Saturday 22 January 2022

Story 272 Mother and Daughter Team Fucking.

Index of Letters                         Story 272 Background.                         Back to Story 271.   

Forward to Story 273 Part One.

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Planning Our Evening with David.

Conversation with Riya.

Hi from Mandara,
        I was excited. I had heard the men were planning a sex party. We haven’t had one of those for a long time. I was looking forward to going a bit wild, getting some good sex, getting my brains fucked out by a variety of cocks. Maybe even some hot pussy eating from some of the women too. It's all about the expectation and excitement of sex without knowing who would be next and what would happen.
        I also thought this party was a good idea for my daughter, Riya as she could gain some further sexual experience as well. But as you’ll see further down, perhaps she didn’t need any further sexual experience. It seems like she might have had enough already.
        I took Riya aside and explained what was going to happen so she’d know what to expect. I also told her, as far as her father and I were concerned there were no restrictions, it was her choice as to what she got involved with. We just wanted her to enjoy herself and feel safe with what was happening. Those words probably came back to bite me again later too.
        She listened carefully, nodding to say she understood what I was saying. So, I went on to explain about her personal safety. I told her that her father and I would be there if she needed help or felt unsafe. Other adults would be there too if she needed them.
        She listened quietly and I could see she was interested in what I was saying so I went on to explain a few more things about these sex parties or orgies if you want to call them that. We talked about some of the games they might want to play and other things about group sex that I felt she should know.
        “In orgies and sex games,” I explained, “sometimes the men get very excited, as us women do, too. In these games, calling “No,” or saying “Stop,” are all part of the fun so often they are ignored. In fact, sometimes, a woman protests, saying ‘No! No! No!’ is found exciting by the men, as I said above, part of the game. So, a word or signal is needed to show that someone is serious about wanting it to stop.”
        I saw she was following me so I continued, “If you are serious, you have the safe table or you can use the safe word, “Letters.” Help will be there for you straight away. But since this might stop things for many people, make sure you are serious if you use 'safe.' It is not part of the games for someone to be forced against their will and someone could get into trouble over forcing you or making you feel unsafe. So be careful when you use the safe word.”
        Riya nodded saying she fully understood and had been told this before.
        I then told her again, “What you do, honey and who you are with is entirely up to you. Just have fun and do whatever you are comfortable with. There will be no restrictions from your father and me.”
        “Ok, Mum I will. Thanks for allowing me to attend this party,” she said. “And thanks for this chat too. I’ll be safe. I’ll take care of myself.”
        I know you will, honey," I said. "You are a smart girl."
        I smiled at her. I knew Riya was a sensible girl and wouldn’t get herself into trouble. I was also very happy as that was one of the best conversations, I’d had with her in a long time. It seems losing her virginity had given her a change of attitude towards me. I got the impression she was beginning to realize there was more to life than she understood.
        I reached over and gave her a hug and she responded, hugging me back.

        Our Trip had been going well and the sexual side had been good for me too.
        While we were in Singapore, we did some swapping partners for sex and I also got to wear a sexy bikini to a public pool too. Seeing so many men looking as we stepped up out of the water had been so hot. I knew my wet bikini was hugging every shape, of my nipples and my camel-toe. I was loving the looks we were getting. Damn! That made me so hot! My larger breasts almost bursting out from under that tiniest of bikini tops. I could see what I was wearing was attracting my share of the attention too. We weren’t the only ones to get excited over that swim. (Story 261 Leaving India.) and (Story 265 Nishi and Gaja Start to Play.)
        After that little be of exhibitionism, I felt so horny that by the time we got back to our hotel room, I was looking for cock, ready to jump his bones. Jeevan wasn't too far behind me, having been turned on watching my sexy show too. Jeevan and I fucked hard as Sarvesh had taken all the kids to this school thing he had going. I think Jeevan was excited by my exhibitionism too as he took me in the shower, against the table and finally on the bed. It seemed that when he cum he had hardily gone down and with minimal foreplay, we were going at it again. Yes, by the time we met the group for dinner, you could say, I was well fucked.
        I believe that went for most of the other women. We had all been all well fucked by our husbands but then some of the men were talking about some swapping for the evening. They still wanted more. Great! I was in for that and when Sarvesh played that little game in the bar regarding us women selecting credit cards he was holding, I was a willing percipient. I found I had selected Mootie. And that big cock of his gave me another good shafting that night.
        When we moved on to Perth it had been good too. Both Jeevan and I got plenty of sex, someone different, almost every night. I fully intended to continue with that once we got to New Zealand. This trip promised a lot of sexual fun and I was out to get as much as I could. Jeevan was 100% with me on that too.
        I had a good time with Donald and Jeremy was good too. Payam and Sarvesh were fun when they did a foursome with Amita and me. I was looking forward to being with our friends in New Zealand when we got there too. Mike, Peter and Steve, those three white boys were always fun when they got going.

My Eyes on David.

Hi from Riya.
        Yes, I am a co-writer with my Mum on this story. We have got together to record the events and impressions of a night she and I spent with a man. Yes, you’ve got that! A man, one man, us both with the same man at the same time. A mother and daughter threesome with some lucky guy. Me doing sexy things in front of my mother! Her watching me fucking! That would have been unthinkable only a few days before. Yes, things had certainly changed in my life.
        Since I’d lost my virginity with Hamza, my pussy had been a very busy pussy. In only a few days, I’d had sex with three different men. I knew at the party planned that night, that number was sure to increase.
        First, of course, there was Hamza as he was the man whom I had selected to break me in. Later that evening and the following morning I was with his best friend Payam. I’d even done a threesome spit-roast with those two men. (Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part Two.) and (Story 264 Andrew and Kalki.) That had been some rough sex, particularly from Hamza as he was a bit upset with his wife Kalki for pulling the younger man Andrew into sexual things. He gave me a pounding and surprisingly, I enjoyed it, had some good cums. But then I needed a couple of days to recover and think about where I would go from there.
        You see, after Hamza and Payam, I began to realise the new freedom my parents had given me. It was not like I could go out and fuck any man off the street, not that I'd do that anyway. But within the select group of Letters, I could be with anyone I wanted and do anything I wanted. I was beginning to realise how huge this was and it took a day or so to get my head around all this. Not that I had any intention of giving up my new sexual freedom. I had enjoyed what had happened out at Fred's house and wanted more of that fun. It was just I needed time to think about where I would go from here. 'My next victim,' I'd heard Sarvesh say when I overheard a conversation between Auntie Amita and him with my parents.
        There was one man whom I was going to meet, in the Desert Town which I was particularly interested in making sex with. I had even considered he could be my first man before I settled on Hamza. I wondered if Mum and Dad would be ok with that but then I realized they would be going on the other trip to an Island or something.
        Yes, this man was David’s older brother, Ian. A strong, rugged, handsome man. An outdoor man whom I found I had much in common with. I decided I would be very open for him if he was still interested in being with me.
        Yes! He became man number three when I spent two nights with him while camping in the desert. (Story 268 Desert Camping with Ian.) That was some great fucking, I must say. These big strong men are exciting, aren’t they? We did some things that night I knew Mum and Dad would be shocked with so I hadn’t told them much other than I’d been with Ian.
        Now the question must be asked, who was going to be man number four?

