Saturday 9 April 2022

Story 277 Moving on to New Zealand.

Index of Letters                         Story 277 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 276.   

Forward to Story 278.

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Moving on to New Zealand.

Hi again from Riya,
        After some great fun in Australia, it was time to move on to New Zealand. I was excited, looking forward to this country I had heard so much about. Ready for some new adventures, seeing new things and meeting new people. Not forgetting the expected sex either.
        Oh, yes, the sex. That was one unexpected aspect of this holiday that I had been able to become sexually active. Let me explain.

        While I was looking forward to New Zealand, Australia had been full of surprises and adventures too. To my surprise, I had been allowed to lose my virginity to any man I chose from among my parent’s friends. Who would have thought that from my parents? The choice was easy, I decided on Hamza since he was younger among the adults, and I knew him fairly well. Out of those in my parent’s group, he was always friendly with me, willing to talk and spend time with me. We had become quite close so when I had to choose a man, it was a no-brainer, really. Even my parents had guessed which way I would go with that.
        I spent an amazing evening out at this beautiful house overlooking the ocean. It was an evening to remember, me with those two married couples, Hamza and his wife Kalki and Payam and his wife Sairu. After some fun and sexy games, finally came the big moment for me. I had my first time with a man, but it wasn’t just with him, as the other three people were present and involved too. In fact, it was almost like they were all having sex with me at the same time. Group sex with four people to lose my virginity. ‘Way to go, girl!’ was what my father said when he heard about it. (See Story 263 Riya’s First Time – Part Two.)
        Later that same evening, I got to be with my second man, Payam. It was then that I began to realize what this sex stuff was all about. How different men would do it in different ways. In fact, the same man could do it differently, even on the same night.

        The next morning, there was some trouble between Hamza and his wife, Kalki. Not my fault of course, but he was a bit angry with her when he took me again. First, Hamza and Payam took me together. They spit-roasted me! Yeah, can you believe it? Taking a cock in each end. It was amazing! The orgasms were like wow! That was so good!
        But they weren’t finished with me yet. Hamza took me himself in what became some very rough aggressive sex. I could feel the strength and power of his body as he thrust his cock deep inside me with each stroke. At first, I was shocked that a man could be like that. But then I began to like it. Once I realized my body could take it, I also realized that I loved it! Produced some more great orgasms. He apologized later for treating me so roughly like that, but I surprised him by saying I enjoyed it. Wild and exciting is how I think I described it.

        A few days later, I was out in this desert town where I met another man called Ian. Ian and I had been corresponding online, our conversations were about things that interested us, mainly nature, wildlife, etc. Yes, in that way, we had very similar interests. But our talk had turned sexy too. We even swapped some nude pics which would have shocked Mum.
        So when we were in Australia, it was natural that I was attracted to him and wanted to spend time with him. When we were out on that camping trip, we talked a lot about the eco-systems of the Australian outback, the plants, and animals that could thrive in what appeared to be a dry, lifeless, desert-like environment.
        But there was that sexual connection too and after flirting with him during the day, I ended up in Ian’s tent with him that night. He became the third man I’d had sex with. Ian was a very strong outdoor man, my type of man, it seems. Sex with him was a bit wild and rough as he used most of his strength on me. Again, I loved it. My type of sex, it seems. I must confess to going back for seconds the following night.

        Man, number four came soon after, when I was back in Perth on the last night before we left for New Zealand. I shared a man with my mother! Threesome! Mother and daughter fuck team. Go figure that one! But David was good. I had a good time with him, and so did Mum.
        Dad’s comments concerning my busy pussy were about right, weren’t they?

        So, the morning after my threesome with Mum and David, we went back to Donald’s house for breakfast and then spent the rest of the morning getting ready for the next part of our trip. There was some more swimming that afternoon. Well, you know me, a little water baby. I love the water and never miss a chance to swim. Of course, all my swimsuits being packed away wasn’t a problem. Since Donald’s pool was private, we just went nude.
        I was enjoying the freedom of this nude swimming, going nude outside. Back in India, the only place we could do it was once a month when we got together for the special weekends at Sarvesh's house. We had a pool at our house but it could be seen from outside our property so even wearing a bikini was almost too much. Mum had mentioned many times that I should be wearing my one-piece. Now it was just so nice to cast off my clothing and jump into the water. Nude in the pool always felt nice too.
        Others had got out until it was just Donald and me in the pool.
        “He was over close to me, and we were talking. Perhaps you’d even say flirting a bit.
        “The first time I saw you naked, I wanted to get naughty with you, Riya,” he told me. “But then you were a good girl, so it was better I didn’t touch. But now I know you are a naughty girl so would probably like some more fun.”
        I smiled at that. Caught his meaning straight away.

        Donald is a lot older than me, older even than my parents, perhaps the oldest man I had met in this sex group my parents had. From the moment I met him, I liked him. He had been nice to me, kind and friendly which made me feel comfortable with him. We had gone for early morning swims together. Yes, we had both been naked and there often wasn’t anyone else about, but always he had been a gentleman. I wondered if he wasn’t interested in me sexually. Yes, he always looked when he had the chance, and I didn’t mind showing too. Even my pussy, between my legs when I had the chance. But as I said above, he was always the gentleman, never making any sexual advances on me. Now he was telling me that back then, he respected my virginity. Well, that wasn’t a problem now and I think he knew it too.
        So here he was, coming on to me. Being naked with him in the pool. This could go any way and I was open to most things too. Yes, I was open to being with different men. Mum had told me it was the best way to gain sexual experience. I knew I needed as much experience as I could get before we got to those sex parties in New Zealand. When your mother tells you that you should go out and fuck some men, of course like a good little daughter, you should always do what Mummy tells you. Ha! Ha!

        I smiled at him. “If you want to touch, I don’t mind but I expect you to know, I might touch you back, Donald.”
        “Wouldn’t have it any other way, Riya.”
        He stepped closer to me, his hand coming up to my breast underwater. His fingers going straight for my nipple.”
        “Is that all you’ve got for me?” I laughed. “I was expecting more from you than that.”
        “This is just the warm-up. I’ve got more for you, naughty girl.”
        “How can I be naughty when you're doing the touching?”
        “Because you’re letting me.”
        “I might think you are forcing me.”
        “I doubt it, Riya. One call and your parents would be over here. And I noticed you aren’t calling.”
        “So, my question is, are you going to do more than just play my tits?”
        With that, his hand moved to my pussy. It wasn’t just playing with the hair on top, this was going straight for my pussy lips. Rubbing and pressing against them until they opened, allowing his fingers in. Soon two fingers were thrusting deep inside me.
        “Is that better?” Donald asked.
        “That’s much better,” I told him.
        “Thought you might like it,” he replied.
        “How do you know that? How can you know what I like?” I asked.
        “Don’t all you young girls like your twats tickled and played with?”
        “Your pussy, cunt. The lips,” he explained.
        “Oh!” I gasped. "Not heard that before."
        What he was doing was beginning to get to me. I gave it away by accidentally giving a soft moan.
        “See, I knew it. You do like your twat played with. Don't you, naughty girl?”
        It was all I could do to smile at him. With those fingers thrusting into me and his thumb rubbing over my clitty, I knew I was about to cum. How could that happen so fast? He must have known it too because with a few more thrusts into me and he pressed his thumb directly against my clitty, it was all I could take.
        My orgasm burst over me and it was a big one too. I was surprised at him. Surprised me too. How could that happen so quickly?
        For a moment I couldn’t stand, and he had his arm around me to hold me.
        Donald knew what had just happened and laughed at me. Coming out of an orgasm like that, I looked at him, still slightly confused about what had just happened.
        “Was that good?” he whispered to me.
        “Yes...” I managed to say. “It was... I was amazing.”
        “You sure were. So quickly too.”
        I looked at him, trying to see the double meaning that I knew was in his words, but couldn't quite see it.
        As I recovered, his arm dropped from my back, down onto my bum. I was ok but when his hand pressed in between my bum cheeks to my little hole.
        “You can’t touch that,” I said. “I’m still a virgin back there.”
        “Maybe I can fix that for you before this holiday is over.”
        I laughed at him. “Maybe!” I replied. “But still thinking about it.”

