Friday 5 March 2021

Story 248 Kathy Growing up.

Index of Letters                         Story 248 Background.                         Back to Story 247 Section Three.   

Forward to Story 249.

Part One - Topless in Fiji.

Hi to all our friends – It is Shanti here.
          I know it has been a while since any stories were written for our letters collection so I bet receiving this one might be a surprise for some of you. Recently I was asked to write this story which certainly should be included in our collection. Below this, you will find another story written by my son Michael, something that happened without me finding out about it for a few years.
          Since both these stories involve our daughter, Kathy as she was growing to become a woman, we have decided to combine them together under one story heading. After this, Kathy has asked if she could tell her own story of her first sexual experiences. This will be Story 249.
          There might be a further story regarding Jagesh and Michael to follow, but we'll see about that as I'm not sure Michael is up to writing another story himself. This will be Story 250 if it happens.

          A few years ago a group of us went to Fiji for a short holiday. We did a short three-day boat cruise and we stayed in a tourist resort for a few days as well. The resort was on a beautiful beach which was good for swimming, of course, there were the usual swimming pools etc. too.
          We were sitting on the beach, a short walk along from the resort. At the resort, the beach in front was always rather busy while here it was a lot quieter. I lay back enjoying the cool breeze blowing in off the ocean. It was nice to get away somewhere and relax. I was thinking I was glad we had made the effort to book this holiday and to come here. After an intense time with work and other busy things, it was good to get away, enjoy and spend quality time as a family.
          Joseph and Mike decided to go for a walk with the kids while Lizamoa and I lay back to relax on the beach. To my surprise, my eldest Kathy had chosen to stay with us.
          Kathy, at fourteen, was beginning to mature into a good-looking young woman. It was also clear she was beginning to develop a hot body too. Being half European and half Indian she had that year-round golden tan body so she never really needed to sunbathe.
          Up until now, I had always brought one-piece swimsuits for her but more recently, I’d allowed her to begin wearing bikinis. Both she and I had purchased a bikini for this trip too. Kathy's slim body suited a bikini and she looked good in the one she was wearing. I think it gave her some confidence in her body too.
          She had chosen a blue-green one which while the colour had surprised me a bit, turned out to look really good on her. With her newly developed breasts filling out her bikini top and her slim waist, she caught the attention of a few of the younger guys on the beach. I even saw her brother, Michael taking notice the first time she wore it too.
          Since there weren’t too many people around, I was wondering about going topless. You have to be careful in places like Fiji because being away from the tourist resorts, topless or nudity was not normally acceptable.
          Well, before I had made up my mind Lizamoa beat me to it, her top was off over her head and she was lying back with her breasts bare. That was all the encouragement I needed, soon I had joined her topless as well.
          Then to my surprise, I noticed a movement on the other side of me. Looking over I discovered Kathy had removed her top too and now was lying back with her eyes closed. What had surprised me was how quickly she had followed our example and gone topless, no hesitation at all. Now there she was laying there with her young breasts openly displayed for anyone who cared to walk past. We have always gone nude at home around our pool, but with just our family and friends. but I had been strict about the kids not being naked at beaches when we weren’t at home.
          I had noticed over the past two years that Kathy had begun wearing her swim-suit, even when it was just our family and the rest of us were naked. Mike had asked about it and I told him I thought she was just going through a shy period while she was developing. She was self-conscious about how her body was changing.
          To my knowledge, no one had seen her naked since she was eleven or twelve. Now, suddenly she here she was, happily baring her breasts as if she’d been doing it all along. A few people walking past us must have seen her but she didn’t seem to mind that either, complete strangers viewing her topless. She seemed totally relaxed about the whole thing, actually.
          We must have been there for about half an hour when the men arrived back with the kids. We heard them coming and I had expected Kathy to replace her top once she knew they were coming, but she just looked up, saw who was coming and remained how she was, lying there, on her back, topless.
          The men, Joseph and Mike, joined us and the kids were full of what they had been doing along the beach. Something about a boat with a lot of fish it sounded like. They brought ice cream cones for us too from the beachside stall in front of our resort.

