Saturday 13 November 2021

Story 268 Desert Camping with Ian.

Index of Letters                         Story 268 Background.                         Back to Story 267.   

Forward to Story 269.

அனைவருக்கும் வணக்கம். என் பெயர் ரியா
Hello! Everyone. My name is Riya.
        Jasmine has already mentioned that while I was camping, I got to be with my third man, Ian. She also mentioned that Ian and I had formed a previous relationship, that became a bit sexier than anyone knew about. We even went as far as swapping a few sexy photos, yes, nude ones. So now the truth is out about Ian and me.
        I had managed to keep all this from my parents but now it's out in the open as they would have read her story. After all that they had allowed me to do since we’ve been to Australia and New Zealand, what I did with Ian online was like, nothing. So now I can reveal all the story to everyone, including both of you, Mum and Dad.

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My Sexy Friendship with Ian.

        When Dad knew that I was interested in the Australian desert, he suggested I talked with Ian as he could tell me more. It seems Ian had lived in desert areas all his life. He had farmed there, raised cattle there and knew it well. I was particularly interested in the natural sciences of Geography and Biology. While knowing my native area of India, particularly the Game Park, I found myself intrigued at how these same sciences could be applied to the ecosystems of the Australian desert.
        Quickly, our correspondence had developed into a deep conversation on the various differences between the natural environments of our two countries. Yes, it wasn’t just one-sided, we talked about India as much as Australia. It seemed he was interested in this as much as I was. We also considered other places such the living in the ice lands of Antarctica. (I learnt, when he was still single, Ian had spent a summer down in Antarctica doing maintenance work on the Australian base there.)
        At first, Mum took an interest in what we were doing, what we were talking about and I showed her Ian’s letters as they arrived but she soon became bored and lost interest. After that, they almost forgot we were still writing until we got into the final arrangements for our trip when I mentioned Ian had asked if I wanted to visit the desert while in Australia.

        Ian was interested in my desire to become a veterinarian and work at the Game Reserve near our town. He was interested that while I was at school, Mootie had got me a part-time job working with the vet at the Game Reserve. When I got a full-time job working at the school, I had to give up the Game Reserve job but I still maintained my goal of being a vet by studying for that in my spare time. Ian encouraged me with my studies.
        Over time, the correspondence between Ian and me began to move into other areas too. Like many teenage girls, I had a strong interest in sexual things but there was no one who I could openly talk with. Ian became that person. At first, it was very clinical with my questions and conversation regarding the sexual side of human relationships. For me, mentioning and talking about such things with a man was a bit thrilling. More than a few times I would be getting myself off after reading one of his letters.
        Soon, things began to come more personal. By then, I had found the hidden key to my parent’s copies of the Letters Books. Reading some of those stories was an eye-opener. We did discuss some of the stories which were kind of exciting for me. Especially when he told me the story numbers of stories he appeared in and I found myself seeking out these stories about Ian. A feature of these stories was that they actually described how Ian was taking sex. That was so hot! More masturbation material for this horny teenage girl.
        Photographs were a feature of our correspondence too. I actually went out to take photos of things we were talking about. Uncle Mootie was very helpful with that. His knowledge of the Game Reserve was extensive and took me to some areas most people would never see. Many photos I took were shared with Ian. He shared photos from around where he lived too. Often these photos would illustrate or encourage our conversations.
        There were also photos of ourselves too. When Ian was in India for Katrina’s wedding, he never knew about the sexual side of things here and never got to attend a nude day here. Since then, he and Kala have become involved in such things in Australia.
        One day, I received a photo of him standing beside the river wearing just a pair of shorts. That photo had a big effect on me, I actually became quite turned on by it. Soon I had sent him a photo of me wearing a bikini, the most daring one I had. He liked that and it encouraged me to send more. One day, I included a topless photo. That quickly moved to us exchanging nude ones. Seeing his cock, I was like wow! Yes, I’ve seen lots of cocks at nude days but this was so different, so much more personal. And he was hard too!
        Yes, many here in India had viewed me naked to but knowing Ian was seeing me was much more sexual and exciting. More than a few times I cum in my bed with a fantasy about him. One day he sent me a short poem about him and me making love games. That was so wild!
        I dreamed about him as I viewed his body and thought what it would be like to fuck him. I can admit now that I had more fantasies about Ian than any other man. But I knew it could never happen. He was a married man from another country, far away from me. I was a single woman in India who had to keep herself pure for her future husband. I knew sex with Ian was a fantasy that would never become reality.

        Well, Sarvesh announced there would be a trip that included Perth in Australia. I talked with Sarvesh, pushing for a trip to the desert town. He hadn’t considered it but promised he would see what he could do for me, even if just a few people went there with me to see. It seems he was interested in seeing that place too.
        When Mum lost her cool and cancelled my trip, Sarvesh got involved, even going to visit her. I heard there was more to that visit than just talking about me. Very naughty Mummy, I think. But it’s amazing the attitude change after she had his cock in her pussy. Well, the result was my trip was reinstated and I could go to Australia and onto New Zealand.

        Note: - In an earlier story I placed the blame for this on Mum, a total overreaction I think I said. But now I must accept full responsibility for my own actions. I caused the problems at home and I deserved what Mum did. I am very grateful that she changed her mind and I could finally go on this trip.

