Wednesday 9 February 2022

Story 274 Part One - Chiharu and Kenshin Join The Group.

Index of Letters                         Story 274 Part One Background Notes.                         Back to Story 273 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 274  Part Two.

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Finding Out About the Letters Group.

        The day after their adventure with Chiharu and Kenshin, Sayako rang Shanti. Hirohiko and Sayako had discussed what happened and decided they should tell Shanti they had broken the rules and had sexual activities with their friends outside the group. It hadn't been intentional or that they were misleading Shanti. It was just the night got away with them and they turned sexual with this other couple.
        She wasn’t sure how Shanti would accept this or what her reaction would be. Hirohiko had said at the best she could say it was ok and even invite Chiharu and Kenshin to join the group. At the worse they could be asked to leave the group and leave all the fun they were having, something Sayako didn’t want to happen. Since joining the group, she had been having so much sexual fun with their new friends and the sex within their marriage was great too. But both Hirohiko and Sayako knew, they had to be honest with Shanti and tell her.
        Surprisingly, Shanti took it ok, she was fine, actually. She understood that things could happen during an evening of passion and excitement. She admitted it had happened before and would probably happen again. In fact, they, Hirohiko and Sayako at the waterfall had been an example where Joseph and Lizamoa had broken the same rule. But she did say that they owed the group the story of what happened that night. (What you are reading here.)
        “What happens from here, will depend on this new couple,” Shanti said.
        “How do you mean, depend on them?” Sayako asked.
        “If we can be sure they haven’t had other partners for at least the last year or so then it’s no harm done. But if they are active sexually with others outside our group then it would be different. You’ll need to drop out for a while until you both are tested as clear.”
        Sayako knew what Shanti was getting at and said, “It’s my understanding they have never done anything outside their marriage before. But that can be confirmed if you want.”
        “Yes, Sayako, you’ll need to do that,” Shanti agreed. “If they are close friends of yours, we can take their word on that, you’ll know if they're being straight with you. Now, where do we go from there? The next question is:- Would they be interested in joining our group?”
        “I’m not sure but I think they might be open to it. Should I ask them?”
        “Sure, Sayako. That would be the next step. Tell them a bit about the things you and Hirohiko are doing, even show them your story in the Letters Books if you like. If they seem interested, then ask them if they’d wish to join too.”
        “Ok, we’ll get together with them and tell them.”
        “Make sure the husband is there too. They must both want this; both be open to the idea of swinging or it’s a no-go. You could even spend another evening with them to make sure this is not a one-off. If they respond and easily slip into swapping, that will be a very positive sign.
        I would like to talk with them. No, perhaps it would be wise if they meet some of us. I want to meet them, so perhaps you could bring them over for dinner on Friday. We have to push this along as the Indians will be here soon. Give me Chiharu's phone number. I might ring her and sound her out. Perhaps we can get this all sorted before the other two groups get here. We don't have much time at it would be a shame if they missed their fun.”
        “Ok, I’ll try for Friday. See if that works for them.”
        “Great Sayako. If that goes well then maybe a small couples party at our house can follow. See how things go. As I said, we have to move this along as the other groups will be here soon.”

Meeting at the Hot Pools.

        So Hirohiko and Sayako decided to meet Kenshin and Chiharu and talk with them. The meeting occurred two days later, on Sunday evening. An afternoon trip to the West Coast beach of Muriwai to see the Gannets and then on to the Parakai hot pools. Shanti had suggested that they should talk in a non-sexual situation where there wouldn’t be the distraction of sex.
        Sayako had decided on a one-piece swimsuit rather than her bikini. She noticed Chiharu had done the same. Actually, at this point, Chiharu didn’t own a bikini, only having worn Tukiko's bikini that Friday night at Sayako’s house. While not showing the flesh that the bikinis had shown, both women still looked hot with their swimsuits hugging the shapes of their bodies, especially when they got wet. Both men were taking notice as the women came out of the changing room, unwrapped their towels from around their bodies, and walked to the steps of the pool. As they stepped down into the water, others nearby took notice too.
        Both women were about the same age and being Japanese, had a similar body shape too. The smaller Asian breasts, while being older and both having had children, their waists weren’t as slim as they once were. But they were still good-looking women, you’d almost think they were sisters. But as said above, they were certainly still looked good enough to attract looks when wearing their swimsuits.
        As Chiharu stepped down into the pool Hirohiko was watching her. The green one-piece hugged tightly to flatter her body showing the swell of her breasts and lower down her pussy mound between her thighs. She looked great like that. As she took another step that caused her pussy mound to disappear, she looked up and saw him looking. She smiled at him, knowing exactly what he had been looking at. She was happy he was still interested too.

        They stayed in this pool for a while and Hirohiko discovered, Chiharu liked the water and was a good swimmer. In a challenge to the other side of the pool and back, she almost beat him. Sayako liked swimming but has never been a good swimmer. It seems Kenshin is the same, so they stayed together, watching as Chiharu and Hirohiko explored the pool more, even going down to the deep end, way over their heads. Yes, Hirohiko discovered Chiharu was very confident, even in the deep water.
        But soon Hirohiko realized they had paired off and after what Sayako had told him about Kenshin, he decided that wasn’t ideal. “Let’s go back to the others and we can move to a warmer pool where we can talk.”
        He also wanted to move on, get to the purpose of this afternoon/evening with this couple.
        “They’re ok,” Chiharu had said. “We can carry on swimming.”
        Chiharu felt a bit disappointed. She was having fun being with Hirohiko. Her husband Kenshin had Sayako with him so why should she be worried about him. But when Hirohiko moved in that direction, she had no option but to follow him.
        Hirohiko noticed that hesitation and thought his wife might be right. He even wondered if Chiharu was forming an unwelcome attachment to him.

        As he had told Chiharu, Hirohiko suggested they go to a warmer pool, they all followed him. The boys going first and the girls following behind. Picking up their towels they moved to the other pool. Since Chiharu was wet, she didn’t bother wrapping the towel around her, just held it with her beach bag in her hands. It left most of her body on show, but she was wearing a one-piece swimsuit, she was decent. Comfortable with her body in this swimsuit. No need to wrap up moving between pools.
        The men were already in the water when the girls reached the pool. They knew the men would be watching again as they entered the water. Chiharu was particularly interested in seeing if Hirohiko was watching. She had even chosen the side closer to him to give him a better view. He was closer to the steps this time and was looking too.
        As she dropped into the water, she could feel how warm it was. Almost hot.
        “This is lovely,” she said as she joined him.
        “Yes, very lovely,” Hirohiko said. “You look great in that.”
        “Hirohiko! Were you checking me out again?”
        She knew he was, but she still asked him, to show she had caught him. It was said with a smile to show she didn't mind, but rather welcomed his looking at her.
        “Sure, I was,” he replied. Then with a lower voice added, “Especially your tits and pussy.”
        “Naughty!” she quietly said back to him. “Did you like what you saw?”
        “I liked the nipple bumps up top and the nice crease down below.”
        “Yes, where your cunt lips are. Now you’re wet you have a nice crease there. A camel-toe it’s called.”
        “Really? I didn’t know that showed,” she said, a bit shocked.
        By now they had caught up with Kenshin and Sayako. “What were you two talking about?” Sayako asked.
        “My camel-toe,” Chiharu replied with a laugh.
        “Have you got one? I didn’t notice.”
        “Hirohiko did and he told me.”
        “Trust a man to notice,” Sayako laughed.
        “Yeah, they all like looking. Don’t they?”
        “Your husband’s been checking out me too.”
        Kenshin looked a bit guilty at having been caught too.
        “If you want, you can put something under your suit there, like another layer to hide the crease,” Sayako said.
        “I don’t mind, if Hirohiko can show the outline of his cock under his wet shorts, I can show the outline of my cunt under my wet swimsuit.”
        That shocked all three of them. Sayako was surprised she’d say that. Hirohiko was surprised he was showing so much. Kenshin was surprised at his wife’s openly boldness. But what she said was also a party stopper too because the subject died after that. Probably becoming too hot to continue in a public place.