          As I said, Lizamoa and I had often gone topless or even nude at home around the pool so the kids had seen us often enough like that before. They didn’t seem to bother about it too much. But here was Kathy, who had never gone topless in front of anyone, even her own family since her breasts had begun to develop.
          When her brother, Michael, handed her the ice cream, he had brought back for her, she took it from him, sitting up to eat it, still remaining topless. I noticed her brother and Jagesh, Lizamoa’s son, both checking Kathy,s tits out too. She must have seen them because they weren’t exactly discreet about it but it didn’t seem to bother her. I fact I almost wondered if she enjoyed showing off her new little tits to these two younger guys. It was like suddenly she had decided she had something worth showing so why not show it off.
          But then Mike spotted Kathy. I could tell by the look on his face he was not happy with it. Before he could speak to her, I jumped in first to distract him.
          “Mike, I want to get something from our room. Will you come with me?”
          This caught him by surprise, “Yes… Ok then,” he replied.
          Once we got away, he said, “I don’t like it. Kathy being topless in front of the boys like that.”
          “Why?” I asked. “She is only going topless like Liz and me.”
          “She is too young to bare her breasts in public and in front of her brother and Jagesh too. Didn’t you see them checking her out?”
          “They are guys. All you guys are the same when a new pair of tits appears on the scene. They’ll get over that soon enough. They see Liz and my tits all the time.”
          “But this is not you or Liz. It is our daughter Kathy.”
          “So, what’s the difference?”
          “She shouldn’t be going topless in front of her brother.”
          “Not too many years ago she used to bare much more than that in front of the boys,” I reminded Mike.

          As I mentioned above, up until she was 11, she would join all the kids swimming completely naked in our pool.
          “But it is different now. She is becoming a woman.”
          “Mike, I don’t think it is doing any harm here. But I will talk with her later about it if you like and make sure she understands going topless should only be done when she is with us. OK?”
          He reluctantly agreed to that compromise as we returned to the beach. And of course, there was Kathy now up playing ball with the two boys. And thankfully, I noticed she had replaced her top.
          When Kathy returned to sit down, she immediately removed her top again and lay back openly again while she talked with the two boys next to her. She seemed totally relaxed about the whole thing and the boys didn’t seem to be bothering much either. They seemed to have quickly excepted she now had tits but to them, she was still the same Kathy she always was. Now the novelty of seeing Kathy's tits had worn off, things with the three of them were back to normal but I could see Mike was still a bit uneasy.
          Then we all decided to go for a swim. There were a lot of people in the water and I thought Kathy would replace her top but no she chose to follow the example of me and Lizamoa and remained topless. It was then that Mike made what may have been his big mistake. He told Kathy to put her top back on. For a moment I saw the anger in her face. She argued with him and then finally she put it on but I could see she was still angry with him.

          For the rest of the time, we spent on the beach that day, she kept her top on but wouldn’t look at him or speak to him. The tension between them affected us, too. Our fun was sort of ruined for the rest of the day. Over dinner that night it was the same when Mike tried to talk to her, then her replies came back polite but the shortest possible. It was made worse by the fact that Mike and Kathy were usually very close. Everyone noticed that Kathy was mean as ten bears at Mike and sort of kept out of her way.

          “You handled that well,” I said to him when we had a moment by ourselves, later in our room.
          “I didn’t want her like that, not in front of all those people,” he said.
          “That was obvious,” I replied sharply as I rolled over in the bed so my back was too him. “But you shouldn’t have embarrassed her in front of Michael and Jagesh like that.”
          "But I..."
          "She is a teenage girl, sensitive about her body. Needs support from her father, not you drawing attention to her. Embarrassing her," I told him. "She is close to you, Mike. Looks up to you. She doesn't need you putting her down in front of all of us."
          Perhaps I was hitting a bit hard but I was a bit pissed at him too, for upsetting our daughter and ruining our holiday.
          “Am I in the dog-house with you too?”
          “What do you think?” I snapped back at him as I reached to switch off the bedside light.
          I was upset with him too. Maybe he should have let things go the way they were and talked to her later. Maybe he should have just accepted it but I could also see his point too. I know he still sees Kathy as his little girl and just wanted to look after her. His intentions were good, even if he had put his foot in it.
          Mike knew there would be no fun for him that night.

