Friday 11 July 2014

Story 103 Part A The Trial of Amita and Hansini.

Part A   The Trial.

Hi, it is Shanti here.
            This story was always going to be one of the more challenging stories that we have ever written for the Letters Book, it was decided that I should attempt writing it. Since most of the story is a conversation, I have tried to take extra care in getting it reading correctly. Mike and Joseph had a lot of input too and I sent the completed story to India where Amita and Hansini have worked on it too. Here is the final result.
            Thank you, everyone, for your help both in making this story in the first place and also in helping write it.
            So enough of all this admin stuff, let’s get on with the story. 

            Later in the morning after what happened to Steve, involving Amita and Hansini, (I strongly suggest that you go back and read Story 100 Setting Steve Up and Story 101 The Worlds Greatest Lover, then the ending of Story 102 Katrina's Story Part Five) I was sitting under the shade beside the pool. I noticed Mike, Joseph and Sarvesh were sitting at a table not far from me. They were joined by Mootie and Jeevan for a while. Lizamoa and Mandara were also there for a while too.
            There was a lot of laughing and I noticed Mike was writing something from time to time. It was obvious those three were up to something and I was tempted to go over and find out but then it was such a beautiful morning. I was content to sit back in my deck chair looking out over the beach and the ocean, while a gentle breeze refreshed me.
            Many of you make comments about Shanti minding everybody’s business, this time Shanti decided she would just mind her own business.

            Then I heard Mike called Katrina over. She was swimming in the pool with Hansini and Amita. She looked happy after her night with Mike so I was sure things went well there but with all that was happening this morning I hadn’t had time to talk with either her or Mike about it.
            I watched her get out of the pool with the other two girls. She is a beautiful girl. Clad in only that tiny bikini, nobody could deny she had a hot body too. I watched as she went to where she had her towel. Moving gracefully, her long slim legs swinging easily as she walked. Her legs ran up to that small bikini covered behind, then a slim waist and smaller breasts. I notice a couple of men watching her too. She seemed to attract attention wherever she went but mostly seemed oblivious to it. She just dried her face, not bothering with the rest, leaving her body glistening with drops of water. Then as Amita and Hansini sat down beside me she went over to the boys.
            Did she look any different from yesterday? Was there more confidence about her? Some men say they can tell but I don't know, she looked the same to me.
            The three of us watched her walking away.
            “I think things went well with her and Mike last night,” said Amita.
            “Yes, I think so too,” I replied. “I have not talked with Mike yet.”
            “She has promised to write an account for us. In fact, she has already started on it.”
            “Wow! That was quick,” I replied.
            “No not just about last night. Also about the events leading up to last night as well. Sort of continuing from her first story.”
            “What do you think about her and David? Is there anything in it?”
            Hansini joined in the conversation and added, “Yes Katrina told me they are going to write to each other.”
            “And I know we will be in touch with Donald a bit too because I believe Sarvesh might be doing some business with him,” Amita added too. 

            Meanwhile, something interesting was happening over at the other table. They were telling Katrina something and showing her something written on the paper. Suddenly she burst out laughing. Her laugh was attention grabbing too. Unrestrained, full of delight. I’ve seen her start others laughing, just listening to her.
            She looked over at us. There was some more talking and then she was laughing again.
            “What’s so funny?” Amita asked.
            “I don’t know,” I replied. “But looks like we are about to find out.”
            We heard Katrina say, “Yes Mike, I am happy to do that.”
            She got up from the table and headed in our direction. I noticed she was carrying a piece of paper.
            “What’s happening Katrina,” Hansini asked her.
            Without answering, Katrina held out the paper in front of her and began to read.
            “Amita and Hansini,” she said as if making an announcement. “You have been summoned to appear before a jury of you peers to be tried on the charge of excessive use of force when punishing Steve. You are required to appear before the court at 2 pm this afternoon in the main restaurant.”
            She then handed Amita the paper. As Amita and Hansini looked at it I asked Katrina, “What are they up to?”
            “I am not allowed to be telling you anything except you are allowed to appoint someone to represent you if you so wish.”
            Katrina then turned and walked back to the boy's table. I could see them watching us. I could see they were also involved in more conversation with Katrina too.
            Mike appeared to be giving her some very detailed instructions about something so it was obvious she was going to play some role in this too. Of course, we all knew that after last night, Katrina would go along with anything Mike wanted her to do. Getting his cock into her pussy had brought her full support.
            “Shall we get someone to represent us?” Amita asked.
            “Who?” Hansini replied.
            “What about you Shanti?”
            I wasn’t sure what the guys were up to but it sounded like fun and so I was just ready to agree when Hansini said, “No let’s do this ourselves. I am sure we can give these guys as much as they can give us.”
         “I don’t think they will let you win,” I told them.
         “Yes, I know that Shanti, but it will be more fun if we try.”
         “And maybe we don’t want to win,” Amita added. “Their punishment might be worth it.”
         “Punishment?” I asked.
         I hadn’t thought about that but the girls were sure there would be. 

