Sunday 26 January 2020

Story 229 - Skip the Beans on Toast.

Hello from Mega,
         Brian was away, attending a seminar in Wellington. He had asked if I wanted to go with him but I had the kids to look after. I certainly didn’t want to be dragging three kids away with us. That didn’t seem like a fun holiday and would have taken them out of school. So, I stayed at home while Brian went by himself.
         On Thursday, I got a call from Peter. He invited me over for what he called a night of fun. We all know what that means and I was ready for that kind of fun too. I’d been missing Brian and was about ready for some good fucking. Their invitation was delightfully welcome and I gratefully excepted.
         A quick phone call to Lizamoa took care of the kids. Shanti and Liz would look after them and my kids would enjoy being with the other kids there too. I could pick them up the following morning or even afternoon if Peter's evening of fun was that good. LOL 
         So, on Friday, when I dropped the kids off I discovered Jenny had just dropped the twins off too. So, whatever they had planned meant they wanted the house to ourselves. After dropping the kids, I drove on over to Peter and Jenny’s house. Jenny met me at the door wearing a sexy little nightie outfit. I said little and that is what it was. Tiny! Sexy and almost see-through too.

        Once I was inside, she was modelling it for me, turning around so I could view her from all sides. She looked so hot! 
        “I have one for you too.” She told me.
        I thought that was a bit sexy. “What are we going to do?” I asked.
        “We’ve discovered a new additive for sex,” she explained. “A bit messy but a lot of fun.”
        “Oh!” I replied, becoming more interested. So, we were going to have some messy sex, were we? Why not? That night with the pink snake had worked out pretty well so I decided anything with Peter and Jenny was certain to be fun.
        By now we were in the dining room and she was picking up a packet laying on the table. 
        “This is your one,” she said. “We got them very cheap so if they get stained, they can just be thrown away.”
        “Stained?” I asked. “What is going on?”
        “You’ll see soon. Just put that on first.”
        I opened the bag and pulled out a tiny nightie and matching panties. It was emerald green, just my favourite colour. 'Will go well with my dark skin,' I thought. I looked around, wondering where I could change but it seemed clear that Jenny was expecting me to change right there in the dining room. Not that it really worried me, I had been naked with Peter and Jenny many times before and I fully intended I would be again by the end of the evening. 
        Thinking about Peter, where was he? I hadn’t seen him since I’d arrived. Well, if he walked in on me changing, so what? He was welcome to watch too. Get a free show to start the evening.
        I began removing my clothes one by one, folding them neatly and placing them on the table. Jenny had gone into the kitchen to make us a drink but since their house was an open-plan design I was sure she was watching me from there. Soon, I was completely naked standing beside the table working out how I would put this outfit on.
        Jenny must have seen because she called out, “Put the panties on first and then pull the nightie on over your head.”
        I stepped into the panties, pulling them up, I noticed they were open over my pussy, leaving my cunt exposed. 
        “That is so you can fuck while wearing them,” Jenny laughed. “See, mine are the same too.”
        She lifted up her nightie and pulled the panties open to reveal her pussy lips among her ginger curls. This night was getting interesting but there was still one thing – Where was Peter?
        I pulled the nightie over my head and down over my body. It was of a material more designed to show than to hide. I knew it would be completely transparent if wet. 
        “Come on Mega,” Jenny said grasping my hand. “Let’s go have some fun.”
        I smiled back at her as I got up to follow her. I knew whatever she had in mind was going to be fun, in fact, anything with Jenny would be fun.

