Thursday 27 February 2014

Story 85 Part A Nude Beach and Night of Fun.

Part A
            Hi, it is Lizamoa again here.
            First let me say a warm hello from all of us in New Zealand and we look forward to seeing you in a few days. This letter will never reach you in time before you leave but we have decided to send it to you anyway for you when you get back. In fact Joseph thinks you may have left already because you are spending some time in Singapore first aren’t you?  But don’t worry you will all get to see it before you return home as we will also be bringing a copy with us so you can read it at the resort.
            Isn’t it exciting? I can understand how you are feeling Katrina. I am excited too. I am so looking forward to meeting all of you again. 

            Now first to Mootie. Thank you for telling us about the visitor centre and most of all thank you for sending the photos too. Joseph is very pleased with what you have achieved in making one of his ideas happening. He spent a long time looking at the photos, looking at every detail as well. One day I hope we are in India and so you can take us to see it.
            We all liked the one of Shanti on the crocodile. It looks so life-like.
            But Shanti says:- “It is not completely the same. I bet she is not wearing a sexy bikini under the shirt and shorts like I was in the photo.”
            So is it the same Mootie. Did you remember to put her in a sexy bikini under her shirt and shorts? Ha! Ha! 

            For this letter it is going to be my task to complete the stories from our camping at Christmas time. We must get this finished because I know once we return from our holiday there with many more stories for us to be telling again. Sorry for my English here. Normally I have Joseph to help me but I did myself this time. I can talk English well but sometime when I write the wrong words get into my stories.
            It was almost at the end of our stay at the camp and we all decided to visit a beach which was very nearby to the camp. It took only a few minutes to reach this beach, a West Coast beach called Te Henga. There is often very strong and powerful surf running and it is also known as a very dangerous beach. Mike warned we would have to be careful for ourselves but even more for the children.
            When he told us this we decided it may be better if the children stayed in the camp. Jenny had not been feeling too good (I think she might be pregnant again) and so she offered to stay and keep an eye on the kids. Peter said he would stay with her.
            Once we arrived at the beach we discovered that there wasn’t very many people there. The ones that were there, were mostly stayed close to the life-guard tower. On the other parts there were only one or two sitting and a few people walking.
            First, we decided on walking down the beach. At the South end is a very large cave but because the tide was at half way, it was a bit hard to get into this place. We had to wait for a gap between the waves and run  onto the dry sand in the cave.
            Mike did this first and he was followed by Steve and Sharon with the same wave. Shanti started to go with them and then she became scared. She ran to the edge of the rocks but before she could climb up, the wave came in and caught her. It wasn’t very deep only up to her knees but because she was very close to the rocks the back splash hit her. She let out a squeal as the wave hit her and soaking her almost completely.   
            Of course once the wave went out again she could continue and run into the cave. As she did Joseph called to me to run too. We ran but I was just a bit too slow and the next wave caught me just as I was about to reach the cave. I got a bit wet but only on my legs and a bit on my shorts. Not as bad as Shanti had.
            We looked around the cave but the problem was now we had to get out again. And the tide was getting higher and higher every time. Joseph and Mike went first and I followed them. They got through safely but the water just caught me again but not as bad as the first time. Then I looked back and saw Shanti. She wasn’t worried about running but just walked slowly. A wave came in but since she was away from the rocks it only came up around her to her waist.
          She just continued walking on as the water drained away. Before she reached us another wave came in but this time it was only up to her knees before she reached us on the dry sand.
            “Since I am wet already, there is no need to worry now is there?” she laughed as she reached us.
            Steve and Sharon were still in the cave. We waited for them but it was getting harder and harder for them to get out. Finally, they made a run for it in what looked like a safe gap but a wave caught them and they both got a bit wet. 

