Saturday 6 November 2021

Story 267 Jasmine and Riya.

Index of Letters                         Story 267 Background.                         Back to Story 266.   

Forward to Story 268.

Hello from Jasmine.
        I am Mootie and Hansini's daughter, their oldest child. I am 18 now but when this story took place, I was still 17 but by only a couple of months before my birthday.
        I am not used to this story writing as I am new to the Letters Books. Only recently have I been officially allowed to read them. So with this story, I have not included the sexual detail as much as some do as I'm still a bit shy of revealing this. But I hope you understand my story and learn about me more too.
        I was having a good holiday in the desert town. Dad came with us but for some reason, Mum changed to the other trip. She decided at short notice and Uncle Donald was unable to change the tickets. Nishi agreed to swap with Mum and they made a big deal about her becoming Dad’s stand-in wife so Riya and I started calling her Mummy. Well, she was Dad's stand-in wife, that made her my stand-in mother too.
        By what Riya and I heard coming through the wall, they acted as husband and wife too. The honeymooners we called them. Ha! Ha! It seemed going at it any chance they could get.

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Flashing a Train Like the Woman.

        I enjoyed the tour to the Ghost Town. So much interesting history that Ian knew. Then we went nude swimming at Ian’s farm. This river pool had a railway bridge at one end. You know of it since it was where many years before Katrina had started this flashing at the train drivers.
                ( See - Story 168 I Strike Gold at a Gold Mine.)
        I have heard that when trains came past, the women had flashed their nude bodies. When I mentioned it, Dad had shot that idea down by saying I was too young. Always that, isn’t it? “Jasmine you are too young!” When will I ever be old enough?

        So, I sat on the bank with Riya watching the older women (the Aunties) preparing to give a free show to the train drivers. Nishi was with us. They seemed so excited about what they were about to do. So turned on by it. It is a bit funny when you think about it, the women getting excited about displaying their nude bodies. Shouldn't it be the men getting excited about seeing the nude bodies?
        I, myself, was with two feelings about this. First, there was excitement. The Aunties were having so much fun, giggling and laughing, I wanted to join them. Secondly, there was this idea I would be presenting my nude body to complete strangers whom I had never met before. Nudity, I was ok with, having done it all my life at Sarvesh's nude days, but this? This was scary!
        I looked at the two women beside me. It seemed that Riya might have wanted to join in. She was smiling and enjoying the fun the other women were having. I had the impression she only needed a little push. If either Nishi or I got up, she would go for it.
        Nishi, she was harder to tell. Perhaps, like me, she was of mixed feelings. Sitting on the fence you might say. She was a bit older than us, not by too much but she was married so, in a way, that put her into a different category. I was sure she might have wanted to try but she seemed a bit timid.
        It was Ian who tipped the balance. He said, “Come on, Nishi. Are go going to flash too?”
        I looked at her and saw the look change on Nishi's face. I realised she might in fact do it. She was smiling like Riya. Suddenly she jumped up and went for it. Even more than that, she pulled at our hands to get Riya and me to join her too.

