Friday 25 November 2022

Story 291 Sexy Weekend A - Simon's Story Part Three.

Index of Letters                  Story 291 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 290

Forward to Story 292.

Explanation from the Writers.

        In the Letters Books, Simon and Deanna go right back to an earlier story where they met Mike and Shanti while at a nude camp. (See Story 81 - Nude Bull Rush.) While it isn't mentioned in that earlier story, we've mentioned here that Simon had a first wife and Deanna was his second wife. In Part One, Deanna explains by telling the story of what happened with Brittany, Simon's first wife. Of course, you will realise that this story must have taken place years before at about the same time as the events in our early letters. Roxanne, the young child mentioned in this story is the same age as Kathy so at the Holiday Camp in Rotorua it could be that now she had become sexually active if any other writer wants to pick up on that.
        Part Two is where we follow what happened after Simon's divorce was finalised and he married Deanna. Now, this is Part Three where Simon and Deanna decide to take their sexually swinging friends away for a Sexy Weekend. This story will spill over and be completed in Part Four before we get to Part Five where we learn how Simon and Deanna came to join the Letters Group. Hope all that makes sense.

        Finally, while some of the names used in this story are the names of some of our friends, this does not mean they are like the characters featured here. This is a work of fiction and should be treated like that with no reflection on real people other than the use of their names.
        Ayaka and Susan.

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An Island Sex Weekend.
(A Few Weeks Before.)

Hello, from Deanna.
        It all began that night at Simon’s house when Deanna invited two couples for the evening. Both couples, Brett and Rita; Joshua and Reen had become friends whom they’d done partner swaps with, a few times. Now Deanna had invited them both at the same time, she had an idea that she wanted to present to them. Dinner had been good and over the meal, the two couples, who had never met before got to know each other better.
        Everyone seemed to be getting on well. Things were so relaxed between them that when they came to enjoy some drinks in the spa pool, no one was concerned about bathing suits, just happy being naked. There was no going away to get changed. Deanna had provided six towels and placed them beside the pool. Everyone had just walked out onto the deck and stripped off in front of each other.
        That was a bit sexy, especially for the two women, but they really didn't have any trouble with it. Reen, in particular, was conscious of her nudity. But she had come a long way from that evening when she had shyly dropped her robe and quickly slipped down under the water to hide her nakedness. Now she was among the first to strip and stood there naked waiting until everyone else joined her.
        She caught the other man, Brett, checking her out too but then a quick glance at her husband showed he was checking out Rita's naked body too. But Reen didn't mind, she'd noticed Brett's cock too. A nice one. She had even considered what it might look like hard and feel like in her pussy. That was a sexy thought!
        Once naked, everyone just stepped into the pool, happy to sink into the warm water because of the cool of the evening. Rita and Reen noticed Deanna had sat beside Simon, so they were happy to find a place beside their own husbands. No one, other than perhaps Deanna and Simon knew just what was going to happen or how far they would be going that evening, but everyone had considered the possibility that their nudity might lead to sex and were Ok with the idea.
        It was then that Deanna presented her plan.

        "Reen, do you remember telling us you would like to see or maybe even try, a threesome?" Deanna began. "Are you still interested in that?"
        "Well, yes," Reen replied, a bit surprised that the subject of her fantasy had come up as she had considered it a bit personal. "I might if I knew the people.”
        She was suddenly realizing that this might be where the evening was going.
        "What about with us here? Would you be comfortable?"
        "Yes, maybe," Reen replied. "Do you mean tonight?"
        Suddenly she was thinking about where this might go tonight. Would they be having sex? Would she get to fuck this man she had only just met? But Deanna had said a threesome. Two men at once! There were three men here!
        "No not tonight. We're thinking about a weekend away. A friend has a large holiday house on Waiheke Island. We could go there for a whole weekend. Just the six of us."
        "That sounds like fun," Rita said.
        "Yes," Simon agreed. "We can also fulfil your fantasy, Rita."
        "Me!" Rita said, surprised. "My fantasy?"
        "Yes. Remember you told us you would like to try a nude beach," Simon explained. "You said Brett would like to see you like that. Well, there is a private beach below the house."
        "Oh, that's good. Would many people be there?" Rita said.
        "Only a few. Just the local few houses have access." Deanna explained. "But Brett would still see you naked in front of some strangers you don't know."
        Rita smiled at that. She knew that was his fantasy as much as hers. She would be able to do it for him. She looked over at her husband and he smiled. Yes, he was happy with that.
        "You mean, we would be naked on a beach?" Reen asked.
        “That’s the idea, Reen.”
        “Other people would be seeing to us?”
        "Yes," Deanna replied. "Are you happy with that?"
        "Well, I'm not sure. I've never done that before."
        Suddenly Deanna realised this was something they hadn't planned for. She quickly thought of a plan to make it easier for Reen.
        "This is Rita and Brett's fantasy. If you don't feel comfortable, Reen, you can wear a bikini or go topless. If you do decide to join us naked, the people there will not know you, so none of your friends will know."
        "Oh," Reen said, looking a bit relieved. "I'll wear the bikini bottom and if I feel like it, I can take it away."
        “If everyone is feeling bold, there is another nude beach on the island. More public with a lot more naked people. Going there is a lot more daring.”
        “See what I’m like on the first beach, Simon. But a more public beach does sound exciting,” Rita said with a nervous giggle."
        "So that is our plan for a sexy weekend," Deanna began. "I know it's a big step for you guys so why don't you go home and talk about it. Swap phone numbers too so you can discuss this. Remember it will take you into things you've never tried before. Something exciting and something new."
        She looked around at the two couples before she finished, "Think about it and let us know what you decide in a few days. Then we can get on and arrange for the house for a weekend.
        It sort of ended the evening at that point. Both couples agreed to think over and discuss this sexy weekend idea. They promised to let Simon and Deanna know in a few days.

Rita and Brett Talk.

        The next morning, Rita and Brett sat down to talk over the idea Simon and Deanna had put to them. They were excited by the idea but still a bit shocked.
        "What do you think about last night?" Brett asked.
        "It was a nice night. But that idea of the sexy weekend was a surprise."
        "Yes, it was. How do you feel about it?"
        "I'm fine with swapping with Joshua or Simon. I like them both but they said they want a threesome. Never done that before."
        "Those two men at the same time, I'm sure you'll like that."
        Rita smiled at that. Yes, it did seem like a hot idea. But what about the other stuff? What else would the group sex involve?
        "I'm not sure what else they might want to do?" Rita said.
        "I was thinking that too."
        "Maybe we should just go and see what happens, Brett. It sounds sexy and might be a lot of fun."

        They had come to a standpoint. Both of them were interested in this sex weekend but both of them weren't sure about going. It wasn't about swinging. They were comfortable with that with Simon and Deanna. They had even considered it with Brett and Rita.
        But it was this group sex thing. They were interested but just not sure if they should go.
        Suddenly, Rita's phone rang.

Reen and Joshua Talk.

        At about the same time on Saturday morning, Joshua was also talking with his wife Reen.
        "Well, last night was different," Joshua said.
        "Yes, but I enjoyed meeting those new people."
        "What about you getting naked in the spa pool. You were the first to strip off."
        She giggled at that.
        "I didn't think about it at the time. It just seemed natural to undress there to get into the pool. It was only then that I realised I was nude."
        "You looked hot too. Even Brett was looking at you."
        "Yeah, I know. I saw him looking," Reen replied.
        "You didn't mind?"
        "No, not really. There wasn't much I could do, I was naked already. Anyway, I've been naked in front of Simon quite a few times so it was just like like that."
        "But usually when we are naked with Simon and Deanna we are going to have sex. Were you thinking about that with Brett?"
        "Yes," Reen replied, her voice almost a whisper. "I did think about fucking him."
        Then she looked at her husband and said, "I saw you looking at Rita too. Do you want to fuck her?"
        "I was thinking about it. She's a nice lady. I'd like to try with her if you're ok with it."
        "I think you also want her big tits too," Reen laughed.
        "Just like you want his cock," Joshua shot back at her.
        "Yes," she admitted. "That one too."

        They both sipped on their coffee. Each with their own thoughts about the evening before and fucking this new couple they had only just met.
        "So what should we do about their idea of the weekend?" Joshua asked.
        "It sounds like a sexy idea. Might be a lot of fun," Reen replied.
        "So, you want to go then?"
        "I'm not sure, Josh. It's going to be sexy and they said there might be some stuff we've never done."
        "Yeah, threesomes and things. There is also that nude beach too."
        "I know," Reen said with a nervous giggle. "That might be too much."
        "Well, they did say we should only do what we're comfortable with," Joshua replied.
        "I know. But I think that if we commit to go then it's expected we'll join in with everything," Reen said.
        Josh just nodded his head at that.

        Both were silent for a few minutes.
        "Why don't we ring Brett and Rita. See what they want to do?" Reen suggested.
        "Have you got their number?"
        "Yes, Rita gave me her mobile number."
        "Ok," Joshua agreed.

The Two Couples Talk on the Phone.

        "Hello," said Rita as she answered her phone.
        "Hi, Rita. It's Reen here. Are you able to talk?"
        "Yes, Reen. I can talk now."
        "Is Brett there too? Joshua is listening here."
        "Yes, he is here. I'm on speaker."

        "What do you two think about this weekend away idea," Reen asked.
        "It's a sexy idea and going to that island together would be fun."
        "What about all the sex they are proposing?"
        "Yes, we were just talking about that. It could be exciting, trying new things but I'm a bit worried too," Rita replied.
        "So are we. Partly we want to go and enjoy all the fun and partly I'm a bit scared," Reem said.
        "Brett wants to go so we are thinking about trying it. Simon and Deanna are nice people. I'm sure they won't let anything bad happen."
        Suddenly, Reen made up her mind. She knew Joshua was keen to go. "If you are going, we can too," she said.
        Rita looked at her husband and he nodded his head.
        "I'm in," the other couple heard him say.
        "Me too," Joshua replied.
        "And I'm in too," Rita said.
        "I can go too," Reen agreed.
        Quickly, it was agreed that they would allow Joshua to say, yes, for all of them. And for a while, the conversation moved to speculate about what might happen over the weekend but really they didn't have much idea other than what Deanna had told them the night before.

        Later that Saturday morning when the phone rang, Deanna and Simon were sitting, having a late breakfast.
        "Hello," Simon answered.
        "Hi, Simon. It is Joshua here. We've been talking about the sex weekend. We want to come if your offer is still open."
        "Oh! Great!" Simon replied. "I'll get on to Brittany and arrange a weekend when the house is free."
        "We talked with Brett and Rita. They said to tell you they will be coming too."
        "That's good," Simon said. "It's going to be a fun sexy weekend."
        "We think so too," Joshua said.
        "Just remember that you don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with."
        "We know that, Simon. But I think Reen and I will be open to trying most things."
        That was how the call ended as Simon turned to give Deanna a hug. Yes, it was going to be fun with those two couples.

        So that was their plan. Both couples had agreed to join Simon and Deanna for what he called,  ‘a sexy threesome weekend.’ Or ‘a sexy weekend’ you could say.
        As things were discussed over the next few days, the idea began to grow on everybody and the weekend became a bit longer. The final plan was to go early on Thursday and then come back Monday afternoon.

