Sunday 27 October 2019

Story 225 Rottnest Island Holiday – Part A.

Hello, it is Katrina again.
         One weekend that came along was a public holiday with a Monday for the day off. We decided to take an extra-long weekend by having Friday off too. Our plan became to go out to Rottnest Island, the place I really enjoyed once before. I was hoping Jeremy and Joyce could join us but they were unable to get the extra time off. Also, Joyce is not feeling too well and she thinks she might be having a baby. Have I let the cat escape on that? LOL
         In the end, it was just David and I who went, catching the ferry from the centre of the city and leaving our car at the warehouse. It is a nice trip down the river before the crossing to the wharf at the island. Going over the gap to the island was a bit rough and I was feeling with the funny tummy by the time we reached there. But I quickly became ok once my feet were on the solid ground again.
         We had pre-booked accommodation this time so it was easy to take a small transport vehicle over to exactly where we were staying in a small beach-front apartment unit overlooking the ocean. It had two bedrooms with a double bed in each because our plan was to have Jeremy and Joyce when we booked and then it was too late to change.        

         Later, taking a bike each, we went further until we found the track to a more private beach. Yes, it was our intention to get naked and enjoy swimming like that. But we were surprised to find another couple already on our private beach. From up on the headland it was obvious they were both naked, a man and a woman, laying on the beach together. 
        At first, we were unsure if we should go down or not. But then decided that since we proposed to be getting naked too, it wouldn’t be a problem. Anyway, we could be moving to the other end so we wouldn’t be so close to annoying them.
        It wasn’t until we got down on to the beach that I thought the woman looked a bit familiar. Then when she turned her head towards us, I knew who it was. It was Ginger from the office, the woman who had been teaching me. She had said she was taking a few days holiday with her husband so this is where they came to.
        This was a surprise for us and also for them. Of all the people who could be at this beach, it was almost not possible but it had to be them. It must have been harder for them since they were already naked but we were yet to be undressed. 
        But she must have courage because she rolled over and came to the sitting position to greet us. Of course, we had stopped to return her greeting. It was at this point that she introduced the man beside her, her husband Fred. I didn’t know too much of her family as she didn’t share much her private life but I knew she was married with grown children. 
       I took the chance to look to her husband since she was introducing him to us. He was much older than me, as she was too, but he had a nice face. A happy smiling face, I immediately liked him. Like his wife he had fair hair and being older his body had the shape of middle age. Yes, I liked him, I could even name him as a handsome man.
        “We came down here for some private bathing,” Fred explained to us.
        “We have too,” David agreed.
        “Skinny dipping?” Ginger asked.
        I confirmed that it was our plan.
        “Why don’t you join us?” Ginger suggested.
        We weren’t sure at first but after a bit, with more conversation, we decided to take her offer and join them. It was then that I realised that to join them we would need to undress with them watching, especially Fred. Then I just thought, if we are going to skinny dip, we had to get naked and so I just began undressing. David was soon following me too. 
        I removed my blouse and then my shorts. This left me wearing a bikini, not too sexy but sexy in that it would be coming off too. As I reached to undo my top at the back, I looked down and saw Fred was still watching me. Trying not to be too obvious but I could see he was. I knew he would have been admiring my body covered only by that bikini and now he would be waiting, watching to see my breasts bared and even me naked. 
        I hesitated, wondering whether I should turn my back to him. Suddenly I thought, no! If he wanted to see my body then it might as well be now. The strap behind my back came to lose and with one pull it was up and over my head. For a moment I looked down at myself, seeing my breasts bare, with nipples at their peaks. It was a bit cool from the sea breeze which had made them harder for him to see. 
        Now, I looked back at Fred to see he was openly looking. “Wow!” he said. You are beautiful.”
        I wasn’t expecting him to so openly comment like that.  
        But I smiled thanks at him as my hands went to each side of my bikini bottom. I was beginning to enjoy his attention as I pushed lower. The top of my pussy hair is not far below the edge of my bikini and so soon I was showing some. Slowly now, more and more of my pussy came into view until finally all was shown, so with one hard push, the bikini bottom dropped at my feet.
       Looking back at Fred I caught he was still looking. Now looking at me naked, admiring all that I had. I smiled at him again and suddenly he realised he had been staring so with a moment of embarrassment he turned to look away. I also saw how Ginger had been watching too. I think she might have noted how I had removed my bottom slowly to provide the extra show for her husband.
       David and I laid our things out on the sand and sat down with me closer to Ginger. This made two women in the centre with the men on each side. 