            So, that was how it all began. Later I noticed the girls were also making notes and talking to various members of our group. It was obvious they were not going to take this laying down. They were preparing their own case, so I thought it was going to be fun this afternoon.
            Word had quickly got around to everyone and there was some talk over lunch about it but nobody except the three guys and maybe Katrina really knew what was going to happen. Sharon told us even Steve didn’t know much either, which was strange considering it was all about him.
            As I said above, Amita and Hansini made some attempt to prepare but Amita told me later it was hard because they didn’t really know what the guys were up to. Anyway, they both knew that what ever happened the whole thing was going to be heavily biased against them and they would have no hope of winning. They did consider not fighting it at all but then thought they might as well have some fun, or as Hansini said ‘go down fighting.’
            At 2 pm we all assembled in the main restaurant as nobody wanted to miss this. During the afternoon this restaurant was usually fairly deserted. It was cool here in the afternoon heat because the room had no walls allowing the gentle breeze to blow through.
         I noticed that down at the far end the tables and chairs had been rearranged a bit too. I saw that Katrina was standing by one of these tables but the three men were over by the bar. When I looked over towards them, Mike pointed in Katrina’s direction so it was obvious they wanted us to go over there.
            “So this was going to be their court room?” I said to Hansini.
            “Yes, it looks like it. They seem to have everything set up for us.”
            Katrina was very formally directing us to our seats. Hansini and Amita were shown to a table where two seats were set up. I was shown to another table where there were a pen and pad of writing paper. Katrina asked if I could record what was going to happen.
         “First time I’ve seen a court official wearing a bikini top,” Amita told her.
         She laughed and said, “This is a very different court.”
          “I bet it is,” I heard Hansini add.
            The others in our group would be the jury. Steve was then shown to a table by himself. Later Jeevan came in and sat beside him. It appeared Jeevan was going to be Steve’s lawyer. 

            When we were seated Katrina began. “This court is now in session. All stand.”
            We all stood up and then Mike, Sarvesh and Joseph came over and sat at the table opposite Amita and Hansini.
            Then Katrina continued. “Hansini and Amita, you have been summoned before this court on the change of excessive use of force against Steve. Do you wish to have someone represent you?”
            “No,” replied Hansini. “We wish to conduct our own defence.”
            Mike stood and asked, “How do you plead?” 
            “Not guilty, Your Honour,” came Hansini’s quick reply.
            I was impressed by their opening. It was clear Hansini was going to really take their defence seriously and do a good job of it. I think in some ways that raised the level of everyone else too. 
            Mike then turned to Jeevan. Prosecution, you may proceed. Please call your first witness.” 

            Jeevan stood up and said, “For my first witness I call Lizamoa.”
            I looked over in her direction and she looked a bit surprised. Katrina went and took her from her place in the jury to a seat setup by itself on the opposite side. This must be the witness box I thought.
            Katrina then asked “Lizamoa, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
            “No! I will not,” said Lizamoa.
         I saw Katrina smiling at that. She was obviously expecting it.
         Lizamoa continued, “When I was little, the nuns always told us not to swear.”
            “You may continue, “Mike said to Jeevan.”
            “Objection!” Hansini called out, standing up.
         That was a surprise. I don’t think they were expecting Hansini to object.
            “What is your objection Hansini?” Mike asked.
            “This witness has not agreed to tell the truth.”
            “I am sure this witness will give a good account,” said Mike. “She did not say she would not tell the truth, she only said she would not swear. Your objection is over-ruled.”
         As Hansini sat down, the trial continued. 