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Last Chance to Chicken Out.
(Saturday Before.)

Fishing Trip.

        It was early Saturday morning, the weekend before the trip to the island. Simon wanted to spend time with the two men and so he invited them to go fishing with him. Out on the water, a few beers and the fish biting had them all in a good mood.
        "You guys ready for next weekend?" he asked his two friends.
        "Yeah, I think so," Brett replied as Joshua nodded his agreement too.
        "What about your wives?" Simon asked.
        "I'm not sure about Reen," Joshua said. "She's keen to go but worried about what she's getting into."
        "Tell her nothing will happen to her she doesn't want. There is a safe word and she doesn't have to do anything she isn't comfortable with."
        "I've told her that but she still thinks there will be an expectation for her to join in."
        "No, it doesn't work like that. Deanna would never allow your wives to get hurt. In fact, she is talking with them right now I would think. They are going out on a shopping trip this morning."
        "Yes, Keen told me she was. Thanks for your advice Simon," Joshua said.
        Simon nodded. He didn't think he did that much.
        "What about Rita?" Simon asked Brett.
        "Much the same as Reen, I would say," Brett replied.
        "You guys are good friends of ours. Special in that we swing and swap wives together. Deanna and I want this weekend to go well. Our goal here is to open things up so all six of us can enjoy sex in a group. We won't let anything happen that will ruin that friendship."
        Simon stopped to think for a moment. " It looks like the two women might need a bit of help when we get to the island. I'm counting on you guys to be there for your wives. I'm sure they will surprise themselves and us, with what they'll do. But we need to be gentle with them. Little steps, allow them to push their comfort zones at their own pace. So don't push them or make them feel it's expected they'll join in everything. Just encourage them. As their husbands, you can help them a lot. Tell them how sexy you think they are and how proud you are of them."
        The two men nodded to say they were listening and agreed with Simon.
        "But I think once they get there, the girls will both settle into the fun," Simon continued.
        "I am hoping they will have a great time and come home bursting with sexual energy and excitement," Joshua said. "Which will be good for us too," he added.
        "I think so too," Simon agreed. "But why don't you test them tonight? Do a fantasy session about next weekend and see how they respond."
        When both men grinned, Simon added. "One or two orgasms under their belt might be helpful before they get to the island. Josh, make your fantasy about a threesome for Reen. Brett and I with her. Make sure you include that you are watching and enjoying her show. I think she might feel safer knowing you are there."
        Joshua nodded that he would try it.
        "Brett, make Rita's fantasy about getting naked on the beach. Other men, strangers looking at her naked body. Make sure you add in how sexy she looks and how turned on you are at seeing her display herself."
        Both men were smiling now. They could both see where Simon was going with this.
        Simon asked them, "Text me tomorrow when you get a chance and let me know how it goes. If your wife responds well then start to build her up for the weekends. A couple more fantasy sessions won't do any harm. It will build up her expectations. Tell her you are looking forward to the weekend and looking forward to seeing and enjoying the fun."
        "Thanks, Simon," Joshua said. "I'm sure this weekend will be a big success."
        "We'll help you guys," Brett added. "Help make sure everyone has a great time."
        As he fired up the motor and started for home, Simon was happy. This fishing trip had been a big success. Not only had they each brought home a good feed of fish but they had also set things up for the sex weekend to be a big success too. He knew that the men would help get their wives on board but he also knew that it would help with any doubts Josh and Brett might have too.

Shopping Trip.

        When Deanna heard that Simon planned to take Brett and Joshua fishing, she decided to spend time with Rita and Reen. Saturday morning they arranged to meet at the mall for some shopping and lunch.
        "What are we shopping for?" Keen asked, still a bit confused about what this was all about.
        "First, I think since we are going to give the guys a good time next weekend, we deserve new bikinis. Sexy ones, daring to turn the guys on."
        Both women giggled at that. They liked the idea of wearing something hot and sexy for the men.
        "Then we need to buy some sarongs. This will be our dress code for the weekend. Just wearing a sarong around our waist. Bare up top with nothing underneath."
        "Ready to strip for action?" Rita asked.
        "Exactly," Deanna said. "You've got the idea. Perhaps you could wear the weekend dress code for your husbands tonight. Might earn you some fun in bed."
        Again the two women giggled, knowing exactly what Deanna meant.

        Buying the bikinis was fun. Sorting through a shop full of them, looking for something sexy and daring. Then came the trying on and modelling for each other. By the time they had selected and brought bikinis that were far bolder than Rita or Reen would have ever dared to wear, all three women were feeling horny.
        Buy the sarongs came next. These were all one size so didn't need trying on other than Deanna wearing one over her clothes to show the two other women how to wear it.

        Over lunch, the subject of the weekend came up and both women admitted to Deanna they were a bit nervous.
        "There is nothing to worry about," Deanna reassured them. "There will be swapping with the men which you have both done before. A threesome will mean you'll have two men to please you or you might join with another of us women to please a man. It will be fucking, maybe doggy style while you give a blow-job to the other guy.
        "Will there be any fucking in the arse?" Rita asked.
        "There might be if you want it. Have either of you tried it before?"
        Both women nodded that they had.
        "Now one thing men always like to see is two women together. Making love to each other."
        "I've never tried that," Reen said.
        "Would you, if you had the chance?" Deanna asked.
        "I would like to but I wouldn't know where to start," Rita said.
        "It is not that hard. Just do to the women what you like having done to you and play it by ear from there. I can promise you, it won't be long before you find yourself with a very horny man again."
        "Will we all be together?" Reen asked.
        "I would think so. It's more fun that way. You guys up for that?" Deanna asked.
        "Yes," Reen said and Rita agreed too.
        "Ok, let's go get some lunch. And don't worry about the weekend. It will be a lot of fun. But I better warn you, you might be walking funny when you get back home.
        That made the two wives giggle again. They were both thinking about all the sex they were going to get.

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Testing the Two Wives.
(Saturday Night Before.)

Reen's Fantasy Sex.

        That afternoon when Joshua returned home he had a medium size snapper with him. When Reen saw the fish she quickly suggested a fish curry for dinner. While Joshua went out to clean and cut the fish up, Reen began making preparations in the kitchen.
        Soon Josh was back watching her drop the fresh snapper pieces into the steaming curry mixture. It smelt great and made him hungry.
        Reen looked over at him and said, "You smell of fish, go have a shower while I finish up here."
        She saw the grin on his face as he left. As soon as he had gone, she began stripping. Off came her T-shirt and bra, to be quickly followed by her shorts and panties. Then taking the sarong from the drawer she had hidden it in, she wrapped it around her waist.
        When she heard, Josh had returned to the dining table, she walked out with the steaming bowl of curry. She smiled at the shocked look on his face when he saw her.
        "Dress code for us women next weekend," she replied.
        "Well, bring it on, then!"
        "It gets even better, honey," Reen told him. "We'll be wearing nothing under this."
        "Are you now?" Josh asked.
        "I'm not telling," she grinned. Jumping back as he reached for her. "You can find out yourself after dinner."

        After dinner, Joshua was getting ready to clean up and Reen told him to dump the dishes in the sink. They would do them in the morning. That was a surprise. Reen always wanted the kitchen left spotless after a meal.
        "Let's go to the bed," she whispered to him. "Want to know what I'm wearing nothing under this?"
        "Oh, wow!"
        He jumped up to follow her, watching as the sarong came loose and dropped to the floor. Suddenly he found himself admiring her sexy brown arse as she led him to the bedroom.
        "I'm wearing nothing under this," she laughed.

        Reen was riding him as he knew it was a way she liked.
        "Next weekend you have three cocks to play with."
        "Mmmm!" she said.
        "You'll get two men to please you. Simon and Brett."
        "One in your wet cunt and the other in your mouth."
        He knew she never used that word but liked it when they fucked.
        "Mmmm!" Reen replied, beginning to move faster."
        "Simon is going to call Change! Then they will change. The cock from your pussy will be in your mouth.
        "Oh! I didn't think that one."
        "You can taste the juice from your pussy on his cock."
        He knew she was getting close now.
        "Two men. One in your cunt and one in your mouth."
        "I'm going to join you now. Feel my cock going into your arse."
        "Oh! Three...!
        "Yes, three men fucking you. One in each hole."
        "Oh! Oh! I am..."
        "You are close. So good! So hot! You are going to cum."
        "Three men... Fucking you... In your mouth... In your cunt... In your arse... All at once!"
        "Oh!" Reen moaned, her whole body shaking as she cum.
        It was a big one! Huge. She lost control and fell forward onto Josh as he gave a few pumps to finish himself off.

        They were laying together in the afterglow of their sex.
        "Will it be like that? You know, with three men at once?" Reen asked.
        "It might be. Would you want it?"
        "I think that is so hot!"
        Joshua smiled to himself. Yes, she was ready. This was going to be a great weekend for both of them.

Rita's Fantasy Sex.

        Rita cooked a lovely meal with the fresh fish that Brett had brought home. When Brett returned from his shower he found her setting up the table. What hit him immediately was what she was wearing. There was a blue/green sarong wrapped around her waist and she wore a tiny blue bikini up top. He's never seen that bikini before. It must be new.
        "I have three courses for you tonight. Pawns cooked in garlic butter as a starter, the fish you caught for main and a surprise dessert," Rita explained before she left for the kitchen.
        When she returned with the two plates of the starter, her sarong was gone. He could see the matching bikini bottom was just as tiny and revealing at the top. No, he'd never seen that bikini before and it looked totally hot on her.
        As they ate the small delicate dish, Brett couldn't keep his eyes off Rita's tits. That top was so tiny. He loved the way her breasts swelled out at the top. He could see the lump of her nipple, not very far under the covering of the top. He loved how her breasts moved as she moved. This top was so tiny that it could hardly contain and support her.
        She knew what he was looking at and was loving the attention.

        Now it was time for the main. Taking the starter dishes away, Rita returned with the mains. This time, her bikini top was gone, leaving her wearing just that tiny bikini bottom. A tiny triangle between her thighs.
        "Oh wow!" he said as he saw what she was wearing.
        She smile, delighted with the reaction she was getting. Deanna's plan was working well.
        The fresh snapper was delicious. Rita had left the flavoursome fish to speak for itself. Just a hint of salt and a dash of lemon to enhance the taste. The fish was accompanied by a salad on the side of the dish, giving a refreshing, slightly spicy addition to the dish.
        Again, Brett's attention was on his wife's tits. Sure he had seen them many times before, almost every day since they had been married. But having them bare at the dinner table was something different.

