Friday 25 June 2021

Story 257 Naughty Sayako.

Index of Letters                         Story 257 Background.                         Back to Story 256 Part Three.   

Forward to Story 258 Part One.

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Naughty Sayako.

          When Tukiko and Masanori got back to her place, they found her parents were at home. Her Dad (Hirohiko) was in his home office and her Mum (Sayako) was cooking or something, probably preparing dinner. What surprised Tukiko was that other than the apron she was wearing, her mother was naked. It didn’t seem to bother her at all that Tukiko’s boyfriend was sitting there, looking at her bare bum. In fact, Tukiko had the impression her mother wanted him to look.
          “How did your weekend go?” Sayako asked.
          “It was great Mum. We had a good time. The hotel was nice.”
          “Can I get you both a drink and then we can sit down, you can tell me all about it?”
          Tukiko and Masanori sat at the table while Sayako got them both a drink. Since she knew Masanori liked beer, she got him one and then poured a chilled white wine for Tukiko and herself.
          They both watched as she removed the apron she was wearing, throwing it on a kitchen bench before coming around to join them at the dining table. She sat down beside them, now completely naked.
          “Now, tell me all about it,” Sayako said.
          It was at that moment that Sayako noticed her daughter’s hand. The ring was there!
          “Oh, Tukiko!” she gasped as she stood up.
          Standing up like that, her pussy was directly in front of Masanori’s face. Tukiko saw her boyfriend looking. Well with her mother displaying herself like that he didn’t have many options anyway. Her being shaved ensured that Masanori could see everything she had to offer. Both Tukiko and Masanori had the idea that she was offering too, even as she maintained the innocent conversation of just being interested in their important news.
          Sayako came around the table and gave her daughter a big hug. Then she turned and hugged Masanori as well. He felt a bit strange about that, his future mother-in-law was hugging him while she was completely naked. She wasn’t shy by holding back, allowing her naked breasts to press firmly against him.
          Tukiko noticed it too, how tightly her mother hugged her boyfriend while he looked to be a bit surprised, if not uncomfortable with it. It was a bit longer than necessary too. Finally, Sayako pulled away from him looking a bit embarrassed.
          “Sorry, Masanori,” she said. “Was hugging you like that, a bit much.”
          “No, no. It’s fine Sayako. You’re just pleased with our news.”
          She smiled down at him and then returned to her seat. She could see his confused state. Putting him on the back foot, just as she intended. As she sat down, she looked at him, noticing he was looking back at her. Probably viewing her nakedness, she hoped.
          Tukiko thought that was more than just hugging him for their good news. She had mixed feelings about her mother’s intentions now. She was pleased her mother was happy with their news but she was a bit uneasy about how open her mother was showing her attraction to her boyfriend. Yes, Tukiko knew it had been decided that her mother Sayako would get to fuck her boyfriend Masanori but on the night they just got home, the night they had just announced their engagement. Was this a bit too much?

          When Sayako had taken her seat again, Tukiko began to talk, telling her mother about their weekend. She noticed Masanori was still watching Sayako.
          Sayako was sitting there, her chair pulled back so her whole body was on display for him. He could see her tits, bigger than her daughter’s but similar in shape. Her nipples were different too, they looked rough and jagged, a hole at the tip of each one. The results of breastfeeding he guessed. Lower down her belly was slightly rounded, not fat, just gentle middle-aged curves. Lower still was her pussy, well where her pussy would normally be but now, she was bare, her pussy completely shaved, clearly revealing the lips. Not just a split but more open with her inner lips displayed, almost as if she was sexually aroused.
          'Was she aroused?' he thought. 'It certainly looked like it.'
          She glanced at him and caught him looking again, looked down at herself to confirm what he was seeing, then a slight smile came on her face as she returned to listening to what Tukiko was saying.
          Masanori realised that she knew he was viewing her naked body, obviously, she wanted him to look too. Tukiko had also noticed the obvious sexual connection building between the two of them. She knew before long a decision would have to be made. She knew neither would make a move without her permission so really what happened tonight was all up to her.

          Finally, Tukiko came to the end of her story and Sayako reached over in front of Masanori to touch her daughter’s hand. “I’m glad you two have made up,” she said looking at them both. “You make such a good couple. Meant for each other, I think.”
          “Thanks, Mum,” Tukiko said.
          Masanori just nodded his head. He was a bit distracted by the way her nipples had almost touched the tabletop when she reached over to touch her daughter.
          “Would you like to stay for dinner?” Sayako asked Masanori.
          “He is Mum,” Tukiko replied. “He is staying the night too.”
          “Oh really?” Sayako smiled to herself.
          She realised that now the rules had changed. Tukiko was bringing their sexual relationship out into the open with her parents. She knew what staying the night meant. Masanori would be sleeping with Tukiko that night. She was happy that they would. She was happy that they were back together again.
          But she wondered about herself too. Deep down, Sayako wondered about where things would go from here. She would like to be with this handsome young man too. Take him to her bed and fuck him, have him ride her until she could take no more.
          On Friday at, Lizamoa's house, Shanti had invited Tukiko and Masanori to join in their sexual fun but while Tukiko had been talking about their weekend, nothing had been mentioned about their ongoing plans. While Sayako would have loved to know, she thought it wiser not to ask at this point. Whatever they decided, she knew she would hear about it eventually. In the end, it was still up to her daughter, Tukiko to decide what and when they would do it. If that cock never came in her direction, she would be disappointed but fine with it.

