Thursday 24 March 2022

Story 276 Kenshin and Chiharu - Overseas Visitors.

Index of Letters                         Story 276 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 275 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 277.

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Overseas Visitors.

        Finally, the Indian and Australian groups arrived in New Zealand. It had been a direct, overnight flight from Perth. Now, as they cleared customs, they discovered Shanti and Mike waiting for them. While Shanti came forward to greet them, Mike was on his phone calling more of the New Zealand men to drive the vans in to meet in the quick pick-up zone.
        There was a bit of confusion as they worked out who would be going in which van and then getting kids and bags sorted too. The security officer was watching them closely, glancing at his watch as the five-minute pick-up time was exceeded.
        Finally, it was all sorted. Mike and Shanti were relieved their plan had worked. The van drivers were relieved they had collected the correct guests for their house. The overseas visitors were relieved that they were in the same van as their kids. And the security officer was relieved the line of vans had taken all that confusion with them, leaving his drop-off, pick-up zone running smoothly again.
        Both Japanese couples, Hirohiko and Sayako; Kenshin and Chiharu, had agreed to take visitors to stay at their houses. Both men had vans and were among the group at the airport to meet and collect their guests.
        Shanti’s plan was to have the visitors take their first day getting to know their hosts and settling in. Then there would be a series of welcome parties at various places while all the kids went on their own adventures with Mike’s parents. Yes, everyone knew these greeting parties would turn sexual which was why the children weren't included. After all, the Letters Group was a sexual swapping group and these visitors had come here to play, so why not start, sooner rather than later.
        Sayako and Chiharu had decided to combine their party into a gathering at Sayako’s house. This had originally been planned as an evening, but things went very late and in the early morning hours, everyone had just slept where they finished partying.

Before we start, it might be better if we list who was staying at each house.
        Staying with Hirohiko and Sayako.
                Hamza and Kalki, plus 1 kid.
                Ian and Kala, plus 3 kids.
        Staying with Kenshin and Chiharu.
                Mootie and Hansini, plus two kids.
                        (Jasmine their eldest daughter, staying at Lizamoa and Joseph’s house, with other teens her age.)
                Gaja and Nishi.

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Would You and Kenshin Like Some Overseas Visitors?

        First, let’s back up and see some events before the visitors arrived then we'll get to the party itself.
        The day after that disastrous party at Mike and Shanti’s house, Sayako and Chiharu did talk, as they promised they would. Sayako rang her friend to check everything was ok. (Story 274 Part Two. Chiharu and Kenshin Join the Group.)
        “So how was Kenshin when you got home?” Sayako asked when the video chat opened.
        “He seemed ok,” Chiharu replied.
        “In a very good mood actually.”
        “Well after what I heard he and Lizamoa did and that session beside the pool, I’d be surprised if he wasn’t in a good mood.”
        “We talked a bit,” Chiharu continued. “He did say he was disappointed in me that I didn’t talk with him first but when I tried to explain myself, he wouldn’t let me say much. He just said mistakes were made by both of us but it’s history now. He said he had been interested in joining the group but just wanted to check it out first. I should have waited for him.”
        “Yes,” Sayako agreed. “We were all shocked that you hadn’t told him.”
        “It was a bit dumb.”
        “You took a terrible risk, Chiharu. Put your marriage on the line.”
        Chiharu didn't say anything. She realized how much she had messed up.
        “You are lucky Lizamoa managed to convince Kenshin to go with her and try out swinging for a night.”
        “Is that why she did it?”
        “Yes, it was Shanti’s idea. They hoped Lizamoa could win him over. If anyone could pull it off, Shanti knew that Lizamoa could.”
        “I didn’t know that. I thought it was all revenge on me.”
        “Him leaving with her like that was. But before you walked over, Kenshin had turned down Lizamoa’s offer. For some reason, perhaps something you said, he changed his mind while talking with you. Caught Liz by surprise, as much as you, but she was quick to catch on and go along with him. They went off together and seems their night went well from what I can gather but Lizamoa isn’t saying much and I don’t suppose Kenshin is either.”
        "No," Chiharu said. "He's saying nothing about it other than it wasn't just sex. They talked a lot too."
        "It surprised me that they did that," Sayako said. "But I think she would have been good with him."
        Chiharu remembered the shock of seeing him get up and walk off with his arm around Lizamoa. “No he has said nothing about it to me other than Lizamoa was good.”
        “The session by the pool was his revenge fuck but I believe Liz told him very clearly the night with her wasn’t revenge, it was two people enjoying themselves. She threatened to kick his arse if he didn’t behave with her.”
        “Oh,” Chiharu replied with a giggle. “She said that?”
        “You see, Chiharu,” Sayako explained. “Shanti discovered something about Kenshin that I don’t think you’ve seen yet. Kenshin is not so much into the wild sex like you seem to be. He is happy to swing but wants one partner and to enjoy her. Take his time to be with her, more like lovers. He is actually, quite romantic. For him, a night with one woman is preferable to having several different partners in one night. That’s just his style. He now knows many of the women in our group are happy with that too.”
        It came as a surprise to Chiharu that Lizamoa and Shanti had worked that out about her husband.

        There was silence for a while as Chiharu took all this in. “But I thought it was all about the sex parties with you guys,” she asked Sayako.
        “Well, yes, it is but we are a swinging group which means we are open to swapping our partners for sexual enjoyment. How we do this is really up to the people involved.
        “Chiharu, you remember, that idea we had about the men being together?”
        “Yeah, that would be fun to see. But I don’t think Kenshin would go for that.”
        “You might be wrong there. We might be wrong with both men. I think we should give them a chance. Without pushing them, of course.”
        “No Sayako!” Chiharu said feeling concerned. “After what happened Friday night, I don’t want to upset Kenshin in any way. I don’t want to mess up again. Don’t go there!”
        Sayako was surprised at Chiharu’s strong rejection of the idea that she’d been excited about a few days before, but she could understand why her friend was nervous about doing anything that might do further damage to her marriage. There had been enough trouble already.
        “Ok,” Sayako said. “I understand your feelings. But just keep it in mind.”
        “I will,” Chiharu said, “But not now.”
        “We’ll probably end up taking it in the arse, but it would be worth it to see our men together,” Sayako said, trying to continue the subject.
        But Chiharu didn’t respond. As far as she was concerned, for now, the subject was dropped.
        Sayako did confirm that Kenshin and Chiharu were invited to the welcome party being held the evening that their overseas visitors arrived. She also confirmed it would most likely be sexual and that Chiharu needed to warn Kenshin. Sayako was sure he would come but just warn him what the party might turn into.
        “I think Hirohiko and Kenshin are ahead of us on this,” Chiharu replied. “Kenshin told me yesterday when we got back from the party. Hirohiko has already invited us. Kenshin also knows it will be sexy and he’s looking forward to trying some more Indian pussy.
        Sayako laughed. “Well, that’s a positive sign.”
        “Yes,” Chiharu agreed. “I hope so.”

        A few days later, on Tuesday, Chiharu got a phone call from Shanti. It seemed that she and Lizamoa wanted to come over for a friendly visit. Having been warned by Kenshin that this would probably be happening she was expecting Shanti would be in contact with her, but she had hoped that Kenshin would be there when it happened.
        Shanti also said they were going on to Steve’s gym afterwards and so perhaps a light morning tea might be better than a big lunch. Shanti invited Chiharu to come with them as a guest. Guest visitors were allowed as the gym considered it a way of gaining new members.
        Chiharu was nervous. She had expected that the first time she would meet Shanti would be when her husband was with her, but he was at work. She wanted to create a good impression, partly to put her behaviour at the party behind them. But now Shanti was asking to visit. It was said nicely, in a pleasant voice but Chiharu knew there could be no refusing Shanti. If she did and Kenshin found out there would be trouble.
        She decided to give Kenshin a ring.
        “Hi, Honey,” he said when he knew who it was. “To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?”
        “Kenshin! It’s Shanti,” her voice almost in a panic. “She wants to come over and visit me. What should I do?”
        “I told you she would. I would have thought the answer was obvious, Chiharu. Invite her.”
        “But after the party, when I was...
        “A pain in the arse?”
        “Well, yes. But you don’t need to say it like that.”
        “Well, she told me she held no bad feelings toward you but would want to talk about what is expected at group meetings and stuff. Perhaps that is all it is.”
        “What if she wants to kick my arse?”
        “Bend over until your pants are tight. Works better like that,” Kenshin laughed.
        “Kenshin, I am not joking here. Be serious!”
        “Look Chiharu, calm down. It’s all ok. Shanti is a lovely lady; I really like her.”
        “What? You want to take her to bed, now?” Chiharu said.
        “Of course!”
        “Isn’t she a bit bold? A bit aggressive for you?”
        “Maybe I’ll like that. Hirohiko says she’s great. So don’t mess it up, Chiharu,” Kenshin laughed.
        “Ok, I’ll ring her back and say today is ok. They want me to go to Steve’s gym with them.”
        “Oh, good one, that will be fun. I’m booked for a try-out and fitness check on Thursday.”
        Then he thought, “Chiharu, you said them?”
        “Yes, Lizamoa coming too.”
        “Oh, that will be fun. She is a laugh when she gets going.”
        “She made a big impression on you, Kenshin.”
        “Not just one, impression. Quite a few that night, actually.”
        Chiharu knew what he meant by that but chose to ignore it.
        “Ok, Kenshin. I’ll ring Shanti now,” she said.
        "Good girl," Kenshin said quietly as he ended the call.

        Shanti and Liz turned up in a red sports car at about 10:30. Meanwhile, Chiharu had prepared some cakes and sausage rolls for her morning tea party.
        She welcomed them in and led them through to the deck out back where they sat to enjoy morning tea together. She was nervous and she thought the other two women might have seen it too. When Chiharu tried to apologize again, Shanti accepted her apology but would not allow her to go into any deep explanation.
        “It’s all behind us now, Chiharu,” Shanti said, quietly.
        “That was what Kenshin had said. ‘Put it behind us it’s history now.’”
        “Yes, he's right. We’re here to help you move on, Chiharu,” Lizamoa added. “Help move things forward for you and Kenshin. You are lucky. You have a fine husband there.”
        Chiharu looked at this Indian woman who had taken her husband off like that. It looked like Kenshin had made a big impression on Lizamoa too. On both women by the look of it.
        On the phone before, her husband Kenshin has admitted he would like to be with Shanti sexually. Well, it was very likely this woman, Shanti would want him to. She remembered what he said, 'Don't mess it up, Chiharu.' It had been said as a joke but she knew he was serious behind that joke.

