Tuesday 19 November 2019

Story 226 Background.

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Hi from Anne.
        We thought that two couples jumping into partner swapping at the same time would be almost impossible so since this had happened with Fred & Ginger we needed a transition story for Ian & Kala. Of course, both of these couples are named after some of our friends among our readers.
         The idea came up of using the game "Strip" again. As far as I was concerned, that game has been written to death. Even the sexier "Strip XXX" has been well done. But I had to admit it was a good way of getting a new couple into the play so that is why I went with it.
         These stories where there are a larger number of characters interacting and engaging in conversations together are often harder to write in a believable way but I think this one works ok. It is a sexy story but nothing too way out there. I'd call this a supporting story where we move into a new series of adventures. Perhaps, we should treat it like that and move on to more exciting adventures.
        Go read the story and tell me here, what you think.
                          Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 226.


  1. Spot on Anne, loved it 😊

    1. Thanks Ian,
      I'm glad you enjoyed the story and allowed us to use your name.

      Just wondering where your girlfriends Janet & Kala are. They both got send notice that this story has been posted.

    2. You did well, Anne.
      Thanks for another sexy story.

    3. More recently, since I have been writing for this blog, I have come to notice the structure of a good story. Anne is the best at this because she can use a number of different structures and writing styles. This is a classic example.
      Get past the sex scenes and look at how this story has been put together. The story is a row of small sex scenes connected together with humour and conversation. This reflects how Anne writes. She starts with some ideas where this story will go - writing notes down the page. Some of these quickly develop into small stories or scenes. Over a period of days she keeps returning to add more ideas and build on what she has already written. Finally, she decides to finish the story.
      She starts reading the story until she comes to a gap. Often the momentum of the story leads her to fill in some of the gap. She continues down the page working on other gaps in the same way until the story is complete. It sound a bit messy and undisciplined but as you can see, it works.

    4. Messy and undisciplined. Just say it sounds like Anne.

  2. Anne honey, well done!
    I always enjoy your stories as you paint word pictures so well. As you said and Ian has acknowledged above, you did a fine job of managing so many people and keep the story moving.
    Maybe my investment in your education is paying off in a weird sort of way. LOL

  3. I am surprised that you used that old Strip Game again but you made it work Anne.
    It is a good one, a keeper. Don't be too hard on yourself. It is a very sexy story.

  4. Kia Ora all my naughty friends,
    A good story Anne. I saw in your background here that you didn't think it was that good. It is a good one Anne. You covered a lot but as Ian said in the comments under the story, you kept it moving through scene after scene. You used the Strip game again but didn't bog down in detail, just using the game as a means of reaching the sexy activities.
    A skilled piece of writing and technically correct too. I've sent you my email last night and see you've decided to add that scene between Ian and Katrina over her tight dress. I think he enjoys teasing her and she likes it too so that is why I suggested you play with them. Ian is becoming a guy who is fun to be with. You have a lot of potential with these new characters.

    1. So smart arse,
      How do you know so much about how I write. You said yourself I am versatile so why say all that above?
      But I like the idea of being called versatile. Many of you naughty boys should know, I can be very versatile when I want.
      Awesome Anne.

    2. Sorry Moa, I don't mean you. I was talking a about Smart Arse Rajah from further up.