          At that moment, Hirohiko entered the room. Like Sayako, he was stark naked.
          “Hello, Masanori,” he said shaking his hand.
          “Hello sweety,” he said giving Tukiko a quick hug. “When did you two get home?”
          “They were just telling me they had a marvellous time,” Sayako told her husband.
          “That is great,” Hirohiko replied. “So, things are good between you guys now?”
          “Yes, Dad,” Tukiko replied with a smile. “Things are good now.”
          “I’m pleased to hear that, honey,” Hirohiko said. “Your mother and I have been worried about you two. Your relationship took a huge hit the other day.”
          “We are fine Dad,” Tukiko said, reaching to touch her father’s hand. “No need to worry about us.”
          “Good,” came Hirohiko’s reply. “I’m glad for both of you.”
          It was then that Tukiko held up her hand for him to see the ring. A huge smile came on his face. “So, you guys did it,” he said. “That is great news!”
          Both Tukiko and Masanori got up as Hirohiko gave her a hug and shook his hand. It was obvious he was very pleased too. Meanwhile, Sayako had brought him a beer and he joined them sitting at the table.
          “That ring suits you, honey,” he told Tukiko. Then with a smile, he added, “Lucky Ragesh managed to retrieve it from the pool.”
          “I can’t believe I threw it away,” Masanori said.
          “A lot of things happened that day that shouldn’t have happened. At least you guys have worked your way through this. It’s proof you are right for each other.”
          As Tukiko gave him a summary version of their weekend, Hirohiko was sitting watching his daughter. It seemed strange, two of them naked and two wearing clothes, although it was fairly obvious his daughter was wearing nothing under that T-shirt. He looked over at her boyfriend, Masanori and then looked over at his wife Sayako.
          It was then he saw it. She was getting turned on. Nipples looked hard and while he couldn't see it he suspected her pussy might be wet too. He remembered the promise she had made to spend a night with him. It looked as if it might happen sooner rather than later if she had her way. She was getting the hots for this young man.

          Suddenly, Hirohiko brought his hand up for Sayako’s nipple. “So, when do you get your night shagging Masanori?” he said with a grin, giving her nipple a sharp pinch.
          Sayako gave a gasp, partly from pain and partly from surprise. “Stop that,” she said, brushing his hand away, feeling a bit embarrassed at the directness of her husband.
          “I didn't say I...” Sayako began.
          “We haven’t talked about that yet, Dad,” Tukiko said.
          Tukiko was slightly amused at how blunt her father had been but she also had seen the glances between her mother and her boyfriend as she had been talking. They were just as obvious. The way he was looking at her and the way she was enjoying it too. It was clear there was an attraction building between them and Tukiko was sure before long, more would be happening too.

          Finally, Tukiko got up from the table and announced she was going to get changed into something more comfortable.
          “Come on, Masanori,” she said when her boyfriend didn’t seem to be moving to follow her.
          Masanori looked over at her parents, it was obvious he wasn’t sure what to do.
          “It’s ok, Masanori,” Hirohiko said. “The rules have changed now. You’re sleeping in Tukiko’s room tonight and we are fine with it.”
          Masanori, smiled as he got up to follow Tukiko. It felt strange to go off to her room with her parents watching but sort of made sense. They knew about the sex so why not just be open about it. Things certainly had changed. And they were engaged now. Perhaps that made a difference too.
          In her bedroom, he watched as she began to strip off. Having left off her bikini when she got dressed on the beach, she just wore a shirt and shorts. First, off came the shirt to be quickly followed by the shorts. Once naked, it appeared she was in no hurry to find some other clothes to wear.
          “Come on, Masanori,” she told him. “Get naked too.”
          “Are you going to go like that?” he asked.
          “Sure,” she replied. “Since they are naked, we might as well join them.”
          “Ok,” he said as he began removing his clothing.
          “What about you mother?” he asked Tukiko.
          “What about her?”
          “She is coming on to me a bit.”
          “Yes, she is isn’t she. She wants you.”
          “I know but... But what about you?”
          “Do you want her, Masanori? I’m ok if you do.”
          “You mean you want me to fuck her tonight?” Masanori asked.
          “If you want to. It is obvious she wants to.”
          “She is an attractive woman... Sexy too.”
          “Then go for it then. You can bring her in here. I’ll go stay with Dad unless you want me to stay here and watch you two.”
          “With your Dad? You mean you will...”
          “No, I won’t ask him but if he asks me, I will probably let him.”
          Masanori was silent for a moment trying to take this in. He was attracted to Sayako. Certainly, he enjoyed her flirting and the exhibitionism the other day but going the whole way with her? It was a big step to take so quickly after all that had happened this weekend. There was this thing between Tukiko and her father too. He wasn’t sure he was comfortable with that, certainly, he didn’t want to encourage it. But Tukiko seemed to be pushing for it now, pushing for him to be with her mother.
          “Why don’t you just let her lead. If she really wants you, she will work it out and you just follow. All I want you to know is that if you go for her, I’m fine with it. I know you love me. I’m the one wearing your ring. And she is happily married to Dad. Anything with Sayako is just sexy fun.”
          He was a bit surprised at her open attitude. Up until now, it was all talk. Now she was encouraging him to actually do it. Actually, fuck her mother. And he also noticed that for the first time she had called her Sayako and not Mum.
          “Ok,” he nodded. “Let’s see what happens.”
          “You are going to do it then?”
          “Don’t know. Maybe.”

