Friday 27 October 2023

Story 297 Part One Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 297 Part One..

Hello from Mary.

            This is the first of a three part series about Tom and Betty joining in the fun when the Indians and Australians are visiting New Zealand. This part is said to have been written by Betty herself and it centers on some of her adventures that first day her and Tom arrived in Auckkand. They both have some sex with different partners, beside the swimming pool, in front of everyone. Then they split to go on different trips. We will follow what Betty did during that afternoon and evening.
            Betty is a character I have written about before. While she and her husband are older, about my real age, like me, they still like to join in the fun. There will be more group sex or sex in front of groups in this story. That is becoming a bit of a turn-on for Betty.
            The story is fast moving, by that I mean we will cover a lot of scenes and sex sessions. It is not the usual way it works for Betty but she has a lot of fun. The sub-heading for this part says it all. (Betty, "So Many Orgasms - I Lost Count.")

            During writing, the story flowed well and I wrote most it quickly as well as writing some the other two pages at the sametime. I touched on a few themes: - buying a bikini; nudity; bikini at a public beach; group sex; sex with younger people; a sex party; etc. Probably the hardest parts to write were the sex scenes, I mean there is only so many ways you can talk about sex without repeating youeself. So it depends on the story surrounding the sex to carry it off.
            As I was finishing the writing, our IT person, Asami, created the six pages I would be using in this three part project. That is three for the story parts and three for their background notes.
            When it came to the coding I was struggling. In Allan's Science Fiction blog, I usually do the writing and leave the computer side to the younger ones. I mentioned it to Anne and the following evening I got a phone call from Rita. She does a lot of coding for both blogs I help with the writing. We both opened my story and discussed how I wanted it to appear. While it has to fit with the general look of this blog, Anne has decided to allow us a lot more freedom in general appearance of our stories. (Compare mine with Story 296.)
            Over the next two days I heard from Rita, Julie and Nina as the work on sections of this story continued. They had questions or had found places where they thought changes could be made. Now it is finished and ready for Asami to publish. Hope you enjoy it.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Bye from Mary.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 297 Part One..

Tuesday 10 October 2023

Story 296 Sex, Travelling and More Sex.

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Story 296 Background Notes

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 296.

Hello from Susan.

            After all those comments about Allan snr and I stealing Anne's writing team, we thought one of us had better do a story for her. Allan was busy working on a battle scene so I agreed to do it.
            I chose Katrina as my storyteller since she doesn't seem to have been used as much as she used to be. I even had Katrina mention that herself and explain that having two young active kids kept her busy.
            But in earlier stories when the Indian group was travelling to New Zealand, Sarvesh had got Katrina to write about how they got from one country to another. She usually did this with lots of nice detail. I decided to get her to do this again by writing about the trip from Rotorua to Auckland. Since they had driven down through Matamata, I knew they would have to go back via the Waihi Road.
            Now, since Story 295 had finished with the Fluffy Snake Party, I thought that was a nice place to start. Then when they arrived in Auckland there would be more sex for Katrina. "Sex, Travelling and More Sex;" that became the name of this story. I have got them back in Auckland, ready for a few days before they move on to their camping trip to the Kai Iwi Lakes.

            As well as bringing Katrina into the stories again there were some new characters I wanted to play with.
            The first was Ragesh. A younger man in his late teens/early 20s. The oldest son of Joseph and Lizamoa. Taught the finer points of sex by Shanti. Katrina found him a good bed partner.
            The second was a young couple from India, Gaja and his wife Nishi. Here I could use a bit of inexperience and lack of confidence. But I also wanted them both to do well and enjoy themselves.
            Katrina described this group as - We were a mixed group. Gaja, Nishi and I were Indian, David (my husband) was white Australian, while Hirohiko and Sayako were Japanese. Ages were a mix too. Hirohiko and Sayako were older in their late 40s, (Maybe he was in his 50s). David and I were in our late 20s while Gaja and Nishi were in their 20s too. She was about my age while Gaja was a bit younger than us.
            A good team to work with, and write about. I had fun with this story.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Sexy Sue.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 296.

Wednesday 27 September 2023

Story 295 Fluffy Snakes.

Index of Letters                  Story 295 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 294.

Forward to Story 296.