        In a quiet corner of the pool, Hirohiko brought up the events that had happened after the card games. He asked them how they felt about it now.
        “Are you guys ok, after what we did that night?” Hirohiko asked.
        Kenshin and Chiharu looked at each other and then both nodded. “Yes,” Kenshin said. “We’ve talked about it a couple of times and we are both comfortable with what happened. With what we did. We’ve both decided that it was just sex. There was no love involved. There was no threat to our marriage. Just friends having fun together.”
        ‘Just friends,’ Hirohiko thought. ‘Was Chiharu like that too?’
        He looked at her but couldn’t tell from her face.
        Sayako was pleased with this positive attitude as this was exactly what she had told him. Having this coming from him was a very promising sign. Talking about it between them had been an important step and coming to an agreement on how they felt was important too.
        “Now, the question remains; Would you do it again? Either with us or someone else.”
        “Yes,” Chiharu said without any hesitation, joining the conversation for the first time. “Yes, we would both be open to doing it with you two again. With someone else… Well, maybe… We’d have to know them first. I don’t think we should jump in with strangers like we did that other night. We’d need to know them first.”
        “What about you guys,” Kenshin asked. “Are you guys ok too? Have you ever done this before?”
        Hirohiko knew this was the big question. He was surprised that it had come up so fast. But he and Sayako had decided that they should be honest with Kenshin and Chiharu and explain more of their sexual activities.

        Sayako took over and began telling them about the sexual adventures they had been involved in. She started with that time over a year ago when they met a park ranger and his wife at Mokoroa Falls. She described how they’d ended up having sex with this couple. Kenshin and Chiharu were surprised how quickly they’d done that with complete strangers and even more surprised that their daughter Tukiko was involved too.
        Chiharu was wide-eyed at all this.
        Sayako told them about getting together with Joseph and Lizamoa again and then going naked with their sex group at Te Henga Beach. She ended by saying it was a regular thing, now. They had been with most of them.
        Kenshin and Chiharu were quiet for a while, probably trying to take all this in. They had just discovered something about their friends they had never known before. Their friends were into this swinging lifestyle. That was a surprise.

        Chiharu wanted to know more about some of the sex things they had done. So Sayako and Hirohiko went on to tell them about some of the sex sessions they had been into. Hirohiko had shocked them by telling them most of their adventures were written in a series of books.
        Chiharu had quickly said she would like to see those books which led to Sayako asking if they would like to come back to their house for a drink and they could see these books. They didn’t stay long after that as all four wanted to get back to Hirohiko’s house to see what the evening would bring.
        As they had come together in one car, the conversation on the way back was interesting, to say the least. On the drive home, the subject continued. It seemed Chiharu was more interested in Hirohiko and Sayako’s sexual adventures. She certainly had more questions to ask. Sayako noticed that Kenshin seemed to be a bit quiet.
        Hirohiko told them about how a group from India and Australia were due in New Zealand for a few weeks. They were all part of this Letters Group and would be taking part in sexual activities and parties while in New Zealand.
        “Will you two be joining in too?” Chiharu asked.
        “Sure, why not?” Sayako replied.
        “But aren’t they strangers? You’ve never met them, right?”
        “We’ve only met the ones from New Zealand,” Sayako explained. “Some will also be staying in our house. We’ve made two extra bedrooms in the back of the garage for them.”
        “So will you two be… You know… Doing it with them?” Chiharu asked, a bit surprised.
        “Of course. I expect so. It will be fun to try with some new people. I’m looking forward to it.”
        “Is that safe?” Kenshin asked.
        “Yes, they are all safe. All members of this closed group. No one goes outside our group.”
        “But you did it with us the other day,” Chiharu said. “We’re not part of your group.”
        “That’s what we need to talk with you about. That was a problem,” Sayako said. “I talked with the leader of our group, and she wants to know if you are safe. We need to ask you if you’ve had any sexual contact with others besides us in the last six months.”
        “You know we haven’t,” Kenshin said. “That was the first time ever for us.”
        “We kind of knew that but the question had to be asked,” Hirohiko said.
        Kenshin nodded to say he understood and wasn't offended by the question.
        “Now, I was talking with, Shanti, the Leader of the group in New Zealand, she said wants to meet you both. She has invited us and you two for dinner on Friday evening,” Sayako asked. “We would like you to come with us.”
        “You mean, we go to their house for dinner?” Chiharu asked. “Is it just dinner or will they expect more?”
        “Only dinner. Shanti just wants to meet you both,” Sayako said. “If you feel comfortable, they might go swimming. Skinny dipping might be possible but anything else would only happen if everyone is comfortable with it.”
        “Skinny dipping? Naked? Then there could be sex then?”
        “No, not necessarily, Chiharu,” Sayako said. “People can enjoy each other’s company naked without it turning into an orgy.”
        “Well, later, after dinner, there might be some sexual things,” Hirohiko added. “But again, only if things go well over dinner and everyone is comfortable with taking it further. They will ask if you’d like to join the sex group. If we agree then maybe, further sexual things might happen.”
        Now Chiharu and Kenshin were really shocked that their friends wanted them to join this sex group like this. This was a big step. Not entirely unwelcome but a big step. Perhaps for him rather than for her. Kenshin was getting the feeling that his wife was more open to this than he was. He felt that perhaps they were rushing into this.
        “If you decide just to be with us then you still need to join the Letters Group, but you can limit yourself only to us. Even not meeting anyone else other than us. They will be fine with that on the understanding that you won’t stray outside the group."

At Hirohiko’s House for More Fun.

        They arrived at Hirohiko’s house and after putting their wet things into their car, Kenshin and Chiharu were ready to follow Sayako and Hirohiko into their house. Kenshin stopped to talk with his wife.
        “What do you think about this, Chiharu?” he asked her.
        “I’m not sure,” she replied. “It is a bit bold. A bit exciting too.”
        “Do you think you might be interested? If not, we can tell them ‘No’ right now.”
        “I don’t want to say no! I am a bit interested. I would like to see these books and learn more,” Chiharu said. “What about you Kenshin? Are you interested too?”
        “I’m not sure,” he replied. “But no harm in seeing the books and even meeting this woman, Shanti.”
        “But we must both be sure before anything beyond Hirohiko and Sayako happens,” she said.
        “So, what about tonight? They are inviting us in for a drink. They might want more. Might want us to stay the night.”
        “I’m ok with that, Kenshin. I’d like to be with Hirohiko again,” Chiharu said. “But only if you want to, as well. We must both be willing for this.”
        “I’m fine with that. Sayako was fun. I’d try with her again.”
        “Ok, let’s go in now and see where things go. Maybe we’ll see the books and maybe even be with our friends for the night. After that we can decide what happens next,” Chiharu told her husband.
        He was happy with that. Getting with Sayako again would be fun. But going further, he wasn’t so sure.

        Inside the house, Sayako and Hirohiko were watching from the window. They could see their friends were talking and they were sure what this couple would be talking about. It was a big decision for them, they had to take it slowly, be completely open and not put any pressure on their friends. Whichever way this went, they still wanted to remain friends.
        Finally, the couple outside seemed to come to a decision and turned towards the house.
        “That’s it then,” Sayako said.
        “You think so.”
        “Sure, of it.”
        When Kenshin and Chiharu came inside, Hirohiko led them through to the dining table. Soon Sayako came through with the drinks. Passing them around, she returned to sit beside Hirohiko.
        Hirohiko began to speak, “I know we have dropped something big on you guys tonight. Are you both ok with this, so far?”
        “Yes, we just talked about it now,” Kenshin explained as he looked over at his wife. “Yes, we are fine so far. But not sure if we would join your group.”
        “I understand that. It’s a big thing for your marriage. You must be sure. I think Shanti will propose a couple of options. First, if you join the group, you could be open to taking sex with anyone or you could join and limit yourselves to only a few; for example, Hirohiko and I. But if you continue with us, you must join the group, otherwise, we’ll be asked to leave the group.”
        “You mean we could only choose to be with you two?” Kenshin asked.
        “Exactly, but since we are active with other group members, Shanti still needs to meet you first. Again, it is all about being safe. Having safe sex, but she needs to be sure about you as she is responsible for everyone in the New Zealand part of the group.”
        “In that case, we will come with you on Friday. I think Chiharu and I would like to continue things with you two. We had fun last time and want to try again,” Kenshin said.
        Chiharu was a bit surprised that her husband had just taken that step, but she was pleased too.