        So in Perth, when Mum and Dad took me aside that day and told me they would allow me to take part in the sex games in New Zealand, that changed things a lot for me. They allowed me to arrange for Hamza to be my first man. I like him and thought he was a good choice. I’m not sure if my parents would have allowed Ian to be my first. I did actually think of him but decided it was better that I didn’t push my luck since Mum and Dad had moved so far with this.
        Well, that turned into an exciting evening, mind-blowing and sexy. For the story of that evening, (See Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part Two.) and for what happened the following morning, (See Story 264 Andrew & Kalki.) So, Hamza and Payam were the first men I had even had sex with.
        Of course, once I was sexually active, travelling with a group that openly swapped partners, that opened up other possible sexual adventures for me too. I didn’t get the chance for any more before we went on this trip to the desert. I was hoping that there might be a chance to be with Ian. While I didn’t tell anyone, including Ian, I was still hoping it might somehow happen.

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Sister Schools.

        We stayed in that big old hotel in the centre of this small town. It seemed to be the main attraction there. The bars and the restaurant were always open, always busy with miners coming off shift from the mines. There were people, mainly men, coming and going at any time. We were warned that for us women, it was probably a good idea not to go out walking at night.
        I did go out with Mootie and Sarvesh for a run most mornings before the sun got too hot. I have an active life back in India as I teach sports in the school and like to keep my body fit. I sometimes do running down from our house to the main road and back up the hill again. Then there is swimming. I love to swim whenever there is a chance.
        In the room next door to us, each night we hear Uncle Mootie and Nishi having a good time. He certainly wasn’t lonely without Aauty Hansini, that’s for sure. Nishi seemed very happy too. LOL, To tell you the truth, I was actually surprised how much was going on. Like rabbits, I once read in the Letters Books, or fucking each other’s brains out might be another way of describing it.
        I first met Ian in person at the small airport landing strip where he came to meet us and drive us into town. While most people got onto the back of his ute, which looked like fun, Ian asked me to join him in the front. Sarvesh was there too and so I found myself sitting between two men. Not much was said between us since Sarvesh quickly engaged in conversation with Ian. It wasn't until the following day when we visited Ian's farm and went swimming at the river that I really got to sit talking with him. We sat on the bank together and little apart from the others and I found the conversation between us flowed freely. We were both naked of course, and I could see he was checking my body out. I know men always look and when I had first developed, I felt a bit embassed by it but as I got a bit older I realised it was a natural part of being an attractive girl.
        It was at that time that I first began to think about my fantasy of Ian becoming reality. I knew I would like to fuck him and I thought he might be interested in me too. Not that he said anything, I just had a feeling, thought there might be an interest. But this special time we had together was broken when we heard the train was coming. With all the distraction of that, we never got back to continue talking.
        While I saw Ian a lot over the next couple of days, it was always with the group. We would not get time alone with each other until we got on the trip into the desert.

        One important event was for me to visit the only school in this town. Ian had put me in contact with the headteacher there and we had arranged for me to do a class visit and tell the kids about India. I had set up a small slide presentation on my laptop to show them our town and the Game Reserve animals.
        But not long before we left India the idea came up for my school class in Indian to video meet the class at this school in Australia. I was excited about this but I didn’t know it would become such a big thing for all those involved.
        I got to the school and a few from the travelling group like Sarvesh, Jasmine and Nishi came to watch too. I met the teachers, there were only two as it was such a small school. We talked for a few minutes before I went into the classroom. Yes, I said room as this school only had one big room where both teachers held their class. I discovered that the entire school would be present, about 30 kids. Much less than my class in India would be.
        I didn’t have any problems speaking as I’m used to being in front of school children, although I think the kids struggled with my accent a bit. I was more concerned about the adults standing at the back. Some parents were there too. My slide show went well and generated a lot of questions and by then it was well into the afternoon. Almost time for the video link.
        Soon the kids in India and the kids in Australia were viewing each other. We had intended it to be half an hour but it went on for nearly two hours, past the time when the school should have ended. But since everyone was enjoying it, the video meeting was allowed to continue. Parents who arrived to collect kids joined those standing at the back.
        The final part was the headteacher talking with the headmaster in India. They have arranged a regular meeting between the two schools. They would become sister schools.

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Desert Camping.

        Not long after that, it was time for us to go on this camping trip out into the desert. I was so excited, looking forward to this as it would be one of the highlights of my trip. We left early one morning, taking three vehicles with us. I was with Ian in the front of the larger one he had borrowed while his wife Kala drove the second one and David was in the third. Each of the vehicles pulled trailers too, that carried our tents and equipment, plus water and food etc.
        David’s trailer carried Ian’s four dogs. I wondered about that and asked Ian. He explained that the dogs would be useful at night while we were sleeping. They would be allowed to roam loose around the camp to protect us from snakes and other predictors. While they knew better than to attack a snake, the dogs would make a noise and wake us up. I noticed there were three rifles packed in our vehicle too.
        I knew about guns, having seen them being used at the Game Reserve in India. I had even been allowed to try using one a couple of times under the strict supervision of a Game Ranger. I had also ridden in four-wheel-drive vehicles back in India too. Once Uncle Mootie even allowed me to try driving one on the track, back from the Wildlife Viewing Centre at the smaller lake.

        We were at Ian’s house; everything was ready and we were about to leave. I had been told I was riding shotgun for Ian. Strange way of saying it but I would be sitting in the front with him.
        Suddenly he asked if I knew how to drive. Actually, I did a bit as Dad had been teaching me. I’d also tried that 4 by 4 at the Game Reserve too. But I don’t have my license yet.
        “You can drive the first part if you want,” Ian said. “When it gets harder, I’ll take over.”
        Uncle Mootie said, “Be careful, Riya,” when he saw me in the driver’s seat. "Remember what I showed you in India."