        That had been good and suddenly I had a very naughty idea.
        “Do you want some fun too, Donald? I can get you off too.”
        “Sure,” he replied, looking a bit surprised.
        I think he had intended to play with my tits and pussy, but not go very far since others were around watching. Taking me to orgasm had been an unplanned bonus. When I responded to his playing, he realized that he could do it for me. Now, I was offering to do something for him.
        “Get up on the poolside,” I told him. “Sit with your feet in the water.”
        “You sure? Your parents are watching,” he said.
        “Well, Mum told me to get some experience with men. I’m just doing what my Mummy told me.”
        He laughed at that. “Oh, you are a good little girl, aren’t you?”
        “Very good,” I laughed. “Getting better all the time.”
        He laughed again. “We’ll see about that. Let me be the judge of how good you are.”
        “Ok then,” I replied, accepting his challenge. So full of confidence in my ability to give a good blow-job. I was on for it, regardless of who was watching us.

        He did as I told him and as I moved in closer to him, I pulled his legs further open, so his cock was fully displayed. I reached for him without much foreplay. Didn’t think he needed much since his cock was so hard. Nice looking cock too, I must say. But then, who am I to judge? I think all cocks look nice, especially when they are hard. But then, you’ve probably realized by now, I like cocks. Like touching them, playing with them, sucking and fucking them.
        He certainly wasn’t as big as many of the men, perhaps the smallest one I’d seen so far but I noticed the other women seemed to like playing with him and Mum had told me that cock size wasn’t as important as many make it out to be. Certainly, she had insisted that I should never laugh at or point out a small cock. It was like comparing my small tits with Mum’s big ones. In this group, you don’t do it. It’s one of the rules strictly enforced, not allowed! You just don’t compare the bodies of other people. You don’t compare their sexual performance either.

        I ran my hand up the inside of his thigh. First, I reached for his balls, running my fingers over the little sack with the beans inside. Then I moved on to the shaft itself. I like touching a cock when it is erect. So warm and hard. It was still a surprise to me how a man can make this soft, floppy thing into such a hard rod as they do. But I’m glad they can because being hard works best for my pussy, too.
        My fingers wrapped around his shaft as I began to pump him. I like doing this too. It is kind of neat how, while the shaft itself is hard, there is loose flesh on the outside that seems to move with my hand, or you could say with my pussy lips. It makes it easier for my hand to move as I pump him.
        Meanwhile, I was observing the head, the part I was about to take inside my mouth. His one was not so pointed as some I’d seen but I still liked the shape. What am I saying here? I like the shape of any cock. It’s just, that I like cocks.
        I moved my head closer, my tongue reaching out to lick across the top, of his cockhead. I like doing that too. I also like finding the little slot at the tip and licking that. Pushing my tongue in, like I was trying to get inside. Men seem to like it. They respond well to me doing that.
        I wasn’t surprised, Donald liked that too. I heard the soft moan he gave and certainly, I couldn’t miss the jerk of pleasure his cock made. Ha! Ha! That was promising so I decided to move to the next step. While still holding his shaft with my hand, I began to lick all over the head of Donald’s cock. Holding it with my hand, licking over it with upwards licks as I would probably lick an ice cream cone.
        Soon the licking had become sucking as my lips opened to allow him inside my mouth. As I sucked him, I began the pumping motion with my fist around his shaft. Meanwhile, I was looking up at his face as Mum had told me to do. It was the best way to read a man’s face,  she had told me. to judge how well I am doing with him. Yes, once I had become sexually active, my Mum has given me lots of interesting and useful stuff about sex. Where before she would quickly shut the topic down, now it was like she had suddenly become a friend who I could confide in about sexual things.
        At first, Donald had been watching me but soon his eyes had closed. His hands reached down, first, one going to feel my breast but soon, both hands were holding my head. He was becoming a bit vocal too.
        There were those gentle little moans he gave. I like those. There were also comments he made, like; “Oh, fuck!”; “You are good!”; “Oh! Oh!” That was good too, as it showed I was getting there for him. Doing it for him.
        I now realized I had a choice on how this was going to end. Either I could continue as I was doing until he cum inside his mouth. That would mean swallowing it which I didn’t mind doing. Or I could allow him to cum on me. I know men like doing that too. He could cum all over my tits and make a big sloppy mess. That wasn’t a problem as it would quickly wash off in the pool water.
        Lifting off him I asked, “How do you want it. In my mouth or on my tits?”
        “Your tits,” he replied with a grin.
        Men! They are so naughty, aren’t they?
        But I agreed. “Ok, then. On my tits it is. Warn me when you are almost ready.”
        He just nodded as I took him in my mouth again.
        Others around the pool were watching. But I think no one heard that little conversation between us. For a moment I realized even my parents were watching. This would make it the first time my father had seen me doing something sexual with another man. I wondered what he thought about it.

        We continued for a while, but it was becoming clear that this was working for him. He was getting closer.
        “I’m ready, Riya. Almost there,” he gasped.
        I pulled back off him, working his cock, pumping hard with both hands. All the time I was watching the tip of his cock where some small drops of liquid had appeared.
        Suddenly, his hand reached down for my head, holding me directly in front of his cock as the first burst shot out to hit me across my mouth and chin. I was shocked and before I could move, two more shots had hit my face. It was supposed to be my tits, not my face. Very bad boy this one!
        I managed to pull away and the last of his cum hit where it was supposed to go, on my tits.
        “Donald,” I gasped. “What did you do that for?”
        “I like seeing women, with my cum on their faces. It’s so hot.”
        At first, I didn’t know what to say. I was so shocked that he would do that.
        “Well, you could have warned me first,” I said, giving his thigh a hard slap.
        He laughed. “And take away the fun of seeing you shocked!”
        I slapped him again. Harder this time. “Donald,” I said, my voice now a bit louder, “You are a bad boy!”
        “You look pretty bad too, Riya. With my cum all over your face.”
        I had to smile at that. Then I laughed and he laughed too.
        Now, looking back, I must admit that it was kind of sexy too. Like he was showing me that he had power over me. Like he could do anything he liked with me.
        It was then that I remembered others were sitting near the pool. I looked around and discovered they were all watching us. Without even thinking about it, I had given Donald a blowjob. Putting on a big show for them as well.
        “Well done, Riya,” I heard Dad say.
        “She’s getting good, isn’t she?” Paula said.
        “Had lots of practice,” Hamza laughed.
        “Been a very busy pussy, it seems,” Dad added which made many of them laugh.
        “I like that ending,” Mootie said.
        “I do too,” Joyce added.
        “You want cum on your face too?” Mootie asked Joyce.
        “I wouldn’t mind. As long as you eat my pussy first.”
        “That can be arranged.”
        To my surprise, Mootie was between her legs, her bikini bottom was pulled off and he had his head into her pussy. While I stood beside Donald in the pool, we watched how quickly he brought her to orgasm, and then they changed positions so she could suck him to orgasm too. Yes, she did allow him to cum all over her face before they joined us in the pool to clean off.
        A fun afternoon you could say.

        The afternoon was getting on and there were last-minute things for our trip. Soon, we were on our way to the airport. ‘So that was the Australia part of my trip over.’ I was thinking. ‘Now what would New Zealand be like for me? What was I going to be doing over there?’
        I was surprised when we met Ian and his wife Kala at the airport. I didn’t know they were coming to New Zealand with us. David and Ian’s younger sister Cathy was with them, with her husband, Gordon. That was good, I thought. Perhaps I could get to be with Ian again. I like him. Did I mention I like his style in bed too? Guess I did.
        How is it I’ve begun thinking about men as being in bed with them?