        I had my eyes on David. Ever since he was in India to be married, I have liked him. Back then I was only fourteen. While I had, had my becoming a woman celebration after my first period, I was still a young girl in the eyes of all the adults. Then this man came from Australia and he was nice to me. I remember sitting beside him for nearly two hours one hot afternoon by Sarvesh’s pool. He had got his handphone out and was showing me photos of where he lived in Perth and his hometown in the outback desert. We had taken time viewing each photo as all this was so new for me. He made a huge impression on me as a man willing to sit and talk with a teenage girl, not much more than a child.
        Mum had come over to see what I was doing with this man. Protective mother, but when she saw what photos we were looking at and talking about, she was happy and drifted away.
        We were sitting close so I could see into his phone screen. I was very aware of how close he was. Our shoulders were touching at times. His leg touched the side of my thigh a few times too. All I was wearing was a bikini, having come directly from the pool. He was in shorts without his shirt. He had been playing an energic game on the tennis caught and was sweating. I could smell his strong man smell and it excited me a bit. Being so close to a man like this, being affected like this had never happened to me before. So while I did wonder at how my body was reacting, I found it a bit exciting too. You could say, David was the first man I was sexually excited by.
        I knew he had glanced at my little bumps under my bikini top and late he had even seen me naked. Not that anyone could have missed that where I’d been out on the slippery pole having the pole fight with Kathy. (Story 215 Greasy Pole.) But of course, I was only fourteen, much too young for anything to happen. I don’t even think David would have seen me in a sexual way either. But there was a connection, a friendship between us.
        Later the afternoon following the slippery pole contest, I had remained wearing only a bikini bottom when we had talked again. This time I told him about my life he listened carefully and seemed genuinely interested in my school, my hopes and my dreams. He listened to me and encouraged me. He was the one who said I could be a vet if I worked hard. He was the one who said, “You are a smart girl. Go for the impossible. You might just achieve it.”
        David, I can tell you now. There were many times when I am alone and feeling down, I heard those words in my head. I picked myself up and tried harder.
        But during that second conversation, I had purposely left my tiny breasts bare and saw him looking a couple of times. Really they were not much more than dark nipples at the crown of smallish swellings on my chest. But they were still breasts, he still looked and I wanted him to look too. That was the surprise of that time. It was the first time a man had noticed my body and I found myself excited that he had. It became the centre of many fantasy sessions over the next few years.
        So, even as a young teen, I was sexually attracted to David too. He was my dream man. So handsome and intelligent too. More than a few times he was in my dreams and fantasies. Yes, you can read more into that and you’d properly be right too. In more than a few times he’s fucked me in my mind while my fingers got my pussy off.
        Later, when I got to know his brother Ian, David was replaced a bit but I still was mentally and physically attracted to him but writing to his brother sort of replaced him in my fantasy world.
        Now in Perth, when Mum and Dad released me sexually, I wondered if I could at least be with him for one night. Just to see if he was as good as my dreams made him out to be. Yes, from the very start, David was high on my hit list. Yes, I had a hit list. The men I wanted to be with. Now I had more of a body to offer him too. When word had got around that I'd become sexually active, I'm sure it caused some interest among the men. Yes, when I went naked at Donald's house, men were looking and I wasn't shy in what I let them see either.
        I was also looking at the different men too, observing their body parts. I was particularly interested in viewing their cocks. So when David and I sat down to talk that morning after we had just been swimming, I was aware of his interest in my body and I was with him too. I realised, we still had a sexual attraction between us. Well, I'd say I was attracted to him but I also felt sure he was with me too. I did see him glance down at my tits and pussy a couple of times when he thought I wasn't looking.

        I was talking to him when we went touring, we had talked for quite a while and I hoped something more would come from it. But then he went to his house with Gaja and Nishi. She got him that night, I heard. How could I compete with her? Nishi is a beautiful woman, so sexy too. In Singapore, she even borrowed that very sexy bikini off Aunty Hansini, to wear so she could display it for the men too. I had been clearly told I had to wear something modest. In the desert town, she had fucked Uncle Mootie so many times. I'd even watched her having sex. I was wishing I could be as good as she was. What I didn't know until later when I read her stories, was that under the air of confidence, she was almost as nervous and shy as I was.
        But getting back to David, now it was the day of the sexy party. I wondered if it would happen that night and so I began to work on getting him. I decided to make a point of spending time with him, openly showing my interest and even playing sexually if I got the chance. Yes, during the day he had responded to my advances with some mild flirting. There were a few touches too. I was beginning to think my plans might actually be successful.
        But unknown to me, another woman had her eyes on him. Something about some unfinished business when he had been in India for the wedding, those years before.

        We were at Donald’s house; David and I were sitting at a table together. We had just returned from the morning touring and other people from Donald’s family were there. I had just changed to my most modest bikini and David was wearing his swimming shorts but we were yet to enter the water.
        As he sipped on his beer, I had elected to take a soft drink. I was watching him, particularly his bare chest. Yes, I was thinking of us doing love games together. You probably think I had a horny, one-track mind which was probably right too.
        “Do you like me, David?” I asked him.
        I know! I was a dumb pick-up line but I couldn’t think of anything else.
        “Yes, Riya. I’ve always liked you.”
        “Would you like to take me to your bed?”
        There, I had done it. Now, looking back, I can't believe I had been as direct as that. It's almost like I was pleading with him to fuck me. It makes me cringe to think about it now. But I'd made my intentions clear to him. He looked at me for a bit longer than I would expect for an answer. I became fearful that I had said something dumb and offended him.
        “I am sorry…” I began.
        “What are you sorry for, Riya? You haven’t heard my answer yet.”
        “Oh!” I spoke. Now I was totally confused.
        “Riya, I’d love to take you to my bed. You have become a hot, sexy woman. But, tonight, is the party. I’m just not sure what will happen. That is why I can’t promise but I will try. I’d love to spend the night with you Riya. I’m sure we could make some great sex between us.”
        He actually said that! He was saying he thought I was beautiful and sexy and wanted to be with me, have sex with me too.
        “But,” he continued. “If we can’t do it tonight. I promise we will make it happen when we are in New Zealand. Just be here when the party begins to run down. We’ll see if we can get away together.”
        I was pleased with that. He said he would try. I couldn’t ask for more than that. I knew the evening ahead could be confused and neither of us knew how it could turn out for us. If we missed it, we would do it in New Zealand. He had promised that and I was very happy with his answer too.

Opps! Did I Cut-in on Riya?

Hi from Mandara again.
        I was sitting beside David for lunch. My daughter Riya was sitting across the table from us. I reminded him about that promise he made in India before we became so busy that we couldn’t keep it. I still wanted to fuck him and I was hoping tonight would be that time.
        “You still remember that night we never had?” he asked, slightly surprised.
        “Yes,” I replied. “I remember and still want it.”
        I was purposely being direct as I made my play for him. I looked across at Riya and saw her glaring at me. ‘What was her problem?’ I thought.
        Then David spoke. “As much as I’d like to take your offer. I’m sure it would be amazing, but I think another woman has asked me first.”
        “Who?” I asked.
        David looked over at Riya as he said that. Suddenly, I realized it was her. That was fast work by my daughter. Getting the guy before me!
        “I’m sorry, Riya,” I said. “I didn’t know.”
        “It’s ok, Mum. You asked first. It was an old promise.”
        “No honey, you go on with him.”
        Then David spoke. “What about you and I get together Mandara and we’ll give Riya a threesome she won't forget in a hurry?”
        Riya smiled at that. I could see she felt it was a good idea. I know we would be sharing him, perhaps she would get more of him than me but I was still happy with this outcome as my daughter would get more experience from the evening. Perhaps, I could show her some things too. So quickly I agreed with the idea if we had the chance.
        That must have done his male ego some good, scoring two women for the night.

        But before that, we had an afternoon by the pool and an evening sex party to get through. Anything could happen during that. I felt that particularly with Riya, other men would be interested and she might end up with more men than she could handle. I wouldn’t push in on David myself but if she became too busy then I’d be open to being with him. Whatever happened, I knew I had to be careful, I didn’t want to take him away from her. Riya and I were getting on better than we had in a long time and I didn’t want to mess that up. I didn’t want to be seen as a rival competitor by her.

        We had to wear a swimsuit for the afternoon and I was getting changed from the clothing I’d worn when we’d been touring. I asked Jeevan whether it should be a bikini or one-piece. He thought that either way, it should be modest as that was what Donald had requested and we should respect the requests of our gracious host.
        That made sense and so I reached to pull out my one-piece. I almost hadn’t brought that with me thinking much of the time I would be swimming either nude or wearing a sexy bikini. Jeevan was watching me.
        “Mootie said, Hansini would be wearing one of her sexy bikinis,” Jeevan said.
        “I don’t think she has many choices; she didn’t bring anything else and they gave her most modest bikini to Nishi in Singapore,” I replied.
        “You call that one modest? It didn’t hide much of Nishi.”
        I laughed at that. “You noticed, did you?”
        “Sure, I noticed. She looked damn hot wearing that.”
        “Well, I didn’t say it was modest. I said it was her most modest, only by a bit.”
        “Wear that green bikini if you want. I think Donald would be ok with that.”
        Quickly, I put my one-piece away and began putting on my green bikini. By the time I was finished, Jeevan was in his swim shorts, wearing a loose shirt and waiting for me. I put on a cover-up over my bikini and together we left the room to attend the afternoon and evening planned beside Donald and Paula’s pool.

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Afternoon Fun.