          When we got back to New Zealand, Kathy and I had a long talk. I wanted the two of them back talking again so I tried to explain his attitude towards her as best I could. She listened to me politely and agreed she would try to clear things up with him.
          When Mike came home from work that night, Kathy went straight up to him, hugged him in front of all of us. Even got in first before I got my hug.
         She pulled back while still with her arms around him and said, “I am so sorry Daddy. I know you are only trying to look after me.”
          Mike had also said, “I am sorry too, honey. Maybe I could have handled it a bit better as well. I am sorry I embarrassed you in front of the boys.”
          When she didn’t reply to that, he smiled down at her, “But I’m glad things are fine between us now.”
          “Yes, they are,” she said. “Things are the best having a Dad like you. I can never be mad at you for long.” Then she looked at me and quickly added, “And a Mum like you too.”

          So, what this showed me was that maybe my daughter Kathy is more like me than I realised. She has a bit of exhibitionism in her, I thought.
          I decided I had better keep a closer eye on her. I now have to agree with Mike that maybe she was a bit on the young side for showing off and baring her little breasts on a public beach.

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Part Two – Fun with the Twins.

Hello from Michael.
          It was the summer after our winter trip to Fiji. A few years ago now. A lot has happened since then. When Mum discovered Kathy and I had found the Letters Books and read most of them, it changed things for my sister and me. Mum and Dad became much more open with us. And things changed within our family regarding nudity and sexual things.
          I have been writing a bit recently and I've found I enjoy it. Mainly science fiction sort of things. One day Mum found my folder, which I had left out in the lounge and picked it up to read. She got hooked on my story and was still sitting there reading when I came back looking for my book.
          We got talking about my writing and she said I was pretty good. She told me she was trying to revive the Letters Books and would I be interested in helping her with a story. Of course, I agreed but told her my writing wasn't anywhere near good enough for that.
          She said she would help me but also that I should ask my sister Kathy for help too since she was already writing something similar. That was news to me, Kathy writing! Anyway, I began with some help from Mum and some input and suggestions from my sister, Kathy. It was decided my story would combine as the second part of Mum's story and then my sister would follow with her own story.
          So here is my first story in Letters.

          It was the summer after our Fiji trip a few years ago and we had visitors from overseas staying with us. These people were very special to my parents but I didn’t know them that well. I think my sister Kathy knew them better. They came from India, we were told. The same place where Jagesh’s parents, Uncle Joseph and Aunty Lizamoa, came from.
          To make room for our visitors, I lost my bedroom. I had got bumped to sleep on the floor in my older sister’s room. The things we have to suffer!

          During the day, Uncle Peter and Aunty Jenny had come to visit with another family from India staying with them. They had brought the twins Kirsten and Carol with them too. The family staying with us, a man called Sarvesh and his wife Amita, had two kids. A son, Stephen, Vishva, was his Indian name, just a bit younger than me. Their daughter Nisha, was a bit younger again. All of us were down beside the pool while the adults were up above us on the deck talking and laughing. I think the beer was getting to some of them too by then.
          Usually, the twins don’t seem so interested in guys, but it was obvious that they were keen on Stephen. I think he liked them both too. I've heard it goes back to a connection they had with him when they were a lot younger and we were travelling in Australia and India. It was rather amusing watching them with their weak attempts at flirting.
          The two girls wore matching bikinis, as they often did with their clothes. Both were growing up now and looked good too. I could see how their bodies were changing, swelling out under their bikini tops and getting a slimmer waist and hips too. It was also noticed that even though these changes they still looked almost exactly the same. Identical you could say unless you knew the trick to tell them apart.
          Playing in the pool Carol had pushed against me during the game we were playing. I could feel her chest pressing against my back, feel her breasts through her bikini.
          “Nice tits against my back,” I said quietly to her when we broke apart.
          She blushed slightly and then smiled. “Glad you enjoyed them,” she whispered back.
          Carol is usually the shyer one of the twins but there was nothing shy about that.
          Later, I came up behind her to get the ball, my body coming against her back. As I reached around her for the ball, my arm was across her breast. As we struggled, my body was close against her and I could feel my cock was pressed against her bum through my shorts and her bikini bottom. She must have felt it too.
          When she threw the ball, she turned to me, “Nice cock against my bum,” she whispered.
          “Glad you enjoyed it,” I replied.
          "I did," she said with a cheeky grin.