            We continued walking to the North end of the beach where you can walk over the sand hill to yet another beach. On this new beach, there was hardly anyone. We walked along to the far end of this beach as well.
            When we turned to go back, Steve suggested going for a swim.
            “Just wait a minute,” said Mike. “Let me check first.”
            He went up higher onto a sand dune and was looking at the ocean.
            “What is he doing?” I asked.
            “Reading the beach,” Joseph told me. “He is looking to see where it is safe to swim.”
            Mike returned and told us it was not safe where we were but a lot better further along the beach. He talked about rips and gaps and an under-tow but I am not being sure what he was meaning. Joseph and Steve seemed to understand what he meant. So we walked along to the place where he had pointed.
            “Let’s go skinny dipping,” said Mike.
            I looked around and there was now nobody on the beach at all. Quickly I pulled off my T-shirt and then my bikini top. Others were now stripping too. I reached down and hooked my fingers into my shorts and soon I had them off too. Finally came my little bikini bottom. I placed my clothes beside my bag on the beach. I waited while the others finished getting undressed and soon all were naked as were walking down to the water’s edge.
            Mike warned us not to go in too deep so we stayed closer to the beach letting each wave break onto us. It was fun in the surf. I had never been in such strong surf before and it was fun to be there doing that.
            Shanti came along side me and said, “Here Liz, let me show you how to body surf.”
            She was showing me how to select a large wave and dive forward just before it arrived. In my first attempt I dived too early and the wave crashed onto me. I came up spluttering with a mouth full of water. But soon I got the idea right, we were doing it together having fun. If you get it right is surprising just how far you can be carried by the wave. If you get it wrong then of course the waves just crashed over you like what happened to me the first time.
            Then Steve laughed, “Well girls, who wants to give some guy a free show?”
            I looked where he pointed and up in the sand dunes there was this man watching us. He was half hidden but we could all see him clearly.
            “There you are Liz,” said Shanti. “Even better than just skinny dipping we get to give a free show too.”
            “Yes,” I replied. “I hope he has a good look.”
            “I think he will, Liz.” She laughed. “Look! Did you see that flash? He is using binoculars.”
            We didn’t rush to get out just because that guy was there. Even knowing that by using the binoculars he was getting a real close view. As far as we were concerned if he wanted to look then let him. We were not too worried. In fact, I think us girls were feeling a bit sexy that he was watching us. 

            A bit later, a couple of fishermen came walking along the beach. They had been on the very far rocks but now, on the incoming tide, they were returning to the main beach. Of course, we were still swimming in the surf as naked as ever.
            When they came towards us, they were walking slowly and as they slowly walked by us they were looking all the time. I know they were having the very good show too because they were very close to the water edge and we were not very deep into the water. When there was a wave, we were a bit covered but when there was not we were more exposed with water only to our knees.
            Just as they were coming level with us, Shanti took a wave and dived on to it. The wave was a good one and it took her all the way into the beach. She stood up facing them when they were almost in front of her. I had taken the same wave but I ended still more in the water. But I was close enough to hear what they said.
            “Hi,” I heard her say to them. “How did the fishing go?”
            “Very good!” replied one of them. “We caught some big ones.”
            Then to our surprise, Shanti said, “Can I have a look?’
            “Sure!” the guy replied as he stopped to open a sack he was carrying.
            Still completely naked, Shanti walked right up to them and was looking at some of the fish they pulled out to show her.
            Suddenly she called to me, “Hey Liz! Come and have a look at these big fish.”
            At first I wasn’t sure. I was timid since I was naked, but then I thought why not. Here was an excellent opportunity to give the free show so I stood up and walked towards these two guys and they were watching me as I approached. I knew they were looking at my body, at my naked breasts and even to the pussy too. I did not mind, I wanted them to be looking.
            There we were, two totally naked, two Indian girls standing there chatting with these two fishermen. They were show us their fish and we were admiring. I think those men were more admiring us than we were the fishes. The outcome of all this is that they kindly gave us three nice sized fish for our dinner.
            After our swim we returned to the main beach and then to our cars. Back at the camp Jenny took our fish and began cooking our dinner and so we could just relax and wait for it. I did take the chance for a quick swim in the lake to take the salt off my body.
            Over our dinner, we told Jenny and Peter about our trip to the beach. When Jenny heard about Shanti getting wet going into the cave she was laughing at this. I could see Shanti was laughing too and adding her views of the story.
             Jenny was also interested when we told her about the guy watching us when we were skinny dipping.
            She asked, "You were not worried he was using binoculars?"
            "Of course not," I replied. "We enjoyed it." 
            “I wish I had been there too,” she said.
            “Well it was worse than that,” Joseph said. “When those fishermen walked past these two went up to them and began talking.”
            “What? While you were both nude? Jenny asked.
            “Yes!” I answered her. “Shanti went first but I was also happy to be following her.”
            “Were they looking at you?”
            “Yes,” Shanti replied. “And they were really checking us out too.”
            “Wow! You two were so bold.”
            Then I explained more, “And then Shanti told them, hope you don’t mind that we are naked. And one man replied it was no problem and all girls as beautiful as you two should always go swimming nude.”
            “Wow! Did he say that?” asked Mike.
            “Yes!” I replied bursting into laughing. 
           “And it was worth it too,” added Shanti. “Look at these fish they gave us.”



  1. Hi everyone.
    Now this is better than we have seen for a few weeks. It was made even better when I was reading the background notes and realised that this weeks story was very close to what happened to you Anne. getting wet like that was really funny but what happened when those two men walked along the beach was the best. I can imagine Anne and Susan getting up to something like that but you Shandra. Wow! I always knew there was a naughty girl behind that quiet and gentle exterior.