        The flight was much longer than I expected. I thought it was only a couple of hours to New Zealand, but Donald told me that we had to fly across Australia first. I should have known that as I think I am very aware of Geography, but I just didn’t think about it at the time. My mind must have been distracted by all those naughty men, I think.
        It was early morning when we arrived in New Zealand. Shanti and Mike were waiting to meet us. Yes, I got a quick hug from him too. But by then some vans had begun to arrive. I had been told that I wouldn’t be staying with my parents, so I wasn’t expecting to go with them. I was staying at a house with other young people my age.
        My friend Jasmine would be coming with me too. Jasmine had only lost her virginity the night before we left Perth. She had been with Gaja for the night. I hadn’t thought about him as a sex partner since he and Nishi hadn’t been that involved in the group. She seemed happy with him. Maybe I should check him out sometime.
        I got a big hug from Uncle Joseph, whom I would be staying with. Some of the other men hugged us too. I must confess to having some naughty thoughts as I hugged these men. I kind of liked the way they pulled my body against their bodies. I liked the feeling of my tits pressing against them. Expect they liked that too.
        I was wondering if I would get to be with them, and do more with them. This being sexually active changes a girl’s mind, doesn’t it?
        There was some confusion as we all found the van, we should be in. Mum had told Jasmine and me to make sure we went with Joseph and so just follow him and make sure he was driving the van we got into.

        Back at Joseph’s house, Aunty Lizamoa came out to greet us. Soon her children joined us too. All four children were there. I had met the three older ones when they came to India, but the little girl was new to me. Ragesh and Sabreena, I knew well since we had become online friends and we Skyped and group chatted together.
        Jasmine didn’t seem to know them so well, so I introduced her, and they all greeted her friendly. It seemed the upstairs guest bedroom was taken by David and Katrina with their two small kids. A room was made available for Jasmine and me downstairs. It was quite big, being used as an extra room for the kids where they could have friends and stay out of the adult’s way. Since there were no beds, we had foam mattresses to sleep on the floor. We were fine with that. It’s sort of the Asian way.
        The plan, I was told, was to get to know our hosts during the day, relax and settle in, then that night there would be a party at Shanti’s house. Sabreena did warn us that it would most likely be a sex party so be prepared for some fun. I was in for that one too.
        Sex parties? Wasn't that one of the reasons we had come here? It clearly was as far as my Mum was concerned. She was openly talking about all the sex she was going to have with the guys here. But a sex party the first night we had arrived was quick. Talk about getting straight into the action!

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Jasmine’s Second Man.

        As the day got hotter, we were sitting out on the deck of their house. A deck is a wooden platform for relaxing and socializing which seemed commonly found in many houses in Australia and New Zealand. They had a pool there, but it wasn’t very deep, the water just above my waist.
        I liked the setting, being surrounded by the jungle, like that. Bush is what they called it. It is funny how we all spoke English, but names could mean different things in different places. For example, in India bush is only a small tree while in Australia bush meant wild outback places. Here it seemed to be different again. I was very interested in all this since I had been doing some English teaching while I was studying to become a vet. So I’m writing some of these language things in a notebook to share with my students back in India.

        “Let’s go swimming,” Sabreena suggested.
        “OK,” I agreed. “We’ll just go get changed.”
        “No need,” Sabreena replied. “We go nude here.”
        Nude outside. At Donald’s house in Perth, it had been private with a high fence and trees but here there appeared to be no fence so could someone see us from outside? I wasn’t so sure about this. But others didn’t seem too bothered so I supposed it was ok.
        With that, Sabreena stood up and began stripping. I looked at Jasmine and she just shrugged as she began undoing her blouse. I decided to just do the same, but I was aware Sabreena’s brother Jagesh was watching me.
        “Come on,” I told him. “If I’m getting naked, you are too.”
        Ha! Ha! That got him moving. He jumped up and began removing his clothing which made it easier for Jasmine and me.
        “You’ve got a nice cock,” I heard Jasmine say.
        He didn't seem to mind her noticing him. In fact, I think he rather liked it. But that was very bold of her. Turning to look at Ragesh, I had to agree with her. A very nice cock, in fact. Must put him on my hit list, I thought.
        Soon all four of us were walking to the edge of the pool. When Sabreena jumped in, I noticed the pool came up to above her waist but left her breasts exposed above the water. I knew it was too shallow to dive so I jumped in as she had. Jasmine was right behind me. It was deep enough to swim but not for diving. Anyway, it was wet and cool on such a hot day.
        So, Jagesh had a good show of Jasmine and me showing him our tits like that and he was looking too. Not that it worried us too much. Tits are made for looking at, aren’t they? And boys can't help it. They've got to look.
        A while later, David and Katrina came out into the deck. He was wearing shorts and she had a bikini on. As soon as they realized we were naked, their clothing came off and they joined us in the pool.
        A game developed where we had to tag a member of the opposite team. It was boys against girls with Katrina becoming a ‘boy’ to even the sides.
        I must admit to it being a bit rough and physical. Yes, it was sexual too as no part of our bodies was considered out of bounds. Those hands touching my tits had been good but what they did with my pussy was getting to me. I couldn’t help it, what the boys do turns me on. I also have to confess; I wasn’t shy about playing with them too.
        I had been with David the night before when Mum and I had threesomed him. So more of my attention was on this new cock. As mentioned above, Ragesh had a nice cock, and we quickly made it even better with a bit of help from Jasmine and me. Doesn’t take much to get them hard, does it? Ha! Ha!

        We were standing on the other side of the pool when both boys were attacking Katrina. I don’t know the reasoning behind that as was Katrina supposed to be on their side but then, we all know boys think with their cocks.
        “I want that cock,” Jasmine told me.
        “Getting horny, are you?” I asked.
        Sabreena giggled as Jasmine admitted that she does.
        “Go ask him,” Sabreena said. “My brother is always horny.”
        “Really?” Jasmine said. “We can’t do it here!”
        “Why not? Mum and Dad won’t mind,” Sabreena said. “Get up and sit on the poolside. I’ll set it up for you if you like. Just do what I tell you.”
        Sabreena didn’t wait for the new girls from India to reply. She was going to set it up for her brother to have us both. She left Jasmine, going over to talk with her brother. Jasmine watched her, wondering what was going to happen.
        When Sabreena came back to us, her brother Ragesh was with her. By then, Jasmine and I were sitting on the edge of the pool with our feet dangling in the water.