       After a while, it was a bit hot with the sun for my dark skin, so soon I was feeling I needed some swimming in the cooling ocean. When I suggested the idea, the three of them were in agreement to follow me. Getting up and not concerned to cover our naked bodies we just walked down across the sand to where the water was lapping at the shore. As is usual with this island, the water looked clean and clear so you could see deep under the surface. On such a hot day I was expecting the water would be cold but it only was as we stepped in until our bodies got used to the coolness and then the water felt lovely after the heat of the beach. Very refreshing for us. 

         David wanted to swim to some rocks a bit further out but I wasn’t sure about my swimming ability so I said I would stay closer, at the shore. I was mildly surprised when Ginger said she would swim with David and Fred elected to stay with me at the beachside seashore. 
        We watched them swim the short distance to the rocks, sort of like a tiny island. I saw David climb to the top of the highest one and was looking down at Ginger below him. Soon she had climbed up to join him, with him reaching for her hand to help her with the final bit. We could see them standing there, high up above the water looking down at something below them. Of course, being not much room there, they were closer together, almost touching each other. Suddenly, I saw Ginger take a jump out over the water, falling to plunge in. Moments later, David followed her, taking a jump too. So, it seems the water must have been very deep there for them to do such a thing. 
         But then I was distracted by Fred. As I said above, I liked him straight away and was kind of attracted to him. We were sitting in shallow water while we had watched the jumping off the rocks. Sitting like that my chest was bare all the time unable to be covered by the water. Lower down, we both were covered most of the time by the shallow water.
         Now he stood up in front of me. I couldn’t help but look up at his body, straight at his cock. He had a nice one. It was not hard of course, still looked good as it hung over the balls below. It was clear he was like David, having been cut because the head still showed when he was soft. At that moment, I was wondering what he would look like hard. 
         Suddenly, I came back to reality and realised I had been staring at his cock while he was standing there watching me. Now it was my turn to be embarrassed having been caught checking him.
         He smiled kindly, “I like looking at you too, Katrina.”
         “I was just……”
         “Yes, I saw,” he replied. “Checking my cock out.”
         What could I say? He had caught me looking. No use trying to deny it. There was some tension between us as I didn’t know how to reply. In the end, he replied but in a way that took things further.
        He was now sitting beside me again. “Did you like what you saw?” he asked.
        Oh wow! That was bold of him, asking me what I thought of his cock. I could back away from this or be a bit bold and cheeky myself.
       “Yes, I did,” I said. “I like your cock but I would need to see it hard before I could give my whole opinion.”
        Ha! Ha! I thought that would shock him but he didn’t seem to mind, just smiled back at me. I was beginning to feel a bit naughty with this man as so was willing to take things further with our conversation.
       “So, did you enjoy checking my body?” I asked.
       He was quick. He realised what I was doing and quickly called my bluff.
       “You are beautiful, Katrina. Great tits and a lovely pussy.”
       Wow! He was straight to the point like that one. I didn’t expect him to mention those parts so openly but then I should have because I had just mentioned his cock. What could I say to that other than just accept the compliment? 
       “Really?” was all I said, a bit with surprise.
       “I love your golden skin too. So many different shades of brown.”
        “Thanks,” I said.
        “I like the contrast of your dark nipples against the lighter skin of your breasts.”
        This was starting to get a bit sexy, a bit hot. He was sitting in the water, facing me now. Close enough to touch me. We were sitting so the upper halves of our bodies were clear of the water. Yes, that meant my breasts were bare and facing him, for him to inspect again. For a moment we were silent as I knew he was looking at me and then he continued. 
        “Your tits are amazing,” he said as his hand lifted towards me. “Those nipples – so large, so hard!”