        She took me down to their garage which in this house was underneath. Normally their two cars would be parked here but now it was empty. Then it hit me again. Both cars had been parked outside beside my car. 
        “Where is Peter,” I asked her. “I thought he was joining us.”
         “Oh, he is just finishing something. He’ll be here soon but we can play a bit while we wait for him.”
         There was a large piece of plastic on the floor with a child’s paddling pool set up in the centre. It was empty at the moment but I realised with some messy sex in mind, this was a perfect set up. I was Ok with that. Brian and I had been with Peter and Jenny once before when we played with food and things. Not really my usual way with sex, but I enjoyed it. If that was where we were going, I was ready for it again.
         It was a bit cold in the garage with concrete floor and walls but I realised they had even considered that. Jenny went over to turn on a large fan heater set up in one corner away from any water that might be around the pool area. That was soon warming the room up.
         “Peter and I have discovered the perfect addition for messy sex,” Jenny explained again. “When he comes down, we'll show you.” 
         Jenny began filling a bucket at the tub beside their clothes washing machine. I noticed she was checking the temperature as she did. Once fill she took the bucket and placed it in the pool. Then she called me to join her there. Now we were sitting kneeling in the pool facing each other.
         Taking a small scoop, she took up some water from the bucket and brought it close to my shoulder, pouring it so the water ran down, soaking a part of my front. As soon as the water touched the material of my nightie, it became transparent, showing what was underneath. In this case, it was my left breast clearly showing now, nipple and all. Another scoop was poured down off my other shoulder down over my right breast. Then it was time to get her wet too. Two scoops of water and her front was showing as transparent as mine. 
         She took the scoop again and this time poured the water over my head. Now I was soaking wet. She then passed the scoop to me so I could do the same for her.
         To my surprise her hands went straight to my breasts, her fingers rubbing through the soaking material. When they found my nipples I suddenly realised how erect they were and turned on I was. For a few moments, I closed my eyes to enjoy before I felt the need to return the attention to her. Soon, my hands were exploring and playing with her breasts while she continued playing with mine. 
         Her hands went to the thin shoulder straps, pulling them aside so they fell off my shoulders. She pulled the nightie down so it peeled away from my breasts leaving me topless. Of course, I was quick to do the same for her, revealing her breasts fully too.
        We returned to our breast and nipple playing but soon her hand grasped me so my body was pulled against her. I felt the swelling of her breasts against mine as she rubbed her chest over mine. It was nice doing that, the softness of our breasts rubbing against each other.
        She leaned closer, her face coming close to mine, her lips coming to meet mine as she kissed me. This was no light kiss on my lips, it was clear she intended it to be a deep one. I slightly opened my lips so my tongue could meet her tongue. They wrapped around each other in a tongue tangling dance of sexual connection only tongues could do. That felt so good that I was in no hurry to pull away. It was Jenny who broke first.
        “Let’s get naked she said, reaching for the nightie bunched at my waist.
        As I lifted my bum, she pulled it from under me, lifting it up over my head. Then she grabbed my panties, slipping them down my legs and right off too, leaving me completely naked. I returned the favour to her, soon having her as naked as I was. 
       She pushed me back until I felt my head was on the floor of the pool and my hair now in the water. I felt her move over me, a leg each side of my hips and then her body came down in contact with mine. It was full-frontal contact. 
       First, came another kiss on the lips. Not as deep as before but still nice. And then she moved to my neck, making little nibbles as she went. From there she moved lower to my breast, still making little nibbles as her mouth climbed the swelling mound. At the peak, she changed to licks and sucks over my nipple before resuming her tour by moving to my other breast.
        Now she was moving lower. Down across my stomach and on towards my pussy. I knew what was coming and my body gave a quiver of excitement. She found the edge of my pubic forest. I never shave or cut it other than trimming the edges for a swimsuit so it was a nice thick clump of pussy bush. 
        She ran her fingers through the forest of hair, down over my mound and further to my pussy lips. She just gave a few rubs there to discover my wet state and then went in with her mouth.
        First, her tongue gave licks up the length of my cunt lips and then she was pushing it in deeper. My lips had swollen and parted so it was easy for her tongue to press in between them. The smooth wetness of her tongue felt great against my soft inner lips. After a few more licks like that she went even further, her fingers pulling at me from each side to open me wider, allowing her to go in deeper. Now all inside was open to her probing tongue. Open to those long slow licks over my freshly displayed flesh.
        Oh, that was so good! I tremored with excitement as I immediately found my whole body responding to this. Then came that feeling where you know it is going to happen but is not there yet. She must have realised my pre-orgasm state because she moved her tongue higher, pulling me open higher there too. I felt her tongue slide over the nob of my clitty. It was then that I realised it was her intention to take me over and I was now moments away.
       Her lickings over my clitty continued and I knew I was going to go over. The first shock hit me, bursting from my clitty and racing through my body. Another quickly followed and then came the big one, the main orgasm itself, the main event you could say. It burst over me consuming my mind and body. It was powerful and mind-blowing. But Jenny wasn’t finished as she held on to my hips so she could keep her mouth working against my clitty. Each time she thrust her tongue in at me, more waves of pleasure swept over me. 
        Finally, my bucking around became so much that she could no longer hold on to me. I slipped away from her and it was over. I lay there looking up at her as I recovered my breath. She smiled back at me. I could see much of her face was wet with my pussy juice which was kind of sexy too.