        This vehicle was much bigger than what I was used to and it was pulling a trailer behind. While it didn't drive as fast as a car, it was quite powerful. I had gone around and checked everything with Ian. Especially making sure everything was safely fastened on the trailer. Now, I had the engine running, ready to drive out onto the road as he went through a few last-minute things with me.
        Finally, I could engage the gears and slowly move forward down the driveway from his house and onto the road. I glance in my wing mirror told me that the other two vehicles had started moving behind us.
        We drove into the town, but even there was nothing like the traffic from India. We then turned on to a wide gravel road that Ian told me was a private mining road. It seems that regardless of the road rules, on a mining road you give way to the huge mining trucks. They towered above us as they passed by and the drives always waved and sounded their horns. I was happy to wave back.
        There was a quick stop at a lookout overviewing the mining workings which was amazing to see how deep they were digging, but then we were ready to move on. I hesitated, not sure if I was allowed to drive again but he just motioned towards the driver’s side saying, “Go on, you’re doing well so far.”
        It was hot by then so before I began driving, I pulled off the T-shirt and threw it on the seat between us. I caught Ian looking, checking out my tits in that tiny top. I didn’t mind, I wanted him to look too. My tits aren't that big but this top rounded them nicely while displaying some cleavage between. Man are funny like that, before at the river he had seen them when I was completely naked but now, while my tits were still under my bikini top and he was still looking. But I must admit that part of the reason I'd taken the T-shirt off was for him. So, like I said above, I was kind of glad when I caught him looking.

        At the entrance to the North Mine Pit, we had turned off the mine road onto a less used public road. I wondered if Ian would exchange places but he seemed happy for me to continue. I checked my mirror from time to time and the other two vehicles were still following, even though they had backed off a bit because of the dust.
        Finally, Ian said, “We’re turning off, just up ahead.”
        Sure enough, there saw the sign, ‘Canyon Falls Campground.’
        “Ok, this track is rougher than the road. Do you still want to continue? You’re doing fine,” he said.
        Of course, I wanted to drive. I was enjoying it so far.

        Following his instructions, I engaged in low gear and began to move on to the track. I noticed the other two vehicles following. At first, the track was good and we made slow but steady progress.
        Then we came to what Ian called, the first obstacle, an area of sand covering the track. I stopped and we got out to check it. I noticed Kala and David came forward to join us too. I was surprised to see Amita listening too. She was riding shotgun for David it seems.
        “Ok, Riya,” he told me. “Nice and slowly through here. Don’t stop. You won’t get moving again. Once you get to here, aim for those trees, it looks harder on this side. Now you'll need a bit more power on this slope. Once you get through, pull forward enough for the other two vehicles and stop on hard ground.”
        “Are you sure I can do it?” I asked.
        “Sure, you can. Drive slow and whatever you do, keep going.”
        While Ian walked ahead Sarvesh sat beside me. I engaged low 4 by 4 and began to move forward. I noticed the two vehicles behind didn’t attempt to follow us. As soon as I got into the sand, I could feel the steering wheel being pulled. I had to fight to stay on course. But I was still moving forward with Ian calling instructions and saying I was doing well.
        We got to the few trees and I could feel I was being pulled into the deeper sand. “Hard left,” Ian called. “Keep out of that deep sand.”
        I fought the wheel using all my strength but managed to stay in the harder sand. Just a bit further and gunned the motor to climb the slope and I was there. I discovered I had made it. We were on the hard surface of the track again.
        “Good work,” Sarvesh told me smiling. “That was good driving. I'm not sure I could do that.”
        That made me happy that even Sarvesh thought I drove well.
        We got out and I looked for Ian as he was no longer with us. I saw he had walked back to guide the next vehicle through.

        We watched while Kala brought the second vehicle through. She was experienced with this so she had no trouble. I notice Mootie was sitting beside her. Then it was the turn for the third vehicle. I could see David was in a passenger seat but the sun on the windscreen prevented me from seeing the driver until vehicle three almost reached us. Then I saw it was Auntie Amita driving. That was a huge surprise too. It seems she had driven all the way from Ian’s house. She got out smiling. “Good girl,” David said, giving her a hug. I noticed Amita's hand on his bum too. Naughty Aunty!