        The conversation that followed was friendly and Chiharu learned a lot about the group. She also found herself becoming closer to the two women as well. At one point she was looking at Lizamoa as she talked, and Chiharu wondered what had happened between this woman and her husband that night. It had come up a couple of times during this visit but Lizamoa wasn't giving any details. Chiharu would have loved to know what happened but since no one seemed to what to talk about it, she was too scared to ask.
        Shanti noticed Chiharu looking at Lizamoa and Lizamoa holding her gaze. She smiled to herself. She knew some of the things that happened in that room that night might never be known. There had been a lot of sex, but Shanti also knew there would have been a lot of talking too. She could see it in Kenshin the following morning. He was a different man. The change had been much more than just sex.
        Lizamoa looked at Chiharu and said, "Do you want to know what happened between your husband and me?"
        Chiharu just nodded. She was nervous about appearing too keen.
        "Well, a lot of the talking is private, between him and I. But the rest, what we did, the sex that we had. It will be told when Kenshin and I complete a story we are writing."
        Now there was another surprise from Kenshin. He was already involved in writing stories for their Letters Books.
        "You are invited for dinner at our house tonight," Lizamoa told Chiharu. "Kenshin knows already. He has agreed to come and knows I will be asking you."
        Chiharu looked at Liz and just nodded her head.
        "It won't be sexual tonight," Lizamoa explained. "Well, not physical sex. Kenshin and I need to spend time together. Get this story started. You can spend time with Joseph and the kids. Go swimming too. We've got a small pool."
        Chiharu was quick to accept the dinner invitation. She knew her husband would be annoyed if she didn't. But she was becoming a bit concerned about how fast Kenshin was moving forward. Joining Steve's gym. Probably buying a car from Mike and Peter. He had already accepted an invitation to a sex party and now there was this writing thing. She was feeling things had changed. It was like he was leaving her behind now.

        They talked about the overseas visitors and then about how Sayako and Hirohiko were having some guests staying with them and the welcome party at Sayako’s house.
        “Now, I have something else I want to ask you,” Shanti said. “As you know, the overseas visitors are getting close. They will be here soon. Our friends, Jenny and Peter, can’t take visitors for the first few days since he is out of town on a business trip.”
        Shanti paused for a moment to let that sink in, and then she asked, “Would you and Kenshin like to have a couple stay with you for a few days? It might help you both get more involved too.”
        “It will probably be ok, but I’ll need to check with Kenshin first,” Chiharu said.
        “I have already,” Shanti said. “When we talked on Saturday. He’s agreed to take a couple and their children if you want to. He just wanted to be sure you were fine with it.”
        So, it was arranged for them to take a married couple with three children. Since they would still have more room. Shanti even offered another couple if they wanted. So, they were having Mootie and Hansini, with two children, and then another couple, Gaja and Nishi as well.
        Shanti’s final thing was a gift from the group to her and Kenshin. Chiharu knew exactly what those two boxes contained. It was a collection of all the Letters stories. Lizamoa pulled out the top folder, Volume Seventeen then showed Chiharu how the unusual binding system worked with these black leather volumes.
        Later, Chiharu intended to have a good look at these. She knew Kenshin would be pleased too.
        Chiharu didn’t go on to the gym with Lizamoa and Shanti as she had lots to do now since, in only a few days, they would be having a full house.
        As she walked them out to Shanti’s car Lizamoa spoke quietly to her saying, “Chiharu, Mootie is a big man like Joseph. Prepare yourself for him. Get used to having something so big in your pussy.”
        Chiharu just nodded yes. She knew about the box Kenshin had brought back from the party and had seen how big that sex toy was. She knew she could use it to get herself used to a big cock. And if you think about it, that cock wasn’t anything near as big as the head of a baby, and she’d had three of those.

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Kenshin and Lizamoa Begin Writing Together.

        That afternoon, Kenshin came home a bit earlier. He seemed happy, if not excited by their evening plans. Chiharu was ready, of course, and after a quick shower, Kenshin was ready too. They drove up to Titirangi again because it seems Joseph and Lizamoa live very close to Shanti and Mike lived.
        The young Indian girl, Sabreena came out to meet them. "Dad got home late," she explained. "He is getting ready. Mum is cooking."
        She invited them in and made sure they each had a drink. Lizamoa broke from her cooking preparations and briefly came over to greet them and explain, that she wanted to get dinner over quickly as she and Kenshin had a lot to do that evening. Soon Joseph was with them too.

        After dinner, the kids quickly began cleaning up, clearing the dining table and doing the dishes etc. Chiharu was impressed at how well they all worked together quickly. There was clearly a purpose for this evening and even the kids knew to hurry and get things cleaned up. Meanwhile, Joseph and Lizamoa sat outside on the deck to spend time with their guests.
         Sabreena came to the door saying, "We're finished Mum. The table is clear."
        "Thanks, honey," Liz replied to her daughter.
        Soon after that Lizamoa disappeared inside. Chiharu could see her through the glass laying some things out on the dining table. There was a laptop, some pens and pads of what looked like writing paper. She had a couple of those black leather folders too. Chiharu knew they were the Letters Stories.
        Lizamoa came to the door and said, "Come on Kenshin, we better get started."
        So Chiharu realised there was no hidden agender here. They were working on writing which was a surprise for her as she never thought of her husband as being a writer or much of a reader for that matter.
        She watched as they settled down together, first looking at something on the laptop and then Lizamoa taking notes as they talked together.

        Chiharu spent the evening with Joseph and he was a great host. She found herself getting closer to him. The Letters Stories soon came up and Joseph went to get one of the folders off the table where the other two were working.
        What followed was an interesting time where Joseph told her the story of how he and Shanti started things off. As he showed her those early letters again. he gave her a lot more background about those early stories. He even had a photo album showing those first photos swapped between him and Shanti. Yes, she had a good time with Joseph. Those three hours slipped by so fast.
        At one stage Joseph went for a swim with the kids. Chiharu had brought a swimsuit with her, her one-piece, ready for swimming. But she had just stripped off to join them naked in the cool water of the evening.
        She kept an eye on Lizamoa and Kenshin inside at the dining table. They seemed to continue on their story much of the time, only stopping when Sabreena brought around snacks or a drink. They also stopped to see the album with the early photos when Joseph took it back into them.

        Chiharu would know nothing about the story they were writing. He saw him on his laptop and knew he was working on it. But other than some input Kenshin asked from her from time to time, she knew nothing about it. Finally, one day he said it was almost ready to publish. She was invited to sit down with him and Lizamoa to read it. Joseph was with them too for another evening together.
        They said it was to allow her an opportunity to approve the story for publishing and to suggest any changes or improvements she would like to be added.
        They read the story together. Joseph read the story out loud while Chiharu followed him, reading it on the laptop. The other two, the writers, listened to their work, getting involved in any suggestions and changes as they were made on a second laptop Lizamoa had.

        With that little side-track, let's get back to our story.
        After that meeting with Shanti and Lizamoa, suddenly Chiharu knew she and Kenshin had some work to do with only a few days to get ready for their guests. They had an older villa in Westmere with three larger bedrooms that their kids had used but since their kids had left home the rooms had become junk rooms. It all had to be cleaned out.
        They also did some research on their guests. Mootie and Hansini had a long history with the Letters Group, but they couldn’t find much about Gaja and Nishi. They were surprised that there would be only two of Hansini’s three kids. They wondered where Hansini's third child was.
        A phone call with Shanti explained that the missing child was Jasmine, she was staying at Lizamoa’s since she had recently become sexually active within the Group. She would be able to be with others her own age.
        Shanti warned Chiharu that this other couple was new to swinging in the group although they had some history going back a few years. Quickly Shanti provided some Story numbers about them to read. Kenshin and Chiharu discovered they had both been working for Amita and Sarvesh when Katrina and David got married.
        Kenshin had offered to provide a van as he could hire one for a month through his work. So, on the day before the visitors arrived, Chiharu and Kenshin went over to pick it up with Kenshin driving it back with Chiharu following in his car.

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The Overseas Visitors Arrive.

        On the day the visitors arrived, Kenshin left early in their van to drive over to Hirohiko’s house. Chiharu went with him intending to stay and help Sayako prepare for the welcome party that evening. It had been arranged they would combine their welcome parties in one house. While they drove there was an important conversation between them.
        “So, remember the rules tonight, Chiharu,” Kenshin told her. “Anything we do with them sexually is ok.”
        “You are sure, you’re ok with this, Kenshin?” she asked him.
        “Yes, of course. I told you, I’m looking forward to more Indian pussy.”
        Chiharu giggled at that. “It’s going to be fun,” she replied.
        “Yes,” he agreed. “A lot of fun I hope.”
        She looked over at her husband while he was driving. She wondered about the sudden change after his night with Lizamoa. It was amazing how different he was from when he was at the party. She was so lucky to have such a good man who'd forgiven her for what she had done.

        Hirohiko was ready with another 10-seater van. It seems Mike and Peter had arranged for him to have one for the month too. Using vans would make transporting people much easier. Mike had told Kenshin that expenses like fuel etc. would be paid for by the group. It seems some exporting / importing company was paying for everything. Kenshin didn’t understand all this, but he agreed to go along with it, accepting the credit card Steve gave him while he was at the gym. It seemed all the van drivers were getting one. He learnt that a businessman from India, Sarvesh was behind it all somehow.
        “We’re meeting the other vans at the airport shopping centre, at 8:30,” Hirohiko told him. “So, we better get going soon.”
        At the airport they found others waiting for them. It seemed the plan was Mike and Shanti had gone on into the airport to meet the group and when they had them all ready, the vans would come in to pick them up. That would save car park fees and parking too long in the quick pick-up zones. Kenshin was impressed with how well organized they were but then, that should be expected with a leader like Shanti.

