Monday 29 July 2019

Story 222 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 222.

Hi, Mary here,
         When I heard about Betty & Tom sending a parcel to the young couples in India, my first thought was, what would these couples send back in return. Sure, they would have received some photographs of themselves wearing the new sexy undies but it could be argued that those from India would feel they need to send a gift in return.
        Once they decided to send a gift, the next question was; What would they send? To fit in with the stories it had to be sexy otherwise why bother writing a story for this blog. Shandra mentioned that Betty had loved the beautiful colours of the saris in India so that became one possible gift. Maybe a sari party as Betty learnt how to put one on. That was good but I felt I needed something more.
        The answer came from Japan when I was chatting to Sayako's husband, 'Horny' Hirohiko. He told me about see-through when wet kimonos in Japan. He thought India might have something like that too. So goggle "see-through sari" and see what comes up. I mean on the screen guys. Pay attention, please! LOL
        Finally, magenta undies, sexy matching bra & panties. They say all these stories are based on some truth but do you, our regular readers, really believe that?

Hi from Ronny,
        Mary was writing a story from a man's point of view so she called on me for help and advice. It was at that time that everyone arrived back on the farm and Mary became rather busy as calving began. I had lots of time to myself so I picked up her story and tried writing some bits. As I was at Anne's house most afternoons while Mary was out cow milking shifts, I could use the advice from anyone who was there. 
       My writing wasn't so good but I did something that made a big difference. I wrote the story. Now with a plan, a rough draft you might say, Mary just had to clean up my writing and complete the story.
       When it came to the sex scene I was full steam ahead with a great scene when Reshma told me Tom has always been written as having a small cock. Opps! There goes my great sex with those deep thrusting penetration strokes. LOL Anne said I could just leave it by taking out any mention of cock size. She said most readers would overlook it anyway. But I wanted to get it right so I rewrote the sex scene. Trying to explain how Tom might keep the girls happy as he had seemed to do in India. 

Hi from Anne,
       Suddenly, Mary was asking for permission to publish. It caught me by surprise as I was wondering when she found time to write. Then I discovered the "Naughty Farmer Ronnie" had been helping, along with a few others who were supposed to be cooking dinner each night. I gave it a read and liked it. Subject to a few minor changes I've let it fly.
      Good job Mary & Ronnie. (Or is that Ronnie & Mary?) LOL

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 222.


  1. Wow! Another new writer. We seem to have had a few of them recently. I noticed a few places where it was different. For example when the courier van arrived - "This neck of the woods" "An eye-opener, I must say."
    And further down we find - "The whole pack of them were here"
    Not seen those in 'this neck of the woods,' so I knew someone new was writing or as we find out above, helping writing.

    1. Naughty Farmer Ronnie involved. Why am I not surprised?
      Very naughty boy, this one. You'd think being wheel-chair bound would slow him down, but oh no, not when you get him in the pool. You got my bikini off fast enough, didn't you, naughty boy!

    2. Good job Mary & Ronnie. I think the story works well. Sex is not always perfect so should be shown as such here too. They were both happy in the end and I'm sure Jenny won't make that mistake again.

      Now Kirsten, two remarks for you. First, did you really have any problems with what Ronnie did in the pool? Secondly, I wouldn't be slow getting your bikini off either.
      Allan snr.

    3. I thought you've already crossed that off your bucket list Allan!

    4. Kirsten again! I should have known. You must be careful to not get Allan snr too excited, after what happened with him a few months back.
      If you want to excite someone come over to see me. I can handle some excitement from you honey.

    5. Do you know what I think. I think Ronnie is no more naughty than many of the girls here.

    6. No Reen, I think you have that completely wrong. Once we were all very good boys until these girls come along. You girls are the trouble, nothing to do with us men.

    7. Yes Reen, I agree with Simon.
      Its those three girls who cause all the problems. You can tell they are trouble just by the names they use. Awesome Anne, Sensational Shandra & Sexy Sue. Don't those names just scream trouble. If anything naughty is going on, they will be behind it. Performing their mischief, causing trouble where ever they go, leading poor innocent men like us astray.
      Bill from Perth.

    8. Of course Reen,
      Those three girls are behind it all. When there is trouble, always they are there. Think they are smart and hiding it from us but we know. We know everything they get up to.
      Very bad girls those three - Anne, Susan & Shandra.
      Allan snr.