        We were standing beside the vehicles when Ian said, “Well done girls. You all drove well.”
        I smiled back at him, pleased he was happy with us.
        “There are two more obstacles. Do you want to try those too?”
        “Sure, if I can,” I said. Aunty Amita nodded "Yes," too.
        Of course, Kala had driven this track before and she was in a vehicle she knew but for Amita and me, it was all a new adventure. We both wanted to continue if Ian would allow us. The next obstacle was a river crossing. Again, we stopped and Ian described what was going to happen and how we should drive. Then we were ready to try. But I noticed there was a change this time with David riding with me as Ian wanted to go with Amita.
        I gently moved forward and dropped down a steep short slope into the watch. It was a bit scary seeing the water rushing around us but David told me it wouldn't get too deep as there was hard rock underneath our wheels. He showed me how to follow the stacks that had been driven into the river bed to guide us by the best route.
        On the top side, I noticed the river was calm and still and David warned it was probably deeper. On the lower side, the watch fell over a small waterfall so I knew to keep well away from that too. In the end, it was really just driving between the stacks.
        Eventually, we came to the other side and I was ready to climb the bank. “Now lots of revs,” David said.
        With the motor roaring but us remaining in low gear, I climbed the bank to arrive on hard ground again. We got out of the vehicle in time to see Kala drop into the river, starting to cross while Ian and Amita stood watching them. Finally, came Amita’s turn. She drove well too, I thought. She got out smiling really excited by this.
        I notice it was Ian who got a hug from Amita this time and I also notice he got his ass felt up too. Naughty lady Aunty Amita. Ian looked up to see me watching and breaking away from Amita he came over to me.
        “You drove well too. Do you need a hug too?”
        “Of course,” I laughed and before I knew it, his arms were around me, pulling my body against his in a tight squeeze.
        “Come on Ian,” Kala said. “Stop molesting Riya and lets get going.”
        Nishi saw the smile on my face and added, “Riya dosen't think it was molesting, Kala.”
        “I know,” Kala laughed lookin at me."That's the problem. She should do."

        The last obstacle was a small hill. This is the hardest Ian had told us. The problem was that the track surface had been washed or worn away leaving a surface of rocks. Ian explained that all the vehicles were capable of this but care needed to be taken by driving slowly over the rocks. He then asked if I wanted to have a go. Of course, I was keen to try.
        So, with Ian beside me, a engaged low four-wheel drive and crept forward. The track was rough and knocked us around a bit as we bumped among the rocks but with Ian picking the way we made it to the top. Soon the other two vehicles joined us and we could move on down the last part to the river campground.
        Yes, Amita got another hug for that one too. From David again who had been sitting beside her.

        The campground was really not much more than a flat area beside a large pool below a waterfall. Ian told me this was the same river but it appeared to be much smaller than where it ran past Ian’s farm. He replied that it began in the mountains to the north. But at this point, it fell over this rock cliff making a spectacular spot for a camp.
        Our camp was set with an open half-circle of tents surrounding a campfire, facing towards the river pool. The vehicles were parked behind the tents. I noticed from the moment we arrived; Ian’s dogs were allowed to run free as he was confident, they would not run away. I was assigned to share a tent with Mootie and Nishi and I didn’t miss the opportunity to tell them to behave themselves. Nishi was quick to counter with, “Or we could make it a threesome and give Mootie two women.”
        I didn’t know how to respond to that and so turned to help unload the truck. I heard Nishi make some comment to Mootie and they both laughed. No doubt that was about me. Maybe a should have agreed to join them. Maybe it might have been fun. Anyway, I didn’t actually shut the gate on that idea so perhaps it could still happen.
        Quickly, things were set up while the women started preparing lunch. I went over to help the women but Kala asked me to help Ian a bit as we set up tents and other tasks around the camp. I enjoyed working with him. There was an easy relationship between us and I felt he treated me as an adult.
        I particularly like how he praised my and Amita’s driving skills over lunch. That was nice of him. Yes, I knew he had made many comments directly to me as I drove but this was good too. The first thing after lunch was a swim. Yes, with this group, it was only ever going to be a nude swim. I was still wearing just shorts and a bikini top so I didn’t bother going into the tent to change, just threw my bikini top onto the bank beside the river to be quickly followed by my shorts and bikini bottom.
        As I stood up, I saw Ian watching me. He was naked and must have been watching me undressing. Now he was enjoying seeing my fully nude body again. I looked down at myself, then looked back at him. He gave a smile and I smiled back. Yes, he was noticing me nude but I noticed him too and liked what I saw. Especially, he had a good looking cock.
        The water was nice but not exactly cold. I was surprised, the pool was deeper than it looked. Near the bottom of the falls, it seemed to be well over my head. And the water seemed clearer here than down at Ian’s farm. He and I swam to the waterfall and climbed onto the rocks at its base.
        From there it was like a shower where a couple of people could stand under the falling water. The rocks under us were very slippery and my foot slipped a bit. It wasn’t much, but he noticed it and thought I was falling, His hands reached for me, pulling me against him. The first time we had touched each other when we were nude and it was almost a nude body hug.
        “Be careful,” he said quietly to me.
        But by then, I think we both noticed something else. My body had touched his, my breasts in contact with his chest. I looked up at him, we both knew it. Both knew how he was holding me. He continued to hold me for perhaps longer than needed and we could both feel the sexual energy between us.
        I felt his hand move down my back, onto the curves of my ass and a squeeze of one cheek. That was sexual too. pulled away from each other, looking at each other’s faces.
        Did he mean that sexually or did it just go that way? I wasn’t sure but thought he did. He looked back at me, probably thinking, was she offended? I smiled to show that I wasn’t. It was at that moment that I realised the full power of my sexual attraction to him. I wanted to be with him.

        We went for a walk up to the viewpoint at the top of the falls which had a great view looking down over the camping ground. On the way back down, Ian pointed out some of the plants that could survive living in such harsh conditions. This turned into a deep discussion between us and I noticed that soon the others had continued on, leaving us behind.
        We must have taken another hour to go down that short walking route but it was interesting to enjoy all the knowledge that he could offer. Back at the camp, we continued with our discussion. This time looking at the rocks in the cliff under the falls. I could see a few different layers and trace them along the cliff face. I pointed out what some of the rocks were, which surprised him and he showed me a couple too.
        I think the others might have been bored with our conversation or perhaps that thought we might want to be left alone. But this is what I came on this desert trip for, to meet Ian and share his knowledge of the Australian Outback. I also had an interest in him in other ways too. That moment under the waterfall showed me that it was there for him too.
        We had another swim in the late afternoon once the heat had gone out of the sun. By then, the women were already working on dinner. I went to help but Kala took me aside. “Go back with Ian,” she said. “He’s been wanting to meet you for a long time.”
        That was news for me. Even his wife seemed to know of the attraction between us. And she seemed to be pushing us together too.