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Hello from Riya,
        On the last night in Rotorua, those naughty men had a surprise for us. Four of us younger women and the wife of the camp owner were chosen for a special, sexual adventure that took place in the Games Room after the younger children had gone to bed. Everyone was gathered to watch as word got around that something different was happening that night.
        I had come expecting to watch but since Sarvesh was involved, I should have known I was going to be a target of his devious schemes. But as it turned out, I was a target. I was going to be dragged in too. My first warning flag was that one of his accomplices was none other than my father (Jeevan). I am certain that Mum (Mandara) knew about it too as she was the one who insisted that I wear my tiniest, sexiest bikini under my clothes. Fine parents, they turned out to be, allowing their dear loving daughter to be dragged off to an orgy like that!
        Why my tiny bikini I thought? Why a bikini at all since this was a clothing-optional resort? But then, maybe we were going swimming after some games since the pools were warmed by hot water from underground. Even on a cold night like that, it would be nice for a person to sink into the warm water and enjoy it.
        But somehow, I managed to miss those clues that were there for me to see. Must have been dazzled by all those handsome men I had to play with. I just went along, thinking whatever those men were planning, it wasn’t for me. How wrong I was about that.
        Yes, clothes were worn because that day had come in with rain so outside was colder than expected with a wind blowing across the campground making it feel even colder than what it was. Of course, inside the Games Room with all those people there, it was warmer. I noticed that many of our group had quickly lost some of their clothes before we arrived.
        But before I tell you what happened that night there is a tale of sneaky tricks and skulduggery to be told. (“Skulduggery,” unscrupulous or dishonest behaviour). Don’t you love that word, amazing what Google will find. Must remember to use it again sometime. Well, in this case, it describes nicely what Sarvesh and my father were up to. Let’s back up until we were in Singapore and I’ll tell you what I know.

Story 295 Background.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 295.

Hello from Julie and Sharon.

            We have had a gap recently during which no stories were published. There are two reasons for this: - First, some of the main writers were exhausted after that big push to get the sex chapters about Simon written and published. The second reason was that some of our main writers have become involved with writing Allan’s Science Fiction/Fantasy Story.
            Anne wants to turn this around and get this blog going again. She asked us to write the first story while others were working on longer stories. We took Allan and Kim’s Story 223 A Snake in My Bed and developed it into a story by Riya one of the newer characters in our stories.

            We read some other stories about Riya and found that she is rather rebellious toward her parents. She almost didn’t come on the trip to New Zealand because of her behaviour. Well, she is trying to be good but in her writing, she still includes cheeky comments regarding her parents. We want to capture this here too. That is where all the mystery about those boxes came from. They knew she was interested and were playing a game with her.
            When it came time to reveal the snakes, you all know Sarvesh and Jeevan had to pull Riya into it. Their first victim is the way she puts it. This evening got the five women naked, gave them a full massage and then they used the snakes to play with them. We all know this could only end in the girls having sex with the men doing the teasing. It became a full orgy after that.

            Looking back now, we don’t think we did enough with the snakes. The title says “Fluffy Snakes” but only a small part of my story deals with the snakes. Anyway, it is what it is. We are going to publish it as we wrote it and you can be the judge on whether we should have done more.
            Please enjoy every one.

Hello from Sharon.

            Recently I became old enough to learn about this project Mum and Dad have been involved with. Mum invited me to help her with this story. While I didn't write any sections myself, I worked on parts throughout the whole story. It was fun working with her. I particularly enjoyed the computer coding work that goes behind the writing you see. I will be doing more of that on Allan's blog.
            Like Riya in the story, lately, I'm seeing a new side of Mum. Growing up, it never occurred to me that Mum could be sexy. I just saw her like a handbrake to all my fun. Now I am like, Wow!

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Julie and Sharon.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 295.

Thursday 26 January 2023

Story 294 The End of the Journey - Simon's Story Part Six.

Index of Letters                  Story 294 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 293.

Forward to Story 295.

Explanation from the Writers.