        “Ok,” Sayako said. “Let’s take a look at the Letter’s Books.”
        “Can you guys give us a hand, please,” Hirohiko said. “There are a lot of them. We’ll bring them out to the table here.”
        Kenshin and Chiharu followed them to the master bedroom and together they collected all seventeen volumes and brought them out to the dining room. Spread out in the middle of the table, they seemed like a lot.
        “Let’s start with the story about us,” Sayako said.
        They were surprised she knew exactly where it was, selecting Volume Fifteen, Story 230 Japanese Pussy at Mokoroa Falls. When she read out the title her friend giggled.
        “Who wrote that,” Chiharu asked.
        Joseph, the Park Ranger. He and his wife are long-term members. You might meet them at Shanti’s house on Friday.”
        Then Sayako and Hirohiko read both stories, they noticed that their friends listened intently taking in the events that happened that day.
        “This seems a bit like us, doesn’t it?” Chiharu said. “You two stepping out of your marriage for the first time.”
        “Yes, it was the first time for us, and we did intend it to be the only time, but I’d kept in contact with Lizamoa, one day, about a year later, they invited us for a meal and stay for the night. Yes, we knew what staying at their house would mean and we went along with it. I later heard that the evening had been agreed with Shanti.”
        “The story of our second time is in the books too. You can borrow it if you want. I give you a list of all the stories that relate to us and Tukiko. She was very involved in all this too.”
        “I’m surprised at that,” Kenshin said.
        “Don’t you worry about her?” Hirohiko explained. “She is really into all this sex and is popular with the men too. But she is smart and safe when it comes to this. Her boyfriend is involved too.”
        “You don’t mind?” Kenshin asked.
        “And you were Ok with Tukiko joining in too?” Chiharu asked.
        “Well, as I said in the story, I knew she had a sexual relationship with her boyfriend,” Sayako said. “It was her choice. She didn’t have to join in, she could have watched us or even gone off for a short walk.”
        “She is a big girl now,” Hirohiko added. "She can make her own decisions.”
        Sayako pushed two volumes over to them. We appear at the end of Volume Sixteen and carry on in the first stories of Volume Seventeen. Since you are going to join us, it’s OK if you read some other stories too. There are still most of the stories missing for that second book. Waiting for people to finish writing them.
        Both Kenshin and Chiharu picked up on Hirohiko saying they would be joining the group.

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Pizza Boy!

        They ordered pizza and then Sayako turned to Chiharu and asked, “Do you want to do something a bit naughty?”
        “Ok,” she replied wondering what you had in mind.
        “We want you to meet the pizza boy wearing something very sexy.”
        “What will I be wearing?”
        “Your choice,” Hirohiko said joining the conversation. “Sayako’s bikini; or just her bikini bottom; or nothing at all.”
        "But Sayako, don't you think that is a bit bold?"
        "It is, but I did it for Hirohiko. It was fun. For both of us," Sayako laughed.
        Chiharu was shocked and then she started to giggle. She turned to her husband and asked, “What do you think, honey? What should I wear?”
        Kenshin was surprised that his wife was considering doing it. It was almost just a matter of what she would wear.
        “Well, that bikini is hot, but I think you can do better than that,” he said.
        “You mean me nude!”
        “Well yes, if you want but just the bottom is good.”
        "Yeah, why not. You have great tits. You know I like them."
        Chiharu giggled at that, turning to Hirohiko she said, “Ok, I’ll do it. But I’ll decide what I’ll be wearing.”
        Sayako nodded, “Sure!” she said, smiling. She intended to push Chiharu as far as she could. Get her to go naked if she could.

        Chiharu and Sayako rushed away and soon they came back with Chiharu wearing a bathrobe.
        “So, what did you decide, love?” Kenshin asked her.
        She smiled back and said, “I can’t tell you now. You have to wait… until the pizza guy gets here. But it’s not Sayako’s bikini.”
        “What is it then?” Kenshin asked.
        “Come on, give us a show?” Hirohiko asked.
        “Kenshin, Hirohiko. I can’t be showing my surprise. You have to wait.”
        As much as the guys wanted to know, they knew she wouldn’t show them. They decided the only way was to wait.

        Not long later, they heard a car pull up. Hirohiko peeped through the window and confirmed it was a man. Soon there was a knock at the door.
        “Are you ready?” Sayako asked her.
        Chiharu took a deep breath saying, “Here goes.”
        They could tell she was nervous, but they could also see her determination to do this. While she went to the door, the other three would be watching, standing out of sight so they couldn’t be seen by the man outside.
        She opened and dropped the robe before stepping towards the door. At first, when Kenshin viewed her from the back, he thought she was naked. Then he noticed the almost skin coloured string around her hips and down into the crack of her bum. For a moment he wondered what it looked like in front but by then she had opened the door. She had stepped clear of the door so the whole front of her body would be visible to the man outside.
        “Pizza delivery for Sayako,” the man said.
        “Thank you,” Chiharu replied.
        Kenshin saw the man glance down at her almost naked body. Yes, he knew her breasts were bare, and her pussy must be barely hidden by that tiny G-string. In fact, everything was being shown except what covered her pussy. It was turning him on too. He would never have realized that her doing this could be so exciting.
        Chiharu was turned on by it too. She was near enough to naked and this man was looking. She knew he was looking. That was so hot! She could see why Sayako said she and her husband enjoyed it.
        She reached out and took the boxes, turned from him to put them on a side table. She knew that he’d be looking at her back now where nothing was covered other than that narrow string between the cheeks of her arse.
        Suddenly, Kenshin could see how tiny it was in the front, how much his wife had boldly on display. It was just a tiny triangle. It looked hot. He was turned on by it too. He had a fantasy of her doing something like this and she sure was tonight. Almost naked in front of this stranger. Opening a door with no idea who would be outside. Wow!
        Picking up the money, Sayako had left, Chiharu turned back towards the man. She caught him, saw him take another look down her body to her pussy.
        “Sorry for what I’m wearing,” she said. “I was about to get into the spa pool. Hope you don’t mind.”
        Kenshin was trying to suppress a laugh. He saw Sayako holding her mouth too.
        “No, it’s fine,” the man replied. Then he added, “You look great like that.”
        “Oh, thank you,” Chiharu said, openly posing for him now.
        “Do you like this?” she asked, “Or should I wear nothing?”
        “Nothing would be great too.”
        “Ok then,” Chiharu said.
        Before anyone knew it, her hands had gone to each hip and with a bit of a push, the tiny G-string dropped to her feet. She was facing him totally naked.
        “Is that better?” she asked him with a sexy smile.
        “Much better,” he replied. “Nice pussy too.”
        Now Chiharu had stepped back, her hand reaching for the door. She thanked him once again as she gave him a final full-frontal before she quickly closed the door.
        “Wow! Chiharu. That was so hot!” Sayako said. “My first time I was in my tiny bikini. You got naked!”
        "Really? And you got me topless?"
        "It was more fun." Sayako laughed.
        Chiharu was excited. She almost ran at her husband and sprung into his arms with a big hug. “Did you like that, honey,” she said into his ear.
        “That was hot,” he laughed. “I’d never thought you’d be so naughty.”
        “I’m changing, honey. I want to be very naughty for you. Like Sayako is for Hirohiko.”
        Kenshin looked over at Sayako and she was smiling. “You are a bad influence on my wife,” he said.
        “Bad or good,” Sayako replied. “Depends on how you look at it.”
        Kenshin felt his wife’s naked body pressed tightly against him. She had just flashed the pizza guy naked. She was changing alright. In one way it was exciting to see her willingly do many of these things, he wanted her to, but in another way, it was a bit scary too as he wondered where all this was going.
        They sat at the table to eat their pizza. Three of them were fully dressed and one woman was naked. Yes, after her flash at the door, Chiharu didn’t bother getting dressed. She was naked and comfortable like that. Probably enjoyed the looks she was getting from Hirohiko too.

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Massage Evening.