        She reached out of the pool for a headband that was laying on the plastic and pulled it over her head, just above her eyes. Taking a second one she reached to place it on my head. As she pulled it down over my eyes, she explained that the idea was to take away our sight so other senses would be heightened. I’d done that before so I knew how well it worked. I guess she had pulled the band down over her eyes too. 
        Now when she touched me, I could not see her hands so had no idea where her next touch would be. First, we returned to breast play but soon we had moved to other parts until finally, it was more pussy playing. 
        My hand was reaching in under her too. My fingers pressing into her there while she was doing much the same to me. I felt good. Actually, too good and I felt my body responding again. I think with only a bit more and I would have been on my way towards my second orgasm for the evening. But it didn’t happen like that.

        With a gasp, suddenly, I felt something being poured over me, over my shoulder so it ran down over my front and back. It felt very slippery, a bit like a thin sauce. I reached up to touch it and discovered it had small lumps, a bit soft, sort of the shape of beans. 
       As I brought my finger to my lips to taste, I felt some more being poured over my other shoulder so that now my body was almost completely covered in this stuff. It tasted a bit like tomato sauce but maybe a little bit sweeter. 
       “Is this, baked beans?” I asked.
       “What do you think?” a male voice said close behind me. Peter was there. 
       I heard someone giggle in front of me. That was Jenny still in the same place.
       “Now some for you Jenny,” Peter said.
       I heard Jenny gasp as some beans were poured over her too. I reached forward to her and discovered she was covered the same as I was. I was getting into playing with her again. I must say that the slippery texture of this felt rather nice. Like Jenny had said, maybe it is the ultimate sexual additive. 
       Suddenly, there was another load of beans poured over me, this time all over my head. The blindfold I was wearing protected my eyes but it ran everywhere, all through my hair, down over my head, dripping off on to my body and down into the pool. It was also all over my face and the front of me too. You could say I was now completely covered in the stuff.
       From what I could hear, Jenny got the same too. I wonder if she was prepared for that or if she knew it was going to get it poured over her head too. She did protest so she must have been ok with it. 
       Jenny reached for me, pulling me against her and I felt her soft breasts making contact with mine again. She began a small movement with her shoulders causing her breasts to rub over mine. Having just come from an orgasm, my whole body was heightened by the excitement which made this feel deliciously sexy. 
        With our bodies tightly together, she brought her face against mine and I felt her lips pressing against mine. I opened my lips to except her probing tongue and tasted a mixture of her taste and the taste of the beans. I allowed my tongue to slide across the surface of her tongue. Allowing our tongues to rub and dance together. It was deep, sexy kissing and I loved it. Jenny is a really good kisser. 
         While we were kissing, I felt other hands from behind me. Man’s hands, so this was Peter. He reached around me for my breasts. Hands reaching to grasp them, holding them as fingers move over the soft flesh there, made extra slippery because of the beans. It felt amazingly nice, particularly when he found my erect nipples. A hand going for each one, lightly pinching and pulling on them, rolling them between finger and thumb.
         I felt his body make contact with my back. Now he was holding me tightly as he continued playing with my front. Mainly his attention was on my breasts but a couple of times I felt a hand stray down to my pussy, pressing between open thighs and rubbing all over my pussy area. His fingers running down the length of my swollen cunt lips.
        Finally, Jenny broke away from me and the man behind me stopped too. It had been amazing. Just them doing that normally would have been great but doing it while I was covered in beans made it even sexier.
        For a moment I was wondering what would happen next. Then I felt Peter taking my shoulders pulling me back gently. I felt Jenny’s hands in front of me, guiding me, helping Pater to lower my body from a sitting position to a lay position.
        They made me lay back until I was lying flat across the pool with even my head laying flat. For a moment I realised my hair must have now been soaked with a mixture of water and canned baked beans. I thought that was going to be a mess.
        Jenny and Peter were sitting each side of me now and I felt them taking handfuls of beans and rubbing then all over the front of my body. They rubbed over my stomach and my chest. Even down between my legs to my pussy. The slippery sauce made their hands slide easily over my body. I could feel the little beans caught by their hands, rolling between their fingers and the surface of my flesh. That was sexy with their hands were all over me, taking up scoops of the beans with their hands and rubbing it all over, I was enjoying it. Two pairs of hand, touching, feeling, rubbing and playing – so sexual. It felt wonderful!
        A pair of hands had returned to my breasts, rubbing more beans and sauce over them. Then I felt a tongue licking over a nipple. Lips had soon found me and she was sucking me. Yes, by the softness of her hands, I knew this to be Jenny.
        Meanwhile, another pair of hands had pulled my legs open. This must have been Pater. I felt him taking more scoops of beans with his hands and rubbing all over my pussy, the slippery sauce of the beans mixing with the wetness of cum juice so his fingers slipped smoothly over my flesh. 
        His hands soon settled down to rubbing up and down my cunt lips. Playing with them so they swelled and opened even more. His fingers pushed in exploring my inner lips. Soon, this had progressed to his finger pressing into me, thrusting in deep as he slowly finger fucked me. 
        By now, Jenny had moved to my other breast. With that and with when was happening to my pussy, I realised my next cum was building. I knew this was probably their intention so I just laid back, allowing it to happen.
        My body gave a jerk, a shudder going right through me. I was so close. He knew it too as he sped up his finger fucking, his fingers pressing deep inside me with each thrust. I began pumping back at his hand, working to press my hardened clitty against him. A few contacts there and it worked. I was over the top into another good orgasm.