          They left the room and returned to find Hirohiko and Sayako still sitting at the dining table. They both looked up as Tukiko and Masanori walked in naked. All three of them noticed Sayako’s eyes went straight for Masanori’s cock. She was checking him out.
          The four of them sat and talked. Perhaps it was more Tukiko and Sayako talking while the two men listened. The events of the weekend were discussed and Tukiko learnt how after they had left, no one seemed in the mood for playing. They had gone back to Shanti’s house and slept with their own partners that night.
          The next morning, Joseph, Lizamoa and their two older children had arrived down at Shanti’s house and by mid-morning things had become quite sexual.
          The highlight for the day for Sayako had been during the afternoon when she took on both the young guys, Michael and Ragesh. She’d given them both good blow-jobs and encouraged them to shoot their cum over her naked body. That had been good but even better, those two boys were quickly ready for her again. She was delighted by their quick recovery and took them again, both of them fucking her as she lay back on the mat. There was no more foreplay for her, just straight into some very energetic fucking with them, one after another.
          By the time she was finished with Michael, Ragesh was ready for her again and so she rode him until her hungry cunt drained him of every last drop and then she did the same for Michael too. It had been great, some great cums for her too, made even spicier by everyone being there watching.
          Sayako had noticed soon others were playing and fucking. Joseph and her husband both had some fun with Kathy. Then she noticed both men with Sabeena. She wondered about that. She thought the plan was that girl would be saving herself. The way she was going, it was looking that either Mike or Hirohiko would be her first. But Sabeena did save herself, just giving each man a good looking blow-job before they both went down on her pussy in return. She had made it very clear to the two men; she was saving herself. Determined to wait for Masanori. She was happy to play sexually but no penetration.
          That night, Sayako was with Mike. She’d had her eye on him since meeting him at the beach. Her daughter Tukiko had been with Mike and so she wanted him too. When the opportunity came her way, she grabbed it with both hands and one hot pussy. Her night with him was all that it promised it would be. A good night, lots of fun, including playing and teasing with Masanori on the phone.
          She heard Hirohiko had fun with Shanti too. Sayako wondered about that and asked him later, “How was Shanti? Was she worse than Lizamoa?”
          “No not at all,” Hirohiko had said. “Completely different but she sure knows how to fuck.”
          That was all he said. Sayako would have liked more details but Hirohiko didn’t seem to want to say more and she felt it was better that she didn’t ask.
          Masanori and Tukiko listened as her parents openly told of their sexual activities. He was surprised at their openness, while she was feeling a bit excited hearing about all their sexual fun with men she’d been with.

          After dinner, they had moved to the more comfortable seats of the lounge and the conversation returned to what had happened up at Lizamoa’s house. It was then that Hirohiko had expressed surprise that Masanori had actually asked to fuck the three wives like that.
          “Yeah,” Masanori agreed. “It was a bit of a dumb idea. I’m not going to hold them to it.”
          “I don’t think it’s going to work like that, Masanori,” Hirohiko said. “I don’t think any of those three women will allow you to back out.”
          “You mean the three of them, they want to try with me?”
          “Of course. Shanti even told me she was looking forward to it.”
          “Shanti? She’s a bit scary!”
          “No, she isn’t. She is great fun. You’ll enjoy her once you get to know her,” Hirohiko said.
          Both Tukiko and Sayako looked at Hirohiko in surprise. They knew he was speaking from experience but wondered exactly what he meant.
          “I didn’t think they’d be interested in me,” Masanori said.
          “More than interested. They are lusting after you.”
          “Hirohiko, it’s not like that,” Sayako tried to deny, say. “I’m not lusting!”
          “Sure, it is. Look at you.”
          “What about me?” his wife asked.
          “Honey, can you deny you’ve been after Masanori ever since they got home?” Hirohiko asked her.
          “Well, not exactly after him.”
          “Come on, Sayako. I can tell when you want some. It’s Obvious. Well to Masanori and I, it is, anyway.”
          “To me too,” Tukiko added.
          “Well, I am interested,” Sayako admitted. “I’d like to help Masanori.”
          “Like to help yourself to your daughter’s boyfriend more like,” Hirohiko laughed.
          Sayako knew she wasn't getting anywhere with him. It was true, she was keen on trying with Masanori. He is a handsome young man and she was attracted to the idea of fucking him. It wasn’t just lessons either. She was as much into this for her own enjoyment too. She knew it was probably too soon to be pushing for this but she got the impression both Masanori and Tukiko were comfortable in their relationship now and ready to move to have other partners.
          Sayako decided to bring the issue to ahead.
          “What do you think Masanori?” she asked him.
          “I am ok with it. Tukiko and I talked in the bedroom and we are both ready for this.”
          “You talked about it?” asked Sayako, surprised.
          “Well, it was so obvious. In the bedroom, we decided to be sure it was what we both wanted,” Tukiko added.
          “So, it’s on for tonight?” asked Sayako, a big smile appearing on her face.
          “Yes, Sayako,” Masanori replied. “You get your fun with me tonight if you want.”
          “My fun?”
          “Ok, our fun then.”
          “Mum, can you come to the kitchen with me?" Tukiko said. "We need some more drinks.”