         I looked down and could see where his hand was just in front of me, pointing at them. Closer than it was decent to be but still not close enough to make me feel uncomfortable. It was clear that he was hesitating as to touching me. Should I allow him or should I stop this now? I was attracted to this man and I was becoming a bit excited by what was happening. I looked over his shoulder, out towards the rocks. They were sitting together on a rock now, looking away from us, out towards the ocean. Finally, I decided.
        “You can touch if you want.”
        He didn’t reply. Well didn’t reply with words but his hand moved to my breast, making contact just above the nipple. Just his fingers, lightly touching me as we both looked down to what he was doing. Soon those fingers moved lower, moving over the soft, smooth flesh of my breast. Moving lower towards the peak, towards my hardened nipple.
        My body’s reaction surprised me. The contact took my breath away when it came, a finger and thumb taking my nipple between them. I couldn’t help giving a gasp at the sudden feelings. This encouraged him to contact my breast with his whole hand, cupping my breast in his hand, rubbing over and feeling my nipple. 
        Not a word was said between us, just him touching my breast while I allowed him. It was sexy and I could feel the sexual energy between us. I am surprised at how excited I was by this man just touching my breast. Where his hand contacted the flesh of my breast, the skin felt alive and intense to him.
        Suddenly, I had the need to touch him. Yes, I am sure you have all worked out where. This was taking us even further as my hand moved to his thigh and as my fingers moved higher, he realised where I was going and opened to allow me access. I now was touching between his thighs moving higher until my fingers found what they were looking for.
       “You are hard,” I exclaimed.
       “Of course,” he replied. “Do you want to see?”
       Before I could answer he had sat higher, kneeling so his cock just broke the surface of the water. Yes, he was hard too. A nice-looking cock, a handsome cock, I was impressed.
       “So now, can you give a final opinion?” he asked, referring to our conversation before.
       I laughed at that but he insisted.
       “You have a nice one!” I said. “A handsome cock.”
       He just smiled, I think, partly in thanks and maybe partly with amusement, I had called his cock handsome.
       I couldn’t help reaching for him with both hands, one wrapping around his shaft and one going for the head. I gave him a few pumps with my hand gripping his shaft. I heard the soft moan he gave at the pleasure. I realised this was now going further than either of us intended but I didn’t want to stop. You could almost say I was enjoying it as much as he was. While one hand continued to slowly pump him the other had gone to the balls hanging under in their little sacks. Yes, this was a very sexual moment for us both.
       Meanwhile, while one hand remained with his breast the other had found between my legs to where my pussy lived. I felt his fingers touch me; fingers move down along my lips there. It felt good for me and I think I gave the gentle sigh.
       I’m not sure how far we would have gone because suddenly David’s voice said, “What are you two up to?”
       I turned to look, my hands dropping away from Fred’s cock as he dropped back under the water. They were standing in the water behind us, David and Ginger. They must have swum back to the beach further down and with what we were up too, we didn’t even notice them. Now we’d been caught, with our hands in the cookie jar, LOL. My hands, on his cock and his hands, on my tits and pussy.
       “We were just……” Fred began to say but Ginger cut him off.
       “We know what you were doing!” she said laughing. And turning to me she added, “And you are as bad playing with him!”
        “Looked like he was having a good play too,” David laughed.
        I saw they were both laughing with each other as they turned from us to walk up the beach. It was obvious they were happy, surprising and catching us like that. What else could Fred and I do but stand up and follow him? I did notice that the lovely erection was gone now.

        Not long after that, we decided to return to the town place where we were living. On the bike ride back, it was decided that we should have our evening meal together. We didn’t bother getting changed as I just wore a tee-shirt and shorts over my bikini. I noticed Ginger was dressed in a similar way since this was a beach resort place where the dress style was more casual.  