        Peter was between my legs now as I felt his body come down on top of mine. I knew this was it. He was going to fuck me now.  His cock pressed gently against me and my pussy was eager to open and allow him in. A few gentle thrusts and he was in deep.
        There was no playing around this time. He was into it straight away. His body pounding down on top of mine. His cock thrusting in deep with each downward thrust. It was good sexy. Very rough and active but still exciting. I was soon responding to him, moving with him, my pelvis thrust up to meet him each time. 
         I was getting settled in for a good session like this when suddenly he stopped. ‘Why?’ I thought, ‘What was going on?’
         He encouraged me to change so now I was sitting on top of him, with a leg each side. My hands reached to his cock to guide him in again. It didn’t need much and my pussy was still open and hungry for him. As I lowered my body on to him, I felt him going in deep. Even deeper this way than before. I think I was taking all of him inside. I began to move, my hips lifting me, then lowering my body back down to him. Each time I felt him slipping from me before being driven back deep inside me.
        I leaned forward, changing my position so my motion became more of a backward thrust. I like it this way. I like the way a man goes in so deep. I like how it is easier to fuck him like this and I also like how usually the man under me will go for my swinging breasts with his hands.
        This is exactly what Peter did, his hands taking more beans to go back to my breasts to plaster them, holding them and playing with them. This felt even better for me and drove me on with greater passion. 
        He gave a moan as his hands dropped from my breasts to my hips. I suddenly realised that he might be getting close now. It must confess, it was getting to me, a bit too. I made my mind to take him over. If it didn’t happen again for me, I was ok with that but I wanted it to be good for him. So, I increased my speed, giving more pressure as I drove back at him.
        It didn’t take much more and I heard him give a gasp. His thrusting dropped out of time and then stopped. I could feel his cock still inside me, pulsing as he pumped his cum into me. 