        After the meal and they had cleaned up, they all moved to the lounge. Chiharu liked how that room was arranged with two couches and the low coffee table in the middle. She sat on one side with her husband while Sayako and Hirohiko sat on the other. She was the only one still naked since she still hadn’t bothered putting anything on.
        Over dinner, they had decided to stay for the night. This time they were prepared having brought a bag with a change of clothes in their car. It also meant they could drink a bit more with no fear about having to drive.
        “What are we going to do tonight?” Sayako asked.
        “Something sexy, I hope,” Chiharu said. "It's still early."
        “Isn’t you being like that, sexy enough,” Hirohiko said.
        “Yes,” Chiharu replied. “But I think you guys should join me. I’m the only one naked here.”
        “So, what do you have in mind, Chiharu?” Hirohiko asked her.
        “Something sexy. Maybe us swapping again. I want another night with you, Hirohiko.”
        Sayako looked over and saw Kenshin looking a bit uncomfortable. She decided to change things a bit. She had already told both her husband and Kenshin and she knew they would go along with whatever she suggested.
        “Let’s have a massage night?” Sayako suggested. “We can use the big coffee table and each one gets a massage from the three others.”
        “You mean a full massage?” Chiharu asked. “A nude massage?”
        “Yes,” Hirohiko said. “A full massage, with a happy ending too.”
        “Happy ending?”
        “Yes, Chiharu. We make you cum.”
        A huge smile appeared on her face. She was in for that.
        "You like happy endings, do you?" Hirohiko asked her.
        "Yes," she replied, that huge smile still on her face.
        Sayako looked over and saw Kenshin was smiling. “You Ok with this too?” she asked him.
        He nodded that he was. He could see how his friends were moving his wife away from Hirohiko and more to being, all four of them together. When Sayako had mentioned her problem with Chiharu, he was quick to agree. It was obvious that this would need to be dwelt with, sooner rather than later.
        “Ok, Chiharu,” Hirohiko said. “Since you are the first one naked, you’re going first.”
        She looked a bit shocked. Then she smiled. But first you three need to be naked too.
        "Sure," Hirohiko said as he started to unbutton his shirt.

First Massage – Chiharu.

        Quickly, the three of them got undressed, then Hirohiko left to heat some massage oil on the stove. While he was away, Sayako discovered they didn't know too much about massage so she explained a few things and told them she would show them what to do.
        Hirohiko arrived back with the warm oil and a pile of towels. One was spread on the table as the glass would be cold against a nude body. Chiharu was encouraged to lay face down so they could start her massage.

        While Hirohiko began on Chiharu’s shoulders to relax her, Sayako began on one of her feet to work her way up that leg to meet Hirohiko working down the body. Sayako encouraged Kenshin to copy her as he did Chiharu’s other foot and leg. Kenshin realized there was a strategy here, they had a plan.
        As he worked on the back of her lower leg, Kenshin was looking up at his wife. He was watching what Hirohiko was doing but also looking at her too. He could see Hirohiko’s hands running over her back now and noted how he was pressing firmly. Yes, this wasn’t playing, both Hirohiko and Sayako were intending a serious massage.
        Now the three of them had moved closer together, Hirohiko was working on his wife’s bum, Sayako was on one thigh, and he was working on the other. Chiharu’s legs had been opened slightly wider so her pussy and bum hole was displayed.
        “Almost finished this side,” Sayako said.
        “Just one thing first,” Hirohiko replied.
        Kenshin watched to see Hirohiko reach for the oil bottle. He looked across and saw Sayako was smiling. Seems she knew what her husband was about to do. Both her and Kenshin had finished and stopped to watch.
        Hirohiko reached for Chiharu’s bum, pushing her bum crack further open with his fingers of one hand while Hirohiko’s other hand, held the oil bottle over the very top of her crack. Gently he allowed two drops to fall, landing right at the top where the crack started. Chiharu felt it and gave a gasp. Hirohiko’s fingers followed the oil as it began to run down her crack. Soon his fingers arrived at the little crinkled hole. He rubbed oil over that and she moaned. He pressed one finger into the tight hole, and she moaned again.
        He worked the oil lower, fingers rubbing along her pussy lips now. With his hand down between her legs, Kenshin saw his wife’s pussy was really getting some treatment. She moaned again and gave little humps back against his hand as Hirohiko pressed two fingers inside her.
        She felt that too, “Ohhh!” she gasped.
        Chiharu didn’t get much of that. Only enough to get her a bit horny and interested. Then Hirohiko asked her to roll over so they could do her front.

        Kenshin watched as his wife rolled over and settled down on her back. She relaxed with her thighs slightly parted and her arms lying on each side of her body. She seemed comfortable with her nudity, with all of her body displayed to their friends. She must have felt how everything was done on her back so now everything was going to be done on her front too.
        He was right. Chiharu did know it. She knew everything was on display and she knew everything was going to be rubbed and handled. That was what these sexual massages were all about she guessed. She also remembered them saying there would be a happy ending too. Her body gave a slight shiver at that thought.
        Hirohiko saw it too and smiled. “Calm down Chiharu,” he laughed. “We’ll get to the best bit, soon.” He guessed what Chiharu was thinking.
        So Hirohiko arranged for Sayako and Kenshin to take an arm each. They were to do that including her hands and each finger. Then they were to move to her body. Sayako did her face and neck while Kenshin did her body. He did mention leaving her breasts and pussy until last.
        Chiharu heard that and gave a soft groan. She was looking forward to getting her tits played with, oil-coated fingers playing, and pulling on her nipples. Her body gave another shiver.
        “Hold on, Chiharu,” Hirohiko laughed. “We’re getting there.”
        “We’ll finish with one of us taking a breast each and the third doing her pussy.”
        Now it was more than a shiver. That could have only been a shudder and she gave a soft moan. Hirohiko got the idea that they could almost get this horny woman off by just talking about it. It made him laugh but he didn’t voice what he had just thought.

        Now they began. Each of them followed Hirohiko’s plan closely. Working on her arms and legs before moving to her body. It felt good with three pairs of hands working all over her naked body. Chiharu had her eyes closed, enjoying it.
        From down on her legs, Hirohiko had a good view up towards her pussy. He could see the lips through the hair and see the aroused state she was in. The lips were split, revealing part of the inner lips and she looked to be wet too. A hot pussy almost asking to be touched. Asking to be taken he thought.
        Finally, they came to the ‘happy ending’ where Sayako and Kenshin took a breast each, caressing and playing with them. Working the mounds of soft flesh with their hands and fingers, both doing exactly the same things at the same time. Soon her nipples were being played with. They were hard, standing up erect from each breast. With fingers working both at the same time, it felt amazing.
        Meanwhile, Hirohiko had moved to her pussy. His fingers rubbed over her pubic forest first before dropping over the mound to start on her lips. She reacted immediately with humps and moans as be began work on her most private of places. Soon one hand was pressing into her love tunnel while the other worked higher over her, clitty.
        Then all three of them moved to oral. Kenshin quickly discovered the oil they were using tasted quite nice. Like Sayako, his tongue licked over a hard nipple before his lips locked on to it, to suck.
        Down lower, Hirohiko's tongue and lips were giving Chiharu’s pussy a good going over too. He knew what would take her over, but he wanted to hold her back for as long as he could. With all that was happening to her, Chiharu was getting into quite a state. Her moans were coming almost continually now, and everyone knew it was only moments before she would go over.
        Finally, her body couldn’t take any more. Her orgasm burst over her, claiming her body as thrilling waves swept through her. It was a big one, which Hirohiko tried to keep going for as long as he could. As she began to relax, he pulled her slit open with his fingers exposing the little bud at the top. A couple of licks, then roughly sucking at it sent her off again.
        Kenshin and Sayako were watching now, as Chiharu bucked and humped under an assault being made on her clitty. It was so good, so wild, almost driving her insane with pleasure. Finally, her legs came up, clamping together, forcing Hirohiko’s head out. It was over, she fell back against the table as she relaxed. Breathing heavily as her body struggled to overcome what had just happened to her.
        Eventually, she managed to calm herself, her eyes opening, looking up into the smiling face of her husband. It was at that moment she realized it had been Hirohiko who had given her those two huge orgasms.

Second massage – Kenshin.