        While we were waiting for the food, Ginger and I sat at the table while the men went to another part to get some drinks. It was then a conversation was made that changed things for us.
        Ginger leaned over closer with her voice lowered so only I could hear.
        “Did you enjoy playing with Fred’s cock?” she asked.
        “I am sorry -  I didn’t mean too – I just didn’t think…..” I began.
        “Its Ok, Katrina. I think he was enjoying it too.”
        “But I didn’t……”
        “It is Ok. I don’t mind,” she said reaching to touch my hand on the table.
        I looked at her a bit surprised. Since she had caught us nothing had been mentioned and I was wondering what our working relationship would be like after this.
        She continued, “Fred would like to do more with you. I would with David too.”
        “You mean…”
        “Yes,” she replied.
        To my surprise, was offering a partner swap? Well, it certainly looked like that. 
        “We could stay in your apartment as it has two rooms.”
        I nodded. Still a bit shocked at this.
        “Yes,” I managed to finally say. “We have two double-bed rooms.”
        “So, are you and David ok with this?
        “I am and I think David will be too. I have to ask him.”
        “I think he is ok, Katrina. He played a bit with me on the island.”
        That was a new surprise, as they had been naughty too but made it easier to say yes to her.
        So, that is how it happened, how we came to do a partner swapping with Fred and Ginger. The men were happy with the idea when we told them. After dinner, we walked to their apartment which was just one room and picked some of their things. Then they followed us on to our apartment.

        Straight away, I went for my shower as I still felt sticky from swimming in the salty ocean. When I returned, I elected to just wrap a sarong around my waist, wearing nothing else and leaving my breasts bare. Why did I go topless? You all know. Fred liked looking at my chest so why not allow him to look again. They were all sitting on a deck, having a drink while they looked out over the ocean.

        Yes, as I expected, I could see Fred was very quick to take notice of me topless like that which was a bit funny considering he had been with me completely naked earlier in the day. I knew he was checking my breasts so made sure I sat where he could have a good view of them. I even drew his attention by my hand going to my breast while we were taking and casually touching one of my nipples. Yes, his eyes were for me and didn’t miss that either.
        When Ginger saw what I was wearing she decided to join me by going topless too. Her blouse was quickly off to be followed by her bikini top, leaving her breasts with their large nipple rings open for our inspection. Yes, as can be expected, David was checking to her too.
        This was a bit bold for us going topless like that because we could probably be seen by the evening strollers on the beach below. But I didn’t worry, I had other thoughts for my mind by then.

        I could see they were nervous and guessed they had never done like this before. I was concerned they might take too much of the drink so I decided we needed to make the move towards our beds.