        I didn’t get to make it that time but I wasn’t really worried. I’d already had a couple of good cums. I lifted my leg to roll off him thinking it was all over. 
        But I was wrong as straight off Jenny was back with me. “My turn,” she whispered in my ear. Soon I found myself pressed back to the floor of the pool again with Jenny’s smaller body on top of mine. I felt a thigh on each side of my head and soon found a pussy being presented to my face. I could smell her, the smell of hot pussy of a woman on heat. 
        I felt my thighs being pushed open and a head pressing between them. So now I was having a 69 with Jenny. I was ok for that too. Quickly, she went in for the kill. No messing around with foreplay. Just her lips and tongue straight into my wet pussy. Her tongue pushing between my lips giving long licks as she did.
        I was returned the same to her, thrusting into her pussy with my tongue. She was soaking wet too, I could smell and taste her cum juice. And she was juicy too, soon all over my face as I buried my face in her pussy.
       As we continued, working and eating each other’s pussy, our passions were building. She was getting to me big time and I knew soon she would be sending me over. The pussy being presented to me was also becoming worked up and I knew she was getting there too. For a moment I wondered who would be getting there first when my question was answered.
        Oh did the woman above me suddenly go off! It was a big one, her pussy humping down at me, her body bucking around on top of me. I grabbed on to hold her to stop her from falling off. She recovered quickly, her head going back down to finish the treatment she had been giving me. This time she meant business and as her fingers pulled my pussy lips back, she went in for the final push. Her lips grabbed my enlarged clitty and with a few strong sucks she sent me over too. It was another good one and as my whole body responded my bucking threw her right off.

        Now in a sitting up position, I reached up to lift the blindfold off my eyes. I looked down at myself and realised I was a total mess. I also knew it was all over my head and all through my hair too. I thought this was going to really take some cleaning out.
        I looked over at Jenny to discover she already had her blindfold off. I wondered if she had even worn it at all.
        She had a roll of paper towels ready and we began wiping each other off. The idea was not to totally clean up but just remove most of the beans that might fall on to the carpet as we went upstairs. Then we could take a shower to fully clean-up. I wrapped a towel around myself and another around my head.
       I went for the shower in the main bathroom while Jenny went for the shower in their bedroom. I notice that Peter came in with me. To help me he said. Well, didn’t Jenny need help too? LOL.
       I process of cleaning took longer than was required with Peter ‘helping.’ But we managed to get each other clean. It was then that I discovered another advantage of using baked beans. With warm water, they washed off fairly easily. Even in my hair, it came out with only a bit of washing. 
       We were finished, both of us were clean now when Peter wrapped his arms around me, pulling my body against his. My arms went around him too. I am almost the same height as him so my face was level with his. Our lips met. Like his wife Jenny, Peter is a good kisser and this one was a good one too.
       I felt a hand press in between us. I hand holding something, pressing it against my pussy. It was hard but very slippery and I realised he was rubbing a bar of soap against my cunt. My lips opened to receive it and he was pressing it in as he rubbed up and down the length of my cunt. With each stroke going right up over my clitty I was soon responding to him again.
       The orgasm that followed, my last for the evening was a smaller one. More of a gentle rolling than a sharp explosion as the earlier ones had been. He held me while I recovered and then we left the shower and he wiped me dry with the towel. I wanted to return the favour to him but he insisted he was fine.
        As I sunk into the softness of their waterbed and suddenly I realised how tired I was. My head had hardly hit the pillow and I had sunk into a deep, restful sleep.
        I woke up early to find myself still on their water bed. For a few moments, I wondered where I was until the events of the night before all came back to me. Jenny was still asleep on one side of me and on the other side the sheet was pulled back where Peter had been. Suddenly, I was feeling hungry, so after a short stop in the bathroom, I went into the kitchen looking for him.
       He was pouring a coffee as I walked in. 
       “Hi, Mega,” he said looking up. “Coffee is ready if you want one.”
       “Mmm, that would be great.”
       I watched while he poured me a cup and handed me the steaming cup. I took a sip and it tasted great, just how I liked it. I wondered how he knew and then remembered years ago; in this same kitchen, we had stood here as he made me a coffee, the morning after some great sex.
      “I guess I should start preparing breakfast.”
      “What have you got?” I asked. “I’m hungry.”
      “We’ll cook up something. Baked beans on toast, with eggs and bacon?”
      “The eggs and bacon sound fine but let’s skip the beans. Think I had enough already.”
      “Ok!” he laughed. “Eggs and bacon, it is. Skip the beans on toast.”