          During the afternoon, Carol announced she wanted to walk down behind our house to the large kauri tree. It was hot and I knew the climb back up to our house would be steep but I agreed to take her. No one else seemed interested in going so it just left the two of us to go alone. I wondered about that, it felt almost as if she wanted me alone.
          We were down at the tree when suddenly she asked, “Michael, can I feel you again?”
          It caught me by surprise so I hesitated for a moment. “Feel me?”
          “Yeah, down there. Your cock.”
          “You can touch me too,” she said.
          We touched each other through our swimsuits. She got me hard too. It was just a bit of a friendly feeling but never got much further before we heard someone coming down the public track towards us.

          Now, laying down that night, I was thinking about my day. I was feeling so horny after seeing the twins in their bikinis. During the afternoon, that conversation about nipples had been hot. I had pointed out that I could see the bumps of Kirsten’s too. The cold water had made her nipples hard.
          “Well, if I can see their shape, you might as well let us see them too,” I’d said.
          I looked over and Stephen was smiling.
          Kirsten had smiled at me and then looked at Stephen too. I realised she was actually considering it. Maybe more for him than for me but I thought she might actually do it.
          Suddenly she smiled, "Ok then."
          Her hands reaching for her bikini top. Both parts were pulled back to show us her tits and nipples. It didn’t take much to get Carol to bare her nipples too. Jagesh and I soon had Kathy and Sabeena, Jagesh’s younger sister, flashing their nipples too. Of course, in Sabeena’s case, her being the youngest, it was not much more than a swelling bump crowned with her dark nipples but she was still willing to show us what she had.
          The twins laughed about growing pussies too. I am surprised they were so open and bold telling us about it but I realise now that it was all talk for Stephen. Jagesh and I tried to get them to show us some pussy but neither of them would dare. We kept on at them until finally, my sister Kathy stepped in and told us to back off and leave them. I thought Kirsten and Carol were close to giving us a pussy flash. I also think Kathy and Sabeena might have flashed too. I was also willing to have shown them myself if it had come to that but Kathy had stopped us. Spoil-sport!
          But it had been sexy. I know the twins are younger than me but they are growing into two hot girls and they still look almost identical unless you knew the secret to tell them apart. Now. I was lying there, trying to get to sleep but my mind was still on those two girls showing their sexy tits.

          It was then I remembered what had happened between Carol and me. I remembered feeling her breasts through her bikini top. I could feel how hard her nipples were. Lower, I had touched that hard mound of her pussy and how it was softer underneath. It had got me hard and I could still feel her hand touching me through my shorts. She had mentioned how I was harder now than in the pool. I knew if we hadn’t heard others coming down the public track more would have happened between us.

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Part Three – Kathy and Michael.

Micheal again as I continue.
          I am sleeping on the floor in my sister's bedroom as guests were using my bedroom.
          Laying on the mattress that night, I needed to wank off which was a bit hard considering I was on the floor beside my sister’s bed. Gently, taking care not to make any noise, I pushed my shorts down so I could release my cock under the blanket. Now, I lay back, my mind on Kirsten with her bikini pulled back, showing the little pink tips of her breasts. When I began to think of her sister Carol. I thought, what if she was showing me her tits and even her pussy. Allowing me to touch her there too while she was looking at and touching my cock. I was wondering what her pussy would look like, feel like. I wasn’t too far off cumming.