  2. Yes much more like it. Well done Anne.
    I would have liked to have been at the beach with you guys. As for walking up to the fishermen, not sure about that. Where was Susan? Why wasn't she with you too?

  3. Thank you both for your comments.
    Yes the reality within this story certainly makes a difference, well for me it does. But then, I might be a bit biased since this did happen to me. As for walking up to those two fishermen naked - I have not idea what made me do that. Just a wild Anne idea that hits at the most unexpected times. But reading in here, it does make a good story doesn't it?

    Not from Awesome Anne
    but rather from Naughty Anne.

  4. My dear Anne.
    So you are saying everything in that story happened to you first, before it got put into a story? My God, you are a wild one aren’t you? I must admit that wave hitting and soaking you would have been something to see. Raviprabha and I got a great laugh out of that. I can just imagine that really happening to you.
    Then you cheeky girls, into nude swimming again. What a delightful thought that is! No wonder the sand hills were crawling with guys. Who wouldn’t be watching with hot lovelies like you naked in the ocean. I can assure you I wouldn’t be hiding in the sand dunes Anne. I would be naked with you in the surf.
    Now the highlight for me was you going up to those two men naked. That line “I hope you don’t mind we are naked.” Oh wow! That is priceless. What red blooded guy would object to a naked Japanese and a naked Indian girl walking out of the surf to talk to them. I wouldn’t have just given you three fish, I’d have given you the whole bag.
    That is the Anne I love. Bold, out-going and cheeky. I hope you never loose that my dear. Oh and not forgetting you Shandra. I am a bit surprised it was you with Anne but then why not. You have one hot body too.
    Love you guys.
    Raviprabha and James.

    1. Oh James,
      Such a long speech. And a bit naughty too. So you fancy a nude frolic in the surf do you? With all those hot farming girls from Northland or is it only with Anne? I remember you had a thing about Susan in her black bikini too. So would you really do it or go running up to hide in the sand dunes the first time nudity is mentioned. LOL

    2. So here is the sexy Kirsten, telling me I am naughty. This is interesting since we all know you are not innocent either. As for the surf swimming. Please don't feel left out, I would happily folic naked with you my love. Are you into the nude swimming thing or just baring your sexy bum on your farm? is it tanned yet? LOL!
      Northland girls? Is that Anne's team? No, it doesn't need to be just Anne. I was writing to her above, that is all.
      So are you a natural red head? I'd love to see a better photo sometime too.

    3. Oh this is good. "nude frolicking in the surf"
      Sounds like fun! Can I cum too?
      James do you know how to establish if a girl is telling the truth about her natural hair colour? I wonder if we might be getting into a pussy colour discussion now, That might be fun!

    4. Ah what is this? Another naughty girl who wants to frolic too.
      A school teacher would not make a mistake like that. Use "cum" instead of "come." Very naughty girl. I didn't know you could do that in rough surf!

      Ok then, you started it.
      What does the Pussy of Reshma look like? I can't wait to see how you reply to that, Reshma!
      Love from your Frolicking Friend,

    5. Frolicking - What a nice word.
      I looked it up. "To romp; to behave playfully and uninhibitedly."
      I like that. Hope you don't mind us using it in our stories.
      LOL Ayaka.

    6. Oh James you are a bold one. You want Reshma to describe her pussy. Oh wow! lucky Anne has banned photos, you'll be asking for one of those two. So is that just Reshma or are we all required to do that?

      This is a good story Anne. I enjoyed reading the final version. It has stayed almost the same. Most letters and stories get changed through the final uploading process. Is this because it is really a true story so can't be changed much. I'm looking forward to part B since I was involved in writing some of the breakfast scene. It will be nice to see soime of my wruting. Did it survive?

  5. My understanding is he wants all of us too, honey. Don't if you don't want to. I is all just fun.

    1. Oh nice one honey. I can see you have learnt a lot since you've been in New Zealand.

      To reply to your comment above. We have not touched your breakfast scene very much. It works well as it is, so we have just cleaned up the conversation a bit to fit the charactors involved. You wait, I know you will be pleased with it.

    2. Hi Girls
      I see you have been busy today. I think we should forget the pussy discriptions. Might be going a bit too far I now think. I must admit that was nicely done Asami. A pussy so hot and sexy, words can't describe it. Well done girl.
      As for you Anne, yes a story well done with a bit of sex, a bit of fun, and some fish. LOL.