        Both of them enjoyed the meal, leaving their plates clean as they finished.
        "Now your special dessert," she said with a wicked smile.
        Taking the plates, Rita disappeared into the kitchen but to Brett's surprise, when she returned, all she was carrying was a small bowl of ice cream and another small bowl with what looked like jam.
        He also quickly noticed that now her bikini bottom was gone and she was naked. Going to the table she sat up on it with her legs wide open. The two bowls were placed on each side of her. "Come and get you dessert, honey," she said.
        Brett quickly moved his chair between her legs and he noticed how her legs came up to rest on his shoulders. With one hand she dipped her fingers in the ice cream and with the other hand, she took some jam, rubbing them both over the split-open lips of her pussy.
        "Enjoy your dessert," she whispered to him. "Hope it gives you energy for what I've got planned for you later."
        He went in with his tongue, licking the jam and ice cream off her pussy lips. As she applied more, rubbing over her pussy with her fingers, he was at work cleaning it all off. This was sure a sexy way to have dessert.
        But Brett wasn't the only one enjoying the dessert. Rita was loving it too. The cold of the ice cream, the stickiness of the jam and his licking tongue were working to bring her to an ever-heightened state of arousal. She knew it could only end one way. And when it hit her it was a big one. She cried out as she fell back on the table, knocking a few plates and bowls aside. Her pussy humped back at him and she bucked around so much that he had to hold her.
        When he looked up she was smiling at him. It had been a good one and he knew it. A great way to start their night of sex.
        Of course, after their activities at the dining table, they were both ready for some bedroom fun too.

        That sexy nightie Rita had worn especially for him had done its job and been cast aside on the floor. Now both of them were naked. Brett lay back and allowed Rita to work on him, first using her hand and then using her mouth. Quickly, she had him nice and hard, ready for her to take her favourite sexual position. She stretched a leg over him as she grasped his erect cock and guided him to her wet pussy. We a sigh of pleasure as she sunk down on top of him and took him deep inside her body. With practised ease, she began fucking him.
        As her body worked, giving pleasure to both of them, he was looking up at her. Watching her, watching how her breasts worked and moved in time with her body. That looked so sexy.
        She looked down and saw him looking. She knew what he was looking at and patted her breasts with both hands, an invitation for him to reach up and play. She gave a soft moan as she felt the way his hands touched her, feeling the weight of her larger breasts while his thumbs rubbed over her erect nipples.
        "You like looking don't you?" she asked.
        "I like looking at you naked. Naked like you'll be on the beach next weekend," Brett replied.
        "Mmmmm! I'm going to try that next week. The first time... Naked on a public beach."
        "Wear your bikini first. Then you can get naked."
        "I brought a new bikini today. The one I wore for you tonight."
        "Yes. that's the one. So tiny, so sexy. Your breasts almost spilling out, the bottom so tiny you have to shave some hair so you can wear it."
        "We're on the beach. I'm wearing that tiny bikini for you," Rita said.
        "Ohhh!" he said.
        "You like that don't you?"
        "Oh, I love it," he replied. "But so do others who are watching you."
        "Others?" she asked surprised. "Oh, others on the beach."
        "This is a nude beach. Everyone can see you in that sexy bikini but they're wondering if you'll take it off."
        "Ohhh!" Rita gasps. "I get naked too?"
        "Yes, strip your bikini off while people are watching you."
        He could feel her body shiver at the thought of that.
        "Which part will you take off first?"
        "My... Top... The bikini top."
        Brett could tell this was getting to her. "What are you showing now?" he asked. "Tell me."
        "My top... It is gone... Breasts bare... They are showing..."
        "They can see your lovely tits. But you're not finished yet, are you?"
        "No, my bottom comes off now," Rita said.
        "Take it off. We all want to see your pussy."
        "Ohh!" she gasped. "My bottom is off. I am naked now."
        "Good one, honey. You look great naked."
        She smiled at that. Happy he was enjoying this too.
        "Do you like those men looking at you?"
        "Yes!" she whispered. "I like it a lot!"
        "I like it too," Brett said.
        She just gave a soft moan in reply.

        "Now, lets go for a swim. So you can walk around and show off your beautiful naked body."
        Rita's body gave a tremble with pleasure. She was getting close now.
        "You like showing off naked, don't you? You like me watching you too."
        She gave another moan.
        "They are all watching you. They are looking at your body. Naked tits, naked pussy. You like them looking don't you?"
        "Oh! Oh! I want them to look... I want them to see me... See everything!"
        "But its going to get better, isn't it?"
        "How can it be better?" she asked.
        "After our swim you lay down on your towel. Lay on your back naked."
        "Yes, so they can see me," Rita added, catching on with the story.
        "There are people walking past. Looking up at your pussy. Open your legs a bit more."
        "Oh! They are looking... At my pussy... They can see... Everything!"
        "Yes, they can see your lips, open and wet!"
        "Oh fuck! I'm going to... Ahhhhh Cumming."
        Rita's body shook as her orgasm hit her. Her body jerked as she lost control a fell forward, her breasts crashing against his chest. As the surges of her orgasm swept through her, Brett gave a few more pumps into her pussy to finish himself off too.

        They were laying beside each other after what had been a wild and exciting session. Three different positions and more orgasms for both of them. After the final position and their last climax for the evening, they were laying there, enjoying the afterglow.
        Brett felt his wife take his hand with her hand.
        "I'm going to enjoy next weekend," she said.
        "So am I, honey," he replied.
        "I'm going to enjoy the nude beach too," she said. "It makes a difference knowing you'll be enjoying my exhibitionism as much as I do."
        "Of course, I will. You have a great body, Rita.
        "I'm going to get naked at that other beach too. The more public, busy one."
        "Oh wow! Are you sure you want to?"
        "If we go there, I'm going to get naked," Rita said firmly and Brett knew she meant it.
        "I'm going to love watching you showing it off. I will be there right with you, kitten."
        "Mmmm!" was all she replied as she rolled over to snuggle against him.

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Arriving on the Island.
(Thursday Early Afternoon.)

        So, everything was arranged. Yes, the location was going to be that holiday house again. It wasn't Simon's house even though he had designed and had it built. His ex-wife Brittany owned it, having gained it as her part of the divorce settlement. But Brittany and Simon were still friendly enough that he could use the house from time to time.
        The three couples had taken Thursday off so they could get over to Waiheke Island on an earlier car ferry. Yes, they all knew they were going for a sexy weekend, full of nudity and sex. It had been discussed that night recently at Simon's house and all six of them had agreed to go. The two women, Reen and Rita were a bit nervous, excitedly nervous you could say, as they knew what might be happening this weekend could take them into things they had never done before. That afternoon when they all met, they were happy and smiling, ready for this new adventure.
        The trip to the island was interesting as neither couple had been to this island before. Once on the island, Simon and Deanna took a car each, while Deanna went to the shops, Simon continued onto the house. The other four split with the two men going with Simon and the two women going with Deanna.
        After shopping for supplies for the weekend, the women followed behind the men driving across the island to the Holiday House.

        When they arrived at the house and the two women were surprised. They had heard this was a big house but all they could see was a large double garage. When they asked Deanna where the house was, she smiled, "You'll see soon," all she told them.
        "Ok, girls," Deanna whispered to Rita and Reen. "Time to change into the dress code for the weekend."
        Reen giggled at that, saying, "This is sexy!"
        “Should get the men going too,” Rita agreed.
        Both women were happy to join Deanna like that. They had followed Deanna's advice and had their sarongs in their handbags. As soon as the garage door was closed the three women stripped naked and tied their sarongs around their waists leaving their chests bare. Dressed like that, they went downstairs to the floor below where their husbands were waiting.
        The three men were pleased when the three women returned, wearing their sarongs and going bared breasts. They checked them out too. Each woman knew the men were looking at their tits but all three women were comfortable with the attention, in fact, welcomed the attention. They all looked great topless and they knew it, had nothing to be concerned about.
        “If this is the dress code for the weekend, we’re in for some fun,” Brett said as he began to remove his shirt.
        Soon Simon and Joshua had joined him too. Perhaps the reasoning here was, if the girls were going topless then the men should be too.

        First off, everyone helped bring down the food supplies the women had brought and then Simon gave everyone a tour of the house and showed each couple where their bedroom would be. They were all impressed with the house. It was much bigger than any of them had expected They were even more impressed when they learnt that Simon had designed it himself.
        Once they had put their bags away, they all met in the open-plan living area on level two again.

        Suddenly, Deanna got a text on her phone.
        "Oh, by the way," Deanna told them. "I have invited one more couple to join us this weekend. They will be here in a few minutes. They’ve just got off the ferry"
        The other two couples looked surprised. Simon did too.
        "I didn't know others were coming," he said.
        "I just thought an extra couple would make for some more fun," Deanna laughed.
        “You mean they want to join in with us?” Reen asked. She was suddenly feeling a bit nervous.
        “Yes, I told them what this weekend is about and they are both fine with it,” Deanna replied with a smile.
        So who is it?" Simon asked.
        "You know them Simon, but I can't tell you. You'll have to wait. They will be here in a few minutes," Deanna laughed.

        Not long after, they heard a car pull in and there was a knock at the door. Deanna went up to let her surprise guests in. The others were waiting downstairs in the main living area, all interested to see who their guests would be.
        After a couple of minutes, Simon was beginning to wonder what the delay was but then he heard Deanna coming down the stairs. She was followed by two women whom Simon quickly saw were Olivia and Sophie. What surprised everyone was that these two women were already wearing the weekend dress code. Just a sarong with their breasts bared.
        Simon was surprised but pleased to see them. Quickly stepping forward to give each woman a breast-squashing hug. Soon he was introducing them to the other two couples. Simon noticed Sophie and Olivia got the same kind of hug from Brett and Joshua too. Then both Rita and Reen were ready to hug them too. The two couples had been surprised that another couple was joining them, then even more surprised when it turned out to be two women. But once they met Sophie and Olivia, everyone settled down to get to know each other. Perhaps everyone already being half-naked helped too.

        “Ok, everyone,” Simon announced. “Our first activity for the evening is a beach walk and swim. Then we’ll have dinner before we have a few drinks in the spa pool. After that will be our first theme sex session for the weekend.”
        “You mean the threesome?” Reen asked.
        “One of them,” Simon laughed. “But more about that later.”
        “This is a public beach so swimming things everyone,” Deanna added.
        “Bikinis, girls,” Simon said with a laugh.
        “Tiny and sexier the better,” Joshua added with a wicked grin.
        The girls smiled back at him. They all got it. Sexy bikinis it was. Bikinis were nothing compared to what they would not be wearing most of the weekend.
        Soon everyone had left to go to their rooms to change.

        “That went well,” Deanna said when they were in their bedroom.
        “Inviting the girls was a surprise,” Simon said.
        “Don’t you think I should have, honey?”
        “No, I’m just surprised that you did.”
        “Well, I thought the girls would make it more fun and they were both keen to join us,” Deanna explained.
        “What about Olivia? She just likes girls.”
        “In case you didn’t notice, we’ve got plenty of those for her, honey,” Deanna laughed.
        “Might be a shock for Rita and Reen,” Simon said.
        “I know but let’s see how it goes but those two might surprise you. I’m sure all of you guys will be willing to try with Sophie.” Deanna laughed and she’ll be open for it too.”