Mandara Continues.
        Things were going well and everyone seemed to meet and mix with Donald’s family. They seemed nice people, friendly and interested in how a group from India met a group from Australia and became friends. It surprised them, even more, when we explained that there was another group in New Zealand waiting for us when we flew there the next day.
        When some of us decided to go swimming, I noticed my daughter Riya taking off the shirt and shorts she was wearing, leaving a bikini underneath. I wondered about that, considering what Donald had asked but it was fairly modest, certainly not her very daring one. Later, at dinner, I noticed Riya wrapped a sarong around her waist, wearing just a bikini up top. She looked good like that and appeared to be comfortable with her breasts only hidden by her bikini top as she stood beside Gaja and Jasmine serving drinks.

The Big Water Fight!

Riya Continues.
        The nice quiet afternoon suddenly changed when Kalki got into trouble with Donald and my father (Jeevan). I can not place any blame on her other than she might have teased them a bit by refusing their request to join them in the pool.
        Then asked her to join them but she was enjoying meeting these new people and wanted to continue talking with them. Since she wouldn’t go with them, Dad and Donald got out to get her. That is what started it all off. Kalki still refused and began to struggle against them as they pulled her towards the water. It developed quickly as others joined in and it became a battle with the women against the men.
        I am always surprised how women like my mother and Amita are ready to take on the men. They know that more often they will lose but are still willing to try. I think there are some sexual under-tones too as it usually involves some very physical interaction. Yes, bodies come against each other and things get touched and felt-up.
        My mother even told me that when a guy started to play, that was when he was distracted and at his weakest point. I saw her use that with Donald too. He had pulled her against himself and many of us saw that hand go for Mum’s tit. Mum didn’t try to stop him. Just giggled as Paula came up behind him and the two women soon had Donald dispatched to the water. Then they made their mistake by standing on the poolside laughing at him.
        An attack by Jeremy and Sarvesh saw both Mum and Paula quickly joining Donald in the water. They decided that since it was all Donald’s fault, it was time to punish him more by ducking him. That turned into another fight with these two women in the pool, attacking him to duck him. It was a bit of a rough fight and at one point Mum gave a nipple flash as her bikini top got accidentally pulled aside. Naughty Mummy!

Mandara Continues.
        Well, why not. If a bad boy like Donald goes around touching us women and trying to push us into the pool, sure he needs to be punished. With a bit of help from his wife, Paula, we got him too. He was the one who ended up in the pool. I was a bit surprised he was bold as that, feeling my tit when others of his family might have been watching.
        Not that it worried me much. It was only a breast. That’s what we have them for, to excite and distract the men. I didn’t mind much what he did. I was more interested in keeping him distracted as his wife came up behind him.
        “Stop playing with Mandara,” she told him as she grabbed him from behind.
        To his surprise, he let me go and between Paula and me, we quickly pushed him into the pool. As Riya has told you above, we didn’t allow for others such as Jeremy, joining in the war to help Donald. He caught me by surprise and I ended up joining Donald in the water. Paula was with me too, thanks to bad Sarvesh.
        Well, Donald started laughing at us so you just know he had to die. He was shocked when we turned on him, attacking him with the intention of ducking him within the water. He put up quite a fight and it became a very physical battle before we finally got him. At one point I ended up showing nipple but Donald couldn’t complain as it was all his fault.
        Once that was done, I was standing beside Paula watching what was happening on the poolside as other women struggled to prevent being thrown in the pool. Naughty Donald was behind me and I felt a hand touching my arse. Then that hand was down inside my bikini bottom feeling me up. Yes, a very naughty boy – That one! But felt rather nice too! If he'd kept on playing with my clitty like that, who knows what might have happened next?

Naughty Gaja.

Riya Continues.
        While Mum (Mandara), Aunty Amita and Aunty Hansini, seemed to be in the centre of all the action, others of us were involved too. It was a confusing time for me. It all started for me after Hamza and Payam, with the help of David and Jeremy had pushed Kalki and Sairu into the pool. Aunty Amita had gone in as well as that time.
        While David and Jeremy escaped, Jasmine and I had joined the battle to get Hamza and Payam into the pool. They really put up a fight and soon others were joining in. I found myself coming up against Gaja and with the help of Jasmine we had him on the very edge of the pool. One more push, one step back by him and would have had him, he’d be wet. Together, we both went in for the final attack.
        To our surprise, he grabbed us both and just fell back into the water, taking both Jasmine and me with him. I had no chance, being extended to push him, I lost my balance and went with him, the three of us splashing into the water.
        Well, that wasn’t playing fair and so we had to teach him a lesson. We came in against him intending to duck him but he didn’t try to stop us, Instead, his hand reached out under the water to grab my pussy mound over my bikini. Another naughty boy this one.
        I complained but he just laughed. It was then I noticed he had grabbed Jasmine by her pussy too. Even though it was through our swimsuits, I’m sure he could feel my pussy lips. It looked like it was having even more of an effect on Jasmine as she stopped fighting, I think even enjoying what he was doing to her pussy. If it was anything like how he was working with his fingers on me, no wonder she was enjoying it. She looked to be horny, ready to play which I suppose should be expected since he had been teasing and playing with her all day.
        “Come on, Jasmine. Help me!” I said.
        "But I..." she tried to say.
        "Help me get him."
        I got the impression she didn't want to get him, she wanted him to get her.
        I reached over and tried to pull his hand away from her pussy. She broke out of her daze and without being too worried about where his hands were, we attacked. Of course, him feeling our pussies like that left him undefended of himself and it was easy for us to take him and duck him. So Gaja, see what happens when you go around touching girls’ pussies.

        Jasmine and I didn’t stay in the pool long but rather wanted to join in and help the other women on the shore. Our next victims soon came to be David and Jeremy. They were in the thick of the action, cas=using too much trouble. We were a bit unmatched as they are both fairly strong men but we were giving them a battle until Uncle Mootie joined in. He actually picked Jasmine up, carried her to the poolside and threw her in.
        I saw what was happening and tried to run but both Jeremy and David grabbed me and held me for Uncle Mootie. He returned and picked me up like a little doll and put me over his shoulder. I struggled against him, protesting loudly.
        “Stop that!” he told me as his free hand gave my arse a sharp slap.
        “You can’t do…”
        Slap! He hit me again.
        A very bad man, this one. But what could I do? I had no options, being held by such a strong man. I was taken to the poolside and thrown in for my second time.

        Quickly, Jasmine and I were out of the water and Uncle Mootie was our target this time. We were into a battle with him when something happened that stopped everyone.
        Some men had managed to grab Kalki and get her against one of the tables. They held her, bent over the table and Uncle Mootie went in, pulled down her bikini bottom so her arse was bare and gave her some hard slaps on her bum while she cried out in protect. Yes, I'm sure it was more out of protest than pain as those slaps didn't seem too hard. More making a slapping noise than hurting. Kalki was then carried to the poolside and thrown in where she was able to pull up and replace her bikini bottom and recover her modesty.
        I think the men were excited by this as they tried to grab another woman for the same thing. They almost got Sairu but somehow, she managed to escape. Then they turned on me. There was no way I was going to have my bum bare in front of all those people and I really put up a struggle as I was dragged towards the table.
        It was then that a few more women mounted a major attack to save me. I am confused as to what happened, just being focused on trying to escape from the hands that held me but somehow, Mootie ended up being held and pushed over the table. I was to one side and so I leaned over his back, my upper body against him to help hold him down while Aunty Amita and Kalki delivered his punishment to his bare arse.
        He cried out as if he was in great pain which made it all much funnier for all of us.
        Uncle Mootie told me that he was going to get me because it was all my fault he said.
        I protested that it wasn’t. I didn’t deserve anything from him.
        Yes, I used the word “anything” which he twisted to another meaning.
        I got what this naughty man was suggesting and laughed. Yes, I promised him that we would have fun together when we got to New Zealand. Another man on my list it seems. I was beginning to think that my busy pussy was going to enjoy all these men before my holiday was over. Probably, the men in New Zealand would be on my list too when they knew I was available.