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Sayako Gets To Be Masanori.

          In the kitchen, Tukiko confronted her mother. “Mum you were coming on a bit strong. That is why I talked with Masanori in my bedroom.”
          “Yes, I know that honey. I’m sorry.”
          “So, you really want him?”
          “I’ll back off if you want me to, Tukiko.”
          “No, I’m ok with this. Masanori is too. In fact, I think he really wants you, now.”
          “Does he?”
          “Yes, I think so.”
          “Ok then, but only if you two are both absolutely sure about this.”
          “We are Mum,” Tukiko said, giving her mother a quick hug.

          When Sayako and Tukiko had come back with more drinks, Tukiko went and sat on the couch beside her father, Hirohiko, so Sayako took the seat beside her daughter’s boyfriend, Masanori. It was at that point things were confirmed for the two men. In the kitchen, the two women had talked and Tukiko had given her mother the ok to be with her boyfriend that night. Now Masanori realised it was really going to happen too.
          With the women having swapped places like that, straight off the conversation turned sexy again. All four of them still being naked helped the mood too.
          “Did you enjoy the little show I gave you last night, Masanori?”
          “That was hot, Sayako.”
          “I can’t believe you did that Mum,” Tukiko added.
          “I did get a bit carried away. Mike was encouraging me too. It was only supposed to be a quick flash of me nude; things went further than I intended,” she giggled. “The sex afterwards was great too,” she smiled, her voice almost a whisper.
          “It was for us too,” Tukiko said.
          “So did you get off, Masanori... Thinking about me?” Sayako asked has her hand move to his thigh. “Thinking about my pussy?”
          “Mum!” Tukiko said.
          “What Tukiko? It was just a question.”
          “I was fucking Tukiko actually,” Masanori said.
          With his girlfriend sitting listening, Sayako knew he was being careful what he said. She decided to press him further.
          “I know but what were you thinking?”
          “A bit of you both, I think.”
          “Both of us,” Sayako laughed. “A threesome with Masanori. Now, that might be fun.”
          “Now! Now!” Hirohiko said. “Calm down, honey. You’re lucky getting anything with him tonight so don’t push your luck.”
          She smiled back at her husband. As her hand moved higher up the inside of Masanori's thigh she asked, “What about you, big boy? You want a mother/daughter threesome tonight?”
          “Humm...” Masanori tried to reply.
          “I think he does,” Sayako laughed.

          By now Sayako’s hand had found Masanori’s cock. She gently began to play with him and soon he began to respond. No one said anything. Just four pairs of eyes watching what Sayako’s hand was doing. Soon she had him hard enough that she could begin to wank him. Her fist wrapped around his shaft slowly pumping him.
          “Mmmm, nice,” Sayako said, looking down at the cock in her hand. “I’m going to enjoy you tonight.”
          Masanori gave a gasp. Surprised that she actually said that.
          “Steady, Masanori," Sayako giggled. “Let me get you into my cunt before you do that.”
          The very thought of that made Masanori's cock give a big jerk.
          “Mmmm!” giggled Sayako. “So eager.”
          Masanori felt a bit embarrassed. His future mother-in-law was holding his cock. She had got him hard and almost made him cum that time. He could see Tikiko and her father watching too. He was in trouble, he didn't know what to do. He didn't want to make a fool of himself before they even started. He put his hand over her hand to stop what she was doing.
          She smiled back at him, knowing full well what he was doing. Her hand moved back to rest on his thigh.
          Tukiko didn’t know what to think either. She had thought it would be the two of them, going off to separate bedrooms but it was becoming obvious that things would probably happen there in the lounge. The threesome suggestion had sort of confirmed that Sayako was ok with them all being together. Tukiko wasn’t sure about that. Being with them when her mother fucked her boyfriend. Was that a bit much? But the idea of a threesome sounded exciting though.
          When Tukiko didn’t respond to her threesome idea, Sayako decided to let it drop. She got up and went for refills for all of their drinks. As far as Masanori was concerned, with him almost cumming like that, it had been a warning to her. While it might have been an embarrassment for him, she was pleased with him. She knew exactly what she had to do.

