Wednesday 23 February 2022

Story 274 Part Two Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 274  Part Two.

Kia Ora Everyone
       My name is Awesome Anne.

            It is done! This story is finished with this part being one of the larger posts we have ever done in this blog. So take plenty of time. It's a long read. Over one thousand lines in HTML code.
            So things are going well for Kenshin and Chiharu. Hirohiko and Sayako have told them about this new sex group and they are interested in joining. Perhaps Chiharu is more into the idea than Kenshin but he still wants to follow the idea further. A plan has been made to meet Mike and Shanti for dinner, a quiet evening to talk with them, find out more about this Sex Group they have. After that evening, Kenshin and Chiharu intended to make a decision on whether they will join or not.
            Well, that was the plan as far as Kenshin was concerned but Chiharu had spoken with Shanti on the phone the day before and told Shanti that Kenshin and her were already fine with the sex group idea. Shanti, knowing the Australian and Indian groups were due, decided to push their membership along. That is where we pick up the story.

            I am always looking for something a bit different. A different idea, a different theme to work within my stories. The idea of Chiharu dragging her husband into a full-on sex party, an orgy, caught my attention. There was some great potential with this. I could see her knowing what was going on and ready to jump straight in. I could see him arriving, expecting a quiet dinner with Shanti and Mike and finding a sex party. What a great starting point for a story.
            I want you, my readers, to follow Kenshin, feel the emotions, his suspicion, his hurt, the betrayal.
            You know dragging a husband into something like this with no warning and expecting him to join in was a dangerous strategy. Some may even say foolish or as Peter says in the story 'stupid.' It could have worked, Kenshin even says he was very interested but wasn't ready to jump in yet.
            Quickly, things start going wrong for Chiharu. Shanti, Mike and Sayako begin to realize that something is wrong with Kenshin. A quick talk with him established that he didn't know about this party until he arrived. This is certainly not how the Letters Group worked. Everything is open and everyone agrees as to what goes on. Kenshin didn't feel that way so Shanti decides she needs to do something.
            Have a good read every one. Enjoy the story.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Awesome Anne.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 274  Part Two.

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