Posted by Anne.We had decided it was time to end the Letters Series with Joseph and Lizamoa moving to New Zealand. The idea was that once they were in New Zealand writing letters to each other would no longer be necessary so the Story would end there. This story was originally designed to be the big ending for the series featuring a farewell party and their move to New Zealand. But then as I began to write things changed.
We were talking, over a meal, one night and the subject came up again.
Shandra said, “I’m going to miss writing when the series ends.”
I agreed with her saying, “Yes I feel the same way.”
“Then why are you stopping?” Allan asked us.
“What do you mean?” I asked him.
“You do not need to stop writing. You can still continue the story."
“How can we?” I replied. “We have sort of painted ourselves into a corner with Joseph and Lizamoa moving to New Zealand.”
“Not necessarily. There is still a group in India and another group in New Zealand. Why can’t they write to each other.”
Of course, the idea quickly caught on and we began working out how the series could continue. Our final plan was to form two teams which would begin swapping stories. Susan came up with an opening to this new series in Letter/Story 62 the first story of Volume 5.
Part of this planning involved coming up with some themes for the next series of stories. We then realised that we had actually started to develop two of these already. The first was the servant girl Katrina and the second was the man from the Game Reserve, Mootie.
So this story now had two objectives. The first was to move Joseph and Lizamoa to New Zealand and second was to introduce Mootie and his wife as replacements in India. So with these two ideas before me, I set off to write this story.
The main part of the story is the conversation which Joseph and Lizamoa had with Mootie and his wife Hansini. It was a bit of a surprise when they discovered Hansini knew about the events that happened at the lake all those years ago. It is obvious Lizamoa was embarrassed by this but then a bit amused when she discovered Hansini thought their adventure was a sexy turn-on.
Later the subject of nude swimming came up. When Lizamoa asked Hansini directly if she would join in it was once again obvious she was interested. This was not one of your average Indian girls, in fact, it appears she might be quite bold and outgoing.
The conversation finished with Lizamoa inviting them to the farewell party being held at Sarvesh and Amita’s house. Mootie and Hansini agreed to come.
So next week what is going to happen after this big party when most of the important guests from the town had left?