Tuesday 4 January 2022

Story 271 Jasmine.

Index of Letters                         Story 271 Background.                         Back to Story 270 Part Three.   

Forward to Story 272.

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About Nishi and I, Myself.

Yeah! I know, it’s Gaja again,
        Recently, there have been several stories from me as I have undertaken to fully document my sexual activities during our visit to Australia but this will probably be the last from me for a while. After this, we moved on to our adventures in New Zealand where others are ready to share what happened there.
        First, I better warn you that this is a long and involved story so allow time to sit back and relax as you read it. You might feel I become distracted from my purpose at some points but I believe everything here is related, building to the point where I finally take Jasmine's virginity. For example, my night with Katrina was confidence building for me, the sex party was a learning experience for Jasmine; etc.

        My wife, Nishi and I, myself, were travelling with this group touring Australia and New Zealand. We knew this group was firmly committed to the swinging lifestyle, being always willing to swap among themselves, hold parties based on sexual activities and make love games with each other's wives or husbands. When we came to know them, we tried visiting their nude weekends a few times, but while we were comfortable with the nudity and had no pressure was ever applied on us to join in the sexual side, we still felt there was an expectation they wanted us to join in. Therefore, we decided to stop going, just remaining in contact with Sarvesh and his lovely wife Amita.
        While both Nishi and I agreed we could be open to partner swapping, we decided for us, this was something we didn’t really want at that time because after all we had only recently been married and wanted to spend time alone together. Perhaps this was more in my case than with my wife but we both agreed it was the way we wanted to be. The one exception was once or twice we had been with Sarvesh and Amita but this was more of a special case.
        The first time with Sarvesh and Amita was part of an evening we arranged for them, to thank them for what they had done, getting us our nice apartment in the centre of town and setting us both with good jobs. We felt the need to do something special, very special for them. We knew Sarvesh was interested in Nishi, taking sex with her. We also thought perhaps Amita would like to be with me. When we came up with this idea we talked it over for a few days before we decided we could do this as a one-off, just with them. It actually became two occasions when we paid a return visit to their house but that's another story.
        You can read of this in Story 247 Gaja and Nishi Section Three. This series of three stories tell how Nishi and I met and came to be together as man and wife. The third part is this story of what I am referring to here, where we invited Sarvesh and Amita to our new apartment for dinner and the night of sex.
        Basically, we just remained with each other, other than that two times and we became quite content with our marriage and sex life. Deep down I had the feeling Nishi might be open to more but it was never spoken about so I couldn't be sure. I kept that idea to myself and tried where I could to make our sexual activities extra exciting for her. It actually had the return effect for me as well and until before this story, I was happy to rate our sexual life as being well above average for Indian couples that we knew of. Perhaps the only exceptions were those we knew from this Letters Group.
        We actually kept track of the events of the Letters Group because, in thanks for writing our story for them, Amita committed to sending us regular updates, some of which proved to be exciting stories for us and inspired fantasy role-play sessions within our bedroom. That is how I knew Nishi might be open for more since she often had a strong interest, becoming quite excited with these stories. I might admit, they do make an impressive collection of volumes on the bookshelf in our bedroom.
        So this must be the background from where my story starts from. A pre-story you might say.

        One day recently, Amita rang Nishi as the two women had seemed to maintain more contact than Sarvesh and I do. Amita asked if we would be willing to attend the Friday evening of a nude weekend. It was made clear we were welcome to spend the rest of the weekend at their place, but they particularly wanted us on Friday evening and there would be a bedroom provided for us that night. Nishi thought this was important and that we should attend but she couldn’t say why. We decide at least we could go and see what they wanted.
        Deep down I got this feeling that it might end up being more than just us meeting with the group. I even wondered if Nishi knew more than she was telling me, that sexual activities might be offered to us. Being put in a case like that, I wondered about Nishi's attitude to this. Perhaps she would be willing to do more, perhaps she wanted more and this was an opening to do so. What would this be a turning point for our marriage, how would it affect us? Yes, it was a concern but not knowing what was planned for this evening, I didn't know how to deal with it.
        Finally, the evening before, I sat down with Nishi to discuss my concerns. She was open and I think very honest with me. She said she didn't know why we were invited and nothing concerning us joining them sexually had been discussed with Amita. When I asked, she also admitted that she would be open to having sex with some of the men there but only if I was comfortable joining in too. Otherwise, she was happy leaving things as they currently were and she would never consider breaking our marriage bond and cheating on me. I believed her and returned that promise to her. We agreed regarding the evening, nothing would happen unless we both agreed and committed to it. That was the understanding between us when we attended this evening.
        It was that evening that we learnt Sarvesh was planning this trip to Australia and New Zealand. Then a bit later that evening during a Skype session with Steve and Shanti from New Zealand which turned quite sexual, we were invited to join them in touring. See Story 260 Are You Coming with Us?
        Before we finished that Skype session in which all four of us had become naked and brought each other to orgasm in front of those on the screen, both Steve and Shanti made it clear they would be interested in being with us sexually if we came to New Zealand. I must admit to being excited by the prospect of being with Shanti and I knew Nishi still had an attraction to Steve and would like to try with him again.
        Yes, concerning what we had agreed above, as that Skype session developed, Nishi and I were sitting beside each other and so we both knew where things were turning sexual. While we didn't have the chance to discuss it, both of us knew we could have stopped at any time. We didn't, I stripped her in front of that man and she stripped me. They both had become naked on the other side too. The sexy session continued, taking things right to orgasms in front of those two from New Zealand. In that way, I think our marriage came to a turning point that evening. It was then Steve asked the question of Nishi and we agreed to join them on the tour to Australia and New Zealand.

        Before leaving on this trip, Nishi and I had a long talk regarding this swinging and the sexual side of things. We both knew it had to be firmly established what our limits and expectations would be regarding sexual activities on this trip and we must strictly stay within those limits. As said above, we were both open to the idea of swinging, perhaps she was more than me. I was kind of the one-man, one-woman type of guy. After what had happened so quickly during that Skype session with Steve and Shanti, we both knew being open to the sexual things would help us become involved with others on the trip and so we decided to embrace the sexual fun for this trip and then review things when we returned to India. The agreement of that conversation was we would be open to swapping or taking sex with other partners as the situations came up.
        In myself, I had decided to allow Nishi the chance to explore her sexual side to where it would take her. I also decided I would take advantage of situations offered to me as well. I knew many of those women would want to be with me and I must admit to more than a little desire and interest in some of those women too.

        Up until the main theme of this story begins, here are some of the sexual highlights of this trip so far for me.
        It had been while we were in Singapore, that our sexual adventures began. Seeing Nishi wearing a very tiny and very revealing bikini to a hotel pool in front of the many people there was a big turn-on for me. It was far beyond anything she had ever worn before. The tiny top showed as much of her breasts as it covered. The tiny bottom, just a small triangle in the front and a string between her ass cheeks at the back. Wow! So sexy! I was shocked to see her wearing it publicly but loved what she was doing.
        This was a huge step for Nishi to wear such a bikini in public. In fact, she didn’t even own a bikini until she wore that one. Afterwards, Mootie gave it to her since she looked so hot in it. We were both surprised at how much this exhibitionism excited us. She looked so hot displaying her sexy body like that and she said herself, she got a big thrill from doing it. The sex afterwards in our room was good too. I wouldn't let her remove it, just pulling the parts aside to fuck her while she still wore it. This was much more exciting for both of us as we talked about her displaying her body while we fucked. See Story 265 Nishi and Gaja Start to Play.
        Later in that same story when we arrived in Perth, Nishi and I did a sexual swap with our host couple, Jeremy and Joyce. This happened later one night after we had been out for the evening. While the sex went well for Nishi and Jeremy, it wasn’t so good for Joyce and me, since she had played a drinking game at a club and was totally wasted by the time we got back to their house. We played a bit in the kitchen but once she hit the bed, she was asleep. She has promised a re-match and since I like Joyce, I intended to take her up on that.

        A few days later, the group split into two halves with one group going to visit a town in the desert while the other group went to an island. We decided on the island trip but I knew Nishi was kind of interested in going to see the desert town. When Hansini pulled out of the desert trip, they had to balance the numbers again by getting a woman to replace her on that trip. I suggested to Nishi that she goes since she wanted that trip. Yes, I fully knew what this would involve. See Story 266 Will You Be My Stand-in Wife? So, Nishi ended up being Mootie’s stand-in wife while I ended up with Hansini being her stand-in husband. This couple was well committed to the swinging lifestyle so we both knew this swap would involve full sexual activities. We embraced this and both decided to have fun.
        While Nishi had her sexual adventures with Mootie, Hansini really committed herself to being with me. The sex with her was great if not a bit bold with some of the things she had us do, like for example, a mid-night nude swim on the beach we were staying at. See Story 270 Part One - Gaja and Hansini Tour Together.
        When we went to the island she really took me out of my comfort zone by encouraging me to go to a nude beach with the five women. See Story 270 Part Two - The Nude Beach.
        Me being the only man! The other men wouldn't go, so the women decided that since I was the only man, I needed to be rewarded with a special evening. First, we went out for a meal and then we went dancing. Yes, it is recorded where back at our hotel units, I had an orgy with these five horny women until their husbands arrived to relieve me from my sexual duties. See Story 270 Part Three - Orgy with Five Women.
        Later Amita and Shanti approached Nishi and me, asking if we would like to write about our sexual adventures in Perth. Others got involved in the writing, helping us and this story you are reading is the final of those we created.
        So, with all that Introduction, this is where my story can really begin.

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I Agree To Be With Jasmine.

        My next story to tell took place in the last days we were in Perth of Australia. It concerns what had been arranged while we were split into two groups. My wife and I ended up going separately when Hansini had suddenly changed her mind and decided to go on the island trip rather than the desert trip. During that trip I toured with Hansini, even sharing a bed with her, while my wife went to the desert with Mootie. Yes, she shared his bed too.
        Other friends of ours, Jeevan and Mandara had decided to allow their daughter, Riya, to lose her virginity in preparation for the sex parties expected when we got to New Zealand. Since Jasmine and Riya were very close friends, Mootie and Hansini decided to do the same with their daughter, Jasmine. Their reasoning was they didn’t want their shy virgin daughter suddenly finding herself in a full-on orgy and not knowing how to take care of herself. In one way, this made sense but in another, the question could be asked; Why not send this girl off with the children to their activities?

About Jasmine.