       A bit later, Jenny arrived out and found us in the kitchen. By now, I was at the stove cooking and Peter was watching the toast. Very important job it seems. Takes a man to do it properly. Ha! Ha! 
      "Smells nice," Jenny smiled.
      "I can do some baked beans if you want, honey," Peter said. "I'll scoop some out of the pool downstairs."
      "After we've been rolling around in them," she laughed. "I don't think so."
      We were all laughing as I began placing the eggs on the toast Peter had made.
      Scrambled eggs and bacon on toast went down very well after our fun the night before. Soon we were back in the kitchen cooking some more so we could have a second helping.


  1. So finally, it is here. Well done guys. Baked beans sex, that is so typical of you two.
    Yesterday, I heard Susan telling us that you have had her over at your house for Baked Beans too. Funny how she always seems to be your test pilot these days. She can't resist the promise of sex I guess.
    Back to your story. It is a good one. From you guys, always a bit different. I could say I loved the sex scene but actually the sex scene took up almost all of the story with just an opening and ending.

    Paul likes Kim's arse in the background pic too. LOL He might find there is a story too soon, I hope.
    Kirsten and Paul.

    1. Yes, Kirsten. You are right about Susan. She says she is not really into messy sex but she seems to go over there a lot and always seems to try things out and be their test pilot. Maybe it is a secret passion, she does like getting covered in mess during sex.
      LOL Brian.

    2. Yes Allan snr and I enjoy Susan's visits. She is always lively and a lot of fun. Sure, we've got her into some unusual sexy. Allan is always teasing her and daring her to try things. You know Susan, she is into anything going so she usually takes up his challenge.
      But keep in mind that she enjoys it too. Remember the Pink Snake - a tripple-barrel orgasm! LOL.

    3. So Sexy Sue was involved in this too. I can just imagine baked bean running down all over her beautiful body. Then her rubbing against me, coating me all over with beans and sauce too. What a deliciously distracting thought that is. Then I got further down the story and could imagine both Susan and Kimberley, covered in beans and involved in a sexy position 69 of passion. Seeing that would have me hard and back into the action again too.

    4. Of course, I was involved in it. When these two invite me over it is always a fun evening. First, the meal is always great and you all know how I love good food. Allan snr still has some of the best red wine too. That Merlot mix was a good one.
      They told me about this new sexual additive they had discovered but wouldn't tell me what it was. I wanted to know so I went along with their games. Got soaking wet in the nightie and then Kim stripped me naked. She blind-folded me and then sneaky Allan came up behind me and poured a large can of baked beans over my head. LOL
      Yes, things went much as happens in the story above so I suppose I must make some claim as to the writing or at the very least, the inspiration for this story. I don't mind. I had a great night.
      Oh those chocolates afterwards were soo good! You may have noticed that after all those orgasms, I need a few to build up my energy again.
      Please invite me again if you need a test pilot. LOL
      Love you guys!
      Sexy Sue.

    5. A few chocolates Susan? Quite a few actually. And where did that rest of them go? The box was empty in the morning. LOL
      We enjoy having you over Susan. You are always a good sport and a lot of fun. You are always willing to go along with our special games. We eat and drink well, (too well my doctor would say), laugh and have fun, then finally some good sex.
      Allan snr.

    6. Susan, you bad girl, eating all of Allan's chocolates. LOL
      Glad you did because he doesn't need them anyway. Allan, what were you doing with chocolates anyway? I thought you were supposed to be on a sugar free diet.

    7. This comment stream is what I like about this blog. Light-hearted fun between people. Susan getting dragged into their new games with baked beans. LOL. Where did that come from?
      Then we learn about Susan taking the blame about the empty box of chocolates.
      Anyway, the resulting story must be worth a few chocolates, Allan snr.
      Kevin (USA).

    8. He better not be eating boxes of chocolates. I'll come up there and kick his arse if he is. Good on you for taking the chocolates Susan but even a fit strong woman like you shouldn't be eating too many.
      Mave (Allan's nurse).

    9. Now, about this story. I loved it. Not really into messy sex myself, I did enjoy the idea of getting my naked body covered in baked beans. I think that might feel very erotic and sexy.

  2. This was a fun story. You fit our blog so well with a good mixture of fun and sex but always come up with something quite different.
    Loved the story.

