Friday 20 July 2012

Letter 23 The Ripper Stripper Party. - Part C

Index of Letters                  Letter 23 C Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 23 B.

Forward to Letter 24.

For an extra view of how this story came about try reading Brian's Page.
Brian is an ex-boyfriend of Susan's. He attended the Nude week so he helped write this story.

Continued from Part B - 10:00 pm.

        Now it was 10 pm and of course, dead on the hour, the compare announced it was time for all bras to come off. Having just bared everything a few minutes before it was easy to take my bra off again but this time I knew it would stay off for the rest of the evening. Jenny quickly shed her bra as well and we looked around at the nervous grins of the many girls who were baring theirs for the first time.

        Soon after that, our waitress arrived back at our table with drinks Peter had ordered. She was now minus her bikini, openly showing us a clear view of her tits with their pert nipples and the neatly trimmed, dark brown bush between her thighs. A quick look around the room revealed that the other waiters and waitresses had also stripped. From where I was sitting it looked as if even the barman and the players in the band were naked.

        For this hour, the entertainment was two more amateur contests but they were only open to those who hadn’t already entered a contest. The first was a naked pussy competition for the men’s benefit, followed by a penis competition for us ladies to enjoy.
        A large screen was pulled out onto the stage. It had eight round holes cut so only the crotch area could be seen on any person standing behind it. Soon eight contestants came out behind the screen and stood at each hole wearing tiny G-strings. After showing us their fronts they turned so eight bare arises were revealed by the peepholes. Then one by one they turned back to the holes lowering the tiny triangles to reveal their pussies while we still couldn’t see the rest of their bodies. One girl had her pussy shaven, displaying a very bald split beaver.
        Next, the winning pussy was chosen by the audience and then it was time for prize giving. Suddenly, the screen was dropped, leaving eight completely naked ladies facing the room. After their contest, none of the girls bothered to replace their panties but instead returned to their tables in the nude.
        Now came the penis contest. This was done in the same manner but with male contestants standing behind the screen in only their tiny G-strings. In two cases their cocks were so hard that their helmets were already sticking out of the top of the material. One by one, they removed their G-strings until eight very erect cocks were poking through eight holes in the screen. I thought it looked quite funny. Again the contest was judged by the audience before the screen was gently dropped taking care not to catch any of the enlarged, delicate members.
        The prize-giving, in this case, was a parade of eight naked men which made a pleasant treat for us girls. Again, none of the contestants bothered to dress, instead, returning to their seats naked.

        For the rest of the hour, there was disco dancing and Jenny suggested that we should join those already on the floor. About half of them were now naked and so Jenny added that the four of us should be the same. I knew that within half an hour my panties would be coming off anyway and so I quickly agreed. The boys followed our example and we stepped out onto the dance floor leaving nothing to the imagination of those watching.
        I must admit that it was fun as more and more people dropped the last of their clothing and when the compare announced it was time for all panties to come off, there weren’t too many left to be removed. Those that were, were quickly shed until everyone in the room was as naked as we were.

After 11:00 pm. Two Special Acts.