        Jasmine is Mootie and Hansini’s daughter, their eldest child of seventeen, who turned eighteen a couple months after this story took place. She is an attractive girl, with a nice young body of modest breasts and a slim waist. She had a darker complexion like that of her father. Perhaps she was aware of being darker than most of the other women. She is a bit shy until she is comfortable with you, then she could open up to be quite cheeky.
        During her early teens as she started developing, unlike Riya, Jasmine had become quite shy about her body, even rebelling against going to the Nude Weekends until her mother had brought her a bikini to wear. It was only recently, it seems, that both halves of the bikini had gone and she had started going nude again. I think there was still a bit of shyness if she discovered a man viewing her body so we all knew to be that tiny bit more careful around her.
        She was my team partner in a game we were playing during that last Nude Weekend before we left on that trip. It was actually a contest that involved us being nude together for most of the day as we performed various challenges. I had gotten to know Jasmine a lot better and I had the impression she was becoming more comfortable with me. We almost won the whole contest, being beaten in the final by Sarvesh and Sairu. It had been a tough battle and I think we both could be proud of what we achieved. To my surprise, Jasmine turned to me and gave me a full hug, her naked body pressed against mine for a few moments as she said thanks for a fun day. She must have known her young breasts were squashed against my chest and her thigh was against my cock, but it seemed she didn’t mind that.
        So with that background, moving back to when I was in Perth touring with Hansini, we were on the phone with Mootie and my wife when Nishi invited Jasmine into their hotel room to tell her about their decision to allow her to be with her first man. I got the feeling that this came as a surprise for Jasmine but Riya, who was with her, seemed to be expecting it. Anyway, Jasmine was told about this idea and then asked if she had a man she would like. Caught by surprise, she couldn't think of anyone and so said 'No.'
        In Riya’s case, she had selected Hamza, a man she liked from among their friends. When Jasmine didn’t have anyone in mind, my wife suggested me which in a way made sense. But I was surprised at that, then even more surprised when Jasmine excepted the idea. It seems she felt a bit special for me after the games, we had played at that last nude weekend. I must admit, we did get on well, working together on various tasks that day so I did feel closer to Jasmine too. So, when we got back to Perth, I was expecting to have a teenage virgin in my bed with me, before we left for New Zealand.
        There it was left as I continued my tour with Hansini. It was something waiting for when we got back to Perth.

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Swapping with David and Katrina.

        At the airport, as Nishi left on her trip with Mootie, Hansini had promised the sex with Nishi would be great when she returned to Perth. In the event, it didn't happen like that. It would turn out to be our first night in New Zealand that Nishi and I got to be together again. Let me explain why it happened like this over the last two nights in Perth.
        Now everyone was back in Perth. In the surprise change of arrangements that Donald and Sarvesh made, we were supposed to stay with Katrina and David for the last two nights before we left for New Zealand. But we only spent the first night there as everyone stayed at Donald’s house after the sex party on the second night.
        Katrina and David had just brought a new house. There was hardly any furniture but we were fine with sleeping on a mattress on the floor of what would become their master bedroom. David and Katrina were sleeping on another mattress next to us. We were given the option of staying at Donald's house but both Nishi and I had agreed the floor would be fine.
        After a few wines, the talk began to get a bit sexy. David and I were teasing the women, wondering which of them had the best nipples. You know where this was going, don’t you? Soon Nishi and Katrina had their tops off so their nipples could be inspected and compared.
        Of course, David and I weren’t satisfied with just looking, we needed to touch and feel each nipple too. We even ended up giving their nipples a suck too. You must understand the great care that needed to be taken in deciding such an important decision. Of course, soon we required that we needed to compare pussies as part of our decision-making process. The two women were pissed enough to allow us to see them, fully naked, even feel their pussies too. Since they had both got naked, soon they were suggesting that it was only fair, cocks had to be compared too.
        Once all of us were naked, it wasn’t long before pussies and cock needed to be tried out. We went to the bedroom and I was on the mattress with Katrina while Nishi was on the other mattress with David. Without planning it, Nishi and I found ourselves into partner swapping with this couple.
        It was never established which woman had the best nipples. LOL!

        Katrina is younger than the other women in Letters Group but still older than me. Parts of her story were very similar to Nishi and I as all three of us had at one time been servants working for Sarvesh and Amita. I remember reading about her in the Letters Books. It was an interesting story how she came involved in the nude weekends and eventually met this Australian guy called David. When they held those big events in India regarding their wedding, I became involved as a waiter. Nishi was a maid there at the same time which is how she and I met.
        Although I saw some of what went on with the wedding, I wasn’t a part of it. Who would have believed if I had been told within a few years, I would be in Australia sharing a bed with this lovely woman, the bride, while my wife shared the bed beside us with her husband? Yes, that is exactly what happened.
        The sex with Katrina was good and after all, I had been doing, I was confident I could please her. We started slowly as that seems to be the best tactic when dealing with a different woman. Get to know her and judge how she responds to different things. Before we left India, Jeevan had told me that with most of these experienced women, they have their way of letting you know what they liked or disliked. Since being in Australia, this had proved to be sound advice.
        I took my time with the foreplay, the usual things with the most attention to the breasts and then pussy. I did discover that Katrina wasn’t interested in kissing, it seems she reserved that just for her husband. But she did like her ear and neck being nibbled which I was willing to do for her.
        I also discovered she enjoyed the sucking of a man’s cock and is very skilled with this. What she did with me was amazing, a highlight of my time with her. She got me to lay back on the bed and 'relax' she told me. When a sexy woman is sucking your cock, I don’t think relaxation is what is happening.
        Her expertise had me building towards my cum in no time. I wondered if for a moment I should stop her, saving myself for the sex I knew would be following but then it was too late. We had gone too far and I was going to cum. As my cock burst inside her mouth, she eagerly took every last drop, swallowing me until she drained everything, I could give her. She even wiped the last drops from her chin and then licked her fingers clean as she grinned at me.

        It was her turn now. Or should I say my turn to show her what I could do?
        I looked down at her naked glory as she lay there. Here was a woman who had two children now, the last being not more than six months before. Her body showed her as a mother, her breasts holding the milk of a breastfeeding mother. That evening, not long before that, I’d watched her get out her breast in front of us so her baby could suckle from her nipple. Her nipples were large and full, very sensitive to being touched or for that matter sucked. Is this the way with all breastfeeding women? I wasn’t sure.
        Lower down she still had her pussy shaved in the shape of a heart. I’d read about that in the Letters Books and when I’d seen her naked at Donald’s pool I was interested to note she still kept it.
        I touched her, played with her full breasts and nipples, then leaned forward to suck one.
        “I better warn you Gaja, milk might come out if you do that,” she told me.
        I looked up at her, a bit surprised. When I returned to her nipple, sure enough, there was a little white drop at its tip.
        “Go on, try some if you like.”
        “But, your baby...”
        “Don’t worry. I’ve got plenty. Try it. I like the taste.”
        I sucked again and as she said, some more milk came out. I tried a bit and liked it too.
        I looked up and she smiled at me. That was something different, using breast milk as a sexual activity.

        I moved lower to nibble across her stomach until I came to her pussy. She moaned lightly as I pulled her thighs open and went in with my tongue. Soon she was humping back against my face, enjoying what my tongue was doing for her. I could feel how wet she was, taste her juice and knew she didn’t really need much down there. I would have liked to have brought her to orgasm like she'd given me but she stopped me.
        “Fuck me now, Gaja. I’m ready for your cock.”
        “But I wanted...”
        “No not now,” she insisted. “You can try that later. Now I want cock!”
        So impatient to get to the sex! I liked that when a woman is ready for it.

        The sex that followed was great too. She lay back on the mattress and I dropped my body between her open thighs. Her body lift so her pelvis was against me so she could take me straight in. I felt the warmth of her body on my cock head, moving further up along my shaft as I pushed in deeper. It felt so good!
        I pulled back and did it again, this time she took all of my cock as I went in up to my balls. Then we started to fuck. I followed my usual plan because it usually worked. Long slow strokes to start before building up to going faster as a felt we both were ready for it.
        But she wanted it full on from the start. She slapped my ass, telling me I was going too slow. Urging me to hurry up and giving her the good fucking she required. She wanted fast fucking with my body slamming hard against her with each stroke so that was what I gave her. Using all my strength and energy she got the fucking she was asking for.
        I’ve heard Katrina is good in bed and she proved it that night. She caught me by surprise at how quickly she cum but also surprised me at how aggressive she became in bed. It was fine until her first orgasm and then things changed. She became very vocal, humping up at me and bucking around underneath me. It was exciting finding and being with a woman like that. Especially when it was unexpected. I had thought her such a mild and gentle, woman.
        She cum once again before even I managed my first. But when I did it was up there among good ones.
        There was a brief period where she helped me recover by going down on me. What her lips did to my cock soon had me going again before she pushed me back on the bed, throwing her body down on top of me. A couple of pushes against me and she found the right spot and I entered her again. Then the fucking started again, both of us caught up in the excitement, both giving the other all the energy that we could.
        With wild, aggressive, you could almost say out of control sex, it was possible to go either of two ways, be successful or end up with one person missing the boat. In our case, we did really well and ended up in explosive orgasms with her following moments after mine as I filled her cunt with yet another load of cum.
        It had been some great sex. Took all that we had. We lay beside each other for a while as we recovered our breath, she rolled towards me and we both told each other how good it was.

        I glanced over at my wife and David and found they were laying there watching us. “You two were really going for it,” Nishi said.
        “Yeah,” Katrina laughed. “We did get carried away a bit.”
        “A bit? More like a lot,” her husband David said.
        “Well, I did tell him I wanted it. Wanted his cock.”
        “Seems like you really got it too,” Nishi laughed.
        “How was it for you guys?” I asked. “I missed seeing anything of what you did.”
        “It was good,” David said. “You are a lucky man, Gaja. Nishi is good in bed. Knows what it takes to please a man.”
        “Not only me, David. You are good too. It takes two you know.”
        I was happy for them. Happy that all four of us could have a good time.
        Then we settled down to sleep with Katrina’s head resting on my shoulder.
        Sometime later in the night we awoke and pulled some sheets over our naked bodies since it began to feel cold and then we slept again until early morning.