        Things were getting a bit wild. I think someone would end up naked if they had carried on. I think this was all going a bit too far as Donald called a stop to the games by saying it was time to get things ready for dinner. While the food was being cooked and prepared, Gaja got Jasmine and me to help him serve drinks. He had a table that was sort of his bar and we served everyone beer or wine while Gaja made up some special drinks. He seemed to be good at doing that, even when working from a make-shift table instead of a proper bar.
        Jasmine and I also delivered a few drinks to guests and made sure everyone had something to drink. By then we were both wearing sarongs, me showing my bikini top covered breasts and Jasmine showing the top half of her one-piece.
        Once all the food was served, we sat down to eat with the rest of the group.
        It wasn’t long after that when Donald’s family were getting ready to leave. It seems that they had a long drive to get to their homes in another, nearby town. We all knew that once they left, we would get to the real party, the sexy party.

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The Sex Party.

Topless Waitresses.

Mandara again.
        I was over at the drinks table, getting a couple of cans of beer for Sarvesh and my husband (Jeevan). The two girls were there helping Gaja again.
        I heard Donald say, “I think it’s time the two waitresses were topless.”
        I saw Jasmine look at Riya and they both smiled. “Ok,” said Riya. “We’ll be back soon.”
        I watched as they left, heading for the house. “Think they will?” I asked Gaja.
        “I’m sure they will,” he replied with a big grin. “You know Riya will be in for anything going tonight and I think Jasmine is close behind her.”
        “It’s just we need to make sure there is no penetration with Jasmine until she has been with Gaja later. That is important,” Hansini told all of us.
        I noticed many others, particularly the men, nodded their heads agreeing with that.
        “Otherwise, I think we should make it, anything goes with her,” Hansini continued. “I want her to know what a party like this is all about. The best way will be to get her involved in some of the fun.”
        “You sure she’ll be Ok with that?” Mootie asked.
        “I think so. I think she’s ready. She had better be ready, if she thinks she’s going to attend the parties in New Zealand,” Hansini said. “See how she reacts. Otherwise, we’ll back off but it will probably change things for her in New Zealand.”
        Everyone agreed to that. Playing with Jasmine was allowed, perhaps you could say encouraged, but no penetration until she’s been with Gaja later that night. Hansini wanted to make sure she had one man, Gaja, as her first man so she would always remember that special event.

        I was back sitting at our table when the two girls returned. They both still had their sarongs wrapped around their waist but now, both girls had their breasts bare. I must admit they looked good like they and confidently carried it off. What I didn’t know was that when Jasmine needed to take her one-piece right off, Riya decided to join her and both girls returned wearing nothing but a sarong each. Ready to get naked you could say.
        They returned to the drinks table and began serving drinks. Soon my husband Jeevan asked for some drinks to be brought to the table. Jasmine brought them over on a tray.
        “Topless, Jasmine?” Mootie said.
        “Yeah, Dad,” she grinned. “I’m comfortable like this.”
        As she leaned closer to put a beer in front of Jeevan, he reached up and gave one of her breasts a quick feel. “Nice tits, too,” he said.
        I could see that Jasmine was a bit surprised. Especially since she had been felt up in front of her father like that but then she saw Mootie was smiling so she smiled too.
        “Naughty boy!” she told Jeevan, but she didn’t pull back or attempt to remove his hand. She just finished putting the drinks on the table.
        “Naughty boy, Jeevan,” she said again. “Does your wife know you go around feeling girl’s tits?”
        “She is too busy playing with someone’s cock to care about me,” Jeevan replied.
        Jasmine looked over at me and could see my hand had Mootie’s cock out and I was gently stroking him hard.
        “So, you think you can play with mine then?” she asked.
        “Well, if you get them out, we can play with them,” Jeevan laughed, reaching for another feel.
        This time she saw his hand coming and stepped back out of reach before he could touch her. She was giggling as she did.

        After Jasmine left returning to the drinks table, I asked Mootie if he was ok with what happened. “Sure,” he replied. “It’s a bit strange seeing my friend playing with my daughter but I agree with what Hansini said. We must help her get ready for New Zealand.”

We All Get Naked.

Riya Again.
        The first to actually get naked was Hansini. She had been wearing nothing but that tiny bikini all afternoon and had got a few looks from the male members of Donald’s family. I suppose it was a bit hard to have a conversation with a woman standing before you wearing nothing but a brief covering over her breasts and pussy. Being Indian and having a hot body too, probably made a difference too. I was sure Hansini knew they were trying to steal secret looks and she was happy to allow, if not encourage it. I must admit I find the idea of men watching a woman display her body is a bit sexy. I think it's called exhibitionism and I kind of like the idea.
        Now it was only us from the Letter’s Group, there was no need to hide anything, so standing up she announced she was going swimming. She turned to ask if Katrina wanted to join her. They stood in front of each other stripping each other. Soon Hansini’s bikini was laying on the table and quickly, Katrina’s bikini joined it. Katrina grabbed Hansini and kissed her straight on the lips with Hansini quickly responding to her. That looked so sexy, it was obviously open mouth, tongue kissing.
        But it got even worse, or better you might say when Hansini pulled Katrina down onto a mat. She pulled Katrina on top and both women were kissing again. I could see how their naked bodies were against each other and I noticed how they were working, rubbing against each other. It quickly went to girl-on-girl sex when Katrina turned around and lay down on Hansini again. Now Katrina was pressing her pussy against Hansini’s mouth while she pressed her head between Hansini’s thighs to her pussy. It was a hot 69 session with both women intending to continue eating until they both cum.
        That was so sexy. Jasmine and I had seen sex like that. It was intense and passionate and I had experienced doing it with Nishi when she licked my pussy while I was licking her so I knew girl-on-girl sex can be fun and lead to good orgasms. (Story 269 Last Night at the Desert Town.)
        Both the women before us now were fully committed to getting their partner to full orgasm. In the end, Hansini cum first but Katina was moments behind her. You could almost say, both women cum together.
        It was also a surprise to me that everyone else just watched them. I sort of had this idea that if the sex started, everyone would just jump in and the fucking would be everywhere. That is how I thought an orgy might happen. But here everyone just watched the sexy show Hansini and Katrina were performing.
        Soon, both naked women were walking over towards the pool. Taking each other’s hand, together they both plunged into the water, giving us all a nice display of bare bums as they did.

        That started things for the rest of us. Many decided to join the women in the pool and everyone made sure they were naked before they did. Before long, everyone was naked.
        Jasmine and I had quickly lost our sarongs too. We were still working for Gaja for a while serving drinks and delivering to tables. Almost every time one of us delivered something, some naughty man would touch us. It seemed to become part of the game, feeling the waitress’s tits or pussy. I was concerned for Jasmine but she seemed to think of it as fun.
        Some of the women were doing it too. I got caught between Kalki and Sairu. While Kalki was touching my arse, Sairu got a good feel of my pussy, her fingers rubbing over my wet lips and even pressing in a bit too. With treatment like that, it could have quickly gone further as I was beginning to get wet and feel light-headed before they stopped.

Mandara, here.
        When Jasmine brought some more drinks over, she was naked.
        “Nice pussy,” Jeevan said.
        For a moment she looked a bit embarrassed about what he was looking at and commented on and then suddenly she smiled. “I suppose you want to feel that too?”
        “Since you’re inviting me, yes, of course.”
        “I don’t think I was inviting you,” she said but she didn’t pull away, allowing him his quick feel.
        His hand came up to her pussy, his fingers pushing down under between her thighs. Her thighs actually parted a bit so he could get to her pussy lips and I could see how he was rubbing along them. I also saw Jasmine shut her eyes for a moment and give a gasp, almost a moan. That must have felt good.
        Jeevan saw the reaction he was having and decided he’d better cool things. His hand moved around to her bum, giving her a sharp slap.
        “Come on,” he told her. “Don’t get horny on us now.”
        Her eyes opened and I could see a bit of confusion for a few moments before she realised what had happened and taking up her tray again, quickly left.
        “I wasn’t,” she tried to deny but we could all see that she was. "Jeevan! You are a bad boy!

        When Jasmine had left, Mootie said, “She is bolder than I’d thought she’d be.”
        “And turned on too, I think,” Jeevan replied as his fingers went to his mouth so he could lick them. She probably didn’t know it but that was the first time anyone had tasted her pussy.
        “So, looks like Gaja will be getting lucky tonight,” Mootie said. “That is if she lasts until tonight.”
        “You think she might end up with someone else?”
        “I don’t know,” Mootie said. “But you saw her just now. She looked like she was ready for more.”
        “I think so too,” Jeevan said. “She was a bit wet before I touched her and really began to juice up.”
        “I don’t think it would take much to push him over,” I added.
        I looked at Mootie, wondering what he thought of Jeevan talking about his daughter like that. But it wasn’t until much later that I read how Mootie had already seen his daughter do more than just allow her pussy to be touched. (See Story 269 Last Night at the Desert Town.)
        “Come on,” I told them. “Let’s join Amita and Hansini.”
        Standing up, I stripped off my bikini while the two guys at the table quickly joined me naked and together, we went to the poolside and dived in.