        I didn’t think more of it. I just went with it. Riya had jumped up straight away but I just grabbed her outstretched hand and Nishi partly pulled me up. The three of us climbed down the bank into the river. We didn’t go out to the shallow bank towards the middle where the other Aunties were but elected to stay closer to the riverside being about knee-deep in water. With such shallow water, there was no way our nude bodies could ever be hidden.
        Nishi continued to hold our hands and had told us to wave with our other hands. I saw Dad look over at me but Nishi told me she would sort it with him. He didn’t seem to look angry so was probably resigned I was going to do it and didn’t want to embarrass me by telling me not to.
        It was then that the reality hit of what I was doing. I was naked, already. I was like, about to show myself, display my completely naked body, to anyone who was on this approaching train. Complete strangers would be viewing me. It scared me a bit. Maybe a lot. I would have chickened out and run for the bank if Nishi wasn’t holding my hand. Perhaps that was why she did, so I couldn’t escape.
        The train was getting louder and louder. Getting closer and closer. At any moment it would appear. Then we all would be seen. In the centre, the Aunties were laughing and calling out, so excited.
        Just when it couldn’t get any louder the first locomotive plunged from behind the trees onto the bridge. The noise of the locomotives working hard and the rumbling bridge was overpowering any way we could talk. I could see the Aunties calling out but even this close I was unable to hear them.
        As the front engine burst onto the bridge, the nude women in the centre were seen straight away and quickly three men were looking from the windows. Then they were looking at us too.
        Like Riya, I waved to them with my free hand allowing them a full view to my body. Everything, all my parts could be seen. I knew of this, knew they were looking and allowed it. The men were looking straight at me and viewing the frontal view How could I be so bold?
        That first big locomotive was followed by two more but these seemed to be without the drivers. It would be a long time of watching the rumbling wagons endlessly passing before two more men were found in the first of the back two following locomotives.
        Five men who I knew nothing of had seen me naked. How did I feel about it now?
        The train was gone and quietness descended on the river pool. That is quietness other than us women, laughing and calling out.
        Nishi and Riya were laughing. I laughed too as we gave a three-way group hug. By this time the four Aunties had reached us and we all left the water together. I must confess that this had been intensely exciting. I had fun doing it. That was what surprised me, how my body reacted. My nipples seemed harder and I didn’t say anything but under the covering of my pubic hair, I felt my pussy lips were wet. I could feel it as my legs moved when I climbed the bank.
        Now the big questions: - did I enjoy flashing the train? Yes, to that. Would I do it again? Of course. Does that make me a flasher now? LOL Maybe, it does.

        But there was more to this train flashing adventure than I knew. I didn’t learn until that evening that the men had been photographing and videoing us. That was naughty too. Them photographing us nude and I didn’t even know about it. Later, they had collected the photos and videos together, I got copies sent to me too.

        I was proud I had done that. The way Nishi had invited me to join in. The way Dad didn’t say anything but even videoed me made me feel grown-up like the other women. That made me happy that adults had treated me like an adult, allowing me to do an adult thing such as that.
        Finally! Looking back now, with what happened that evening, I think maybe this was a turning point. It could be said that this was the point where Jasmine the teenage girl became Jasmine the woman. is that too much to say? Maybe taking it a bit far but that was how I felt as we drove back to the town.
        I noticed some of the men went down to the bar. Some of the women joined them but after dinner, Riya and I stayed upstairs in the flat until it was time to go through to our rooms. Not long after that, I heard voices the honeymooners passed on the way to their room.

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        That night, Riya and I were just going to bed when there was a knock on our door. Dad’s voice said, “Jasmine, can you and Riya come to our room, please?”
        I was surprised. While it was not particularly late, we were all supposed to have gone to bed. Also, like Riya was doing, I had elected to sleep naked again that night.
        “Ok, Dad,” I called back. “We’ll be there soon.”
        “Thanks, honey,” he replied.

        I looked at Riya and she was looking at me. We both wondered what was going on.
        “It sounds a bit like when my parents allowed me to choose a man for sex,” Riya said.
        “But they wouldn’t do that with me. I’m still seventeen.”
        “It might be. You are old enough for Australia and New Zealand. The legal age here is sixteen I think and you are almost eighteen, aren’t you?”
        “Less than two months away,” I replied.
        That shocked me. Would they really? Surely not! Then I remembered that Riya had told me it was her Mum and Dad. But my Mum wasn’t with us here.
        Anyway, the only way to find out what was going on is to go into their room and see what happens.

        So, we found our sleeping clothes and put them on. Couldn’t really go in nude, could we? Mine was shorts and a T-shirt. That clearly shows the bumps of my nipples as I usually wore nothing underneath. It made sense to be like that again.
        I knocked on the door and Dad called to come in. We found them both in bed. Dad was sitting up without his shirt and when we walked in, Nishi sat up too. The sheet dropped from her body showing she was at least topless too. I wondered if, in fact, they were both naked. Probably. Naughty people! LOL. Inviting us in while sitting in bed nude. If there was any doubt about what they had been getting up to, that confirmed what Riya and I thought.