        The next morning, we were all ready for another round of sex before getting dressed to go over to Donald’s house for a late breakfast. This time I was able to watch my wife with David and saw how she took control of the love games by riding him cowgirl style. I actually found I liked watching Nishi with another man. She seemed good with him, certainly, there was no hesitation on her part to be with this man.
        She reached for his cock, rubbed him and got him hard, then moved her body over him until she was sitting in an upright position with her pussy presented to his cock. I could see her hands guiding him in and saw the contented look on her face as she sunk down onto him. She was on top, she was driving this, doing the fucking. She started at a relaxed pace and began to speed up as she went.
        I loved watching how she moved with the strength of her thighs driving the sex motion, lifting up her body, then allowing herself to drop onto him again. I loved how her breasts moved as her body moved. David must have noticed it has his hands reached up to play with them. That must have felt extra good for Nishi as his fingers worked on her hard nipples.
        Katrina noticed my interest and stopped what she was going to do with me so we could watch for a while.
        “She’s good, isn’t she?” Katrina whispered to me.
        I agreed, I thought she looked very skilled, doing a good job on David too.
        After a while, Katrina asked if I wanted her to take me the same way.
        “Sure,” I replied.
        Katrina pushed me onto my back and she got over me, a leg to each side of me. I watched as she reached down and gave my cock a few rubs before guiding me to her pussy. She pressed my cock head into her pussy and then allowed her body to drop, using the wetness of our recent sex to take all of me in one go.
        Then she began to move, her thighs lifting her body before allowing herself to fall back down on me. Long slow strokes, us both enjoying the feel of what she was doing. Katrina is good at sex and it showed when she is with a man. She knew just how to make it great for both of us.
        We began to speed up, with her continuing the same strokes. I had the feeling that she was playing with me, keeping me going but not giving me enough to make me cum. I later found out this was right too. She was watching her husband and my wife, trying to time things so all four of us came together.
        It worked too. I heard it was Nishi first, and that was enough to send me over too. Moments later, David and Katrina came too. Wow! That was so cool.
        Well done, Katrina!

        The noise we made woke the kids, soon Katrina was sitting there holding her youngest one to her breast while David was helping the older child to get dressed.
        Nishi and I were packing our things so when we came back it would be just a matter of grabbing everything the following morning. All we were going to take that day was a small overnight bag each as the plan was to stay at Donald’s after the sexy party.
        It was after we all had finished that Katrina brought up the subject of Jasmine. It seems she and David were fully informed of what was happening that evening. All four of us were involved in the conversation which became us each telling of our first time with sex.
        I actually informed them that I was a bit concerned about how things could go with Jasmine. I did want to do my best for her and just wondered how it could go.
        Finally, Katrina gave me what seemed like very good advice. “Take things slowly – like you did with me last night. Do all the foreplay things, it will be good for her to learn those things, gain some skills. When you get her really horny for you, then take her,” she said.
        Nishi added that Hansini had done something with Jasmine so that her first time wouldn’t be so painful. Jasmine told me later it had been stretching herself with a toy first. It had hurt a couple of times so it seems she had already partly broken the hymen.
David added, "If it was me, I'd consider it more about teaching her than taking her virginity. It seems to me that they've left her too late. Tomorrow we'll be in New Zealand. Teach her all you can tonight. For what Nishi just said, virginity won't be a problem."
        I nodded my head. That all seemed like sound advice and I had already decided to follow that course with Jasmine. I didn’t bother telling them that two other women, Hansini and Ginger had already given me similar advice. What Katrina, David and Nishi told me that morning just confirmed I was on the right track. I was feeling much more confident about Jasmine now.

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Preparing Jasmine – Getting Her Primed.

        When we arrived at Donald's house, he took me aside and told me that Jasmine and I had the downstairs flat to ourselves. The kids were going to Donald’s brother’s house where they had a kid’s party and film evening planned. They would not be back until the morning.
        Donald also had told all of us that during the afternoon and dinner, some of his family would be present so swimwear must be worn. Later in the evening, they were planning some sexy games and a sex party. Jasmine and I could stay for a while and even take part in the games, then we could go off together for her special evening whenever we felt like it. Yes, it seemed everyone knew what Jasmine and I were going to do. It was just Jasmine didn’t know everyone knew.
        I had run the idea of Jasmine seeing the sex party past Hansini. She agreed it might be a good idea to show Jasmine some of what she might find herself getting into later in New Zealand but it was still better that she didn't get involved in any penetration games until she had been with me a couple of times. I told Hansini I'd keep an eye out for Jasmine and she thanked me for that.

        After talking with Donald I had placed my overnight bag in the downstairs room and noticed the double bed had already been set up for us. That was David and Katrina's bed, yet to be moved to their new house. That was so good of them to leave it for Jasmine and I like that. It just shows how close this group was and how they cared for and looked after each other. I'd also read that Hansini and Katrina had been good friends in India. So it was natural for them to want to help with Hansini's daughter, Jasmine.
        While I was there, Jasmine walked in behind me with her overnight bag.
        “You ready for today?” I asked.
        “Yes,” she nodded, looking a bit nervous.
        “You nervous?” I asked gentle, turning to hold her.
        “A bit,” she whispered quietly.
        I pulled her closer so I could hug her, her head coming against my chest.
        “Let’s establish a few ground rules here,” I began, noting how her head pulled back to look at me.
        “First, let’s try and spend as much time together today, so we can get to know each other better. Then later when we get back here again, we can decide what happens next.”
        “But I thought we are going to…” she began.
        “We are if you want to. It’s just I’m giving you the chance to back out if you want.”
        “I don’t think I’ll pull out, Gaja. I want this.”
        “So do I but I’m just giving you the opportunity if you change your mind later. You don’t have to do anything other than spend the night in this room with me.”
        I knew, however, if we were together for the night in the same bed, we would probably end up having sex. But I wanted her to know she was safe with me. It was then that she said something that surprised me.
        “They were right. You really are a good man.”
        What could I say? Who had told her that? I gave her another quick hug and then turned to put my arm around her as we left the room. Others, including my wife, noticed how I was holding Jasmine. I got a few knowing smiles too. They all knew what was going to happen tonight although I’m sure Jasmine didn’t realize it. I especially saw both Hansini and my wife Nishi smiling. I was glad they were still happy with what was happening.

        During Breakfast, I sat with Nishi and told her what I was going to do with Jasmine for the day.
        Nishi said, "Don't worry about me. Just do a good job and make the day special for Jasmine. This is important for her."
        That was good of her.
        I asked, "What about you? Will you be Ok?"
        "I'll be fine, Gaja. I plan to have as much fun as I can today."
        With an attitude like that, I knew she would have fun. I have known for a while that Nishi wanted more from our sex life. Now she had the chance to do more than just be with me. Get out and party, have fun with some other men. I also realized that with what we had both been doing, things had changed and we would probably never go back to just the two of us again.
        Jasmine was sitting beside her mother and I noticed a pretty deep intense conversation going on. I learnt later that Hansini had also noticed Jasmine's nervousness and was doing her best to encourage this young woman to take this special day and enjoy it all.
        As it turned out, that was exactly what Jasmine did. Not worrying about what would happen in the evening she set out to enjoy her day with me as much as she could. And it did become a fun day too.

        After breakfast with eggs, sausages and bacon cooked on the barbeque we left in two small vans on our city tour. I went to get into a van, standing back so Jasmine could get in first. I noticed she took the very back seat, patting the seat beside her and smiling as I got in behind her. That seat was obviously for me.
        “Sit with me, Gaja,” she said as I sat beside her. I was intending that but it was nice of her to invite me.
        I noticed my wife smile at us and then go and sit beside Jeevan. As the day progressed, I saw them becoming friendlier and realized my wife would not be lonely that night either. (I actually discovered that Nishi ended up with two men, Jeevan and Donald in her bed that night. But before then she had put on a sexy show with them, one of the highlights of the sex party. And by all accounts, she got another good fucking from them which probably explained why she fell asleep on the plane on the way to New Zealand the next day.) More about that later.
        Jasmine was actually good company. She chatted with me in the van about things we were looking at or about what we had done on our separate trips. I didn’t tell her too much about the sex side of my holiday and how much I had fucked her mother. Too much information for her, I think.
        When we got out to walk around, again Jasmine was with me. Riya joined us a bit too. I was almost wondering if she would be joining us for the evening. Not that I really wanted that with it being Jasmine's first time. I wanted it to be all about Jasmine and no one else. But then Riya got into that big water fight and hooked up with David which I think ended with her spending the night with him. (I heard later, it was a mother and daughter team, fucking him, as Mandara joined in the fun with her daughter. That would have been a sexy night!)
        At one point, we all got out to view an attraction before returning to our vans to continue our tour. Jasmine got in before me. She was wearing a pair of fairly tight shorts showing her sexy little ass as she bent forward to get into the van. I couldn’t help myself, reaching forward to give her bum a quick feel as she got in.
        “Hey!” she protested, which drew a bit of attention from others. But when she turned to see it was me, she smiled.
        In the van, she leaned close to my ear. “Did you enjoy touching my bum?” she whispered.
        Cheeky girl! I decided to play her game on that one.
        “Very much,” I replied. “You have a sexy bum.”
        She smiled at that, perhaps pleased I was attracted to her. “Maybe next time you’ll be feeling my pussy,” she said.
        That was daring and I decided to reply by saying, “Maybe I will.”
        She just smiled back at me, which I took as an ‘I wouldn’t mind if you did.’

        We kept taking the very back seat in the van and I noticed others seemed to be allowing us to sit there. The lover’s seat I heard someone say. Later in our trip, we had to drive for some time to the next attraction. Since no one could see us, I moved my hand on top of her thigh, just above her knee. She looked down at my hand then back at me, but I noticed she didn’t remove my hand.
        I allowed my hand to move a bit high, dropping onto the inside of her thigh. Again, she didn’t do anything other than open her legs slightly to allow further access. I took this as a ‘yes’ and moved up even further until I came to the edge of her shorts. Still, she didn’t stop me, so I moved high, onto that triangle between her thighs. I could feel the hard mound and lower to the softer area beneath it. I knew I was now touching her pussy through her shorts and she knew it too. I heard the intake of breath and shiver her body gave. Seems she liked having her pussy touched so I decided to try further.
        Her shorts were short and a bit loose around the leg, I took my hand lower and slipped my fingers in under. Pushing up the inside of her leg I was back on her pussy but this time there was only her bikini in my way. I could feel the shape of her lips as I ran my fingers down along them and heard her let out a soft moan.
        In a panic, I looked to see if anyone else in the van had heard and it was only Riya who was sitting on the other side of me. She was watching what I was doing to Jasmine. I wondered about giving her pussy a rub too but then decided this was all about Jasmine, making it special and exclusive for her.
        Anyway, we made another stop before I could get much further.