          When Sayako returned from the kitchen, things didn’t happen for a while other than Sayako sitting closer to Masanori than necessary while talking and sipping on their drinks. Once her drink was finished, she reached over for him again, her fingers going straight back for his cock. He had had time to relax but she didn’t need to play for long before she got a reaction from him, harden him up again. Then she slipped from the couch to kneel on the floor in front of him. As she pulled opened his legs wider, she pulled at him, getting him to shift further forward to the edge of the couch. Taking him with both hands she soon had him nice and ready. Admiring what she was playing with too.
          Sayako leaned forward to bring her tongue to Masanori’s cock.
          He gave a soft moan at the contact and his eyes closed.
          What a great looking cock it was. Her daughter had certainly found a good one. She couldn’t wait until she could get him inside her but she had other things she wanted to do with him first.
          At first, this was only a few licks around the head, her intention here was to test his willingness to continue, test the water you might say before she fully committed herself to have full sex with him. His hand came up to hold her head, not pulling her away but rather holding her head against his cock. It was at that moment; she knew this handsome young man was hers for the night.
          Taking him with her hand, Sayako began to lick around the exposed head. She had noticed that like some of the European men she had been with recently, he was cut. It certainly looked tidier than how some uncut men looked. She had found that she liked a man being that way.
          This attention Sayako was giving to Masanori’s cock was soon having a reaction. He was fully erect with a few drops of pre-cum appearing at the tip. ‘Oh, nice one,’ she thought as her tongue licked up the drops.

          Masanori looked across the room to see Hirohiko and Tukiko had changed positions too. She was leaning with her back against him now as his hands reached around to play with her, one hand going for a nipple and the other for her pussy. He also noticed Tukiko was gripping and slowly pumping his erection too. So, they were going to do it again, were they? Tukiko was going to be with her father again.
          But for now, both Hirohiko and Tukiko wanted to watch. Then were content to just gently play with each other while they watched the sex session developing in front of them.
          It was then that Tukiko realised that this would probably come to Sayako fucking her boyfriend in front of her. Did she really want to see this? In a way she was interested in watching what they would do but, in another way, she wondered if she could watch her boyfriend fucking another woman, even worse fucking her mother. But whatever Tukiko felt, it was now too late. It was happening in front of her, she knew things between them had gone too far for them to stop. Soon they would be fucking.

          Sayako leaned further to reach him with her mouth. After a few experimental licks, she had taken him into her mouth to begin sucking. She knew exactly what she was doing with this young man. Knew exactly what it would take to make him cum.
          For Masanori, it felt so good. He could feel the warm wetness of Sayako’s mouth. He could tell how good she was at this. In the back of his mind was the thought, ‘this was his girlfriend’s mother. He shouldn’t be doing this!’ But he was and it felt sexy too.
          She was working him up. Getting him more and more turned on. He wanted to hold back as he wanted to experience this woman more fully. He wanted to fuck that beautiful shaved pussy and slide his cock in between those swollen lips. That was his downfall, thinking what it would feel like in Sayako’s pussy. He tried to hold back but couldn't. His cum burst, shooting his juice into her mouth. To his surprise, she didn’t pull off him but rather greedily taking everything, he gave her.
          While Masanori was shocked by what had just happened. Disappointed he wouldn’t get to experience her sexy pussy, Sayako was pleased when this handsome young man had cum. It was exactly what she intended to happen. She planned to get rid of his youthful surplus and then work to get him hard again. She knew the second time he would have much more staying power and be of much more use to her.
          Straight away she went to work on him again. She knew how to get him going again and it didn’t take much to get a reaction. ‘Young men! Don’t you just love them,’ she thought.
          It was at about this time that Masanori realised what this woman intended. The thought that her pussy was still on the menu excited him and soon he had a full-blown erection again.
          For a moment Sayako sat back to admire him. She knew it. She knew she could quickly get him hard again and she had. She also knew that now she could really have some fun with him. It was time for some really good fucking and she fully intended to enjoy it too.

          Sayako got Masanori to lay back on the floor. She kneeled beside him reaching for his cock again. This time she didn’t play for long, just enough to ensure he was hard again. She sat up, her leg reaching over him so she could bring her pussy down against him. She rubbed her wet lips along the length of his shaft a few times, enjoying feeling his hardness against herself.
          When Masanori realised Sayako was going to fuck him using the cowgirl position, he was a bit surprised. But then he thought, 'this woman is the experienced one and so it was best to do things her way.' He lay back, determined to enjoy what she was about to do with him.
          She rose up on her knees as she shuffled further up until she was level with his cock. She reached down to guide his shaft head to herself and with a slight downward push she took the head between her wet pussy lips. Oh, that felt so good. She couldn’t help giving a soft moan.
          Lifting off him a bit until his head left her again, she dropped back down onto him again. This time the lovely cock she was holding burst between her lips again, going in much deeper. Being so wet and ready, she discovered she could take him with ease and she took him all the way with her next try. Having him all, felt so good too. The way he filled her felt amazing. She began to slowly move, lifting up and then pressing back down as she began to fuck him.
          Tukiko had been sitting back against her father on the other couch watch the couple on the floor. With what her father had been doing to her pussy, she was wet too. Watching the scene in front of her, watching how her mother had sucked her boyfriend’s cock had been sexy too. Now she was watching her mother fucking him. Fucking her boyfriend. The man who only hours earlier had given her his ring.
          Masanori looked up to see the two on the couch, father and daughter. He could see where their hands were too as they gently played with each other as they watched him being fucked by Sayako. Suddenly he had a very hot idea.
          “Come on, Tukiko,” Masanori said. “Come and join us. Let me eat you.”
          That was hot Tukiko thought. Having a threesome with Masanori and her mother. She wanted to join them but what about her father. She held back.
          “Go on, honey,” the man she was resting against told her. “Go have some fun.”
          “But what about you?”
          “I’ll get mine later. For now, you just have fun.”