        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife and Deanna was his second wife.
        In Part One of this series, Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the nude camping at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua, it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Part Two is where we followed what happened after Simon's divorce was finalised and he married Deanna. Then in Part Three, we read where Simon and Deanna decide to take their friends away for a Sexy Weekend. Then came Part Four when the rest of the sexy weekend takes place. Finally, we come to Part Five, where they join some friends for a nude camp at the Kia Iwi Lakes. Now, this is the final part of this story, Part Six, where we learn how Simon and Deanna came to join the Letters Group. Hope all that makes sense.

        It must be mentioned that while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. This is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on real people other than the use of their names.
                Ayaka and Susan.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

Swinging - Brian and Mega.

Topless Boat Ride.

        The girls had been laughing about going out on their cruises around the lake so they could display themselves topless, in front of those on the three main beaches. It had become a daily thing and there was no doubt they were all enjoying it.
        They had invited Deanna to join them Deanna wasn't so sure. While she was fine with the nudity around the camp, this topless boat trip thing was something else. She wasn’t into flashing total strangers on the other beaches like that. She finally agreed to watch but that would be about all, just watching the other girls showing off.
        But Simon was not sure the girls would accept Deanna just watching.

Story 294 Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 294.

Hello from Anne.

            Yes, this is definitely the final part. It's been a long journey and I'm glad you've got to enjoy it with me but here is the ending where Simon and Deanna join the Letters Group. This is a longer part which could have led to us splitting off into part Seven but I decided to cut out a couple of ideas for scenes to keep within what we think is the maximum size for a post on this blog.
            This part is divided into two major sections, the first being Simon and Deanna getting together with Brian and Mega. The second part is the final scene leading to them joining the Letters Group. I then added a final section of their eldest daughter Rachael joining letters, attending a sex party and spending the night with Mike. So that is it, this story is over when this last part is published in a few days.
            Rachael has not been a major character up until now and I don't know if she and her younger sister Roxanne will appear in many other stories. That is really up to some other writer to pick them up for a main part in a story or use either of them as side characters. But after the sex scenes at the end of this part, Rachael is now sexually active within the group and so she could be used for a story. Roxanne mentions here that she is still a virgin. Well, that could be changed in a story too.
            Simon and Deanna are well-established within the Letters Group having appeared in many stories recently. They are very active when the Indians and Australians get to New Zealand.

            There are several people who I wish to thank for their kind help. Susan and Julie assisted with some of the writing while others like Allan snr, Allan Jr, Brian and Ayaka gave me ideas to help when I needed them. As usual, Asami was there with her technical assistance. Rita and her team of coding helpers did a lot of that work on the various parts too.
            Simon and Deanna inspired and gave me a lot of ideas. The real Brittany was helpful too. She gave us two holiday weekends for free at her holiday house on Waiheke Island. This is a real house that we used in this story.
            So thanks for your help, everyone.

            This has been a big push for me and so I am going to relax for a while. Allan sr has given me a part to write in his SF blog Lion of the Federation. I will be back here doing another story here after that.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 294.

Tuesday 10 January 2023

Story 293 Joining the Letters Group - Simon's Story Part Five.

Index of Letters                  Story 293 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 292.

Forward to Story 294.

Explanation from the Writers.

        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife and Deanna was his second wife.
        In Part One of this series, Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the nude camping at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua, it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Part Two is where we followed what happened after Simon's divorce was finalised and he married Deanna. Then in Part Three, we read where Simon and Deanna decide to take their friends away for a Sexy Weekend. Then came Part Four when the rest of the sexy weekend takes place. Next, we come to Part Five, when Deanna and Simon meet Shanti and Mike and discover the Letters Group and in the final part of this story, Part Six, they will finally join the this group. Hope all that makes sense.

        It must be mentioned that while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. This is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on real people other than the use of their names.
                Ayaka and Susan.

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Swinging - Raymond and Nina.

        So now Simon and Deanna's sex life had changed. Where they regularly meet with two other couples whom they were became close friends with and had been open to swapping sexually, now they found themselves on their own again. For the time being, they were happy, not looking for anyone else sexually but soon another chance at swinging came their way. They found another married couple who wanted to try stepping outside their marriage and swapping sexually with them.