        So, both Jasmine and I were sitting on the edge of the pool with Ragesh in the water in front of us. His sister Sabreena was behind him, her body and breasts pressing against his back. One of her hands was touching his chest and I was pretty sure her other hand was touching his cock. I wondered about that. She seemed very open with her brother, but my thoughts were interrupted by what she was saying.
        “Do you want to fuck them, Ragesh?”
        “Mmm, well, yes.” He replied not sure where this was going.
        “Which one do you want first?”
        “Arrr, I want...”
        It was a hard question. I’m sure for several reasons, Ragesh didn’t know how to answer.
        “Help him, you girls. Play with your tits, rub your nipples.”
        I could see what Sabreena was doing now. She was getting her brother worked up visually by looking at Jasmine and me. Physically by what she was doing to his cock. I must admit to feeling quite sexy myself as I reached to touch my breasts and play with my nipples.
        “Do you like that, Ragesh?” Sabreena whispered in his ear.
        “Mmmm, yes,” he replied.
        “What if they touch each other?”
        “Oh, yes!”
        “Go on girls. Touch each other’s tits. Give Ragesh a sexy show,” Sabreena told us.
        I looked over at David and Katrina. They were on the other side of the pool. She was leaning back against him, and it looked like her hand was stroking his cock. His hands were reaching around her, obviously giving her pussy a good work over while they were watching us.
        I looked at Jasmine as I turned towards her. She was smiling and turned towards me. I reached for one of her breasts, not wasting any time, just going straight for her nipple. It didn’t take her long to get her hands on my breasts too. Soon I was really feeling good. If I hadn’t been feeling horny before. I certainly was now.
        “Do you like that, Ragesh?” I heard Sabreena ask him. “Like two sexy women playing with each other?”
        “Mmmm, yes,” a very horny Ragesh managed to say.
        “See what Riya is doing. She is touching Jasmine’s nipples. Rubbing them, pulling on them.”
        “Ohhh!” said the guy in front of us.
        “Jasmine likes it too.”
        “So does Riya. She likes Jasmine playing with her tits, too.”
        “Mmmm,” Ragesh managed to moan.
        “It could be better, Ragesh. It could be you touching them,” Sabreena told him.
        “Ok. Stop girls,” Sabreena told him. “Ragesh wants to fuck you. I can feel he is hard and ready.”
        Both Jasmine and me were shocked at how bold Sabreena was. But really turned on by what we had been doing and by the thought of Ragesh wanting to fuck us.
        “Show him, girls. Show him where you want his cock to go. Show him your cunts,” Sabreena told us.
        “Oh, fuck!” I said at the thought of that.
        I heard Jasmine moan too.
        We had stopped playing with each other and turned back towards Ragesh and Sabreena in the pool. She was asking us to show our pussies to her brother. Show him our cunts. I was so horny now that there was no hesitation on my part. I wanted to show him. Wanted him to look. Possibly do even more.
        Both Jasmine and I moved back a bit further onto the deck, brought our legs up so our feet rested on the edge of the pool, and opened our legs wide. Next to me, Jasmine was doing the same. I was slightly surprised she was bold enough to display herself like that.
        “Do you like that, Ragesh?” Sabreena said in his ear. “Do you like seeing their pussies?”
        “Oh yes!” Ragesh said.
        “You want to put your cock in there, don’t you?”
        “Touch each other,” Sabreena told us. “Each other’s pussy.”
        That was sexy and for a moment I wondered if Jasmine would do it. As far as I knew, she had never played with a woman before. But then her hand reached over for my pussy, her hand going down between my legs, fingers touching my wet lips. Yes, like me, she was so turned on she was beyond hesitation now. I was wet down there; it wasn’t pool water either.
        I reached over and touched her pussy too. Heard that soft moan as my fingers touched her pussy lips. She was as wet as I was.
        “Did you hear that, Ragesh?” Sabreena asked him. “Jasmine likes having her pussy touched.”
        “Ohhh!” Ragesh moaned.
        “Did you hear her moan? I wonder what she’ll sound like when you get your cock inside her.”
        What Sabreena was saying was so sexy. She was driving the show, getting all three of us ready for some fucking.
        “Pull her lips open Riya. Let my brother see where his cock is going to go.”
        Jasmine moaned the sound of that. Her hand had stopped working on my pussy now. She was sitting back resting on her hands as her legs were wide open for Ragesh to see. I reached in with both hands, fingers going to her lips on either side as I gently pulled them apart.
        “Oh fuck!” Jasmine gasped. “I feel so exposed!”
        “Ohhh!” the man in the pool replied.
        Both were so turned on. I knew where this was going. It was clear he was becoming more interested in Jasmine. I was ok with that. She needed the fun more than I did. I knew by the way things were going that before long, they would be fucking.
        “See that nice pink flesh,” Sabreena said. “Would your cock feel nice in there?”
        “Ohhh!” Ragesh gasped again.
        “She is small and tight too. Almost still a virgin.”
        We all saw the shudder his body made at that. I thought Sabreena better be careful or she’ll have him cumming before he even gets into Jasmine.
        “Would you like his big cock in there, Jasmine?” Sabreena asked. “He is so hard and ready.”
        “Ohh, God!” Jasmine gasped. “I want him… So bad!”
        “Not yet, Jasmine,” Sabreena said. “He’s going to eat you first.”
        Jasmine moaned.
        “Want his tongue in your pussy?”
        Jasmine nodded, “Yes! Yes!” she gasped.
        “Then ask him, Jasmine,” Sabreena said.
        “Please, Ragesh... I want you… Eat me.”
        Ragesh didn’t need any more encouragement than that. He broke away from his sister’s arms and stepped forward between Jasmine’s open thighs. His face went in as he began licking her pussy. It wasn’t long before he had her moaning and crying out. She was loving it.
        This was all so sexy. Since my fingers were no longer needed in Jasmine’s pussy, they had returned to my pussy. I was giving myself a good work-over as I watched the show unfolding next to me. Deep down, I knew this man would get Jasmine before me, but I was fine with that. I’d be happy to wait and get him later. I was happy for Jasmine too.
        Jasmine’s moans were getting louder now. It was obvious what a good job Ragesh was doing with her. I could see Sabreena was still in the water, her body pressed against the back of her brother as she reached around to continue stroking his cock. This show was getting hotter and hotter.
        Suddenly, it happened. Jasmine gave a loud moan and fell back flat on the poolside as she cum. That was so sexy too. I loved those sexy moans she gave as she cum. Her body was humping against Ragesh’s face as her orgasm burst through her body. It was so hot to see that it almost made me cum too.

        “Come on, Ragesh,” Sabreena told her brother. “Let’s get somewhere more comfortable so you can fuck her now. Jasmine needs your cock!”
        We all moved over to a shady part of the deck where some deck chairs and tables were set up. Sabreena seemed to be driving this whole thing of getting her brother laid. She dragged the soft foam coverings off two deck chairs and lay them on the deck, making them a bed. Then she got Jasmine to lay back on the foam and invited her brother to get down with her.
        I noticed Katrina and David had got out and were following along with us. They were obviously enjoying the show too.
        There was minimal making out as neither of them needed it and then Sabreena instructed her brother to kneel in front of Jasmine. He pulled her up onto his thighs so his lovely cock could reach her pussy. Then we all watched as Sabreena took her brother’s cock in her hand and guided him between Jasmine’s legs. We could see how hard he was but this letting her sister hold him was a bit of a surprise. Then the head of Ragesh’s cock pressed against Jasmine’s pussy lips.
        Suddenly, I realized why Sabreena had arranged it this way. This was as much a spectator sport as two people fucking. She wanted us all to watch the moment his cock pushed into her pussy. I don’t think Jasmine realized it. She was so turned on, so desperate for cock that she didn’t even think about all of us watching.
        Jasmine was already wet, and her lips swollen partly open. We could see his cock press between them, her lips stretched open to take him. It was a sexy moment; I wasn’t the only woman rubbing her pussy while we watched them, both Sabreena and Katrina were too.
        She gave a soft moan as he entered her.
        Another push and Ragesh went in deeper. Again, came the verbal reaction from Jasmine.
        He pushed again and now nearly half of his shaft was in him. That was so sexy to see but I now realized that this would be an impossible position to fuck properly. After a few attempted fucks, Ragesh realized it too. He pulled back out of her, so her bum rested back on the foam. Then straightening his legs out behind him he came down in the more traditional position of fucking with a man on top.
        She didn’t give him any resistance as they began fucking. Soon he was plunging deep inside Jasmine with long powerful strokes. I must admit, this was sexy to watch, and I did wish it was my pussy getting his cock.
        We had pulled over more foam pads and were sitting around watching. Ragesh wasn’t holding back. Giving Jasmine a good fucking and she was loving it.
        With what I was doing to my pussy, I was enjoying it too. I noticed Katrina and David were giving hand jobs to each other and Sabreena was playing too. Down on the mat, the couple before us were getting closer now. I was a bit surprised at how fast this was happening but then, I realized there had been a build-up beside the pool. They were both halfway there before they even began fucking.
        I heard Sabreena give a loud moan as she got up to stand over her brother. With one leg on each side of her brother’s legs, she was looking down at the fucking couple as she continued working her pussy with both hands. She was being quite rough with herself, almost violent in fact.
        Suddenly, she cried out. Juice burst from her pussy, shooting out to land on her brother’s bare bum. Quickly a few more shots followed.
        “What the fuck!” Ragesh cried out.
        Feeling the juice land on him had caused him to stop fucking.
        “Come on! Come on,” Jasmine urged him. “Keep going. Fuck me!”
        That was too much for me. I cum and it looked like both Katrina and David were close behind me.

