Friday 20 July 2012

Letter 23 – Part C Background

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Also, see - Brian's Page.

Hello from Susan – Again Anne got involved.
            Here is the background for the third part of the Ripper Stripper Party. Anne has asked me to talk about the two very special acts they put on for the audience and then tell you about the two final 'surprise' contests of the evening. (For more background on writing this story see Brian's Page where he tells the story of our nude camping holiday.

The Fire Act.

            We were also looking for something special to add to the evening. Then Brian came up with the fire act. The idea of mixing a fire act with a strip act really caught our attention. Maybe it was the fact that we were sitting around a campfire. Well, we quickly wrote most of this in one sitting.
            There are two parts to this act which make it so good. First, there is the obvious excitement and danger of performing with fire. Then secondly there is the sexual side where both a man and a woman get completely naked during their act.
            Now we knew there were circus acts where people put their hands through fire and they even performed a fire-eating trick too. But has anyone performed by passing their gentiles through a flame before? I do not know of anyone going that far and for that matter, I don’t even know if it is possible to do without getting seriously hurt. But it makes a good story, doesn’t it?

The Snake Act.

            Then Anne suggested a snake act. She seems to have a thing about snakes but not me, I hate them. The problem with this idea is that in New Zealand we do not have any snakes. Allan came up with the suggestion of using a fake snake with the lights dimmed. This quickly turned into the second special act for the evening.
            What I like about this act is the excitement and sexual content all rolled up together. There are the excitement and danger of handling a live and deadly snake which in the darkened room no one could tell was actually a fake. Then there was the sexy side of the act where she stripped off her bikini and then put the snake's head on her breast and her pussy. Then she was using the rattles of the snake’s tail to work in her pussy while she put the snake's head right into her mouth.
            Finally came that shock ending where it appeared she had been bitten in her mouth before the lights came on to reveal it was a fake. I love that ending.

Evening Surprises - The Shaving Contest.

            In the final part of this story are the two surprise sexy contests to end the evening. The first was the shaving contest. When I suggested that they could have a pussy shaving contest everyone really went for the idea. The thought of sitting there in front of an audience with your legs wide open while someone shaved off your pussy was so hot and sexy.
            Then Shandra asked, “Why is it limited to just a pussy shaving contest. What about the guys too?”
            Well, we all thought she had a good point there so the contest just became a shaving contest opened to both guys and girls. We never really came up with a way of deciding the winner so the easiest way was to just leave it up to the audience to find the winner.
            When we decided that both girls should enter then they needed someone to shave them. First, we were going to use their partners and then we came up with the idea of swapping partners. The idea of having another man doing something as intimate as shaving your pussy was a real turn-on for us.

Evening Surprises - The Anything Goes Contest.

            Brian said that they had to have a sex contest too. There were a few ideas on how we would do this, but finally, we came up with the name “Anything Goes Contest.” The sex acts for this contest were suggested by Anne, Allan and I, but mostly written by me. Originally we were going to have both couples enter this contest too but both Anne and Shandra were against this.
            Finally, we decided neither of the couples from our story should get into this contest, instead of letting them have some fun of their own back at their table. The outcome of this was a feeling up and hand-jobs going on but just to make it a bit more interesting we had them swapping partners as they played.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Anne, Allan, Shandra and Susan.

Index of Letters.                      Return to Letter 23 Part C.

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