Blind-Fold Feel-up.

Riya again now.
        This was the first game at the party and Jasmine asked if I wanted to play. I had an idea that it would involve the feeling and touching of our naked bodies. I asked Jasmine what she thought and she surprised me by saying she was willing to play.
        “You know the men will be touching you... You know, your tits and pussy,” I told her.
        Then her voice lowered so only I could hear. “I know,” she replied. “I don’t mind. Uncle Jeevan touched my pussy just now and it felt really good. I liked it.”
        So, the men were playing with her too. That was a surprise, even more, when it happened at the table where her father was sitting. But after that last night in the desert town, I knew her father wasn’t worried about seeing his daughter playing.

        I called out to Donald, “Jasmine and I want to play.”
        That stopped a few people and they looked at us, until Donald replied, “Come over and join us then.”
        It turned out eight of the women were willing to play and we quickly found eight men willing to play too. We selected couples so each of us paired with a man, not necessarily someone related to us but with both Jasmine and I, our team pair was our father. Dad's points would be combined with mine when they came to establish a winner.
        We lined up in a line and blindfolds were applied to cover our eyes. In this way, I knew I was naked and knew everyone was looking at my body even though, I couldn’t see them. It got even sexier when the men started.
        Soon the first man was standing before me and his hands touched my face first. That surprised me as I expected the men would go straight for the sexy bits, my breasts and pussy. His hand ran down my neck and then onto my chest. As his fingers reached my breast, the other hand joined it on my other breast. While he didn’t directly touch my nipples it felt good. Not staying there long, one of his hands moved lower onto my pussy. For some reason, the idea of Gaja came to my mind.
        The next man had bigger hands. Seemed very strong too. I quickly got the idea here was Mootie. And yes, he really had a good play between my legs, even pressing his fingers inside me. He is Jasmine’s father so I was sure she wouldn’t have got the same attention.
        After him came a man who touched the side of my face and then gave me a touch just below my breasts. Straight away I knew this was Dad.
        The next two men I was unsure of but the man after that was very forceful and he reminded me of what Hamza had done when we had sex out at Fred’s house the day after I lost my virginity. So, he was probably Hamza.
        The next three men I was confused with and had to guess but finally I got the idea that this was Sarvesh.
        When they asked me what the names were, I managed to get five out of eight. That placed me in third place for our part of the contest.

        When we went along to touch the men, I noticed all cocks were hard. So, they liked the idea of us playing with their cocks, do they? I was fine with that. I must admit to enjoying comparing and feeling them. The only one I wasn’t allowed to touch was Dad but I did have a good look at him as I went past.
        It was interesting watching as Jasmine was playing with each cock too. She was a bit shy with the first man Gaja, perhaps because she was doing it in front of everyone but once she got going she had a good play with everyone except her father Mootie.
        Dad did really well in this contest. I’m not sure how but he got all the women right. With my five points combined with his eight, we ended with a total of 13 out of 16. This put us equally with Sarvesh and Katrina. A decider was needed.
        We had to kiss the opposite player. So, I ended up facing Sarvesh. He grabbed me, his strong arms wrapping around me and pulling my naked body against his. Now I had to be kissed by him and soon our tongues were meeting. It was hot and sexy and I must admit I was getting a bit light-headed. My leg went weak and I almost fell when Sarvesh had to reach to hold me up. I think that was where I lost the game as my reaction was judged as Sarvesh being the better kisser.
        Not that we worried too much. Dad came over and put his arm around me, thanking me for being his partner and hoping I had fun. I told him it was fun. Jasmine beside me agreed she had fun too.

Other Contests.

Mandara now.
        Both Riya and I tried the single stripping contest. I did well with this and got second but Riya didn’t do so well. She got confused with trying to dance and strip off clothing at the same time and gave a rather poor performance.
        While the judges said they had to mark her down, they did congratulate her for trying. When she came over to me, I told her that perhaps we could practice, get ready for trying at the party in New Zealand. She was happy with that.

        Jeevan and I got together for the joint strip contest. He is good at this and a good dancer so we were able to take second place equal with Kalki and Sairu. Their act was pretty good, doing a two girl strip like that. It was Katrina and David who won this contest.

My Man Number Four.

Again from Riya.
        MY Man Number Four was supposed to be David in our threesome planned for after the Sex Party ended. But Jeremy got there first and David became Man Number Five. But it was partly David’s fault for boosting he was going to have me. I think Jeremy decided to get one up on him and have sex with me before David got there.
        I was in the pool with David and Jeremy. David was saying how he had a threesome lined up with my mother and me for tonight.
        “I bet Riya has a hot little pussy,” Jeremy said, looking straight at me.
        I was unsure what to say about that but was happy that this man had noticed and was interested in me. I was interested in him too.
        We got out of the pool to get a drink together and I sat beside him at a table. We talked for a while and he asked me about my trip and how I was enjoying this sexy night.
        “Tt’s been great. I’m having fun tonight.”
        “Done any fucking yet?” he asked me.
        “Not yet. I was thinking of saving myself for tonight with David.”
        As I was saying this, I was looking at Jeremy. He was a handsome man and he had a great looking cock too. A handsome cock, if I am allowed to say so. I was beginning to have feelings for him. I was thinking about fucking with him. So when he suggested another man, I was already there with him.
        “Or you could have a warm-up with another man first,” Jeremy suggested.
        “Are you offering?”
        It was a bit direct but I had seen where he was going and wanted to cut through the small talk. What I got back in return was an equally direct reply.
        “Of, course, let’s do it.”
Can you believe that? Just a few words like that and I was ready to go off with him. Willing to fuck this man I didn't know very well. Of course, I was confident he was ok, as Mum and the Aunties seemed ok with him but it was still bold of me to do it.

        So, we did. Not too much foreplay. Just us getting down on some foam pads we laid out on the deck. We were on the far side of the pool from most of the action but still, I’m sure many saw us.
        When his hand reached between my legs, he discovered how horny I was. I think it was partly with all that was going on with this party but also partly with the thought of what Jeremy was about to do with me. I reached for him and found him hard too. This was the second time I had handled him that night but this time I did a lot more by pumping him with my hand and briefly taking him into my mouth. I did suck him too long as we didn't play around for long. I think both of us were ready for the main sex.
        We did it with him on top first and as I lay back he came down on top of me and I guided him into my pussy. I felt the moment of entry where he pressed against the lips of my pussy. They parted and there was that exciting feeling as this man's cock pressed deeper inside me. Soon he had settled into fucking me with long smooth strokes. This man didn't go fast or try to be rough but rather gave me steady controlled fucking which in this case worked for me. I'm afraid, perhaps it worked too well as quickly I was overcome with an orgasm.
        I was a bit concerned that I had got there before him. Even more concerned when he stopped. He asked what was my favourite position. I told him cowgirl style so we did it that way too. Yes, I got a cum both times which I was very pleased with. Being the one on top, I had to control myself and concentrate on doing it for him too. He had a big cum too as he shot his load deep inside my pussy.
        I thanked him for a good time and he thanked me saying I was good at fucking. I was happy to hear that. I am very inexperienced and to hear someone like Jeremy saying that was a real confidence builder.

        When we finished, I followed Jeremy back around the pool to the main party.
        "Who's been a naughty girl?" Jasmine asked me.
        "He was good," I replied, guessing her next question would be how good he was.
        She giggled and gave me a quick hug before we returned our attention to what Donald was announcing as our next game.
        They were getting ready to start the main fucking contest and I was interested to watch how these other people did their fucking. This would be the last game of the evening and I expected after this it would become a full-on orgy with most people joining in the fucking. But first I was interested in watching what people would do with this game and I think I could get some ideas for things I could try too.