        In the next bedroom, Rita and Brett were talking.
        “Those two women were a surprise,” Rita said.
        “I know. Are they going to join in the sex games too?” Brett asked her.
        “I think so. Looks like it by what they are wearing.”
        “Are they a couple?” Brett asked. “You know, together.”
        “I’m not sure. Maybe,” Rita replied. “Maybe they are bi. Like boys and girls.”
        “So, are you interested?” he asked her.
        “Don’t know. Never tried with a woman other than what I did with Deanna. Might be fun to try.”
        “I’d like to see you with one of them,” Brett said.
        “What? Another fantasy?” Rita laughed.
        “Of course,” Brett replied.
        Rita smiled at that. “What about with both of them, an all-girl threesome.”
        “Oh wow!”
        He made a grab for her but she jumped aside laughing, "Down Tiger, save all that until later."
        "But it's a sexy idea."
        “Well, the idea of a woman, maybe two women, is sexy. Let’s just see what happens.” Then she looked over and saw him smiling. “No promises, Ok?”

        Joshua and Reen were also talking as she changed into her new bikini. The one she had brought specially for this weekend.
        “Did you know those girls were coming?” Reen asked him.
        “No,” Josh replied. “I don’t think Simon knew either but by the way he hugged them, he knew them well.”
        “They knew him too,” Reen giggled. “Did you see Sophie squeeze his bum when they hugged?”
        “I thought it was the man’s job to squeeze bums,” Joshua laughed.
        “Not always,” she laughed. “I like squeezing a man’s bum too.”
        “Do you do that with all the men,” he quickly replied.
        “No, of course not. Only one man,” she told him. “But maybe I should do it more.”
        They both laughed at that as they left the room.
        “I noticed you didn’t hold back either,” she said to him.
        “I was just following Simon’s example. I noticed you did some bare titty rubbing too. It looked like you enjoyed it too.”
        Reen looked a bit embarrassed. It was true, for some reason she did enjoy hugging those women bare-breasted.
        Joshua spotted it. "You did, didn't you? Naughty girl!"
        She nodded with a smile.
        By now they were entering the open-plan living area and the subject was dropped.

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Walking Topless on a Public Beach.
(Thursday Late Afternoon.)

        As Simon had said, the beach was a public one. Brett was surprised as he asked about it. He had thought the beach below the house would have been a private one. Simon explained that two tracks led down from the bottom of the garden. One to the left goes to the public beach but the other is to the much smaller private beach. A small headland sits between the two beaches.
        The men quickly noted that all five women had chosen to wear sexier bikinis. Even Reen wore a much more daring bikini than Simon would have expected.
        Being late afternoon, there were still a few people on the beach and it was noticed they checked out this group that had suddenly appeared off a track at the very end of the beach. The girls were very aware of the looks they were getting as they walked along the beach.
        Reen was walking in front, between Rita and Olivia.
        “I couldn’t have worn this if you girls hadn’t been here,” she told them.
        “Makes it easier when we’re in a group,” Olivia replied.
        “Will be more fun tomorrow when we leave the bikinis at home,” Rita added.
        “Is that the nude beach?” Reen asked.
        “Yes, the beach down that other track,” Rita replied.
        “I’ve heard they might even go to a very public nude beach,” Olivia added.
        “Yes,” Rita agreed. “That might be a bit scary.”
        “It’s easier than you think. Sophie and I go nude at a beach near where we live. We never wear clothes there and lots of people are there. No one is worried. Only a few pervs walking past even bother to look.”
        “You don’t mind the pervs?” Rita asked.
        “No, if they want to see some tit and pussy, just let them look,” Olivia giggled. “I'm shaven so they can see everything. We often leave our legs parted so they can get a real good look.”
        Both the other women giggled at that but in Reen’s case, it was partly a nervous giggle. In Rita's case that was exactly as Brett had said in their fantasy sex. She was beginning to discover what the exhibitionism stuff was all about and she rather liked it too.

        “Bikinis look better wet,” Brett laughed. “I think we need to see these women wet.”
        “Ok, then,” Deanna said as she dropped the towel she was carrying and prepared to walk down the beach to the water. She'd been expecting one of the men would suggest it.
        Simon noticed all five women went in a group and the three men followed behind. Soon everyone was enjoying the water. Splashing each other quickly became trying to duck each other and it quickly became women against men. Five women against three men were better numbers as they could gang up to attack each man. Not that all the women didn’t get ducked too.
        It was rough play and a few bikini tops became a bit lose, even a few nipples bared too. But it seemed the more it happened, the better the women liked it. Finally, it had to happen. Sophie’s bikini top came right off. Maybe with a little bit of help from her. At first, she clutched her top against her breasts but then, with a cheeky grin, she just dropped her hands.
        “Oh well,” she grinned. “It’s off now. It might as well stay off,” she said, holding her top in her hand.
        Deanna and Olivia were quick to join Sophie topless. Rita and Reen looked a bit shy to join them. It was then that Deanna made a dare to the two women. Suddenly they both were reaching up and their tops were gone.
        For a while they remained in the water, their bikini tops were thrown onto the beach. Now it was time to get out and Deanna knew it wouldn’t be much fun putting a wet, sandy top back on.
        “Let’s walk back along the beach like this?” she challenged the other women. “Show our tits all those guys watching.”
        The women all laughed but to the surprise of the men, they all agreed to do it. Even Reen was willing to go topless as they returned to the track at the far end of the beach. She was very conscious of men looking at her. Her breasts were bare and they could see her nipples. She felt they especially looked at her as you don’t often see a topless Indian on a beach, but she bravely walked alongside the other women, even though she fought the temptation to bring her hands up to cover herself.
        Rita was feeling nervous too, but she bravely continued walking topless. She looked over and saw her husband smiling. That was encouragement for her. She knew he liked to see her showing off. This was exactly what he would like. A bit of exhibitionism to get him turned on.

        None of the women covered up until they were back at the house. Below the house was an outside shower. The idea was to rinse off the salty water and sand before going inside. Deanna went first, slipping off her bikini bottom before she went under the falling water. She knew everyone was standing there watching but she didn’t mind. Anyway, soon the sexy fun would start and everyone would be naked then. She smiled to herself as she rubbed the soap over her bare breasts and pussy as she knew that was where their eyes would be.
        She felt she was wet as she gave her pussy extra attention. Her lips felt like they were swollen and open. Before long she was rubbing her pussy lips, thrusting her soapy fingers in, getting herself off. It was such a turn-on, doing this in front of everyone, that it didn’t take long before she cum. A nice little orgasm, a good way to start what promised to be a sexy evening.

        Sophie and Olivia went next. Yes, the two of them showered together, slipping off their bikini bottoms before steping under the water. Soon they were rubbing the soap over each other, making sure every part of their nude bodies got attention. It turned into a sexy show, certainly, the three men enjoyed it, but surprisingly, the women watching did too. Yes, nipples and pussies got extra attention. At one point it almost looked like Sophie was about to cum. They finally left the shower, both a bit breathless from what they’d been doing.
        It had been hot making out under the shower, but also hot that everyone else had been watching them.

        Reen went next but she left her bikini bottom on. “Let me help you, Reen,” Simon said, stepping under the water with her.
        He began with her breasts, rubbing down over her stomach. When he came to her tiny bikini bottom, he grasped each side and before she realised it, the bikini bottom was pulled down and she was naked. She gasped in surprise at finding herself nude but then she smiled. She turned to take the soap to do him too and quickly she had his swim shorts off too.
        To her delight, she found he was hard. Soon her soapy hand was wrapped around his shaft as she began pumping him. Damn! That felt good and Simon decided he needed to stop her before things went too far. He didn’t want to cum then as he was saving himself for later.
        “What?” she asked surprised. “Don’t you want the happy ending Deanna had?”
        “Not yet,” he replied. “I’m waiting until later.”
        “Oh!” she said, realizing what he meant.
        But that had kind of killed the passion for both of them and they left the shower but remained naked. Others noticed that once they had their shower, everyone was remaining naked.

        The last woman to have a shower was Rita. She slipped her bikini bottom off as she stepped in under the falling water. To her surprise, the last two men, Brett and Joshua joined her. That session became quite sexy as their hands were all over her.
        She felt a man was working at her pussy and discovered it was the Indian man, Joshua. She was mildly surprised at that but then it began to feel good. When her husband leaned in to suck on a nipple it only got better and she soon realised that they were working together to get her off.
        Her orgasm was a good one and lucky hubby was there to support her or she would have fallen into the garden. Stepping out from under the water, she turned to find everyone else was still watching. When they started clapping, she felt a tiny bit embarrassed but with a big smile, she faced them to give a bow.

        No one had bothered to put on their wet swim gear, just going up into the house naked once they had dried themselves off. That became the dress code for the rest of the evening as they all gathered in the lounge for a drink. Everyone was naked and everyone seemed comfortable with it.
        “I wasn’t expecting you, girls, to get topless on that beach,” Brett said.
        “No,” Olivia laughed. “Neither did we.”
        “But it was fun trying,” Reen said.
        “You enjoyed it too, Reen,” Olivia asked.
        She gave a shy smile and said, “It was sexy.”
        Olivia looked over at Brett and saw he was smiling and looking at his wife, Rita. It was obvious these two had a thing going on about Rita showing off naked.

        While the women worked in the kitchen to get the dinner ready and table set, the three men were outside cooking on the barbecue. Soon they were ready and sitting at the table, enjoying their first meal on the island.
        After dinner, everyone worked as a team to clean up and then they all ended up in the spa pool together.
        Everyone knew the evening’s fun was about to start anyway.

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Threesome Night One.
(Thursday Evening.)

        “Now, as you all know, this weekend is about threesomes,” Simon began.
        “Does what happened under the shower count?” Rita laughed. “I’ve had my first threesome.”
        “Sort of,” Simon replied. “But it would be better if the guys had cum too.”
        Then Deanna explained, “How we plan to do this is each evening one couple is selected to get their threesomes. Both the husband and wife will get two sex partners for their evening.”
        Everyone except Sophie and Olivia nodded to say they knew this would be happening.
        “What about us?” Olivia asked.
        “Well, you two girls have changed things. Not in a bad way of course but we’ll have to plan that into our fun,” Simon explained. Then turning to his wife, he asked, “What do you think honey?”
        “Since you, Olivia like women, it works having five women here. Each night, while the threesomes are going on, one of us women can have a girl-on-girl with you. Sophie can join in with the threesomes if she likes.”
        Sophie smiled at that. She was ready for some fun that weekend.
        “I’m good with that,” Olivia replied. “But what about you two other girls?” she asked, looking at Rita and Reen.
        “I’ve never tried with a woman,” Reen said.
        “Neither have I,” Rita added. “But I would be willing to try if you want a shy virgin, Olivia.”
        "I'd like that, Rita," she said. "And don't worry, I don't bite. Well, not much anyway."
        “I can try that one too,” Reen said. “It might be fun, but I think Josh might want watching.”
        “Maybe, he could join us,” Olivia said.
        “But I thought you only liked women,” Sophie said to her girlfriend.
        “I do now but I used to go with guys too at one stage. I rather like you, Joshua. I might like to try with you for a change. I’ve never fucked an Indian guy. Or an Indian woman, for that matter. Maybe I should take on both of you.”
        Both Sophie and Deanna looked at her in surprise. Olivia was willing to be bi for the weekend. That was a shock. Simon was even more concerned about this new development. He was thinking about what happened when he fucked his ex-wife’s lesbian girlfriend. She had turned straight and left Brittany to go after some big cock. He didn’t want to see Sophie and Olivia breaking up in a similar way.
        “Are you sure about this?” Simon asked her.
        “Why?” Olivia asked, a bit surprised at Simon questioning her.
        Simon went on to tell her about what happened with Brittany and Rochelle.
        “No, it won’t be like that,” Olivia promised. “I’ve been on both sides. I know what it’s like to have a man but I am more comfortable with women. This sexy woman,” she laughed hugging Sophie.
        Sophie giggled at that before Olivia continued.
        “We have an open relationship. I am happy with Sophie having a guy from time to time. It’s just from now on, I might do the same, but we are in love and have no intention of splitting up over a bit of stay cock.”
        “My cock hasn’t strayed,” Joshua joked. “It’s still very well attached.”
        “It will have strayed by the time we’re finished with you,” Sophie replied.
        “Ok,” Simon replied. “Just as long as you are both comfortable with this and we’re not going to bust up your relationship.”
        “We’re good,” both women said at almost the same time.
        “What you two are planning for poor Josh, doesn’t sound good to me,” Rita added.
        "It does to me," Joshua added with a big grin.