        Since Simon's company was into property investment, he worked closely with a real estate company and often did business with a man called Raymond. One night there was a business dinner held by that company and some of their bigger clients and their partners were invited. Simon and Deanna were on the invitation list too.
        When Simon met his broker Raymond at the dinner, he introduced him to Deanna. Raymond then introduced them to the woman standing beside him. Nina was his wife, an Asian woman from Thailand. A very beautiful woman and Simon was attracted to her straight away.
        The two couples hit it off well and sat together for dinner. Afterwards, they spent most of the evening together. They even danced with each other’s wives a few times too. After a few dances, Simon noticed Nina was dancing a lot closer than he had expected she would. Their bodies touched during the slower dances with Nina's breasts brushing against his chest. That had a reaction too with his cock quickly becoming hard.
        A bit concerned at what her husband might be thinking, Simon quickly glanced across at Deanna and Raymond. He saw they were dancing close too. Perhaps much closer and his hand lower on her arse than he would have liked but then, after what was happening with him and Nina, Simon couldn't say much about what Raymond and Deanna were doing.
        Nina saw him looking and whispered, "It's ok, Simon."
        With that, she pulled him even closer so her breasts were firmly against his chest and her thigh against his cock. She smiled as she felt him harden at the contact. This was exactly the reaction she was hoping for.
        "Something feels nice down there. Nice and hard," she breathed sexually in his ear.
        Simon was a bit embarrassed she had noticed his erection but she seemed pleased that he was attracted to her and turned on by it.
        Her hand reached down and gave him a quick squeeze. "Mmmm," she said. "I'd like to play with him."
        The way her sexy body was against him, he would have liked to play with her too but that night, considering it was a business occasion, nothing else could happen as neither of them would risk doing anything more.

293 Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 293.

Hello from Anne.
            Simon and Deanna became members of the Letters Sex Group. While there were a few stories when they joined the group at the Te Kwi Lakes, I've always believed that more could have been done with this couple. I also wanted to write a story where a wife cheated and betrayed her husband. When Simon lost his first wife Brittany, Deanna was already well on the way towards replacing her. That is the background idea behind this series of stories. Their journey together will finally end with them finding the Letters Group.
            Here we are at the end of Part Five and we're still not finished. This story has gone way beyond anything I had imagined. But I hope to get Part Six finished later this month and then we can move on to other stories from other writers.

            The first two scenes in this part, Raymond and Nina; Brittany's Sex Party, were originally planned to be included much earlier in this story but got shifted back as other scenes were written. In fact, at one point, I even considered dropping the Raymond and Nina section but others convinced me to leave it in. While these two scenes show a negative side of Simon's journey, they show that there are ups and downs in everyone's life so why not with our fictional characters too. This is not the first time these negative events have happened in this blog. (Go see Story 274 Part Two. Chiharu and Kenshin Join the Group..)
            I then moved on to the events leading to Simon and Deanna joining the Letters Group. My problem was that many of these events had already been covered in earlier stories. My first intention was to finish this whole story when Simon and Deanna went to the Nude Camp and say the rest was history from then on but then I thought I could take these stories and blend them towards how Deanna and Simon would have seen them. Yes, I know it is a bit of a repeat and I admit, some sections were copied from these earlier stories but I think it is important to include them here as they are an important part of this journey.
            In this section, we see more of the children. This is something we need to handle carefully as after all, this is a sex story in a sexy blog. But the camp is a nude family camp and there were children at the camp at the lakes too. Nudity and children are also part of our real life here on our farm. But there must be a sharp line between nudity and adult games. I allowed this line to be blurred a bit during the Bullrush games but again there was no sex with children, just getting a bit naughty between adults. Our policy with this blog is - no sex with anyone under 18. Sure, the legal age is 16 in New Zealand, but I believe in keeping at age 18 for the purpose of these stories.

            In Part Six, we will cover the second time, Deanna and Simon swing with members of the Letters Group before we move back to Shanti's house for two final events. First, they are invited to join the group and second they attend their first sex party with the group.
            In this part I and still thinking about including a sex scene that will feature Rachael since by now she must be around 19 or 20 and is sexually active with her boyfriends. My partner suggests that Simon and Deanna suddenly discover their daughter fucking one or more of the younger guys on the other side of the pool. A possibility but no promises with that, it hasn't been written as I write this here.
            Finally, I want to thank everyone for their help and support while I wrote this huge story. I also want to thank all our readers for your patience and feedback too.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 293.

Tuesday 27 December 2022

Story 292 Sexy Weekend B - Simon's Story Part Four.