        “Now girls before we start, your mother is on the phone. Nishi's husband is with her too.
        “Hi, Jasmine,” I heard Mum say from the phone.
        I was a bit surprised at that.
        “Hi Mum,” I replied. “How’s your trip going?”
        “It is great. We’re having lots of fun,” she replied.
        To which Dad gives a pretend to cough. I realised what sort of fun Dad thought she was referring to.
        “How is your trip, Jasmine?”
        “It is good Mum. Having fun too.”
        “Yeah, I saw the pics of the train.”
        I was surprised and Dad was laughing.
        “You go flashing trains, Jasmine and sure you’ll get your bare arse on video,” Dad said with a laugh.

        “Now, I want to call this meeting to order,” Nishi said.
        Another laugh by all of us that she made it a bit formal although I did still wonder what we were called in for.
        Nishi started, she seemed to be driving this. “Jasmine, we have a few questions to ask you.”
        I just nodded, yes.
        “When the train went past today, how did you feel?” Nishi asked.
        “Ok, I guess.”
        “Just, OK? Not excited or nervous?”
        “Both of those too. I didn’t really know what to expect.”
        “Were you turned-on like the other women? The thought of showing to complete strangers.”
        “Yes, I did think about that and just before, I was almost ready to run for my towel,” I said. “But after I got up on the bank, I discovered how turned-on by I really was… You know… I was wet, there,” I replied, touching my pussy through my shorts.
        “Thanks for that, Jasmine,” Nishi said.
        I don’t know what I actually told them but looking back now, it seems a turning point in the conversation. From there, things seemed to change.

        “You were right, Nishi,” Mum said. “Mootie, Gaja and I suggest you go with Nishi's plan.”
        ‘Right about what?’ I thought. ‘What were they talking about a plan?’
        “Ok,” Dad said. “As long as, you’re sure.”
        “I’m sure. She’s old enough now,” Mum said. “But I just have one question for you Jasmine.”
        “Yeah, Mum.”
        “Where is your Dad and Nishi now?”
        “Here Mum. Sitting in bed.”
        “Are they wearing anything?” she asked.
        “That’s two questions, Mum. But no, looking naked to me. Well, their top half is.”
        I looked at Dad and he was grinning, Nishi was too.
        “Thought so. Naughty people aren’t they.”
        “Very,” I replied with a laugh. “But the question remains, Mum, where are you and Gaja? And are you wearing anything?”
        “That is also two questions, Jasmine.”
        “Well?” I asked.
        “We don’t need to know that,” Mum replied.
        Dad was laughing now as I said. “Prosecution rests her cast. Defendants found, guilty as charged.”
        Everyone was laughing until Nishi spoke again. “Jasmine, we all think you are old enough to join on the fun in New Zealand. Well, at least be able to watch the fun if you want.”
        “Of course. But in case you become involved in anything, we think you need to be more sexually experienced,” Mum said. “Those parties are going to be intense and you might find yourself in a situation with a man. We want you to be experienced enough to decide what to do. Either able to say ‘No’ to him or confident enough to say ‘Yes’ and take sex with him.
        “You mean I should lose my virginity?”
        “Exactly, Jasmine. You can find a man from our group or your parents has a man in mind already,” Nishi said.
        This was all news for me. But Riya was right. This was what this meeting is about.
        “Who do you want?” I asked them.
        “Me, Jasmine,” came Gaja's voice.
        “We talked with Hamza and they think you should choose someone you trust but don’t know so well.”
        “Why?” I asked confused.
        “In New Zealand most of the men you don’t know so well. With Gaja might be good practice for that,” Dad said. “But in the end, it is your choice, Jasmine. You can decide on Hamza or Gaja. Or anyone else for that matter.”
        “And one last thing,” Mum added. “In New Zealand, there will be some games we might not want you to play. You can watch or even take an admin type role. We think some games might be a bit much for you. You must agree to obey us in this.”
        I had a feeling it might be that Pussy Row game but I didn’t want to say I knew about those. I just nodded my head. “I will think about it and I might go with you Gaja too.”
        “No pressure, Jasmine. Just whatever you want,” Gaia said.
        Soon after that, the phone call ended and Riya and I went back to our room, leaving the lovebirds to their nest. And yes, before long we could hear them again.

