Friday 26 July 2013

Letter 60 End of our India Trip.

                                                                                                                                 Shanti  Wilson,
                                                                                                                                 New Lynn,
                                                                                                                                 West Auckland,
                                                                                                                                 New Zealand.
Joseph Kour
The Game Reserve,
Andhra Pradesh,

Hi Joseph & Lizamoa,
            Now things are moving so very fast. I know you will be on your way to New Zealand soon since things are now sorted in Wellington. It will be good to have you here with us.
            Don’t worry about staying with us. We want to have you stay with us. I understand that it is hard finding a house and getting set up in a new country and so we want you to stay with us until you get everything sorted out.
            Also, don’t worry about you mother. We will make her feel welcome too. I am sure once she settles in she will like New Zealand very much. I talked with my mother about her and she will be happy to show her around and help as well so your mum will have a friend more her own age.           

            Now to our adventures while we were in India. It looks like I get to tell the rest of our story about our travels through your wonderful country.
            After our relaxing stay in Ooty, we then travelled to what must have been one of the more unusual places in which we stayed. We took an overnight cruise through the Kerala Backwaters on a house boat. This boat was large enough to sleep all of us and was manned by a crew of two men and two women. They worked the boat and also took care of our meals etc.
            This is an area of connecting backwater lagoons which have now been largely protected as a wildlife area. What surprised us was how much wildlife we were able to view so closely to the boat. We all enjoyed this very much. Sarvesh you made a good choice there.
        One of the crew told us about this area. I made sure to take a few notes:-
        “The backwaters have a unique ecosystem - freshwater from the rivers meets the seawater from the Arabian Sea. In certain areas, such as the Vembanad Kayal, where a barrage has been built near Kumarakom, salt water from the sea is prevented from entering the deep inside, keeping the fresh water intact. Such fresh water is extensively used for irrigation purposes.
         Many unique species of aquatic life including crabs, frogs and mudskippers, water birds such as terns, kingfishers, darters and cormorants, and animals such as otters and turtles live in and alongside the backwaters. Palm trees, pandanus shrubs, various leafy plants and bushes grow alongside the backwaters, providing a green hue to the surrounding landscape.”
           At one point we were able to leave the boat and take a guided tour through a protected jungle area. It was interesting to learn about the plants and animals which lived here.
            We were not able to get into any sexy adventures because of the crew also on board but we got to hear the last two stories following the evening we played the domino game.  Steve and Lizamoa went first and told one of the best stories. They were followed by Mike and Mandara and so finally we found out about how they spend their night together. So is the mystery is revealed now. Ha! Ha! But you guys could have just told me about it rather than playing all those silly games.
            While we are talking about this, we have added the stories to the letters book and now everyone can read about these adventures. 

            From the Kerala Backwaters, we flew to the large city of Mumbai which used to be Bombay under the British.  This city is just so large. Sarvesh had organised a very busy sight-see itinerary while we were there and we were also out both nights and so again there was no time for any fun and games.
            Mumbai was interesting to see but I would rather smaller places as this city was a very big and busy place. The traffic was a nightmare too, going all the time, day and night. Out of all the places, we visited I personally think Mumbai was a least likely place I would want to visit again. It was just too big and too busy for my liking. I think most of the others would agree on that.
            As I said, we didn’t get up at any sexy fun and games here because we were just so busy with all we had to do. With the sight-seeing and eating out each evening, we didn’t get back to our hotel until very late so I didn’t even get time for a swim in the hotel pool and a chance to lose my bikini top either. Ha! Ha!

          So you were willing to loose the bikini top and show in front of all the hotel guests? I thought you might want that.

         Of course Joseph. What is the use of having tits if you can't get to show them off?

         My dear Shanti, you are a worry to me.

OK back to my story. 
            From Mumbai, we caught an overnight train to New Delhi where our final tour was to begin. This tour is called the Golden Triangle Tour covering the three cities of Delhi, Jaipur and Agra.
            Delhi is the capital of India and has been a capital city of various empires for centuries. It is a city of many contrasts of the very old and the very new. A city where modern buildings mix with ancient temples and forts. We had an all day tour of this city and we all found it very interesting.  

            A train trip brought us to the city of Jaipur, famous for its many old temples and palaces. Again there was a lot of history and although it was interesting I think the boys enjoyed it more. Of course, the highlight in this city for me was a visit to the famous Palace of the Winds.
        Called Hawa Mahal in Hindi but translated "Palace of Winds" or “Palace of the Breeze.” This palace was built in 1799 by Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh and designed by Lal Chand Ustad. It is said to represent the crown of Krishna, the Hindu god. Its outward appearance is like a large honeycomb of the beehive with its 953 small windows decorated and hidden with intricate latticework.
        The original intention of the lattice was to allow royal ladies to observe everyday life in the street below without being seen since they had to observe strict "purdah" (face cover). Behind this was the women's chambers of the royal harem.  