        During the stop, Riya came up beside me when Jasmine wasn’t there.
        “I saw what you were doing to Jasmine.”
        “I knew you were watching,” I replied. “Were you jealous?”
        She laughed at that.
        “Was she Ok with it?” Riya asked.
        “Seemed to be. Didn’t try to stop me. Seemed a bit wet too.”
        “That’s good. I think she’s ready then?”
        “I think so but it won’t be until later tonight.”
        “Hey! Are you chatting up my boyfriend?” Jasmine said behind us.
        “No, just talking,” Riya replied.
        Jasmine just smiled. I think she knew Riya wouldn’t push in on our plans for tonight.
        “You still Ok with all this, Jasmine?” Riya asked.
        “Yes, I think so,” Jasmine replied. “I’m going to do it anyway.”
        “Good,” Riya said. “Gaja will be good with you. Then I’ll be lining up to try with you, Gaja,” she added to me.
        “Wow!” I laughed. “I’m really getting the girls on this trip. Hope Nishi was having fun too.”
        “I think she is,” Riya replied.
        “She did in the other town," Jasmine added. "We heard them. Going on every night.”
        Which made both Riya and Jasmine start giggling.
        I didn’t know much about that, just as she didn’t know much about what I did with Hansini and on the island. We hadn’t had the chance to get together and compare stories yet. But I also knew, that like me, Nishi had been asked to write about some of her sexual adventures.

        After that stop, when, we were all ready to get back in the van. I stepped back to let Jasmine get in first and she said, “No, you first, this time,” giving me a push on my back.
        As I bent forward to get in, I felt a hand on my ass. “Nice ass,” she said aloud. “I like a tight ass on a man.”
        Others heard what she said and Donald even told her to leave poor Gaja alone.
        "Are you jealous, Donald?" Jasmine asked him.
        That surprised him and had Paula laughing too.
        "Yes," Donald replied. "Very jealous."
        I looked back to see Hansini smiling too. “It’s something you’d do. She must get this naughtiness from you,” I told her.
        Now Hansini laughed. “Probably is but she is right, you do have a nice ass.”
        Mootie was standing beside her listening and watching. I noticed a slight smile on his face. I wondered what he was thinking but he didn’t say anything.

        Once we were in the van and it was moving, Jasmine leaned over closer to me, “Did you like me touching your bum?” she whispered.
        “I did,” I admitted. “Especially since I wasn’t expecting it.”
        “Hansini says she likes your ass too,” she giggled. “But I’m also interested in the front too.”
        Then she went on with her voice lowered, "Now I'm going to touch your cock."
        With that, her hand came straight over on top of my cock as she began feeling it through my shorts. I couldn’t take much of that before we began getting a result. She felt that too and smiled.
        “Are you enjoying that?” she whispered.
        I just smiled and nodded.
        Where I was sitting, no one other than Riya could see what she was doing so she was happy to continue playing so soon she had me hard like a steel bar. In the end, I became concerned we might have an accident so I asked her to stop. I don’t think she was shocked or offended by that. Rather it seemed it amused her.
        But the fact that she had no problem with me touching her pussy and was interested in touching me, was a very positive sign that she was open and ready for what we planned for later. She knew that anything we did beforehand was just some play and fun, foreplay if you like. The main event was going to happen later tonight, after the party when we went to bed together.

        So, when we got back to Donald’s house, there were some other people there. They were the family; Donald was telling us about. After lunch and a few beers around the pool, they would leave so the sexier fun could start.
        I wanted to change into my swim shorts and another more casual shirt. When I went into the room where I was staying, Jasmine followed me in. I saw that she had locked the door behind her so I began removing my clothes. She watched me for a moment and then began stripping her clothes too.
        Soon she was naked as me. She was turned from me, laying out a one-piece on the bed.
        “We have to wear swimming things,” she told me.
        Something I already knew.

        Standing, slightly bent over, partly turned away from me, facing that bed I got a good view of her beautiful young body and sexy bum. She looked good, hot you could say. I could see the long sweep of her bareback, starting between her shoulders and going right down to the cheeks of her ass. Nice little tight globes any man would love to grab. I also got a side-on view of one of her tits with its nipple at the peak.
        I couldn’t resist the temptation to step up behind her, put my arms around her, pulling her back against my body. She gave a small gasp of surprise and she pressed back against me. Then came that soft moan as my hands came up for each breast. As we stood like that, my hands explored and played with her, cupping and holding her breasts, feeling her nipples as they hardened under my fingers. I could feel the shudder her body gave and knew she liked that too.
        My body was against her back and as she pressed her bum back against me, my cock found a resting place in the split between her ass cheeks. I leaned in closer so my head reached over her shoulder and rested against the side of her head for a few moments before I pulled back slightly, turning my head slightly to bring my lips down to her neck. When I gave her a few little nibbles I heard the soft moan and felt her body give another shudder. So, she liked that too. I had the feeling almost anything I did to her then, she would have liked.

        After a few moments, I decided to go further and allowed one hand to move down for her pussy. First, I rubbed over that crop of pubic hair before pressing lower over her pussy mound. I noticed her thighs move. She was opening to allow space for my hand as she gave a soft sigh in my ear. She was enjoying it.
        I felt her. My fingers rubbed over her pussy. She was starting to juice up. Not wet yet, more like a bit damp along her pussy lips. I rubbed my fingers along them a few times and then brought my fingers to my own mouth. I think she was a bit surprised at that.
        “You are tasting me?” she asked.
        “Yes,” I replied. “You taste delicious too.”
        “Isn’t that a bit gross?”
        “No, just like if I ate your pussy.”
        “Oh!” she said. “Do you want to do that?”
        “Do what?” I asked.
        “Eat me. Eat my pussy.”
        “Not now, I might later. You’ll probably enjoy it.”
        My hand had returned to her pussy now and after rubbing a few more times, I brought my hand up to her mouth. “Here, taste it,” I told her.
        Without any hesitation, she did too.
        “It’s strange,” she said. “Not bad. Just different.”
        “I like it,” I said.
        She didn’t reply to that. She was silent for a while so I just held her body against mine.
        “I have a lot to learn, don’t I?”
        “Yes,” I replied softly but you have to start somewhere. “You’ll learn a lot tonight.”
        “Will you teach me?”
        “That is why your parents chose me. So, you can learn before New Zealand.”
        “Gaja, what will those sex parties be like?” Jasmine asked.
        “I’m not entirely sure. Sexy games, swapping partners, group sex, I suppose. The party tonight might be a bit like that. We can see what happens then.”
        “Is tonight going to be...?”
        “Yes, it will be a sex party. You will be seeing some of them having sex if you want to watch. I don’t think your parents want you involved until you’ve been with me.”
        “I know that Mum told me. But I would like to see what happens.”
        “Ok, then. Stay beside me. We can watch together then we can come in here when you are ready.”
        She nodded Ok at that idea.

        “Can you kiss?” I asked.
        “I don’t know. Not tried before.”
        “You’ve never been kissed by a man?”
        “No,” Jasmine said. “Dad kissed me sometimes but it's just a kiss on my forehead. Never on my lips.”
        “That’s not kissing like I mean.”
        “I know that,” she said.
        “Ok, here is your first sex lesson. How to kiss a man sexually.”
        She smiled at that. “Ok, teacher, how do we do it?”

        I turned her so now she was facing me and our bodies came against each other again.
        “Now, when our lips meet, open your lips and follow what I do.”
        She nodded ok; I think wondering what was going to happen.
        Our lips met, I opened my lips, pressing my tongue against her lips. They opened and our tongues met. I allowed my tongue to slide over her one. At first, she was just passive but once she got the idea, she was actively probing against mine and into my mouth too.
        Pulling her hard against me, felt sexy and I’m sure it did for her too. After some time, I felt we had to pull apart.
        “That was nice,” she said. “I like adult kissing.”
        “Not everyone likes doing that, I told her. You’ll have to find out first.”
        She nodded her head as she turned to take her one-piece and step into it. As I pulled my swim-shorts on I watched as she pulled her swim-suit up over her body before carefully watching in the mirror as she fitted it properly.
        “You look great in that,” I told her.
        She smiled thanks as we left the room together.

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The Sex Party.

        While Jasmine had decided to wear a one-piece swimsuit, some of the other women, like her mother, still wore bikinis. I don't think Hansini had anything other than very sexy bikinis. But she can pull it off wearing something so daring so it probably did no harm. It was a nice afternoon and people seemed to be mixing well. But while everyone wore at the very least a swimsuit, some didn't exactly behave themselves.
        Kalki got into problems with Donald and Jeevan when she refused to go swimming with them. Since the visitors were Donald's family, Kalki and a few others from our group, such as my wife had attempted to go over and meet them. They were interested in us being a mixed group from Australia and India so it made a good conversation starter.
        "Well, the men kept asking Kalki to join them in the water and Kalik kept saying 'No, I want to talk," or "No, I'll come in later." But they kept on at her but still, she refused, "No, I'll join you later, when I'm ready."
        Finally, they came out to get her and it became a struggle. With her against two men, she would have lost but quickly other women joined in to help. Other men joined in until we all ended up in the pool with a huge battle going on, girls against guys to duck each other. I noticed my wife, Nishi was in the thick of the action too.
        While it had all been fun for us but I think it was a surprise for Donald's family. Particularly, how we were handling some of the women, how we touched them in rather sexual places as we tried to grab them. I think Donald's family might have thought we men were a bit rough on the women but I could see the women were having fun. If it got too much for them, they always had the safe word. I know some men went a bit far when they held Kalki over a table, pulled down her bikini bottom to bare her bum and gave her ass a few slaps. For being a bad girl they said. Then the girls ganged up on Mootie and her got the same, his shorts pulled down and Amita and Kalki spanking him.
        In the water, things were a bit physical and in a few cases, bikini tops came loose or got pulled aside, with breasts and nipples being seen. Again it was just fun, accidentally as some bikini tops were not designed for the physical struggling and fighting their owners were doing. I noticed in these cases the woman concerned just laughed and quickly covered up so again no harm was done.
        While Donald's family didn't get involved in any of this, they were watching and laughing. I hope they weren't too shocked.