        After 11 pm., the party continued as the compare announced there were to be two very special acts. Those who were still dancing were asked to return to their tables, and then all the lights were turned off leaving only the spotlights on the stage. These were dimmed until the whole room was in darkness except for the dimly lit stage.
        Two people appeared a guy and a girl, both dressed in costumes so brief that even their essential parts were barely covered. Their costumes, held in place with black string and bows, were made of a coloured leopard skin material. The guy’s and the girl’s bottom half was really just a flap hanging down in front like a loincloth while her breasts were just covered with two flaps as well. As she moved you could catch glimpses of her breasts or pussy but in such low light, it was impossible to tell what was being shown. Her partner was much the same and had me straining my eyes to see what he was revealing.
        Then the music started, almost African type with lots of drums. He picked up a stick with a wad on each end and tossed it to his partner. Taking a second stick, he held it above his head with one hand. Suddenly a flame leapt from the outstretched palm of his other hand almost as if it had suddenly burst into flame. Mike told me later that he probably had a hidden lighter of some kind but I still can’t see where he would have kept a lighter in such a tiny costume as he was wearing.
        He brought one end of the stick down to touch the flame and the wad caught fire as the flame which had seemed to burn on his naked palm went out. The girl stepped towards him and reached out with her stick, setting both ends alight before she lit the other end of his stick.
        Now with all the stage lights off, the room was lit by only the light of their fire sticks as they began an exciting fire act. I thought their performance was brilliant with many dangerous moves, such as throwing to each other or juggling the sticks in the air above their heads, but little did I know that there was even better yet to come.
        The girl stepped to the back of the stage while her partner was performing the amazing feat of spinning both sticks above his head with one hand. She carefully came forward, ducking under the spinning sticks as she approached until she was crouched behind him. Plucking at the strings of his loincloth so it came loose she pulled it off between his legs as he continued to stand there spinning the sticks, now totally nude.
        She then stood up, taking control of the still-spinning sticks so he could duck away. Now it was her turn. Her partner moved to the back of the stage while she stood facing the audience spinning one stick in each hand. This looked very dangerous for anyone to approach her, especially from behind but that is exactly what he did. He quickly had her top off, followed by her loincloth. He then carefully took the sticks back off her so she could step forward and take a bow, leaving him standing there with both sticks still spinning.
        Now came the best part of their act as the girl lit another, short, one-ended stick. She began to swing this around her body and up over her head while her partner extinguished the other two sticks. He then came and joined her in the middle of the stage and they began tossing the burning stick back and forth to each other.
        They came closer together until the man held the stick out in front of his partner, low to the floor. She was now able to bend forward so her body was over the flame. She bent lower and to my horror, I actually saw each of her breasts pass through the flame. She showed no ill effect from this, doing it twice more without appearing to be burnt.
        Standing back up now she took the stick and crouched with it held out towards the man. With his legs parted he slowly approached the fire until the stick was almost between his legs. A gasp went out from the audience as the flame licked around his penis and balls as he quickly passed through the fire. Like the girl, he showed no sign of being hurt, boldly doing it a second time.
        Now it was the girl’s turn. Like her partner, all of her pubic hair had been removed leaving her pussy smoothly shaven. As she approached the flame with her legs apart, we could see her gaping vagina, open and exposed. Carefully she lined herself up as her partner held the burning stick rock steady. Then she did it. With my heart in my mouth, I could see the flame wrap around her bald pussy as she passed through it. Like the man had, she repeated the feat again to our amazement.
        The crowd loved it, clapping and cheering at such an unbelievable performance. Now they continued with a fire-eating display, each taking turns. This was nothing short of spectacular in the darkened room and then the lights came on, ending an exciting act, one of the highlights of the night.