       “I’ve had enough to drink,” I said. “I’m ready for something else.”
       But I'm not sure they got the message as there was some hesitation before anyone replied.
       “Yes,” David agreed. Then turning to Ginger beside him, “You ready for some fun now?”
       She just smiled but we all knew it was time for the fun to start.  
       Soon we were ready for getting up to leave to the bedrooms. The plan was for Fred to visit me in our room while David would find Ginger in the other room. The plan was also for the whole night. I had said for that as it is no use just a quick time when we had the whole night we can enjoy. They had agreed this was the best plan.
        When they still hadn’t moved, I decided I better get the party started. I stood up and turned to face Fred. First, my hands went for my breasts, cupping them with my hands as if I was holding them out for him. Giving my nipples attention, rolling them between my thumbs and fingers and pulling on them. Oh, it felt good, both what I was doing to myself and knowing he was watching too.
        “You like this, do you?” I asked him.
        He just nodded; his eyes fixed to what I was doing to my nipples. 
        “I bet you want to play too.”
        “mmmm,” he managed to say.
        “Do you like Indian tits? Big hard nipples?”
        He just nodded again.
        “Or maybe you like the Indian pussy better.”
        With that I reached for my sarong, unwrapping it while he watched. Then came the big reveal when I let it drop to the floor.
        As my hands went for my pussy, I asked, “Do you want to feel my pussy, Fred?”
        My fingers rubbed along my cunt lips a couple of times and then I brought them to my mouth, licking my cum juice. 
        “Nice and wet! Juicy cunt for you.”
        With a hand each side my fingers pulled my lips open. I knew with me standing in front of him like that, he could see everything. I wanted him to see but more than that I wanted him to take everything too.
        “Which do you want to put in first?” I asked him, my voice almost a whisper. “Your tongue or your cock.”
        “Oh fuck!” he replied.
        Yes, I knew my little show was getting him. Any minute I expected he would jump up and grab me. Well, that was how to hoped it would work and then we would be off for a bedroom. But still, he didn’t move!
        I could see there was an interesting bulge in the front of his shorts. So, I was getting to him, getting him hard, but why didn’t he come and get me. I wouldn’t run away.
        I decided to take things to the next level by getting him out. I dropped to my knees in front of him and reached for each side of his shorts. When he realised what I was doing he lifted his bum to allow me to pull them down and right off. He was left sitting there in just a tee-shirt. His lovely cock was standing up for attention too. And I now intended to give it attention too.
       I pulled his legs wider apart so that I could get in closer to him. I think he thought he was going to get a blow-job. Yes, I planned on that but had another idea first. Holding the shaft with both hands I brought my breasts down to his cock head, then by moving side to side I allowed my breasts to drag against the head of his cock. I know that felt good but I could do even better. 
       I brought one of my breasts in close to his cock, the peak approaching the head of his cock. I allowed just the tip of my hard nipple to touch him, the nipple touching right on the very sensitive point at the tip of his cock at the little slot. That looked sexy, felt sexy too.
       His cock gave a massive jerk as he let out a deep moan. Damn! I thought I had overdone it that time and I was going to take a load on my tit but somehow he managed to stay in control. By slightly moving my body, I could allow my nipple to drag backwards and forwards over the head of his cock. Oh, he enjoyed that. I’m not sure if it was the feelings or the erotic idea but he seemed to be enjoying it. I can be admitting it felt nice for me too.
       I decided it was time to go down on him. Still holding him I moved so now my mouth was approaching him. Just before I started, I looked over at the other couch. Yes, they had started too. David was on his knees in front of Ginger. He was holding one of her big tits with both hands while his mouth was taking her nipple. I could see he was sucking her and could see she was enjoying it too. Would have been fun to watch but I had a hard cock to play with. 
       I turned back to Fred with my mouth close to the head of his cock. Gently I blew on him. Just the contact of my breath and he gave another big jerk. This guy! He was almost ready to blow and I hadn’t even touched him. I knew if I ever hoped to get a good fuck out of this, I had to get rid of this first load so he’d have more staying power. I decided that for starters, I would get him off with a blow-job, then I hoped he would have enough staying power to give me a good fucking after that. 
        So, with that idea in my mind, I settled down to take him all the way and make him have a cum from my mouth. Both hands were on him, working at the shaft while the lips of my mouth held him for the sucking. I wasn’t delaying him now but doing all I could to make him happen. 
       He was enjoying so much that I don’t think he fully realised what was happening until I took him over the top. I tasted the saltiness of his pre-cum and knew he was close. A few moments more and his cock gave the first jerk that men make when they are going to pump cum. The second came and then again as his cum began to flow. Yes, he burst with the excitement and the cum flowed to my mouth. I took a couple of bursts and swallowed before some more came. Then it was over and I knew he had finished in my mouth.
        I eased off him, stopping to lick around and over his head. Some men like this as an after experience. I think this man did too.
        But then he had the thought that he had cum before me. Made his cum without any way I could enjoy anything. I said it was ok for him to start because I was intended to make up for it later. I didn’t want to tell him my real reason for making him cum. Well, Fred, when you read this now you will know what my plan was for.

         I looked over at the other couch but it was empty with just some clothes laying there. They had moved, gone off to find their bed. I decided it was time we found a bed too. I got up off my knees and reached out for Fred’s hand. Half me pulling, he got to his feet and followed me wearing just his shirt. We found the door closed on one bedroom and so knew the other was for us.