        At one point, Jasmine and Riya took me on. It was just after Kalki, Sairu and Amita had been thrown into the pool. I was helping to stop Hamza and Payam from going in too. The odds were against them as some women had ganged up to push these two men in. I was in the group that came to their rescue and suddenly Jasmine and Riya turned on me. I found these two young women attacking me and I was almost on the edge of the pool having just helped push Hansini in. Everyone else was busy so it became just these two younger women against me.
        I held them back, defending myself but I was losing ground, getting closer and closer to the pool. They had me at the edge and came in to give the final push that would send me in. I stepped forward between them and arms going around both girls across their breasts. They suddenly realised they were in trouble and tried to resist but I held them tightly, getting a good feel of their tits at the same time. I stepped back and as I fell backwards off the edge of the pool, my weight took both women with me.
        The three of us crashed into the water and came up laughing. But these two women weren't finished with me yet. I had to be punished for pulling them into the water. They came in at me to duck them. Jasmine attacked me from behind but Riya came in from the front. Instead of defending myself, deep under the water, my hand came forward between Riya's thighs and I grasped the mound of her pussy.
        "Hey!" she said in surprise, one hand going down to try pulling my hand away while she tried to escape.
        Meanwhile, Jasmine noticed where my hand was as she came in against me trying to help Riya escape from my hand. What Jasmine forgot was that I had a second freehand and before she knew it, her pussy had been gripped too. I had both girls by their pussies for a few moments before they managed to get away from that but then they came back to attack with vengeance. They were really going to get me and duck me now. They finally did too but not before both women had given my cock a good feel through my shorts. It actually got me a bit hard, they knew it too and thought it funny how I had to stay in the water until it went down, which with the playing they were doing, took a while.

        So that was how the afternoon went until it was time for dinner. I landed a job serving the drinks since tending a bar was part of my job in India. I quickly volunteered Riya and Jasmine to help me until everyone had a drink and plate of food.
        When Nishi came past she said, "Got two girlfriends now, Gaja?"
        Riya was quick to say, "No he only has Jasmine. I'm busy tonight."
        "So what are you up to, young lady," Nishi asked.
        "I've got a threesome. Mum and I are with David."
        "He's got lucky, hasn't he?" Nishi laughed as she left with the special drink I had made for her, her favourite.

        Later, after dinner, when Donald’s family and few friends had left, the party was allowed to get sexier. First, Katrina and Hansini got naked by stripping each other beside the pool. And that involved more than just removing clothes when both women ended up on the ground, playing and then eating each other. It was a good show, a good way to start a sex party as it really got things going.
        I glanced at Jasmine beside me. Seeing what she thought of her mother being in such hot, sexy action. She was smiling, I think perhaps a bit turned on by it too. I wondered if this was the first time she had seen anyone having sex like that.
        Once both women had cum, they stood up and faced all of us, announcing that since they were naked we should all get naked too. Soon everyone else followed. I went to take off my shirt and push my shorts down when I saw a movement beside me. I looked to see Jasmine peeling her one-piece off to be naked like the rest of us. She pulled the shoulder straps down, pulling the suit away from her body until her breasts were bare. Pulling the suit down further soon her pussy came into view too, as she allowed the suit to drop to her feet so she could step out of it. She probably didn't think about it at the time but that would be the last clothing she wore for the rest of the evening.
        I had sat back in my seat when she turned towards me. The bush of her pussy was directly in front of my face. A bushy triangle of public hair she allowed to grow naturally. Lower between her thighs, the slot of her cunt could also be seen. She caught me looking but didn't seem too bothered, perhaps you could say, she was happy I was taking notice of her.
         "Nice pussy!" I said, reaching out to give her pussy a rub with my hand. 4"Hey! Not here!" she said, pushing my hand away.

        First, we were all nude swimming and then some games started. They had a ball and teams played each other to decide a winner. Jasmine played in a team with me and she did well. The men in the opposite team soon realised she was a danger and would attack her as soon as she got the ball. Hamza and I began acting as guards to allow time for her and Sairu to score winning shots. But the other teams saw our tactics and soon their attacks became quite physical.
        I saw Jasmine get into struggles with men at various times and they didn’t hold back. She got felt up a few times too but it didn’t seem to worry her as she was more interested in winning the games. Even when Payam came up behind her, his hands going to each breast as she held the ball, she didn't seem to lose what she was doing, still focused on throwing the ball to one of the other women.
        I think more happened with Donald when her grabbed her. We could all see one of his arms was across her breasts, but by the look on her face, his other hand had found someplace interesting too.
        Jasmine wasn't the only woman getting that sort of attention. Other women were getting the same, if not worse from the men. Some of the women were touching too. Ginger was well on the way to giving me and hand-job before we were stopped when the ball came in our direction. It was all sexy fun, both under the water and what was going on besides the pool.

        Paula got into some fun with Hamza and Payam, both men giving her a good fucking as she sat on the edge of a picnic table. Hansini got a fucking from Donald too. I was standing beside Jasmine as she watched what was happening to her mother.
        "He is so rough on her," the young girl gasped.
        "Yeah, but look at her face. She is loving it."
        "You think so?"
        "Listen to the noise she's making."
        "Oh, I suppose so."
        I think Jasmine was a bit shocked at how quickly her mother was in the centre of the action. Not that her father was far behind with what he was doing to Joyce, giving her a good fucking as she bent over a table.
        "You ok with this?" I asked Jasmine, a bit concerned for her.
        "Yes, I'm fine," she smiled back at me. "Just a bit surprised at my parents. I didn't know they were sex maniacs." she laughed.
        "Well, this is what it is going to be like at those parties in New Zealand. Only with more people involved."
        She nodded, understanding what I was telling her.
        Eventually, in the pool, a team made up of Fred and Amita and Sarvesh and Mandara were declared the overall winners. We were selected for second place. That resulted in both Hamza and I getting hugs from the girls. I'm still not sure how they come up with those results but then, who really cared anyway.

Blind-Fold Feel-up.

        The next game of ‘Blindfold feel-up,’ was announced. Jasmine asked me what that was. I explained that it was we were naked and blindfolded and others feel your body and tell who you were.
        “You mean touching anything of my body?”
        “Well, we are naked so I suppose anything.”
        “Can we play that?”
        “You want to play. Get touched by the men all over?”
        “Sure. It might be fun. Some of them did in the pool, anyway.”
        "What? Some of them touched your pussy? How many?
        "A few. At least four or five. I don't mind, it was fun," she laughed. "So can we play?"
        I don't know why she was asking me. She could have just joined in anyway.
        “Ok, then. I’ve never tried this so I’ll play too but we will be in different teams. It's boys against girls.”
        Jasmine nodded ok with that too. This girl was beginning to amaze me at how bold she was. Getting into a game where her naked body would be expected to be handled by all the men playing. That was daring on her part but she knew it would involve that.
        I noticed Nishi was too busy with a couple of men to play. By the time she realized, it was too late to join in.

        “Now,” Sarvesh announced. “We have a problem. We have two fathers and daughters playing. Obviously, there are some things they can’t do.”
        It was quickly decided that when a father came to his daughter in the line, he would just stand in front of her for a minute and lightly touch her chest below her breasts. She would know that this was her father. When a daughter came to her father in a line, she would also only touch his chest so he would know it was his daughter. It was known they were giving away a point but it was thought it wouldn’t affect the game too much.
        So, with that, the game began. Eight women, including Riya and Jasmine, were standing before us in a row, naked. Some of the others placed blindfolds on each woman.
        Then eight of us men got in a line to pass down the row of women one by one. As we stood in front of each woman, we were allowed to touch her, anywhere he wanted. In return, the woman could reach out to us too. That must have been very sexy for the woman, perhaps even a little bit scary for the two younger ones.
        I notice that every man except one gave Jasmine a good feel up. They all touched her breasts and even between her legs. She seemed to be smiling so obviously, she didn’t mind what they were doing. I notice that she wasn’t so bold with her hands feeling them back. When I got to her as man number six her pussy felt so wet. As I pressed my finger between her lips she gave a moan in return and accidentally said my name.
        She could have been disqualified for that but I noticed the judges let it go. Perhaps, like the rest of us, amused at her reaction.
        Afterwards, when the blindfolds were removed, each woman listed the order that they thought the men had passed them. The results were compared and a winner for the first round was found. I noticed Jasmine didn’t do so well, I think because she didn’t touch the men back so much.

        In round two, it was our turn to stand blindfolded while the women came past us. I also notice that the women were keen to have a good play and soon my cock was hard for them. I also took the chance to feel some wet pussy again too.
        But in the final results, I didn’t do so well. Only getting Jasmine and Riya and one other woman, Mandara right. It turned out I was as bad as Jasmine and we both came last in our heats.
        She came over to me laughing. “You did the same as me. Makes us a good pair.”
        I put my arms around and hugged her.
        "It does, doesn't it?"
        The hug became a bit passionate as I grabbed her bare ass, pulling her pussy against my cock. Her face came up to me and our lips met. Her mouth opened as she had learnt from before, our tongues danced together. It felt sexy with her naked body against mine and I wasn't ready to let go until she broke first.
        "Oh wow!" Mandara said.
        "Streamy," Hansini added.
        "For a moment I thought it was all going to happen," Sarvesh added.
        I was worried at the sudden attention Jasmine was getting but she seemed to handle it OK.
        "Sorry, Sarvesh. Shows over," she laughed. "The rest is saved for Gaja tonight."
        "Going to be fun," Sarvesh replied. "Wish it was me."
        Then Jasmine surprised us all by saying. "It will soon. I like you Uncle Sarvesh."
        "Still a virgin and already lining up her next victim," Mootie said. "Way to go, girl! Just like your mother."
        That was her father. I was surprised by the way Hansini and Mootie's were taking all this because after all, this was their daughter.
        "Hey!"Hansini complained, "I'm not that bad."
        "Sure you are. Even your daughter called you a sex manic earlier."
        "It's ok Mum, I called Dad that too."
        Now everyone who heard was laughing with her, including her parents.

        There were a few other games, one involving daring and the selection of people to do mildly sexy things. There was also the taking of shots of drink too.
        I sat with Jasmine watching while Nishi got into it. She had some fun with the guys, even sucking a couple of the men.
        In return, she tongue kissed twice, had her nipples sucked once and pussy eaten twice. She did well actually. I was surprised to have seen her do so much. I think she really got turned on by it, enough so that she didn’t hesitate when invited to join the next game even though she would be doing something she would normally never dare do.
        So I was right about her. She was into much more than just being with me. I was beginning to see another, more sexy side of my wife. And I must say, I kind of liked it too.
        There were also a few couples away somewhere just fucking. A couple would get together and just start playing with some of these play sessions even going as far as full sex.
        Jasmine and I watched a few of these too as no one seemed worried about having an audience. We were watching Amita with Jeremy. It was heavy with oral for a start and I could see Jasmine taking a lot of interest in what they did. Finally, they started with Amita sitting on the edge of the table while Jeremy fucked her. What surprised us both was the way he was doing it. Long slow strokes, going right in and pulling right out. It must have felt good for her because soon she was moaning and crying out.
        She was crying for him to speed up but he wouldn't listen, just those long slow strokes in and out.
        By now, the young woman beside me was squirming in her seat.
        "Getting horny?" I asked her.
        "This is so hot. I can see his cock sliding in and out. I wish it was me," Jasmine said.
        "Well, put him on your list then. Just under Sarvesh," I laughed.
        She giggled at that, her eyes never leaving the fucking going on in front of us.
        To our surprise, soon Amita actually got to orgasm. As she recovered, Jeremy began speeding and up and soon they both cum again.
        So Jasmine was getting plenty of sex education and was hadn't even got to our part yet.