        Soon the lights were dimmed for the second act as a girl came on stage wearing a brief bikini and carrying a cane basket. She placed this on the floor in the centre of the stage and began to dance slowly around it. Soon she stopped so she faced the audience and dropped to her knees with the basket in front of her. Slowly, she reached out and grasped the lid, acting almost as if there was something inside, and then with a sharp jerk, she ripped off the lid, tossing it aside.
        Now as her hand slowly approached the open basket I was sure there was something inside. I began to suspect it was a snake, which of course it couldn’t be, not here in New Zealand, we don't have snakes. Her hand had now disappeared into the basket and she seemed to be gently feeling for something.
        Suddenly she jerked back. As she sprung up, in her hand she held a massive snake just behind the head. I was shocked at its size, about twice the length of her body and almost as thick as her wrist. I recognised it as an American Rattlesnake by the cluster of large rattles on the tip of its tail, but how on earth could she have such a dangerous snake in New Zealand?
        Anyway, her act had begun as she slowly danced and moved to the music, carefully handling the large snake as she went. It coiled and twisted around her arms and through her hands, making a thrilling sight. The room was so still that you could have heard a pin drop as everyone watched with spellbound fascination.
        Things became even more exciting as she held the snake in one hand while she untied her bikini top with her other hand. Pulling it off, she dropped it on the floor. She now had bared a pair of smallish breasts with large dark nipples but I’m sure more eyes were on the snake which now was wrapping itself around her body. As she guided it with her hands, it coiled two or three times around her waist before finishing with its head held up in front of her, twisting and turning, looking around the room.
        My mouth went dry with horror as she turned the head and guided it towards her naked breast until it was almost touching her. In another moment it was touching her as she gently rubbed it against her breasts and across her nipples. I thought that at any moment she was sure to get bitten.
        But she wasn’t finished yet as if that wasn’t enough. With her free hand, she plucked at the string across her hip so that her bikini bottom fell away exposing a trimmed black bush. She was now naked except for the large snake which was still wrapped around her waist.
        Now her hand guided the head down across her stomach, towards her pussy. I could see it twisting and moving as that sleek head moved closer and closer to her open crotch. She wasn’t going to, was she? Yes, she actually pressed the snake’s head against her pussy, rubbing it through her bush. I couldn’t believe my eyes.
        Her final feat was even more exciting and sexy as she was carefully unwrapping the snake from around her waist, holding it in her hands. It seemed to wind itself around her arms as she held it just behind the head with one hand and by the tail with the other.
        She guided the tail back down to her pussy so that the hard rattles were pressed between her thighs. I couldn’t believe it. She was actually wanking herself off with the snake’s tail. It even looked as if the tail was right inside her love hole. Then her other hand was moving the snake’s head towards her face. Her tongue came out and touched the head which sent a shiver down my spine. In amazement, or should I say horror, I saw her put the head inside her open mouth. All this while she continued to slowly work the snake’s tail in her pussy.
        Suddenly she screamed, violently throwing the snake away into the middle of the dance floor. People scattered, a few chairs were knocked over, girls screamed, I think I did too, as the snake landed not far from our table. Then the lights came on and I saw that the snake was a fake.
        My heart was thumping so hard that I thought the whole room could hear it. I suppose, thinking about it now, they couldn’t because they were too much in shock listening to their own hearts. For a few moments, nobody moved.
        Mike reached out to touch the snake’s body as the girl came to get it. He said it felt like a long spring covered with felt. As the girl picked it up, it seemed to come alive again in her hands and we could see how in the almost dark room we had been fooled. Her exciting act was applauded loudly as she returned to the stage and coiled the ‘snake’ back into its basket.

        The party continued with nude disco dancing until the next event began at about twenty to twelve. This was the Grand Parade. The idea was mainly to get everybody up and involved, even those who were sitting hiding behind their tables. It was a lot of fun as everybody in the room had to parade around the room then up over the stage and back to their seats.
        It had the right effect too because once the ice was broken and the shy ones had openly shown off their nude bodies, in most cases they stayed on the dance floor and joined in the fun, rather than returning to hide behind their tables.
        By the time the Grand Parade was over it was almost midnight and we began the countdown. At the stroke of midnight, we all let out a cheer and like a New Year party, turned to hug our partners and neighbours. Soon a giant Congo was forming, snaking its way around the room until almost half of us were hanging on behind. Remember that all these things, normal New Year’s party activities, were happening in a room where everyone was completely naked. Everywhere you looked all you could see was tits, pussies, cocks and bare bums.

12:30 am - Bare Beaver Contest.