         I stepped into the room, stepping aside to let him enter, then I closed the door behind us. As I turned towards him, I found he was facing me. It made a funny pair, me with being naked and he with no bottom. It also left not much for the stripping of each other. In his case, it was pulling a T-shirt over his head and in my case, I was completely naked, nothing more to do. So, I stepped to him, pulling the T-shirt over his head so he was naked as I was. 
         He grabbed me, holding me. I thought he would pull my body against his but he didn’t appear to want to. I thought he would even try and kiss me but he didn’t appear to want that either. In fact, it was an awkward moment until he said something.
         “Well, this is it then. You and me together.”
         “Yes,” I replied. “You and me together, all night too.”
         “I’m looking forward to this.”
         That was promising so I said, “Let’s go to the bed.”
         He smiled and broke away from me, “Sure,” was all he said.
         I usually find the man waits for the woman to climb to the bed first. I think the plan is to check out the arse and pussy as they climb on but I was mildly surprised when this man elected going first. So, I watched as he pulled back the cover and climbed on himself. Checking out his arse you may ask? Of course, what girl wouldn’t check to what she was getting for the night.
        Once he had settled with his back to the bed and head against the pillow, I decided to join him. He watched me as I climbed to the bed and crawled towards him. I think from this position he would have got the view of my tits hanging from me.
        Now, a man in this position sort of sets things for the woman, girl-on-top, girl leading was the idea who came to me. I moved up towards him, pulling open his knees so I could kneel between them. This left a lovely view of all he had, the balls hanging between his open legs and the cock at this stage still limp, hanging over them.
        There were no touching other places, I went straight for the cock again. I took him with one hand so he could stand up straight, supported by my hand. I give him a few short pumps and noticed he had started to harden again. I brought my other hand into the action and using the flat palms of my hands I rolled him backwards and forwards between them. He gave a little gasp as that and I felt the cock in my hands begin to grow.
        From this position I was in, I had a full view of him. I must admit to I kind of like playing with cocks. I like touching and feeling them. If I had a cock; I’d play with it all day. LOL. 
        I like watching a man getting an erection too. Even more, I like making a man go hard by playing with him and exciting him. You can see him growing and lengthening until he obtains his full length You can feel him hardening and become rigid with the veins running up around the shaft climbing to the head at the top. With these white men, you can see the colour changing too as they change from their normal skin colour to take on, like the colour of pink. 
       I also observe the head too. This was going to be the part that touches me first, the part that will press against my pussy lips, press between them and enter me. I always notice the shape of the cock head as men are different with what they have. In Fred’s case, there didn’t seen as much groove between the shaft and the head, almost like the shaft connected straight to the head. I thought that a bit interesting when I saw it before. Now, I could observe him much more fully.  
         Finally, I thought he was ready. Now, was the time to fuck with him. I moved my body up until my pussy was over his cock. I took the hard shaft with both hands, bring my pussy down to meet it. I was wet from the excitement, the thought of what we would be doing. He was hard and ready too, so I knew there would be an easy connection between us.
        I felt him touch me, his cock making contact with the outside of my pussy. My lips were juicy and full which causes them to open and allow a gap between. With a slight movement from me, the head of his cock found that gap.
        I was still holding him with my hand as I used my body weight to press down at him. I felt the lips of my pussy open further for allowing him. I felt him enter me, just the head at first because I was controlling him not to go in to far. Then I lifted so he pulled out of me. Now dropping again so the cock entered me again with a bit of the shaft this time. Two more times I repeated this, each time taking him deeper, my juice wetting him until finally, I allowed myself to drop completely, taking him all.
        I must admit to enjoying that moment, the achievement of getting a man hard and taking him fully into my pussy. I looked down at him and smiled. Yes, I was pleased with myself. And then the thought came to me that this was a new cock, one I had never tried before. For me, that was a bit sexy too.
        Now, in this position, it is mostly left to the woman to perform the position and she can do it either of two ways. She can sit upright so she is kneeling with a leg each side of the man and fuck him from this position. In this way, there is not much the man can do to help her but he was able to see and even play with her tits. Or she can lay flat against him so her body is against him. In this position, they both work together with the woman taking most of the movement and the man helping her. The advantage of this position is that there is full-body contact between them.
        I made my mind to start with the upright position and move to the flat position as passion overcame us. Sort of taking advantage of both positions.
        As I sat over him my body began to move, my knees working like a hinge to lift and lower myself, allowing him to slip almost out before sinking so I took him all the way in again. At first, my movements were slow and controlled. I wanted us to build slowly, taking our time as the sexual energy was building between us. 
       The way he was sliding in and out felt good as his hard shaft slipped between my excited pussy lips. This motion was also pulling at the flesh over my clitty, exciting for her too. I knew as this increased, we would be ready to move to the other position. 
       I continued fucking him, increasing the speed, with my hips and body moving to create the motion of his cock. Meanwhile, he had noticed my breast in front of him and reached for them. This makes things sexier for both of us. The way his fingers were playing and exciting my hard nipples was getting to me. I gave a moan at this as my body responded. It surprised me how close I was. I was just about to cum. I was thinking to hold back and wait for him but it didn’t happen like this.
        He must have realised how close I was. His body gave a thrust up towards me, driving his cock deep inside me. It caught me by surprise and before I knew what was happening the cum burst over me. Its intensity caught me by surprise too for as it overrun my body, I lost all control, fall forward against him. I couldn’t move as the final waves of pleasure swept through me leaving me laying on top of him breathless.
        But through this time, he had kept moving, using the spring of the bed under us to keep thrusting his cock into me. That motion had kept it alive for him and also kept me at a point of excitement too. 
       When I realised what was happening, I began moving to help him. This time I was laying against him so my motion was thrusting backwards, thrusting my pussy back against his cock. From this position, he could help too so it becomes a matter of adjusting and timing until we get it right. This position is also good in that while not taking him in so deep it gives some more intense stimulation to the outer areas and the clitty. 
        This is how it happened for me. As we continued the feelings began again. They grew as the excitement built but I soon realised my next cum was building at a faster pace. Yes, almost from the moment we started in this position, I knew there was going to be another one for me.
        I noticed he was getting there too so for a moment I wondered who would be first. While it was looking like me, this man with me was a stranger in the bed so I didn’t know the signals of his body. So, all I could do was hope it worked for us both.
        We were working hard, breathing heavy as we entered the last moments before orgasm. We were going for the end now, moving fast as his cock thrusting up into me. It was a very powerful sex that would quickly consume our energy so I knew it could not last.
        Finally, we got there. He gave a moan and began to cum. He lost his motion as I felt his cock pumping his man juice to me. A few well-placed thrusts before his cock lost its strength and I sent myself over. He was finished as I started my cum and he lay there and waited for my body to recover. 