        Next to get on the table was Kenshin. Like his wife, he lay face down on his front first while the other three began working on his back. He also knew it was Hirohiko's plan to follow the same pattern with each massage, doing the back, then the front until finally the 'happy ending.'
        Chiharu noted that this time, Sayako did Kenshin’s back with Hirohiko working on a foot and leg while Chiharu copied what he did on the other. She was watching both Hirohiko and Sayako closely as she thought this might be a great skill to learn. She had felt how good it had been for her and wanted to be able to give that pleasure as well.
        By the time Sayako got down to Kenshin’s bum, they had finished on his legs. Chiharu and Hirohiko sat back to watch Sayako do the ending. Again, some drops were poured on at the top of Kenshin’s bum crack and then Sayako’s fingers followed it down, first coming to his bum hole.
        Chiharu had never paid much attention to her husband’s bum hole. Having seen it at times when he was naked but always giving her attention to his cock and balls. When Hirohiko had played with her hole it had felt good and she could see it looked good with what Sayako did too. Sayako’s fingers rubbed over the outside and they all saw Kenshin respond. She even pressed a finger into the hole that made him gasp.
        This opened new possibilities to Chiharu. A bumhole becoming a sexual object. She’d never considered that before. Was it possible they might start fucking in her arse? Probably not today but she realized they might want to sometime. Wasn't that a bit gross? She always thought so.

        Now they had Kenshin turn over and the first thing Chiharu saw was his friend sticking straight up. He looked so hard making her think how delicious it would be to ride him.
        But they had other things to do first. Chiharu was doing one arm while Hirohiko was doing the other. Lower down, Sayako had started on his legs working slowly higher towards his cock. Kenshin lay back relaxed, enjoying everything they were doing to him.
        Hirohiko had moved on to Kenshin’s face now and while she worked over the strong muscles of his chest, Chiharu was watching what this man was doing to her husband’s face. Doing her face had been a surprise for her, but had felt nice so she now realized, if she enjoyed it, a man probable would enjoy the attention too.
        Now they were coming to the ‘happy ending.’ First, Chiharu and Hirohiko would work on a man-nipple each, for a while before they would stop to watch Sayako’s ending.
        Sayako reached for Kenshin’s cock. She looked at it as she rubbed over the area of his pubic hair. He was quite impressive really. Like Chiharu had, she had the temptation to get on the table and ride him. It seemed a shame to let such a nice erection go to waste but that wasn’t the plan. This was going to be a hand-job and oral.
        She was rubbing over his balls now as she saw the shaft give a jerk. That was the sign she was waiting for. He was ready now. Two hands went for his cock, one gripping the long straight shaft while the other rubbed over the mushroom head. Her hands being coated in oil made it even better for the man she was working on. His eyes were closed so he could focus on the feelings coming from his cock and balls.
        The other two had stopped to watch now as Sayako continued work on Kenshin’s cock. It looked good how she was doing it and Chiharu could see how much her man was loving it. She knew by the way Sayako was doing it, that Kenshin was building for a big orgasm. He was moaning regularly now, his body giving little shuddered of pleasure. She hadn’t noticed before how much a man’s body could respond to this sort of stimulation so was interested in seeing it now. Chiharu realized that Sayako was showing her things about her husband that she didn’t know before.

        Eventually, it became so much for Kenshin that he knew he was about to cum. Sayako heard the change in his moans and knew he was close. With one hand she picked up a small towel and laid it on the table. Then as her other hand pumped with long hand strokes up and down his shaft. She leaned forward to take him completely in her mouth.
        This continued for only a short time, one hand playing with his balls, the other hand pumping his shaft while she sucked with his head deep inside her mouth. Chiharu knew he was almost there now. Suddenly, Sayako pulled off him and began pumping her hand, faster and harder. He gave a huge groan, his cock jerked and the first juice burst from his cock. Sayako continued pumping him while his juice squirted from him. She kept going until each jerk had dropped to a dribble, then she sat back to look at him.
        What a mess! Leaving him unrestrained like that, his cum had gone all over the table and front of his body. He lay there, his chest rising and falling. It had been a big one. Amazing since really it was only a hand-job with a bit of sucking towards the end.
        It had been an eye-opener for Chiharu to see her man respond and orgasm like that. Another thing she had to consider in their love life.

Third Massage – Hirohiko.

        "Your turn to do the 'happy ending,' Chiharu," Sayako said. "Are you up for it?"
        "Of course," Chiharu smiled. Giving Hirohiko an orgasm. She was in for that.
        As Hirohiko lay on his stomach and they began working on him, Chiharu realized that it would be her doing the ‘happy ending’ for him. What Sayako had done for her husband, Kenshin had been amazing, and Chiharu wondered if she could as well for Sayako’s husband. He must be used to what Sayako could do so Chiharu knew she had a hard act to follow.
        The three of them did, Hirohiko’s back and then he rolled over so they could do the front.
        The first thing Chiharu noticed was his cock. This wasn’t the first time she had seen this cock but this time she was taking much more notice of the details. Like Kenshin had been, Hirohiko was standing up, ready for action. As she started working on his legs, she couldn’t help looking at him. She loved how they had shaved the hairs so the shape of his balls was well defined. She was looking at the shaft. Unlike, Kenshin, this man wasn’t entirely straight. Above this was the head, not as blunt as her husband had been, probably more of a point.
        Having only ever seen one cock, Chiharu had assumed that they all must look the same, but like women’s tits and pussies were different, it seemed to be the same with men too. Each man seemed to have their own shape when it came to cocks. For a moment she wondered what other men might be like. Perhaps they were the same when they were soft but took on their own shape as they became erect.

        When Sayako leaned forward to lick over one of Hirohiko’s man nipples, without thinking about it Kenshin did the same on the other side. He didn’t realize it until after but this was perhaps the first time he had sexual contact with another man.
        Chiharu knew what she was expected to do as she reached out for the erect cock in front of her. Taking plenty of oil in her hand, she began to rub over the head and down the shaft. She was familiar with handling a cock but just not this one. She supposed Hirohiko would be sensitive in a similar way to what her husband was.
        As she gently pumped the shaft, she reached down for the sack of his balls, gently rubbing over them, feeling the beans inside as she did.
        By now, Sayako and Kenshin had finished and had stopped to watch what Chiharu was going to do with Hirohiko’s cock. They all knew that was the expectation was that Chiharu would keep going until Hirohiko reached orgasm.
        She started well, one hand pumping the shaft, which left the other hand to explore and add extra stimulation by working over the head. She rubbed her thumb over the little slot at the top which he seemed to like. This man had a nice-looking cock and she was enjoying playing with him.
        As Chiharu continued, Hirohiko realized that his orgasm was beginning to build. He gave a little hump at her which she took as a very positive sign. Gripping him slightly firmer she began to pump him a bit faster.
        Now, this was really starting to feel good for Hirohiko. The woman giving this hand-job seemed to be doing it just about right. Those hand strokes were about the right pressure to begin moving him towards orgasm. The way her other hand had rubbed over his head, pressing against the little slot at the tip, felt amazing. How did she know he liked that? Was there some way his wife was telling her? His eyes were closed but he hadn’t heard them talking. Anyway, however it was happening, it felt good.
        His cum was beginning to more and his cock gave the first of the series of jerks that would eventually lead to ejection.
        Being familiar with doing this to her husband, Chiharu was reading the body signs of this man she was giving a hand-job to. She felt that first jerk of his cock as she continued the steady pumping of him. ‘This was it,’ she thought. ‘He was getting close.’ Now quickly she had to decide how she was going to do this. She first wanted it to be great for him, but she was also aware of the show she was putting on for his wife and her husband. She wanted that to be good too.
        She leaned forward, her tongue stretching out to lick over the head. He gave a moan, followed by a massive jerk. For a moment she thought she had him. But no, not yet and so she continued. First, a few more licks, then her lips opened to take the head into her mouth. As she sucked, she continued that steady pumping with her hand.
        The jerking came regularly now. Each time accompanied by moans. She was sucking harder now and going all out to take him over.
        Suddenly, it happened. He began to cum. Bursts of cum, shot into her mouth. Yes, she intended to take as much as she could in her mouth first, then she had another plan. Instead of swallowing, she opened her mouth so what she was holding began to run down over his cock. She also took the last couple of shots which the other two watching, saw shoot into her open mouth and then join what was running down his shaft.
        The hand that had been pumping him, was now rubbing his sperm all over his cock and balls, even onto his lower stomach. It was sexy to watch but also felt great for Hirohiko too.
        Sayako could see this was becoming a messy one and so grabbed a small towel, ready for the clean-up when Chiharu finished.
        When Chiharu looked up towards Hirohiko’s face, she noticed his eyes were open and he was smiling at her.
        “That was great,” he told her. “You are good.”
        Chiharu was pleased with herself. Getting him off like that while others watched was a bit scary at first until she told herself. ‘Look! You’ve got this, Chiharu.’ Then as her confidence built she went on to do what seemed to be a very successful job, judging by what he’d just said.

