Thursday 11 June 2015

Story 146 Mega and Brian move to New Zealand

         The big day finally came when we left India. It had been a rush to get things ready. Just so much to do but with our kind friends from India and the girls from New Zealand we got it all done.

         Hi, Brian here.
         I not really much of a writer but it seems I have been given this story to record. Shanti told me if I get the main details down she will help to finish it off.
         Jenny has told you how she and Shanti came over to help during those last few weeks. Those girls were amazing; they seemed to know just what needed doing. Thank you, girls, you were a great help.   

Story 146 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Ayaka.
         Recently I seem to be getting all the fill-in stories. I don’t mind really as they are important to the story.
         There is only one purpose for this story and I think that is made pretty obvious by the title. Mega and Brian were coming to live in New Zealand and so we had to get them there. Along the way, their old life in India had to be tidied up and their new life began in their new country. I think this story covers that fairly well.
         Now about the writer. I decided to use Brian because Mega has a lot of stories at around this point. Brian doesn’t write very much at all so considering the content of this story I thought it could be likely he could write it.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Story 145 Emails.

Hi, Sarvesh again.
      Now after Amita had sent a copy of my story to everyone there was a little series of e-mails which took place over the course of a few days. You see, Shanti couldn’t help herself. She had to mention the most minor of points I made in my story. This led to my reply and that from my friend Joseph. They are interesting emails and also a bit funny too, so I have decided included them here for you all to enjoy. 

Email – From Shanti to Sarvesh.   cc to everyone.
Hi Sarvesh
       A good story. That sexy scene was so good. Finally, you and Katrina have got together. I wondered if it would ever happen.
      You were doing very well with the story; you even mentioned how Amita gave you business and investment advice. Then you ruined it by saying you always have the final say. Always the same you Indian guys, always wanting to be the big boss.

Email – From Sarvesh to Shanti   cc to everyone.  
Hi Shanti
      Thank you for your comments on my story but I did not except your words about Amita. She is happy to allow me the final business decisions as she does not require being involved in those. Like a good wife, she accepts my judgment on these.
      Please save your advice and comments for Mike’s business and don’t be involved in mine.

Story 145 Background

                                                                               Posted by Anne.
         Shandra added a couple of E-mails to the bottom of her story where Shanti pulls Sarvesh up on a comment he makes. Of course, Sarvesh quickly replies to that.
        It was at a recent meeting that we decided to enlarge on this. I argued that since these emails would have happened after the story had been sent (published) it made sense that they might be recorded later as well.
        Everyone was in agreement with this so I cut them out of Shandra’s story and created a new one with a working title of “Emails.” Others made suggestions at the meeting and got involved too, so I can’t really take much credit for writing much of this other than coordinating everything into one story.  

Friday 29 May 2015

Story 144 Visit to New Zealand with Katrina.

Hi from Sarvesh.
         When Katrina began working for us in the exporting business we thought it was very important that she understood how the business operated, particularly the shipping of containers between international countries. We decided to take her on two international business trips; Jeevan would take her to Australia, and I would take her to New Zealand. We got the trip to New Zealand done but the Australian one had to be postponed when Donald announced he was coming to visit India.
        Our first trip was to visit Steve in New Zealand, to see one of our containers being unloaded at the warehousing operation we had established in Auckland. The trip was only for a few days and we spent most of this time either at the warehouse with Steve or visiting some farms and glass-house farms where produce was being grown for shipment to India. We also visited a honey farm and a couple of small manufacturing companies. On the final day, we watched an air freight shipment of flowers being prepared for dispatch on the same flight we were taking to Singapore.
       During the evenings we were free to visit and spend time with our friends. We even had a few sexy adventures too which were some added fun. Some of the highlights were playing a new stripping game they had found, reading some of the new stories, and not forgetting a trip to Nudie Night at the hot pools.
      One night Katrina spent the night with Shanti and Mike and I believe she had a very good night there too. Maybe she will be telling you about it sometime. That night I had more than enough with Sharron and Lizamoa, while Steve went over to help Joseph look after their children. That was nice of you guys doing that. You left me two very horny ladies that night. I did hear that Joseph was there to 'help' them.
     Yes, it was a very successful business trip and a sexy holiday one too. I enjoyed it very much and I know Katrina was enjoying it too. 