Who Wants to give a Sex Show?

        I thought the name of that game was pretty obvious and so I was surprised when my wife Nishi volunteered to play. Maybe it was the fact that Mootie asked her, I think the drinks she had were affecting her judgement but she must have known what would happen if she won. The game involved several sexual activities which included the women getting oral done to them and them doing it to a man.
        Watching that was sexy for the five women involved. I was surprised that Riya was one of them too. That girl was really embracing her new sexual lifestyle. With both of her parents playing too. Hansini was one of the competitors and Mootie helped with the oral activities. I actually think Nishi had an advantage of just having spent a few days with Mootie as that blow-job she gave him, allowing him to blow his load over her face was a winner for me.
        “Wow! Look at that,” Jasmine beside me said.
        “It was hot, wasn’t it?” I replied.
        “Do you think she could win?”
        “I hope she knows what she’d getting into if she does,” I laughed.

        Well, the game was to decide sex partners. Nishi played and was the winner. She got to choose two men for her evening. She selected Jeevan and Donald for her reward. I’m sure that would have been a night worth recording for the Letters Books as she spent the night with them but I’m not sure if any of the three of them would.
        While everyone watched, Nishi took on both men on a blow-up mattress beside the pool. Well, perhaps it might be better to say they took her. She sucked them both to ensure they were nice and hard. Then the fucking began, each taking her as she lay on her back. She cum both times but I don’t think the men did.
        She wanted them to spit-roast her. Seems to be the thing with some of the women at the moment. Since the women heard what Payam and Hamza did to Riya the morning following her first night, other women wanted it too. I didn’t know that Nishi was interested in trying but it seems she was. Even willing to do it in front of everyone which surprised me.
        But it became a great show. Nishi got down on her hands and knees, while she took one man in her cunt from behind, she took the other men in her mouth. I sat back in a soft chair to watch with Jasmine sitting in my lap. We both watched this wild fucking that my wife took from those two men and saw how much she was enjoying it too.
        I liked the way, the two men suddenly pulled out from her to swap, both leaving poor Nishi wondering what was going on as they moved around to take the other end. Soon they were both inside her again, fucking away. I know both men cum inside her but somehow had managed to continue. I know Nishi cum a few times too. They did a couple more swaps before all three of them were ready to finish.

        I could tell the young woman sitting on my lap was turned on by it too. As the show progressed she became more and more excited. For a moment I wondered how long it would be before Jasmine was on her hands and knees with a cock in each end too.
        I reached between her legs to tickle her wet cunt while we watched the show. When Jeevan cum. Pulling out of Nishi to cum all over her arse, I thought Jasmine might be about to cum too. Moments later, Donald pulled from Nishi’s mouth to cum all over her face. Got it everywhere, even in her hair.
        The young woman sitting on me gave a soft moan in my ear. Her body jerked as she fell against me. Was that a cum? I couldn't be sure but if it wasn't, it was certainly close. Her eyes opened and she smiled up at me.
        “Shall we go to the room?” she whispered in my ear.
        “Sure,” I replied.
        I stood up as she got off me and taking her hand, I quietly led her to our room. I know almost everyone saw us go but no one said anything. They knew it was Jasmine’s first time and no one wanted to embarrass her so while I saw Mootie give a nod to me and Hansini give me a smile, everyone just let us leave quietly without a word.
        I heard the party had quickly broken into an orgy free-for-all. Perhaps it would have been good for Jasmine to see some of that but we were gone before it really got started. Since I didn't see much of what happened, I suppose others will be telling you more.

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Jasmine with Me - Foreplay.

        “That was hot what your wife did,” Jasmine said.
        “She was enjoying it too,” I added. “Did you see her cum?”
        “I liked watching the men cum too. That was sexy.”
        “Turned you on a bit, didn’t it? You got your pussy wet too.”
        “Yeah, I know,” she replied. “I almost cum with what you were doing and watching Nishi.”
        "Did you...? You know, cum."
        She smiled, "I think so... a bit. But I was concerned people were watching."
        “Would you like to do a show like that?”
        “I don’t know if I could be brave enough. Not now, maybe I might one day.”
        "Would you like a man to cum on you like that?" I asked her. "It washes off easily."
        "That was sexy, what they did. I think I'd do that. Let a man cum like that on me."
        I kept that idea in my mind. Might be something to try with her. But first, we had to get her relaxed so we could get on with our plans.
        “Well, now we better make sure you have a cum too. More than once I hope too.”
        “I hope that too. I hope we both do.
        “I’m sure we will, Jasmine.”

        Finally, we were alone. There wasn’t any undressing required since we’d both been naked for most of the evening. We entered our room and closed the door. I noticed she clicked the lock again which surprised me as I thought, since everyone knew we were there they wouldn’t bother us. But then the party was still continuing outside and getting a bit wild so perhaps Jasmine thought some of them might have become too drunk to care what they were doing.

        She stepped up to me and we hugged again. There was no hesitation that her naked body was pressed against mine. Perhaps she wanted it like that. Wanted my body against her.
        Her face came to mine, lips finding each other as we kissed again. There was no holding back this time. It was a full-on tongue kiss. I even went further by pulling back with my tongue so her tongue came into my mouth after it. I then closed my lips, holding her tongue so I could suck on it. She liked that and quickly wanted to try that on me too.
        Finally, I pulled away, saying, “Let's go to the bed.”
        “I like that kissing,” she said.
        “I know you do. Good at it too. I think you are a natural at sex.”
        “You think so? You think I can be good at sex?”
        “I know it, honey. You’ll be great.”

        “Ok,” I told her, “We're going to do a few things to help you relax and get you ready for the sex with me. It’s called foreplay. I’ll get you nice and horny, get your pussy a bit wet, maybe you might even cum.”
        “Ok,” she said and I could see the concern on her face.
        “Don’t worry, Jasmine. You'll enjoy it. Just relax, focus on what your pussy is feeling. Let your pussy lead you.”
        She giggled at that but I think got the message.
        I got her to lay back on the bed and I took the chance to admire her beautiful body again. I hadn't really noticed until then what a beautiful girl she was. Had a hot body too. She saw me looking and became a bit nervous, a hand moving over her pussy.
        “Does me looking, make you nervous?”
        “A bit. I know what you are looking at.”
        “You’ll have to get over that. It’s your body, especially the sexy parts that attract a man. If you want to have sex with a man it helps if he can see you. Get him turned on by looking at your body. Like you’ve been looking at me cock a lot too, haven’t you?”
        She looked shy at being caught. Just gave a nod.
        “I knew it,” I said.
        “I have been looking a bit, Gaja," she admitted. "I like looking at your cock. I like seeing the different stages of how you have been hard and soft during this evening.”
        “Well, I like looking at your pussy, Jasmine. I like seeing the hair and your lips.”
        “Oh!” Jasmine replied. “I didn’t think that one.”
        Her hand moved away and her thighs even opened a bit. Now she wanted me to look. Wanted me to view her pussy.
        “Do you like seeing that, Gaja?”
        “I like seeing if you are wet; it tells me if you are horny.”
        She nodded, taking in what I was telling her. I knew we might be wasting time here but this evening was as much about teaching as about taking her virginity.
        “Yes, you are beautiful, Jasmine.”
        She smiled. “But, am I horny?”
        “Yes, very horny,” I replied. "Can you do something very sexy for me?"
        She looked at me for a moment, not sure what I would ask.
        "Open your legs wider, show me everything."
        "Ok," she replied as her thighs drifted open. I could tell she was feeling shy again but I wanted her to get used to exposing herself to a man.
        "Now reach for your pussy to touch and rub yourself. You know, like when you make yourself cum."
        "How do you know I do that?"
        "Because I know you're a naughty girl!"
        She giggled at that.

        Her hands reached for her pussy, her fingers knowing just what to do to herself. I was right, she did know how to do this.
        "That's it. Relax... Your fingers know what they ate doing... Let it happen."
        "I feel shy doing this in front of someone. It's private."
        "Would it help if I did it with you?" I asked.
        "I suppose," she replied.

        As she sat back on the edge of the bed, her fingers slowly worked at her pussy. I stood directly in front of her so she could watch as I worked on my cock too.
        She was watching, obviously interested in how a man does it too. As I began to speed up, to my surprise she matched me. I think she was becoming so involved in what we were doing she forgot to be shy.
        I could see how she was working herself, one hand rubbing over her lips, the other hand working on her clitty.
        She was going faster now, obviously getting herself really worked up. All the time her eyes never left what my hand was doing to my cock.
        It was so sexy watching her. I was getting close too.
        "I'm going to cum," I gasped.
        I let it fly from my cock, the first drops landing on her pussy and hand.
        "Oh! Fuck!" she cried out and she cum too. It was a powerful one, driven by her fingers and blobs of my cum raining over her pussy.
        For a few moments, she lay there recovering. Eyes closed with a big smile on her face. Then she looked up at me, "that was amazing!" she said. "I wasn't expecting we'd do that but it was so hot!"

        Then she became serious. "Why did you do that?"
        "A few reasons," I replied. "I know you are shy showing yourself so explicitly. I also felt you'd be more relaxed if you had an orgasm before we started."
        "Why did you cum Gaja? I thought you were saving yourself."
        "Well, a tight virgin pussy might have been too much for me. I thought I might have cum before you finished so I got rid of my assess cum first. I also thought you might like to see me cum on your pussy before I cum in your pussy."
        She nodded, trying to understand what had just happened.
        "Come on," I said. "Let's go get cleaned up a bit."
        We went into the bathroom but I wasn't intending on a shower. Just giving ourselves a quick wipe over with a damp washcloth. Get rid of my sticky cum. I did it for her and then gave my cock a quick wipe over-too.