            Jeevan asked, “Yesterday morning, what were a group of you doing beside the pool?
            “We were reading the story I wrote about the three-some I had…… at the camping with Mike and also Peter…… in New Zealand.”
            “When Steve began criticizing your story about the three-some how did you feel?”
            “Not really upset….. it was just in fun. He was just doing his usual joking.”
            “How did you think Amita and Hansini felt about this?”
            “They appeared to very angry with Steve. They were tired of his telling how he could be doing better with the love games.”
            “I have no further questions, your honour,” Jeevan said.
            “Does the defence have any questions for this witness?” asked Mike.
            “Yes your Honour, we do,” Hansini replied.
            Hansini stood up, went over to Lizamoa and began to speak. “In your opinion, were Steve’s comments in fun or offensive?”
            “Objection!” Jeevan called out.
            “What is your objection Jeevan?” asked Mike.
            “The witness has been asked to give an opinion. This court is looking for facts, not opinions.”
            “Objection up held. Hansini from now on just stick to the facts, and refrain from asking for opinions.”
            “I have no further questions,” replied Hansini as she sat down shaking her head. I think she was surprised at being challenged like that. It had caught her off guard.
            “Thank you Lizamoa. You may stand down now,” Mike said as Katrina came and escorted her back to her seat in the jury. 

            “For my next witness I wish to call Shanti,” said Jeevan.
            Katrina stood up and took me from my seat to the witness ‘box’. She then asked, “Shanti, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
            I decided to get into the fun of this so I said, “No I don’t.”
            “Well do you swear to tell some of the truth?” she asked me smiling.
            “Yes some truth but mostly lies,” I said with a grin.
            “You may continue Jeevan,” said Mike.
            “Hey! Objection!” called Hansini, jumping up again.
            “Why? What is your objection now Hansini?” Mike asked.
            “That’s not fair. This witness has admitted she is not going, to tell the truth.”
            “Yes but she isn’t hiding it. She had admitted she intends not to tell all the truth so we can judge her testimony accordingly.”
            “But that’s not fair!”
            “Hansini, who said this court was going to be fair?”
            “Aaahhh,” said Hansini as she sat down. 

            Jeevan got up and began his questioning. “In the conversation which you overheard between Amita and Hansini, did you get the impression they were planning trouble for Steve?”
            “Objection!” Hansini called jumping up.
            “What now Hansini,” Mike asked.
            “This court is looking for truth, not impressions.”
            I had to laugh and so did many others too. Even Sarvesh and Mike were smiling.
            “Objection overruled,” Mike said. “Impressions can be true.”
           “What?” said Hansini in surprise.
            “Objection overruled,” Mike repeated. “Witness please answer the question.”
            “I can’t believe this,” Hansini said to Amita beside her.
            Then I began speaking.
            “Yes, Amita and Hansini were planning to give Steve trouble in the bedroom.”
            “Did others present realise this?”
            “Yes all of us did. In fact, Peter even tried to warn Steve.
            “I have no further questions, Your Honour.”
          I was surprised he stopped so soon. I was just warming up too.
            “Defence, do you have any questions for this witness.”
            “Yes we do Your Honour,” said Hansini as she got up and walked over to me.
          “Shanti what happened after this conversation?”
            “The three of them got up and left us,” I said.
            “Did anyone go with them?”
            “No, they just went themselves.”
            “Does that mean you or others within your group did not see what happened after that.”
            “No, we didn’t.”
            “So no one except those three has any idea what happened during the afternoon and evening?”
            “No not until in the morning.”
            “What happened in the morning?”
            “We went into Steve’s room and found him tied to the bed.”
            “Did either Amita or Hansini say who tired him to the bed?”
            “Yes, they said they did.”
            “Did they say why?”
            “Yes, so they could have sexual games with him.”
            “So they told you it was all a game them? Like the harmless sexual games, some people like to play in the bedroom?”
            “Well yes they did but this was much worse than that.”
            “In what way was it worse?”
            “Well, Steve was tired up against his will.”
            “Who told you it was against his will?”
            “Well, he was struggling and calling for help.”
            “But isn’t struggling and calling ‘help’ all part the fun of these games.”
            “Yes, sometimes but this time it was serious.”
            “Now when Mike and Katrina entered the room, what was happening?”
            “Steve was on the bed and some of the girls were taking turns with him.”
            “What were you doing?”
            “At that very moment?”
            “Yes, at that very moment?”
            “I was trying to save Steve.”
            There were a few giggles from the jury until Mike called “Silence.”
            “How were you doing that?”
            “I was on the bed helping him.”
            “Were you sitting over him?”
            “Was his penis inside you?”
            “Well…. Ahh…. yes but……”
            “It looks like you were helping yourself Shanti, more than helping Steve.” Then turning to the judges Hansini said, “I have no further questions.”
            At that, everyone burst out laughing.
            Damn, she got me there! What could I say? I must say I was impressed with Hansini. She was doing a good job defending herself and Amita.           