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Mother and Daughter.

          Tukiko got up off the couch and got down to join the two on the floor. She leaned down to give her boyfriend a quick kiss on the lips and then positioned herself over him so she could present her pussy to his face. There was no hesitation on his part. His hands reached for her hips pulling her closer as his tongue reached up for her wet pussy lips.
          Masanori discovered how wet and ready she was for him. Her lips soaking with her cum juice, swollen and open. He gave a few licks along her length before she pressed in harder against him. His mouth opened to take a lip to suck on it. Sucking hard made her entire body tremble. Soon to went back to working her with his tongue, this time pressing as deep inside her as he could reach.
          At that moment, Tukiko remembered that recently she had shared another man like this with her mother. Her mother had been fucking her father as he had done what Masanori was doing to her now.
          But soon that thought had been swept from her mind as her attention was pulled back to those feelings coming from her pussy. The way Masanori was working at her, Tukiko was loving it. He was doing a great job. But that wasn’t all that was happening. She felt two hands reaching around for her tits. Soft woman’s hands, her mother’s hands. Fingers going for her nipples. Pulling on them, playing with them. With what was happening to her pussy and to her tits, Tukiko could feel how her body was responding to.

          Sayako was surprised when her daughter Tukiko had joined them. She had heard Masanori ask her and looked to see Tukiko had hesitated. She had got the impression that her daughter wasn’t interested in her suggestion of the threesome. Now here they were doing it. Both of them together, fucking this hot young man under them.
          On their Sunday sunbathing sessions, she knew her daughter liked her tits played with so reaching under her arms, Sayako brought her hands up to Tukiko’s breasts. She felt the smooth soft swelling of her daughter’s chest before her fingers discovered what they were looking for. The hard roughness of erect nipples. Her fingers closed on them, rubbing around and over them. When she grasped each nipple between her thumb and finger to gently pull on them, she heard the gasp of pleasure her daughter made.
          It felt great for Tukiko too. Her boyfriend under her, eating and licking her pussy. Her mother playing and working at her breasts and nipples. She could also feel her mother’s breasts rubbing against her back. It felt sexy and erotic.

          When Tukiko joined them on the floor, Masanori was pleased if not a bit surprised that she had actually agreed. Already his cock, deep inside Sayako’s pussy felt so good, now he was enjoying eating another wet pussy too.
          What made it even sexier was when he saw two hands reach up and begin to play with Tukiko’s tits. That was hot. A woman playing with another woman while they both fucked him. That was amazing. Something out of his deepest fantasy. Something he’d never expect could actually happen.
          The way that hard cock was going deep inside her was really getting to Sayako. He was as great as he looked and she was well pleased with him. The feeling as she rubbed her tits against her daughters back was good too. Holding those smooth mounds and hard nipples as she played with Tukiko’s breasts was getting to her too. It was a surprise how quickly her body was responding. She could feel herself building. She couldn’t believe it. She was losing it, getting there. Going to climax soon.
          That hard cock, thrusting deep inside as she moved. That hard shaft slipping in and out between her lips was arousing her excited clitty. The feelings were building. She couldn’t hold them back. Did she actually want to hold back? Could she? No, she couldn’t!
          It was a good one and Sayako gave a deep moan in Tukiko's ear as she cum. She could feel the strong shudder surge through her body. Feel how her body had responded to this hot young man she was taking. She paused for a few moments but soon picked up where she had left off fucking Masanori.

          That tongue inside her pussy, the way Masanori was nibbling at her swollen lips was getting to Tukiko too. She was loving what her mother's hands were doing to her tits too. With what her father's fingers had been doing to her while they had watched her boyfriend with her mother, Tukiko was well underway before Mansaori had started eating her. Everything from then on was just making it better and better. Her own orgasm was racing at her.
          Suddenly it happened. Tukiko tried to hold it back but it was too much. With all the attention her body was getting she couldn’t take any more. Her first orgasm for the evening burst over her. She gave a cry as she fell back against her mother’s body. Her mother’s hand moving to her waist to hold her.
          For a few minutes, her mind was taken over by her orgasm but soon she recovered, quickly realizing where she was.
          “Eat me!” Tukiko said, thrusting her pussy back against Masanori’s face.
          She was so excited. So turned on. That orgasm had done nothing to satisfy her sexual desires. Perhaps it had made her even worse. His tongue licking her and pressing into her felt great too. Those two hands were back. Coming up under her arm, reaching for her breasts again. It was a surprise but soon she was in heaven. Oh, it was all so good. Both of them, working at her, giving her the pleasure, her whole body was craving for.