Fourth Massage – Sayako.

        The final person to take the massage table was Sayako. Kenshin has seen what Hirohiko had done with his wife Chiharu and so was ready to do the same with Sayako.
        First, they all did the back of her body. Three pairs of hands working all over. It was left for Kenshin to do her arse and he enjoyed rubbing his hands over her tight cheeks before turning his attention to the split between them. Just a few drops of oil and her began to run his fingers down that split, pulling it wider open as he did.
        Yes, there was her little puckered hole. He touched with his fingertip, and she moaned. Tonight, that had been an eye-opener to him as he discovered how sexy it felt being touched there, but now he discovered he enjoyed doing it to someone else. After rubbing some oil over there, he took a finger and pushed gently it into the hole. It was tight but with the help of the oil, he easily slipped in. He gave her a few gentle pumps and it seemed that she liked it too. He almost got the impression it wasn't the first time either.

        Sayako rolled over to lay on her back, the front of her naked body presented to her husband and friends. She felt how their hands rubbed over her body, their fingers sliding smoothly with the oil. She loved it when Hirohiko gave her a massage. This, having three people doing it was a new experience for her and she felt great.
        How Hirohiko and Chiharu did her tits were good. She wondered how Chiharu felt touching another woman’s breasts and then she realized that she had already done that, and much more a few nights ago. She loved how both nipples were rubbed at the same time, rolled between fingers, and gently pulled. Then they both went in and began sucking, Wow!
        But by then, there was another distraction. Kenshin had begun working on her pussy. First, he had admired her bare pubes as he worked the oil all over her legs and up onto her thighs. From that position, with her legs further apart, he had a full view of everything she had. She knew it too, and as his hand crept further and further up the inside of her thighs her excitement was building.
        Finally, he reached her pussy, his fingers rubbing over her bare mound before dropping lower between her legs. His fingers slipped down over her open split and he saw the massive shudder her whole body gave. The two sucking on her nipples had noticed it too which was probably why they had stopped to watch.
        The upward return of Kenshin’s fingers pressed deeper between her lips and it was obvious she loved that too. This process was reaped a few times, a lighter brush downwards followed by a deeper pull back up. Soon he was making it better by using his thumb to rub between her upper lips as he pressed some fingers in deep between her lower lips. This had an effect immediately as she began humping at him and moaning loudly. Kenshin knew Sayako was getting close.
        Suddenly, Sayako cried out and came. Kenshin could see how her back arched as she thrust her pussy back against his hand. It was a big one.
        But he wasn’t finished yet. Once in a porn movie, he’d seen a couple in much the same position. He’d finger-fucked this woman while briskly rubbing the hood over her clitty. The result had been spectacular, and he wondered if she was capable of producing a similar result. She was certainly sexually aroused enough to try it.
        He began by finger-fucking her. Quite aggressively thrusting his fingers into her. She was quickly responding to that. His other hand came up to her hood and began rubbing. That had a strong reaction too. So far so good, he thought.
        Now it was time to rub harder and thrust deeper into her pussy. She quickly responded to that too. It didn’t take long before she was crying out. Her pussy humping, her body bucking around. The noise she was making. Still, he kept it going. Looking forward to seeing what would happen.
        She gave an extra hard pelvis thrust, cried out and a squirt of juice hit him in the chest. He continued, very pleased with that, and got a couple more shots before she was over it.
        Wow! That was amazing.
        Even his wife, Chiharu was surprised too. She had thought her husband was being a bit rough with Sayako but didn’t realize he was aiming for that. She’d heard about this squirting stuff but had just thought it was a porn trick. Now she realized it was true. This woman in front of her, her friend had just done it with the help of her own husband. Perhaps, one day he would do it for her too.
        For Sayako, it had been amazing. Not happened before. She had heard her daughter Tukiko could do it, but it had never happened to her. Now it had. She lay there with her eyes closed, struggling with her breath, struggling to make any sense of what had just happened. Finally, she opened her eyes to look up at Kenshin’s smiling face. By then Chiharu had taken a towel and was rubbing it over his body and chest.

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Threesome Party.

        They were sitting on towels in the lounge so the oil wouldn’t get on the leather. Since it was agreed Kenshin and Chiharu would be staying the night, another bottle of wine had been brought out and they were sipping their drinks as they chattered.
        Kenshin noticed that Sayako was beside him and Chiharu was snuggled up with Hirohiko on the other couch. Sayako noticed the other two as well and moved so she could rest her back against Kenshin. His arms came around her, one hand going for her breast, fingers lightly stroking her nipple.
        “Ahhh!” she said. “This feels good.”
        When Chiharu saw what her husband was doing to Sayako, she became excited at the thought it would end with her being with Hirohiko again. She decided to hurry it along since it was getting late. She reached down and began to play with his cock. It didn’t take much, and she felt him begin to grow in her hand. This was a good sign.
        She noticed Sayako was working on her husband’s cock. They were moving forward because now Kenshin was playing with her pussy. Soon her own pussy was getting some fun too.
        “Shall we go to bed now, Sayako?” Chiharu asked. “I can’t wait to be with Hirohiko.”
        “I think we should stay here and do it together. I’d love to watch you two again. I like putting on a show with your husband too.”
        “I’d like to watch you guys too,” Hirohiko said as he remembered what his wife had told him about last time.
        It was obvious that Chiharu didn’t like that answer. She gave him a bit of a sour look.
        “What do you want to do, honey?” Chiharu asked, seeking support from her husband.
        “I would rather stay here and watch you,” he replied. He knew what Sayako and Hirohiko were doing, and he wanted the same.
        “Looks like your out-voted, Chiharu,” Sayako said.
        “Yes,” she replied looking a bit annoyed.
        Sayako also noticed their playing had stopped. But she wasn’t backing down. She could see what the problem was now. But she wasn’t going to back down. It would be, they play in the lounge or nothing.
        “How do we do this, honey?” Hirohiko asked his wife.
        “Well, I still wanted to watch you and Chiharu but last time I missed most of the show. Let’s do it one at a time. You watch us and then we watch you guys.”
        “Ok,” Kenshin agreed with a smile, but his wife stayed silent.
        But Sayako had another idea which she thought might tempt Chiharu out of her bad mood. “Then what about having a threesome?”
        “Let’s drop the watching part and go straight for the threesomes?” Hirohiko suggested.
        “Two women with one man?” Kenshin asked.
        “Could be that way,” Sayako said. “Or two men with one woman. Each time one of us gets to rest and watch.”
        Kenshin was getting excited about this. He’d heard about threesomes but never had the chance to try one. He looked at his wife and she seemed to be warming to the idea now.
        “One more rule. Each time the single person gets to direct the other two,” Hirohiko said.
        “Everyone in?” Sayako asked.
        Hirohiko nodded yes. It was yes from Kenshin too. Sayako was in of course. It left only Chiharu. She realized this could go on and happen without her, so she nodded too.
        “Great,” Sayako said taking a gaming dice from a draw under the table. “Let’s decide who gets their threesome first. Highest number goes first, lowest last.”
        They each had a turn and Hirohiko threw, a six. Both Chiharu and Kenshin threw four and Sayako threw a one. On a second turn, Chiharu threw six and her husband threw two.
        “So Hirohiko goes first with Chiharu and me. You watch Kenshin.”
        “Next is Chiharu with you two guys. I’ll watch.”
        “Then Kenshin’s turn with us girls while Hirohiko watches.”
        “Finally, I will get you two men. That will be hot and Chiharu might join us for what I have in mind.”

Round One: - “Hirohiko with Chiharu and Sayako.”

        The two men moved the coffee table out of the way while the women spread a plastic sheet with towels on top to protect the carpet underneath. Then while Kenshin watched. The other three got down on the floor.
        “Rules are made to be broken, right?” Hirohiko said to Sayako. “I want Kenshin involved too. I want to make an oral square.”
        “You mean like the daisy chain we did?”
        “Yes, Sayako. But since there are only four of us. The shape is a square.”
        “Oral, only?”
        “Yes. We continue until somebody cums.”