        At about 12:30 the compare announced the next contest. This was the first surprise event called the “Bare Beaver Contest”. Both males and females were invited to take part and while the whole room watched, their partners had to shave off their pubic hair. What a sexy idea I thought. I had been watching two girls dancing earlier who had their pussies’ shaven. At the time I had thought how erotic it was to have their bald pussies openly showing their fanny lips. In most other cases, including Jenny’s and mine, our pubic bush was thick enough so that most of the time our love holes were hidden, but after shaving it would be different, with our cunts being openly displayed all the time.
        Two girls quickly volunteered and then one guy came forward. Soon another girl joins them, followed by a second guy. Jenny whispered to me that it looked like fun. I told her that I’d been thinking the same thing too.
        “Well, let’s have a go!” she suggested.
        I don’t need to add that the boys were keen on us trying, so boldly we stepped forward to join the other contestants on the stage. We soon had the eight people required, six girls and two guys, and so the competition was able to begin.
        We were asked to sit back on the edge of the stage facing the audience with our legs splayed. Our partners were given shaving equipment and as everyone else gathered around to watch they began their work.
        I sat back on the stage opening my legs wide, baring my naked pussy to the room and then to my surprise Peter stepped between my legs. Mike and Peter had swapped and so now Peter was going to shave my pussy instead of Mike who was busy on Jenny. First, he used scissors, finely cropping to remove the bulk of my pubic hair before removing the rest with a razor. One girl, who was a blonde, with a rather sparse bush was shaven very quickly but for the rest of us, it took a little longer. Anyway, such a delicate job, especially on the guys, it wasn’t a race.
        Laying back there with my legs splayed was sure a turn-on for me as I knew everything was on show but even more of a turn-on was the fact that it was Peter between my legs, touching me in the most private of places, not Mike.
        Soon he had finished and was gently washing my bald pubic mound with warm water his hands rubbing all over before drying me off with a towel. Mike had already finished on Jenny and as the boys stepped back we were left laying back on the edge of the stage with our legs still wide open, waiting for the judging. We didn’t win anything this time but it was sure a lot of fun. Just being in the contest was more than enough for me. Even when I was standing up normally, the opening of my pussy lips could still be clearly seen.

        The show continued with the next entertainment being provided by two professional dancers who had moved a small table onto the stage and were now dancing to the music. Soon their act hotted up as he grasped her breasts and arse. I could see her nipples harden as his fingers fondled them, stroking and caressing her large breasts. She then took hold of his cock, her hands expertly wanking him to a rock-hard erection before gently pumping up and down his shaft. He turned, his hand plunging between her legs, fingers sliding through her pussy hairs as she opened her thighs for him. From where I was sitting I could see his finger sink into her soaking vagina.
        She was now pressed against him, rubbing her naked body up and down against his body. He lifted her onto the table and she lay back, opening her legs so her partner could stand between them. For a second he stood there then his cock found her opening and he sunk against her as his cock thrust deep inside, making her gasp.
        As he proceeded to fuck her I had never heard so much noise as she moaned and cried out for more. He drove into her with long, powerful strokes until I was wishing it was me there on the table instead of her. A dampness between my legs told me how much this display was affecting me as I couldn’t pull my eyes away from the scene before me.
        Suddenly, he let out a moan, pulling his cock from her gaping hole so the whole room could watch his come spurt over her pussy, stomach and breasts. As the drops fell, she rubbed his spunk all over her body making her breasts and stomach glisten in the floodlights.
        The next act featured the dark girl who had done the oil act earlier. She danced with her partner and again their hands were all over each other. Their act became hotter and hotter until she dropped to her knees in front of him, taking his cock into her mouth. I was amazed at how much she was able to take in, while all the time continuing to pump his shaft with her hands.
        I could tell he was getting more and more worked up and soon she let go of him and stepped to the table, bending over it so her smooth, brown arse was presented to him. he stepped up behind her, quickly finding her hole, then sunk into her. He was soon pumping away merrily while she lay over the table making the most unbelievable noises. Just for good measure, from time to time, he added a sharp slap on her arse to keep her going. Then he came, pulling out as he did so we could see his load shoot over her arse and back.

Anything Goes Contest.