Index of Letters                  Story 292 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 291.

Forward to Story 293.

Explanation from the Writers.

        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife and Deanna was his second wife. In Part One, Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the nude camping at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Part Two is where we followed what happened after Simon's divorce was finalised and he married Deanna. Then in Part Three, we read where Simon and Deanna decide to take their friends away for a Sexy Weekend. Now, this is Part Four which came about when the sexy weekend grew too big to fit on one page. Finally, we will get to Part Five where we learn how Simon and Deanna came to join the Letters Group. Hope all that makes sense.

        It must be mentioned that while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. This is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on real people other than the use of their names.
        Ayaka and Susan.

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Threesome Night Two.
(Friday Evening.)

Hello, from Deanna.
        That night I had so much to tell that I took a break and promised to continue the following evening. What you will be reading now is from my second night when I continued the story about my husband's sexual journey. When we decided to write it for the Letters Books, I added a lot more detail, getting others to help me along the way too. Hope you are still enjoying Simon's story.

Story 292 Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 292.

Kia ora from Anne.

            Here we are again, publishing Part Four of this story. As has been said, it's become something much bigger than I intended, but who cares as long as it works. After this will be Part Five, the final Part of this story. Then it is our intention to pick up with that large group whom we have left at that camping ground near Rotorua.
            Sorry about the delay in getting this Part published but it turned out to be extremely difficult to write. Regular readers will have heard us say that sex scenes are among the most difficult scenes to write, well this part is almost completely sex scenes, plus it was longer than our usual stories. This is because the story here is about a group away at the holiday house for a sexy weekend. A sexy weekend means lots of sex. That's what they went there for. Also, we explored some aspects of sex that were a bit new for this blog, again more difficult to write.

            During this Part, our focus moved off Simon and Deanna a bit as we allowed other characters to explore some of their fantasy and new sexual experiences. Reen, the young Indian woman has played a major role in this part. We've brought Sophie and Olivia back for more fun and added a gay couple, Graham and Gerald. We have no intention of using these characters after this story but they will always be there for some writer to pick up again at some future date.
            As has been mentioned above, the central theme of this Part is group sex. Three couples have gone to that island house for a weekend of sex. While they are there a lesbian couple and a gay couple join in. I'm not sure how likely gays and lesbians are willing to become bi but for the purpose of this story but they did.
            Perhaps, you could call that the theme of this Part, young wives getting taken out of their normal comfort zone to experience new sexual activities in a sexy and exciting weekend holiday.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 292.

Friday 25 November 2022

Story 291 Sexy Weekend A - Simon's Story Part Three.

Index of Letters                  Story 291 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 290

Forward to Story 292.

Explanation from the Writers.

        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife and Deanna was his second wife. In Part One, Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Part Two is where we follow what happened after Simon's divorce was finalised and he married Deanna. Now, this is Part Three where Simon and Deanna decide to take their sexually swinging friends away for a Sexy Weekend. This story will spill over and be completed in Part Four before we get to Part Five where we learn how Simon and Deanna came to join the Letters Group. Hope all that makes sense.

        Finally, while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. This is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on real people other than the use of their names.
        Ayaka and Susan.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆

An Island Sex Weekend.
(A Few Weeks Before.)

Hello, from Deanna.
        It all began that night at Simon’s house when Deanna invited two couples for the evening. Both couples, Brett and Rita; Joshua and Reen had become friends whom they’d done partner swaps with, a few times. Now Deanna had invited them both at the same time, she had an idea that she wanted to present to them. Dinner had been good and over the meal, the two couples, who had never met before got to know each other better.
        Everyone seemed to be getting on well. Things were so relaxed between them that when they came to enjoy some drinks in the spa pool, no one was concerned about bathing suits, just happy being naked. There was no going away to get changed. Deanna had provided six towels and placed them beside the pool. Everyone had just walked out onto the deck and stripped off in front of each other.
        That was a bit sexy, especially for the two women, but they really didn't have any trouble with it. Reen, in particular, was conscious of her nudity. But she had come a long way from that evening when she had shyly dropped her robe and quickly slipped down under the water to hide her nakedness. Now she was among the first to strip and stood there naked waiting until everyone else joined her.
        She caught the other man, Brett, checking her out too but then a quick glance at her husband showed he was checking out Rita's naked body too. But Reen didn't mind, she'd noticed Brett's cock too. A nice one. She had even considered what it might look like hard and feel like in her pussy. That was a sexy thought!
        Once naked, everyone just stepped into the pool, happy to sink into the warm water because of the cool of the evening. Rita and Reen noticed Deanna had sat beside Simon, so they were happy to find a place beside their own husbands. No one, other than perhaps Deanna and Simon knew just what was going to happen or how far they would be going that evening, but everyone had considered the possibility that their nudity might lead to sex and were Ok with the idea.
        It was then that Deanna presented her plan.