        So suddenly. Kenshin found himself involved in what had turned into a foursome. He was more than happy to be involved. As they arranged themselves on their sides, they would form the shape of a square. By opening their top leg, their pussy or cock was exposed to the person behind them while they were near the pussy or cock of the person in front. It was obvious what to do.
        “We continue until the first person cums,” Hirohiko said again.
        “No.” Sayako protested. “I think we should allow more to cum. Maybe all four of us if we can make it.”
        “If we all keep cumming, we might not make it to threesome four,” Hirohiko explained.
        “So what? If we’ve all had fun with three sex sessions, who cares. It’s all about fun and orgasms rather than how many sex sessions we do,” Sayako replied.
        It was then that a possibility was set in place that they might not all get their threesome.

        So, the daisy chain, square, whatever you want to call it, got underway. They lay on their sides with one leg open to allow access to their public area. The person behind moved in to give oral while that person gave oral to the person in front. By arranging it, boy-girl-boy-girl, everyone got to give oral so some of the opposite sex.
        The room went quiet as everyone had their mouths full of either pussy or cock. Everyone was doing the best they could to try and get the person in front of them off. While Hirohiko was working on Chiharu's pussy, she was working on Kenshin's cock. Kenshin was eating Sayako's pussy while she was sucking Hirohiko's cock. An endless circle until someone cum.
        It soon became obvious that since everyone was already excited by the sexy massages, getting aroused enough for orgasms wouldn't take that long, especially since everyone was going all out to make the person in front of them cum. The play was suggested that they all aim to cum at about the same time, but it didn't quite work out like that.
        Perhaps the men had been more ready than the two women because it didn’t take long before they had both deposited a load of cum to the mouth of one of the women. Both women had taken all they were given, swallowing as they did.
        So now the square broke up and quickly they changed positions, now the two women were laying beside each other on the floor. Their legs were open, ready for a man to come down on them and get them off. Hirohiko went for Chiharu and Kenshin went for Sayako. Both men quickly did a great job.
        Kenshin got in and was eating at Sayako's pussy. He already knew that was the way she liked it. As soon as he started like that she was moaning and humping at him. It go so much that he had to reach up and hold her with his hands so his mouth and tongue could stay with her. Soon she was getting close and Kenshin realized it was time to go in for her clitty. That was the turning point when he sucked on that. She went off! Make a loud cry as her orgasm burst. It had been a good one.
        "Next to them, Hirohiko was having some trouble with Chiharu. She didn't seem to be responding as well. He thought he was doing all the right things but she wasn't getting there. He reached up and began rubbing at her clitty while lower down he went back to finger fucking her. She quickly gave a moan, so he increased things, going faster and putting more energy into it. That was work and while Kenshin and Sayako watched he sent Chiharu off into a good orgasm. It was just she had finished well behind the others.
        So the daisy square didn't have the ending Hirohiko had expected but it worked for all so why worry. It might be said when everyone has a happy ending who cares how they got there.

Round Two:- “Chiharu Has Sex with the Two Men.”

        While eating the women, both men had recovered their erections so all felt it was time to move on to round two.
        Chiharu was kneeling on the floor facing the two naked men. For a moment she wondered how they would do this since she had never done a threesome before.
        She looked over a Sayako. “What should we do?”
        Sayako replied, “If you are not sure, just let the men decide.”
        “Oh, you guys, do what you want to me,” she told them, knowing she was surrendering her body to them.” But make it good as I want a happy ending,” she added with a laugh.
        While Chiharu sat on the floor the two men moved in beside her. Then each took a breast, first holding and caressing before moving in to use their mouth and tongue on each nipple.
        That felt so good that Chiharu’s arms came up around each head, holding them to her chest. Her nipples felt amazing. The way those men were sucking her was beginning to get to her and they hadn’t even got to her pussy yet.
        Soon that changed when she felt a hand pushing between her legs. At first, she was unsure who it was but then decided it must be Hirohiko. She opened her legs to let him in. She was so wet and slippery that his fingers pushed straight in. Two fingers, thrusting in deep as his thumb stimulated her clit. She humped at him and moaned. Both men heard and felt it too.

        Suddenly, she heard Hirohiko say, “Let’s spit-roast her, mate.”
        Both men pulled away from her and got her to get down on the floor, on her hands and knees. While she felt Hirohiko ender her again, this time from behind, she reached out to take her husband Kenshin in her mouth.
        Soon both men were fucking her, fucking from each end. And they were not gentle either. Damn! That felt see good. Being fucked by two men at the same time felt great. Quickly, Chiharu knew her first cum was on the way. Hirohiko knew it too. He reached under at just the right time, giving her pussy a rub in just the right way to send her off. And, wow! It was a good one too.
        “Want to try this juicy hot cunt?” Hirohiko asked his mate.
        “Sure!” Kenshin replied.
        And the men swapped. Now Kenshin was plunging into his wife’s wet pussy while she was trying to suck his friend off. But as each stroke pounded against her arse cheeks, it pushed her body forward so he mouth was pressed deeper onto Hirohiko’s cock.
        This fucking continued and Chiharu felt she was about to cum again. Again there were some fingers ready to help her. A hand reached underneath to rub at her pussy. At first, she thought it was her husband but then she realized both his hands were holding her hips. Suddenly it occurred to her that the person playing with her tits and pussy was her friend, Sayako.
        That was it. The thought of three people working over her body, send her off again, to be quickly followed by yet a third orgasm.
        Both men were watching all this and within moments after her third orgasm, Kenshin had cum too. He pulled out and let go all over her beautiful arse.
        As Kenshin pulled out of his wife, Hirohiko was there to take his place. There were a few huge thrusts into her as he finished himself off. As he pulled out to cum over her arse too, he didn’t realize he had finished her off too. She cried out and fell forward onto her stomach. She lay there recovering from her orgasm as the last shot of Hirohiko’s cum landed on her arse.
        That had been some sex session!
        It left Chiharu in such a mess that she had to go get cleaned up. Meanwhile, Hirohiko got some drinks so they could all stop for a while. After such an intense sex session, the men needed to rest and recover for a while.

Round Three:- “Two Women Get Fun with Kenshin.”

        “Now, it’s Kenshin’s turn,” Hirohiko said. “Take your time girls. After what just happened. I think we both need time to recover.
        Both women smiled at that. They both knew how sexy that had been for the men. Both had given huge orgasms over Chiharu and would need some time before they could do it again.
        Kenshin was sitting on the floor with Sayako and his wife Chiharu.
        “Kenshin likes to have a woman on top,” Chiharu told her friend.
        “Ok. What about us both on top. One on his cock and the other on his mouth.”
        All three went for that idea and so that was how the third sex session began. But Sayako suggested some extra for the women. They would face each other and play with each other’s tits.

        So as Kenshin lay back on the floor, his wife Chiharu reached a leg over him bringing her pussy down to his face. It seemed funny like this, almost a bit of an unnatural position but he knew why they were doing it this way. He did the best he could reaching up at her. She realized the trouble he was having and so leaned forward so move of her pussy lips were presented to his tongue and mouth.
        Meanwhile, Kenshin had felt another woman reach a leg over him, a hand took hold of his cock and guided it to a pussy. With just the slightest bit of resistance, the head of his cock burst through her lips and Sayako sunk down on him, taking him deep inside herself.
        Soon Hirohiko noticed the two women were reaching for each other’s tits, making out together so it almost seemed as this was all about them than the man lying underneath them.
        But he shouldn’t have been worried because what Sayako’s pussy was doing to Kenshin’s cock felt pretty good too. What Kenshin was doing to his wife’s pussy was getting to her too. Yes, all three of them were getting toward their cums by now. It came down to only a matter of time before at least one of them would go off.
        Chiharu noticed that her husband wasn’t doing such a good job. She looked down to realize that her friend’s pussy had been too good. He was almost there now. She realized once he had cum it would be over for her and Sayako too. Never mind if that happened. Already, this evening, things had been pretty good and promised to get better too.
        Sayako felt how Kenshin was thrust up into her had slowed down and she also knew what was happening. She considered her options and decided to do what she could to make in cum. She wasn’t ready yet and so knew she’d never make it in time. She decided to just go for it. Give as good a cum as she possibly could.
        She broke away from Chiharu who lifted her leg off over Kenshin’s head. Now it had become Sayako fucking Kenshin cowgirl style. Using her thighs, she was lifting herself off him and then using her weight to plunge down at him again. She was taking as much of him as she could with each stroke. Moving as fast as she could, giving him as much of herself as she could. There was no longer any thought about herself. This was all about Kenshin, getting him off as best that she could.
        He was responding too. Humping back up and him, moaning and groaning with each thrust. It was getting to him until he felt his cock was ready to burst. Suddenly, he went over, a loud moan escaping his lips as he did. Sayako realized what had just happened. She continued to ride him through his orgasm, slowing to gently fuck him while he subsided.
        That had been a good one for Kenshin. He was slightly worried that neither of the girls had got off, but they seemed fine with it. Telling him it was his turn to have fun. They were happy with that.