            While we were at Jaipur, Mike and Peter also enjoyed seeing the Jantar Mantar. This is a collection of fourteen major architectural astronomical instruments set up as an observatory for measuring time, predicting eclipses, tracking stars' location as the earth orbits around the sun, ascertaining the declinations of planets, and determining the celestial altitudes. Each was constructed out of local stone with the astronomical scales inscribed in marble.  The Samrat Yantra, the largest instrument, is 90 feet (27 m) high, its shadow carefully plotted to tell the time of day. Its face is angled at 27 degrees, the latitude of Jaipur. Thanks, Mike for those details as I’d never remember all that stuff.          
            What I found interesting was the name “Jantar Mantar.” The name is divided into two parts; Jantar (meaning instrument) and Mantar (meaning formula or calculate) so the complete name means calculation instrument. 

            A road trip brought us to the third city, or maybe we could call this a large town, the town of Agra. Agra may not be that well known although it once used to be a famous capital city. What is most famous is the Taj Mahal which almost everyone who knows anything about India will have heard of. For me, this was another highlight of our India trip. We all enjoyed this but I will not tell you about this because Lizamoa has asked if she can write about our visit to the Taj Mahal.           

            From Agra, we returned to Delhi where our stay in India ended. Sarvesh arranged for us to have a special lunch together before our Indian friends were due to go to the airport to catch their flight back to Southern India. For us going to New Zealand, we had one more night in Delhi before catching our flight to Singapore next morning. 

            One interesting evening happened while we were in Jaipur. Our hotel was one of the better ones we had stayed in and during the day Lizamoa had asked me about us swapping partners for the night. It sounded like a good idea to me so we agreed to talk to our husbands although we both knew they would be happy with it two.
            While we were talking Jenny overheard us and asked, “Hey! What are you two up to?”
            We told her that we were planning a partner-swap for that night since it would be our last chance before Mike and I left for New Zealand.
            She then decided to talk to Peter and see if he was interested in doing the same. Soon word got around our group and the others became interested in the idea too. The outcome of this was they were swapping too. In the end, everyone got to spend the night with somebody different.
            When Joseph and Mike came into the room they had already heard something was going on.
            “I hear Jenny and Peter are doing some partner-swapping tonight,” Mike said.
            “That news got out quick,” replied Lizamoa.
            “Why? Do you two know something about it?”
            “Well really we were the ones who started it,” began Lizamoa. “Shanti and I were talking about asking you both about us doing a swapping and Jenny overheard us.”
            “You mean you two swapping with us?” asked Joseph.
            “Yes,” replied Lizamoa. “Would you be willing to share Shanti’s bed again Joseph?”
            Joseph was more than happy with this and I knew Mike was too. So that is how we ended up doing one of our last sexy adventures while we were in India.
            But it still was a surprise how quickly everyone else came to learn of our plans and quickly arranged their own plans as well.  

            Well, that is all I have time to tell you except to add that while we were in Delhi we went to visit the New Zealand High Commission. When we told them about your wish to come to New Zealand they were very helpful with advice. They said the easiest way was for Joseph to get a job offer of work in New Zealand. Once he had a job offer he could them apply to come here. So that was how this whole process got started. 

            On our last day in India, we had one last morning together so we decided to stay at the hotel and have a final swim. Then we arranged to have lunch, our last meal all together before we parted. Over lunch, Sarvesh proposed a toast and invited us all to share another holiday together. I thought this was a good idea but we have not made any plans for this yet.
            Then those returning to South India then had to leave for the airport to catch their flight. We stayed on for another night before leaving in the morning to catch our international flight to Singapore.
                        So I must end now,
                                    Until next time Love from
                                                Mike and Shanti.  


  1. Hi again Anne.
    We have been reading the various letters with great interest. I am impressed with the mixture of travel and fun you insert into your writing. Those stories after the domino game were outstandingly good. Nice and sexy with some amusement thrown in. The way four of you worked on them but your work blended in amazingly too. Well done all of you.
    Now I have a few points about your Letters. I trust you take my comments in the spirit they were given. It is probably too late to undertake corrections since they would involve major structural changes but I still think you would like to know.

    Letter 58 – The Perijar Tiger Reserve.
    I have reason to believe this park is not as developed as it appears in your story. As I understand it, not having toured there myself, it is an extensive wildness area where staff, who are stationed around the outside, do not much more than trying to keep poachers out. I do not know of any breading program there although that sounds like a marvelous idea. Tigers could be breed from a breeding stock and released back into the park or into other parks. They could even be exported to other zoos overseas as well.