        “So, the first couple is going to be Rita and Brett,” Simon announced. “Rita, you get to have us two men for your fun, while Brett gets two women. I’m not sure how that will work so you four sort it out between you.”
        Olivia sorted that out when she asked, “Deanna, would you like to have some fun with me?”
        “Sure,” Deanna replied, realising it was a solution to the problem. But she did like being with Olivia and was happy to do it again.
        “OK,” that’s sorted. “Brett, you get Reen and Sophie. Let’s get out of the pool and make it happen,” Simon said.

Threesome – Rita with Simon and Joshua.

        Rita is a full-blooded Maori from the East Coast of the North Island. It was an isolated place and she hadn't had much experience with other races other than the pakeha (white) man, Simon. Now she found herself with two men, one was pakeha of course but the other was Indian. That was an interesting contrast. Simon was white, white flesh where it wasn't exposed to the sun while Joshua was brown, very brown going to almost black on his cock. Of course, Rita, being a Maori was the lighter brown of her native race.
        Everyone was happy to have their sexy fun together in the open-plan lounge area of the house. It had always been that way whenever Simon and Deanna were swinging, they did it in the same room. Now that the group was bigger, it just seemed natural to everyone that they continue doing it the same way.
        There were two couches, one of which could fold down into a double bed. There was also a rug on the floor. The house also had some foam pads that could be pulled out to make further bed areas if required. Rita wanted the fold-down couch so the girls with Brett were happy to use the floor nearby with a few foam pads to make it softer to play on. Meanwhile, Olivia and Deanna took the other couch.
        Since everyone had gotten out of the pool naked there wouldn’t be any undressing before they began playing. Simon knew he had to get this show started. He came up behind Rita, pressing his naked body against her as his hands reached around for her breasts. Meanwhile, Joshua had approached her from the front, his body touching her as they began necking leading to kissing.
        It felt a bit wild for Rita, two men with her at once. It was a continuation of what had happened under the shower. They had their hands all over her, their bodies against her. She was enjoying their attention and was wondering where it would go from here. She had no plans for what they would be doing, just content to let it happen as they wanted. She knew their purpose was to give her a good time and so she expected whatever happened would be great. She only knew that somehow, she needed to get both of them off and give them a good time too.
        By now, Simon’s hand was rubbing her pussy. His fingers quickly found her lips and were pressing in between them. That felt good. She suddenly realised how quickly she had become aroused. Not like her. She usually needed a bit more foreplay, some time to build up before she could get into sex. But this time it was different, this time she wanted cock inside her almost from the beginning. Probably still horny from being with the two men under the shower.
        But the two men were prepared to take their time. They wanted to play first. Rita has a great body and looks great naked. They wanted to enjoy her first. Explore her body and work with her to bring her to a heightened state of arousal before they began fucking her. They already knew that once they started, she was going to be good. She had a body made for fucking and it was obvious by the way that she was responding, that she enjoyed fucking too.
        They got her to lie down on the folded-down couch and they came down to each side of her. Laying on her back like that, her breasts were open for them to enjoy. Her swelling mounds were asking for attention, being crowned as they were with large, erect nipples. Their hands went for a breast each to be quickly followed by their mouths. Feeling them all over, kissing them all over until their reached the peaks. Two tongues, licking over a nipple each, two mouths opening to take a nipple inside, sucking and licking her hardened nubs. It felt amazing. She gave a gasp of pleasure.
        Rita was moaning now as she reached down to hold their heads against her chest. These two men were good. She was loving how they worked together like this. Judging by what they had done already, this session was going to be good too.

        After a while, the men were ready to move on with what they were doing to Rita. While Joshua went south, towards her pussy, Simon went north, up onto her neck, giving little nibbles as he went. Further up, onto the side of her head to nibble on her ear. Then finally around to the front until their lips met in a deep tongue kiss. Yes, Simon knew how much Rita loved kissing and so he had decided to include lots of that into the early part of this sex session.
        Meanwhile, Joshua had reached her pussy. She felt his hands gently push her legs wider apart exposing her wet pussy lips. His hands went in first to be quickly followed by his mouth and tongue. Little nibbles up the inside of her thighs felt good but it got even better when he finally reached her pussy. A beautiful pussy, neatly trimmed and openly displayed.
        He brushed over the wet lips with his fingers before going in with his tongue. Long slow licks down the length soon became nibbles on her swollen lips. Then he began a series of tongue thrusts, pushing into her as far as he could reach. It became even better for her when he reached with both hands to pull the lips open to reveal the soft inner flesh. Licks over this were driving her towards her cum.
        Yes, with all that was happening to her, Rita found herself rushing into her orgasm. A powerful climax that started between her legs burst through her body. She was left breathless, her body struggling for air as she overcome what had just happened to her.
        Finally, she could relax and open her eyes. She found both men looking down and smiling at her. It had been a good one for her and both men knew it too.

        They were ready to fuck her now. And she wanted it as much as they did. Since Simon was already up by her head, Joshua went first. His body pushed down between her legs as his cock head pressed against her pussy lips. In the wet aroused state that she was in, it only took a gentle push to enter her.
        Joshua felt the warm wetness of her pussy as she opened for him. A couple of pushes and he was deep inside her. Now he could begin to move. Slowly at first, allowing her pussy, time to get used to his larger cock. Then he began a steady thrusting rhythm. Soon he felt she was humping back at him, meeting each stroke with a thrust of her own pelvis.
        Rita had been kissing Simon as she felt Joshua attempting to enter her. She felt his cock press against her as her greedy pussy opened to allow him in. He felt bigger than she was used to but it still felt good. As he began to slowly move she knew it was going to be good. As he began to speed up she felt her body responding with him. As he dropped into a steady thrusting rhythm, she began working with him.
        Both were enjoying the way, Joshua's cock was sliding between Rita's pussy lips. His cock was driving in deep with each stroke, just the way she liked a man to fuck her. It was good for both of them; soon they knew orgasms were on the way.
        One thing both men noticed with Rita was that she was very vocal when have sex. Not so much in words but more than made up with gasps and moans. She was enjoying what he was doing to her, and was showing she was loving what his cock was doing for her.
        The climax quickly came at them. Rita was pushed into orgasm first and as she came and bucked under him, it brought him off too. He slowed and stopped deep inside her as his cock delivered his seed inside her. They held like that for a few moments before Joshua withdrew so he could be replaced by Simon who was waiting beside them.

        Soon the first man had pulled out and moved clear to be quickly replaced by another man and another cock. Before she could fully get over her orgasm with Joshua, Rita found herself in a second fucking session with Simon.
        Now it was Simon's turn. Finding her wet, a mixture of her own juices and that of Joshua's juices, Simon could slip into her with ease. Soon he was fucking her, driving his cock in as he built to a steady pace. Immediately, Rita noticed the difference between the two men. It was not about cock size, even though it was obvious Joshua had been bigger, thicker and perhaps a bit longer. The difference was more about fucking style. Where Joshua had used long, full strokes, Simon used shorter, faster strokes. Both were good and both caused the required sensations of a cock moving in her pussy. She knew another cum was on the way.
        Simon had been so turned on by the pashing he had been doing with her, that by the time he got to fuck her, his cock was more than ready for some good fucking. In his building excitement, he was moving faster than Joshua had, short fast strokes that were doing it for him and judging by the noise she was making, doing it for Rita too.
        As their climax was reached, it was Simon this time who came first. As his rhythm broke and he lost control, she managed to give a few larger humps which sent her into her own orgasm. So many orgasms together. She was even surprising herself.

Threesome – Brett with Sophie and Reen.

        Brett found himself with two very sexy women whom he hardly knew. Sophie was pakeha (white) but her Mediterranean complexion, with olive-coloured skin, made an interesting contrast to Reen who was the darker complexion of a full Indian.
        He was laying back on the foam pads as both women were rubbing their naked bodies against him as they took turns kissing him. Sophie was full on from the start, deep kissing, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. When Reen took over, she was a bit more reserved. Taking her time before building up to committing herself to full kissing.
        Meanwhile, Sophie was kneeling before him, her hand reaching for his cock. With what these two naked women had been doing, his cock had been hard almost from the beginning. A nice cock, Sophie thought as she slowly stroked him. She could see what her girlfriend Olivia saw in him. For a moment she was distracted by that thought, Olivia with a man. She looked over to see her lover happily committed to fucking with Deanna. The cock in her hand gave an impatient jerk which brought her attention back to the job in hand.
        It was a bit erotic being with a Maori man too she thought as she run her fingers over his brown skin. And there was that cock too, a brown shaft, sticking out rigid in front of him. Oh, yes! She knew she was going to enjoy this.
        Taking his shaft in her hands, she began to pump him steadily. Her other hand had found his sack with the two balls that hung below. She liked the feel of those too. A strong, fit man who looked like he had more than enough to give her tonight. Yes, she was going to enjoy this.
        By now, Reen had dropped to her knees beside her and both women worked together on this man’s lovely cock, taking turns, swapping between sucking and nibbling his cock and sucking and nibbling his balls.
        For Brett, what these two women were doing to him felt amazing. Sophie was a pakeha woman, and he loved the smooth white of her naked body. Nice-shaped breasts with pink nipples, a generous but trimmed pussy, down below. He’d never been with a white woman until he had married Rita and had moved from his tribal iwi area to find better work in the big city of Auckland. Since then, the only white pakeha woman he had known sexually was Deanna.
        Beside her was Reen, an Indian woman. Such a contrast of white and brown. He noticed that Reen seemed a bit shy but she seemed fine with what they were doing to his cock so he was sure she would also be fine with taking sex with him.
        The thought of having some pakeha and some Indian pussy that night made his cock jerk. That was close, he almost cum then. The women giggled. They saw what had just happened and they knew it wouldn’t take much more to take him over.
        Reen was kissing and necking him again as Sophie took his cock deeper into her mouth.
        Damn! That felt good. He could feel those wet lips slip over the head of his cock while he continued to tongue-kiss, Reen. A hand was grasping him, slowly pumping in time with her sucking. She was good! She knew her way around a cock and knew exactly what it would take to get him off.
        Before long, she knew she was getting to him. She could feel his cock jerk with pleasure. Just a few more sucks would be all it would take. She gripped his cock slightly tighter and gave him those last few sucks. Suddenly, he exploded in her mouth and as the globs burst from his cock, she gulped them down hungerly until he finally finished.
        “Oh! Wow! That was good,” Sophie said.
        Reen looked at her and smiled. She knew it had been good too.