        At the airport, there was a bit of confusion as to who was going in each van, but Kenshin knew further meetings would follow the next morning at Simon’s house so their purpose was to collect those staying at his and Hirohiko’s house and get on their way as quickly as possible before the airport security kicked them out of the short-term pickup zone. A quick check with each couple to ensure their kids and bags were there and Kenshin was ready to leave.
        Once they were on the road, there was time to meet and get to know his guests.
        Mootie, sitting beside him in the front was a big strong man. For a moment Kenshin wondered if Chiharu was ready for him. She was certainly going to get a surprise. He seemed nice and Kenshin liked him straight away. He made the introductions of the others in the van as Kenshin drove.
        Hansini was Mootie’s wife. A bubbly woman, full of life, the life of the party, was Kenshin’s first impression of her.
        Their two children were next and Mootie explained their eldest daughter was staying somewhere else which Kenshin sort of knew.
        “Jasmine’s staying with Joseph and Lizamoa,” I think, Hansini said and Kenshin confirmed that she was.
        “She’s going to be a busy girl there, I think,” her father laughed. “A busy pussy.”
        Kenshin was surprised at how casual Mootie was making jokes about his daughter’s sex life.
        Gaja and his wife Nishi were next. Kenshin had recently read the story of how this maid had sneaked in during the night and fucked Steve. That maid was Nishi.
        “Ah! The naughty maid caught shagging a guest,” Kenshin laughed. (Story 216 The Final Days - Part Four.).
        Nishi looked a bit embarrassed that he knew that, then she smiled, saying, “But it was a good shag.”
        Which made all the adults in the van laugh.
        Introduced himself, Kenshin told them that he and his wife had only just joined the group. Mootie said he and Hansini were wondering how this strange Japanese man was suddenly involved and their hosting family has been changed.
        Kenshin explained, "Something was happening at Peter and Jenny’s house tomorrow night and until then, they couldn’t take guests."
        Mootie laughed at that. It was as if he knew more but wasn’t letting on. (Story 275 Part Two. Sexy Karene Gives Her Final Show.).
        Kenshin explained there would be a welcome party at Hirohiko’s house that evening but they could spend the afternoon relaxing and settling in first. They all seemed to know about the party. It seemed there was going to be one at each of the houses where guests would be staying.
        By now, Kenshin had reached Hirohiko’s house. As he pulled up, the other van pulled up behind them. Sayako and Chiharu came out of the house and there were hugs, greetings, and meetings all around. It seemed that many of them had never met before, so it was an interesting meeting and getting to know new people.
        They didn’t stay long as the purpose was to collect Chiharu on the way home. Of course, in the van, she was introduced to everyone as Kenshin had been.

        Back at home, it was almost lunchtime and so while Kenshin showed everyone their rooms, Chiharu started preparing something to eat. To her surprise, soon Hansini and Nishi joined her in the kitchen. When she told these women they were guests, her intention was quickly swept aside by Hansini.
        “While we are staying here, we will be helping with things like meals and housework. It’s the least we can do for you to open your house for us.”
        Nishi added, “The quicker the work gets done the sooner we can relax and enjoy being with each other. Get to the fun things.”
        Chiharu wondered if there was more meaning to that, but she agreed to the two women helping. To be honest, she didn’t have, much choice. There wasn’t much else she could do, anyway. Hansini seemed like a determined woman who would get her way when she wanted. ‘We will be!’ she had said and Chiharu realized it wasn’t a request.
        Over the meal, it was decided on doing something for the afternoon. When Kenshin suggested a nearby beach for a swim and to explore the park, quickly everyone agreed to go.
        In the bedroom, as they changed into their swimming things, Chiharu teased her husband. “Swimming, Kenshin? Do you want to see those Indian women in swimsuits?”
        “Of course,” he laughed. “They are both hot-looking women. Tonight, I’m hoping to see them with less than swimsuits too.”
        Chiharu laughed too, mildly surprised at her husband. He was really embracing this swinging thing. “Naughty boy!” she laughed.
        But she was interested in seeing more of those two Indian men. Much more but for now, seeing them in wet swimming shorts would be good. As she pulled her swimsuit on, she hoped they liked what they saw of her body and would want more of her later. Yes, she had only just met these two men and already she was thinking about taking them to bed. She was mildly surprised at herself for that.

        Point Chevalier Beach wasn’t very crowded that day and fortunately, the tide was right in. Since the kids couldn’t wait to get into the water, it was decided on a swim first before they could go for a walk over to the park and children’s play area.
        To Chiharu’s surprise, Hansini wore a very tiny bikini. That was not what she was expecting. Chiharu and Nishi both wore one-piece swimsuits. After the party, Chiharu had decided not to push wearing the bikini again until she was sure about Kenshin. It seemed to have been a trigger point with him that other night. Nishi had only started wearing a bikini since being on this trip, so she was still a bit shy about wearing it out in public. In fact, the only bikini she owned had been given to her by Hansini in Singapore. (See Story 265 Nishi and Gaja Start to Play.)

        Chiharu couldn’t help checking out the two men. Like Shanti had warned her, Mootie was a big man. Looked very strong too. Standing in the water wearing only those swim shorts, she had to admire his chest and arm muscles. He was a bit younger than her but not by that much since their eldest child was already 18. Perhaps in his late thirties, she thought. Next to him, Gaja was much younger again, perhaps mid-twenties. While not packing the muscles Mootie had, he was still a good-looking guy, with a handsome face, and a nice body. Yes, she’d be happy with either of these guys. The thought, maybe both together, made her smile.
        Unknown to her, both men had checked her out too. Noticed her body in the clinging wet swimsuit and liked what they saw for a woman in her forties. They had admired the smaller mounds of her Asian breasts, the proud mound of her pussy and the curves of her bum. They liked what they saw. Yes, both men had decided to themselves, they were keen if the chance came to be with her.
        Meanwhile, Chiharu’s husband, Kenshin had checked out the two Indian women too. Hansini wearing such a tiny bikini, good-sized breasts almost bursting out of the top, the bottom just barely covering her pussy. He liked Nishi too, perhaps a bit shy and quiet but the story about her told him she was capable of being quite bold when she wanted to. That one-piece, blue with two red stripes running down in a diagonal across her body, looked great on her. Modest but clearly showing there was a hot body underneath it. Both are sexy women. He guessed both would be great in bed.
        The two women had noticed Kenshin too. Noticed his fairly fit body, flat belly, and what promised to be a good package in his wet shorts. Yes, both women had checked that out too. Don’t you believe it when women tell you they don’t notice the bulge in the front of a man? They do!

        The water was warm with the incoming tide and being an inner harbour beach, there were only tiny waves kicked up by the gentle summer breeze. They quickly waded into the water that rose around their bodies.
        Chiharu was happy with the easy-going friendship between them all. It would be the next day before she discovered that while in Perth, these two couples had been involved in a partner swap that lasted a couple of days when the group had spit up to travel to different places. Nishi and Mootie had gone to an outback town in the Australian desert while their partners, Hansini and Gaja had gone to an island resort near Perth.
                (Story 266 Will You Be My Stand-in Wife?) and (Story 270 Part One - Gaja and Hansini Tour Together.)

        While the kids were splashing and playing in the shallow water, the adults moved deeper until the water was almost up to their shoulders.
        Kenshin felt someone behind him and a hand touching him under the water. He looked around in surprise and saw it was Hansini. Yes, Hansini had felt his cock through his shorts. He looked at her as she stepped away from him.
        “Just checking,” she laughed.
        “Did you like what you felt?” he boldly asked.
        “Got potential,” she replied. “But further investigations will be required. I’ll need to check when it’s hard to be sure.”
        This woman! So bold! He saw her grinning at him and he felt sure she was trying to shock him, so he decided not to allow her that. Not to show his surprise.
        “When do I get my investigations?” he asked.
        “Any time you like, Kenshin,” Hansini replied.
        “If you can catch me.”
        With that, she turned to run from him. Wading through the chest-deep water, trying to get away from him. He was faster, half walking and half swimming.
        He caught her, one hand going around her chest while the other went straight for her pussy. She had stopped running or struggling. Offering no resistance as one of his hands slipped under her bikini top while the other went down inside her bikini bottom. Her hand was soon reaching back for his now growing cock too.
        “Mmmm! Nice,” she said. “I’m going to enjoy this later.”
        “I will be enjoying what I’m feeling too,” he whispered in her ear.
        “Don’t forget me,” a voice said close beside them.
        Nishi was there, watching what they were doing.
        “Feel this, Nishi,” Hansini said. “I think we’ll have something to play with later.”
        Nishi stepped closer and another hand found his now swelling cock.
        Kenshin’s hands had left Hansini’s tits, instead, he reached out for Nishi’s pussy mound. First feeling her through her swimsuit and then pushed in under the side until his fingers found bare pussy. Like Hansini, she didn’t try to stop him, more interested in him now that his shorts were pulled down almost to his knees.
        Soon his fingers were pushing in between the lips of both women, slowly finger-fucking them. Meanwhile, with his shorts down, two hands were playing with his balls and erect cock.
        “Oh!” said Nishi. “He likes to play too. That’s a good sign.”
        “Very good!” Hansini laughed. “I’m going to fuck this guy later.”
        “You like Indian pussy, Kenshin?” Nishi asked him.
        “Can’t wait,” Kenshin replied.
        "Oh really!" Nishi said as her pussy gave a hump at his hand.
        If these two women were trying to tease him then he can give the same back. But he had the feeling that it was more than teasing. They were serious. They wanted to try with him as much as he wanted to try with them.

        The two Indian men had noticed what their wives were doing and decided to try it on with Kenshin's Japanese wife. They approached her from behind while she was distracted watching what the two women were doing to her husband. Coming up behind her like that, they were alongside her ready to grab her when she noticed them.
        She had been watching the two women close to her husband and she mentioned it to Gaja.
        “Don’t worry. They are just checking out what they’ll get to play with later.”
        “Really? Out here in public?”
        “Sure,” Mootie replied. “No one can see anything under the water.”
        “But them being close to him like that, it looks a bit obvious.”
        “Maybe we should get close to, Chiharu,” Gaja said.
        “Find out what we’ve got to play with,” Mootie added.
        As both men stepped toward her, Chiharu tried stepping back and trying to run. “No, not here,” she protested.
        With a giggle, she tried to run but quickly the men caught her, holding her while their hands explored her breasts and pussy. Soon they had her facing away from the beach as the shoulder strap of her swimsuit was pulled down, baring a breast and nipple. Lower down, her swimsuit was pulled aside giving access to her pussy. Some fingers found her pussy lips, rubbing over them before pushing inside.
        ‘My God!’ Chiharu thought. ‘He’s finger-fucking me.’
        But in the confusion of hands, she wasn’t sure which man was doing it.
        There was another hand up higher, rubbing at her clitty with one hand, lower down, thrusting inside her. Suddenly this was getting to her now. It was at that moment that she realized these men were going to make her cum.
        It was building. She was getting there fast. Soon she was going to orgasm and with the way they were holding her tightly, there was nothing she could do about it. By then, it was feeling so good that she didn’t really want to stop them anyway.
        Those fingers working at her pussy were doing the job. She knew she was close now. Moments away and she would cum.
        “She’s close,” she heard Gaja say to Mootie.
        “Yeah, mate,” Mootie laughed. “Naughty girl, look at you!”
        “Mootie! I don’t think...” Chiharu tried to say. “Oh, fuck! I’m going too...”
        That was it for her. The cum exploded from her pussy. It was a good one and the man felt her body slump in their arms as she lost all control. For a few moments, her mind was totally consumed by her orgasm until the full power of her orgasm dropped away leaving her dazed and confused. Not sure where she was for a while.
        As she came out of it, she realized she was standing chest-deep in water, held by two men she had only just met and they had just given her an orgasm that was like, wild.
        “Naughty girl! You can't behave at a public beach, can you?” Mootie laughed.
        “But it...” Chiharu tried to say.
        “Yeah we know,” Gaja laughed. “Trying to have orgasms all over the place.”
        That had both men laughing and it attracted the attention of the other three.