        It was after 1 am. and the party was due to finish at 2. The compare came on stage to announce the last contest for the night. He called it the “Anything Goes Contest,” and that’s about what it was too. Anyone in the room was welcome to take the stage and do whatever they wanted.
        Almost immediately a couple came forward and as the band began playing they started to dance. She was caressing her breasts and wiggling her hips, opening her thighs and showing off her pussy. She was trying to turn him on as she even bent over with her back towards him so he could get the full view from behind. Not that he seemed to need any seduction as already he was rock hard.
        She lay back on the table and he climbed up on top of her. Straight off they were into each other, humping away for all they were worth. The way they were going at it, it didn’t take long before she came with a loud wail. This seemed to turn him on because moments later he came too, not bothering to pull out so we could watch but remaining deep inside her.
        Soon a second couple had taken their place. While the girl sat on the edge of the table with her legs splayed, her partner stood in front of her. She began to stroke her breasts, kneading and fondling them until her nipples stood out. Then her hands were between her legs. First, she stroked her pussy, and then this gentle motion had become a more violent rubbing until finally, two fingers were plunging deep into her dripping cunt.
        This display was turning her partner on too and soon he began to stroke his erection. At first, his hand pumped slowly, then gathered speed as she continued to perform for him. She was by now over the top, moaning as she came while he continued to wank his shaft. Suddenly he groaned and we watched as a fountain of cum shot from his cock and landed on her breasts.

        While this show was going on I felt a hand rest on my knee. Thinking it was Mike and not wishing to miss any of the action on stage, I didn’t look down. As the hand began to stroke my inner thigh, I instinctively parted my legs, allowing access to my bald beaver. Soon the fingers had found the wet lips of my pussy and they felt so good that I wanted them to enter me.
        By this time the act had finished on stage and I looked down into my lap. To my surprise, it wasn’t Mike’s hand but Peter’s. In panic, I looked at Mike but he was smiling back at me, calmly watching what was happening. Then I realised that he was giving Jenny much the same treatment as I was getting.
        Another couple had appeared on stage. They were dancing, if you could call it that, by holding each other and rubbing their bodies together.
        The fingers working in my lap had by now parted my fanny lips and I opened my thighs wider to allow him to enter me. As his fingers slipped in deeper it felt so good having another man’s fingers in my pussy but I did wish it had been Peter’s cock instead. I looked around, almost ready to suggest to Peter that he fucks me then and there as I was feeling so randy. But I could see a couple at the next table were watching us so I decided that it was better to leave things as they were. I wasn’t sure about going much further than feeling up in public.
        Already some others had taken the lead of those up on stage. Petting and fondling was going on everywhere, and two or three couples had even taken things as far as actually fucking.
        The couple on the stage had by now got down to business with a thrilling sixty-nine act on the table. As she gobbled at his cock, he was lapping at her soaking pussy. From where I was sitting it looked to be a hot act but I must admit that my attention was by now more on what was happening between my own thighs.
        Then I noticed that Jenny had started working on Mike’s cock. I couldn’t see what she was doing because of the table in the way but by the movement of her arm and the look on his face, I had no doubt she was wanking him off. I decided that Peter needed the same treatment so I reached over and grasped his erect cock. He seemed very pleased with this new development, slipping down a bit in his seat and parting his legs to aid me. His cock felt hot in my hand as I pumped up and down the length of his shaft.
        Things all over the room were getting hotter and hotter with the place almost ready to erupt into a wall-to-wall orgy. Suddenly the compare had appeared on stage and was calling for everyone’s attention. It was time to judge the “Anything Goes” contest. This had the effect of stopping all the action in the audience as well. It didn’t surprise me that the wanking act took first prize.

Now It Was Almost 2:00 am.

        The compare announced that the party was over. As he wished us all good night and a good-hard-fuck when we got home, everyone began finding their clothes and struggling to get them back on.
        Well, soon we were out in the cool night air which immediately melted my hornyness. We drove home, excitedly talking about the party we’d just taken part in. All four of us agreed that we wouldn’t miss the next “Ripper Stripper Party” which had been announced for a weekend a few months away. We made plans to go together again.
        That night, after Mike and I had fucked until I hurt, I lay awake thinking about the evening’s entertainment. I still couldn’t really believe that I hadn’t been dreaming the whole thing. In my half-sleepy state, it almost seemed like a dream until my fingers touched my still-soaking pussy. I knew it had been real because instead of my usual thick matt of hair, my fingertips found skin; smooth and bare skin.
        As I drifted off to sleep I remembered Peter’s fingers working their way into my love hole. I imagined it was Peter’s fingers now. I had really wanted him to fuck me there on the table. Even in bed, hours later, I still had the urge to be with him. I wondered if it would ever happen. With that thought in mind, I drifted off into a deep, peaceful sleep, to dream of a room full of lots of stark naked people.

