Monday 18 June 2018

Story 211 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 211.

Hi from Mary,
         During the early winter of 2018, the writer's team hit a roadblock. We became distracted by other things and found it hard to know how to go on. The goal of the wedding had been reached and now we were in the nude weekend. There had to be a party for the second night but no one knew how it would go. It had to be sexy of course, but we felt everything had been tried. Like I said, the writing had stopped as we couldn't see a way forward.
       Then I had an idea. Since Ayaka has recorded what passed between Anne and me, I have included here where I challenged Anne with the idea. Anne will usually test your idea before either excepting or rejecting it.

       "Anne, we have parties that carry themes from our letters, don't we? I said.
       "Yes," she agreed not sure where this was going.
       "Why not have a story based on the theme of one of our parties?"
       I think she began to see it. "Yes, but it would take a lot to write a story like that, Mary."
       "We have one written already."
       She looked at me confused so I continued.
       "I Ronnie and I, our page, there is a story of a party. Can we change names and adapt it for this group in India."
       "It would be a copy of your own story, Mary."
       "Yes, but it doesn't have to be the same."
       "Go on."
       "We can change it and add more as we go."
       I think she began to see it now.
       "Do you want to try it?"
       "Yes, Anne. I might need some help."
       "I'll help," said Susan.
       "Me too," added Rajah.

       So that was it. We had our writing team, had our storyline. It was just a matter of doing it. I got to work on it straight away. It didn't take long to change all the names and drop some parts where it referred to Ronnie's wheelchair. I became Betty and Ronnie became Tom. Rajah worked over Tom's part and then Susan came up with the theme of Betty and Mootie getting together. Some conversation and it was looking good. Finally, a few days before we were finished Susan had the idea of the shaving contest. We didn't have time to add Tom's side so we just said he forgot about it. There we were story complete and uploaded ready for the proofreading process.
       Hope you enjoy,
                  Mary, Susan & Rajah.
Rajah here,
       So here is fiction (the stories), becoming reality (our party as told by Mary & Ronnie) to become fiction again in this story. Who says fiction and reality don't mix. Who can say in Letters where the boundary between fiction and reality lays.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 211.


  1. Interesting way this story came about. It also throws light on to Anne's great leadership style.
    Love the photo too Asami

  2. Reality, fiction, reality, fiction. Sometimes I wonder at how much the writings of this blog has affected and changed our lives. Not just us but you readers too.

  3. That is very deep Asami.
    Reality is you lovely girls.
    Fiction is the stories you write.
    Put them together and we have this blog
    Allan snr.

  4. You guys are too deep for me.
    Its much more simple. I write sexy stories, often using my own experiences, then I hope everyone enjoys them.

  5. Brian and I have thought about this too.
    We would never have met such good friends and got into the adventures we have if it hadn't been for this blog. When I helped Brian write the story for his page, I come to know Anne and Susan. Soon after we visited them for a weekend. That Saturday I did something totally unthinkable for me. I went nude swimming at a public pool. See how we become changed.
