Tuesday 11 February 2020

Story 230 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 230.

Hello from Shandra.
       It was be my husband, Rajah and I who wrote this story.
       My Dad knows this waterfall well. He used to go down there a lot when he was growing up. He has taken us down there many times and we have even been swimming at the small waterfall upstream from the main Mokoroa Falls. So the location was easy to describe, right down to the cracked rock hand-hold where the rock path is always slippery.
       When my sister Reshma and I first came to New Zealand, our house was down the road from this park. Our new step Dad and brother were into bushwalking and we started walking with them. Mum wasn't so interested so would usually stay at home. We had some great walks in and around the Waitakere Ranges as well as going further afield too. One that stands out is climbing Mt Taranaki.
       But the Mokaoroa Track was a favourite because it was so close. Susan and Anne began joining us too and during the hot summer months, we would be swimming in the pools there too.
       One day we were down there, doing the walk up the stream bed. Back then, this route wasn't as popular as it is today so usually you would see no one other than your own group. Us three girls were about 17, I think. I know we had begun writing our sexy letters. Of course, my sister Reshma was younger, just starting to develop and my stepbrother, Allan was a bit older than us.
       We had stopped for lunch beside a small waterfall downstream from the main falls and being such a hot day, the water looked so inviting. Anne suggested we go swimming in our underwear. She said it was a bit like a bikini anyway. We talked about that and all of us girls were in agreement to do it when Susan, always much bolder than the rest of us, suggested skinny-dipping. So we wouldn't get our clothes wet, she said.
       Dad said that is the way he and his friends, even girls sometimes, used to swim. Nothing sexual, just stripping off to go swimming. Just stripping off? In front of two men? What was he thinking? For three horny teenage girls, of course, that was sexual. How could it not be sexual? But after batting the idea around a bit we agreed. Even my little sister, Reshma, agreed too which was bold for her since she was only recently getting tits and her pussy.
       So, as I remember it, four females and two males, got naked and went swimming. Sure jumping in and out of the water, our naked bodies were seen, but after a while, we were enjoying being naked. It seemed a natural way to be so it quickly became our normal way of swimming on our walks. Unless Mum was there, of course, then it would always be 'ticker-lock, cover-up.'

       The idea of meeting complete strangers and having sex with them was something we had been waiting to do for a long time. Even the idea of a Japanese couple and their teenage daughter wasn't a new idea. Anne had some notes on it in her diary dating right back to 2015. Many of you will know the title of this story has been on our content pages for a long time too.
       But the location for this story has always been after Katrina's wedding so it kept getting push back further and further to the gap before the Letters Next Generation stories began. Well finally, we got there and so my husband Rajah and I took it on. There is a bit of a fit there too as we were both Indians who fitted the Indian's in the story fairly well.
       Now, while Anne had some notes and had started this story, nothing had been done about the Japanese characters in the story. It wasn't until the stories featuring some of our online friend's names, Fred & Ginger and Ian & Kala, that the idea of naming the people after some of our readers here came up. So you will recognise all the names are from people who regularly comment in the stories. They also happen to be family with the Japanese writers too. Just remember while the reader and fiction character might share a name, they are not necessarily the same in character or appearance.

Update - 7th Sept 2020 - 6th April 2021.
       The three characters, Hirohiko, Sayako and Tukiko, appear in our stories again in Story 251 and those following. In that first story, they follow up their meeting with Joseph and Lizamoa by going to meet them again.   Story 251 Part One - Our Japanese Visitors.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 230.


  1. Interesting! Is this where you guys started getting naughty? Two guys and four girls. I like those odds.

    1. Think about it Raymond. Two of those girls are related to the men as daughter or sister. The odds aren't so good now.

    2. Yes, I remember that day. It was the summer of 2000 I think. Anne and my son Allan had began dating. She had just started working for her father. Shandra was working for that share broking company. Not sure what Susan was up too. Some kind of mischief I bet.
      Over Anniversary weekend I think, I took them all on that walk. I do not know why we didn't bring swimming things on such a hot day. Down in that valley there was hardly a breath of wind - so hot.
      Anyway the girls wanted to go swimming and were planning to strip to their undies. That is until Susan came up with skinny-dipping. Always bolder, that girl. When I told them that was how we always used to swim as kids. Girls were often with us too. Dorothy, Sharon and Terry were usually with us. We weren't children either but in our teens.
      Well Anne and Shandra soon caught on to the idea. I wasn't sure about young Reshma but when they decided to go swimming naked, she seemed to except it ok. Yes, all six of us were naked but nothing sexual happened. The girls stripped but all but Susan were a bit shy at first. Susan, of course, was more than happy to struct her stuff.
      That was the beginning as far as I know. Now things have changed so much, especially when Anne moved to the farm to shack-up with my son.
      Allan snr.

    3. Yes, I remember that day too. I was a bit scared to strip completely, even though the two males were just my step-father and step-brother. But I did and discovered the joy of swimming naked. It is surprising how quickly you get used to it too.

    4. What is all that nonsense Allan snr. We weren't shy getting naked. We had done it before at the beach. It was Shandra didn't what to admit it to you.
      Susan structing her stuff. Shandra and I can be just as bold when we want too.
      As for me shacking up with your son. You always say that like I'm a criminal or something.

  2. Kia ora naughty friends,
    I have sent you my email this morning. Very well done. Technically a solid story with very few errors. I did find a few ways you could reword parts which I see you have taken advantage of already.

    Now your story. I did point out to you the danger of using real names a fictional names but I can also see how you are rewarding readers for their loyalty.
    It was good the way you built the sexual energy between strangers. You also explained why the three Japanese were ready to play. Lovely interaction between in and around the pool. For example between Joseph and Tukiko.
    The sex was good how you changed each session. There was the danger of doing the same thing four times.
    Finally, I was left wondering what Hirohiko and Lizamoa.

    1. I agree with you Moa. The relationship between Lizamoa and & Hirohiko was developing we
      ll when suddenly it was dropped. Why? In other stories you have had parallel accounts, why not do it here too? You could open up this story again or add a second part.
      The Real Hirohiko.

    2. Damn! Horny Hirohiko!
      What are you doing in this story. Didn't they tell you, you're only supposed to be a reader who comments some times.
      But I agree with you and Moa. They didn't give you a very good part. Give me a few days. I think I can fix that for you.
      Sexy as usual Sue.

    3. I'm allowed to get into the stories. I have Anne's permission. LOL.
      So what are you up to Susan? How are you going to 'fix' things? They did focus on Joseph and the two women but the story is published now so there is nothing more to do.

  3. Skinny-dipping in a larger group is very different to our smaller group of four people in India. I took some time getting used to it. Both Synthisha and I used our bikinis or parts of our bikinis at first until we became more relaxed with the people there.