Mandara again.
        I saw Riya with Jeremy on the other side of the pool. I thought she was saving herself for David but there she was with Jeremy on the mat. I must say she looked good riding him cow-girl style like that. I’ve heard that’s her favourite. Way to go girl. Already knows who should be boss!
        It was fun for me too. That night I got to be with a few different men. First, there was Donald and things quickly developed. Soon he was fucking me right beside the pool. It was rough and aggressive. Perhaps too much in his case, he didn’t last long. So while I had a cock inside me, I didn’t cum until he ate me after he finished.
        As is mentioned below, I got into that give a show contest with Fred. The warm-ups were an oral session and I discovered he eats pussy well. Then we went on to give a fuck session, well worthy of a prize if there had been any for that contest. He gave me a really good fucking and I matched him all the way through to happy endings for both of us.
        Later there was Hamza and Payam. I wasn't exactly a threesome as they took me one after the other. That was a bit sexy them hot fucking like that, swapping between them, each taking me twice. Soon others got involved and since it was almost time for me to go off with David and Riya, I allowed the other women to take over with these horny two men.

Who Wants to give a Sex Show?

Hi from Mandara,
        This game wasn’t planned. It developed in a rather unusual way. Donald had asked if anyone wanted to give a sex show. We all knew what was meant by this and where it would lead to. After watching a few people having sex, I knew we would all be at it.
        Well, three couples wanted to give a show and Donald had to decide who would go first. “Let’s have a game,” he announced. Then he asked who would be competing.
        As mentioned above, to my surprise, Fred had asked if I wanted to try. Quickly, I found we had entered this game too. Others were in for it, including Kalki with Payam and Sarvesh with Katrina. I think my daughter Riya was interested in trying but with everyone watching it might have been a bit much for her. Perhaps the most surprising team was Nishi who wanted to have two guys with her. One was Donald and the other was my husband, Jeevan.
        That wasn’t the case for me. More people watching that better as far as I was concerned. I love putting on a show and even if I didn’t win it would still be fun to do.
        We each had to perform something mildly sexy they said and then the audience would decide which couple or team they wanted to do it. What would you call mildly sexy when we were all naked and ready for some hard fucking? In the end, Fred and I did oral on each other but it was not enough to take the attention away from Nishi and her two naughty men. Soon we were all watching the two men take that girl in a wild spit-roast session. (See Story 271 Jasmine.)
        To my pleasant surprise, the rest of us were invited to do our shows too. So, I did get to be with Fred and used his lovely cock in every way I could think of before he cum all over my big tits. I must confess to more than a few cums myself along the way too.
        The evening was getting late now and I saw Riya was already sitting with David making out. I hesitated, thinking perhaps I should let them have the evening without me. I had just decided to seek out some other action when I saw Riya waving to me, signalling for me to go to them.
        “We are ready to leave when you are, Mum,” she told me.
        “Where’re we going?” I asked.
        “Over to David’s house. We can be alone there.”
        So that was it. I was still included in the threesome thing.

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Threesome with David.

Hi, it's Riya again.
        David and Katrina were buying a new house. The sale had just been completed the day before we had arrived in Australia and so they didn’t have time to move much of their things from their flat under Donald’s house to this new house. Most of the kitchen things had been moved so that was set up but the lounge was almost empty and there were two large mattresses laid out in the bedroom.
        Their large double bed had been disassembled and was ready to be moved from Donald’s house when it was suddenly arranged for Gaja to be with my friend Jasmine for her first time. Since everyone wanted this to be good for her, we all helped get all the kid's beds picked up and stacked in a corner, then we set the double bed up again. It was looking good for them. A good place for her to have sex for the first time with a man.

        When David took Mum and me back there, this is what we had to work with, two mattresses laid out on the floor in the master bedroom. There were some bags and things from David and Katrina that they were taking to New Zealand. There was another set of bags which were Gaia and Nishi’s things. Katrina would drive back in the morning to collect all these bags. We just moved them to another bedroom for the evening.
        As the party was ending and it looked like we would be going over to David’s house with him, we had to quickly find something to wear. I found my two-piece bikini was dry by then so just put it on out there where those left at the party were. I wore a shirt and shorts over that. Beside me, Mum had her bikini back on and she wore a loose cover-up over that. That was all we took with us when we left.
        David had asked if either of us wanted to drive since he had consumed a lot of alcohol. Of course, Mum couldn’t drive, as in India she never needed to. Anyway, she’d probably had much too much to drink as well. I could drive Ok and was fairly sober, but in my case, I didn’t have a driver license. David had seen my driving ability when we went camping and he knew I was pretty good but Mum didn’t know this. When I got into the driver’s seat, she was very concerned.
        “It’s ok,” David said. “I have seen Riya driving and she is good.”
        I got into this big car and started it with a throaty roar. I good feel from the throbbing motor that this one was powerful. David was sitting beside me to give directions while still a very worried Mum, sat in the back.
        Gently I backed down the driveway and onto the road. Engaging the drive setting we moved off down Donald’s Road. It was after midnight with hardly any traffic on the road so the driving was easy, it was just knowing where to go and that was no problem since David was there to guide me. It didn't take me long to get used to this different car and ten minutes later, I pulled into the driveway of his new house, pulling up to rest the car in front of his garage.
        “Well done, Riya,” David said.
        “I didn’t know you could drive, Riya,” came from the back seat.
        “Dad and Uncle Mootie have been teaching me, Mum,” I replied. “I am almost ready to take the test when I get back to India.”

        Inside, the house, David found a bottle of wine and Mum and him wanted to finish it off. I had the last little bit, no more than a couple of mouth fills. I didn’t want more since I don’t really like the taste of alcohol. I waited until they had finished their drinks and listened to the sexy comments being exchanged between them. It was very clear that Mum and David were out to get as much sex as they could from this evening.
        I was still wondering how it would go when David and Mum pulled me into the bedroom. There were two foam mattresses on the floor where they had been used that morning. They pulled them together to make one huge bed in the middle of the room.
        Now both of them turned on me and began undressing me. Not that I had much to take off before I was naked again. I noticed David had a little play with my body too. Next, David turned on Mum and I helped him remove her clothes too. David was feeling her up too. Soon Mum and I turned on him and quickly had him naked too.
        I reached for his cock, taking him with both hands to get him hard. I must admit that he was well on the way before I started so didn’t take me much to get him fully hard. Since I was kneeling in front of him, I brought my face closer to take him in my mouth, giving him a quick suck to really make sure he was ready.
        So now, with three of us naked, it was time for the fucking to start.

        We were on the bed now, David on his back with Mum and I either side of him. I had my body pressed against his, my breasts against him as I leaned forward to nibble on his ear. I could see Mum on the other side doing something similar. Then she was leaning over him to kiss him on the lips. It quickly became more as I saw their mouths open and tongues meet. It was sexy how she was pushing her tongue right into his mouth and he was sucking on it.
        After a short time, she broke away and pulled back saying, “Your turn now, Riya.”
        I leaned over him, my breasts against his chest as I brought my face to his lips. His mouth was open and his tongue probing against my lips so I opened so our tongues could meet. I enjoy this way of kissing and willing to do it whenever I could. David was good at it too. His tongue was against mine for a few moments until he withdrew it back into his mouth. Without thinking, I pushed forward so my tongue could follow his. I soon had my tongue pushed as far into his mouth as I could go. That was when his lips closed on my tongue and captured me, gently sucking as he did. That felt good.
        After a while he allowed me to do the same for him. That was good. Another sexual thing I had learnt.

        It was at this point that Mum seemed to take over by directing David and me what to do.
        “David. lay back on the bed while you get over him Riya. Let him eat your pussy.”
        I did as she told us. I sat up and reached one leg over him so I could bring my pussy down towards his face. His hands came up to my hips, pulling me down so my pussy was against his mouth. First, he was licking over my pussy lips and then pressing his tongue into me. Soon his hands had moved so he could pull my pussy lips open and his tongue was probing in as deep as he could, his lips were nibbling at the swollen flesh of my pussy. He was eating me.
        Oh! That felt so good. Soon he had me gasping at the strong feelings. Giving soft moans as I enjoyed what this man could do for me. His hands reached up for my nipples, playing with them, pulling on them. That was good too. Why is the best part of nipple playing when it is almost painful?