        After dinner, everyone was sitting talking. As the night moved on, the men were sharing stories. Well, mostly it was Ian and Mootie. Some were funny and some were adventures. Mootie told us a very old story from when he was about my age. It seems this was before the high fences went up around the Game Reserve when Uncle Joseph and Aunty Lizamoa still lived in India. Mootie used to sneak into the reserve and he discovered the small lake. One day he discovered Joseph and Lizamoa and watched them taking photos of each other and them together having sex.
        He told us he was discovered and thought he would be in trouble but they invited him closer. It ended with him and Joseph watching Lizamoa getting herself off while Mootie and Joseph did too.         I was interested and wanted to listen to their stories but as it got later, some of the others drifted off to bed. Before long, I was the only woman left there.
        One of his dogs came up and sniffed at me. I reached out with my hand to allow her to get used to me and then I was patting her. I saw Ian watching me. “You have a way with animals, Riya.”
        The dog thought so too as she stayed beside me for the rest of the evening.

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Ian and Me.

        “Well, we were at the camp and becoming late in the evening. We were sitting around the campfire and the men were having beers. I only had one. Don’t like it too much. Uncle Mootie had quietly warned me not to drink too much. His words were, "The way things are going between you and Ian, you might want to remain sober."
        I quickly realised he thought Ian and I would probably be doing something that night.
        I knew Ian was interested in astronomy. I was a bit too and we got talking about that. He showed me some stars I have never seen from India.”
        The other two men seemed to get bored with the subject and decided to call it a night. Uncle Mootie said, "Have a good night, Riya," as he left us.
        That left with only me and Ian together. Our conversation got sexy and he told me he loved my nude photos.
        I asked if he liked seeing me nude in the pool today and he thought I looked better than in my photos. That was sexy and I was beginning to wonder where this might be going. He told me how he liked viewing Indian women, how our bodies looked different to white women. I was surprised that we were discussing the difference of appearance between a white woman and an Indian. I mentioned the men were different too and we even talked about cocks. This was starting to make me a bit horny.
        It got even more personal when we began discussing each other’s bodies. We discussed his cock how it was the western custom to cut boys when they were babies. It was for health and hygiene reasons rather than religious. But I noticed he was quick to turn the subject back to me and my body. Talking about my tits and pussy was really getting to me. Suddenly, I offered to strip for him. His reply surprised me when he said, “Save that for a bit later, Riya.”

        Suddenly, the subject changed. I don't know why as I was happy with the sexy direction we were going. Perhaps he wasn't sure about how far I was prepared to go. Yes, that was probably it. Ian was just being cauious.
        He asked how my holiday was going and I gave him a short summary, about Singapore and the Dolphins and then in Perth. I hoped to give him a hint I was open to more with him so I told Ian about my stay at the coast house and how I’d gone swimming at a nude beach and then lost my virginity with two men that night.
        When he seemed very interested in that so I went on to give him more details. Since it was only the two of us without anyone able to overhear, I was willing to tell him exactly what I did. He found the part where I lost my virginity to be particularly sexy. Four people were involved in helping me with that. Ian said that was so hot. He had never heard of it being done like that before. Two couples and one virgin.
        I even told him about the morning where I had sex with two men at once. This conversation with Ian actually became the base for the story I wrote about my visit with those two couples at the seaside house. As I talked with him, I had put all my thoughts in order as to how I would tell that story. (See links above.)
        “So, your parents have opened things for you to have sex with any man,” he asked.
        “Any man within their sex group. The Letters Group,” I replied.
        I thought at that moment he would ask me. I had almost told him I was open to sex with him but for some reason, he hesitated. I was unsure why.
        Talking about my sexual adventures with this man, openly sharing the very erotic things I had done, was actually a sexual turn-on for me. I knew I was becoming horny and I wanted more with Ian too. So, I added, “I might be open to another man if I find one available.”
        He smiled and said, “I think you’ve just found one Riya. Come to my tent with me?”
        That was it. He just asked me to go to his tent and I didn’t hesitate. I will not deny, saying it was an accident or I didn’t know what I was doing. I did know. I knew we were going there to have sex together and I went with him with no misunderstandings with either of us with what we intended doing. We were going to his tent. So, it was obvious we would have sex together, although not once did we actually say it.
        As I entered his tent, I was expecting his wife Kala to be there but the tent was empty. “Where’s Kala,” I asked.
        “Over with David and Katrina,” he replied.
        “With them both?” I asked.
        “Yes,” Ian said with a laugh. “Kala has a bit of a thing for threesomes, especially with my brother and his wife.”
        “I like threesomes too.”
        “Well, you’re another naughty girl too.”
        “I hope so,” I giggled.
        “I know so, or you wouldn't be with me now.”