        Sabreena was finished now and the couple in front of me had started again. Their energy levels were much higher now. Jasmine was bucking around under him and crying out. Ragesh was pounding into her with all he had. Then her legs came up and wrapped around his body, holding him inside herself. Wow! I didn’t know this inexperienced girl could be that good. Gaja must have sure taught her a lot that night before we left Perth. It was exciting to watch these two fucking, I felt my pussy wanted more too. As I started again on myself. Sabreena, who was sitting next to me, was doing her pussy again too. Across the other side, Katrina had turned her back to us and was down on her knees sucking her husband off.
        Ragesh and Jasmine were getting close now. No one could carry on with what they were doing to each other. As her legs dropped back, he was slamming into her with what would be their final strokes. She cum again, crying out as she did. He faulted and then stopped. I knew it was over, Jasmine was getting her pussy filled with his cum.

        “You two didn’t waste any time,” I heard Uncle Joseph say.
        I looked up to see Uncle Joseph and Aunty Lizamoa standing at the sliding door.
        “That was a hot show,” Lizamoa said, coming out before us. “But next time be more careful. The young kids are inside. Lucky, we saw what was going on before they did and distracted them.”
        “Yes,” Joseph agreed with his wife. “Watch out what you do with the kids around.”
        To be honest, we were all so involved in what was going on, that none of us had thought of Sabreena and Ragesh’s younger sister and brother. Katrina had her two kids there too. One of them was older enough to know what was happening. I knew we’d have to watch out for that when we played adult games.

        So that was how my friend Jasmine got the second man she had fucked. It was a sexy show, I must admit. She did a good job of it.

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Cornwallis Beach.

        Just before lunch, another couple turned up. They were Japanese. That was a surprise though it shouldn’t have been as I’d heard that there were some Japanese among this group in New Zealand. They were about my age, perhaps just a little bit older. She was called Tukiko and his name was Masanori.
        I must confess, Tukiko looked beautiful. There was something about her eyes. She seemed like she had a hot body too. Masanori looked pretty hot too. Nice body, slim but developed on his chest and upper arms. Immediately, I was attracted to him.
        I heard the plan was they would join us for lunch, spending the afternoon with us before going with us to Shanti’s party.

        After lunch, Ragesh took us out to Cornwallis Beach. Ragesh had told us all to wear swimming things. Jasmine and I followed Sabreena’s example and wore our tiny bikinis. I knew this would be a bit daring for both of us wearing such a bikini to a public beach, but we decided if Sabreena was daring enough to do it. We could do it too.
        Putting on our bikinis, we wore shorts and shirts over the top. It didn’t occur to us at the time that after our bikinis got wet and we changed out of them, we would be left wearing shorts and T-shirts without any underwear.

        Soon we left the house, after a short warning from Joseph to be careful in the water and not to swim anywhere close to the wharf at the far end of the beach. Dangerous and swift currents it seems.
        To my surprise, Tukiko and Masanori were coming too. It seems this couple was enjoying the company of us younger people. The thought did occur to me that they might want more with us. If so, I had no problems with that. After all, Masanori was a handsome guy, and doing it with a Japanese was a bit erotic too.
        So, six of us were squashed into Ragesh’s car, and off we went towards this beach. Being from an inland town in India, I was very interested in seeing these beaches and the oceans. Even if this was a calm inner harbour beach, I was still keen to see it and try bathing there.
        We found a nice shady place under some trees and laid out a plastic groundsheet and blanket. Do they have the red ants that bite here? I don’t think so but still, it seems they needed a groundsheet. It was nice sitting there enjoying the gentle breeze coming in off the water. It was a pretty beach, and we could see the waves lapping gently against the beach.

        When we got settled there, everyone was ready for a swim so quickly I stripped off my T-shirt and shorts to join them. I looked around at others nearby and saw that us Indian girls in such tiny bikinis had caught the eye of some others on the beach. Particularly the men. Nearby, a group of four boys about our age, maybe a bit younger, were taking a big interest in us too.
        I looked down at myself and saw how my bikini top covered my breasts but didn’t completely hide them. There was some bare flesh of my swelling breasts to be seen down between them. I kind of like showing like that and I didn’t consider it to be too revealing. Maybe a bit exciting though. At least the nipples were covered even if their shape could be seen through the unlined material. That would become even more revealing once I got wet. While this bikini wasn’t see-through when wet, it would hug tightly to every curve, including the shape of my large nipples. Again, while this was very daring displaying like that in public, I was enjoying it.
        Lower down the bikini bottom was tiny too. The smallest and sexiest that I owned. The front covered most of my natural pussy hair, but I had to trim a bit that showed over the top or down each side. So, with all my hair barely covered it was all the tiny front managed to do. As for the back, that was even worse as it became not much more than a tiny string going down to disappear into the split between my cheeks. So, you could say that effectively, my bikini was backless.
        As you know, I have a slimmer body shape. My tits are not so big and my butt kind of matched that too. Not too big but enough curves to keep it interesting I thought. This bikini helped too, as it drew your attention to parts that I thought were my better features. Pulling and shaping my tits more, displaying the shape of my pussy mound while exposing almost all of my butt cheeks with just a narrow strip of material down my crack. Yes, I was happy with what was on display, feeling sexy and confident with what I was wearing.
        Yes, this was the bikini I had willingly elected to wear to this public beach. I also noticed that Sabreena wore a bikini equally as daring as mine. I looked at Jasmine to see what she wore and to my surprise, she was wearing a bikini I had never witnessed on her before. When I asked about it, she explained that this bikini originally belonged to her mother but when she became sexually active in Perth, her mother Hansini thought she was now allowed to wear some sexier clothing such as tiny bikinis. Jasmine was allowed to select a couple of bikinis she wanted from her mother’s collection. By choosing a string bikini she could fit the same as her mother would where, even though her mother was larger than her on the hips and bust.
        It also seems that Tukiko had selected to wear a sexy red bikini too so there were three Indian and one Japanese wearing the tiniest and most daring bikinis we could wear. That must have been a sexy show for those watching.

        The water was warmer than I expected which was a pleasant surprise for me. I had been told that in New Zealand the water would be much colder than in India. But then, this was New Zealand summer so maybe that was why. Anyway, the water was perhaps what could be called refreshing after such a hot day.
        I was alongside Jasmine when we reached the waves lapping onto the sand and soon the water crept up our legs and bodies as we followed the others deeper into the water. My bikini bottom became wet and the water had reached my chest when we stopped going deeper. You all know how much I enjoy swimming and yes, I must confess that this time I enjoyed it a lot too.
        Finally, it was time to get out and walk up the sand together towards our clothes and bags left on the beach. I knew that with the activity of swimming, parts of my bikini could have slipped so like the other girls, I had done the usual girl thing, looking down at myself to inspect that the parts of my bikini were properly placed so nothing was showing that shouldn’t be showing. But it must be admitted that the way my wet bikini clung to my body parts did make me more aroused.
        The unlined top clearly showed the shape of my nipples. They were hard and erect from the cold water which made them stand out more too. Lower down, I noticed that next to no lining left a crease where my pussy lips were. Yes, I am sure those watching would quickly realize what was causing that crease. I wasn’t the only one, I noticed Sabreena was showing a pussy crease too.
        When I asked her, she laughed. She also knew what she was displaying and seemed ok with it too. She told me that when the men noticed it on a woman’s bathing suit they called it a ‘camel toe.’ That seemed a strange name and I couldn’t work out why it would be called that considering they don’t even have camels in New Zealand. While Sabreena and I were both showing one, Jasmine’s bikini didn’t show because of the coloured material pattern and it seemed like Katrina’s bikini didn’t either.

