Saturday 13 March 2021

Story 249 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 249.

Hello everyone.
       My name is Brian.
            My wife Julie and I have taken on this series of three stories. The first, (Story 248 Kathy Growing Up.), was a combination of two stories partly written by Anne. The second, this one, (Story 249 Kathy - Sexual Experiences.), was where we took a story of Anne's and doubled it in size, making it part of a much bigger story. The third, (Story 250 Michael - Sex Lessons.), is going to be completely written by Julie and I based on things that happened in the first two stories and leading to that climax of the Tukiko Series where she gets caught cheating on her boyfriend. Michael and Kathy, Ragesh and Sabeena were present in that Tukiko story. (See Story ???).
            So to this story now. Our story here was based on a much smaller one that Anne had been working on although it would be fair to say that her story was not much beyond the rough draft stage when we picked it up. You can find this in the Age Eighteen part where Kathy meets her boyfriend Jeff and ends up with him being her first man to "go the whole way" with her.
            Our purpose here is to allow Kathy to take us through a series of developing sexual adventures until finally, she loses her virginity. There will also be a special section where she fucks her childhood friend, Ragesh, the son of her parents best friends. The climax of this story comes when the truth about the real relationship between Ragesh and Kathy, is revealed by their parents. While perhaps, deep down they suspected something, the truth, when it came, was a bit of a shock to both Kathy and Ragesh. Would change the way they saw each other forever.

Hi from me, Brian's partner.
        My name is Julie.
            When we took on this project of three stories there were nearly six months before publishing. We met with Anne and others of the writers to discuss what they were expecting from this story. It was at that point that certain guidelines were laid down that we have tried to stick too.

            1) The Balance. It has often been commented on that this blog has a balance between a background story, some humour and not forgetting the sex. Anne thought it was important that we try to achieve a similar style.
            2) Character Ages. We needed to consider the ages of those we were writing about. Keep in mind the ages are about 18 or 19 for the main characters. For others younger, we needed to keep then in mainly non-sexual support roles.
            3) Sex Scenes. Don't go for the extra details in sex scenes that other stories have. Again, this is to fit in with the ages and experience of those we were writing about.
            4) Compatible With Letters. Our stories had to fit in with the main theme of this blog. There is a background, a storyline that goes right back to the very first letter that Shanti wrote to Joseph. Our stories needed to fit with this. It is this very point where many trying out as writers in this blog have failed. Anne is very tough on this point.
            5) Realism. While Letters has always claimed to be a fantasy story, they have always tried for a kind of realism so you might think, this could have happened.

            I want to thank those who have helped with this project. First, there was Anne, always ready to help and advise. Then the other two key writers from Anne's household, Susan and Allan. Susan has her own distinctive style of writing sexy and funny stories. Allan is a great help when it comes to conversations.
            We can not forget Shandra, the inventor of characters. She is an expert on the people found in these stories. Others have been helpful along the way so our thanks go to them too.
            Finally, I must mention Asami. The IT person who helped to get our story from a word file to a page in this blog. She showed me a lot about using HTML code to make text look better. I spent a while playing with that in this background getting different text formats using the code rather that the built in editor.

           Kia kaka - Kia Kaha.
                 Be safe - Be strong.
                       Julie and Brian.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 249.


  1. You mention the fitting of a story into out blog. Like you said, we have seen a number of good writers fail over the years that it is got to the point where Anne is scared to try out a new writer. We have lost a few friends because of that.

  2. The stories keep coming. There seems to be an everlasting supply of ideas.
    This short series has captured my interest. Some of the scenes got quite sexy in fact.
