me a bit too, but I just said, “Yes,” I was not really seeing his joke then until I thought about it afterwards.
          By now Jenny had finished and had moved back to her seat. She was sitting there with a very satisfied look on her face.
          “Was it good?” I asked her.
          “Very good,” she replied smiling back to me. “Thank you for letting me use Joseph,” she said.
          Not that I had much say in the matter anyway. 

          A bit later we got out and got dressed. We were all hungry after being in the water for almost three hours. Rather than going anywhere else we purchased some food and sat around the table eating while we watched some of the last swimmers in the pool.
          Once we had finished eating we got into the cars and began the journey home. I was sitting in the front with Mike while Shanti and Joseph were sharing the back seat. After a while we began to notice there was not much conversation coming from the back seat.
          “What is going on back there?” Mike asked me.
          I turned around and saw Joseph leaning back in the seat with his eyes closed, Shanti was bent across him with her head down in his lap. I could see his trousers undone and slipped down so it was obvious what she was doing.
          “I think Shanti did not have enough to eat,” I said making the joke.
          “I thought something was happening. They were too quiet.”
          His hand left the steering wheel and rested on my thigh. He moved up my thigh until he came to the top then running his hand between my legs he began rubbing my pussy through my jeans.
          “I think I will be in the guest room with you tonight Lizamoa.”
          “I think so too, Mike.” I agreed.
          Then he added, “And I am happy to be with you there too.”
          “I’m happy too,” I agreed.
          My hand slipped across and rubbed him through his jeans before we both had to take our hands back as we came to an intersection and Mike needed both hands to drive. 

          When we arrived home we had no children to look after because they went to Shanti’s mum’s house. So it wasn’t too long before we decided to go to bed.
          “Liz, I hope you don’t mind if Joseph sleeps with me tonight?” Shanti asked me.
          As she did her hand went to his front, squeezing him through his pants.
          “Of course not, Shanti,” I replied. “I am happy to be with Mike tonight.”
          Then Mike laughed. “Shanti I hope he has got enough for you after what happened in the spa pool.”
          “I’m sure he has,” she laughed back.
          With that they disappeared, going to bed. 

          So we did get some time to have fun, even with babies and even with mother-in-laws. In the end the solution was really quite simple really. Just put all the babies and all the mother-in-laws together and they can take care of each other. Wasn’t that a simple idea?
          So this is our story from New Zealand. We like the new way the letters are going to be done. Over here we are all now waiting to see what India will send back in return.

            Bye for now.
                        Love from Lizamoa and all of us in NZ.


  1. I like this story. It must be fun going to visit this pools. I remember you took us when we were visiting you in New Zealand but it was a swimming suit night. I would have been interested to try the Nude Night too.
    The idea about Jenny and Joseph was good too. I like the funny men telling the jokes. I can think that you writers would be like that in the real too.

    1. Thanks Rochelle
      Good to hear from you. I hope all is going well in France for you.
      Yes like I said in my background story for this letter, I think we have a nice balance of sex and fun. I know Susan and I had fun writing all those one-line jokes the guys made. But then I think you know what Susan and I are like when we get going.
      The idea of having sex in that particular spa pool has been considered and talked about among us but we have not been daring enough to try. Maybe this story has helped fore fill this fantasy. Ha Ha.

    2. Hi Allan
      That would have been sexy to see. I notice it was in your usual spa pool too. I see above that you have never done that for real. If you decide to while Anne and Susan are pregnant please let me know. I want to come and watch.

    3. Naughty girl Reshma.
      Are you trying to lead my girls astray?

    4. Your girls Allan? Do you own them?
      I'm sure Anne and Susan would have something to say about that. And I think they were 'led' astray a long time ago. LOL

    5. What? Have you got out again Kirsten?
      I'll have to talk to Paul about keeping you under control.

    6. Hi Allan
      Yes I am leading them astray. Do you have a problem with that?

    7. ‘Paul owns me!’
      Allan, is that what you think?

    8. Hey you guys, stop this!
      If Anne catches us playing around in her blog the Arse of Allan will get kicked.

    9. Ha! Ha! We got you!
      So now we know the truth. Anne is the owner of Allan.
      You wait until she catches you boy! She'll kick your arse so hard you'll fly all the way to the next paddock.
      LOL Kirsten.

    10. Hi Allan & other mice.
      I thought you liked to play with us Allan and live dangerously?
      What is wrong? Is Anne the cat watching?

    11. Anne! Anne! Help!
      We’ve got mice again!
      LOL Paul

    12. Don’t worry Paul.
      I’m on to it.
      Anne the Cat.

    13. Trust my husband to snitch on us.
      Kirsten. LOL