        “How was that?” Chiharu heard her husband ask.
        Chiharu opened her eyes to look at the smiling face of her husband, with the two women there too, one on each side of him.
        “It was... Good!” she managed to say. “It was good!”
        They smiled at her as she struggled to replace her swimsuit as it was designed to have been worn.
        Moving back to the shallow water, collecting the kids, they left the water to sit on the grass beside their bags.
        Kenshin looked over at his wife and saw she was still looking a bit flushed and flustered from what had just happened to her in the water. He smiled to himself. She was looking for something exciting and different. She got it that time! This was surely going to be a fun time with these new visitors. Shanti had said they were coming here to play. With what had happened in the water at this public beach, that was obvious.

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Meanwhile at Sayako’s House.

        Sayako had planned a barbeque for the evening since that would be easy with cooking for this larger group. Her guests had quickly settled in and the men had taken the kids to explore the ancient volcanic cone of Owiraka, (Mt Albert). Hirohiko took them in the van with Hamza and Ian, taking Ian’s two kids. Kalki had gone with the three men but Kala stayed back with Sayako to keep an eye on Kalki’s younger child.
        Sayako and Kala had a good chat while sitting outside by the pool. They were both wearing bikinis but had stripped off naked to go swimming. Once they got out, both women, only bothered with their bikini bottoms.
        Wearing a bikini, it was obvious how big Kala was up top. Now with her breasts bare, it was even more obvious. Sayako knew her husband was going to be pleased. He liked playing with big tits when he had the chance.
        They both noticed the curtain in the house next door move but neither woman bothered to cover their tits. Sayako warned Kaka that the guy who lived next door liked to perv, but Kaka had laughed at that saying, “Then he is going to get a good show tonight isn’t he?”

        Hirohiko had taken the group up one of the steeper tracks on the extinct Owiraka Volcano Cone (Mount Albert). The two other men had followed Ian’s kids up while Hirohiko had stayed behind with Kalki who seemed to be struggling a bit on the steeper parts. They had just climbed the last steep bit when he turned to see how Kalki was managing.
        She was doing fine, just leaning forward as she scrambled up that last bit. Looking down from above, Hirohiko had a great view of her bikini top-covered tits as her blouse fell away giving him a view down her front. He liked what he saw too.
        “Checking out my tits, are you?” she whispered, looking at him.
        He was a bit embarrassed at getting caught and didn’t reply.
        “Well, maybe later, you’ll get lucky and get to play with them too,” she smiled. “So you might as well see what you are going to get.”
        Hirohiko was left with no doubt she was giving him notice his attention would be more than welcome. He had heard Mike telling them that the older women from India were coming here to party hard. It seemed like the younger Indian women had the same idea too.
        He reached down for her hand and pulled her to help her up over that last bit. As she stepped up to him, she came straight into his arms, her body, her breasts, pressing against him.
        “Mmmm. This is nice,” he said as he held her.
        She pressed harder against him, saying, “It is, isn’t it?”
        Her face reached up for him and she kissed him, her lips pressing against his. Having only just met her, Hirohiko thought what Kalki was doing was pretty bold but he wasn’t about to stop her either.
        He felt her arms around him, gripping him, pulling him close. Then one hand strayed lower to his arse. “Yes, nice bum,” she breathed into his ear. “I like a man with a tight butt.”
        She explored further, her hand pressing in lower between their bodies. Now she was smiling up at him as her hand felt his cock through his pants. He couldn’t help it, his cock was beginning to respond.
        “Oh, you like that do you?” she smiled.
        Hirohiko decided to do some exploring of his own. His hand first went for her arse. A nice one. He noticed it earlier in those tight little shorts. Yes, it felt just as good as it looked. His hand moved around to her front. He could feel the proud mound of her pussy. Lower underneath was the softer part deeper between her legs. His fingers pushed in there through her shorts as he gave her a few rubbed.
        Her eyes closed as she gave a soft moan.
        “Oh! You like that, don't you,” he laughed.
        Suddenly she broke out of his spell and pulled away. “We better stop this,” she whispered to him. “Or soon we’ll be fucking.”
        “I have no problem with that,” Hirohiko replied.
        “Out here in public?” she gasped in surprise.
        “Sure, why not?”
        She looked at him but his face remained serious. She couldn't be sure if he was joking or really meant it.

        Suddenly, her husband’s voice said behind her, “What’s going on here? Look at you Kalki. You can’t leave the men alone, can you?”
        “But Hamza, it was Hirohiko. He was...”
        “Don’t blame him, Kalki,” Hamza replied. “It was you. You were almost rapping the poor man.”
        ‘Poor man!’ Kalki thought. ‘It was him and they were blaming me!’
        “Well, Hamza,” Kalki replied, deciding to turn it back on her husband. “If I’m going to get some fun with this man tonight, I might as well get things started.”
        “Looks like you have, Kalki,” Ian laughed.
        “Come on,” Hamza said. “Let’s catch up with the kids. They are almost at the top.”
        Hamza knew it wasn't just his wife's fault. He had also noticed the bulge in the front of Hirohiko too.

        Back at Sayako’s house, Kala and Sayako had just noticed the man next door was peeping at them through the curtains. Both women had been swimming nude, now they were relaxing back, sipping on their drinks, topless.
        Both women were giggling, knowing they were being watched.
        “Let’s give him a show?” Kala had suggested.
        “What do you have in mind?” Sayako asked.
        “Maybe we both rub sun lotion all over each other.”
        Sayako smiled. She’d done that before for this pervert. When she sunbathed nude with Tukiko they had often rubbed lotion over each other, and done more too. She wondered how far this woman from Australia would be prepared to go too.
        It felt great when Sayako began on Kala’s tits. They were big ones and while she loved playing with them, it was very obvious, that Kala was enjoying the attention too. Soon Sayako’s hands had been all over Kala’s body, only missing the tiny area covered by her bikini bottom.
        Now it was Sayako’s turn. She was soon enjoying what this white woman was doing to her. She particularly liked what Kala did to her smaller Japanese tits. How her fingers spread the oil all over them and pulled on her hard nipples. While Kala beat Sayako in breast size, Sayako was a clear winner in nipple size.

        Sayako was still wondering how far this white woman would be will go and she decided to ask.
        “Do you want to go further with me?” she finally asked.
        Kala's answer was a smile and nod so Sayako was to reach down to slip Kala's bikini bottom off again, showing her trimmed pussy.
        "Nice pussy! I like that," she said.
        Sayako quickly realized it was game on and reached for the small tube of lotion to begin rubbing it all over her new friend. She didn’t bother with Kala’s back since Kala was already laying front up. Soon Sayako’s hands were rubbing over Kala’s body, paying particular attention to her breasts and hard nipples before moving down between her legs for her trimmed bush pussy.
        Sayako discovered that this woman was turned on and ready. Her lips were swollen and open. Sayako’s fingers rubbed over them and pressed between them.
        She heard the soft moan Kala gave.
        Kala’s hands came up and grabbed Sayako, pulling her down on top of her. Their lips found each other, and they kissed. First, it was just a contact of the lips but as passion overcame them it went further. Their tongues were touching. Dancing together, pressing into each other’s mouths.
        Sayako was first to break away from the kiss, her face moving lower, onto Kala’s chest. She found the soft mounds of Kala’s larger breasts with those lovely erect nipples at their peaks. Nipples just asking to be sucked and Sayako was ready to do it. Her lips opened over a nipple, she took it into her mouth and began sucking.
        That felt so good to Kala, and she couldn’t help giving another moan as her hands came up to hold Sayako’s head against her chest. Soon Sayako had moved to Kala’s other breast, giving that nipple the same treatment she had given the first nipple. That was good too.
        Now Sayako was moving lower. She was so turned on by being with this woman that she wanted to taste her. As she approached her neatly trimmed pussy, Kala’s legs opened wider inviting her in. Right in front of Sayako’s face were Kala’s pussy lips.
        After looking at them for a few moments, Sayako didn’t hesitate, reaching in with her fingers to be quickly followed by her tongue. Kala, who knew what was coming, was wet and ready for her. Soon she felt Sayako lapping up her juices. She used those long slow licks up along the lips before returning to do it again. That wet tongue, moving over her wet lips, first felt nice, then felt great, finally, as her passion grew, what Sayako was doing felt amazing.
        Sayako had discovered another woman who loved her pussy being licked. Someone who also knew how to give what she loved.
        She realized how turned-on Kala was becoming and decided it was time to change her tactics. She reached in with both hands, pulling Kala’s lips open so the soft delicate flesh inside was revealed. She pressed in with her tongue and as she licked the inner lips she heard the moan, Kala gave. That was sexy. Sayako knew that her new lover was getting close to orgasm. She also knew what it was going to take to finish the job too.
        A hand went lower down, a couple of fingers pressed inside. Her love tunnel felt wet and warm and after a few pumps seemed to contract around Sayako’s fingers. Her other hand reached for the top, pulling the lips open there, exposing the swollen pink clitty. While she continued finger fucking Kala, Sayako’s tongue went in for the clitty. Her intention was to lick over it for a while and then give some sucks to set Sayako off.
        But it didn’t go like that. It seemed she was too sensitive directly on clitty. Sayako had barely touched it with her tongue and Kala went off. A huge orgasm overcame her body, driving waves through her, consuming her mind. As Kala continued, Sayako had nothing in her mind but the passion and thrilling feelings coming from her pussy. It was amazing, mind-blowing.
        As Sayako allowed the orgasm to drop away, Kala was left, laid back on the sun chair, her eyes closed as she struggled to regain her breath.