          Sayako was surprised when her daughter Tukiko had cum like that. Yes, she knew what was happening had been exciting for this young woman. With so much of their bodies pressed against each other, Sayako could feel how the pleasure waves had surged through her daughter’s body. That must have been a big one. There was one thing always mentioned about her daughter, Tukiko knew how to throw herself into an orgasm.
          But the way that lovely cock was thrusting into her own pussy was getting to Sayako again too. She knew another cum was building too. The feeling of how deep she was taking him each time she thrust down at him felt great. The way the shaft of his cock pulled against her cunt lips as he slipped in and out between them felt good too. The way his moving shaft was affecting her clitty was what did it for her.
          Her arms around her daughter’s body, holding her tightly as her own orgasm hit her. For Sayako this was the big one. What she had been wanting all weekend. When Masanori had said he wanted her at Lizamoa’s house, Sayako had realised how much she wanted him too. Even at that point, she had felt her pussy getting moist. Lucky she was wearing a bikini bottom and sarong so no one noticed. She'd had fantasies about him the rest of the long weekend.
          When she saw him naked when they had chatted online, she welcomed the chance to show him her own body too. Pulling and playing with her tits had been great, especially when she heard how much Masanori liked seeing it. But then Mike and panned lower to her shaved pussy. She'd heard Mike quietly tell her, 'Show him your hot cunt!' and almost cum at the thought. Her fingers were trembling when she pulled her wet lips open as she watched Mike zoom in on her pussy. That almost sent her over too.
          When they fucked afterwards, Mike had teased her about how much she wanted Masanori's cock and how good it was going to be. He had called her a naughty girl for lusting after her daughter's boyfriend, which made her even worse. She had proved he was right by cumming hard for him at least three times.
          Now she was getting what she wanted. She had that great looking cock deep inside her. It had felt so good fucking him and it wasn’t long before she was cumming. Her orgasm started in her pussy and burst through her body. She held tightly to her daughter in front of her as the passion overcome her. It was a big one. Fully realizing the desires that she had built for this lovely young man.
          Tukiko felt her mother grip her tightly. She felt the deep shudder her mother gave and heard the soft moan, followed by her crying out as her mother cum. That was so hot.
          Masanori knew that Sayako had cum. He felt the way her steady rhythm had stopped and felt how she shuddered as she gripped him with her pussy. When he heard her cry out, he knew it had been a good one. The way Sayako’s cunt lips had gripped him tightly had done it for him. The feeling of being deep inside this woman’s body as she orgasmed had done it for him too.
          His cock exploded and began shooting his second load deep inside her pussy. Fucking two women at once. A mother/daughter team too! It was like one of his wildest fantasies had come true.

          The two women had felt him cum and waited for him to finish before rolling off to sit beside him. They were both happy with what had happened. Both happy he had cum too.
          “That was great,” Sayako said smiling at the young couple.
          “Amazing!” Tukiko had added.
          Masanori didn’t say anything. He just smiled. Both women knew what he thought about what they had just done.

          A movement made Tukiko look over at her father on the other couch and she noticed him wiping his cock with a small hand towel.
          “Did you too?” she asked her father.
          “Yes,” he replied. “What you were doing was so hot.”

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

Tukiko and Masanori.

          A while later the four of them got up and headed off to bed. Masanori and Tukiko were expecting Sayako to want to be with Masanori for the rest of the night, but it soon became clear that she was intending to go off with her husband.
          Tukiko asked her, “You are not going with Masanori for the whole night?”
          “No honey. I’ve had some fun with him. You two need to be together tonight. After all, it was a special day for you, getting engaged. You need to celebrate that.”
          “Oh!” Tukiko replied, still a bit surprised.
          “If you guys want, we can have some fun on another night.”
          “So, you want to be with Masanori again, then.”
          “Of course, but only if both of you are ok with it.”
          Tukiko didn’t reply to that. She hadn’t thought about it being more than one night.
          Sayako also noticed Tukiko didn’t reply. She thought that perhaps she had pushed things too far and her daughter’s reaction sort of confirmed this. She decided to drop anything with Masanori for a while and just see where things went. She did have lots of other sex partners so she didn’t need to rock the boat with this couple.

          That night, in Tukiko’s bedroom they lay in bed together.
          “How was tonight?” Tukiko asked him.
          “It was good. Your mother is good.”
          “Would you do it again with her?”
          “Don’t know. She is your mother.”
          “I mean, just for fun. Just for sex.”
          “I don’t know,” Masanori replied.
          “She’s like to be with you again. She told me when we were cleaning up.”
          “I know that, Tukiko.”
          That surprised her too that her boyfriend knew or had guessed her mothers’ further interest in him.