Story 291 Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 291.

Hello from Anne.

            This story has grown and developed far beyond what I had originally intended. It is now obvious we will be expanding into a fifth part. But then, does it really matter how big this story is as long as it remains interesting for you, our loyal readers. I am still maintaining the pretence that this is a story told by Deanna at the camp near Rotorua but this is getting more difficult as the story spreads over more parts. But then, as many have told me, it is the story rather than a tight fit into the background storyline that is more important to them.

            The trip to the holiday house was never part of my story but when I got the idea it sort of exploded to become a significant part of the story. At first, I was unsure about returning to this house since I'd already used it in Part Two but now we had new characters where the intention was to have fun and take these two couples from swinging to group sex.
            Later, I came up with the idea of using Sophie and Olivia as well. This opened up some new possibilities for sex scenes and fun. Where Olivia had been only interested in women, I decided to allow her to play with the men. I wanted to develop a sex interest between Olivia and the Indian man, Joshua.
            Preparing for this sexy weekend was supposed to have been one evening at Simon and Deanna's house when they invited their friends for a sexy weekend. Later, I decided to add in the conversations these two couples had at home. This developed into Rita and Reen feeling nervous about this weekend as it gave me the chance to write about them overcoming their concerns and bravely joining in the sexual activities. The fishing trip and shopping trip were added in at this point to give Simon and Deanna an opportunity to encourage their friends.
            This part only covers the first half of the weekend until Friday evening. Part Four will complete this weekend with a few surprises.

            Finally, I wish to thank all those who have helped with this section. The delay in publishing was that I got a severe case of writer's block and it wasn't until others supported me by breaking what I had written into two parts that I was inspired to get going again. Thank you for your patience in waiting for this section to be completed.
            I hope you are enjoying this series, particularly this part. I am looking forward to publishing Part Four in a week or so.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 291.

Friday 23 September 2022

Story 290 Deanna - Simon's Story Part Two.

Index of Letters                  Story 290 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 289.

Forward to Story 291.

Explanation from the Writers.

        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife and Deanna was his second wife. In Part One, Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the nude camping at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Now here is part two where we follow what happened when Simon's divorce was finalised and he married Deanna. After this, there will be the third part and perhaps even Part Four, where we learn how Simon and Deanna came to join the Letters Group.

        Finally, while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. This is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on real people other than the use of their names.
Ayaka and Susan.

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Deanna – Their Relationship Begins.

Hello, from Deanna.
        My story continues as I told it that evening in Rotorua but now I am telling it as if the Deanna (me) in the story was another person. Shanti says this will work better for the story. So here we go with Part Two.
        When Simon had all that disappointment, worry and stress as his marriage and relationship with Brittany disintegrated, there was one person who stood beside him all the way through. She seemed to understand and was sympathetic to what he was going through. Her name was Deanna, his secretary and PA (personal assistant).
        Deanna had been one of his original employees when he established his company. This was her first and only job as she had come directly from school. Back then she had been his ‘do any and everything’ person but now her role had become much more defined, working directly with him as he ran his ever-expanding company.

Story 290 Background Notes.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 290.

Hello from Anne.