        So Joseph and Lizamoa, that was the whole story of how Mike and I went to the Ripper Stripper Party. I know my letter has ended up far longer than I intended so I will end now.

        Wishing you lots of fun after reading this. LOL
                All the best,
                        Bye for now,
                                Love from,
                                        Shanti and Mike.

Index of Letters                  Letter 23 C Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 23 B.

Forward to Letter 24.


  1. Susan
    That was such a big story. It had to be cut into three parts. But I like it very much. So sexy! What I am amazing with is that it only took one week with the writing.
    Now about the two special acts. They were exciting to read. I thought it was with a real snake. When she put it into her mouth I was frightened for her.
    The fire act was good too. I have seen people dance and act with fire but I have never seen the strip tease. Can they do this too?

    1. Hi Asami
      Thanks for all your comments, You are making a lot of them which is good.

      First I want to correct you on one point. The ideas and notes were made during the week. The actual writing of the stories took place later. We played around with it, moving parts around until finally we got it right.

      Yes I agree with you about those two special acts. I think they are a feature of these stories just like they were intended to be a feature of the party hence the name "special acts" but they seem to have been overlooked by our readers. You are the first to mention them.

      Again, thanks Asami.

  2. Hi Susan and the other writers.
    Thank you for another good story. So this is the end of that exciting evening.
    We had a big laugh about that first contest. It was so funny thinking of those men standing with their cock sticking through. There is Japanese Adult Game Show where they have a screen with holes for the breasts and pussy. Then the male player has to guess is wife, daughter or other family member by her naked body parts. Only once have I seen men behind the screen and that was very funny.
    The fire dance was good but I can’t believe they can actually do that with fire. Do they do that? I would think the private places will get quickly burnt.
    The snake act was exciting and also sexy. I was following it closely and then discovered it was a fake. I notice you say they do not have any snakes in New Zealand. Is this really true?
    These ideas in this story have given us ideas for out nights together. We used to just play cards but last week we played a joint strip contest where both us couples tried doing a joint strip. It is really harder than you think when you are moving to music. But after a couple of tries each we got it right. We did not find a winner. We also noticed the shaving contest too. That might be fun to try. But the boys say we should swap partners. I’m not sure I want Masanori so close to my pussy. LOL
    Sakura & Tukiko.

    1. Hi Sakura & Tukiko.
      We have had a look at those same Adult Game Shows. Asami sent the links to Ayaka before she came to New Zealand. They were fun at first but we got sick of them after a while. The were very fake and the noises the girls make when getting fucked were very high pitched and unreal.
      The snake and fire acts were thought up very early in our nude week holiday. Later we worked on them to refine the story and ideas. Yes I would expect they would be very exciting acts to see. As for putting private parts in a flame. No way! My pussy is hot enough already. LOL
      Now this joint strip contest. That sounds like fun. Maybe was should try that here sometime too. Maybe next time try swapping partners and strip each other in front of a mirror. Then you get to watch what his hands are doing. Make sure you include lots of feeling as well. I’m sure Masanoti would love to feel your tits and pussy Sakura.
      And don’t be scared let him shave you too. You will be amazed how horny you get knowing another man is doing that to your pussy. LOL

  3. I have seen all three of these stories, plus their background notes. I even visited that story where a man called Brian describes the writing process too. This was a big effort for just one week.
    I also think one of your better stories so far. So much detail. At this point you writing still drifted towards the immature at times but certainly there is a style developing here. Yes I did say 'a style', meaning one style because I believe you were working together too much. This comes out strongly in this story.

    So what do I like?
    1) the idea everyone gets naked.
    2)The contests, primary the couples strip contest. I would love to try that but I fear my body would shock rather than excite.
    3) The snake act. That was well done well written. I didn't see that ending coming. (The fire act - a bit unbelievable.)
    Over all a good effort. Well worth the time reading it.