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Experimenting With A Toy.

        Back in our room, I asked Riya, “What do you think about that?”
        “I think it’s great. Now you are free to attend those parties if you want.”
        “Do you really think I should?” I asked her.
        “Yeah, why not? It will be fun to see. Even if you don’t do anything.”
        “But they want me to lose my virginity.”
        “Yes,” Riya said. “That’s a good idea too. You heard what your Mum said. You might find a man you want to try it with or get into some activity involving penetration and you will need to be able to do it.”
        “You mean fucking and stuff?”
        “That’s what they are saying.”
        I was still a bit surprised at this. Really, I hadn’t expected it or even thought about it. Now it could really happen if I wanted it. But did I want it? Seeing what happens in those parties might be fun but taking my virginity? That was a big step.
        “What about Gaja? Should I take him?” I asked her.
        “That is up to you. If you like him. Hamza was fine for me, I’d say most of the men we know would be fine. They all seem nice guys and will treat you well. If they don’t, they’ll have your parents to answer too.”
        Riya was making sense here. I wasn’t as close to Hamza as she was. I like Sarvesh a lot and from Australia, I like David and Jeremy too. Since I couldn’t think who, I decided to just go with Mum’s choice and let Gaja be my first. He seemed nice and he was willing to try with me. It can’t be much fun doing it with a girl who knows nothing about sex. Well, I was naive then. It was later that I learnt, for some men a virgin was a prize.

        When I told Riya I would go for it, she thought I should prepare myself since I had a few days before I saw Gaja. When I asked how she said "Give me a minute,” and she left the room.
        What I learnt later was that Riya went back to Nishi and told her and Dad of my decision. Nishi loaned her a sex toy for me. I was surprised when Riya returned holding this thing that looked like a real cock. Even seemed like about the right colour and size but what do I know about size.
        “You can use this a few times,” she explained. “Push this in. It might hurt a bit but it will be better when you get to try real sex with a man.”

        I took the fake cock and looked at it. It seemed so big. How was that going to fit into my little hole?
        Riya was watching me for a while and then made a suggestion. “Let’s get naked again and then we can play. I can show you how to do it.”
        I nodded at that and began stripping off my clothes. Soon Riya was too and we were sitting on her bed facing each other. Both naked.
        “Lay back on the bed,” she said. “And open your legs wide.”
        “What? You want me to show you that?”
        “Not just show me, Jasmine,” she said. “I want to help prepare you for Gaja.”
        “Ok,” I said. “I feel very exposed.”
        “Get used to it Jasmine. Any kind of sex with a man will most likely involve displaying some very private parts of your body.”
        I nodded my head. I was kind of figuring this out now.