        “That was great,” Kala finally managed to say. “I didn’t know you were into women.”
        “Not recently. Since I’ve been married to Hirohiko, I’ve been kept more than satisfied by him. But before that, I used to play with a close girlfriend. But then when I moved to Auckland and got married, it was only Hirohiko until recently when we joined the letter’s group,” Sayako explained.
        “Is that man still watching us?” Kala asked.
        Sayako looked over Kala’s shoulder towards the other house. “Yes, I think so.”
        “Good!” Kala said. “Time to give him another show. Open your legs so I can eat you.”
        Sayako smiled at that. Partly by the thought that she wanted her pussy eaten too and partly by the idea that Kala wanted to show off to a complete stranger while doing it.

        Sayako lay back in a position where when she opened her legs her pussy was displayed nicely for the neighbour. When Kala reached in to play with her, she made sure that she was sitting to the side so this man could see what she was doing to Sayako’s bare pussy. Sayako rubbed her fingers over it before pulling the lips open to display the sensitive pink flesh inside.
        Kala could see how this was getting to her friend. As Sayako had done to her, Kala moved to finger fucking which was quickly doing it for Sayako. Kala could hear the moans from this woman and felt how Sayako was humping back at her hand. She was getting close.
        Reaching up higher, Kala pulled Sayako's pussy lips open and went in with her tongue. She found the little nub where the piss came from, and she licked around and over it. Sayako gave a cry and a huge hump against Kala’s face. She was almost there now and Kala had found her secret love spot. She knew exactly how she would take her out.
        She pushed her face in against the open lips and sucked. Sayako cried out again, her body shuddered as she cum. She humped at Kala, her thighs pressing against Kala’s head. Kala reached up to grab Sayako’s hips, in an attempt to hold onto the bucking woman and keep it going. But it was too much for Sayako. Her thighs clamped shut forcing Kala’s head away.
        Without the direct stimulation of Kala’s mouth and tongue, Sayako’s orgasm dropped away and she began to recover. Soon her eyes opened and she was smiling up at Kala.
        “Oh, wow!” Sayako said. “I’ve forgotten how good that could be.”
        “You are welcome,” Kala smiled back at her. “Glad you enjoyed it.”

        The two women lay back on the sunbeds beside each other. Soon they heard a van pull out and soon the others arrived inside to find the two women laying naked on the deck.
        “What have you two been doing?” Hirohiko asked.
        “Just hanging out together,” Sayako said.
        Hirohiko didn’t reply to that, just looked over at Ian with a knowing smile.

        “Come on kids, let’s have a swim,” Ian said, as he began to remove his shirt.
        Quickly, he was with the kids, ready to jump into the pool. He looked back at the others watching and said, “Come on, join us for a swim.”
        The others burst into action and clothes were getting thrown off as everyone rushed to join in naked in the pool. With the kids there, there could be nothing sexy happening, but it was still nice to enjoy the cool water on such a hot summer afternoon.
        Not long after, Kala had the kids out and was getting them ready for their night away. With the various parties this evening most likely turning very sexual, all the kids were going away to spend the night at Mike’s parent’s place at their small farm out near Huia. Sayako had heard that the two older ladies Greeshma, Joseph’s mother, and Mary, Shanti’s mother were going too. They would help look after the kids. Since Greeshma came from India, she could talk to the Indian kids in their own language.
        If it was anything to judge by Ian’s kids. They were all looking forward to it. Going to a beach, which was something different for kids from the Australian outback and living on a farm with a variety of animals. There was also a fun evening planned before they would be brought back to Shanti’s house the following afternoon.
        When Mike’s father pulled up, he already had Mootie’s kids and Peter’s twin girls in his car. Leaving his car at Hirohiko’s house he took the van along with Ian’s two kids. The kids were all excited as they met and got to know each other. This was going to be fun being with other kids rather than spending time with these boring adults. Little did they know that the adults had no intention of being boring either.

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Welcome, Party!

        Now, with the kids gone, the women were making the last-minute preparations before Kenshin and Chiharu would arrive with their guests. Not long after the kids had left, Kenshin’s van pulled up. There was some more meeting between the two groups as everyone hugged and got to know everyone.
        Sayako led them all out to the pool for drinks before dinner. Meanwhile, Hirohiko and Kenshin had started the barbecue while the other men stood around talking, while they held their beers. The women either sat beside the pool talking or helping Sayako finish in the kitchen and bring out the food.
        The dress code was, ready for swimming. The men wore just swim shorts and for the women, it was the sexiest bikini they owned.
        Yes, the men were checking out the women too, an interesting mix of Indian, Japanese, and European. Yes, every woman went swimming wearing a bikini. Tiny and sexy too. Bikinis designed more to show off than to cover. The women were enjoying showing off as much as the men were enjoying looking. Most of the men were thinking about what these women were going to look like naked and which one they would get to fuck first.
        The women weren’t shy in checking out the men too. It was noticed there were some good-looking men there too. Some women were thinking about what they would be like with their shorts off and in bed.
        Yes, no one had any doubts that things would turn sexual after dinner. They were all members of the Letter’s Sex Group and so everyone was open to what would be happening later.

        After everyone had eaten there were some women helping clean up in the kitchen while the men prepared for fun beside the pool and inside through the sliding door in the lounge. The stack of foam pads that Steve had dropped off a few days before was pulled out which amused some of those watching. Everyone knew what they would be used for.
        Soon everyone was back at the pool enjoying another round of drinks. Then it was time for the fun to start.
        Sayako looked up and caught the curtain move on the house next door. “Hope you’ve got plenty of time this evening. We have a big show planned for you.”
        She thought no one really knew what she was saying other than Kala. But her husband Hirohiko had seen where Sayako was looking.
        "We have a perv who lives next door," Hirohiko began. "His wife left him, lives there alone. About the most exciting thing in his life now is watching my wife and daughter as they sunbathe naked beside the pool."
        That surprised Sayako. She didn't know her husband Hirohiko knew about her and Tukiko's exhibitionism each Sunday morning when Hirohiko was off playing golf. But now it seems he knew about the neighbour and thought it was funny.
        "Where is this guy?" Hansini asked.
        "The window to my left, behind me," Hirohiko said.
        Hansini looked up and saw the shadow, the outline of someone at the window.
        "Not very clever having the light behind him. I better show him some real Indian pussy."
        She pulled her deck chair around to face the window. Slipping off both parts of her bikini, she lay back on the deck chair with her legs wide open so the guy 'hidden' at the window had a full view of her pussy. Reaching down with both hands she began working at her pussy.
        "Do you like that?" she said so everyone could hear her as she looked in the direction of the window. "Do you like Indian pussy?"
        Now Hansini was really working at herself, while the fingers of one hand were briskly working at her pussy, her other hand was finger-fucking herself. It was rough what she was doing to herself, really going for it. It was sexy too and everyone there had stopped to watch.
        Hansini knew everyone was watching but she didn't care. Her full focus was on getting herself off while watching that shadow at the window next door.
        She was really getting into this now. Her pussy was wet, soaking. Her breathing was heavy, chest rising and falling as she continued. But her eyes never looked down, never left that window.
        She was almost there now. Everyone could hear her gasping, the little moans she was making. Her hand actions had gone beyond rough fucking now, it was almost like she was abusing herself. But still, she continued. Getting close! Almost there!
        Suddenly, it hit her. She gave a cry as a burst of juice shot from her pussy landing on the concrete poolside in front of her. There was another cry as a couple more shots of juice followed the first. She moaned, gave a few humps at her hand, and stopped. For a few moments, she lay there, eyes closed, chest heaving as she struggled to recover.
        Her eyes snapped open, looking straight at the window again. That shadow was still there, still watching. A bit of smile appeared on Haninsi's face as her hand came up and she gave the guy, 'hidden' at the window, a wave.
        There was a sudden movement, the curtain moved slightly and the shadow disappeared.
        Hansini smiled, looking around at Sayako she said, "Hope that made his night."
        She laughed and everyone laughed with her.

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Let’s Get You, Naked.

        Sayako had a game ready which she called, “Let’s get you, naked.” The rules were simple. She would start by asking two men to strip her bikini off. Then they had a couple of minutes to do anything they liked with her naked body. After that, Sayako would pick one of the men so the game could continue. He would select two women to strip him and play with him for a while before he would select the next woman. They would continue like this until everyone was naked. Quickly everyone agreed to play.
        Sayako stood up and said, “I want Ian and Mootie to help me.”
        “Help you, or help themselves to you,” Hirohiko asked.
        “Is there any difference?” Sayako laughed in reply.
        Quickly, the two men stood up to join her on the foam pads in the middle of the group. Yes, that was part of the fun of this game. As well as the stripping there was the watching and being watched. It was as much a spectator sport as being involved in the action.
        Mootie’s hands were all over Sayako bikini covered tits. Rubbing over them, feeling her nipples through a top before pulling it down to bare her breasts. Ian wasn’t slow either, coming in at her from behind, holding her, his cock pressing against her arse and his hands reached around to her front. A hand was rubbing over her pussy mound and then pushing down inside her bikini bottom. Everyone heard the moan as Ian’s fingers made contact with her pussy lips.
        Meanwhile, Mootie had Sayako’s bikini top off and thrown down beside the pads, where it would lay for the rest of the night. His hands were all over her bare tits as he rolled her hard nipples between her fingers. As Mootie brought his head in closer and began licking over the hard nubs, she moaned again. Her hands came up to grasp his head, pulling him against her chest.
        Lower down her bikini bottom was pushed down onto her thighs now as Ian’s hands were giving her the full pussy treatment in front while he nibbled at the cheeks of her bum from behind.
        One sharp tug and the rest of her bikini was gone. Both men continued to play with her naked body. They lowered her so she was lying back on the foam while they continued with what had become an intense oral session. Ian sucked and licked over the peaks of her breasts and nipples while Mootie was eating her pussy.
        Sayako was going wild with pleasure. She was humping around and moaning. Really into what those two men were doing to her. It was clear to everyone that she was on her way toward an orgasm.
        Hirohiko who was supposed to be timekeeping saw it too. But as time overran, he allowed it to continue. He wanted his wife to have that orgasm and he was enjoying watching her too.
        She was close now. Everyone, including Mootie, was watching now as Ian took her through the final moments before orgasm. Then it happened, her cum hit her. Her body bucked against his face as she cried out. His hands reached up for her hips to hold on while he continued to eat her. As she bucked and cried out through the throes of orgasm he continued the best her could to make it go on as long as he could.
        “Time,” called Hirohiko.
        They broke apart, leaving Sayako sitting on the foam pad breathless. It had been some sexy fun for her. Better than she had expected.
        “Oh, wow!” Hansini said. “This game is hot! I can’t wait for my turn.”
        “Me too,” said Kala. “If this is how you guys take a bikini off.”