Mandara Now.
        Once I’d got David started on eating my daughter’s pussy, I moved down his body to take his cock with my hand. With what we had been doing, necking and kissing him, he was partly hard already. My daughter had helped with that too.
        My purpose was to get him fully hard for my daughter’s pussy. Yes, my plan was to let her ride his first, cow-girl style and then if he lasted long enough, I’d take him that way too. I knew David had already cum at the party in Amita’s cunt so I knew he’d have more staying power with us. I just hoped he had enough to fully get the job done with us.
        I took his cock, giving him a few pumps to harden him again and then I moved in closer to take him in my mouth. David has a great looking cock when he gets an erection and I was enjoying playing with it, sucking him while I slowly pumped him with my fist around his shaft. Every so often I’d pull back and lick all over the head before taking him in my mouth again. I even moved lower and licked over his balls and sucked each one too.
        It was then that something happened that I hadn’t allowed for. David was doing such a good job with Riya’s pussy that suddenly she cum. I heard her cry out and looked up to see her body shudder as her orgasm hit her. She’s a horny little minx, that one. Seems to be able to cum so easily. That was good actually because it shows she enjoys sex.
        I decided it was time to change. David was fully hard now so I directed Riya to move down his body and take him cowgirl style. I pulled back and watched as she took hold of his cock with her hand, pointed his head at her pussy and lower herself onto his cock. She was so wet and willing that her lips parted to allow him in. He slipped in deeper as she pressed down against him and quickly, she had taken all of him.
        Seeing her with Jeremy at the party, I began to realise that Riya was good at this position. She actually told us later that this was her favourite. Once she had taken him deep inside her body, she began to move. I could see the way her thighs and hips moved so his cock would slide in and out of him. It was hot to watch from right beside them like that but I didn’t watch for long as I wanted to get my pussy into the action too.

        I sat up, stretched a leg over him and presented my pussy for him to eat. He got the message straight away, pulling me with his hands on my hips so my pussy came down against his mouth. Soon his tongue and lips were working at me. This man was good. No wonder Riya didn’t last long.
        Almost from the start, I knew he was going to get me off. The way he worked his tongue, between my lips was great. I loved how he licked over my inner parts like that. His tongue against the soft sensitive inner flesh was great.
        I felt a body against my back, some breasts pressing against me as Riya held me, her hands wrapping around my waist. Soon I realised she was actually rubbing her tits against me. That was sexy but it got even better when her hands moved higher onto my breasts. I was a bit shocked at first as I realised that it was my daughter playing with my tits. But then it began to feel good. With what they were doing to my pussy and tits, I was really getting there now.
        It wasn’t my intention to cum like that. I had expected Riya would quickly get herself off and I would move in to get myself off on his cock and hopefully take a load from him at the same time. But it didn’t go like that. Riya had the holding power to keep going, keep riding his cock. Perhaps it was because she was slightly distracted playing with my tits.
        Suddenly, I was cumming. What he was doing to my pussy was just so good!
        I think seeing me cum, feeling how my body reacted as my climax burst over me was enough to bring Riya on, too. I heard her gasp beside my ear. Her hands gripped me tightly and she cum too.

        Two cums so quickly. I think Riya had enough for a while as she rolled off David, allowing me to move back at taking his hard cock into my pussy. I guided him to my cunt and sunk down so he was driven deep inside me. Then I began to fuck him.
        This time my intention was not for myself. I wanted him to cum. I wanted to take his man-juice deep inside me. If I cum again too, that was a bonus but not what I was aiming for. I looked over to see Riya beside me watching. From where she was sitting, she had a great view of David’s cock sliding in and out of my wet pussy as I rode him.
        Soon his hands had reached up for my tits. My nipples are always sensitive when I’m having sex. With what Riya had been doing to them, they were extra sensitive. I gave a moan at the contact.
Soon Riya had moved in behind me again, with her thighs on each side of David's legs. She pressed herself against me, rubbing her tits against my back. Then her hands had come around my body to replace David's hands on my breasts. I think Riya was a bit rougher with them than David had been, even pinching them between her fingers.         That cock sliding in and out of me, those hands playing with my tits, I was beginning to feel great too. Yes, you can all see where this was going. I was beginning to lose the plot. My approaching orgasm was beginning to distract and consume me. It built quickly and overcome me and soon I began to buck against his cock as I cum. My bucking around caused me to break loose from Riya and I fell forward against David. Riya came with me, her body still against me, her tits against my back as she hugged me.

Hi from David.
        What a good way to finish what had been a good day around the pool at Donald’s house. Being with these two sexy women was amazing. A mother and daughter fucking team. Wow! Way to go girls! They were good too, made a good team. I was especially surprised at how confident Riya was. As promised, it had quickly turned into a threesome.
        After that threesome, I took them each again, singerly.
        First, I was with Mandara. She knows how to fuck, knows how to please a man. She kept to the more traditional missionary style at first before we moved to me doing her doggy style. That last bit really got me off. When we discovered Riya wasn’t with us, I noticed Mandara began working me with her hand and mouth to keep me hard for when her daughter returned. It didn’t take much; in fact, you might conclude that I had hardly gone soft between these two women.
        While I was finishing with Mandara, Riya had left us, going to the adjoining bathroom. I was expecting Riya to go for her favourite cow-girl style since earlier in the pool she had told me that was her favourite sex position. But what happened next was a complete surprise for both her mother and me.
        I’ll let Mandara tell you what happened.

Wild Rough Sex!

Mandara again now.
        When David had finished with me, he was still fairly hard. I was surprised at that. It had been some good sex and I would have expected he would have cum too. I had considered we might have had to wait a while before Riya could have her last time with him. I moved out of the way and looked up to see Riya standing beside the bed. It looked like she had just returned from the bathroom but then it was strange she wasn’t joining us on the bed again. Just standing there, legs slightly apart, giving a full view of her pussy, her hands on her hips.
        Then she smiled, her hands reaching down to her pussy, fingers pulling her lips apart.
        “David, if you want this pussy, you have to earn it.”
        I looked over at David and saw he was as confused as I was.
        “Come on,” Riya continued. “Come and get it, show me you are man enough to take it.”
        David was smiling now. “Are you sure you want this, Riya?”
        “Yes,” she whispered, her voice full of lust. “I want you to fuck me, hard and rough. Show me what a strong man you are.”
        “Ok then,” he said as he moved to get off the bed, standing in front of her. “As long as, you’re sure.”
        “I'm sure,” I heard her say as he reached for her. Then she smiled, “If you want me to be your sex slave you have to prove you are my worthy master.”
        “Ok then, the stop word is 'Letters',” David said.
        She nodded.
        I was impressed with David for saying that.

        Suddenly David grabbed her aggressively, his arms going around as he pulled her against him. His kissing was rough and passionate. I could see how she was quickly responding to him.
        The kiss didn’t last long before he broke away. He turned her, pushing her back until her legs were against the end of the mattress. His strong hands reached to grab her under her arms and half lifting her he threw her back on the bed. She landed on her back beside me and just had time to kick herself up higher towards the pillows before he landed on top of her.
        Yes, I said landed as that was about what it was as his bigger body crashed down on top of her. The weight of him forced her legs apart and without any foreplay, he plunged straight into her. I heard her gasp with surprise at having a cock almost go all the way on the first stoke but then she did ask for it.
        There was no slow build-up. She had said she wanted it hard and rough and that was exactly what he was giving her. He was rough with her. Pounding down at her light body with all the force he had. It was scary how aggressive he was and I began to get worried this was getting out of hand.
        But he had reminded her of the safe word and she didn’t say it.
        Finally, I decided this was getting to be too much. He was going to hurt her. I was thinking all the noise she was making was her hurting and she’d forgotten how to make him stop.
        “Stop that, David,” I said, trying to push him off her.
        He ignored me and continued.
        I was pulling at him to break them apart. “Letters! Letters!” I cried out.
        “Stop Mum,” Riya said. “It’s Ok.”
        “But he’s hurting...”
        “No, I like this. I asked him, remember?”
        I was shocked at her. “As long as you’re Ok.”
        “It’s fine, Mum.”