    Letter 60 - Kerala Backwaters.
    We like the idea that you used the city of Kochi in the state of Kerala. This near where we live now. A most beautiful part of India and as stated in your story, full of history too. Which hotel was this? Did you have any particular one in mind?
    The story of the bikini top was an interesting addition there. We both liked that. I gather this might in fact be a problem of yours, Anne. If you should visit us in India, remind me to take you swimming.
    Now why did your travelers go to Ooty then return to the same place for the Kerala Backwaters. I would have thought they would have experienced this attraction first. But I like the extra details you added about these backwaters telling us of the fauna and flora. I noticed this attention to detail in the Ooty story as well.

    I trust you do not consider my points as being picky over fine details. It is just I feel sure an Indian, familiar with these locations, would have the impression you don’t know what you are talking about. Over all, nice work, great stories. Keep it up girls.
    JJ Adams.

    1. Hi JJ Adams
      Thanks for your comments. It was more a letter than a comment but very interesting. It in many ways confirmed what we already knew. The India side of our story does lack that detail to make it real. I'm glad you noticed our attempts at improving this.

      We will follow your advice and leave things as they are, just try to do better next time. Of course you know it is the sex and fun which is more important for us so I believe this is where our main efforts must lie.

      Once again thank you for your comments

      Oh and when I get to India I intend to take you up on that swim.

    2. I am looking forward to it Anne. The swim I mean!
      And may your bikini top misbehave too.
      James Adams

    3. James I think you are a bit of a naughty boy.
      I better watch when I go swimming with you, you might pull a few strings.
      LOL Anne.

    4. Oh yes Anne
      Let me know when you are coming to India.
      I would be happy to pull a few strings for you.
      Oh my! A most delightful idea.

      Oh and me naughty? I did not used to be, then I began reading your writings, Anne.
      Now? I'm afraid there is no longer hope for me. He he he!

      Oh I like that story by your sister Ayaka too.
      Regards James.

    5. James?
      Are we on first name basis? This is most forward of you.

      I still have some concerns regarding these strings. Can we be sure in the heat of the moment you will know which strings require pulling. You must understand that a woman's string bikini is considered by some to be a complex garment.

      As for you blaming this recent so called out-break of naughtiness on me. You weren't forced to read what I wrote therefore you must except responsibility for you own actions. Kind sir I feel you really must refrain from passing this blame on to me.
      Sincerely Anne.

    6. Good morning Anne,
      Please forgive me for my forwardness on signing my name as James. It is just I believe a string pulling relation would certainly be on a first name basis.

      I have obviously been misinformed as to the complexity of the woman's bath costume known as a string bikini. I trust you would be willing to offer qualified advice if so required then between us we should be able to achieve the desired result.

      Please don't feel I am pointing a figure directly at you Anne, although in fact I am, it is just that I feel bound to tell things as I see them. These last 60 letters have contained a lot of naughtiness so some is like to rub off on your readers such as myself.
      Regards James.

    7. Hi again James
      This now seems to be a daily correspondence.

      I believe we now require a point of clarification; Are you expecting my bikini top or my bikini bottom to malfunction? I understand this may occur with some amount of assistance from you. I am surprised that you expect me to advise and assist in this too.

      Now if our letters were so shockingly naughty, which I do not believe, why did you continue to read all 60 of them. Can I be so bold as to suggest that perhaps you were enjoying them? You were secretly enjoying the naughtiness.
      Regards Anne.

    8. Hi Anne my dear.
      Concerning you point of clarification. My reply is both halves. Could it be any other way? I am surprised at your decision not to assist me. I understood you enjoy the "accidental" revealing of your sweet charms.

      No problem, I now realise I will be required to study your photographs more closely and in greater detail then won't I? I understand you bikini will be of similar design to the black one your friend Susan is wearing? Is this assumption correct?

      I knew there were non-sexy parts like in this Letter 60 above. Of course I knew locating them would be impossible short of reading all the letters. I would have thought that was obvious Anne.

      As for enjoyment. Enjoyment is in the eyes of the beholder. How could you presume to know what I experienced.
      Kind regards,

    9. Dear James
      To reply to your second point first; Yes if you are intend in pursuing this plan of pulling the strings on both halves then I will need a bikini like Susan's, maybe that very one. Or would the blue one be more acceptable.

      Your words convey the impression of your full expectation of this becoming a reality. Do you have a specific locate in mind or are we speaking in general terms here?

      It has occurred to me if my bikini malfunctions, which is most likely, then is it possible you swim shorts might suffer a similar fate? If this second should happen then certain possibilities would be opened up considerably.

      Just one final point; While you are playing the strings, my strings, what will your good wife be doing? LOL

      Waiting expectantly for your reply

    10. Good Morning my dear Anne,
      I am impressed with your suggestion. Yes I do believe the blue would suit you better. But then, thinking about it, does this matter considering neither of us intend it remaining long.