            As we pick up where Part One left off, we find Simon's marriage with Brittany is over and he has married Deanna. She is a contrast to Brittany, more outgoing and adventurous. Being a redhead, a bit hot-tempered too. But she is good for Simon, loves him and supports him. It seems like she's loved him for a long time and when Brittany gave her a chance she grabbed him.
            This story takes us through a series of sexual adventures as Simon and Deanna explore outside of their relationship. The difference here is that they are doing it together, not cheating like Brittany had done. Yes, it seems like a series of unrelated sexual adventures but they will come together again in Part Three so hang in there guys.
            You might have noticed, there has been a delay in getting this story written and published. Partly this was due to the complex nature of this story and partly this was due to me being involved in another writing project with Allan snr and Susan. Anyway, you all know our policy is to wait until the story is completed to our satisfaction before we release it.
            Some have told me that I should have written Simon to be stronger in his dealing with women. They say he allowed Brittany to walk all over him and now he is doing the same with Deanna. I strongly disagree. Simon didn't put up with what Brittany was doing but he had to be careful not to do anything that would affect the divorce settlement. His Lawyer warned him not to do anything stupid. Here, in this Part, I feel the same with Simon still being the true power behind an outgoing Deanna.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Story 290.

Thursday 8 September 2022

Story 289 Brittany - Simon's Story Part One.

Index of Letters                  Story 289 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 288.

Forward to Story 290.

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Brittany – Simon’s Ex-wife.

Hello from Shanti.
        I will only be doing an introduction for this story, Deanna will continue telling it, much as she told us that night in Taupo. My only claim to fame is that I started it off by asking about Simon’s first wife.

Let me explain: -
        It was getting late in the evening when we were staying in the motel/campground near Rotorua that our friends owned. We had first met them when we were touring with friends and stayed at another motel they owned near Waitomo. This new motel suited our larger group and we had booked most of the place for a week. This meant more privacy, nude swimming in the swimming pool and swapping between rooms whenever we wanted.
        So, getting back to the story, it was the late evening of the second to last night before we returned to Auckland. We were sitting in a lounge area that we had booked with the rooms. The kids had gone to bed hours ago and many of the adults had paired off too. Not necessarily with their spouse either. We were talking about places we could go after we had done our touring and got back to Auckland.
        Simon mentioned that his first wife owned a holiday home on Waiheke Island. He thought she might be willing to let us use it. While it was a good idea, we decided against it as in the end, it was only a holiday house, too small for the large group we had. But the thought stuck in my mind that Deanna was Simon’s second wife.
        “I didn’t know you were married before, Simon?” I asked him.
        “Yes, I was married to a woman called Brittany, before I married Deanna.”
        “What happened? If you don’t mind me asking,” I said.
        Straight away, I could see he did mind. Realising I’d put my foot in it I tried to say sorry and back out of the conversation.
        “No! No!, Shanti, it is Ok,” Simon replied. “I don’t mind you hearing the story. You are our friends, now. It’s just that, I’m not sure I can tell you myself. Deanna knows what happened, she’ll tell you.”
        I was surprised at that. I still wanted to drop the subject, but I think Simon wanted it to continue, so we all grabbed ourselves another drink and settled down to listen.
        It was quite a story. I once met Britany but didn’t realize her relationship with Simon. She lives in the apartment above his business, I didn’t know she was his ex.
                That's it from me. Now others are going to tell this story.

Story 289 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 289.

Hello from Shandra.

        You will have noticed that recently Anne has been experimenting with different writing styles and themes. She wanted to try a story where the wife openly had a sexual relationship against her husband's agreement. Brittany basically told Simon she was having an affair and 'live with it.' So Anne wrote this story, not intending to include it in this blog. When we read it we all thought it was good and wanted it included here. Susan and I were given the task of trying to fit it into the Letters Series.
        That was a problem because this story really doesn't fit. We considered placing it as a separate story in the links at the top. A story completely unrelated to the main story of this blog but many didn't like that idea so it was finally decided to include it here. We had to change the names and a few other details but the story is mostly exactly how Anne wrote it.
        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife, Brittany and Deanna was his second wife. Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife then she goes on to tell her own story with Simon. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the nude camping at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua, it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Yes, this is confusing, and not an easy fit with the Letters Stories, so just enjoy this story and the next two parts that follow as a one-off.
        Finally, while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. As always, this is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on the real people other than the use of their names.
Ayaka and Susan.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                         Shandra and Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 289.

Tuesday 23 August 2022

Story 288 Couple Swapping and Other Fun.

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Story 288 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 288.