            “For my next witness I call Sharon,” said Jeevan.
            “Sharon,” said Katrina. “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
            “Yes, I do.”
            “Now Sharon, was Steve bragging and getting smart with Lizamoa and others in the group?” Jeevan asked.
            “Yes, he was. He was becoming a real pain in the arse. He deserves everything he got.”
            Jeevan then turned to the judges, “You Honour, the last statement by this witness was an opinion so I wish it to be removed from the court record.”
            Mike then looked over at the jury. “Jury you must ignore Sharon’s comment about Steve deserving everything he got. This is just her own opinion.”
            “Can we keep the pain in the arse bit?” Peter called from the jury.
            Mike was laughing and could hardly say, “Ignore that bit too.”
            And so the trial continued.
            “Do you have any more questions, Jeevan?” Mike asked.
            “No further questions Your Honour.”
            “Hansini do you have any questions for this witness?”
            “Yes, Your Honour, I do.”
            She got up and walked over to Sharon. “Sharon, why were all you girls upset with Steve?”
            “We were sick of his comments about other people. Sick of his bragging.”
            “What was he making comments about yesterday morning?”
            “Mainly about the story Lizamoa had written.”
            “What did he say about her story?”
            “That if he’d been involved he would have done better.”
            “Did this upset Lizamoa?”
            “Yes, she was terribly upset. I think she was almost in tears.”
         “You say this in spite of her testimony earlier?”
         “Yes, Lizamoa is trying to put on a brave face. You can’t see how broken-hearted and devastated she is inside.”
            “Thank you, Sharon,” Hansini said. “Your Honour, I have no further questions.”
            I was thinking that Hansini was doing a better job of this than Jeevan was. I was wondering if, in fact, she might be able to win the case. But no, they had to stop her somehow, they couldn’t allow her to win. I was wondering how they would do it.           