    9. Oh you guys can not put it better. You've really hit the nail on the head regarding those three trouble makers. If you invite them to a party, you know its going to be a disaster. If you don't invite them, they gatecrash anyway. We thought putting them on a farm in the middle of the country would solve our problems but no, they still manage to make our life hell.

    10. What are you bad boys trying to do here? You know the Big Three runs the show. Been doing so for a long time and will be doing so for long time to come. We like their style which is why we return. You say you like the blend of story, sex and humour. So just be good boys and don't rock the boat. Just sit down and shut up! LOL

    11. I was just working on some things in this blog when the comment above arrived.
      Ha! Ha! Did she kick you arse "you bad boys." LOL Love it!

      PS. I am trying to text Anne as soon as I stop laughing long enough to do so.

    12. Sayako, you are a trouble maker like these girls here. If it wasn't for the support from their dear Daddies, the so called 'big three,' (I'd call them something else!) they would be nothing. As leader of the new generation of writers, I challenge the old team to do better. Maybe take up spelling lessons too. Ha! Ha!
      Allan snr - the real, original Allan.

    13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    14. Thank you Asami.
      Does Anne know about this rebellion yet?

      Oh, Allan snr - the leader of the rebel alliance. Leader of the new generation you call it. Or is it the old man shaky alliance, the old generation. Someone get this man a stick so he can go sit down in the corner. The excitement is to much for him. LOL

    15. So what do we have here? A rebellion by the shaky alliance.
      It won't get anywhere, so just go over into the corner and sit down like good boys. Leave the running of things here to the experts. I'll come over and kick a few arses later. LOL
      Awesome Kiwianne!

    16. Oh Allan, you are doing well, drawn the queen bee out of the hive. Or is it queen wasp out of the nest. LOL Simon

    17. Well, well! I didn't intend all this when I opened this chat stream but hey, why no? Any time we are giving cheek to Anne and the girls is always good. I think you've caught them off guard Allan. Anne's reply was a bit lame. Sayako seems to be the only one with any fight.
      Looks like Anne has just rolled on her back and given up. Not so awesome after all, are you Anne?

    18. Owuch! Sayako! That was low girl. Giving me a stick because the excitement is too much.
      Yes dear. Please give me that stick. I need it now. Need it to use on your sexy bare arse.

      Yes James, they don't have much fight do they?
      Allan snr.

    19. Yeah Allan, the moment things don't go your way you resort to violence.
      Sexy Sue. LOL

    20. Very bad man. Saying he will beat my Auntie Sayako.
      Anne get your boots and I'll drive you to his house.

    21. Yes Ayaka. Come on over with Anne and bring Susan too. I'll line you all up with your pants down.

    22. Dad, what are you doing stirring all these women up again. You've really got them going here. And I had just got calmed Anne down about the queen wasp joke too.

    23. Oh this is good. The day is crap outside. Cold and rain but I am enjoying this.
      But where is Miss Ironfoot? The Queen Wasp herself.

    24. Miss Ironfoot! Now that is something new.

    25. Ha Ha Miss Ironfoot. That is so good. Thanks Marceau.
      Allan snr.

    26. Kim tell your new b/f to behave himself. We put you there to keep the peace not allow him to run wild on this blog.

    27. No Reshma, Allan is doing a good job defending the men. we can't allow these girls to think they are the boss all the time.

    28. Forget her Reshma. That girl has got stars in her eyes. You can never say anything about Allan snr with Dear Kimberley around.
      Be gentle with him Kim. Don't let him get too excited. LOL.
      I suggest a diet of no sex would work well. LOL
      Sexy Sue.

    29. Trust you to say something like that Susan. It made me laugh but a diet like that would not work.
      Kim you are doing a good job. I'm always an admirer of you.

    30. So what has been going on here. I've just come in and Susan told me.
      Reading down I now have quite a few names to add to my list. And yes Allan snr - the ring leader of this rebellion. There are three "X" beside your name.
      Awesome Anne - Queen of the hive - Miss Ironfoot.

    31. Three "Xs" Anne? Three kisses. Thank you my dear!
      Allan snr.

    32. Oh Allan. That was good!
      What do you say now Anne?