        Soon we were undressing each other. This undressing a man is something I need to practice with as it seems to happen a lot. I also found myself enjoying how he undressed me. I wasn’t shy in any way for him to get me naked, in fact, I wanted him to get me that way and enjoyed how free he was with his hands too. Quickly, both of us were sitting there completely naked.
        Ian is a handsome man, has a good-looking body as you know. He does not keep himself well-groomed as some men I know but I think that is part of his attraction. An outdoor kind of appearance. I liked that.
        I felt confident enough to reach to touch his body first. I run my hands over his naked body, down over his chest, enjoying exploring and feeling all the parts of him. It was at this time that I began to get the impression that this man was much stronger than either Hamza or Payam was. I also was aware he was a white man too and I was noticing the difference too.
        When I came to his cock, I discovered he was already hard. Great looking cock too. I took him with my fingers wrapping around his cock shaft. He felt so hard and hot. I’ve come to realise that I like cocks. I like holding and touching them. I like sucking them too. Yes, I did suck him. Licked and played with the head for a while before taking him into my mouth. Remembering what I had learnt at the beach, I timed my sucking to match what my hand was doing.
        I have discovered that I actually like sucking a man. It feels so good to hold him and get him so hard before I put him into my mouth. I like watching the face of a man, I can tell when they are enjoying it and that makes me happy too. The fact that I can get an experienced man to like being with me is a major turn-on for me.

        Soon, Ian brought his hands down to push me back off him. I’m wasn’t surprised at that as Hamza had done the same. I know men like to cum in a woman’s mouth and I’m sure Ian would have too. I even would have allowed him that too. But Ian was also thinking about something even better. He wanted us to more to move on to other things first. Let me put it bluntly, I knew Ian was holding himself back so he could cum in my cunt!
        His hand reached for me too, starting at the side of my neck but then running down onto my chest. He soon found my breast his fingers climbing the swelling peak to my nipple. That felt could how he touched me there. It became even better when his other hand joined in the fun by going for my other breast.
        Then one hand went lower, down across my stomach, down between my legs to my pussy. He was openly feeling me there and I was allowing it too. I even moved my legs a bit wider to give him better access. I knew I was wet by then and as his fingers touched my lips he would have known it too.
        "So ready," was all he said.

        Then he gave me some oral treatment. He pushed me back until I was laying on the camp bed. His hands gently pulled my thighs open and I didn't resist him. I knew what was happening and I wanted it as much as he did. His fingers returned to my pussy, this time more than just rubbing along my wet lips. Now he was pressing into me, finger fucking me with two fingers and it felt good enough to make me give a soft moan. I was so turned on for him, I wanted him so much too.
        By then I knew this man was good in bed and it was going to be good for me too. I was laid back on the bed and opened my legs for him. I knew in the soft lamplight he could see my pussy and I could see he was looking at it too. I wasn’t shy at that as I wanted him to look and enjoy every aspect of me.
        I even felt daring enough to reach down with my fingers and pull my lips apart. “Do you like it?” I asked him.
        “I love it,” Ian replied. I think he might have been a bit surprised I did that. But by then I was so turned on that I would have done almost anything for him.
        His hands moved in to replace mine. His face moved in closer and my body gave a shudder as he gently blew on parts freshly exposed by how he was pulling me open. I have never had that before and it felt so sexy that I almost cum.
        He noticed how my body responded and laughed. “Calm down, Riya. I haven’t even started yet.”
        Still holding my lips open, his head came in closer and he made a lick right up between my lips. That soft wet tongue sliding over the tender inner flesh was amazing. My body shuddered again as I moaned. My pelvis gave a strong hump at him.
        I think that moment may have been a strategy change for him. He pressed his face into my pussy, licking and sucking me in a very exciting and aggressive way. I realised what he was trying to do. Since he had held back when I sucked him, I so of felt it was my duty to do the same but to be honest, with what he was doing, I really didn’t have much choice as to how it would end.
        As said above, I was so horny and ready for sex that my body sort of took over. My pussy knew what she wanted and before I knew it my first orgasm of the evening burst over me. The way he more directly onto my clitty just as I began to cum, we wild. I think he drove me to a much deeper orgasm than I was first going to have.
        I moaned and gasped, struggling against him but with his strong hands firmly holding my hips, there was nowhere I could go. He held me tightly, his face pressed into me as he sucked on my clitty. Like I said, it was wild, amazing and he made it continue for longer than I would have thought possible too.
        Finally, Ian allowed me to end. I fell back on the bed, exhausted. I was light-headed and gasping to recover my breath. That had been amazing but then the thought came to me that we had only just started.