            “For my next witness, I wish to call Jenny,” Jeevan said.
            Jenny was brought to the witness box and then Katrina asked her, “Jenny, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
            “No, I don’t. I intend to say anything I can to get the accused convicted.”
            “You may continue Jeevan,” said Mike.
            “Objection!” Hansini called out.
            “What is your objection, Hansini?”
            “This witness has admitted she is not going to give an honest testimony but just try and influence the court. She just intends to do all she can to make the jury find a guilty verdict.”
            “Yes we have heard that and in this court’s opinion, that is a perfectly good motive. We will judge her testimony accordingly.
            “Ahhhh!” said Hansini loudly. “This is all one big set-up.”
            “If the defence is finished with her little display of bad temper you may continue Mr Jeevan,” Mike said.
            “This is all bull shit!” I heard Hansini say to Amita.
            “Hansini, do you have a comment you wish to make to this court?” Mike asked.
            “No Your Honour. I was just concurring privately with my assistant.”
            “Well please keep your comments just between you two.”
            “Bull shit!” Hansini said again.
            “Hansini,” Mike warned her. “One more outburst like that and I will be forced to remove you from this court room.”
            He then looked over at Jeevan. “Prosecution, you may continue.”
            “Jenny, was Steve bragging and getting smart with Lizamoa and others in the group?” Jeevan asked.
            “No, he wasn’t. He was just having a bit of harmless fun and those two girls picked on him.”
            “Did you hear what they were planning to do to him?”
            “Yes I heard Hansini telling Amita that ‘someone needs to sort Steve out.’”
            “Did you hear Amita answer her?”
            “Yes Amita said, ‘I bet he won’t be so sure of himself in the morning.’”
            “Did you take that to mean trouble for Steve?”
            “Yes, they both laughed at that and we knew they were planning some serious trouble.”
            “Did anyone try and tell Steve?”
            “Yes we all did and some of us tried to warn him.”
            “Who tried to warn him?”
            “My husband, Peter said ‘They are setting you up mate.’ Sharon said ‘Your big mouth has put you in it now.’”
            “What did Steve say about these warnings?”
            “He didn’t appear to hear them.”
            “Wouldn’t you say he chose to ignore them?”
            “Yes, I suppose so.”
            “I have no further questions,” said Jeevan.
            Mike then asked, “Do you have any questions Hansini?”
            “Yes Your Honour, we do.”
            Then Hansini stood up and went over to Jenny.
            “What was happening in the morning?”
            “Steve was tied to the bed and the girls were forcing him to have sex.”
            “Did Steve want to?”
            “No, he was being forced. He was calling for help.”
            “But wasn’t he enjoying it?
            “No, he wasn’t”
            “Did he have an erection?”
            “Well – Yes he did.”
          “So he had an erection. Does this not mean he was sexually excited? Doesn’t it mean he was enjoying it?”
            “Oh no! That wasn’t a sexual excitement erection. His erection was brought on by fear.”
            That brought giggles from some of us. Even Steve was laughing.
            “Silence in the court!” called Mike.
            Then Hansini continued. “What was your part in this?”
            “Oh, I wanted nothing to do with it.”
            “So weren’t you lining up for your turn on Steve after Shanti?”
            “No! No, nothing like that. I was totally shocked and I went looking for Mike to come and help Steve. I met him outside.”
            “Your Honour,” Hansini said turning to the judges. “This last statement by this witness can be proved to be false. I wish her testimony be removed from the record.”
            “No,” said Mike. “In this court, lies and false statements are acceptable as evidence.” 
            “Aaahhh, this is a court of kangaroos.”
            “I’m sorry Hansini,” Mike began. “They do not have kangaroos on this island. They are only found on the mainland.”
            “This court is all one great joke!”
            This brought a laugh from many of us.
            “Hansini, one more outburst like that and we will consider it contempt of this court,” Mike warned her again.
            I heard Hansini turn to Amita and whisper, “They have got us screwed this time.”
            And I heard Amita reply, “And I hope we get a good screwing too.”
            This brought a giggle from both of them. 

            Mike asked Jeevan, “Do you have any further witnesses?”
            “Yes, Your Honour. I would like to call Mike.”
            Now, this is an interesting court. Here was the head judge being called to the witness box.
            Katrina went and got Mike and took him to the witness box.
            “Objection!” called Hansini.
            Sarvesh asked, “What is your objection, Hansini?”
            “How can a judge become a witness in a case he is judging?”
            “Hansini, Mike has agreed to step down from his judging role during the time he is a witness. I will be taking his place as head judge.”
            “This court is a circus and you three judges are the biggest clowns.”
            “Hansini your last comment must be taken as contempt of court. You have been warned twice already. So now you will be fined for your repeated out-bursts. You and Amita must go over to the bar and buy us all a round of drinks. This court is adjourned for five minutes.”
            “I heard Hansini telling Amita as they got up from their table. “It doesn’t matter what we do, they’ll get us anyway.” 

            They went over to the bar and we could see them ordering the drinks. I heard Mike say to Sarvesh. “That was a good one mate.”
            We all started laughing.
            The girls heard us and looked back over towards us. They knew they were going to be found guilty. They knew there was no way it could happen any other way.
            But Mike was making sure of that. He said to the jury, “Now soon you in the jury will soon be asked to judge this case. Regardless of what happens, you must find Amita and Hansini both guilty. OK?”
            They all nodded their agreement. The girls were lost now. Even the jury was in on it too.
            The girls with the help of a barman returned with our drinks. To our surprise, they had ordered fruit juice for all of us.
            “Hey! What is this?” Sarvesh asked.
            “Oh, Your Honour,” Hansini said. “This is a very important case and I am sure you do not want anyone getting drunk during the proceedings.”
            These girls were not giving up without a fight. Just to get back at us they had brought everyone orange juice instead. I had to laugh at that and a few others did too. Even Mike and Sarvesh were laughing. They both knew Hansini had won that point. 