       It was over now and I lay on top of him gathering my breath. My head was down against the pillow beside his head.

       “We are even now,” he said.
       “Even?” I asked, lifting my head to look at him.
       “Yes, even,” he repeated. “Two orgasms each.”
       “Oh, that!” I replied. “Yes, we are even.”
       I was happy that we were too although I didn’t have any concern that I wouldn’t get my share of the fun. 


  1. Hi Rochelle & Sexy Sue
    Right from the start this story promises a lot, and oh yes does it deliver. And in the words of another reader...oh what a mess!
    Thanks for continuing the stories, they do give a lot of people a lot of pleasure
    Keep it up

    1. Yes Ian, we agree. I was wondering where it was going until they met Ginger and Fred on the beach. After that it was just a case off how they were going to get there. But they are not finished yet as we don't know what happens with David and Ginger.
      Good work guys. Asami, thanks for the warning email.
      Bill & Sally.

    2. Rochelle and Susan - Great story!
      You are too modest on yourself, Susan (if modest could ever be used for you). That is a good sex scene; a great sex scene. I loved the detail and how Katrina matched Fred sexually. I would put this one up there among your best, Susan. You are the master writer when it comes to sex but then why would any of us to surprised at that?

      Hello everyone - Hello Rochelle & Susan.
      I thought that opening when they get to the bedroom was the best part of a good story. Katrina, watching Fred's arse as he climbs on to the bed. "What girl wouldn't check out when she was going to be getting." LOL Nice one!
      Then the detail of her getting him hard again and her feelings at doing it. I loved that bit, you really got into something special there. You describe how she does it and how she likes doing that to a man. I must admit watching a man getting an erection is a bit special, a bit amazing.

    3. Lovely story Rochelle & Sexy Sue.
      I enjoyed it all. That part in the water on the beach was a good scene. Two strangers wanting too but not sure if their attention would be welcome.
      The sex was classic Sexy Sue! You are good and you know it honey. Now that bit about making him hard again, while being good it is not the first time it has been used. Didn't sexy Ayaka do it once?

      Talking of Ayaka, that background photo is one of my favorites. A photo of mixed messages.
      So innocent, just in your sleep gear doing you nails. So sexy, that pose leading your eyes down to the material pull tightly over your pussy. Like a private moment in the secret privacy of your bedroom. So public, on display for all of us here to see.