        Soon, I had recovered and we were ready to continue. As I was on my back and Ian came down on top of me. That was our first session the Missionary Position. I felt some of his weight come down on top of me as I reached down to take his cock, guiding him into my pussy. The head pressed against me and the strong shaft followed. He didn’t push or rush to get into me but rather took it slowly, allowing my pussy to adjust to him. I liked that. While I could have taken him quickly, I was wet and excited enough for that, to see him showing concern for me was rather special for me too.
        He pressed in deeper and so began to move. I could feel the hardness of his shaft. I loved how he moved, his cock sliding in and out. Oh, from the moment he entered me it was good. He later told me it was good for him. He said I felt very tight for him which made it better too. Almost like he was taking a virgin woman. Which, considering my limited sexual experience was probably right too.
        While he held himself off me so only part of his weight was supported by my body, I could still feel his body moving on top of me. I had reached up to wrap my arms around him to hold him. Men are so strong and powerful when compared to us women. Their bodies seem to be full of muscles and when they move their muscles stretch and move with them. I love feeling that when I am holding a man. This man was strong too, perhaps even larger and stronger than either of the Indian men I had been with.
        As his body worked, I could hear him breathing close to my ear. I could feel how his lower body, plunged between my open thighs, each stroke driving his cock deep inside me. I could feel how the strong shaft moved, sliding in and out in a steady rhythmic motion.
        This was really good for me and quickly I felt myself approaching a cum. I didn’t want it to happen so fast but really, I didn’t know how I could do about it. I was going to cum and there was nothing much I could do to stop it. My orgasm hit me and it was good. I humped around underneath him and was a bit vocal too, I think.
        Once I got over that, I realised that he had continued right the way through, making it even better for me. Now, we could settle down and continue. Ian fucking me with his lovely hard cock and me doing the best I could to help by humping back up to meet each thrust he made.
        Soon, I began to realise he was breathing heavy. His stokes were slipping out of time and out of control. I knew enough about things to know that this man was about to cum so I decided to try and help him.
        A couple of bigger humps up at him was what it took to push him over, but what I didn’t allow for was that it pushed me over too. I cum for my second time and it was another good one. When I came out of my orgasm, I found he had stopped, just holding his cock deep inside me as he pumped into me. I could feel his cock pulsing and knew what that meant. He was cumming, delivering his man juice deep inside me.
        We both had good cums and I allowed him to cum inside me.

        He rolled off me and we lay beside each other for a while, breathless.
        His hand reached to give my hand a squeeze. “That was amazing,” he said.
        I didn’t reply, just gave his hand a squeeze back but I was very happy that in my first attempt, I could please this man and be so good to him.
        “You’re a horny one, aren’t you?”
        It was a question but I didn’t know how to reply.
        Ian went on. “You seem to love sex so much and you cum so easily. I like that.”
        And here I was thinking me cumming so quickly like that was a bad thing.

        After resting for a while, he got me to suck him hard again. I could taste the remains of our sex on him, but I didn’t mind. Perhaps you could say, I actually liked it. It didn’t take too much of this encouragement for him to begin getting hard again.
        Out of my experience of being with men, perhaps this is one of the more amazing things, how their cocks can grow and change from being soft to become those hard shafts that can push a woman open and drive deep inside her. I like to feel the hardness and heat return and their erection takes shape. It is really a sexy thing to be involved with. Yes, go on, say it. This girl is so naughty that she likes giving men erections.
        Once I had him hard, I looked up at him for further instruction. I knew we were about to do it again, but which way. Which way would he want us to fuck?
        I think he might have noticed my confusion because he gently put his hands on me, pulling me up closer to him. “You can try on top, this time, Riya,” he said.
        I began with the Girl on Top Position. This is where the girl lays on top of the man, allowing him to push into her in a similar way to as if he was on top. But of course, this time it is the woman’s role to provide most of the movement. I tried but it didn’t seem to be going so well. After a few minutes, he stopped me saying, “Try it sitting up, you can be my cowgirl.”
        I knew this way and I knew I could do Cowgirl Position to him. He made it a bit funny when he reached over and grabbed the hat he usually wore outside. Reaching up, he placed it on my head. “There, now you are my cowgirl.”
        I laughed at that as I kneeled over his cock, taking him with my hand and guiding him to my pussy. I was so wet, that I opened around the cock head and could take him in deep. I sunk right down until my body rested against his. I realised I had taken the whole length of him and done with ease too. This was another success for me.
        Now, it was time to begin the fucking again. My thighs lifted my body away from him before allowing me to drop back against him again. It is an easy motion, perhaps the one that I like the best.
        “Woman on top,” I told him. “Now Riya is the boss of Ian.”
        He didn’t reply at first to that other than laugh. His hands came up to my breasts, both hands giving my nipples a sharp pinch.
        “Owoo! That hurt!”
        “You think you’re the boss, do you?”
        I wasn’t so sure after that. Perhaps I’d been too confident. I kept going, kept fucking him while he played with my nipples and tits. That extra was nice too. The sex this way was really good for me I got off a couple of times with him smiling as I did. But then I noticed he held back and while making it good for me missed for himself.

        I was pleased he was willing to do that for me and so I let him do the Doggy Position to finish. Well to be more exact, he told me, “Now I am the boss. You are going to do it my way!”
        I just nodded, giving him a smile. I was rather amused at his reaction to my woman the boss comment. I was also fine with this position too.
        “Get on your hands and knees girl. Point your bum towards me.”
        Without thinking, I did as he asked. I think his voice, his authority was a surprise but looking back at it now, probably a bit sexy too.
        Hamza had told me that because the man had to press between the woman’s ass cheeks to get to her pussy, made her tighter for him and better too. I knew this would be a good way for Ian too. I wanted him to finish was another cum. I wanted him to enjoy my body again and cum inside me. The thought of taking his man juice was sexy too.
        I was on my hands and knees with my bum pointed towards him, both of us naked other than me still wearing his cowboy hat. I felt his hands hold my hips as he pressed himself against me. His cock head pushed against my pussy lips and I opened it to allow him in. I was so wet from our sex making that he was easy to slip into me. A couple of thrusts and I could feel his cock drive deep inside me.
        He gave my ass cheek a hard slap. “I’m the boss now. You’re my little fuck bucket!”
        I was surprised he said that but then the feeling of being completely under the control of this man, the feeling he could do what he liked to me was sexy.
        For me, it didn’t seem more than just the nice feeling of having a man inside me. I didn’t want to cum. I had decided that this time I wouldn’t. But it was still exciting to feel this man behind me, fucking into my body with his full strength and aggression.
        I knew with the way he was going that he couldn’t last long. He didn’t either. Soon a heard him gasp with a deep groan and I knew he was about to cum. It was at that moment that he reached underneath me and gave my pussy a sharp rub. That surprised me, could me off guard. Suddenly I cum. Just like that, no build-up, nothing. I just orgasmed. He said later that how my pussy tightened as I cum did it for him too. He gave another big load inside me.