            “This court is now in session again,” Katrina said. Then turning to Mike she asked, “Mike do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
            “I am a judge of this court,” he said in a loud stern voice making Katrina jump backwards in fright. “As an officer of the court, I am held by society to be above repute. I do not need to swear an oath.”
            “Mr Jeevan you may begin,” Sarvesh said.
            “Not again Hansini! What is it this time?” Sarvesh said.
            “Everyone, no matter who they are, must take the oath.”
            “Are you questioning the ability of this judge to preside over this case?”
            “Oh no! Your most honourable honour, I am not.”
            “Thank you Hansini. Mr Jeevan you may continue.”
            “Mike I want you to tell us in your own words what you found when you woke up this morning,” Jeevan said.
            “Katrina and I were woken by a lot of talking and laughing. We went into Steve’s room and found him cruelly tired to the bed. The girls were taking turns administering torture to him. I could see Steve was suffering greatly from all this and so I gathered some men to free him. The girls tried to prevent us so they could continue with their torture but we were able to get to Steve and release him. Who knows what might have happened if I had not been there!”
            “What did Steve say to you when you released him?”
            “Thanks, mate. You saved my life.”
            Turning to the jury, Jeevan repeated, “Thanks, mate! You saved my life!”
            He then turned back to Mike. “Thank you, Mike, for an honest account,” said Jeevan. “Your Honour I have no further questions.”
            “Hansini, do you wish to question this witness?” asked Sarvesh.
            “No Your Honour we do not.”
            I heard her say to Amita, “It won’t make any difference anyway.”            

            Mike then left the witness box to take his seat at the judging table.
            “Now Jeevan,” said Mike. “Would you like to sum up your case?”
            “What is your objection now, Hansini?”
            “What about the defence. Do we get to call any witnesses?”
            “No. It is the opinion of this court that the jury now has enough evidence to make a fair and correct judgment against the accused.”
            “What? You are telling them what to say?”
            “No! No!” replied Mike realizing his slip of the tongue. “We are just giving them guidance in their decision making.”
            Hansini had nothing more to say to that. She just sat down shaking her head in disbelief.   
            “Objection over ruled,” Mike said with a grin.
            “Wait a minute Mike,” said Sarvesh. “It might be fun to see who they will call as a witness.”
            Mike thought about it for a few moments and then he said, “How many witnesses do you wish to call?”
            “Only two your Honour.”
            “Ok, this court has decided to grant you, two witnesses. Who do you want to call first?”
            “Your Honour, we would like to call Steve.” 

            Katrina went and took Steve to the witness box. “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth,” she asked him.
            “Yes I do,” he replied.
            “Hansini you may begin,” Mike said.
            “Thank you, Your Honour, for being so understanding and considerate,” she said as she stood and went over to the witness.
            This brought a number of giggles from the jury.
            “Now Steve, was it your intention to cause hurt to Lizamoa or was it just some harmless fun?”
            “Oh it was all just harmless fun,” he replied. “I was just teasing and joking with her. I never intended to cause her any harm or offence.”
            “Well, how do you explain Lizamoa’s reaction? Sharon said- quote:- ‘Yes she was terribly upset. I think she was almost in tears. Broken-hearted and devastated.’”
            “This was not true. Even Lizamoa herself had said she was not upset but just took my teasing the way it was meant, as a joke.”
            “Are you saying Sharon’s testimony was false? That she was lying?”
            Steve looked across at his wife and then a grin came on his face. “You are trying to get me into trouble with my wife aren’t you?” he laughed.
            Mike then interrupted him and almost laughing just managed to say, “Witness could you please confine your comments to answering the questions?”
            “Yes, Your Honour,” Steve replied. “What happened is Sharon has obviously misunderstood how Lizamoa was feeling.”
            That was a nice save Steve.
            “Now once you left with the girls did they act the way they promised to?”
            “No, they were trouble right from the start.”
            “But didn’t you get warned they would be like this?”
            “No, some people did warn me but I didn’t take them seriously.”
            “Why not?”
            “Because I have always had great respect for these two lovely women and I would never have believed they were capable of such terrible things.”
            Another snigger from many of us.
            “Didn’t the girls state in front of you that they were going to sort you out and you would not be so sure of yourself in the morning.”
            “Well yes, they did. But I never took this as more than a bit of fun.”
            “And didn’t both Peter and Sharon try to warn you?”
            “Yes, they did.”
            “So why did you continue after your best friend and even your own wife had warned you not to?”
            “Well, like I said, I didn’t really take it seriously. I thought they might play around for a while but then they would settle down and the night would go fine. I believed they were nice women.”
            “But it didn’t, did it?”
            “No, things just got worse and worse.”
            “I have no further questions, Your Honour,” Hansini said.
            “Does the Prosecution wish to question this witness?” asked Mike.
            To our surprise, Jeevan said no he didn’t. I would have thought it would have been a good chance to help their case. But later Jeevan told me he thought that anything from Steve might make things worse. 