  2. This stories get quite sexy don't they. I am not used to reading of sexual things in such detail but I kind of enjoy it.
    My best part? It must be named when the woman Katrina was making Fred's cock hard again. That part of sex is fascinating but not always seen by women because the man is mostly hard before he is revealed. But it gives me some good ideas.

    1. Yes they do get sexy Ayesha. But that is part of the goal of this blog - sexy stories that us women can enjoy as much as the men. I have never read or seen much porn but I understand it is mainly aimed at the male market. It seems this blog might be different in that it is written for females as much as for males.
      But sometimes the sexy scenes do get very detailed and explicit. I find reading about people describing having sex is sexy, a turn-on for me. I get quite horny sometimes.
      With my husband and I, since we have been reading these stories, our sex life has improved and orgasmic rate has increased. Ha! Ha!.

    2. I think you might be missing a point here. Most of these stories are written by women. Even when one of us men are involved our writing has to fit in with the storyline and general theme of this blog. This kind of sets a tone of writing that women will enjoy while still being sexy for us guys.

    3. I just realised how clever this is. You intended a partner swap so needed a double bedroom apartment. You put all that about Jeremy and Joyce pulling out to explain the two bedrooms required for this story. Very clever.

    4. Brett and I enjoyed yet another good story from this blog. Nice way of drawing this new couple into the stories. They met on a nude beach. Great sex scene. Especially that part about making Fred hard stands out.
      Rita & Brett.

  3. Oh this is so good. Thank you Rochelle and Susan.
    Our name-sakes appearing in this story. We loved it, reading about Fred with that lovely Indian lady. Now next time we will find our about Ginger's night with David. This is so good. I know you warned us that the story characters may or may not be like the real us but it is still exciting. We sort of feel that are still a bit a part of us like our children gone off into a new world of fiction.
    Thanks again - Fred & Ginger.

    Ps Fred says - Be nice to them writers and give them lots of orgasms. LOL

    1. Yes Fred and Ginger, it is exciting. In the next few stories characters named after Ian and me will be appearing. I am so looking forward to that too.
      PS Fred, I hope my namesake gets lots of orgasms too. Ha! Ha!

    2. Knowing this team of writers, I'm sure Story Kala will get lots of orgasms, Real Kala.

  4. Kia ora all my naughty friends.
    I have been busy with my family and not been on these blogs so much. I see a lot has changed and I have some catching up to do. But first let's look at this story.
    It builds well until it reaches the usual climax towards the end. A solid story that delivers what we would expect, a good sex scene.
    Two new characters, their names taken from among the readers. I just wonder when Moa appears and is given some handsome young men to play with. Ha Ha. And that is not an invitation for you to start cheeky Allan.
    The technical description of the sex is very good but when we consider who wrote it, that is to be expected too.

    I found a number of mistakes that can't be considered intentionally made bad grammar but I won't bore our readers with those. I will sent you an email.
    Rochelle and Sexy Sue, very well done girls. A worthy story for this blog.

    1. Thank you Moa. I sat down with Susan tonight and we've done all of the correction you sent us. While they don't really alter the story, they were worth taking the short time to do them.

    2. Kia ora Moa,
      Telling me not to just makes sure I do give you cheek.
      Now Moa with three fit hunky young men. They are left, over-whelmed with eshaustion and she is still going. This I must see. LOL.
      The Cheeky Pakeha Boy!

    3. Kia ora, Allan
      Cheeky Pakaha Boy!
      You need to go over my knee, be smacked until your little white arse turns pink.
      So if that is what you think will happen, you better hope you are not one of those "hunky young men."
      Moa with lots of LOL.

    4. Kia ora, Moa,
      So that is what happens when you are losing a debate? Like some woman here you resort to violence. LOL

  5. Kia ora Allan
    Who said I was losing? I thought make some cheeky white boy's arse pink added an interesting dimension to this conversation. It also adds incentive for those sexy young men to do a good job too. Ha! Ha!

  6. Oh my goodness, I lived through every moment of that story, from the water, the beach, the teasing and the fucking, oh goodness. I will need to re-read it I think so that I can create another mess, yes girls, thts what the story does to me. Love you all, Peter xxx