        It was very late now so I sneaked back to the tent I was sleeping in. Lucky Uncle Mootie and Amita were asleep so I thought they notice I arrived late. Then I noticed, Amita? Where was Nishi? She must be with Sarvesh. Naughty people!

        So, I thought no one had noticed what happened to me. That is until the next morning Sarvesh told me he knew I had been very late. He asked if anything happened with Ian and I admitted I had sex with him. Sarvesh replied by asking, “Hope you had fun!”
        Of course, it was Ok to admit that I did.
        Then he made a comment that surprised me, “When do I get my turn?” he asked.
        Aunty Amita, who was beside us, tending to the cooking of breakfast over the fire, looked up and smiled.
        For some reason, that shocked me. I really hadn’t thought about taking sex with Sarvesh but then, there was no reason why I shouldn’t. I liked him and I know he likes me. By Amita’s reaction, she would have no problems with it either.
        But I didn’t reply to his naughty comment, just gave him a smile. I didn’t say yes but then I didn’t say no either. So maybe it might happen someday.
        Well, it was all out in the open now and so later that morning, I moved my things from Mootie’s tent to be with Ian. That way I got to have a second night of sex with him.
        Yes, Yes, I know what you’re all thinking. This naughty girl went back for more. Well, it's true. It was so good the first night, I did go back for more. And I got more too, I must add. I got cheeky to him, telling him if he wanted me to be his cum bucket he had to prove he was man enough for me. That got him worked up and did I get a rough fucking. I cum so much, it was amazing.
        Later in the night, he even wanted to take me in my arse. I'd heard that was good with some women so I allowed him, not really knowing what I was in for. He got some oil and rubbed around over my bum, then stuck one finger, then two into my bum hole. It didn't feel too bad, just a bit tight. Once he'd put oil all over his cock too, he tried to enter me.
        It was tight, I thought maybe he couldn't get in. He pushed again and this time it hurt. He held there until I relaxed and pushed again. It hurt a bit more but by then he was deep inside me. I began to wonder if this was actually a good idea!
        Once I had adjusted, it didn't hurt so much as he continued. After a few moments, I began to feel comfortable and then I began to like it. That surprised me. I didn't know this way could get a woman off but I got the feeling it might happen to me.
        I could hear him gasping. He must have been getting there now but while I was excited by this I was still a bit away from my cum. But Ian knew how to fix that. Just as he was about to cum, he reached under me and pinched my clitty.
        Damn! That hurt. But it was good too because the shock sent me off. I cum hard as he began shooting into my arse.
        I collapsed onto the bed exhausted. That night had been even better than the first night with him.
        Yes, there was much more than him just fucking me in the arse. But then, perhaps, that’s another story.

        We went for a long walk the next morning but returned to the camp before the heat got too bad. We had a swim and then lunch, then I went for a lay down in my own bed. Bit of a hard night, I think. I awoke to find Amita and Kala talking outside. I don't think they knew I was inside.
        “Can I bunk with you guys tonight? Looks like Riya is moving in with Ian again tonight. I don't want to be in the way,” Kala asked Amita.
        “You Ok with that?” Amita asked.
        “Yeah, sure. If Ian wants to play with some hit young pussy for a few nights. I'm fine with it. Wouldn't mind some hot young cock but doesn't seen to be much around today.”
        Amita laughed at that before Kala went on.
        “With what I hear about New Zealand, Riya could probably do with a bit more experience.”
        “I think she got quite a bit out at Ginger's house. Those two younger guys gave her six months experience in one night.”
        “As good as that was it?”
        “So I hear. I'm waiting for the story they are writing. Sarvesh told me, next morning, Hamza and Kalki had a disagreement over some guy on the beach. He took it out on Riya a bit. Gave her a bit of a rough spit-roast with Payam, Sarvesh said.”
        “Wow! So she should have no problems with my Ian, then,” Kala said.
        “Doubt it. She'll be fine. Ian seems keen on her. He'll look after her,” Amita replied.
        “The way she's going, maybe we better watch out for Ian, then.”
        “Maybe you better stay there to save him, Kala,”
        That had them both laughing and the subject was dropped.

                THE END.

Extra: - (Written and added after the trip.)
        While Mootie was in New Zealand, we heard there were to be some changes at the Game Reserve in India. One of these changes was he got permission to employ an assistant for the animal hospital. Mootie asked me if I’d be interested. Of course, I quickly said, “Yes, if I could still continue my studies.”
        So now back in India, I am working for the Game Reserve and studying to become a vet.

Index of Letters                         Story 268 Background.                         Back to Story 267.   

Forward to Story 269.


  1. Camping in the desert. Then Ian gets the cute Indian girl. The Riya is collecting notches isn't she?

    1. Came here from Story 272 Mother and Daughter Team Fucking. Yes there has been a change with the part where Ian arse fucks her being added in. I asked Anne if she knew and she did give them the Ok to change Anne's story.
      It doesn't matter very much, but adds to the other story.