        I still wasn’t sure about this. The nudity was ok. I’ve been going nude almost all my life. As a little girl, there was nothing much to see but as breasts and pussy hair arrived it took me a while to get used to showing it all again. Mum realised my embarrassment and brought me a modest bikini type swimsuit to wear so those things were covered enough. After some time, I was going topless again and then more recently nude again.
        Going nude was fine since everyone else was nude. When playing games around the pool, sometimes my legs opened wider and I knew my pussy lips would have been seen. The first time it happened in front of two men and I was shocked. But it appeared I was the only one. The two men couldn’t help not seeing because as I’d fallen back my legs had dropped wide apart before I could recover myself but they didn’t seem bothered by it. I became more relaxed after that, while not going out of my way to intentionally display my pussy lips, I didn’t really bother too much if I accidentally did from time to time.
        Now, Riya had asked me to really open up. I was suddenly feeling very shy. Slowly, I allowed my legs to drift open, displaying what was between them. I knew from that angle she could see all that I had.
        Riya brought the toy to touch my lips and my body gave a jot at that. I don’t know why but it almost felt like a burst of electricity went through my body. Anyway, soon she was moving the tip along the length of my lips and it began to feel good. I could feel how smoothly it moved against me and knew my pussy was becoming juiced. When she moved to the length of the toy ran along my lips it felt even better and I felt my lips had opened so now the toy was running up and down between them.
        “Here, you try,” she said handing me the toy.
        I repeated what she had done, running its length up and down my lips. It was then that I realised just how wet I really was. I thought sex involved taking the cock inside me but she would not allow me to do that, just letting me play on the outside.
        Then she said we could end the session with an orgasm. When I was 15, Riya had told me and Nisha (Sarvesh and Amita's daughter) how we could make ourselves cum. I had experimented and discovered I could do it. From then on there were often those late-night sessions in bed when I thought no one else could hear me. About a year later, Mum brought the subject up and asked how it worked for me. I was thinking, how did she know? I thought I was in trouble but it was actually a very adult conversation about my body and orgasms.
        So, with Riya watching, I put the toy down and began to use my fingers on my pussy. I was soon getting into it and knew I would make a cum. Then I looked to see Riya was doing it too. That was so sexy, I could watch her and she could watch me while we made ourselves cum. Maybe, that was the sexiest thing I had done up until then.
        The very thought of her watching excited me. The viewing of her doing it excited me too. I could see how wet she was, hear her breath getting heavy. Suddenly, she gave a gasp and cum. That was so sexy, watching my friend cum like that. Before I knew what was happening, I cum too. We lay looking at each other, both a bit amazing at what we had done, I think.
        Soon I was hugging her and that was how we fell asleep, in bed together, in each other’s arms after sharing what was an intense sexual thing together.

        The following morning Nishi and Kala took me to a local doctor. He was a man, a white man but seemed very nice. We talked about sex and becoming sexually active. He went over some of the things like it might hurt the first time and stuff. You know, breaking the hymen abd stuff. I knew some of that from what Riya had told me the night before but it was a polite thing to do to listen.
        Then he wanted to examine me down there. Look at my pussy. I was shy but Nishi, who was with me said it was fine. The doctor was just making sure I was fine and nothing would go wrong when I had sex. That didn't take long and I went behind the screen again to get dressed.
        "Do you do sports?" the doctor asked me. "You are partly broken. It shouldn't hurt so much."
        "Yes," I replied. "I've also tried a toy."
        "Ah! That explains it."
        I could hear the doctor and Nishi talking as he prescribed a pill for me. I knew what this was as it is why we came here. Soon I went out to sit in the car while Nishi went into the pharmacy to get my pills. I was too embarrassed to go with her. I began by taking one as soon as we got back to the hotel. She told me that by the time I got back to Pert I would be safe from getting pregnant if any man juice got inside my body.
        I was on the pill, going to lose my virginity. Things were moving fast!