            “For my last witness I wish to call Amita,” Hansini said.
            Katrina took her to the witness box and asked, “Amita, do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”
            “Of course I don’t.”
            To my surprise, no one even bothered challenging her on this.
            Then Hansini got up and went over to the witness. “What was your reaction to what Steve was saying to Lizamoa?”
            “I was upset for her.”
            “Were you angry at Steve?”
            “No not angry. Of course not! Not angry. I was just concerned that Steve was picking on Lizamoa because he knew she would not argue back. She is too nice a person for that.”
            “Did you both feel like this?”
            “Yes, Hansini felt the same way.”
            “So your motive was to defend the unfair harassment Lizamoa was getting from Steve?”
           “Yes, we felt so very sorry for her. She was being hurt so cruelly by Steve’s cutting words.”
            “Now on the following morning did things get out of hand?”
            “Yes they did a bit, but that wasn’t our fault.”
            “Why not? Weren’t you the ones who tied him up?”
            “Yes we did, but it was all just fun with Steve. We never expected the other girls to push their way into our game and take turns with Steve.”
            “So did not invite them in then?”
            “No! No! We tried to tell the girls, ‘Don’t do that,’ but they wouldn’t listen.”
            “Did you try and save Steve?”
            “No there were too many girls and we were afraid of them.”
            “So then what did you do?”
            “I asked Jenny to go and find Mike to come and help.”
            “Did she?”
            “Yes, Mike arrived to make that courageous attempt to save poor Steve.”
            “But didn’t Hansini try and stop Mike?”
            “Oh no! No, it was nothing like that.”
            “What was she doing then?”
            “Hansini had got up to help but Mike misunderstood her actions and pushed her out of the way before she could explain. It was a simple mistake given the confusing situation at that time.”
            “Thank Amita, I have no further questions,” said Hansini returning to her seat.
            “Do you wish to question this witness Jeevan?”
            “No Your Honour, I have no questions of this witness.”                            

            “Mr Jeevan you may sum up your case,” Mike said.
            “Certainly, Your Honour,” Jeevan said, as he stood up and walked towards the jury.
            “I have shown that Hansini and Amita set out to trap Steve into spending a night with them. They say their motives were driven by concern for their friend Lizamoa but Lizamoa said that she was not upset. So I suggest that their motive was not to teach Steve a lesson but rather for their own depraved sexual enjoyment.
            You have heard from my last witness what terrible torture Steve had to endure at their hands. You have heard how if the men lead by Mike hadn’t mounted a courageous attempt at his rescue even further tortures and who knows what else would certainly have taken place.
            I know you will have no other option than to find Hansini and Amita guilty as charged.”
            With that, he returned to sit beside Steve. 

            Mike then turned to Hansini. “Does the defence wish to sum up their case?
            “Yes Your Honour, we do.”
            Hansini got up and walked over to the jury. “Members of the jury, I trust you will use wisdom and see how flawed this case is. It has been proven that Steve was bragging and making a nuisance of himself. Even his wife said as much. The accused did agree to spend the night with him but all that was planned was some harmless fun.
            The following morning they were having so much fun that others invited themselves into their sexual games. Witnesses have told you how Steve was sexually excited and he was enjoying all the fun and attention he was receiving.
            Isn’t it a male fantasy to be gang-banged by a line of willing women? Well, I can tell you it was for Steve and he was enjoying every minute of it until Mike burst in and ruined his fun. So when Mike arrived he completely misjudged what was happening. He thought Steve was being tortured when in fact he was having the greatest time of his life.
            So I suggest you must find a verdict of not guilty for these two lovely and harmless women.”
            With that, she went back and sat down beside Amita.