        With both women working together, it didn’t take long before they had Brett hard again. This time there wasn’t much more foreplay before Sophie was on her back with Brett pounding into her. With all they had been doing, Sophie was so ready for cock, it didn’t take much before she was cumming too.
        Brett was still hard, so Reen took him cowgirl style. For a while Sophie watched her, for such a shy girl, Reen sure knew how to fuck.
        Reen looked over at her and saw Sophie watching. “Come on,” she said. “Sit in front so he can eat you.”
        Sophie put her leg over Brett, bringing her pussy down to his face. Yes, Brett knew what to do. Soon his mouth licking her lips and his tongue was in her pussy.
        Meanwhile, Reen had leaned forward to wrap her arms around Sophie, her hand going for Sophie’s breasts and nipples. That was new for her, playing with another woman's tits like that but Reen was enjoying it and she knew Sophie was too. Getting that sort of treatment and Sophie knew another orgasm was on the way.
        This time, both Brett and Reen weren’t far behind her. It had been good for all three of them but they weren’t finished yet.

        Reen began working and soon he was hard again. He tasted different now, a mixture of his cum and her own pussy juice. This time the women swapped places. While Sophie rode him cowgirl style, Reen got her pussy eaten by Brett while Sophie played with her tits.
        Suddenly Brett realized that this pussy tasted different. He knew what it was too. This was his cum. While he’d never done that before, with how turned-on these two sexy girls made him feel, he was fine with continuing eating her.
        Of course, all three got off in yet, another round of orgasms.
        Reen sat there thinking about what had just happened. She had felt and played with another woman’s tits. Then that woman had played with her tits. Those hands felt great and it was at that point that Reen fully decided she was ready to be with a woman sometime that weekend.
        Brett had been with these two sexy women, a hot threesome. It had been great! He was pleased that he and Rita had agreed to come. Yes, Rita! He looked over to see what was happing to his wife and did he get a surprise!

        There was his wife on her hands and knees. While she had Simon’s shaft in her mouth, Joshua was pounding into her from behind. While he watched, suddenly the two men swapped ends. He could see the look of confusion on his wife’s face for a few moments until she realised what was happening.
        For Rita, all this was feeling amazing. She leaned forward to the Indian cock being presented to her face while she felt the pakeha cock pressing into her from behind. That was how they ended up cumming. While Simon shot his load into her mouth, Joshua gave her his load into her pussy.
        "Look at you, kitten!" Brett told her. "That was a great show."
        A show? She hadn't been doing it as a show but then for anyone watching, it must have been a good show.

Deanna and Olivia were together.

        While the two threesomes were going on, the two women left got together for some girl-on-girl action. Two hot women having sex together, both into each other, both highly aroused by what they were doing.
        They knew each other, having been with each other before. It had been good back then after a day playing golf, then a restaurant and club, Olivia and Deanna had got together while Simon was with Sophie. Back then, it had been excepted by all four of them as a one-off but now Olivia and Deanna had the opportunity to do it again.
        It felt good having their naked bodies against each other. Arms wrapped around each other, breasts pressed together, legs between legs as their pussies rubbed against each other. Their lips met; tongues probing in to dance together. It was hot and passionate. The kind of loving a woman does when she is together with another woman. The kind of love a woman desires when her passions are released and allowed to run wild.

        Olivia was on top of Deanna. She loved this woman’s larger breasts and soon moved lower to play with them. Her hands were all over the swollen globes before her mouth came in to join in the action. She found the bullet nipples, her tongue licking over them before she began sucking on them. She heard the woman under him moan which turned her on even more.
        Olivia was in no hurry. She had the chance to play with and enjoy this woman's beautiful body and she intended to take full advantage of it. Each breast had received her full attention before she was ready to move further down. Moving lower, Olivia discovered a tight body, even more than the last time she had been with Deanna. Back then it was soon after this woman had her first child. Now she had two. But since then there had been some intense gym work to get herself back in shape. Olivia could see that with her now. There were muscles and a tight chest under the softness of her breasts. A flat belly and firm, strong thighs.
        Olivia likes to keep herself in shape and she appreciated when another woman did the same. It took work at the gym, watching your diet and looking after yourself but it paid off in the bedroom.
        Deanna knew Olivia was taking the leading role. She was happy to allow it.
        As Olivia moved lower to the belly button, she flicked her tongue in making Deanna giggle as it tickled. But was heading lower. The last time she had enjoyed the delights of Deanna's pussy and she was going to enjoy her again. Olivia would have liked to have kept her pussy shaven or even waxed but Sophie, her lover liked pussies to be more natural so Olivia allowed her pussy to grow into a generous bush. Now Deanna kept her pussy shaven, looked like it had even been done that day so Olivia was enjoying the delight of a bare pussy.
        She quickly found what she was looking for and her tongue ran down the length, pressing between open lips. Olivia realised how turned on this woman was as she lapped up her juices. Using both hands she gently peeled Deanna's lips back, revealing even more of the pink flesh inside. As her tongue moved over the soft inner flesh she heard this woman give a deep moan. Her pussy humped against Olivia's face and she moaned again.
        Oh, this was so good. Just the reaction, Olivia wanted to get. She tried to press her tongue into the love tunnel as far as her limited tongue could reach. She ran her tongue over and around the little piss hole and got a strong reaction. Obviously a G-spot. Higher she found the little button of her clitty and gave that some tongue treatment too.
        But Deanna's spot was obviously the piss hole and so Olivia returned there. Licking around the little nub, licking over it and even trying to press her tongue tip into the little hole. That was what did it. Deanna went wild at that as a strong orgasm burst over her. It was a big one, she backed against Olivia's face and then her legs clamped together, forcing Olivia out. She would have liked to have played some more, perhaps even given Deanna a second orgasm but it wasn't to be. Deanna's strong reaction had shut that down.

        Now Deanna wanted to do the same for Olivia. As Olivia lay back on the couch, Deanna came in on top of her. First, there was some more kissing as Deanna could taste her pussy on Olivia's lips. Moving to the side she nibbled at Olivia's ear and down onto her neck. Olivia loved the neck part so Deanna decided to move under her chin, moving with little nibbles up to her ear on the other side.
        But lower on Olivia's chest, two breasts were calling for her so soon Deanna was moving lower towards them. Yes, nice breasts, nothing like the size of her own breasts, but Deanna knew that like man's cocks, it was not about size. She took one with her hands, moulding the soft flesh to pull the nipple peak further from Olivia's chest. It was then that Deanna went in for the nipple, first licking around it before opening her mouth to suck on it.
        It seems Olivia has very sensitive on her nipples and a woman taking one in her mouth like this felt amazing. She couldn't help a moan of pleasure escaping her lips, it felt so good. Deanna was delighted with the reaction she had obviously got and so decided to give the other breast and nipple the same treatment which was quickly met with an equally good response.
        Deanna finally had to move on, she knew that there was a pussy waiting for her She wanted to sample this woman's juices and hopefully give her an orgasm, as good as she had just received. As she approached Olivia's pussy she ran her tongue through the forest of pussy hair. Deanna actually liked pubic hair. It was thicker and more widely than the hair on the head, like beard hair on a man. As she ran her tongue through it, the hairs caught and pulled against her tongue, something which Deanna liked.
        But then she found Olivia's pussy lips, swollen and open, ready for her attention. Like Olivia had done for her, Deanna was determined to get her off orally. First, she pulled the lips further open with her fingers. As she was licking over the soft pink inner flesh, she was looking for the point, the button you could say, that would set her off. Deanna quickly established that the best place for that would be the clitty and so that's where she gave most of her efforts.
        It worked for her too. Soon Olivia was giving the little cry she makes as she cums. It's cute how she does that but as sexy as hell too. Deanna was happy that she could deliver and not disappoint her lover.

        It wasn’t long before the two women moved into a sixty-nine position. There were other things they could have done first but they were driven to get into full-on action. But it was different for Deanna this time as Sophie got them to do it on their side. Each woman lay with her upper thigh raised and open so the other woman could bring her head in to rest on her lower thigh. In this position, both women were presenting their open pussy to their lovers. Each woman took full advantage to enjoy some juicy pussy eating.
        Before long, both women were enjoying multiple orgasms. Eating and being eaten. It was a sexy session that both women were fully committed to. Finally, they reached the point where they could take nothing more and they rolled apart. They sat back on the couch, cuddling together watching the two threesomes still going in front of them.

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Nude at the Private Beach.
(Friday Morning.)

        Friday morning, Simon was up early to cook breakfast on the barbeque. Soon the talking and smell of cooking brought the others out of bed. Simon noticed that all five women arrived wearing just their sarongs around their waists while like him, the other men were just wearing shorts. Weekend dress code.
        Soon the food was ready and everyone was ready to tuck into a hearty breakfast.

        Over the food, Sophie asked, “What’s the plan for this morning?”
        “We’re going down to the beach again for a morning swim. But this time it’s to the private beach. We’ll be going nude for all those brave enough. Brett and Rita, this is for you. No option for you two, you have to get naked. That’s part of your fantasy for each other. You others, just wear what you’re comfortable with.”
        “It might be better if we wear shorts or a bikini bottom and just strip off when we see who is on the beach,” Deanna suggested. They had all been topless in public the afternoon before so she knew they’d all do that but she just wanted to make it a bit easier for those still a bit shy.
        And so that was the plan. Everyone helped clean up and then went to their rooms to change.

        Joshua watched his wife pull out the bikini bottom she had worn the night before. As she stepped into it and pulled it up, he asked, “Are you going nude?”
        “I’m thinking about it,” Reen replied. “I’ve been fine with everything so far, so I’ll have no problems going nude with just us. I’ll see how many other people are on the beach.”
        He nodded with a smile. He was pleased with his shy wife so far. She was doing great, really getting into this weekend.
        “Are you going nude?” she asked him.
        “Sure,” he replied. “Not done it before, but I don’t have any problems with it.”
        “I think Olivia might like to see you naked again. I think she likes you.”
        “I know. I think she is hot too. But I think she also likes you, Reen.”
        “I’ve thought about that,” Reen said. “Do you think I should try with her?”
        “Of course. I’d like to see you do it,” Joshua smiled.
        “Maybe we should both try her together,” Reen smiled.
        "My guess is she'd like it if we did."
        "She did kind of say that."
        He just gave that cheeky smile of his.