          Suddenly, I heard a movement on the bed beside me and looked up to see Kathy was looking down at me.
          “What are you doing?” she asked.
          “It’s nothing,” I tried to say.
          “No, it’s not,” she said, pointing. “That is your cock, isn’t it?”
          She had raised herself a bit higher in the bed and a breast had slipped out from under her nightie. I’m not sure she noticed it but I did and it didn’t help my state down under the sheet.
          “Are you wanking?” Kathy asked.
          “Umm, not really.”
          “You are, aren’t you? Can I see it?”
          “No,” I replied, a bit shocked that she even asked.
          “Come on. I just want to see how you do it.”
          For some reason, the thought of a girl watching me was suddenly a bit exciting, even if it was my own sister. I don’t know why but I wanted to show her. Maybe that nipple she was showing might have had something to do with it too.
          “Ok, then. But you must never tell anyone.”
          “Sure,” she quickly agreed. “I won’t tell anyone.”
          I noticed her voice was a bit husky. Could it be that she was getting excited by this too?
          I pulled the sheet down my body to expose my cock.
          “My god! It’s huge!” she exclaimed.
          I didn’t think I was that big. Just about average for my age but I was pleased that she said that. I later learnt that this was the first erect cock she had seen so I must have seemed huge to her.
          Laying back, I began to work my cock again. This time it was easier because I didn’t need to hold the sheet off so I could use my other hand to tickle my balls. I didn’t need to think about the twins either. They were forgotten now. Thinking about my sister watching me was motivation enough.

          I looked up and she was still laying on her side watching me. Then I noticed some movement under the sheet. Was she playing with herself too?
          “Are you doing it too?” I asked.
          “No!” she denied.
          “You are!” I accused her.
          “No, I’m not!”
          “Yes Kathy, I saw your hand moving.”
          “Well, only a little bit. It’s sexy watching you.”
          “Can I see?”
          “No!” she said in shock. “It’s private.”
          “But you are watching me. Why can’t I see how girls do it?”
          “Ok,” she agreed. “But only for a minute.”
          I watched as my sister Kathy pulled the blanket off. She had her nightie pulled up and her panties pulled down. I had never seen her naked since she had begun to mature, just topless a few times. Now I could see what a beautiful pussy she had. She was a bit nervous at showing me and I could see the hand on her hip was ready to drop down and cover herself.
          “Show me how you do it,” I told her.
          “Will you continue too?”
          “Sure. After seeing you, I really need to cum now.”
          “Yes Kathy, you have a beautiful pussy.”
          She smiled at that, perhaps encouraged she was turning me on. Her leg lifted a bit and I watched as her hand moved back down to her pussy. She began by running her fingers down the length of her cunt lips. I could even see, from where I was, how wet she was. Soon I could see how she had begun pressing into herself. That was so sexy to watch.
          She made it even better when her other hand went to her exposed breast. First, gently stroking over her nipple then playing with it as she really became more excited. Finally, she was pulling on it. Treating it much rougher than I would have expected a girl to do.
          Meanwhile, I worked at my cock as I was watching what her fingers were doing to her cunt. I noticed she was watching me too, her eyes never leaving my cock.
          “I’m going to cum now,” I told her.
          “Can I watch?”
          “You are, aren’t you?” I replied.
          “Mmmm,” was all she said.
          Moments later, I cum. I allowed the juice to shoot from my cock and fly over my stomach. No thought that later I’d have to clean up the mess. Guys don’t think about things like that just before their orgasm.
          A gasp above me made me look and Kathy was cumming too. I heard another gasp. Her pussy humped against her hand and she cum. I could see her body pulse a few times before she lay still, breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling as she did.
          She looked down at me and smiled. “That was so hot,” she giggled.
          “It was, wasn’t it?”
          Then she noticed the mess over my stomach. “You are a mess, Michael.”
          “Yes, that is the problem with cums. There is always a mess.”
          Kathy got out of bed, reached into a drawer and pulled out a small hand towel. She gave her pussy a quick wipe and handed it to me. She watched while I cleaned myself off. Then we both settled down to sleep.