Story 144 Background

                                                                               Posted by Shandra.
         One thing that stands out in our stories is that Katrina and Sarvesh never got together. At first, this was actually by accident. We had written about all her adventures in New Zealand but somehow forgotten to include a sex session with Sarvesh. Poor Sarvesh, he missed out on some hot Indian pussy. Ha! Ha!
         At first, it was decided to write a special story for them but when this didn’t fly a couple of comments were inserted into other stories about Katrina feeling like Sarvesh was a sort of father figure to her. You may remember right back at the Resort, Katrina asked his permission before she had dinner with David.
        Well, this whole thing still bugged me (bothered me). Finally, I decided to write a story, putting them together. By then Anne had moved Katrina to the warehouse so it made sense that she might travel with Sarvesh at some point. So an ‘accidental’ booking putting them into a double bed together was all I needed to get things started. I had a story just waiting to be written.
       I had it quickly done and placed in Volume 11 until our recent rebuild of the Letter Series landed it here in Volume 10. Anyway, you guys online don’t care, the volumes don’t mean much on the blog. When we begin publishing the complete volumes then it will be different of course.
        So finally, Sarvesh and Katrina get to be together. Go and enjoy the story.

Friday 22 May 2015

Story 143 Katrina Leaves the Big House.

Hi, it’s Amita again.
             We are sorry if we have been a bit slow in writing any stories over here. 

           When we arrived back in India from our trip to Australia and New Zealand there was a letter waiting for Katrina. She was so pleased. I knew she was just a little bit worried that David might not write to her. But he did, so all is well with the world, well Katrina’s world anyway.
            Katrina took a trip home to visit her family and showed them many of the great places we visited and seen. She was telling them about what these two countries were like. They were pleased that she had a good trip and a good time. Little did they know how much of a good time she actually had!
            When she returned to our house, of course, she began her usual duties taking care of Steven and working in the big house. She then got the chance to reply to David. When she asked me what she should write about, I told her to tell him how happy she was to find his letter and you hope that this is going to be the start of a good friendship writing to each other. I also told her there is so much to tell him about our trip to New Zealand, and she could tell him about India and her life she had here.
         “Oh,” she replied. “I forgot about that.”
         I don’t know why she needed that kick-start, it seemed like she had a total brain block. I really think when it comes to David that girl’s brain is switched off! Ha! Ha!
         His reply to that letter came back quickly and soon they had two sets of letters passing each other somewhere between Katrina in India and David in Australia. I don’t know what was in a lot of those letters, she only told me a few bits but I believe David has turned out to be good at writing too. 

Story 143 Background

                                                                              Posted by Anne.
        This story was written a long time ago when I thought the Letters Series might only continue until Katrina got married. I wanted to move her to a job new job where she might have regular contact with her new boyfriend David. Susan came up with the idea of putting both Katrina and David into positions shipping containers between India, Australia and New Zealand, then it made sense they would talk regularly online.

        So she is settled in the nanny role and seemed to like it. My first problem was; how do I get her out of there? I came up with the idea of being caught hugging Sarvesh. It was an innocent action, totally misunderstood by those who saw it. So it was easy after that. Katrina was soon in her new position at the warehouse and the David/Katrina stories could begin. Originally I had this story placed straight after they had arrived back from New Zealand but the rearranging and adding of other stories now meant a decent amount of time has gone by.

       I suppose you might be bored with all this grand strategy stuff so I’ll end now and let you get on with the story.

      Oh, that titty flash. We can blame Ayaka for that!


Saturday 16 May 2015

Story 142 Chocolate.