        Everyone met out on the deck of the lower level and followed Simon as he led the way to the second track the right-hand one from the opposite corner of the garden than they had taken the day before. This track was steeper with a lot of cut steps. Finally, they come out from under some trees onto a pretty little beach. There were a few other people on the beach. A guy and two girls in the middle of the beach and two guys at the very far end. All of them were already naked.
        Simon led them to a shady spot near the end of the beach. While others on the beach could see them, there was a bit of distance between them. Quickly everyone began to remove what clothing they were wearing until only Rita and Reen were left wearing bikini bottoms.
        “Are you going nude?” Reen asked her.
        “I’m thinking about it,” Rita replied.
        “Simon said you had to,” Reen reminded her.
        “Yeah, I know. I’d better do it then," Rita giggled. "Don't want to disappoint Simon, do we?”
        Suddenly, Reen said, “I’ll do it if you do.”
        “Ok, then,” Rita replied. “Let’s do it together then.”
        Both women were standing facing each other. Their hands went to their hips. Giving each other a nervous smile, they pushed down taking their bikini off as they did. When they straightened up, they were both naked.
        Reen looked down at herself, seeing her bare breasts and pussy. “I didn’t know I could do this,” she said.
        “But you did,” her husband, Joshua said as he stepped forward to hug her.
        They were holding each other tightly and soon there was a bit of feeling with their hands.
        “Get a room!” Deanna called to them.
        “I didn't know this was Orgy Bay,” Brett added.
        “Come on, you two,” Simon laughed. “Unless you are intending to give everyone a fucking show.”
        Reen quickly broke away from Josh. “I can’t do that,” she said, shocked. “Not here with them watching.”
        Others giggled at that.
        "The way you're going Reen, you'll be surprised what you can do by the end of this weekend," Simon told her.

        “Let’s go swimming,” Brett said. He was happy to see his wife naked but wanted to push her a bit further by getting her to walk around on the beach a bit. Leaving the shelter of their shady area and going down to the water’s edge and going swimming was a big step in that direction.
        Reen looked a bit concerned. Sitting down on the grass like she was, is easier. Only her breasts could be seen. But standing up and walking around was something much different. She would be fully exposed for anyone to see.
        She looked around to see that everyone else was standing up. After a moment’s hesitation, even Rita stood up. She looked shy as she glanced down at her nude body, but she did it. Suddenly, Reen decided, if Rita could do it, she could too. Anyway, wasn’t this weekend all about doing sexy things, pushing her boundaries and trying something new?
        By now some of the group had begun to walk down the beach. Rita was with them but Joshua and Deanna were still standing with her. Josh reached out his hand to her gently, “Are you coming too, Reen?”
        That was all it took. She reached up for his hand and he half pulled her as she stood up. Still holding his hand, they moved off down the sand towards the water. Being such a small beach, Reen knew anyone on the beach would be able to see her and she was very aware of how she was naked but she acted boldly as she walked between her husband and her friend, Deanna.
        In the water, others in the group were playing. It seemed that game they were playing the evening before started again. It was a distraction for Reen. She could join in the fun and for a while forgot about being naked. Of course, being naked meant there was a lot more touching between the men and women. But no one was bothered about that, all getting into the sexual fun of being in naked contact with others as they played in the water.
        When it was time to get out and return to their place on the beach, Rita and Reen just walked along with the others. They realised that being in a group like this, nudity wasn’t so hard. Of course, they were aware of others watching, especially when some of the group decided to explore the cave at the other end of the beach.

        The cave was not that big but Rita and Reen went in with Simon, right to the back where the rock roof dropped down to meet the sandy floor. When they turned to leave the cave, they noticed they were a bit behind the others who had begun walking back along the beach.
        Reen smiled when she noticed Joshua and Deanna were standing there waiting for her. She took his outstretched hand and gave it a loving squeeze. She knew he would have known what a huge thing this public nudity was for her and she was grateful for the support he was giving her.
        Not long after they started walking one of the men sitting nearby called out to Simon. “Hey, Simon,” the man called. “We’ve not seen you here for a long time.”
        Hi, Bruce and Graham. Good to see you guys.
        Simon had stopped in front of the men as he replied. Now he went on to explain, “Brittany took the holiday house when we divorced so I don’t get to use it that much.”
        “Yeah, man,” Bruce replied, “We heard you guys broke up. Sorry to hear that, mate."
        By now Simon had turned to walk closer to his friends and when Deanna and Rita followed him, Joshua and Reen went too. She knew she was now standing in front of these two men.
        Simon introduced his friends and then introduced his wife, Deanna. Next, he introduced Rita, Joshua and finally Reen. They both turned to look at her as she smiled ‘Hi.’ They were naked like her but sitting down like they were, they were looking straight up at her nude body. Looking straight at her pussy she thought.
        They only talked for a few moments before Simon said he need to catch up with the others who by now were at the other end of the beach. Soon they were walking along the beach.

        “Did you like those men looking at your pussy?” Joshua asked his wife.
        “They were looking... I could see them... I wanted to cover with my hands... I wanted to allow them to see… I didn’t know what to do.”
        “You did well,” Simon replied. “You seemed so relaxed. Like you’ve done it before.”
        “No, this is new to me. I’ve never been nude like this.”
        “So how do you feel now?” Joshua asked her.
        “I think I am Ok now. It is a bit scary but a bit exciting too.”
        “Good girl,” he smiled at her taking her hand again.
        “You call walking around nude, displaying myself, good? I think it is being a very bad girl.”
        Joshua laughed. “You know what I mean. I am proud of my very bad girl.”
        Right there on the beach she turned and hugged him.
        “Come on,” they heard Deanna say. “We better get them back to the house before the orgy starts.”
        Reen and Joshua broke apart, laughing as they followed the group towards the track that led up to the house.

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Pussy Shaving.
(Friday Morning.)

        “That was fun on the beach,” Reen said. “Once I got naked, I enjoyed it.”
        “You weren’t worried about those others on the beach?” Brett asked her.
        “No, not at all. I knew they were watching, but I didn’t mind.”
        “All you women were sexy to watch,” Joshua added with a smile.
        “We liked watching you guys too,” Olivia said, looking straight at Joshua’s cock.
        Everyone could see something was going on there. She seemed interested in him.
        “I know how we can make it better,” Simon said.
        “How?” Reen asked surprised. “Wasn’t us being naked sexy enough?”
        “Yes, it was, but if your pussies were shaved like Deanna, that would be sexier.”
        Reen smiled. “You’ve done that to me before,” she said.
        “I’ll do it again, now, if you want.”
        “I suppose I could,” Reen replied, thinking hard. “But being like that is very showing. Everything is showing.”
        “That’s want makes it sexier.”
        “Ok, then,” Reen said. “You can do my pussy, Simon.”
        Reen turned to the other women. “Are you doing it too?” she asked.
        “Yes,” Deanna replied. “Mine needs a quick tidy-up.”
        “One of you men can do mine but I want a happy ending,” Sophie said.
        “Happy ending?” Reen asked.
        “Yes,” Brett laughed. “The man has to make you cum when he finishes shaving.”
        “You mean, fucking?”
        “Well, that’s one way, Reen. But there are other ways to make you women cum.”
        "That's what Simon did to me the first time. It made me cum but I was too excited. I wanted the fucking as well," Reen explained.
        “Oh, this sounds like fun,” Olivia said. “Count me in too. Joshua, I want you to shave my pussy. I want the happy ending too.”
        Everyone looked at Joshua. He looked a bit shocked too. But it confirmed her interest in him. It also showed she was interested in doing sexual things with a man too. Josh seemed pretty happy about the idea too.

        Since all five women had agreed to get shaved, it was going to take some time for the three men to do it. Two men were going to need to do an extra woman. Whoever would be doing Deanna would finish with her quickly and get a second woman done. It remained to be seen who of the other two men would finish first and get to do the last woman.
        Once the shaving gear had been found, mats were laid out on the three deck tables. It would be easier to work on a pussy like that. Better for those watching too. Yes, this would be a bit of a spectator sport.
        Brett took Deanna and began working on her pussy, while at the next table, Reen was being done by Simon. On the last table, Olivia had been quick to get up and lay back, waiting for Joshua to start on her.
        It didn’t take Brett long. He was finished shaving while the other two men were still trimming back pussy hair with the scissors. He noticed how wet Deanna was and as he began rubbing the lotion over her pussy he was working on her pussy lips. She gave a soft moan as she humped back at him. He noticed how her lips began to swell and open. His fingers were pushing in between them and then thrusting into her.
        Deanna was getting going now as Brett continued finger fucked her. She was making so much noise that everyone stopped to watch. She was getting there. Everyone could see it and Brett was hoping it would be a big one for her.
        Of course, by now, Deanna knew it. What those fingers were doing to her pussy felt amazing and she was now only moments away. She knew everyone was watching which made it even more exciting.
        Brett knew it was time to finish her off. He gave a couple of deeper thrusts with his fingers. She moaned and humped against his hand. He gave a couple more thrusts and suddenly she cried out. Her pussy humped up at him as she bucked around on the table.
        It was a big one. Deanna felt it coming and knew it would be good. What those fingers were doing to her cunt could only lead to one thing. When it burst, it took her breath away. Those feelings of orgasm burst through her body and swept all other thoughts away as they consumed her mind and body.
        He continued gently stroking her pussy lips as he brought her down from her high. He looked up at that moment and noticed everyone was watching. He smiled and gave a nod. He was pleased with himself. He had made this sexy woman on the table cum. And nobody would say it hadn’t been a good one. Yes, he was happy with what he’d done.
        “One down,” he proudly told everyone. “Four orgasms to go.”

        After that little show, Simon returned to what he was doing to Reen. He had finished cutting back her hair and his fingers were rubbing the cool shaving cream over the mound of her pussy. That felt so good that she couldn’t help moaning with pleasure.
        He smiled at that. These girls were getting into the sexual activities of this weekend. Even the women in front of him were having fun. Reen is a shy woman, a bit reserved until she got to know you but this weekend she seemed to be coming out of her shell. Going nude on the beach had been a big step, even standing in front of Graham and Gerald like that had been bold. Sure, they were gay, more into men than women but who wouldn’t look when an Indian pussy was on show. You don’t get to see many of them.
        Now she wanted her pussy shaved. It would be on display when they went down to the nude beach next. Had she thought about that? Surely, she must have. She must have considered that and seemed willing to do it with the other women.
        By now he had taken the razor and was making little strokes as he removed the hair over her pussy mound. After a couple of strokes, he returned the razor to the cup of water beside him to rinse off the hair before returning to take some more off.
        The way she was lying with her legs parted he could see the swollen lips were open already. When he had accidentally brushed over them, he has seen how her body trembled and it had proved when he already suspected, this woman was turned on by what was happening to her.

