Thursday 14 February 2019

Story 216 - Part One Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 216 Part One.

Hi from Allan snr,
       Susan offered to write this background for us but where Susan is concerned, I am not as brave as some people, not to let her loose writing something nice about me.

       Now, many great decisions have been made by two men over a couple of beers. This was one of them. My son and I writing together -  a father & son tag team. I can see you naughty girls getting excited already. Calm down girls - Please let me finish my story first.
       The problem - a roadblock for the writers. This period between the end of the Nude Weekend and them leaving India for their homes in Australia and New Zealand. It is a complex time, made worse by the return of the kids and later the house staff. It was against this that Anne wanted us to write a story.
       No problem - for a good tag team like us.

Hi from Allan junior,
       When we decided on a story it took another couple of beers and a big bag of crisps to work out the details. It had to be a man. I'm not going to even try and work out what goes on in a female head. Scary to even think about. I need another beer after that thought!
      Ahhh! That's better. Now, where were we? Yes, we decided on man, Mike, very close to me in both looks and personality. You know the type, quiet, handsome, intelligent, great in bed, loved by the ladies, doesn't boast much, etc. You get the picture?
      We decided to pick up the story as the Nude Weekend was coming to an end so after reading anything else mentioning this time period we began to write. I took most of the background events as I love including these little personal touches to make our characters real. For example in the first conversation between Mike and Shanti, I knew she was still breastfeeding her daughter Petra so I had Mike walk in on her doing so. Late Mike mentions the fight on the greasy pole between his daughter Kathy and Mandara's daughter Riya. Those little special moments that we all have in our real lives.
      As the writing continued, with what my partner Anne considered were too many planning sessions over too many beers, we came to the conclusion that we had enough material for two stories so we dropped development of the second half and only worked on getting Part One ready. Part Two will follow when we get time to complete it.

Allan snr,
       I've always wanted to write a really hot sex scene so after setting Mike up with Sairu, my son left me to do one. I must admit to talking with both Anne and Susan regarding this. My younger daughter Reshma gave me the idea of splitting it into two sessions. Kim had some suggestions too when she found out. 
      I wanted details, feelings and the thoughts of Mike while he was enjoying this lovely young woman. She is a bold one, not scared to get into some heavy fucking so I had a lot to work with there. I was tempted to go back and see what she had done with other men but then Reshma advised me not to. 'Just write as you think it might have gone,' she told me. The girls always say they love the foreplay buildup as much as the actual sex so I've added lots of juicy details for you ladies to read (and enjoy!). LOL
      Personally, I think I did ok. Works for me. Looking forward to what our readers and other writers think. 

      So that is it. The first part is done and ready to publish.
                                           Allan & Allan snr.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 216 Part One.           


  1. You were sailing close to the wind with this one Allan snr. You know how excitable these girls are. Are you trying to get them going again? Looks like it to us.
    Simon & Eileen.

    1. He is just a trouble maker. Couldn't behave himself if he tried. And I must add he doesn't try.
      As for getting us excited, it will take more than just calling yourselves a tag-team. Ha! Ha! Although, some of us might be tempted by that.
      Awesome Anne.

    2. Oh dear, Awful Anne.
      Thank you so much for your great insight in my motives here. Is it possible I may have held up production to correct some last minute details? Is it possible I may have wanted to make some last minute changes?
      Some might be tempted meaning you are tempted Anne. Hahhhh I knew it.
      Allan snr.

    3. I love how you have tried to get these girls going mate but it seems like Anne is the only one biting at the moment.
      Fred & Ginger.

    4. We are all here too.
      I've just enjoyed the story now moving to this background. What cheeky men these are. Really trying to get to the women I think.

    5. Just ignore them Trina. They are not getting though to us so easy.

  2. So Asami, how did this get published.
    I have always seen so many complaints about publishing early that I had a very clever plan to do something different. I thought if I published late you girls would be so relieved to see the story that there would be no complaints. Now I find the story was published on its proper date.
    What to you have to say for yourself Asami?
    Allan snr.

    1. I think you have it right there Dad. This looks like its Asami. Everything is done perfectly, all links correct. Yeah, it would have to be Asami.
      Love the photo she chose. One of my best of Susan. She loves it too.

  3. What is this Mr Allan snr.
    I did nothing other than see you having courage to show your story so I gave only the tinyest of push. LOL

  4. Ha! Ha! She published. Oh, I love it.
    Awesome Anne.

  5. Kia Ora,
    My dear friends.
    So the story continues. Different writers here but they still blend nicely with the background story. Story 216 appears to be a long one. According to a Skype message this morning there are at least 2 more parts. Susan also told me there are others joining the tag-team. Ha! Ha! (Tag-team! You boys are asking for trouble!)

    First I must mention the notes above. Yes, it seems that you are both going all out to stir up the girls. It can also be seen with a few comments embedded into the story too. Naughty boys! Really looking for trouble. Particularly you Allan snr. I laughed at Anne's comments above - "He is just a trouble maker. Couldn't behave himself if he tried. And I must add he doesn't try." Ha! Ha! I love it!

    Now to the story. As has been mentioned above, the main attraction is that sexual encounter between Mike and that young Indian woman Sairu. She has been in the thick of the action through these recent stories. You've captured her well here too. I did notice the change of style between the two sex parts. My guess is Allan did most of the first and Allan snr did the second. But I also believe their styles have been blurred by cross editing as often happens in this blog.
    Now the sex scene took a long build up. You say above that you tried to create a long foreplay. You did and it worked well. A bit of exhibition, a bit of teasing. I liked it. The sex itself was over quickly and if that had been all it would have left me disappointed. But after resting they started again. This time Sairu took over leading and she did well with getting him hard again. Great detail about sucking Mikes cock. I really enjoyed that. THen came the sex with Sairu on top this time. Good writing, plenty of details. Well done guys. It certainly caught my attention.

    I felt that the story strayed into things that were not relevant to the theme of Mike & Sairu. By itself, I would say this was unnecessary but I think we should wait and see whether these extra scenes are setting us for other parts of the story. Certainly Mike being with Mega & Hansini will be a feature. I just do not know where you are going with those maids. It is my understanding that Anne is strongly against using staff from the house in sex scenes. Which brings me to ask, why even mention them here. The next two sections will reveal more I think.

    Allan & Allan snr I would love to give you a 10/10 but since you were obviously out to upset the ladies in this class I have chosen to mark you down accordingly. 7/10 is my score for this story.
    The way I see it,

  6. What did I like about the comments above? What made me laugh the most?
    Oh, yes! Here it is.
    "Mike, very close to me in both looks and personality. You know the type, quiet, handsome, intelligent, great in bed, loved by the ladies, doesn't boast much, etc. You get the picture."
    Yes Allan, we get the picture. LOL.