        Sayako was still trying to catch her breath as she said, “Hamza, you are going next.”
        Hamza stood up and said, “I want Sayako and Chiharu to help me.”
        With big smiles, the two Japanese women got up to join this Indian man. Sayako was surprised to have been straight back into the action, but she thought this young Indian man looked pretty hot and was keen to be with him. For a moment they waited until Hirohiko said, “Time starts now.”
        The two women grabbed his T-shirt and soon had it pulled over his head. Their hands were all over his chest, rubbing and playing with his man-nipples before each woman took one to suck. Hamza stood there, his arms around each woman’s head, holding them to his chest.
        But soon they pulled back to break away from him. They both wanted more from him. They wanted to get his cock out. A feel of the front of his swim shorts told Chiharu she had him hard and now she grabbed his shorts on each hip and began to pull down. She was taking her time, putting on a show for herself and all the other women as she slowly revealed his cock. Teasing him as well.
        Soon the shorts had slipped away from him as Chiharu pulled them down for his feet. His cock hard sprung free and was pointing directly at her face.
        “Mmmm, nice,” she said as her hand reached up to hold his black shaft.
        Meanwhile, Hamza could feel Sayako’s naked body rubbing against his back. With their hands all over him like that he was getting turned on by these two sexy women. Soon Chiharu had progressed from hand wanking him to leaning closer so she could lick over the head of his shaft. That felt great too but became even better when her lips opened to take him in her mouth.
        By now, Sayako had moved around to the front and the two women were both working on his cock. Taking turns sucking and licking him, their hands wanking and pumping his shaft. It was now obvious now they intended to get him off like this. Hamza decided to just allow them, let nature take its course.
        Chiharu had moved lower and was sucking at his balls while Sayako had the head of his shaft in her mouth. Both women knew their way around a male cock and knew exactly how to get him off. He began to feel his cum was close. A few soft moans and his body language meant the women knew it too. They increased their efforts, pumping and sucking him, working him towards his cum.
        Finally, it happened. Hamza knew he was there. He gave a gasp as the first cum juice burst from his cock, hitting Sayako’s face and down onto her bare tits. He turned slightly so the next shot got Chiharu in the face and down over her bikini top. A couple more, one to each woman and he was finished.
        His hands reached out and pulled the two women to their feet. They hugged him, pushing their bodies and breasts against him. He could feel his own cum now being rubbed over his body and even over his face when they leaned closer to kiss him, but he didn’t care. It was just cum. It would wash off.

        Hamza looked around at the group and his eyes fell on Kala. “Kala,” he said. “You are going to be next. Chose two men to help you get naked.”
        Kala stood up smiling. “I want Kenshin and you Hamza.”
        Those two men, one Japanese and one Indian were both happy to play with this white woman. They had both noticed how her huge breasts were almost bursting out of her tiny bikini top that struggled to hide even half of them. They couldn’t help going for them, their hands all over Kala’s tits before she felt her bikini top come loose and was pulled away from her.
        They both went for her tits again, hands all over them. Then they went in to suck her nipples. That was great too. She stood there holding these two men against her chest. She loved that and would have been happy if they had continued longer.
        She felt a hand rub over her bikini bottom. Fingers feeling her pussy mound before moving lower over her vee-jay. In the horny state she was now in, that felt great too. But Kenshin had only just started with her. His hand moved higher to the top edge of her bikini bottom, slipping under the material and pushing down inside. Through her forest and on down to discover how wet she was from all this.
        Those fingers explored down along her lips, feeling how they were swollen and split open for him. It wasn’t much before his fingers were pressing into her. Even though you couldn't see through her bikini bottom, it was obvious what was happening.
        She had her eyes closed now, holding on to the two men to stop herself from falling. It sounded like they were getting to her too, judging by the noise she was making. It surprised everyone how these women were getting turned on so quickly like this. It was surprising to the women too. Hamza had his fingers deep inside her now. Her bikini bottom was pulled down halfway to her thighs.
        She realized she was close now. There was nothing she could do about it. Perhaps more the truth was, there was nothing she wanted to do about it."
        Kala gave a deep moan and slumped against Kenshin as her cum overcame her body. Her body shuddered, and her legs went weak. Kenshin had to put his arms around her to support her as she moaned in his ear. Meanwhile, Hamza kept plunging his fingers into her pussy, trying to keep it going as long as he could as wave after wave of her orgasm burst over her.
        Finally, he stopped, just gently stroking over her pussy lips as he allowed Kala to recover. She smiled at the two men and then reached out to give them both a big hug. When she came to Kenshin, it looked like it was going to become more as her hug became a deep tongue kiss. But before it could continue, she was stopped when she heard what her husband was saying.

        “Hey!” her husband Ian said. “That’s cheating. You cum before they even got your bottom off.”
        “But Ian, I couldn’t help it,” Kala replied.
        “Well, guys,” Ian said to all those watching. “I think Kala needs to be punished for cheating.”
        "But Ian, my bikini bottom was pulled down to my knees," Kala pleaded. They were half off. My pussy was showing."
        "Doesn't count. You were still wearing them," Ian laughed.
        He had no intention of letting her off.
        "Come on, everyone. This is not fair," Kala appealed to others watching.
        No one replied. Perhaps surprised at this new turn of events. Perhaps they wanted to see what 'punishment' she was going to get.
        “What do you have in mind Ian,” Hirohiko finally asked.
        “Well since she disappointed these two men by cumming before they could get her naked. I think they need to be rewarded. She should give them both a titty fuck.”
        Kala smiled at that. For a moment she had been worried as to what punishment her husband would suggest. But for her, this was no punishment. This would be fun. If it happened right, she might cum again too.

        She sat down and invited Hamza since he was already naked.
        “We will probably need some oil. Massage oil,” Kala asked Sayako.
        “Sure,” Sayako replied as she got up to disappear.
        While they waited for Sayako to return, Kala started to get Hamza ready. She was kneeling on the floor as she took his cock, and gave him some pumps before she brought him to her mouth. She slowly pumped him with her fist around his shaft while she gently licked and sucked him. She was careful with this because she wanted him ready but to take him to an accidental orgasm.
        Soon Sayako was back with some massage oil which she had in a pot of warm water.
        As Kala lay back on the floor, she got Hamza to sit over him with a leg on each side of her body and his cock laying on her chest between her breasts. Meanwhile, Sayako had taken the plastic bottle from the pot and splashed the oil between Kala’s breasts and along Hamza’s cock.
        Kala squeezed her breasts together with her hands, so Hamza’s cock had disappeared deep between them. Now she encouraged him to start fucking her, using a movement so his cock slid backward and forwards while she held her breasts tightly against his moving cock.
        Hamza had tried this once before in India where Mandara had given him a titty fuck, but most women are not big enough to do it. He had enjoyed it then and he was enjoying it now. The way his cock slid smoothly in between her breasts felt good. The way she tightly held him felt good slick oil makes it even better. He knew he would last long with this. Kala knew it too. Most men she tried this with didn’t last long enough to fuck her probably.
        But then, that was her punishment. Get these two men off with titty fucking. She also knew her husband and guessed he would do the same he often did when she titty fucked someone.
        But back to Hamza, who was still fucking Kaka’s tits. He could look down and see his cock disappearing in and out between them. He could see her holding her tits and the huge rings around her nipples. The visual was good but the feelings on his cock were even better. Sayako we sitting next to them ready with some oil as needed. They continued, Hamza fucking her tits while Kala held them tightly together.
        He was getting there now and knew he wouldn’t last much longer. He thought for a moment about how she would cum. Did they need a tissue or something? But then it was too late. He moaned as the first cum burst from him, shooting up to hit Kala under her chin.
        Realizing what was happening, Kala let go of her tits and began rubbing his cum over her chest as Hamza delivered the rest of his load to her. He sat back looking down at her smiling face, probably also admiring the mess he had made.

        Kenshin was next. He had been stripped naked with the help of Hansini and given a hand job, a blowjob to get him ready.
        “Do you want me to clean up first?” Kala asked him, knowing she was covered with Hamza’s cum.
        “No,” Kenshin said. “It’s fine.”
        That surprised many watching that he was ok putting his cock in some other man’s cum juice. Even his wife Chiharu was surprised. Chiharu was also excited by this. She had never seen a titty fuck before and seeing her husband doing it was an extra bonus for her. She watched how he got over her in the position Hamza had been in and laid his hard cock between Kala’s tits.
        With Kala’s encouragement, Kenshin began to move, moving his cock backward and forwards, sliding deep between her tits. It actually felt much better than he thought it would. So he was happy to continue fucking her tits while Sayako was nearby to drop on some more oil from time to time.
        He was getting close now. He’d done fucking and the woman sucking, blowjobs, but this was something very different. He decided he like it too. He could feel what titty fucking was doing to his cock. It seems his cock likes it too.
        Suddenly, it hit him. His orgasm had arrived. The white juice burst from him going all over her huge tits. Two women were with them, Hansini and Nishi, one on each side rubbing his cum all over Kala's large breasts and Kenshin could see she was loving it. It looked almost as if she was headed for an orgasm with just two women playing with her tits. He decided to help things along.
        Moving lower down her body, his hands went for he pussy. She felt his fingers touching her there and began humping against his hand. A few brisk rubs were all it took and she cum while the two women were now licking his cum off her nipples.
        She lay there, looking up at him smiling.
        “That was a surprise ending,” she laughed. “Thanks, Kenshin.”
        “Don’t just thank me. These two women helped too.”
        “Thanks, girls,” Kala added with a smile.

        Kala selected her husband Ian to go next and after Hansini and Sayako got him naked and made him cum, Ian selected Chiharu to be the next woman to get naked.

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Chiharu Gets Spit Roasted!