        So, I backed off to watch the show.
        I had stopped them, cooled the passion off a bit. It took David a bit to get going again until she began taunting him again. “Come on. Fuck me. Are you worthy enough for my cunt?"
        He replied but it was more of a moan than a 'Yes.'
        "Show me! Show me what a man you are!”
        I couldn’t believe my dear little daughter was talking to a man like that. But it had the right effect. Soon he was slamming into her again. His body pounded down at her as she took all of his cock. This didn’t go on for long before her first orgasm hit. She gave a cry and bucked against him. A few more moans and she looked to be over it.
        All the way through, David didn’t miss a beat, just kept on pounding her aggressively.
        Suddenly, she cum again. This time it looked bigger as she looked to be losing the plot until David brought her back with a shock.
        “What was that?” he cried. “Who told you to cum.”
        “But I...”
        “You are my sex slave. You’ll do as your told. Cum when I say so.”
        He then actually slapped her across the face. That surprised her but I didn’t think it hurt that much.
        He pulled out of her as he said, “If you’re not going to fuck properly, we do it my way.”
        “David, I...” she began to protest.
        “Get on your hands and knees!”
        She hesitated.
        "Go on," he said as he slapped her face again. "Hurry up and obey me!"
        She rolled over onto her hands and knees.
        “Now present yourself to your master, slave!”
        I saw the smile on her face. She was getting the idea now as Riya pushed back so her pussy lips were pressed open. I was surprised at how wet she was. She was soaking. Obviously enjoying this.
        He gave her arse cheeks a hard slap, making her cry out.
        “How dare you cum before me, you bad girl!”
        Slap! He hit her again.
        David, stop hitting me!
        "I'll hit you as much as I like because you've been a bad girl."
        Then David looked over at me and grinned.
        I tried to smile back. But I must say it was still a bit unsettling seeing my daughter being treated like that.
        "Are you a bad girl?"
        "No, David. I'm not..."
        Slap, he hit her arse cheek again.
        "Are you a bad girl, Riya?"
        "Yes, David. I am bad. I've been very bad."
        "Then you'll need to take your punishment like a good sex slave."
        "Yes, Master," Riya replied.
        But I got the feeling he hadn't beaten her. There was still more fight in her yet. I think David knew it too.

        With two hands, he grabbed her hips, lined his cock up with her split lips and thrust in. Going in almost to his balls on his first stroke, making Riya cry out in surprise.
        Now he was roughly fucking her from behind and quickly she was moaning again. I must admit that once I got over the idea that Riya might be getting hurt, this was becoming a hot show. Turning me on a bit too.
        "Fuck me," she told him. "Fuck my cunt with your useless prick!"
        "Riya!" I gasped in horror she was talking to him like that.
        "Me useless!" David replied "It was you who cum before I told you too.
        "But you were too..." she gasped. "Too slow!"
        "No, you're such a bad girl. Just want your own fun. Don't care about me."
        I rather liked the way he was telling her what a bad girl she was. How useless she was for cumming without even thinking of him.
        She was arguing back saying how slow he was, how useless he was. She even said, “If you can’t do the job then ring up to get some other men over here.”
        Damn! I thought she might have over-done it that time but he just laughed, giving her bum a couple of hard slaps as he continued.
        “What I should do is fuck your arse to show you I can do what I like to you.”
        She moaned at that.
        Yes, I know. I couldn't believe it. She was excited by the suggestion of getting taken in her arse!
        “You want that?” he asked in surprise.
        “Yes,” she moaned.

        “Riya!” I said in alarm. “Be careful!”
        “It’s ok mum. It’s not the first time.”
        Now that shocked me. Here was my daughter, who’d been a virgin only a week ago, now into rough sex and getting it in her arse.
        David reached for some lotion I found nearby and he rubbed it over Riya’s bum and between her cheeks. He pushed his fingers in and lubed her inside too. I rubbed plenty over his cock until it was dripping off and then I sat back to watch him press his cock against her tiny bum hole.
        She resisted him at first but with a harder push, she opened, taking his cock head in. I heard her gasp at the feeling. He pushed again and she gave a soft cry.
        “Oh fuck!” she said. “You feel so big.”
        “Am I your master yet?”
        “No!” she replied.
        He gave a hard thrust at her, his cock driving deep inside. She cried out with probably both shock and pain.
        “Am I master now?”
        “No,” she said again.
        “I am master. You are my sex slave. I can do anything I like to you.”
        “No, you’re not!” she gasped. “You can’t even fuck my arse properly.”
        Oh, that got him. She was asking for it and got it too. He started fucking her. He was rough and I bet it hurt a bit at first. I thought of stopping them but then decided to let her get a bit of what she asked for. Might teach her not to tease men like she was doing to David. But I was wrong. She quickly settled down and began to like it. I think even the sharp slaps he was giving her bum was turning her on too.
        It must have felt good for David too. After all, he’d done that night, I wasn’t sure he had much more to give but somehow, he was building from fucking my daughter in her arse. I could also see she was enjoying him too. I wondered if it could be possible that she might cum too. The noise she was making and the way she was carrying on, it was beginning to look like it.
        He wasn’t holding back either, thrusting into her arse as he kept asking if he was master. She kept on telling ‘No, he wasn’t.’
        By now he was getting close and she was saying don’t you dare cum until I cum first.
        “You’ll get what you deserve,” he replied.
        “Don’t you dare!”
        “I’ll do what I like.”
        He gave her a few more slaps on her arse when suddenly she cried out and slumped down on her stomach. That caused David to slip out of her just as he began shooting. I saw ribbons of cum shoot over her arse cheeks before he leaned forward to rub the white sticky cum all over her bum. She just lay there moaning softly.
        That was it and I watched still a bit shocked as they got up and headed off to the bathroom together. I heard the shower turn on and soon I decided to join them. He was rubbing his soapy hands all over her naked body as I arrived so I stood to watch. He was just rinsing her off when she looked up and saw me.
        Breaking away from him she stepped to the door and opened it. Stepping out she said, “Your turn now, Mum.”
        I stepped in to take her place and soon David’s hands were all over me. I was washing him too, taking my time to have a good play with his cock too. I looked up and found Riya was leaning back against a sink cabinet watching us. She was still completely naked. But then after what we’d been doing, there was no need for modesty.

Where Did All This Come From?

Opps from Riya.
        I think I might have gone too far in front of Mum.
        The sex was over and we were sitting as they finished off the bottle of wine. Mum was very quiet. She was looking at me a bit strange but it was hard to judge what she was thinking. Was she shocked? Was she mad at me? I couldn’t tell.
        “Young lady,” she began. “You have some explaining to do. Where did you learn all this rough sex and get it in your arse?”
        I hesitated, not sure what I should tell her.
        “The whole story Riya. I want to know.”
        I looked over at David. He was sitting listening; I think a bit worried at Mum's reaction to what we had just done. I turned back to Mum, deciding I’d better tell her the truth as I knew she would just keep digging until she got it and I didn’t want her going off at the men I’d been with.

        “It began the day after my first time with Hamza. It was that thing between Kalki and Andrew. She wanted to fuck Andrew and make Hamza watch. He was angry about it and I think took it out on me a bit. I discovered I liked it and had some great cums.” (Story 264 Andrew and Kalki.)
        Mum nodded as she remembered that problem between Hamza and Kalki. “So did he fuck your arse too?”
        “No Mum. That came later. I was with Ian when we went camping. On the second night, I was teasing him like I did with David just now. That got him excited and worked up. He told me I was his sex slave and he could do what he wanted with me. I said he had to do better if he wanted to be my master. That was when he suggested fucking my arse. I let him and while it hurt at first, I liked it and it made me orgasm too.”(Story 268 Desert Camping with Ian.)
        I looked at Mum and she was shocked. Perhaps all this was too much information. But she did ask for the truth. The whole story. Ha! Ha! She got it. She was a bit quiet for a while as she sipped on her drink and then she smiled.
        “Well, Riya,” she said. “It looks like you are very ready for New Zealand.” Then she added, “Just be careful with this rough sex. Don’t get hurt. Men are much stronger than us. They can become so excited that they don’t think.”
        “I know that Mum,” I replied. “I’ll be careful. I know the safe word.”
        Mum turned to David. "Sorry David. I was worried about Riya.
        "It's ok Mandara. I knew you were shocked. But I was in control. I wasn't going to go further than she wanted."
        "But," he continued, looking at me. "You shocked me a bit too, Riya!"
        I just smiled at both of them.

Index of Letters                         Story 272 Background.                         Back to Story 271.   

Forward to Story 273 Part One.


  1. This is a big story. Partly it covers what has happened before but the sex scene is good.

    But I was surprised Riya said Ian had taken her in the arse. I couldn't remember that so went back to the desert camping trip to check. It was there too.
    Have you guys added it in. Updated stories after they had been published. Naughty. Anne says you are not supposed to do that.

    1. That is clever, using other stories to give your own story more background. I read that part in Story 268 Desert Camping with Ian.
      You can actually see that bit was added in as it starts with "Later in the night." Obviously not part of the original sex of the story. But it works. As you say, normally Anne doesn't allow stories to be changed but this small part doesn't really change things too much.