    1. Thanks Anne. We try hard to match our stories into the main storyline as it is important. Also, sex should be fun. Susan taught me that. You should have a laugh as well as an orgasm.

    2. I really laughed at the title of this story. I was thinking where is this going to go. Even when I started reading it didn't occur to me that it would be about baked beans.
      Much further down I realised the title was a line that Mega said over breakfast.

    3. I think what Peter said to Jenny was better. When he offered to scoop some bean out of the pool for her she said, "After we've been rolling around in them," she laughed. "I don't think so."
      LOL That made me laugh.

    4. I agree with you guys. You finished the scene and it would have suddenly stopped. But as you have often done, a bit of humour rounds the story off nicely.

    5. Yes, I agree with you girls this story is a bit different but something we should expect from these two writers. I've never really been into messy sex but getting food all over my naked body during sex does sound a bit exciting.

    6. Oh Kim you are such a naughty girl getting up to all these sexy things with Allan and. Now I hear you even talk Susan into joining in too.
      Beautiful Kim. Hair always so perfect. Always look beautiful and you like doing things like having baked beans poured over your head. LOL
      Little Tom.

    7. Kim has always been a surprise. Even worse when she gets with Allan snr. And I've heard even more goes on than what goes on the stories.

  3. Another story! Now in New Zealand so has the Australian series with the new couples finished now?
    Both Raymond and I have enjoyed how this story develops. It started with Mega not sure where it was going. I liked how you developed her understanding of what they had planned for her.
    Where is Peter? What are we doing tonight? Shows her trying to work out what was happening. Then the shock as the beans were poured over her. Great way of opening a good sex scene.
    Nina and Raymond.

    1. Thanks Nina,
      You both seem to have captured what we were try to do. We wanted a story to develop around Mega without her knowing what Peter & Jenny had planned for her. You will notice she was not worried or scared in any way, just curious as to what was happening.
      Yes, maybe four orgasms in one night is a bit much but I know of one woman who is capable of that. She was our test pilot. We had to have one. How would we have known if this would work. But I would rather use the word inspiration than test pilot to describe Susan.
      Allan snr.

    2. I also enjoyed the way they developed this story. It started slow but quickly we were taken into the garage sex scene. Baked beans is a different idea but with those two you it can be expected.
      More recently it has come out that Susan was involved too. Again, not unexpected as she likes going over there.
      When Susan visits Rodney and I, it is always a lively night. Susan love sex and has been told above, she loves food too. The way she runs with my sister Ayaka, she'll burn it off quickly. But she has the ability to match her sexual style with whoever she is with and particularly likes having evenings with married couples. Lets end by saying both Rodney and I are well satisfied after a visit by Susan.

  4. Once again that writing team - Kim and Allan, have delivered something different. Over the years there have been some good ones. The pink snake one comes to mind as among the best. Her first was Story 73 Mud, Rain and Sex. That is another good one and it set up Kim's style too.

    1. I have not really tried the messy sex that you two do other than meeting the Fluffy Pink Snake while we were down there this time.
      But this thing with cans of baked beans seems like its going a bit far. LOL. But like Wayne said above, you have written a few on messy sex now. They add something different to the stories, a new depth, a new dimension you could say. In that way I am enjoying your messy sex stories as I did with this one.

    2. Did you actually meet the fluffy pink snake, Mahuiko? Did Allan snr use it on you?
      I once saw it when we had a photo session at his house and I wore the pink bikini. It is much longer than I expected and when you handle it, it feels and moves like a snake.

    3. Yes, I did meet the fluffy snake. Allan snr used it on me. Gave me the full treatment it seems. Got me so horny that a good fucking was required as well. Kim wasn't involved since my partner was keeping her busy.
      You think about it and say how could a bit of fluffy material in a coil spring feel so good? But it does. Sensational actually. Didn't get a triple barrel but did get some good cums. I'd be down for another visit.

    4. Another survivor of the Fluffy Snake. My dad has a lot to answer for doesn't he. Kim, Susan, Anne, Rochelle, Ayesha and Synthisha together and now we hear Makuiko was there too. How many more we don't know about? LOL.
      Allan jun