        Chiharu stood up smiling. She knew exactly what was going to happen to her and she wanted it too. Two handsome men going to strip her bikini off and give her a nice orgasm! She was in for that.
        She quickly chose the two Indian men, Gaja and Hamza. She knew she was much older than them, but they seemed like sexy guys, and she wanted to try with them. They joined her in the middle and the fun began.
        They didn’t hesitate, while Hamza grabbed her, his strong arms pulling her against himself as his face met her face in a passionate kiss. He was so strong, she couldn’t resist him and when his tongue pushed against her lips, she just opened allowing him in. It felt good. All the idea of controlling these two men because they were much younger than her was gone. They were taking over and there was nothing she could do about it. Nothing she wanted to do about it if the truth was known. She decided to allow them to do anything they wanted with her and she would enjoy it.
        Meanwhile, she felt two hands on the back of her bikini top, the clip came loose and the bikini was pulled away from her. She now realized she was topless. Then two hands had grabbed her bikini bottom on each hip, and she felt her bottom being pulled down until it dropped down her legs to her feet, She was naked now.
        Hamza was first to break the kiss and as he pulled back, two pairs of hands were all over her. Soon Hamza had moved down to her breast, his face coming in as he began licking and sucking her nipple. Damn! That was good. This man knew just what to do.
        Lower down, Gaja’s hands were between her legs. Finding her wet slit his fingers were rubbing roughly along the length of her lips. Soon the lips split open, and he was pressing into her. Two, then three fingers thrusting deep inside her.
        “Oh Fuck,” she gasped.
        “What? You want that too?” Gaja laughed.
        “It can be arranged,” Hamza added.
        ‘Were they really going to do that?’ Chiharu thought. She was suddenly realizing that this might even go as far as full fucking.

        With what was happening to her, she was losing it. Her head was feeling light and her knees were feeling weak. As for her pussy, that was like, wow! As she began to slump towards the floor, neither man attempted to hold her up, but rather just went down with her, lowering her down towards the carpet until she was laying on her back.
        She was looking up as the men stood above her. They looked at each other and grinned. It was like an idea passed between them as they both began to tear their clothes off. Two shirts dropped to the floor displaying two lovely hard male chests. Two shorts dropped to the floor, displaying two lovely hard cocks.
        Chiharu gasped at the sight of them. Any doubts she has as to their intentions now were gone. These two men were going to fuck her. She lay on her back as the men kneeled down beside her head, both presenting their cocks to her face. She reached up, a hand grabbing each cock as to turned towards Gaja to lick over the head of his cock. Then she turned and gave Hamza some licks too. Soon she was turning backward and forwards giving both men some licks and sucks.

        “How shall we do this?” Gaja asked his friend.
        “Spit roast her,” Hamza replied. “Let’s give her the good hard fucking that she wants.”
        Gaja smiled back as he grabbed Chiharu to begin lifting her and rolling her over. She had heard what they had decided and so knew the position they would want her in so she allowed them to roll her over.
        "On your hands and knees, woman," Hamza said.
        Quickly she did what they asked, and moved up onto her hands and knees.
        Gaja was behind her now. “Look at this juicy cunt. She is like, so ready for it.”
        “Then give it to her, mate,” Hamza replied. “I’ll take the front.”
        Hamza came in towards her face, pushing his hard cock towards her face. She didn’t hesitate, just opening her mouth to take him it. Soon she was sucking eagerly at him, as he pressed his cock deep inside.
        She felt some fingers roughly rubbing over her pussy and know soon she was about to have a cock in there too. She felt the head of Gaja’s cock press against her, breakthrough and thrust deep inside her. He didn’t hold back but was soon roughly fucking her.
        It was great. Two men! A cock in each end. Being fucked in her mouth and cunt at the same time. It was quickly getting to her. Perhaps it was how quickly this had become full sex. Perhaps it was the rough way Gaja was taking her. But whatever it was, Chiharu knew it wouldn’t be long before her first cum would hit her.
        Gaja kept thrusting into this hot wet pussy as he held Chiharu’s hips, looking down at the back of her naked body. Damn! This pussy felt so good. At the other end he could see his mate, Hamza had his cock in her mouth. Looked like he was enjoying her too.
        Suddenly, he felt the woman he was fucking give a big shudder. It was like a shock had gone through her whole body and he knew she was cumming. Gaja gave a few bigger thrusts at her to try to make it better for her.
        Chiharu had felt her orgasm building. It was coming at her so fast and she knew it was going to be good. That cock in her pussy. It was really doing it for her. The way he was pounding into her. Not holding back but giving her the fucking she wanted. It was all too much and her body took control and she cum. It was hard and strong! A big one that went on as he continued thrusting into her pussy.
        She had to pull back from Hamza as she gasped for air as the waves of orgasm consumed her body. It was good! Even great actually. Maybe even amazing.
        Then she heard Gaja say, “Let’s swap mate. You must try this hot pussy!”
        Chiharu felt Gaja pull out of her pussy as Hamza left her in the front too. The two men quickly swapped and while Hamza’s cock was thrusting into her pussy, Gaja pushed his cock into her mouth. Soon both men were fucking her again.
        Fucking this woman’s mouth had been good for Hamza. She could give him much attention as he would have wanted. He knew that cock thrusting into her cunt had been a big distraction for her. But it had felt good in her warm wet mouth and while it would have never brought him to an orgasm, it kept him hard and ready for what he knew would happen next.
        Now, he had his cock in her juicy hot cunt. Looking down, he could see the split of her arse cheeks. Her cunt lips were stretched open as her black shaft pressed deep inside the pink flesh. Higher up he could see the tiny opening of her bum hole. He allowed some drops of spit to escape from his mouth and land directly above that hole. She must have felt it too as her body gave a shudder. He reached with his finger, rubbing his spit over the opening, then pushing his finger into her.
        She pulled back off Gaja, gave a cry, and cum again. Oh wow! That was a great reaction. But what Hamza hadn’t allowed for was that her orgasm would tighten her pussy around his cock. Suddenly he realized he was in trouble. This pussy was all too much for him and his orgasm was rushing at him with nothing he could do about it.
        Hamza pulled back out of her just as his orgasm hit. He gave his well-aimed shots all over her cunt and arse. It felt good. A big one for him. The feeling of his cum landing over those sensitive parts did it again for her too. She cum again, moments after him as she felt forward onto the foam pad.

        Gaja was behind her now, pulling her back up onto her hands and knees. “Come on,” he said. “Get up! I’m not finished with you yet.”
        Chiharu knew she was about to have his cock back into her pussy as she got back up and ready for him. This time he didn’t just push into her. She felt the head enter her and then with one huge thrust she was almost taking all of him. His hands held her hips and he pounded her. Really rough this time. More than before. And Chiharu discovered she was loving it.
        It was pretty good for Gaja too as his body worked, gasping the air to drive his muscles, thrusting his hard cock deep inside this hot wet cunt with each stroke. It was getting to him too. He knew he didn’t have long before he would be added even more cum to the mess all over her arse.
        Soon Chiharu discovered she was about to cum again too. So many orgasms. So close together. It was amazing.
        Quickly things were coming to an end. They both knew it too. This next orgasm hit Chiharu hard. Perhaps the best so far. She lost control again. Her arms gave way so her body crashed forward onto the carpet. It didn’t matter that she had slipped from him as he was finished too. The bursts of cum shot from his cock to land all over her arse and back. It was all over for both of them.
        As they both struggled to recover from the light-headedness of orgasm, a round of clapping broke out from those watching. It had been a good show.

It was at that point, that Sayako suggested that they move the game inside. She had looked up to see the neighbour was still there. Must have been an amazing show for him. Perhaps she should invite him over and get the girls to help fuck his brains out. She smiled at that thought. But she also arranged that the curtains would stay open for the rest of the evening so he could continue watching.
        The original idea of timekeeping had been abandoned also from the start. The stopping point for each group had quickly become an orgasm for the person being stripped. Now, as they moved inside, the idea of stripping was abandoned too as things moved into a full-on orgy. Those who were left in their clothes, either removed them themselves or had them removed for them. Soon twelve naked people, six women, and six men were fucking each other.
        Everyone seemed to have paired off, finding a partner to be with. The sex styles were different too. Some were into gentle lovemaking, and some were into wild rough fucking. There were a couple of threesomes for a while too. Chiharu had two men with her for a while. Hirohiko was with two women.
        Finally, eight people were in a group together on foam pads in the centre of the room. It was a moving mass of naked bodies as they did just about everything to each other. Both Hamza and Chiharu were fully involved in this group leaving their partners sitting on the side watching.
        Yes, both Kenshin and Kalki could have joined in too. There was always room for more in a group like this but for some reason, they just wanted to watch a while. Anyway, what had happened to Kalki had already been a big night for her. Being attractive and young like she was had made her a target with the men, giving her quite a few big orgasms already.
        There was another couple in the corner who was busy too. Gaja and Kala were enjoying some quiet fucking together. Gaja was a bit shy, and Kala had realized it, going over to join him. What he was doing to her big tits now certainly wasn’t shy and she was loving how his cock was plunging deep inside her hot pussy.

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Kenshin and Kalki.

        Kalki looked around and noticed one of the Japanese men was sitting by himself on the other couch. She decided to go over and talk with him. Join him, at least sit beside him.
        “Hi Kenshin,” she said as she sat down. “How are you?” More of a conversation starter than a greeting but it got things started.
        “Yes,” he replied with a smile. “I’m fine.”
        Kalki nodded at that, wondering why he was a bit quiet.
        “Not getting into all that fun,” she said, nodding towards the orgy in front of them.
        “No, just relaxing, watching. Are you having a good night?” he asked her.
        “Yes, it has been good. Been fun to meet new people. A bit different having sex with someone you’ve only just met.”
        She said that last bit wondering if that was making him uncomfortable.
        “Yes, it’s been a good night, just getting a bit wild for me now,” Kenshin said as he watched his wife in the action group in the centre of the room. It was full-on and everyone was into it now except Kalki and himself. Even Gaja and Kala were in the action now.
        “I’m not really into groups like this.”
        “I get that,” Kalki replied. “More a one-man, one-woman sort of guy.”
        “Yes,” he nodded with a smile, pleased she had spotted it.
        “Well, I’m one woman, your one man. Does that give you any ideas?” Kalki purred.
        He laughed, looked at her, and realized she was giving him the come and get me.
        Kalki was a pretty girl. A lot younger than him, probably not much older than his daughter. He loved her Indian body. The shades of brown in different parts. Nice face. Her shoulder-length black hair framed a happy smiley face. Lovely breasts, not too large, about just how he liked them. Large black nipples, both hard but one showing the damage from breastfeeding. He knew she had a child and heard her tell his wife there was another one in the oven.
        Lower still was that pussy he had noticed the moment she had got naked. Like Sayako, his friend’s wife, Kalki kept herself shaved. He loved the look of a bald pussy and it looked good on her too. You could see the slit, even when she was standing. It was bold to display herself like that.
        “Yes, I have ideas,” he replied.
        Well, let's make them more than ideas, Kenshin," Kalki said.