        Soon we were back in the bedroom and when she got onto the bed again, I got on and lay beside her.
        "Are we going to do it now?" she asked.
        "Now reach for your pussy again. A hand on each side. Pull the lips back with your fingers."
        Her fingers moved to each side, pulling back the dark lips until the soft pink flesh could be seen. What lovely sight. I resisted the temptation to dive in and eat her.
        "That's it. Show me the pink."
        Her whole body shuddered at that. For a moment I thought she might cum again.
        "How does it feel showing like that?"
        "I feel horny," she gasped.
        But I was surprised how turned-on she was. Perhaps it was left-over from her orgasm. Perhaps she actually likes showing me everything. Either way, it was sexy to see and made me so hard for her.
        "That's so hot, seeing you like that. I want you, Jasmine. I want you so bad."
        "Oh!" she gasped. "I want you too."
        "I want my cock in you now, Jasmine. I want to fuck that juicy wet cunt."
        She shuddered again. Liked dirty talk too it seems.
        “I really want this now,” her voice came back to me, almost a whisper.
        “I want it too,” I said. “I really want to make love with you.”
        “Is making love the same as sex?”
        “Yes, but often making love is with more affection between the people. More what married people would do.”
        “Oh. Then we are going to have sex then?”
        “Probably the best way to say it.”

        I leaned down to her breast, touching one with my fingers, rubbing over her nipple before taking it into my mouth. As my lips closed over it, I began sucking. She moaned at the pleasure of that.
        I love Jasmine’s breasts. They are not big but self-supporting mounds on her chest when she is standing up. When she is laying down much of the mound disappears back into her chest but still left some swelling around her nipples.
        I discovered she likes them being touched, especially her dark nipples. They become quite big when they get erect. I was enjoying touching and sucking them. Especially hearing her reaction when I did.
        To my surprise her hands came up for my head, holding it against her chest.
        Now I was moving backwards and forwards between them, sucking and licking her hard nipples. And she was loving it!

        When I finished with her breasts, I took her hand, guiding it to my cock. She didn’t hesitate but reached for me with confidence as if she knew what she was doing. She took me by wrapping her hand around the shaft and began pumping.
        “How did you know to do that?” I asked her.
        “I saw the women tonight. Doing it to the men. You did it too just now. On yourself.”

        “Did you try?”
        “With a couple in the game,” Jasmine replied.
        I was a bit surprised at her experience and confidence. What she didn’t tell me was that she had seen another time where women had handled a man’s cock. I didn’t find out about that sex session the last night in the desert until much later when I read the story. (Story 269 Last Night at the Desert Town.) But at the time I wondered if she knew more than she was telling me.
        “Just go slowly now. Learn how to handle a cock. Too much of that will make me cum again before I get it into you.”
        “Another lesson?” she asked.
        "Yes," I nodded.

        Moving down her body I gently opened her thighs to get in between them. There close in front of me was her beautiful pussy. I reached in with my fingers, running them down her length and heard the soft moan she gave. Then I pulled her open to expose the pink flesh inside.
        Gently I blew onto this freshly exposed flesh. She gasped with shock but also, I think the sensation of it. I did it again and this time it was a shudder of pure pleasure.
        Still holding her lips open I went in with my tongue. Nice slow licks, starting at the bottom and moving up over the soft inner flesh. A couple more licks and she was moaning. It seems she loved getting her pussy eaten and I even wondered if, in fact, it wasn't the first time.
        Soon she was crying out, her pussy humping back against me. She was moaning, as I pressed my tongue in as deep as I could go. Whatever her history, it remained that she loved this and quickly I built her towards what became a couple of good orgasms closely following each other.
        Wow! That was amazing!
        She fell back against the bed, gasping for breath. As she recovered she looked up at me beaming. "That was wonderful," she whispered.
        Three orgasms under her belt before we got to the main event. That was good. I was happy that whatever happens next, she had some fun first. It also showed me that once Jasmine put her mind to it she would be able to cum fairly easily.

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Jasmine with Me – Full Sex.

        She lay there smiling back at me. I knew something beautiful and amazing had just happened to her. She’d just had her very first orgasms with me. One done herself and two during the foreplay with me and by the looks of it, they had all been pretty good.
        I moved up and gave her a kiss on her lips.
        “I can taste myself. Your face is wet, with my juice.”
        "Is it gross?"
        "No, not really," she replied.
        I kissed her again and her lips opened and I felt her tongue probing me. She was learning fast. She couldn’t do that earlier. While we kissed, I gently brought my body down on top of her. I felt her thigh open wider and my lower body dropped between them. My cock was against the forest of her pussy. I could feel it between us.

        She broke from our kiss, to say, “I can feel your cock. Are we going to do it now?”
        “Yes. If you are ready.”
        “I think so,” she replied.
        “Reach for my cock with both hands and guide the end to your pussy lips. Give it to your pussy, she’ll know what to do.”
        That giggle again.
        I lifted back from her and felt two hands touch me and guide me lower between her legs. I felt her lips against the end of my cock and gently I pressed forward. As I pushed her lips parted and stretched to take the head between them.
        “Is that Ok?” I asked.
        “Yes, so far.”
        “This might hurt a bit, now.”
        I pushed forward again. I came against some resistance and suddenly I broke through. She gave a faint cry.
        “You, ok?” I asked as I held where I was.
        “Just a bit sore.”
        “Tell me when you are ready,” I said, holding still for her.
        “Go on,” Jasmine replied.
        Another push and I was through. The head and some of my shaft was inside her.
        “Still, ok?”
        “Yes,” she said. “Just a bit sore. Are you in now?”
        “Partway, but a lot more yet.”
        She didn’t reply so I pushed it a little further. Another gasp and so I held still again.
        “Ok. Go on,” she said.

        I pulled back and pressed forward again and to my surprise, she opened up to me so I slipped in most of the way. Another try and I was right inside her.
        “That is it,” I told her. “That was all of me. How do you feel?”
        “It feels strange. Very fill. I didn’t know I could take that much inside you.”
        “I’m just about average. Some men are much bigger.”
        “Dad is bigger.”
        “Yes, but you won’t have to worry about taking him. How do you feel? Sore?”
        “No, not really. You can carry on.”
        I began to fuck her slowly. My cock, pulling out between her lips before pressing back into her. I was watching for signs of pain but she seemed to be handling it well so I began to speed up.

        Suddenly, her eyes opened as she looked up at me. “Oh! This feels good,” she said.
        “Glad you like it.”
        “I do like it a lot.”
        I was pleased with things so far. We had broken through the pain barrier and now she seemed more comfortable. Even enjoying having a cock inside her. I kept going, keeping up a steady pace, not too fast but steadily pulling in and out. She was so wet that I slipped smoothly between her pussy lips which probably helped make it better.
        “Will I make that orgasm thing again?”
        “I hope so if you want to.”
        “I want to try. That was amazing.”
        “We can try but I will probable cum.”
        “You mean… Like this… Inside me?”
        “Yes, if you want.”
        She nodded her head so I kept going. I knew she was safe, on the pill. I could cum inside her. So, I kept going, working towards my cum and I hoped for, one for her too.
        Suddenly, she gave a gasp. Her body jerked.
        “What was that?”
        “I almost did it, Gaja. I almost cum.”
        “Good girl. Just relax and let it happen for you.”

        We continued and she started to get a bit vocal on me. A few gasps and moans. This was really looking good. It looked like this horny young woman would make orgasm on her first time. That would be amazing. But I was becoming concerned. This tight virgin pussy was really getting to me. I knew at this rate I wouldn’t be last much longer. Would she know how to make it in time? Did she know that after I cum her chance at orgasm was gone?
        But I really didn’t need to worry.
        “Oh! Oh!... I think am going… I’m going to,” she gasped.
        Wow! She was almost there.
        “Cum for me, honey,” I said.
        I kept my pace steady with each stroke going deep inside her.
        “Let it happen, honey. Cum for me.”
        “Feel my cock inside you...”
        “Feel how good it is...”
        Her whole body jerked. She cried out in my ear. Her body jerked again and she gave a deep moan. She was cumming. That was amazing. I kept going steady until I knew she was through it then with a few hard deep thrusts my orgasm followed her's.
        She must have felt how my body reacted. She certainly felt I had stopped, holding my cock as deep as I could inside her. The cock jerked as I filled her with my man-juice.
        “Are you...?”
        “Yes,” I managed to say. “Cumming...”
        She lay there and waited for me to finish and then I rolled off her, my cock slipping out of her as I did.

        I looked over at her and she was still laying on her back, breathing deeply with her eyes closed.
        “How was that?” I asked her.
        Her eyes opened and she smiled at me. “Oh, Gaja! That was amazing. I didn’t know sex could be that good.”

        As we lay beside each other was talked softly. “You didn’t feel much pain?” I asked.
        “No,” she replied. “Riya gave me a toy to use. One night I pushed in a bit far and it really hurt. I think I broke my hymen then. There was a bit of blood.”
        “That explains it,” I said.
        “You don’t mind,” she asked, looking a bit worried.
        “No, not at all. If it works to make your first time better, then it’s a good idea.”
        “I’m glad you’re Ok with it.”
        “To be honest, I don’t really like the idea of hurting a woman for her first time. I’m happy that you didn’t hurt too much and that you cum too.”
        She just smiled.