      Now concerning the malfunction of my swimming shorts. I am unable to comment on this since it is my understanding this matter is entirely under your control. As for these certain possibilities which would open up, most definitely they should explored.

      Now location; yes there are a couple I have in mind. Either we could enjoy the privacy of our swimming pool or live dangerously at a beach nearby. Of course, I would naturally defer this choice for yourself.

      Hi Anne
      I am James's wife.
      Yes I am fully informed as to the happenings here having followed with interest. I do have an important and I expect enjoyable role to play as well. While the string pulling takes place in the pool my task will be to entertain your partner Allan. A task I intend to perform most successfully.

      Expect your reply soon,
      Regards James and Raviprabha.

    11. Hi James and Raviprabha,
      Now I see what's going on!
      Both from Kochi in the state of Kerala. Both commenting in this blog. I totally missed that one. LOL! You guys have been leading me on. LOL! So it seems James, you are not just a naughty boy, you are a very very naughty boy!

      Now for your suggestions; Yes, I can arrange to bring Susan's blue bikini and of course my tiny red one too. Yes, the private swimming pool would be best. As for the options open to us once our swim gear is gone, well......! The entertainment for Allan, I'm sure that will be successful if he has anything to do with it.

      I am amazed how your politely telling us we don't know what we're talking about at the top ended up with you and I tearing each others swimming togs off in a pool. LOL!
      Lots of fun,

    12. OK Anne we’ve got you! Anne the cat is in the trap!
      Yes girls in you go, give her heaps. LOL

    13. Hi Anne
      So you complain about us mice playing with Allan.
      Now what’s going on here? Seems to me like plans are being made for a wild sex session in the pool.
      We got you Anne! Ha Ha.

    14. Ha Ha the cat is caught,
      The big bad cat,
      Is caught in the trap,
      The big bad cat is caught.

      Nice one Anne! LOL.

    15. Yes it was fun catching you guys playing. Thanks Susan for getting me in on this.
      Oh James, you were just as bad too. Don’t think you went unnoticed.
      But I must confess it was fun following it each day too.

    16. LOL I like it! They’ve been watching you all week Anne.

    17. Yes Janet there were quite a few followers. Our hit rate has had a big spike this week.
      James, talking of my black bikini you get to enjoy it again on Friday as the weekly background.

    18. Ha! Ha! They played a trick on you Anne. They even told me what you were doing. I was waiting for Susan to close the trap. This is very good fun. But I do feel I tiny bit sorry for Anne.

    19. Sorry, Anne, I had to jump in here, too, and make my debut!
      It is really funny to see everyone jump in on this! Looks like you are getting a taste of your own medicine !


    20. So we caught a big cat. Not so smart she was.
      Put her foot on the mouse trap and Bang! We got her!
      Now the Arse of Anne is getting the kicking. LOL!

    21. Oh this is just brilliant!
      I’ve loved watching all the little mice playing then along comes the cat. But this is so much better. Here was have the cat caught playing and along come the little mice.

      But I must add, James and Anne you both did a good job. A lot of fun. I loved all the implied meanings without actually saying what you were talking about.

    22. OK! OK! Enough with this ‘pick on poor Anne party.’ You’ve got me guys, you got me good. LOL Have your little fun, have you little laugh but I still have something you guys don’t. I’m still the one who gets to play with James in the swimming pool. Isn’t that right James?

      So this was all your doing Susan? It appears to be so. Somewhere, sometime in the distant future pay back day MIGHT arrive. Of course you realise I usually pay generous interest too. LOL

      James, were you part of this too? Did you know they were setting me up?

      Thank you Jeremy. I saw your comment too but I notice it took a shit slinging session to get you involved and your hands dirty. LOL

      Yes Ayaka honey, looks like the Arse of Anne has been kicked. Finally it has happened. Hope you’re enjoying it.
      Anne the cat.

    23. No Anne. We had nothing to do with all this.
      But you must admit it is amusing. Ha! Ha!
      Susan. I love that black bikini, looking forward to seeing you in it, but I would like to see Anne in it too.
      James & Raviprabha.

    24. Oh dear Anne,
      Are they being unkind?
      Never mind, come here honey.
      I’ll kiss it all better.

    25. Allan you traitor! You’ve gone running back to her. LOL

      And Anne, who is this Jeremy guy? Another ‘string pulling’ friend of yours?

      Hi Jeremy welcome to our team. Just remember Anne isn’t the only one who likes to ‘play.’

    26. Hello, Reshma! Thanks, I'm glad to finally join in on the fun on the blog !
      And yes, I am fully aware of the playing ! I like to play, too !

  2. Well, i´ll love to get in the fun too.

    PS. Hi every one

    1. Welcome aboard Arnoldo,
      So what part do you want to play, a mouse or a cat?
      They tell me the mice have more fun but I don't know about that.
      Anne the Cat.
