Monday 2 May 2022

Story 279 Background Notes.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 279.

Hello from Reshma.

            Ayaka and I had been given a story to do. We talked with my sister Shandra one afternoon at Anne's house. Anne and her partner, Allan Jr., were there too. Allan suggested giving the two young Indian girls, Riya and Jasmine, a change by using someone older, perhaps a couple of the older European men. Ideas were bounced around and we came up with Mike, Shanti's husband. So that became our basic theme, Mike spending the night with the two girls, Riya and Jasmine.
            My sister had her character notes books with her and we looked at the three characters involved. I wanted to fit my story in with the overall Letters Themes. That meant getting the characters involved matching how others had written them. I think this is very important as we all have our favourites and want them to act in character. One is mine is Mike. He reminds me so much of my step-brother Allan jr.

            First, we had Mike. A character going right back to the first real mention of his as Shanti's boyfriend in (Letter 5 My Photo in Swimming Togs.). Mike has been involved in some great sex scenes. Many where he has taken on women a lot more inexperienced than himself. Eg, Shanti as the shy virgin, (Letter 43 Part B Shanti was Painfully Shy.) or Katrina's first time, (Story 102 Katrina’s Story - Part Five.) I read those two stories again and it gave me a new insight into how he might be with Jasmine and Riya. On top of this, Mike is a very relaxed, laid-back sort of guy much as my step-brother Allan jr is.

Now the two girls.
            Riya is bold and outgoing. She had only recently lost her virginity while in Perth but already she was a bold sex partner having quite a lot of experience with sex. I knew she would do well with the character Mike.
            Jasmine is a year younger than Riya but also much shyer too. She was also very inexperienced with sex having only had two men before Mike. Mike quickly realised this as we've written it in the stories.
            Now finally, before the girls had their session with Mike, it seems they talked with Shanti and Lizamoa. It was actually Shanti who set this all up for her husband. See the story title.
            So that is the background to our story in place. Now we could begin writing.

            Kia Kaka - Kia Kaha.
                  Be safe - Be strong.
                        Reshma and Ayaka.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 279.


  1. Hello all my old friends.
    I see you are still going. Still writing and publishing stories. I can see I am a long way behind.

    I think the guy named after me was about to marry that sexy Indian maid. Looks like he did, according to the story before this one.

    Thanks Susan for getting things sorted with this signing on so my comments are automatically excepted. Looking forward to meeting you all soon.

    By the way, this visit I'll be bringing a English wife and there kids with me.
    Regards, David.

    1. Hi David.
      Good to see you got in OK with Guest Reeder.
      Does your wife know much about us and has seen this blog? Would be better if she knew about it.
      Also dies she know about you and Rushma?
      Sexy Sue.

    2. Welcome back David.
      How long have you been back in New Zealand? Are you going to stay? How many kids do you have?
      Looking forward to meeting you and your wife in a couple of weeks time. Remember, Ayaka's old flat is available if you want to stay over.

    3. Thanks Anne and Susan.
      Looking forward to seeing you both this weekend.