        The following day, that was the day Riya did that online thing between a school here and her school in India.
        We went out to the river for swimming again that afternoon. While most of the group stayed in town, Ian said he would take anyone who wanted a swim.
        Of course, we all went swimming naked. It turned into being one man and four women. There was Ian as the man and then, Katrina, Nishi, Riya and me. As I removed my clothes I looked over and saw Ian undressing too. As he dropped his pants, I saw a lovely cock appear. Yes, I mean lovely, I think all cocks must look lovely when they are in the state his one was in.
        I think I stared a bit more than I should have because he noticed me. He caught me looking. I was embarrassed but he just smiled and turned away to join Riya and Katrina who were already entering the water. I followed behind them with Nishi.
        It was much later than the time before, almost evening and Ian said there would most likely be no train. Not that I was worried too much about that. It had been fun the first time but I didn’t need to flash every time.
        But there was a train, I heard its horn at the road crossing as it left the town. Ian warned us that this was a different train that brought supplies for the town. It would have many more people on board as there was often a passenger coach attached. He also said it would be best that we weren’t seen nude.
        We followed him quickly as he warned this train would get here much faster. We swam up until we were directly under the bridge. We could stand there where no one on the train above could see us.
        Being under the bridge when a train went over was exciting and a bit scary too. We could see the underside of the train through the frame of the bridge. But the noise as it boomed and rumbled across the bridge was laud. Add the roaring of the locomotive and it was even more. Even without the showing of our bodies, this was an amazing feeling of sound and vibration as the train passed above us. Exciting actually.
        The girls quickly left as the train left. But Ian and I were close under the bridge in water up to my chest.
        He was very close to me and whispered in my ear, “Jasmine, did anyone ever tell you it’s rude to stare and men's cocks?”
        “Not exactly their cocks,” I smiled back.
        “So, did you like what you saw?”
        That was bold so I decided to meet it with, “He is very handsome, especially when you got a bit hard.”
        “Did you see that? I thought I hid that.”
        “No, I saw it. And liked it too.”
        I felt a hand lightly touch my breast, right on the nipple. “Naughty boy!” I said.
        But I wanted to be bold too. I don’t know why but I reached to touch his cock under the water. I was still partly hard and I liked the feel.
        “Naughty girl!” he replied.
        Suddenly, there was a hand between my legs, his fingers rubbing my pussy. He touched it. Touched my pussy lips. And I liked it too. Even gave a little moan, I think.

        Finally, he said, “Come on. We better go. They are watching.”
        I looked to see they were watching. They must have realised something was going on but nothing was said until Riya mentioned it, asking what happened when we got back to our hotel room.
        I just told her, "We had some touching between us. Nothing much happened."
        "Him feeling you up was more than nothing, Jasmine."
        I just smiled. What else could I say?

        We have a late barbeque at Ian’s house where some others had come out to join us. I noticed some of the men stayed in the town and I heard they were enjoying meeting and drinking at the bar with some of the locals.
        We got back to the hotel room very late. Riya gave me the toy to play with again. This time I tried putting it inside me. The tip slipped in Ok but then it hit some resistance. She said to press a bit harder but I didn’t want to. It hurt too much. Each time the pain held me back.
        Riya was watching me, encouraging me to try again. I was holding the toy with the tip inside, getting to be bold and push again. Suddenly. Riya reached over and gave the end of the toy a sharp hit. The top pushed in, bursting through the sore bit. It hurt and I cried out. (Hope Dad didn’t hear.)
        When I pulled back out there was some blood on the toy. I was a little bit angry at her and called her some names like bitch. When I calmed a bit she told me that I had done it. The worst was over now.
        “You bitch! That hurt!”
        She laughed. “Got it done though.”
        She had a point I suppose but we could have done it more gently.
        So now I knew my hymen was almost gone. Does that mean I was still a virgin? I didn't know. I think is still when you take a man inside.

        That night, I remained naked except for panties, wore a period pad in case any further blood came out. I remained in Riya’s bed and as she held my body against her own naked body while she quietly talked to me. She told me about what she did out at the house on the beach and how she lost her virginity.
        It seems it was all most like a sex party that became sexier as the evening went on. The things she did was amazing and it made me horny again, hearing it all. She even described that final event on how four people were involved in her first time with a man.
        Some of the things she told me, I could hardly believe. Eating pussy and sucking cock. Playing with nipples. Two women making love. Two men making love. Then the positions, missionary, cowgirl, doggy and spit roast. All things I wanted to try myself. But first, I had to finish this and lose my virginity.
        Soon I had slipped my panties off and we lay beside each other as we got ourselves off.

        On the third night, Riya invited me to go to her bed naked again. During a long night, they play a lot. She touched me in parts all over but I touched her only a bit too. I’ve seen lots of naked bodies but this was the first time I had ever been allowed to explore one in much detail. I enjoyed touching her breasts and tried to do what I liked doing to my own breasts when I feel sexy.
        That night I tried the penetration again. I got it in but it still hurt a bit so Riya told me to leave it until the following night.