Hi from India. Amita here.
          While we were in New Zealand we found some foods that we really enjoyed but were not available in India. One that Sarvesh particularly liked was from the local New Zealand company; Whittaker’s Chocolates. They claimed their chocolates were made with the best ingredients with marketing phrases like, “Good honest chocolates.”
         I noticed that when I unpacked his bag there was a large package wrapping in foil. It contained a supply of these bars. He kept them in a fridge to keep them cool and treated them like gold. No one was allowed any except him. Some of the staff saw them but no one in the house would dare touch them. I know he would have given me some if I asked but since it was his little treat, I was happy to leave them for him. When his little supply was used up I noticed more arrived. Katrina told me he was ordering and having it sent by Steve in New Zealand.
         So each night a small strip of a few cubes appeared on the bedside table to be eaten just before he went to sleep.
        His habit was to place the chocolate on the bedside table then go to the bathroom to complete his bed preparations. I always thought this was a bit silly, him doing his teeth etc, then coming back to eat chocolate.

Story 142 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Reshma.
Hi from Reshma,
         This is not a very long story, not particularly sexy either, just a fun one. When Kim wrote her Story 134 ‘Food Fight’ I wanted to try something with food too. I also liked the story Anne wrote years ago, Letter 25 ‘Ice Cream.’ Taking these two ideas I set out to write.

         The plot is dead simple; Sarvesh comes back to find his chocolate gone. Upon questioning Amita he discovers it, in a very interesting place actually.
         That’s it! The story is done, go read it.
                        Bye form Reshma.

Friday 8 May 2015

Story 141 The Decision.

Jenny here.
         I was talking with Mega the other day at the café where the Riverhead Road meets State Highway 16. She was telling me about the stories she was writing concerning their coming to New Zealand. I asked if she wanted any help, thinking I might be able to help with her stories. To my surprise, she gave me one to write myself. There were some handwritten notes, to begin with, otherwise, it's all how we remembered it.
         The final decision was made a few days before Mega and Brian left to return to India. Four of us couples had decided to go out for a meal. Mike chose the place as he often did. We usually leave things like that to him since he seems to know the best places. The place he chose this time was one I had heard about but never been to, 'The Riverhead,' a historic tavern to the north-west of Auckland. 

         We arrived at the tavern as it started to rain. You know, one of those summer heat showers, Auckland often gets on hot afternoons. Heavy rain for a while, then it’s gone.
        The restaurant was an amazing place, full of history from this area. Photographs and artefacts on the walls, the room fully restored much as it must have been years ago. I kind of wish we’d brought our other Indian friends here as well when you were all in New Zealand.
        We were shown to our table, on the covered deck, overlooking the river. I thought the guys would get together at one end leaving us girls at the other, but no, we scattered around the table mixed together. I like it that way better as everyone is involved in the conversations. 

Story 141 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Allan.

Hi from Allan.
          When the younger members of our team voted to keep Jenny in the stories, a period of extensive re-writing was required. Further out, since Mega had replaced Jenny, she appeared in many of the stories Anne had written, so they all had to be corrected now. One way we got around this was by bringing Mega to New Zealand, it was then likely she would appear in New Zealand stories. She still had Brian so of course, he needed to come along too.
         First off we needed a story about bringing them to New Zealand for a visit (Story 139 Mega & Brian in New Zealand). That was the three-part story written by Susan with some help from her friends. Anne had already written Story 140  The Fishing Trip. Mega is mentioned in this story too, but it doesn’t say she was attached to Peter, so we were could leave it how it was by just adding Brian's name a couple of times. Now finally Brian and Mega needed to make that decision to move to New Zealand. This is the story published this week. 