    3. That was a show stopper James! What happened?

    4. Looks like James had a change of mind, John. Just when it was getting interesting too. Maybe his wife told him off LOL.

    5. Good evening everyone.
      So it appears I was the party killer. I am sorry for this but maybe the pussy business was a party needing killing. I think detailed descriptions is not what these comments should be about. The bum thing was OK, some harmless fun but this might be too much for many readers. And no Deanna, my wife Raviprabha didn't tell me off. This is all my own idea but she is in agreement with it.
      We all like these comment conversations so why no begin another one. We were having fun with the idea of frolicking in the surf, if we keep developing this we might be able to re-write part of Anne's story.
      Regards to you all

    6. So this conversation has bombed hasn't it?
      I think we could have done better.
      I agree with you James, it was probably better to drop the pussy idea. That might have been upsetting for some girls.

    7. Hi everyone,
      Just thought you might want to know why we have not seen much of the writers this week. Asami tells me she is involved in a couple of big projects. They are working over the first stories from the Nude Resort. There has been some changes in order and three new stories are being worked in. They have called on Asami a few times for help in getting the on-line work done.
      So look forward to some great stories over the coming month. Anne once told me that she thinks these next three volumes are some of their best work. I'm looking forward to that, hope you are too.

    8. Thank you for that Kirsten
      Yes we have been a bit busy. Still been watching the comments but also been working on various things.
      This weeks story will be published tomorrow, Thur, NZ time since we won't be able to do it on Friday.
      Awesome Anne.

    9. Why don't you publish two stories Anne. I know this week we have a sexy one but then just a little fun one next week. Why not publish both these stories this week then we all get to the story we are waiting for, the next instalment of Katrina's story. Call it a special treat for us readers to celebrate the halfway point in the series.

    10. Hi John,
      I just saw your comment arrive so I asked Anne. She smiled, then said, "you were a bit cheeky."
      She looked at Kim, who nodded yes, She looks at Allan who said "Go for it." Then she asked me if I was ready. I said "I am." Anne then says "OK, Two stories this week."
      One will be published today and the second published tomorrow so the story and background link together properly.

    11. Tell Anne she really is Awesome.
      Oh have a great party this weekend and do lots of naughty things.

    12. Thanks John,
      That was nice. I'm glad I have earned that name in your eyes, as I rather like it.
      I think you should also thank Ayaka as she was the one who pushed for your suggestion.
      Really Awesome Anne. LOL

    13. Oh my dear Really Awesome Anne,
      Thank you so much for considering the request of mere reader such as myself.
      How can I ever thank you.

      And my dear Ayaka.
      Smoking hot sexuality under that innocent look.
      Thank you for daring to face a total authority of the Awesome Anne to present my case.
      Oh according to my calculations your picture will be the background again this week. Can you put up one of you in the hot sexy PJ set again please?
      Thanks again girls,

    14. Nice one John. Thanks Ayaka and Anne too.
      I'll be back later today to read that second story. Oh and I see they will be publishing the Katrina story on her page too. On Saturday while we are up in Auckland at Anne's. Asami lives with me at the moment so she has already told me about this. I once got to read a draft version of this section of Katrina's story. I hear it is even better now. Looking forward to reading it.

  6. Hi everyone.
    For those who followed the link from the What is New Here page, here is what we hope will be a special surprise for you. On Saturday Asami is going to do some work on Katrina's page. I have told her since she has this page open she can add the next Katina story one week early. She will if she gets time, this is not a promise but something we hope we can deliver for you. If she gets it done it will be completed before 5pm NZ time on Saturday, before she starts milking the cows.

  7. Hi Anne, Also to Ayaka and Asami.
    Please send us an Email and tell us of your new life over there.

    We have been too busy recently and not the time for the blog reading so now is the catchup time.
    This is a good story. It had us laughing at Shanti getting wet then when they were naked swimming it was more sexy. I would like to try this. We hope to visit New Zealand next summer so Ayaka you must take somewhere where we can try nude swimming.
    That was very bold to walk up to those fishing men like that. Then to our surprise we read they you did this for real too. That must be one of the more naughty things you have done. I hope you enjoyed the fish too.
    Bye from
    Sakura & Tukiko.

    1. Hi Sakura & Tukiko.
      Give my regards to your husbands too.
      So were you laughing at Shanti getting wet or me getting wet? I think both. I didn't know you were planning to come here next summer. My Uncle, Ayaka's dad, is coming so you might like to come with them.
      Oh there is plenty of chance for nude swimming during the summer. We call it skinny dipping over here. You can swim at our waterfall, or in our house pool if no one is here. We can also take you to the beach but like in the story, there might be other people around.
      ,Thanks for all your comments.