Hello from Mary.
            When it came to the sex scenes in this story, I realised I had no idea what two gay men would do. Two men lived next door who were openly gay so I decided to ask them for help. They were a bit cautious at first, perhaps nervous about revealing so much of their private sex life. But they agreed to come when I offered to cook dinner for them. I'm going to let one of them tell you what happened that evening.

Hello from Glen.
            When our next-door neighbour approached me about this writing thing, I was wondering what was going on. She said she wanted to know what it was like to be gay. Well, she came to the right person there because I am gay, living with my male partner on the smaller block of land that my family once owned. I knew Mary fairly well too since I'd grown up living next door to them.
            She invited us for dinner and we went over, wondering what was going on. After a lovely dinner, (this woman sure knows how to cook,) Mary got down to the reason for our visit. She showed us this website and told us she was trying to write a story about the first time two men had sex together. The three of us talked about this for quite some time until we came to the conclusion that for the first time, two men would most likely just do blow-jobs on each other.
            She seemed very interested in what we did so we told her a lot more than we would usually reveal about our life together. She had lots of questions so finally, my partner offered to show her. He didn't mean we'd do it, just joking really but she called our bluff and wanted to see. So we went into the bedroom and began stripping. I said, 'You must get naked too, Mary.' It was partly a joke but her reply was, 'Of course.' And she began stripping.
            While we lay on the bed doing this 69 on our sides, Mary, who had got naked too, sat in a chair watching us. Soon I noticed she was rubbing her pussy while squeezing a nipple. Suddenly I heard her cum. Getting herself off while watching us. That was sexy! Turned us on too, knowing someone was enjoying watching. I think she might have cum another couple of times before we finished.
            When Mary finished her story, she asked us over for another meal so we could read it. I was surprised to see Susan there too. It seemed she had a part in writing this story.
            Both of us liked what she wrote although perhaps I might have done it a bit differently. But, it was her story and now it is ready to publish. I'm not sure how that works, something to do with Anne who owns this blog it seems. Can't wait to read it again once it is published.
            The final surprise came when she invited us to write these background notes. I can't claim credit for all of what you read here, it was the combined efforts of the three of us sitting at the table after dinner. Mary is a very accomplished writer and with her help, we completed this page in one evening.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Mary, Glen and Wayne. (Susan helped too.)

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 276.

Wednesday 3 August 2022

Story 287 Robert and Rebecca.

Index of Letters                         Story 287 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 286.   

Forward to Story 288.

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Sarvesh and Shanti’s Group.

Hello from Robert.
        This story-writing thing was a worry for us. Both of us aren’t good writers and had never attempted anything near the scale of this before. But with a lot of help from our new friends, we got it done and since we are both happy with the final result, we have agreed to it being published.
        So, let’s get on with it. Here is our story.

        In case you don’t recognise the name above, I am Robert, my wife, Rebecca and I own the holiday park where all of you stayed while touring in the Rotorua area. When Sarvesh contacted us about using our facilities again both of us were excited. Looking forward to seeing all of you again. We were surprised when we were told there would be a lot more of you this time but since he had booked well in advance, we were easily able to accommodate everyone. Our motel/holiday park near Rotorua is much bigger than the hotel we owned near Waitomo.
        The property we had brought was under development when the investors went bankrupt. It was going for a price we could afford from the sale of our other property but we still needed a hefty mortgage to get the project finished. After a few years of very hard yakka, the project was almost complete. There are just a few more cabins to be finished, work my builder son and I could do ourselves as we get time.
        Now we have a variety of accommodation options from motel units to smaller or larger self-contained cabins. There are also powered or unpowered camp sits for caravans and motor homes or tents. There is a stream that runs down one side of the property and private grounds surrounded by trees where our guests would feel comfortable. Perfect location for a nude resort.
        One of the biggest benefits we have with this property came about when we discovered some of the trees were dying up in the hilly section at the back. When we investigated, we discovered that the ground around the trees was very warm. A few days later, water appeared, and we realised we had a hot water spring. Since we were outside the Rotorua City Water Control Area, we were free to exploit this as we liked. A steady flow of steaming hot water had quickly developed which meant we could have hot water in the pools. An installed pipe was run from the springs down to the camp. We installed six spa pools and two very hot pools for small social groups. The water flowed from these pools into our two existing large pools making them tepid as well. This was a huge thing for our business as it meant we were busy most of the year.