        We were sitting on the grass under some shade as we Indians don’t like revealing our dark bodies in the sun. It gets too hot in the sun and it is burning on our skin. A suntan also means our bodies turn black which none of us are wanting. It would mean that when we are naked the shape of our bikini would be seen in brown compared to the darker areas which had been exposed to the sun.
        We had brought some drinks and snacks which we were enjoying as we sat and talked. The conversation was fun and soon began to turn a bit sexy. I remember reading how there are beaches in New Zealand where people could enjoy bathing nude. I asked Sabreena and Jagesh about this. Was this beach where people were able to be nude. She said it was probably not but topless would be ok.
        Now the two men were suggesting that we should be topless too. Since I was the one who had suggested the nudity idea, they thought that I should go first to bare my breasts. But I was too chicken. Yes, in our group, being nude would be no hesitation for me. You all know that, but here at the beach was a public place and there were other people around and walking past from time to time too.
        “Come on, Riya,” Jagesh said. “We can see most of them anyway.”
        “No!” I replied. “Topless is too much here.”
        “We can see the shape of your nipples so the top isn’t hiding anything,” Masanori added.
        I think this Japanese guy was keen to see us naked.
        I wasn’t sure about going that far and said, “Ok, I will if someone else went topless first.”
        “Ok, then,” Tukiko said.
        She sat up, reached behind her, and undid the clip of her bikini top, the front cups fell away to reveal her naked breasts. She didn’t lay back on the grass but rather she sat there smiling at us. Actually, I thought she seemed quite comfortable with being like that but the question was, did she do that for herself but for her boyfriend so he would get to see our Indian tits?
        “There, I’ve done it,” she said. “Are you girls going to join me?”
        Sabreena was next. Soon her bikini top was laying on the ground beside her. Jasmine looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. Together, without saying anything, we knew we would do it too. Both at the same time, we reached for the clips of our bikini tops and soon our breasts were bare too.
        It was at that time that two older men came walking along the beach. I was feeling shy, being ready to cover myself, maybe by rolling to my front but I noticed that Tukiko and Sabreena were willing to just sit there talking, allowing these men to see their bare chests. Jasmine and I followed their example and did the same too.
        When they had gone past, I looked down at myself and how my entire body was bare other than that tiny triangle over my pussy. It was kind of sexy knowing those strangers had seen so much of me. I was surprised how I was feeling a bit excited by it. From then on, I didn’t bother that people moving by could witness my breasts bare. I didn’t bother with it from then until we decided to go swimming again.
        It was clear when Tukiko stood up that she was intending to go swimming while still being topless. I wasn’t so sure. I looked around to see that a few others nearby had followed our example and were topless too. There were even two white girls who were with some boys in the water while being topless. Suddenly, I decided I could do this too.
        So soon the four of us women, wearing just the tiniest of bikini bottoms, were walking down the beach towards the water with those two naughty men. I could see others on the beach watching us and knew four Asians showing off their breasts must have been something they might have never seen before. But the thought of what I was doing had my nipples hard which made our show even better.
        Reaching the water, we didn’t gently step in as we had before, but this time racing to get in deeper so we could cover-up. Jasmine turned to me and hugged me laughing, “That was so hot!”
        “It was,” I agreed. “But the best is to come.”
        “What?” she asked, pulling away from me.
        “We must walk back up the beach, giving them all a full frontal this time.”
        She gave me a nervous smile as she realized what I meant.

        After the swim, the men suggested a short walk along to the wharf, I was in for that. But I remembered Joseph’s warning not to go swimming there. But I wouldn’t go as I was either. so quickly I replaced my bikini top. But while wearing that, I elected to wear nothing else so still felt very sexy wearing only that tiny bikini.
        It was quite a long wharf stretching out into the water so even at low tide people can try fishing at the end. It was interesting to see what the people were fishing there. When I asked, these men were happy to show me what they had caught and I think, looking at me close up too. Ha! Ha!
        David teased me about the men on the wharf checking me out.
        I laughed and replied, “But I was covered by my bikini.”
        “Would have been better if you were naked,” Ragesh added.
        “Naked! Then they would see everything!”
        “They would have liked that too,” Masanori said.
        These guys talking about me showing off to strangers naked was kind of hot. It surprised me that their talking like that was making me a bit horny.
        When I didn’t reply, Masanori noticed. “You like that idea, don't you Riya?”
        I was surprised he said that. Surprised he guessed how I was feeling.
        “I do a bit,” I confessed.
        “Maybe we can arrange some exhibitionism for you sometime,” Masanori laughed.
        I wondered about that. Wondered what he had in mind. But the idea wasn’t bad. Kind of sexy.

        When the two men and I got back, the three girls were still sitting and laying without their tops. There must have been many people to see them because as the tide had dropped and access towards the wharf end was possible, we had passed many people walking on the beach. Were they doing some exhibitionism too, I thought to myself?
        “What have you three been up to?” I asked them as we returned.
        “Showing off our tits and talking about sex,” Sabreena said.
        “Oh wow! Maybe I should have stayed,” I laughed.
        “Your display to those guys on the wharf was pretty hot too, Riya,” Masanori said.
        “What was that?” Tukiko asked.
        “Riya was talking with some guys on the wharf. She got close to see the fish they’d caught. She was looking at the fish, but they weren’t,” Ragesh laughed.
        “Oh really?” Tukiko laughed.
        “I had my bikini on,” I tried to defend myself.
        “That’s my point,” Masanori said. “A sexy Indian woman in a tiny bikini. Sure, they were looking. Checking you out.”
        Maybe it was sexy. I hadn’t thought at the time but now I realized why those guys were so friendly, so ready to show me the fish they had caught. I had to think more about this. This showing off my almost naked body to strangers was kind of exciting.

        With the subject of sex being discussed, Masanori said it was fun taking sex while being outside in a public place. It was all about feeling more natural like that and there was always the thrill and danger of being seen by someone else. Here I was thinking being topless was a bit bold and here they were talking about us getting naked and taking sex.
        When I said it was a bit bold, Masanori laughed and said he didn’t mean here out in the open, but we could go up into the areas behind the beach and find someplace more private. Everyone seemed in agreement with that, soon we were packing up our things to move to somewhere more private. We all knew that the intention was to have sex, but we all went along with it too.
        So, finding this nice hidden place behind the beach we spread out blankets on the soft long grass. I wasn’t so sure about walking and sitting in some long grass like this, I asked why they weren’t worried about snakes.
        “There are no snakes in New Zealand,” Ragesh explained.
        “Oh wow!” That was a surprise. I had done a lot of research on New Zealand, but it had never come to my attention that this country could have flightless birds like the Kiwi because there were no natural predators like snakes.