            This brought us to the end of the trial. We were waiting to hear what would happen next.    
            “The jury may retire to consider their verdict,” Mike said.
            Then Peter stood up as spokesman for the jury. “Your Honour, we do not need to consider a verdict. The jury has made its decision”
            “What? That was too fast,” I heard Hansini say.
            “So how to you find the accused?”
            “We find both the accused guilty!” 

            Mike then turned to Hansini and Amita.
            “As you have just heard the jury has found you both guilty. So now it is our job as judges to sentence you to your punishment. Do either of you have anything to say before we do.”
            “This is a kangaroo court,” burst out Hansini. “It was all a big set up from the very start. We had been found guilty, even before we sat down. Steve was getting smart with everyone and he deserved everything he got. And we are not sorry for anything we did!”
            Once she had finished, Mike began speaking again.
            “Hansini and Amita, you still show no remorse for your crimes and so this court has no choice but to hand down the most sever punishment that it can. But not wanting to appear unfair we have decided to give you a choice. Either you can accept a spanking of four slaps by any man of your choice with him able to do whatever he likes with you afterwards or you can agree to spend another night with Steve, this time giving him the night of sexual pleasure he was expecting. Which one do you choose?”
            The girls talked for a minute and then to our surprise Amita stood up. She had been silent through the whole proceeding until this point.
            “Your Honour, we know we have been found guilty and we wish to accept the just and fair ruling of this court. Therefore we wish to accept both punishments.”
            “Both punishments?” asked Mike a bit surprised.
            “Yes, both punishments; the spanking and the night with Steve.”
            “Ok then,” said Mike. “Both punishments it will be. This court rules that we all meet in the large apartment tonight after dinner and the kids have been put to bed so this punishment can be carried out.”
            He then looked over at Amita and Hansini and quickly added, “That is if this time is acceptable to the defence?”
            “Yes it is Your Honour,” Hansini replied.
            Then turning to the rest of us. “Katrina please take the accused away to await their punishment. This brings us to the end of today’s proceedings.  I declare this court closed.”
            “For good too, I hope, you clowns!” we heard Hansini say as Katrina led them away.


  1. Hi team. I say that because I know this story was a team effort.
    I like this story. Its clever how almost the whole thing is carried off with conversation like that. Well done!
    I think many of your readers will miss the finer points of this story. My reason for say that is because you need to read or at the very least review the stories before it. Get the events fresh in your mind then you can see how facts were twisted by the witnesses. I even suggest going back to check on details like I did a couple of time.
    This is a very good story. I enjoyed it a lot. I did think the crime they were charged with was a bit weak. The best line of the story must be when Shanti was explaining how she was "helping" Steve. Jeevan then said, “It looks like you were helping yourself Shanti, more than helping Steve.” LOL That was so good.
    No a good story. Thanks again team for continuing to deliver what has become a great series.

    1. Thank you James.
      We are a bit surprised. You come from India but our blog is showing no hits from India recently.
      Now James, yes what they were being tried for was a bit weak. We couldn't think of something better. My best part is that two line exchange between Hansini and Amita:-
      'I heard Hansini turn to Amita and whisper, “They have got us screwed this time.” And I heard Amita reply, “And I hope we get a good screwing too.”
      I agree with you about a lot of our readers missing what this story is really about. But if people such as you James can read and appreciate it I think our job has been completed well.

  2. Oh, this was a surprise. A long conversation of the whole trial. Very clever how it was rigged against the girls. I was hoping they would win but we all knew they could never get off. It is all about how it happened.

    So dishonest too. Witnesses making their stories up. The judges telling the jury want to decide. I liked that. Then the girls arrived back with fruit juice. That made me laugh.

    Thanks guys. Good story.

  3. Grace told me to read this whole group of stories including this one. Its cold and wet outside so it has been an busy weekend for us, sitting in front of the fire, reading them all.
    This story is a complex piece of writing in that it is almost entirely conversation based on the earlier stories. See how Grace sums it up in her comment above. I think the fact there was no sex scene downgraded this story which is a bit of a shame. Very well done writers team.