          The next morning, nothing was said between us about what had happened the night before. It was like it had just been a dream, as if it had never happened. But that hand towel laying on the floor beside me told me that it had been real.
          While I spent most of the day with Kathy and the others as we took them out touring the sights of Auckland, there was nothing between Kathy and me other than I caught her watching me a few times. It made me feel slightly guilty, like, maybe we shouldn’t have done it.

          That night we were in bed. She had already got in her bed before I came in and I lay down on the mattress on the floor, pulling the blanket and sheet over me. She leaned over to speak to me.
          “Are you ready to do it again?” Kathy asked.
          That surprised me! I thought that would have been a one-off. Since nothing had been mentioned about it all day, I was not ready yet, not hard.
          “Do you want to do it?”
          “Sure, it was fun.”
          “I’m not hard yet.”
          “Can I see?” Kathy asked.
          “Ok,” I agreed, pulling the sheet off and pushed my shorts down to show my cock in its normal state.
          “How do you make it hard?” she asked.
          “Just think of something sexy.”
          “Like a girl naked?”
          “Yeah. That would do it.”
          “I am naked,” Kathy whispered, pulling the blanket off herself. “I want you to see all of me tonight. Like I saw all of you last night.”
          She was naked too. What a beautiful body. Laying on her side, facing me I could see two breasts with their darker nipples. My eyes moving down over her body until I came to the bush between her thighs. When she saw I was looking at her there she lifted her thigh so I could see more. All of her pussy, even right in between her thighs was on display. Through the hairs of her pussy, I could even see the lips of her cunt. It was a sexy display and soon had an effect on me.
          “Oh!” she gasped. “Your cock moved.”
          I just smiled. I knew what was happening.
          “My God, Michael! You are growing!” she gasped.
          “Pull your pussy lips open?”
          She looked at me for a moment, not sure what I meant.
          “Pull your lips open so I can see inside.”
          “Ok!” she giggled. “This is naughty.”
          “Very naughty,” I replied.
          But she did it. Her fingers reached down to each side of the crack and pulled at the flesh. The lips pulled back leaving an opening. I could see the pink flesh inside. It was enough I get me completely hard.
          “Does that hurt when that happens? You know, when you get hard.”
          “No, not hurt, but it feels good.”
          “It’s amazing!” Kathy said.
          “Seeing you naked was all I needed.”
          “Oh,” she said. “Did I do that?”
          “Yes,” I replied. “Pulling your cunt open was so hot!”
          “I feel so exposed like this.”
          “But you look sexy too.”
          But now I had a full-on erection and I was working my cock. I noticed she had started too.
          She started the same as before. First, she went for her nipples, this time both nipples, a hand going to each one. When she got to the part where she was pulling on them, I could hear her cry out. I was unsure if it was excitement or pain. I concluded it was perhaps a bit of both.
          As my hand was pumping my cock, I watched her hand move down and begin working her pussy. I could see how she was first very gentle with herself but as she became excited, she became quite rough on what I would have thought were her sensitive parts. I also noticed how she was wet there too. I thought that must be partly why she could do that to herself.
          This time she had beat me and cum first. I saw how her eyes had closed as her body shook with orgasm. It seems girls cums must be just as intense as us guys were. That was interesting. Judging by watching my sister, they sure seemed to like doing it too.
          Now, she was laying there watching me. I was ready this time, having a little hand towel to catch the mess. I pumped really hard. Going for it you could say.
          I heard her gasp and say, “So rough!”
          That just inspired me to go even faster.
          My cum was building. I was almost there now.
          “I’m... Going to...” I gasped.
          My eyes closed as the thrill of orgasm grew inside my body. My whole mind was focused on that now.
          “Make a cum,” I heard her whisper.
          Hearing her say that. Hearing that my sister was still watching was all it took.
          I held the towel back from my cock so she could see the white streams fly from my cock head onto the towel. I had a lot again. This doing it in front of my sister was exciting and made for some intense orgasms. Of course, this time the mess was easy to clean up before we both settled down to sleep.