Round Four:- “A Threesome Becomes an Orgy.”

        Once again, Sayako found herself going last and she had a plan to finish too. She wanted to try a foursome. She wanted to try something she’d heard about but never tried. She began to try and explain it to her husband and friend.
        “You are involved in this too, Chiharu. All four of us are. We move the table back and Chiharu and me begin doing a 69, eating each other. Once we get going you two men join in fucking a pussy each while us girls continue licking both pussy and cock. You two can swap a couple of times if you want.”
        Sayako could see the other three were listening closely. She was sure they would want to try it.
        “We keep going until you guys cum. I’m sure both of us will have by then. You men must pull out before you cum. Shoot it over a pussy and face at each end.”
        She looked around and saw they were smiling. “Want to try?” she asked.
        They were quick to agree.

        The table was lifted back in, and Chiharu lay back on it. She was positioned so her bum was on the edge at one end, legs wide open and her feet on the floor. Sayako got over her, so her knees rested on the table on each side of Chiharu’s head as she lay on top of Chiharu’s body. In this way, both women could reach the other pussy. Soon they began licking and eating each other.
        That in itself was sexy but got even better as Hirohiko came in to start fucking Chiharu underneath Sayako’s head. At the other end, Kenshin was quick to push in from behind, his cock entering Sayako’s will pussy, directly above his wife’s face.
        Chiharu was sucking at Sayako’s pussy lips when she saw Kenshin’s cock approach just above her face. She saw how hard he was and how she opened as he pushed against her wet lips. Talk about a ring-side seat for the show. She could now lick only the clitty end of her friend’s cunt while her husband began shafting her with slow powerful strokes. It was actually quite amazing to watch.
        At the other end, Sayako was treated to a very close fucking view too as her husband’s cock came into to pressing into Chiharu’s wet pussy.
        This is how they continued, everyone getting more and more turned on. The men were taking it slower, with long powerful strokes. With their wife’s faces being so close they didn’t want to hurt anyone.

        Suddenly, Hirohiko said, “Ok mate! Let’s swap.”
        Two cocks pulled out and disappeared. Moments later another cock returned so the fucking could continue. This time the men were feeling more confident and perhaps more excited too. They were moving faster, thrusting hard. It was feeling good for all concerned. They all knew this couldn’t last much longer.
        It was Chiharu who went off first as she thrust her pelvis up at her friend. This was a surprise for Kenshin and he cum too. Pulling out as he started to shoot a load of cum all over Chiharu’s pussy and Sayako’s face.
        That cum hitting her face was enough to send Sayako off too. As her pussy clenched, Hirohiko’s cock couldn’t take any more too. He pulled out to cum over his wife’s pussy and Chiharu’s face.
        They pulled apart smiling. That seemed to be about it for everyone. They were surprised how close their orgasms were together and how successful that position had been. It almost seemed like Chiharu cumming and began a chain reaction that had taken them all out.
        Soon some towels were produced as they began cleaning up. They all knew showers were needed before they settled down for the night.

        After showering, the four of them were back in the lounge for a final drink before going to bed.
        "That was fun," Kenshin said.
        "I'm surprised how well it worked," Chiharu replied.
        "I've heard it is possible but never seen or done it," Sayako explained.
        "Well, we know it is now," Kenshin laughed. "So what more surprises have you got for us, Sayako?"
        "Remember last time you men watched Chiharu and me together, well I would like to see you guys together," Sayako said.
        "Doing what?" Kenshin was getting worried about this.
        "I don't know. Whatever men do together. Kissing, sucking, maybe fucking."
        "Oh, that would be great," Chiharu said. "I'd like to see that too."
        "But Hirohiko had a reply ready for them. We'll do that, but you have to do something for us."
        "What do we need to do?" Chiharu asked.
        "We both want to fuck you both in the arse," Hirohiko said.
        Chiharu was worried. She'd never done that with anyone. Not even her husband. "That's too gross," she said.
        Kenshin thought he was safe too as he knew his wife would never go for arse fucking.
        So that was where it was left. No one asked Sayako for her opinion. She would have gone with the idea, even the arse fucking part and she felt fairly sure that Hirohiko would have too. But their friends had shut the idea down and so that was the end of that.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       

“But Aren’t We Swapping?”

        “Well, that’s about it for me,” Hirohiko said giving a stretch and yawn. Looking over at Chiharu and Kenshin he added. “You guys take the guest room. It’s all ready for you as we thought you might be staying.”
        Chiharu didn’t look so happy. “But aren’t we swapping? You and I, Hirohiko?”
        “No, not tonight,” Hirohiko replied. “I’m about done, Chiharu. Let’s take a rain check on any swapping tonight. Or should I say this morning?”
        Sayako was watching her friend closely and saw the look for a moment until Chiharu recovered herself.
        So they all had one last drink together and Hirohiko proposed a toast, “Too good friends,” he said.
        “Too naughty good friends,” Sayako corrected him.
        “Naughty good friends,” he laughed.
        Soon the four of them stood up, collected their clothes and things, heading to bed. Kenshin and Chiharu went to the guest room and Hirohiko and Sayako went to their own bedroom.

        Once in their room, Sayako said, “Did you see that look on her face?”
        “Yes,” Hirohiko replied. “I think we might have a problem there. I think we’re doing the right thing by not swapping tonight.”
        “Tonight was a great night. She should be happy with that. I am. It was a lot of fun.”
        “And orgasms too?”
        “Yes,” she smiled. “Quite a few of those too.”

        When Kenshin and Chiharu went to bed she was still a bit annoyed. “What happened with you? Why didn’t you support me?”
        “Sayako and Hirohiko wanted us to have fun together. I felt we should accept their wishes.”
        “Was it you didn’t want to either?”
        “A bit. I like watching you fucking. You were great tonight. Anyway, what’s the big problem? We all had fun tonight.”
        “But we should have swapped with them. That would have been better. You should consider what your wife wanted.”
        “I don’t see that. You had lots of fun. I don't see what are you complaining about?”
        “I still wanted to go to bed with Hirohiko.”
        Kenshin was getting annoyed with her attitude.
        “Well, you've got me tonight. Live with it!”
        She did, by rolling over, turning her back to him, ready to go to sleep. That annoyed him too. Not because he wanted anything more but because she turned her back on him like that.
        He didn’t know what made him do it but he reached over and gave the cheek of her bum a hard slap.
        “Hey! That hurt!” Chiharu cried out.
        “Well, your attitude better have changed in the morning or you’re getting another one.”
        She turned, looking at him in horror. In all their marriage, he had never hit her like that.
        He glared at her for a moment, returning her stare, letting her know he meant it. Then he rolled away from her, ready to go to sleep.
        She lay there for a while as she heard him start to gently snore. What was wrong with him? What had she done to deserve that? It didn’t occur to her that he’d been annoyed with her attitude as she still felt she was justified with wanting to be with Hirohiko. Finally, she also drifted off to sleep.

Index of Letters                         Story 274 Part One Background.                         Back to Story 273 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 274  Part Two.


  1. What was wrong with him? Shouldn't that be, what was wrong with her?
    I'm enjoying thus series of stories. Love how you are working with thus new couple.

  2. This story changed things. I wondered about how Kenshin and Chiharu seem to be moving in two different directions. Or perhaps it could be better said, moving at two different speeds.
    I would have expected that would have been a warning for everyone. He has a problem and it needs to be solved. Maybe the next story will find a solution. But it has me wondering if this new couple will actually join the group.