        It wasn’t too long before she rolled on her side, her hand reaching for my cock. With a bit of playing, soon she had me hard again.
        “Ready for more?” she asked.
        “What do you think?”
        “I think, yes.”
        I rolled toward her to push her back on her back but she stopped me. “Can we try something different? Can we try with the woman on top?”
        “How do you know about that?”
        “Riya told me about it. Can you show me how?”
        “Ok, then.”
        I lay back on the bed and got Jasmine to move over me so she had a leg on each side and could bring her pussy down against my cock. Then she took my cock and guided me to blunt head to her pussy lips. Giving a gentle push, her lips stretched to open around the head. I told her to take it slowly as I would go in much deeper this way. She nodded 'yes' and then gave another push. This time we both watched as the head disappeared completely and she took some of my cock shaft. It took her a few more attempts as that hot wet pussy took more and more of me.
        Finally, she had taken the last bit as she dropped onto me, taking my entire length inside her. That look, it was priceless. Partly surprise she had done it, partly pleased she had done it. Either way, it was a huge success for her.
        Now, with some coaching from me, she began to move. It was sexy to watch her body moving as she got used to doing it this way. I got her to try different angles, leaning forwards, leaning back, so she could see which was best for her.
        I was watching her face, watching her tits too. There juggled their own little dance as she worked her body to fuck me. I moved my hand from her thighs up to her chest. My hand over her breasts, my fingers finding her nipples. A perk of this position for both of us. I gently pulled on them and played with them as she continued fucking me.
        This position was great for me too. That tight pussy felt amazing on my cock. How she was moving so my cock glided deep inside her to almost out felt great for both of us. She went too far a couple of times and she came right out but both times her hand guided me in again so we could continue. She was getting the hang of how far she could go.
        The look on her face told me this was getting to her. It was getting to me too. Perhaps faster than it was for her. Finally, I couldn't hold back. "I'm going to cum!" I gasped.
        She just smiled down at me and kept going.
        I gave a deep groan as I began to cum, each shot bursting deep inside her body. She felt what was happening and seemed delighted. Eventually, I was over it and knew I only had moments to get her off too. I got her to fuck me a bit faster as my hand moved from her breast to her pussy. I could see this extra speed was better for her and she was getting close.
        My fingers of one hand pinched on a nipple while the other hand pinched her clitty. She gave a cry of pain and pleasure and cum big time. As the orgasm burst through her body she couldn't remain sitting up. Her body came forward, crashing against mine. I tried to hump, pushing back at her as the last trimmers of her orgasm left her and I held still until we both felt my cock contract and drop out of her.
        Her mouth came to me as she gave me a passionate kiss of thanks. This quickly became another deep tongue kiss as she lay on top of her, her slim body easily supported by mine.
        "That was amazing I said.
        She just nodded her agreement, still not ready to talk.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       

Next Morning.

        By now it was late. We were both ready to sleep. I couldn’t hear much more from the party outside so it looked like that had run its course.
        Jasmine got up, not bothering to wear anything, she slipped away to the bathroom. On her return, she slipped into bed with me and cuddled close, her naked body against mine. I lay on my back with an arm around her as she lay on her side facing me. Her body was against mine with one leg brought forward over mine. It felt comfortable and we slipped into sleep like that. Sometime during the night, I felt her turn away from me, her back coming back against me.

        I awoke early to find she was awake and standing there drying her hair. She was naked, openly displaying her beautiful body.
        “You’re up early,” I said, still half asleep.
        “Yes, Riya and I went for an early swim with Donald.”
        Since there wasn't any swimsuit anywhere, it must have obviously been a nude swim. So now I was laying back on the bed looking at her beautiful nude body as it stretched out on the bed, her arms reaching above her head.
        I immediately got a reaction and my cock began to harden.
        She quickly noticed it. "You are growing," she said. "Getting hard."
        "That's from look at you."
        "Oh!" I don't think she was so confident that her body could cause that reaction on a man. But she should have realised, I had been hard the night before for her.

        "Do you want to do it again?" I asked her.
        "Can we?" she asked, her face lighting up.
        "Of course. We've got time. You just have to get me completely hard again. It doesn't work if I'm only half-hard."
        She giggled, amused at that. "How do I...?"
        "You are a smart lady, Jasmine. I'm sure you'll think of something."
        She smiled. "Ok then, lay back for me."
        She went straight for my cock. Perhaps for other foreplay first would have been welcome too but she just went straight in, taking my cock with both hands as she sat a leg on each side of my legs. Soon she was pumping my cock with one hand while playing with my balls with the other. I was amazed at how much confidence she was showing.
        "Do I suck him?" she asked.
        "That's up to you. Can if you want to."
        Once she had me hard, she surprised me once again but leaned forward to start licking me with her tongue.
        "How did you learn to do that," I asked.
        She lifted off my cock to say, "I hear most men like it."
        "I do," I replied.
        I encouraged her to take me into her mouth and suck. I showed her how to use her hand at the same time. Oh, that was good. Smart girl, she picked it up quickly and was soon doing a good job. Finally, I felt the need to stop her before I cum.
        "Do I fuck now?" she asked.
        "Sure," I replied. By now I was pretty sure she would take me girl-on-top again as she had enjoyed that way the night before. The way she was sitting over me with a leg on each side made it obvious too. There was that moment when her hand guided me as she lined me to her pussy and sunk down on top of me. This time she was quicker, just a few thrusts and she'd taken me again.
        Her body remembered from last night and from the start it felt great. She was fucking faster too, using as much of my length as she could. I was pleased with her, really knew what she was doing for both of us.
        I was thinking this would be a happy ending when suddenly she gasped. Her body jerked as she lost her motion and rhythm. She was cumming. I tried to keep things going by using the springs of the bed to hump, back up at her. Her body shuddered a few times as she moaned. Then her eyes opened and she smiled. She was over it and ready to continue.
        There would be another cum for her before finally, I got mine too. She sat there smiling, watching until I recovered and then rolled off me.

        She was laying watching me, her naked body still openly displayed.
        "Want to join me for a shower?" I asked.
        Her eyes lit up. "Oh! Yes!" she replied.
        She was up off the bed to join me and followed me into the shower. I set the water, then pulled me in after me. As the water poured over us, I pulled her body against mine, kissing her as I did. This young woman was a real kisser, loved it, couldn't get enough of it.
        Soon I realised I had to pull away from her. I got her to turn from me, taking some soap I began rubbing all over her back and down over her bum. Turning her towards me, I did the front too, making sure I missed nothing, giving her breasts and pussy extra special attention.
        Then it was her turn to rub soap all over my back and then my front. I could see the interest she had in exploring my body, touching and feeling everywhere. She was impressed when I tightened my muscles as she did my arms.
        "Ohhh! Strong," she purred.
        She spent a while rubbing over my chest too. I'm not that strong but she seemed impressed.
        Finally, she came to my cock. She dropped to her knees as she reached for it. Of course, from what we'd been doing, I was hard. She rudded over the head and shaft, even lower onto my balls.
        "I can't believe I can take all this inside me," she said.
        "You did. And you did it well," I replied. "Done it three times now."
        "I have, haven't I?"
        She continued pumping my cock and rubbing the head with her soapy hands and it was beginning to get really good. Suddenly my cock gave a jerk in her hand. It surprised me that I was close to cumming again.
        Do I need to get you off?" she asked.
        "Do you want to?"
        "I'd like to try."

        I got her to get lots of soap on her hands and showed her how to wank me off. It didn't take much for her to get the hang of what she was doing. I soon felt my cum beginning to move.
        "I'm going to cum," I warned her. "Where do you want it?"
        She looked up at me a bit funny.
        "When my cum shoots, it might land on you."
        "Oh!" she said, realizing what I meant remembering the night before. "On my tits."
        So that was what happened. I cum and she was wide-eyed as she watch the squirts shoot from the end of my cock and land on her chest. She kept on pumping me until I had finished.

        "Now rub it in," I told her. "Rub it over your tits and nipples."
        She did. "Ohh!" she gasped. "That feels nice."
        I pulled her up to stand and then rubbed some more soap over her, washing my cum off.
        "Do you want a cum too?" I asked.
        "No not now," she replied. "Actually, I need to piss."
        "Do it now, the water will wash it away."
        "You mean..."
        "Yeah. I'll make you cum as you do it."
        I dropped to my knees and began rubbing her cunt. She was wet with juice and was quickly getting worked up. I kept rubbing her as she began to moan. My fingers pushed inside me as she began pumping against me.
        She gave a cry as the piss began squirting from her body, the golden flow going over the front of me and running down her legs. She gave a couple of deep moans and suddenly she was cumming too. It was great to see her do that.
        By the time she recovered, the mess had been washed away by the shower water. I stood in front of her for another quick kiss before I turned off the water and we left the shower.
        We took the time to rub each other dry and then I left her to return to the bedroom.

        She was in there for a while. Finally, when she came out, she was smiling. "That was a big night for me, Gaja. Thank you. I enjoyed every part of it."
        "Even what we just did?" I asked.
        "Yes," she laughed. 'Even that. It was a bit naughty but sexy too."
        As we were in the bedroom getting dressed she looked serious again.
        "Can I ask you a question, Gaja?"
        "Sure, Jasmine. What's the problem."
        "Not a problem really. After that pissing thing, am I kinky?"
        "Some might say that was kinky. It's called water sports."
        She laughed. "It's not exactly water."
        "Jasmine, what you do is between you and your sex partner. No concern of anyone else. But in the same way, if you aren't comfortable with something, have the courage and confidence to say 'No'."
        "Mum told me that, the other day. Especially during the sex parties."
        "Well, when we get to New Zealand. I'll be there for you if you need me. You know your Mum and Dad are too."
        "I know that, Gaja. Thanks, you are a good friend. I'll never forget what you did for me last night and today. It will always be very special as you will always be my first man."
        What could I say to that? There was a lump in my throat as I managed to get out. "Thanks, Jasmine."
        I reached to give her a hug and she contently fell into my arms and once again our lips, then tongues found each other. Yes, she was becoming a fan of deep kissing.

        Later after lunch, Nishi and I went with David and Katrina to pick up our things.
        Since we were in the same bedroom, we changed in front of one another. With a bit of teasing from the women about my night with Jasmine, Katrina was asked if I had enough for her. I said I did and so she insisted on me proving it.
        Yes, as she lay back on the mattress, we fucked again while David and Nishi fucked too.
        The sexy was a bit rushed but good. She quickly got off and I followed soon afterwards. The couple next to us went a bit longer before they had happy endings too.

        Then after another shower, it was getting into the clothes we would wear to travel, some last-minute packing and getting back to Donald's house. Not long after that, we were on our way to the airport.
        After the usual airport stuff, soon it was time to board our plane for the flight to Auckland. When we got out seats, it was three in a row against the window. Nishi got in first and then I took the seat beside her, To my surprise, Jasmine dropped into the seat on the other side of me.
        I looked at Nishi and saw her smiling.
        "Sitting with us, Jasmine?" I asked.
        "Yes, I swapped with Dad who was supposed to sit here."
        Soon the plane pulled back from the building and was moving towards the runway to take off. We were on our way to New Zealand.

Index of Letters                         Story 271 Background.                         Back to Story 270 Part Three.   

Forward to Story 272.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow! Jasmine has become sexually active.
    I like that and I am looking forwards to reading more of her adventures. She is named after me.

    Recently, I was talking with Anne, She told me Jasmine has become sexually active and featured in the most recent Story 279 Shanti's Surprise! I read that and then Anne has given me a list of other stories featuring Jasmine. I am working through them now. Enjoying the development of this beautiful young woman.
    Jasmine. (The real one)