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Ragesh does Riya

Still Riya here.
        'Ragesh does Riya?' Really? Was that the best I could do here? I know I should have found a better title for this section but that does actually say what happened. He did do me. Gave me a really good fucking.
        We had come to this hidden place for a purpose. Ragesh was going to fuck me. So, it made sense to get naked. As I sat down, I slipped my bikini bottom off, then quickly pulled my top off again over my head without undoing it.
        Ragesh pulled off his shorts and I noticed that he was hard already. When he was with Jasmine at their pool, I noticed his cock and liked what I had seen too. One of the nicer erections I had seen. There was an upward curve to it which I think might make it even better inside a girl like me.
        Yes, I willingly admit, I had been thinking about him being with me and trying that cock inside me. I must also admit, I had been thinking a lot about cocks since I’d learned how much fun they could be. Back at Joseph’s house, I had missed out on Jagesh since it was better Jasmine got to try with him, now it was my turn, and I wasn’t going to miss it.
        With him standing directly in front of me like he was, it was the natural thing to reach up and take his cock with my hand. I could feel the hardness of warm flesh. It always amazed me how a cock felt in its two natural states. I have touched them in both ways. Even I had played with a soft cock, working it until it became hard. That was an interesting experience.
        But this one was hard, no need for much more encouragement from me. I gave him a rub with my fingers wrapped around him. I even leaned forward and took him to my mouth, licking and sucking him for a short while. But soon he stopped me, saying, “I wanted to cum inside you, Riya.”
        That was sexy him saying that but I was fine with the idea too.
        I was wet but still, Ragesh felt I could be more. His fingers played with me until he pulled my pussy lips back with his fingers and went in with his tongue.
        “Oh! That is so good!” I moaned.
        He continued, taking long licks up between my open lips.
        I was holding his head against my pussy now.
        “Oh, fuck! This is good!”
        It was too good. Quickly I couldn’t help making my first orgasm.

        It was then I noticed that the other four had been watching us.
        “That was quick, Riya,” Masanori said. “Were you still horny from showing off on the wharf?”
        “No,” I denied. “It was Jagesh. He was so good.”
        Masanori just laughed at that. “Yeah, sure!” he replied.
        On Ragesh’s part, while I had been embarrassed at how my body had betrayed me, I had the impression that he was happy with what he had managed to do for me. But the orgasm marked the end of all foreplay. Now it was time we went for full sex.

        Ragesh lay on his back and said, “Ride me, cowgirl!”
        I smiled at him. I knew of this position and I was willing to do this for him. To be truthful, I like doing it this way. There are some good advantages for me. I’ve also found that the men seem to like it too.
        The first advantage is that it fully displays my body while I am fucking. The man can look at me and see everything, from my tits to my pussy. The second thing is that I am doing the fucking and so can control it for my and his enjoyment. The third is that he can reach up and play with my tits. This is good because while the men like touching tits, I like it too. Finally, this position means I can get my body close to his so I can take almost all of him deep inside me.
        I sat over him, taking his hard cock and guiding him to my pussy. I was still wet from what had happened before and as I lowered myself onto him, he slipped in deep. I love how a cock feels inside me. I love the hardness pressing in to fill me but even better I love the feeling caused by his cock moving in and out of me. Ok, let’s just say, I love fucking a man.
        As expected, he was looking up at me, then touching me on my breasts and nipples. That was nice and as I said, expected but then he did something I didn’t expect. Let me tell you.
        The fucking was going well. I was using my body to raise and lower myself on top of him. I could tell it was good for both of us and now knew we would both most likely get there at about the same time. He had been playing with my tits, especially my nipples, and then as things became more intense, his hands stopped. One hand went to my chest, just below my tits while the other went to my pussy.
        I felt his fingers touch me there. Felt him find my clitty and then press in at me there. The sudden contact in that sensitive place was a surprise that made me cum. I couldn’t help it. The surprise, the feeling was so good that it made me cum. I lost all control and fell forward on top of him, my breasts crashing onto his chest.
        As I recovered, I realized his cock was jerking inside me and knew he had cum too. Wow! That was so hot!
        I looked over and saw Sabreena and Masanori were already finished, laying on their backs beside each other. Further over, Tukiko was on her back with Jasmine on top of her. Jasmine’s pussy was pressed into Tukiko’s face while Jasmine was reaching down to eat Tukiko’s pussy too.
        It was a sexy show and the four of us gathered to watch as they continued working themselves to what appeared to be intense orgasms.

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Masanori does Sabreena.

Hi from Sabreena.
        “That was a good show you put on in the water, Sabreena,” Masanori said. “You got us so worked up and got nothing yourself.”
        “It’s Ok,” I replied. “I just wanted to make sure you guys were paying attention.”
        While we were swimming, while facing away from the beach, I had pulled my bikini bottom aside and flashed my pussy for Ragesh and Masanori. Now it seems he was turned on by that. Good. I'm glad it worked so well.
        “For your brother too, Sabreena. You need some fun too. Your reward for being such a good sister.”
        “It’s Ok…” I began again. “It was no problem, really. I had fun doing it for her.”
        “Do you want to try with me?”
        Suddenly, I realized where Masanori was going with this. Talk about thick! He wanted to fuck me and was almost telling me. What was I thinking? Probably because I had been looking at him naked and distracted by him. Yes, liked what I saw. Yes, I was fine with taking sex with him. While this wasn't the first time I'd been with him, to be honest, I was really happy being with him. Having such a handsome man taking an interest in me and saying he wanted to fuck me. What girl would say no to that?
        Masanori stepped up closer to me, pulling my almost naked body against his. My bare breasts came to his chest, and he brought his lips against mine. It quickly became a kiss of passion. Our tongues met and rubbed against each other. I have come to know that I like that and I’ve also discovered, that many men like doing it too.
        When he pulled away from me, he smiled down at me saying, “You’re a little hot one, aren’t you?”
        I smiled back at him. I liked what he was saying but felt no need to reply.

        His hand came up to my breast, his fingers to my nipple, pulling on it, playing with it. That felt good and I was happy with what this man was doing to me. Soon his foreplay had progressed to him leaning forward to take my nipple between his lips. Yes, the sucking. I love a man doing that for me and it seems most men can’t resist doing it for my large erect nipples. I was holding his head against me. Moaning and giving a little gasp as he was doing everything, he could do to me.
        Soon he was ready to move lower as he dropped to his knees in front of me. His hands came to my hips and with a pull, my bikini bottom slipped away and fell to my feet. Now, I was left naked and I knew he was viewing my body secrets. Not that this worried me too much. I know men like to look, but I’ve also discovered that we women like to show off too.
        His hand reached forward toward my pussy, fingers running up my thigh before moving onto the area of hair. I liked how his fingers brushed through my forest before he finally arrived at my pussy lips. His fingers brushed lightly down the length of my lips. Pressing in deeper as he returned to the top again.
        My whole body shivered at the pleasure he was giving me.
        I knew I was getting wet for him. He must have noticed it too as he didn’t give me much more foreplay. It would have been nice to have had a nice orgasm while he ate me as my brother had just done to Riya but that wasn’t to be. He pulled me down onto the ground and got me to lay back.
        I knew what was coming. He was going to fuck me in the more common ‘guy on top’ position. I was fine with that. By that point, I was feeling horny and ready for him in whichever way he wanted me.

        Masanori moved over me and I felt his body come down on top of mine. His cock head pushed against me, found the right spot, and entered me. That felt good. I think that is one of the better parts of sex, those few thrusts as a man first enter me.
        Soon he settled into a regular fuck motion. Nothing special, just long, steady strokes going deep inside me with each thrust. His shaft slid against my pussy lips as he continued. The hardness of his cock thrusting in and pulling back as he made each stroke. But it was working for me. I discovered my body was responding to him and realized my orgasm was approaching.
        This was fast but then at other times, I respond quickly when a man was inside me. Maybe it was the way I am. Maybe it is just, that I enjoy sex and cum quickly.
        My first orgasm burst within me. I moaned and humped back at him a few times before I could settle and his fucking me could continue. This next time I was more settled which gave him further time to reach his climax as I approached my second one. I felt his body jerk as he lost rhythm. I felt the thrusting of his cock as he began to deliver his load within me. We were fucking bare skin so I could feel his hot cum bursting from his cock. It felt so good I couldn’t help cumming again too.