         I knew I had to write this story. I decided that a nice location might work. One day I had business in the city that finished early, so on the way home, I stopped off at 'The Riverhead' a tavern. I loved this old pub; it had been a favourite watering hole of mine. I’d heard it had re-opened under new owners so decided to check it out. Originally I intended just having a couple of beers but then decided on a late lunch.
          I really liked the location and atmosphere of the restaurant. I suddenly thought this was the ideal location for my story. Over my meal and a couple of beers afterwards, most of the story was written, scribbled out on notepaper. I think the staff there were a bit surprised at this guy turning up and writing a story there.
         Back on the farm, the girls liked the idea and so I developed it further until I had a version ready to use. Of course, the publishing process made a number of changes but most of what you read today was what was written that afternoon in the restaurant.
         It’s not sexy, was never meant to be. This story is one of those linking, transition stories where we move and develop our characters, ready for many new stories to come. Did I say ‘come’ or should I mean ‘cum’?  LOL.

Saturday 2 May 2015

Story 140 The Fishing Trip.

Hi, Mike here.
       The next story in this volume has to be about the fishing trip we all went on recently. Peter heard of a company which offered all weekend fishing trips out into Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf. The trip left Auckland Friday evening and docked at Coromandel for the night. Since the boat had only limited sleeping accommodation for the crew, passengers were transferred to a motel in the town then returned to the boat the following morning.
       All day Saturday was spent out on the boat fishing and cruising around Great Barrier Island before returning to Coromandel for the second night going out at a restaurant/club with a live band before returning to the motel. Sunday was again spent out on the water before returning to Auckland that evening.
       Well, that was the plan according to the brochure now here is our version of what actually happened on our trip.  

Story 140 Background.

                                                                                Posted by Anne.
From Anne.
        Allan arranged with a group friends to go on this fishing trip. When he heard some of the other men were bringing wives/girlfriends he asked if I wanted to go. At that time we were still dating, I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could, so I agreed to go, even knowing that fishing was going to bore my brain out. When his friends heard I was coming, they decided to bring their wives/girlfriends too. So, in the end, we had a mixed group of guys and girls.
         Now the trip was much as it is in the story with the boat dropping us off each night in Coromandel then picking us up in the morning. The fishing was good, the guys enjoyed it, and us girls weren’t bored out of our trees either. I actually did some fishing and caught some too.       

        So that was the background for my story. Now I wanted to get it sexier. First, of course, came to topless swimming at the motel. I once got told off for that at a motel in Napier so I decided to use that here. We talked about going back and all going topless but we never did.
       Now on another boat trip, I had a go at steering while Allan stood behind me holding and playing with my tits. He even pulled my bikini top back, baring my tits and nipples. We used that idea in the nude cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef,  Story 97 – The Nude Cruise. Now I decided to develop that idea further here and actually get the girl naked. Susan suggested that he gets the girl off too with a hot orgasm. That all sounded like fun so that was how I wrote it. 

Friday 24 April 2015

Story 139 Part C Mega and Brian in New Zealand.

Part C – A Night with the Girls.

Told by Brian.
       My wife Mega has mentioned in her story that I was dropped off at Shanti’s house by Jenny and Peter. She tells us how she sat in the back of the car watching me approach the door. She also tells us the car had driven up the driveway before she could see who answered that door. I believe things were arranged like that because before I could knock, the door in front of me opened and I found Sharon standing there.
       I stepped inside as she closed the door behind me.
       “Shanti,” Sharon called. “The master is here. Ready for his sex slaves.”
       “Sex slaves?” I asked in surprise.
       “Yes,” came a voice from behind me. “We are your sex slaves for tonight.”
       “Ready to please our master,” Sharon added.
       “Oh, nice!” I said as I realised what was going on. 
       I had no problem with having these two girls as my sex-slaves. Particularly the way they were dressed. Both girls were wearing tight little shorts with their shirts unbuttoned but just tied below their breasts. Obviously not having anything underneath, it had the effect of exposing a lot of breast without showing everything. I have to admit they both looked damn sexy. Just looking at them like that had my cock awakening in my pants.
      “Oh sexy clothes,” I told them.
      “Thanks,” Shanti said with a grin. “Glad you like it.”
       She turned around so I could get the full effect from all angles.
       “I love it! You girls should dress like that all the time.”
       “We will if master wants,” said Sharon.
       “Yes! Master wants very much!”