          The next morning, it was the same. She was my sister again. Nothing was said and I wasn’t even allowed to see her naked. She remained under the blanket until I had left the room before she got out of bed. It felt a bit strange, almost like we were two different people. Brother and sister by day, sex cum companions at night.

          The third night she wanted to see me closer. She invited me to get up and sit on the bed in front of her. We were both completely naked again as we sat facing each other. Looking at her naked body had me hard again, of course.
          “You are hard again,” she said.
          “Yes, I do quite often.”
          “Can I... touch you... Michael?”
          “Sure,” I replied. “But I want to touch you too.”
           Her hand pulled back as she stopped to consider that. “No, you can’t do that,” she replied.
          “You touch me and I touch you. That’s the deal,” I said.
          She paused to think about that. I suppose it is harder for a girl as they have more, breasts and things too. But I wasn’t going to back down. I know she is my sister but getting to feel and touch her would be amazing.
          “Yes, ok,” she agreed.
          I think the chance to touch a boy’s cock was too much temptation. She knew what it meant, her getting touched too, but she agreed to my deal.
          She reached out and touched me. Her hand reaching straight for my cock, her fingers lightly touching me, running along my length. This was new for me too. Carol had touched me through my swim shorts but no girl had ever touched me like this before. In fact, not many girls, other than my sisters had ever seen me naked. None had seen me with an erection.
          I showed her the various parts. And showing her how to touch and hold them too. I’m actually surprised how long she was willing to play with me and explore me but then, this was all new for her too. As for me, having a girl, even my sister, touching me like that was a huge turn-on. She could take as long as she liked. I didn’t mind.
          I looked at her closely and touched her too. I started with her breasts. I could tell she was a bit nervous at first so I just touched her above one before running my hand down over the breast and nipple. I could feel her tremble as I touched her there. Her hand came up to gently take mine and show me how she liked being touched. Soon my other hand was doing the same to her other breast. My fingers were rubbing and gently pulling on her hard nipples. With that, it must have been so sexy, as her eyes were closed and she was breathing deeply.
          “Now can I touch your pussy?” I asked.
          “Michael no!”
          “Come on, be fair. You played with my cock.”
          “Ok then. But you can’t put your fingers inside, Ok?”
          “Sure,” I agreed. I would have agreed with anything just to touch her at that moment.
          Kathy opened her legs wider so I could see her whole pussy. Through her hair, I could see the lips. They looked swollen and split open a little bit now, different than before.
          “Are you always like that?”
          “No, only when I’m very excited. Usually, it’s just a slit.”
          I reached out to touch her and discovered how wet she was.
          “You are so wet, Kathy.”
          She smiled, “This is so sexy. Making me horny.”
          I played a bit and then she pulled her lips open to show me and explain the parts inside.

          So, there we were sitting on the bed facing each other with our legs wide open.
          “Did you know Stephen and Nisha see each other and play too?”
          “No,” said Kathy. “She is so young.”
          “Not so young. Like Sabeena, I think.”
          “What do they do?”
          “Stephen told me they touch and play with each other and even get off in front of each other too.”
          “Oh, wow,” Kathy said. “I suppose many brother and sisters do something too.”
          “I guess.”
          “My friend, Roxanne, has seen her older brother too. Even touched him. That is why I wanted to touch you.”
          “Roxanne, looked sexy at the beach the other day.”
          “You like her, don’t you?”
          “A bit,” I admitted.
          “I’ve seen you looking at her.”
          “That bikini was sexy.”
          “Shall we do it now?” Kathy asked.
          “Yeah, ok,” I replied. “Here like this?”
          “Sure. Why not? We can watch each other close.”

