Saturday 5 March 2022

Story 275 Part One Background Notes.

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Hi, all our readers.
       My name is Allan Snr.
            I once read a story where a husband noticed his wife was becoming more sexual, especially after his weekly trip away. On investigating further he discovers that each week his wife is giving a sexy show on an amateur sex website. The story was about his struggle to come to terms with this and then wanting to join in. I'm not sure how it ended now, other than he confronted her and the shows ended but their sex life was better than it had ever been.
            I wanted to try a similar story for this blog. I chose Jenny and Peter as they have been known to get into kinky and different forms of sex. I wanted the woman to be open and bold enough to strip naked and perform sex shows online. I wanted the husband to be open and turned on when he discovers what his wife is doing. Again, Jenny and Peter seemed the best fit for this.
            Soon Kim joined me in writing. As we wrote, this story grew and soon exceeded what Anne would like a story to be on this blog and so was needed to cut it in half. This first half contains Peter discovering what his wife is doing and watching the first few shows. Unknown to her, but after each show, it is him who suggested that she does more and gets sexier online. The second half is the final show. A big one where things go wrong for Sexy Karene.

       My name is Kimberley.
            When Allan began writing this story, I naturally got pulled into it too. He was happy when I joined him because we've always made a good writing team. I liked the theme of this story and could quickly see the potential for a great story. I never saw the original story he mentioned above and so could just go on what he told me. In that way, I think we've created an original story and not a copy of the one he read before.
            I enjoyed the change of names where Jenny became Sexy Karene etc. It made the story different to anything we've done here before and much more challenging to write. I just hope we haven't confused you, readers, too much.
            When we decided to bring in other characters from the Letters Stories, we invented the Zoom meeting. That added a whole new dimension to the story as we could develop comments and sexual activities their friends were having while they watched the shows.
            But it all has to end somewhere and that will be in Part Two when Sexy Karene does her final show.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Allan and Kim.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 275 Part One.

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