Wednesday, 7 August 2019

Story 223 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 223.

Hi from Kim.
        Where did this fluffy pink snake come from? Where did this story come from? And any other questions you might want to ask.

The Snake. 
       Yes, there is a 'real' fluffy pink snake. He came in a fantasy costume set which Allan snr purchased for me when we were in Singapore. I did discover this long parcel that sat in his suitcase for the trip home. I didn't find out what was in it, in fact, like in the story he denied the parcel even existed. It disappeared as soon as we reached home and I couldn't find it anywhere. Any asking about it was always met with; - "What parcel? Can you see a parcel?" Of course, there wasn't a parcel, he had hidden it! 
        A few months later it was a birthday present for me although later on when I left, there was some confusion as to who owned it. 
       As many of you know, I rather like doing different things in my sex life. Some have already been used in stories in this blog. This set was really surprising. If the man used the various items properly, some great sex and fantasy sessions would be the result. There was even an instruction manual as to how it could be used etc. Over time, Allan became quite an expert with it, able to get me off on hot juicy orgasms. How, of course, is revealed in the story.
The Story.
      Once word got out over at Anne's farm and in the Yahoo chat, there was a lot of interest and speculation on how one would use a large fluffy pink snake during sex. Allan and I were enjoying their teasing by replying with some teasing of our own. We would just drop enough information to keep them going but not really tell them much more. Once a few other women had experienced the joys of the pink snake the secret was out there. But it is only very recently that word has finally got out that the true power of the snake is in his vibrating tail.
       We always intended that Allan snr and I would write one or more stories about a pink snake. But for various reasons, this never got off the ground. 
       When Jasmine did some photo sessions with Anne's Allan, we loaned her the pink fluffy bikini that came from the same set. It helped her land a career in modelling. Recently, Jasmine published a few photos of her wearing this bikini in a private blog. Susan wrote a longer comment under those photos, telling us about her sex session with the pink fluffy snake. In it, she said she had three huge orgasms, one straight after another. That comment was what inspired us to write this story. 

      So it is now completed, a mixture of true events fitted against the storyline of the Letters Series. When we gave it to Anne to get her ok for final publishing, she had a lot of changes, including asking us to add a pre-orgasmic paragraph. What the hell is that? LOL So finally, our proofreaders are happy, Asami is happy, Anne is happy and we've been given the ok to publish. 
      Hope you enjoy the story and are more enlightened as to the use of pink fluffy snakes to deliver powerful orgasms for ladies during sex. Ha! Ha! 
            Bye now - Allan snr & Kim. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 223.


  1. A pre-orgasmic paragraph! What the hell is that? Ha Ha
    Kim who do you think you are fooling? The request for that paragraph may have come from Anne but you called it that name Kim.
    But a well written background from you both. Tells us enough to keep us interested without telling us too much. Makes us go read the story. And yes, I now am very well informed in how to stimulate pussies to great orgasms using a pink fluffy snake. Just one small question; Where do I get one?

    1. Ha Ha James! That is a good one!
      This background is good too. Kim you tell the background story well. We learnt more about the real snake and where it came from. We also learnt, how after all these years, you were finally inspired to write this story. So glad you did.

    2. Kim has a snake on her bed. Ha Ha.
      This has been a subject long debated as to what they did with that pink snake. But both Kim and Allan kept it secret from us that the snake had a vibrating tail. That explains at lot.

    3. Hi Kim & Allan
      This is a great story. We loved reading it as we were taken into something really new. The playing and teasing between Jenny and Peter works really well. I also read that Allan did that to Kim.
      Then the sex scene was an eye-opener too. Things like tying to the bed, using the snake as a sexual toy, even with a vibrating tail. All good writing. Loved it all.
      Fred & Ginger.

    4. Thanks everyone. Kim and I really appreciate your comments. So now you all know in graphic detail what we did with that snake. All the secrets are out there.

    5. I loved the amount of reality in this story. The is a real pink snake and at least two women can testify of experiencing it. What happened to Susan tells us it has to be good. I wouldn't mind trying too.

    6. When you come to New Zealand at Christmas I'd be happy to show you Yui.
      Naught Allan snr.

    7. Really? Are you saying what I think you are saying?
      My reply is we will see when I get there.

  2. So what is the next story and when will it arrive? We have been told characters with our names will be featured. Also I have heard that Kala and Ian will be featuring too. This is a sudden surprise. Why are all the new names needed?
    Fred & Ginger.

    1. I'm not sure we can include Ian here. There has been an Ian character in the stories so since 2015.

    2. Yes, of course, the story Ian was only mentioned in two earlier stories. It is only here I am writing him to have a major role.
      The next story is a larger one so will most likely be divided into sections. That is to be decided yet. I am arranging this story but it is a joint venture involving a few of the writing team. For now publishing is expected in about two weeks.

    3. Still not seen anything Rochelle. Has the project stalled. Do you need my pink snake to give you some inspiration? LOL.
      Naughty Allan snr.

  3. Oh this was a good one. Kim and Allan using Susan to test you sexual ideas. Love it. Jeff