        His arms reached out for her, pulling her closer. She responded quickly, their faces coming together, their lips meeting in what soon became a very passionate kiss. Kalki quickly discovered that this man was a good kisser. She liked that, she liked kissing and was happy he did too.
        Kenshin noticed the taste in her mouth was different. Slightly sweeter than usual. He realized it was because she was drinking a soft drink rather than alcohol since she was pregnant. He liked the taste. He liked how she willingly responded to him. She was a great kisser.
        Kalki had decided that after all the sex she’d had, she was finished for the night. But the way this man held her with her breasts pressed against his body, the way his lips met hers, his tongue probed into her mouth and danced with her tongue, her body began to respond to him. Perhaps there would be more for her tonight.
        As they continued, she reached down and found his cock. As her fingers rubbed over it, he began to stir. That was a promising sign. Yes, there would be more out of him tonight too.
        At the feel of that hand touching his cock, Kenshin pulled away to move his lips to the side of her head, moving lower to make little nibbles on her neck. She liked that too, giving little gasps of pleasure as she held him against herself. When he moved higher to nibble at her ear, she gave a soft moan. This man was good. He was pushing all the right buttons.
        He pushed her back gently, so she fell back against the end of the couch and her hands reached out to hold his head as he moved lower onto her breasts. Yes, she’d lost contact with his cock now but felt it continue to harden against her thigh. Both her hands held his head as he licked over and made little nibbles on her erect nipple.
        Kalki was surprised at herself, how quickly she was responding to this man. It was only hours ago that she had first actually met him. Now she was ready to take him and allow him to fuck her. It had been a surprise how quickly she could respond to another man like this, almost a complete stranger and she wanted him.
        By now, he had moved to her other breast, giving that the same as he had the first nipple. ‘Oh, yes,’ she was thinking. ‘This man is good. It seemed like he knew just how to please her.’ For a moment she wondered what his cock was going to feel like inside her. That way it was going, she would know that very soon.
        Kenshin moved his hand down lower. His fingers ran over the bare skin where the bush of a pussy should be. But this felt nice and smooth. He didn’t know that part of her preparations for this night had been to get her husband to shave her pussy. It felt great. Something different, something exciting.
        Lower, his fingers found her slit. When she had walked toward him, he had noticed it. Just a slit, a split that started between her thighs and run down under her pussy mound. Now it was different, more open with the lips swollen and raised on each side. He realized how turned on this woman was.

        She had discovered him again too. Where he had been soft before, now his cock was hard and rigid. ‘Oh, nice!’ she thought. He felt a bit longer than normal, not so thick as some but a nice one. She was going to enjoy this. Suddenly, she wanted him.
        “Fuck me,” she whispered in his ear. “I want your cock.”
        Kenshin liked that. A woman who knew what she wanted. Asking him to fuck her. That was a turn-on. He moved back, pushing her down so she could lay back on the couch. Her legs opened so one was resting against the back of the couch while the other fell off, her foot resting on the floor giving him a full open view of her pussy. Such a willing display. Just asking for his cock.
        She reached out with both hands to take his cock, guiding him to her wet lips. They both watched as his cock head approached her pussy. Both felt the contact as he touched her, both felt the slight resistance as her lips stretched open to take him, and then came that warm feeling as he sunk inside her. She was wet and ready. Perhaps her pussy was still full of cum from other men she’d had that night but her pussy took all of him with ease as his body came down on top her hers.
        He heard the soft gasp as he began to move.
        “Slowly,” she whispered in his ear. “Take your time. Let’s enjoy this.”
        ‘Oh, wow!’ Kenshin thought in surprise. She wanted just how he liked to start sex. Nice and gently, nice and slow, building up to normal fucking as the passion built up. Just how he liked it too.
        Kalki had the feeling this man would like to take it slowly. Some men like to get into the fucking straight away, but this man seemed a bit different. That was one reason why she had asked him to take his time. It seemed to be working for him, it certainly was for her. The way his hard cock was gently sliding in and out of her felt great.
        “Speed up a bit now,” she told him. “Give me a bit more.”
        He was moving a bit faster now and that felt good too. She loved the feeling of a cock in her pussy. For Kalki, sex wasn’t just about orgasms. The foreplay, the early fucking, and the building of passion were important. It was like, the way they got there was as important as the ending.
        For Kenshin, fucking this Indian woman felt great. He loved everything about her. The position she had chosen allowed him to go in deep and he took full advantage of it. Long strokes, going almost all the way in, pulling almost all the way out.
        Kenshin began to realize Kalki was getting here now. He could hear the increase in breathing, hear how she was becoming quite vocal.
        “Fuck me,” she breathed in his ear. “Fuck my wet cunt!”
        Kenshin sped up a bit.
        “Yes! Yes! You want my wet pussy. Fuck my cunt!”
        He responded by pressing in even harder.”
        Kalki was pleased with that. So, he liked a bit of dirty talking too.
        “You like Indian pussy, do you?”
        “Oh, yes!” he gasped.
        “Like hot curry pussy?”
        “Yes! Yes!” he managed to gasp as he continued fucking. Now his body was really working, giving this sexy little Indian woman everything, he could. And she seemed to be loving it.
        She gave his bum a sharp slap. “Come on you Japanese bastard, fuck your Indian slut.”
        So hot! So dirty! This woman was really getting to him.
        “Fuck me hard! Make me cum!”
        All this was getting to him but what he didn’t know was that she was getting there faster than him. She gave a moan, and her body bucked up against him. She gave a cry as the full force of her orgasm hit. It was a good one. Perhaps the best she had that night and there’d been quite a few.
        Wow! Did that feel good? Too good, in fact, as it sent him over too. The way her pussy had clenched against his cock was just what it to. Kenshin cum too.

        “Do you want to do it again,” she asked him.
        “Sure,” he replied.
        Kalki moved towards him, her body turning towards him so a leg came down on the couch on each side of his legs. Grasping his cock, she brought it to her pussy as she opened to take him again. He felt his cock enter her, quickly going in deep as she sunk down on him.
        In this position, she could take full advantage of her head being about level with his and leaned forward to kiss him. That felt good, her giving him a deep tongue kiss has her hips slowly moved as she fucked him.
        This is how they continued until passion overcame them and they had to stop kissing to focus on the fucking. Kenshin found this young woman was good. She knew just how to bring him off, using her hips to lift and lower her body as they fucked. The cunt felt great, the contact good for both of them.
        There wasn’t the talking from her this time. There wasn’t the sudden build-up of passion, the sudden rush to get there. This time it was very controlled and gentle as she slowly worked them both towards their climax.
        When it happened, their climax was more a gentle rolling cum than a bursting, exploding orgasm. She fell forward against him and they finished in the way they started, a deep passionate tongue kiss until they felt his softened cock slip from her pussy.

        Kenshin lay back on the couch and she snuggled up beside him with her back against him as he put his arms around to hold her. He felt how her head rested against his shoulder and he heard her breathing soften as she relaxed and drifted off to sleep. Not long after, he dropped off to sleep too, comfortable with the woman he’d been fucking, resting in his arms.

☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       ☆       


        Later in the night, Chiharu came over with her arm around Hamza. They were going to ask their partners if they could get together for the rest of the night when they discovered their partners locked in an embrace together, fast asleep. Kenshin was laying back on the couch while Kalki lay with her front against him, partly over him with one leg across his. His arms were around her holding her tightly.
        “Looks like they are settled for the night,” Hamza said.
        “Looks like it.”
        Chiharu watched as Hamza took a blanket and gently placed it over them. Kalki must have felt it and her eyes opened. Hamza leaned down and gave her a loving kiss on her forehead. “Good night, honey,” he whispered.
        She gave him a gentle smile before her eyes closed as she dropped back into sleep.
        Hamza put his arm around Chiharu and together they turned away from the sleeping couple, going off to find a room for the rest of the night. She was surprised but pleasantly pleased with the compassion and love this man had shown to his wife. Even when she lay there in the arms of another man she had been fucking, he still loved her. That was so neat. How partner swapping and swinging was supposed to be.

        Leaving the sleeping couple, Hamza and Chiharu went off to find a place to spend the rest of the night. They quickly found other rooms within the house were taken and so Hamza and Chiharu returned to the smaller lounge where Kenshin and Kalki were. Pulling over a foam pad they spread out on the floor for some more fun. They intended to keep the noise down because of the sleeping couple across the room but you know how these things go. As cowgirl Chiharu was riding him, things got a bit heated for both of them. Soon she was moaning and crying out.
        When Chiharu looked over at the other couple, she found they were both awake and watching.
        Things continued and Hamza who it seemed was still going strong, was taking her with a different form of doggy style. He was holding and supporting her legs out behind him, each side of her body. She'd never tried that before and later he told her it was the wheelbarrow style. She could see how it got that name. His cock was plunging into her soaking wet pussy making her cry out as yet another orgasm approached. She cum quickly to be followed by him delivering another load inside her. Finally, she fell forward onto the foam in front of her.
        That was about all she could take for one night and they decided to settle down on the foam pads where they’d just been fucking. They lay beside each other and soon Hamza was giving little snores. Chiharu rolled away from him towards the couple on the couch and found they were both asleep.
        She was laying on the floor next to Hamza but not touching him. Kalki looked so comfortable resting in his arms with her head on her husband's shoulder, sort of what she often did too when they slept at home. For a moment she felt a little envious of Kalki like she had taken her special place with Kenshin before she thought, wasn't this what she wanted?
        Chiharu looked down at her sleeping husband. So peaceful, so comfortable with another woman in his arms. It was at that point she knew he had fully accepted their swinging lifestyle. It was also at that point that she realized how much she loved him. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep herself.


Index of Letters                         Story 276 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 275 Part Two.   

Forward to Story 277.

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