        Simon was almost finished Reen's pussy now. Not that it was really acturate to call it a pussy any more.He had cut back the hair of what had been quite an extensive bush. He had rubbed the shaving cream all over her pussy and then removed the rest of her hair with a razor. leaving the skin underneath, clean and smooth. He could see her pussy lips now and as he touched closer to them; he noticed her cum juice as well. There was no doubt, she was enjoying this.
        It didn't take him long to finish her. Once he washed the shaving foam away and wiped her clean, her pussy lips were nicely displayed.
        "Now the happy ended," she whispered to him.
        "It that's what the lady wants," Simon replied.
        "Yes, this lady wants."
        He began working on her pussy, his fingers rubbing over and between her dark lips. She was so wet, it was incredible. She began humping at him almost from the beginning. The noise she was making had attracted everyone's attention and they all stopped to watch. Simon's fingers were working at her and she was bucking her pussy at his hand, becoming more and more excited as her orgasm built.
        She was moaning now, crying out as Simon was using two hands on her now. The fingers of one hand were thrusting into her while he rubbed over her clitty with the other hand. Reen was completely lost in what was happening to her pussy. Her eyes were closed so it probably didn't occur to her that the others had gathered around to watch.
        Suddenly she cried out! A burst of liquid burst from her pussy, shooting past Simon's hand to hit Rita on the thigh. Moments late there was a second burst which mostly hit Simon this time. It was a huge one, sweeping her mind away in its thrilling power. Amazing! Exciting to see how this Indian woman cum.
        She was laying there looking up at him, still, a bit dazed at what had just happened.
        "What happened?" she asked.
        "Nothing much other than you squirted cum juice all over Rita and me."
        "No!" she laughed. "I couldn't do that one!"
        "Yes, you did, honey," her husband told her. "Look at Rita's thigh and Simon's arm and chest. That was all you."
        "Oh, I am sorry," Reen said feeling embarrassed. "It was just so intense. I didn't know."
        "It's fine," Rita said. "Good to see you had a big one."
        "Two down," Simon laughed. "Three orgasms to go!"

        Meanwhile, when Brett was finished with Deanna, she was quickly replaced by Sophie. She had no problem laying back with her legs wide open, allowing this man she’d only met the day before to begin working on her pussy. But then, her pussy wasn’t unknown to him. He had already fucked and eaten her the night before.
        Sophie kept her pussy trimmed but there was still a full crop on top that needed to be cut off first, lower down around her lips, the hair was already cut very short. This was to make it easier for her lover Olivia. Taking the scissors, Brett needed to cut everything as short as he could before he could begin shaving.
        Working carefully, the hair was removed as close as he could before he took the razor to finish the job. He noticed the state of her arousal and knew that as soon as the shaving was finished, he would be taking care of that too. The women all agreed to happy endings and so like the other men, Brett intended that is what they would be getting.
        He began with a hand job but soon that progressed to eating her. It didn’t taste so good with a mixture of her juice and shaving cream but when she moaned and backed back against his face, he knew it was all worthwhile.
        When she cum, it was another big one. Brett could see her body tighten and her back lift off the table. This woman sure knew how to cum. Amazing!
        "Three down," Brett said. "Two orgasms to go."

        Simon had taken Rita next. It happened in the same way he had done with Reen. First, the long hair was cut with the scissors before he could start the shaving part. Working with her like that he couldn’t help noticing her aroused state. He purposely touched her a few times and would see the shudders her body gave. He smiled to himself. All these women were the same, totally turned on by having their pussies played with.
        Once the shaving was finished, he took his time cleaning her off. He knew where this was going. That was the agreed plan. All five women wanted their pussies shaved along with happy endings too.
        Soon, Simon’s fingers were working at those aroused lips while the woman in front of him began wiggling around, moaning with pleasure. It was sexy to watch a woman becoming more and more aroused. They both knew where this would end, and both wanted it.
        Her moans became louder and louder, her pussy was humping at him now. She was getting close. When he changed from rubbing over her lips to thrusting fingers deep into her, he knew he had her. She only took a short amount of this before she cried out and cum.
        It was a good one. Simon watched how her body reacted to the pleasure exploding inside her. He could see and hear how she was responding to the pleasure. He was pleased that she was enjoying it, pleased that he could do it for her.
        "Four down," Simon said. "One orgasm to go."

        On the third table, Joshua returned to what he was doing to Olivia.
        “I can’t wait until you do that to me,” she whispered to him.
        “We’ll get there as soon as I finish,” he smiled.
        “Take your time,” she replied. “I’m enjoying what you’re doing now too.”
        He continued his work, taking short strokes with the razor until all her hair had been removed.
        Joshua was finished now. He had washed Olivia clean and was looking down at her. He could see how smooth the flesh of her pussy was now. He also noticed her pussy lips, partly open, showing a hint of the inner lips. Suddenly, he looked up and saw her watching him.
        “Like what you see?” she asked.
        “Oh, definitely,” he smiled. “You have a great-looking pussy. Even better the way it is now.”
        “Well, don’t just look. I want the happy ending too,” she whispered back to him.
        “Ok,” he smiled. “If that’s what the lady wants, I’m happy to oblige.”
        Taking some oil on his fingers, he began massaging her pussy. Soon he was rubbing along her wet lips and then he was pressing into her.
        She moaned at that and humped back against his hand.
        Wow! So horny! Joshua thought. He found this woman to be incredibly sexy. Was it a natural attraction or wasn’t forbidden fruit since she was a lesbian? Whatever it was, it was making his cock hard. He was tempted to press his cock between those wet lips. He knew she would feel great, fucking like this but he also knew that might be taking things too fast.
        Resisting that temptation, he just continued finger-fucking her. He enjoyed watching how she was responding to him and knew that this wouldn’t take much longer. Her reactions told him she was getting close.
        Joshua knew that it was time to take Olivia over the top. A few good hard finger thrusts into her pussy had her moaning and then she cried out. That was all it took. She was cumming. As she went over, he pulled his fingers out but continued gently stroking her lips while she recovered.

        “Oh, this feels good,” Olivia moaned. “But I want more.”
        “More?” he asked.
        “I want your black cock! I want to feel it inside me.”
        He was surprised at this woman. She was asking him to fuck her. It would be easy enough too. Just pull her to the table edge and push into her. She was wet and ready and he was ready too. He’d been hard most of the time he’d been working on her pussy.
        “Go on, Josh,” his wife said, who was now standing beside him. “Give her a good fucking. She wants it.”
        He looked up and others were watching too. He looked down at Olivia again and she was looking back at him. “Please! Please!” she moaned. “Fuck me!”
        “Ok then. If you’re sure you want this.”
        “I want it!” Olivia moaned. “I want it so bad!”

        Joshua grabbed Olivia by the hips and pulled her closer to the end of the table. Her legs were hanging off the table and he was standing between them. Pressing in closer, his cock was almost level with her pussy.
        To his surprise his wife moved in, saying, “Let me do this,” as she took his cock with her hand and guided him against the lips of Olivia’s pussy. That was so sexy. Here was his wife, holding his cock while she guided him into another woman’s pussy.
        One gentle push and he could see her lips stretch open to take him. The head began to disappear inside. With another couple of pushes, his cock shaft was disappearing too. She moaned as her pussy opened to take him. She had not had cock for a long time and taking one now, felt good but so different. And this man wasn’t small either. But she felt comfortable taking him. That full feeling of a cock inside her.
        He began to move, a few slow thrusts to start, each time going ever deeper until she felt he was in as far as he could go. His thrusts were coming at her faster now. The hardness of his shaft lubricated by her pussy juice was sliding in and out between her swollen lips. It had been a long time since she’d had a man inside her, or for that matter, a man even touching her. This man felt good and she knew her body intended to enjoy him fully.
        Joshua was enjoying it too. His larger cock felt tight inside her pussy. Soon it was doing things to him that he couldn’t believe. So soon after entering her and he was going to cum. For a few moments he thought that he might disappoint her by cumming too early but then, he suddenly realised that she was right there with him.
        This cock deep inside her was an experience she had not felt for a long time. She realised she still enjoyed it. He seemed bigger than she had taken before but then it had been so long it was hard to tell. All she knew was this cock felt great. For some reason, she had known this Indian man would be great and now she knew she’d been right.
        Her mind was on nothing but that hard shaft slipping in and out between her pussy lips. That shaft went deep inside her body, touching places that hadn’t been touched for a long time, arousing desires and feelings that only having a man could give. Deep inside she knew that after this, she would never be only lesbian again. She would be enjoying cock from time to time as Sophie does.
        It was almost over for her. Her orgasm was approaching. She could see the signs with him too. He was getting close too. She knew she would allow him to cum inside her, she had already decided that. It was in her safe time so there would be no chance of getting pregnant. She could let herself go and allow things to go to their natural climax.
        He was breathing hard as his body worked. She was looking up at his naked body. It was sexy to see his muscles working, brown body wet with sweat, as he fucked her, using his body worked to bring them both to orgasms. A bead of sweat ran down from his shoulder onto his chest. That was it for her. That took her over the top.
        Olivia cried out and bucked her pussy against him, in the process, causing him to go even deeper than before. Her body tightened around his cock and she cum. Joshua realised what was happening and he knew he was there too. Just a couple more thrusts and he cum too. His cock jerked and he began to shoot a huge load deep inside her.
        Damn! That had been good! Suddenly, he realised he had just cum inside her.
        “Should I have pulled out?” he asked in shock.
        Olivia reached out to pat him with her hand. “It’s Ok,” she said. “I like it better like that and we’re safe.”

        The rest of Friday was spent exploring the island. They took two cars and Simon showed them some of his favourite places that many visitors to the island never got to see. He even took them to the concrete remains of the gun batteries that once were part of the outer defences of Auckland during World War II.
        The evening was spent with a pleasant meal at a winery before they returned to the holiday house for the sexual fun planned for that evening.

Hi from Deanna again.
        By the time I got to here, in my story, it was getting late. I had told them so much but I had so much more to tell. We agreed to continue the following night. Since this was a convenient place to stop my storytelling. This is also a convenient place for my written story to stop too. See you in Part Four.

Index of Letters                  Story 291 Background Notes.                  Back to Story 290.

Forward to Story 292.


  1. Oh! What a great story this has become. I wasn't expecting it to go the way it has but I am pleased with the final result. When you talk with me and Joshua, the part we were offered for our namesake character was only small. Just a swinging night and then a mention that it happened a few more times. You said a white couple and an Indian couple, getting together to explore each other. Of course, it must be mentioned that I, the real Reen, enjoyed that scene in your last part.
    But now Reen and Joshua have a much bigger role which appears will stretch over two large parts. I like that. Enjoyed her in this part and I am looking forward to what will happen in the next part.
    Keep up the good writing Anne.
    Keen and Joshua. (the real ones)

    1. Eight people going away together for a sexy holiday. I like the way you mention it as they get onto the boat. The girls knew it would be a sexy weekend, probably doing things they had never done before and they were excited and nervous and excited at the same time.

  2. Well done Anne.
    This series is turning into an interesting, exciting and sexy addition to your blog. I've read all the comments about how it doesn't fit with the central storyline of Letters but personally, I have not noticed it until it was pointed out. Even then, it was not a problem for me.
    I love your character development during this series. It continued in this part two, particularly with Reen and Rita. I thought your sex scenes were good and sexy, but not over the top. Yes, I know this is primarily a sexy story in a sexy blog but to me, your story is important too.
    Finally, one negative. I think you used a bit too much conversation during this part. For a reader, the conversation can be hard to follow and understand. While I accept, the conversation has always been a strong part of this blog, I also feel you should not overdo it.
    The way I see it.