          So that is how we did it. Sitting on the bed, watching my naked sister Kathy while she was watching me.
          Taking my cock, I began to gently play with it. Getting it completely hard and ready. Before me, she seemed to go through her usual way by first going for her nipples and then on to her pussy. I made a note of that in case I was with a girl. First to the breasts and nipples and then go to the pussy.
          Being much closer now, I could see how her cunt lips had opened showing other flesh from underneath. It wasn’t until that night that I had realised just how much more there was to a woman down there. I had seen Kathy and Petra but just seen a little slit but now I knew there was much more inside. Was that always there or had it grown like that when she had grown her breasts?
          Her fingers were rubbing up and down, pressing between her open lips. That wetness surprised me. Each time she had played with herself it had been like that. Kathy had told me it happens whenever she gets horny. It is how you can tell with a girl she had said, which I had also thought might be some useful information.

          Looking at my sister’s hot body was making me horny. Touching her had been hot too. Her touching me had made me so hard and now I was wanking off while I watched her doing the same. It was so sexy that I knew I wasn’t far off cumming.
          “I’m almost there,” I told her.
          “Cum, so I can see you,” she replied. “I like it when you cum.”
          “I like watching you too.”
          She blushed at that, “I like you watching too,” she admitted.
          “I’m going... Almost... Going to cum.”
          She spread out the towel between us but I think totally underestimated the power of my orgasm. I cum, completely missing the towel with my first shots, it landing over her instead.
          That was it for her. Made her cum big time. I could really see how she did it and how she cum. It was amazing to watch.
          She was giggling as she began to wipe my cum juice off herself.
          “Have you ever tried your juice, Michael?”
          “No never,” I replied.
          “I’ve tried mine,” she said. “I kind of like it.”
          She reached for my cum with her finger, taking some and bringing it to her mouth. It was sexy to watch her licking her fingers. Licking my cum off her fingers.
          She reached for some more and to my surprise brought it to my lips. “Here, you try some too. It’s not that bad. I kind of like it.”
          I just did as she had done, licking her fingers clean. Licking up my own juice. It wasn’t too bad either.
          “Now try my juice.”
          I watched her hand go to her pussy, rubbing and making her fingers wet with her juice. Then her fingers returned to my mouth, allowing me to lick them clean. I liked her juice too.
          That was about all we did that night other than when she had finished cleaning herself off, she reached over and cleaned my cock too. Taking her time and doing a thorough job of it too.

          The next day, our visitors left to return to India and so I could move back downstairs to my own room.
          I don’t know why but Kathy and I never got to play with each other again. We almost thought that Mum might be on to us the way she always managed to keep us apart.
          But those three nights, both Kathy and I learnt a lot about sex. Learnt a lot about the bodies of the opposite sex. It was fun and totally sexy too.

                              THE END

Index of Letters                         Story 248 Background.                         Back to Story 247 Section Three.   

Forward to Story 249.


  1. Love this one. Reminds me of what happened with my brothers too. They were both a bit older than me and when they suddenly discovered their little sister was growing tits, they wanted to see.
    For a while we played regularly with either or both of them. The play became more and more until eventually I lost my virginity to my eldest brother. A few days later I let my other brother too.
    This went on for a while but eventually things changed, they left for a boarding school and I got a job and had to move to another town.
    This story brought back memories of those first few times when I removed my clothes and allowed them to view my body. I also remember my amazement at seeing their cocks too.
    Like was said in the story, I think a lot of brothers and sisters have seen each other and played a bit. Maybe not as far as I did.
    Thanks for a good story.

    1. Wow! Did you change that topless story. It's been sitting in the completed story folder for like forever and suddenly you two picked it up. Much better now. It was a bit tired and needed a makeover.

      That second story is new. Never seen any of it before. Love the way you used conversation to deliver some huge scenes. That is the style of this blog since my brother came up with it.
      Good work, good story, from everyone involved.

  2. This is a change of theme here. But liked the story. Liked the writing style that seemed to fit a younger person too.

    1. We have just found this story and were reading while sitting beside James pool. My new husband to be is with us too. He is discovering the Letters Stories and he enjoys the nude swimming we do too.

      So this story. As our friend Tom has said, this theme is different. But I think these three stories will be important as to the history the add to Letters. Like building the background of these children of important story characters.

  3. I was also wondering if that topless in Fiji story would ever be used. I think by itself it would be too small but it works well here.