        He rolled off me and we lay beside each other breathing heavy. I noticed that Jagesh and Riya were still going on one side of me. On the other Tukiko and Jasmine were in an intense sixty-nine sex session. That was sexy that she was willing to join with Tukiko like that. She seems quite confident too.
        But then my attention was pulled back to Masanori. It seems he wanted me again. Still horny after the sex, we had shared already.
        Well, I was ok with that too. This time he got me to ride him with the cow-girl style until I made myself cum. Then he turned me on to my hands and legs to take me doggy style. I also surprised myself by cumming this way too before he finished again, giving me yet another load of his cum.
        By now, the other couple, Ragesh and Riya, were finished and watching us. Not that I was worried. I find it turns me on knowing others are watching me fucking. It did that time too.

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Tukiko and Jasmine.
(Not Sure Who Does Who Here.)

Hi from Jasmine. Riya wasn’t involved in this and so I am telling.
        “Do you want to watch them, or could we do something too, Jasmine?” Tukiko told me.
        I looked at her, not sure what she was asking.
        “Have you ever made love games with another woman?”
        “No, not really,” I replied. “Riya and I played a bit when she was showing me some sexual things but we were doing to ourselves in front of each other.”
        Tukiko took that as meaning, ‘No, never.’ And she said, “Want to try with me? I’ll show you want to do.”
        “I’ve never tried but I’d like to.”
        “That’s ok honey. I’ll teach you.”

        Tukiko took my hand and as she sat down on a spare side of the blanket, she pulled Jasmine down with her.
        First, we’ll try kissing,” Tukiko told me.
        When I had spent the night with Gaja in Perth, he had taught me how to adult kiss a man. So I expected that was what Tukiko was talking about here. When she brought her face closer to mine I was confident to reach forward with my face. Our mouths met and I opened my lips, pushing my tongue against her lips. Soon her lips opened and we met tongue to tongue.
        I discovered Tukiko was a good kisser. I enjoyed how she did it slightly differently, maybe slightly better than how Gaja showed me. I quickly caught on to that and was returning like she was doing with me. This continued for a few minutes before she broke us apart as she smiled at me.
        “How did you learn that?” Tukiko asked me.
        “Gaja taught me.”
        “It seems he did a good job. You are a natural at that, Jasmine.”
        I was pleased she liked what I could do.
        “Maybe I should get some lessons from Gaja too,” she laughed.

        “Now our breasts. Let’s touch each other,” she told me.
        Tukiko reached out for my breasts. Lightly touching them, running her fingers over my smooth flesh. I like touching my nipples and so I had an idea as to what another woman might like. I decided to try that with her. I had also helped Nishi by sucking Riya’s nipple that last night in the desert town.
        I took Tukiko’s nipples with my fingers, first fingers lightly touching over them, next I was pulled at them until it seemed I was hurting, then finally I was taking each nipple, with a hand each I was rolling them between my thumb and first finger.
        Her eyes closed at the pleasure of that. It seems Tukiko has very sensitive nipples.
        So I pulled away to look at her, wondering what she wanted to try next.

        “I want to taste you, Jasmine. I want to eat your pussy,” Tukiko whispered to me.
        I was a bit nervous to open myself up like that to another woman. The only time I’d really displayed my pussy was with Riya that night. Since then I had allowed Gaja and Ragesh to see me and eat me when we fucked. Yes, I know, it’s silly to be nervous but I am still new at all this sexual stuff. I already knew that a woman had to open up and reveal herself during sex. Partly so her sexual partner could see and be excited by my pussy and partly because most sex revolved around my pussy.
        I noticed Tukiko looked at me for a moment and then reached to touch me with her fingers. That touch was good and sexy and it made me give a soft moan. She did it again, her fingers running along the length of my pussy opening, the lips splitting open to allow her to press in deeper.
        She must have noticed me. Even from us just touching and sucking breasts, my pussy had become wet. Now she was touching me there, I was even more excited. My body was trembling with excitement and my breathing was heavier. I could feel how easy her fingertips were sliding between my soaking lips.

        “You’ve done this before, haven’t you?” Tukiko asked.
        “Yes,” I admitted.
        But I hadn’t wanted to say too much because that was the night when I was resting against Dad while Riya was eating my pussy but I didn’t want to say too much since it was my father touching my breasts while my best friend was eating my pussy. Fortunately, Tukiko didn’t ask anything more, just excepted my answer.

        Tukiko lay back on the ground and pulled me to her. “Eat me now,” she said. “Eat my pussy.”
        I was ok with trying that. I moved down towards her pussy when she stopped me.
        “Get on top of me. Lay on top so I can eat you too.”
        I quickly realized what she meant so I moved over on top of her so my pussy was presented to her face. In this position, my head was close to her pussy. I brought my head down between her open legs and began to lick at her pussy lips. Meanwhile, she had started working on my pussy, using her tongue and mouth.
        Doing this was working for both of us. I could feel how her pussy was humping back at my face and knew she was close. I pushed in deeper between her lips with my tongue and felt the body under me give a jerk. She broke contact with my pussy as she cried out and cum. That was good I could do that and give her what appeared to be a huge orgasm.

        I didn’t make it that time but Tukiko got me to move, laying on my back. Then she pulled my legs open and got down between them. By this time the other two couples were finished and so Tukiko invited Riya and Sabreena to join us. They got each side of me, touching and leaning down to suck each nipple while Tukiko went in for my pussy again.
        Three women making love to me. That was sexy, totally wild. With all those good feelings they were making in my body, my first cum began to build. It came at me quickly and it was intense. Quickly there was another one that was almost as good as the first. I thought they would stop but no they continued until finally, I had made my third one.
        As the three women moved away from me, I was left laying there, breathless and helpless. I looked up at the five of them and smiled. They smiled back, knowing how good it had been for me.

        The afternoon was getting on and we knew there was more planned at Shanti and Mike’s house that evening. We got dressed and took our things, and we returned to our car.
        It felt a bit sexy wearing our clothes with nothing underneath. It go even sexier when Masanori made me go into a shop to buy some things with him. I was sure the man there noticed the way my breasts giggled under my T-shirt. Certainly, he must have noticed the bumps of my nipples. I was very aware of it too. But it felt sexy to be doing that.

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It’s Riya again,
        So that was how my holiday in New Zealand started. Mum openly said she came here for lots of fun and sex. It seems I had to. It was only I didn’t know it until I was in Perth, halfway there. So now I was making up for the lost time.
        It was only the first day in New Zealand. It was only that morning when we had got off the plane from Australia and already, here we were at some beach having our own private orgy.
        I heard in a few days we would all be touring as a big group. Mum told me that was when the real fun would start. But before then there would be two nights of fun with my friends in Auckland. Those nights are important to my sexual journey and so will be covered in my next story.

        I have come to realize how much I was loving being with men. I love them being close and touching me. I love touching them too. I like feeling the body of a man. Harder with more developed muscles. I like that, like how strong they are. But I must also not forget, I like their cocks too. Everyone I’ve seen and been with has had a nice cock. I like looking at the variety of sizes and shapes and they all seem to work well too.
        Yes, I’ve discovered I like this new life I have. I like the openness with sex and I like fucking. Should I add that I like orgasms too? Ha! Ha!

Index of Letters                         Story 277 Background Notes.                         Back to Story 276.   

Forward to Story 278.


  1. I enjoy Riya and Jasmine. Two sexy girls enjoying their new sexual freedom.

  2. This has been a bit of a theme recently. While I enjoy these stories about these younger women of the next generation, don't forget the favourites we have among the older women too.

  3. This is the third scene of Jasmine in action.
    I am so enjoying reading about her adventures. Wish it was me having all those sexy men.
    It brings back memories of when I spent that week with you on the farm while Allan did those photo shoots with me. Hope to make it back to New Zealand soon and see all of you again.
    Jasmine (The real one.)

    1. Yes, that was a week to remember. Some of the best photos I've ever taken and not forgetting the great sex too.
      Allan jr.