          Masanori rolled towards Tukiko. “Anyway, I’m more interested in what we’re doing tonight.”
          “So am I,” Tukiko smiled, reaching for him.
          Masanori rolled towards her as she pulled him, his body half over her as his lips came down to meet hers. The kiss was intense, full of passion. Both responding to each other.
          He soon left her lips, moving lower to her breasts and then on down to her pussy. As Masanori’s fingers moved to Tukiko’s pussy lips, they pulled her open and he thrust in, feeling her soft, silky inner flesh against his tongue. She moaned at that. Feelings so intense, that they had her head spinning.
          His tongue pressing in as deep as he could reach, licking and sucking at her. He could feel and taste how wet she was. Feel the humps she was giving back against him. He knew how much she was enjoying it all. The gasps and moans she was making were exciting too.
          “I want you!” she managed to gasp.
          “I want you too,” he replied, as he lifted his head away from her.
          “Come on,” she moaned. “Fuck me!”
          He moved up over her body, coming down on top of her as his cock lined up with her pussy. He felt how she reached up for him, how her legs opened wider for him as she invited him in. Being as wet and excited as she was, there was no resistance as he pressed into him. Her warm pussy taking him deep with his first try.
          He began slowly, just feeling her body under his. Enjoying how his cock was sliding in and out between her lips. Oh, that felt so good!
          “More!” she moaned at him. “I want it...”
          ‘Ok,’ he thought.
          He gave a huge thrust back at her and she gasped with surprise.
          “Like that?”
          “Yes! Yes! She cried out. “Like that!”
          So that was what Tukiko got. Hard rough fucking. Masanori wasn’t holding back but using all her strength to slam into her with short, hard thrusts. As his body slammed down in between her thighs, she was loving it. Moaning and crying out. How she was reacting was turning him on too driving to try even harder to please her.
          They continued, both responding to this aggressive fucking style. Both bodies working together, as he thrust down at her, she was humping up, meeting every stroke with one of her own. It was good fucking, exciting fucking, consuming both of them.
          Masanori realised he was getting close now. He also realised that the woman beneath him was getting close as well. Soon he was moments from cumming, his body crying out for release. It was then that she came too. A deep throaty moan, a strong upward thrust of her pussy and she fell back against the bed and her orgasm overcame her.
          The sound of her moan, the way her body shuddered underneath him and how her pussy gripped him tighter was all it took to send him over too. His own orgasm was a good one, a huge one. He could continue, just lying on top of her as he pumped his cum deep inside her.
          She came out of her orgasm and realised what was happening. She waited for him to finish and then roll off her.

          As he lay back against the bed, she lay against him. His arms came around her to hold him.
          “That was so good,” she whispered to him, still slightly out of breath.
          “Glad you enjoyed it,” he smiled.
          “Was it good for you too?”
          “You don’t need to ask me that honey. You know it was.”
          Yes, she did know too.
          Tukiko lay back against him thinking of the weekend they’d just had. The high point and the low point of their relationship, all in just a few days. But now she was happy. She lifted her hand up and smiled at the new ring on her finger. She was engaged, going to marry the man she loved. Yes, she was happy. Very happy.
          Finally, Masanori knew about her being with those other me. What is, even more, was that he excepted it and was happy to be involved too. It was what she had set out to achieve that weekend and eventually, she had. She just wished it could have gone better on the first evening they had been at Lizamoa’s.
          For a while, she lay there thinking about where things would go from here. She could feel the breathing of the man behind her had changed as he dropped into sleep. Soon her eyes closed as sleep overtook her top. A deep restful sleep in the arms of the man she would be with for the rest of her life.

Index of Letters                         Story 257 Background.                         Back to Story 256 Part Three.   

Forward to Story 258 Part One.


  1. Good story but the question needs to be asked - Is the fictional Sayako as naughty as the real Sayako?

    1. The real Sayako takes a bit of beating. Very naughty girl. Don't be fooled by that photo of her in the orange bikini. She always had fun when visiting here in New Zealand.
      Brian & Julie.

    2. Ha Ha,
      Am I as naughty as the fictional Sayako? That is a good question. First you'll need to establish if I have done things such as she has done. Then you will know the truth.
      Naughty Sayako

    3. I have just approved your comments because I want to see how others respond to you.

    4. Without any doubts, the real Sayako is far worse than the fiction Sayako. LOL

    5. So nice of you to say so kind sir. As I remember that night at the camp beside the lake, you were just as naughty Allan.
      Naughty Sayako.

    6. Our vote is they are just as bad as each other when it comes to naughty. Last time she was here she spent a fun evening with us at our house.
      Rosemary and Tom.

    7. She was the life of the party when Sayako came to visit us.
      My vote is the real is naughtiest.
      Sandra & Rajah.

  2. There are some interesting aspects to this story. First how Sayako was pushing her way in to being with Masanori. I personally think she should have backed off considering they had just got engaged. But it made a good story with some interesting twists.

    1. First, Kim? Is there going to be a second?