        When Riya went off on that desert camping trip I stayed in the town. Some wondered why I didn’t go but I wasn’t so interested in the desert so I went for two nights to stay at Kala’s house. When I discovered they had given me a room to myself, I did some more experimenting with the toy. I could get it inside me now.
        While it looked like a cock and seemed about the right size to me, Riya said that it was actually a bit smaller in thickness. I wondered how a real one would feel inside me. I must confess that I was thinking of Ian and Riya doing it as I made myself cum.

        The last night in the desert town was when Riya arrived back from her camping trip in the desert. We were scheduled to fly back to Perth the following morning.
        Once again, when I saw Riya going to bed naked, I was quick to remove my clothes too. She got into the bed first, just having a sheet over her. I pulled back the sheet and slipped under beside her to join her in her bed too.
        She rolled towards me, her hand going directly for my breast. I was hoping for some more fun and was very happy when I discovered Riya was ready for being sexy too.
        Soon we were cuddling and kissing, our naked bodies rubbing against each other. I liked that. Without clothes of any kind, skin against skin felt so good. Even just our bodies touching and holding each other felt great but when our hands were involved it became even better.
        Like the first time, Riya started by touching me. That is what happened last time and it had been an amazing new experience. But I had thought a lot about that while Riya had been away and I realised that it had been one-sided. By that I mean, Riya was touching my body, touching my sexual parts, got me sexually excited and made me cum. In return, I gave her nothing. That wasn’t very good for her so this time I made my mind to make her cum too. Well, at least to try.

        It was then that we heard noises from the bedroom next door.
        “Those two still at it?” Riya giggled.
        “Yeah, they did it three times last night. The last time Nishi got really noisy. Dad must have been really fucking her.
        “Naughty Daddy!” Riya giggled. It has always been Riya and my habit to call both our parents Daddy and Mummy since they were so close.

        “I found another naughty boy on the camping trip,” Riya said.
        “Really? Who was it?” I asked.
        “I think you can guess, Jasmine.”
        “You mean him? That hunky Australian, Ian?”
        “He is the third man I have ever had sex with.”
        “Oh wow! You are lucky, Riya. He is hot.”
        “Yeah, you know I was writing to him about this trip, making arrangements for what we would do. Well, we didn’t just talk about arrangements. Our letters got a bit sexy too.”
        “You told me. You sent him a photo wearing your tiny bikini.”
        “I was worse than that, Jasmine. We swapped topless and nude ones too.”
        “Really, Riya? You are naughty.”

        While Riya was telling me about her sex with Ian, I was so turned on. I thought he was a hunky guy. Looked strong and fit. Nice smile and friendly to talk with too. After what he did to me under the bridge I instantly found myself attracted to him. Now hearing what he did with Riya was a big turn-on.
        I remembered that afternoon when I had seen him naked at the river. Oh wow! He was so hot. Made me sexy when he touched me. I even had thought about him and wondered if Riya had got her wish, to be with him.
        “Well, he did much more than just touch me.”
        “How was it?” I asked.
        She said the fucking was great and then she told me in detail what they had done. But this is not my story. I will let her tell you more about what happened.

        Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Nishi asked if we were still awake. Quickly I jumped out of her bed and rushed to get back to my bed while Riya put on a robe to open the door. I pulled the sheet over me, right up to my neck so Nishi couldn't see I wasn't wearing anything.
        Nishi came into the room and it was at that moment that our whole evening would change. (More about that in Story 269 Last Night in the Desert Town.)

        There is a second part to Jasmine's story about how things go when she is with Gaja but this took place later when they had all returned to Perth. Before that, Anne wants us to tell all the stories from the two separate trips to the desert and to Rottnest Island.
        When this second story gets published I will include links so both parts can be read as one. (Part Two - Story 269 Last Night at the Desert Town.)

Index of Letters                         Story 267 Background.                         Back to Story 266.   

Forward to Story 268.

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