Tuesday 4 September 2018

Story 212 Living Statues.


James here. 
          My first time writing a story like this but I certainly had some good help and support. My wife, Raviprabha and I, have become concerned about how Letters has stalled and wanted to do something to encourage them to start writing again. Hope this helps.   
                                                         James & Reshma.

Hello from Payam
        Brian and I were standing beside Sarvesh, outside, before the Big House. Mike from New Zealand was with us too. Before us was the statue/water feature that dominated the approach to Sarvesh’s house. It consisted of three beautiful women, semi-naked, relaxing beside the pool. One of very dark complexion was standing as she poured water from a jar, over herself and friends. A second woman, sitting kneeling had a lighter complexion of brown while the third woman, in a reclining position, was even lighter again. This has been said by many to be an obvious reflection on those from our group being both from India and from Western countries of Australia and New Zealand.
         ‘Is it true what Shanti says about this statue?’ I asked Brian.
         “What does Shanti say?’ he asked.
         ‘That the woman standing is Hansini, the one kneeling is Shanti and the one reclining is Jenny.’
         I was expecting Sarvesh to answer but when I looked at him, he just was with a slight smile.
         Brian laughed at that, repeating what Sarvesh has said. ‘Shanti, you have an active imagination.’
         ‘But, is it true?’ I pressed him again.
         Brian looked over at Sarvesh like he was asking permission. I saw the slight nod Sarvesh gave him.
         He smiled. Then nodded. ‘Yes, it is three women, from among our friends.’
         'Well, almost true,' Sarvesh corrected him. 'The white woman was meant to be Jenny but we changed her face to Joyce at the last moment so she is a combination of both women.'
        'So, Shanti and the girls are right.'
        'Of course, they are smart women,' Sarvesh replied. “But are they right? Ahhh! That is the big question.”
        Was this man admitting it or not? It was hard to know.
        'But don’t tell them they are right or wrong. We are having too much fun with them.'
        I laughed at that. Those men were too. Having a lot of fun teasing the women. 

Story 212 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 212.

Hi from James.
        Sorry, if this post is longer than is usual for background notes but there is a story behind this story that I feel needs to be told. 

The Plot.
       The story is basically a simple one. A young Indian man standing, looking at the statue and day-dreams of when he spent time with each of these women. Each girl leads into a sex scene with her and this young man, Payam.
       Now, we thought Anne would not want the true identities of the girls on the statue revealed so we left it to different characters giving their own opinions as to whom the girls are. Second, I felt that in India the statue should not be too x-rated so coverings were provided over the girls lower bodies and pubic area. Finally, I made small changes so the girls of the statue would take on some of the sexual personalities of Anne, Susan and Shandra. That is why I brought Lizamoa into the story as she is closely based on the real Shandra. Of course, it almost doesn't need saying that these three sections are based on my impressions and personal experiences with these three amazing women.

Hiding From Anne.
        In 2018, my wife Raviprabha and I were becoming concerned about the Letters Project stalling. When nothing had been published for a few months, I came up with the idea of writing a story and getting it published as a surprise for the writers, in the hope that we could inspire them into writing again. I knew it was a big task and it had to be done in a way that would fit into the complex Letter's World. Any story added has to be true to the central storyline and the characters involved. A lot of effort has gone into creating this world and so it can't be allowed to get ruined by one story. I knew I would need some help.
       First, I talked to Janet from Australia and she thought it was a great idea. She said she would help where she could but had no idea how to go about a story. What Janet did do is give me Moa's phone number so I rang her. After Moa got over the shock to me ringing her, she was most helpful. She made two suggestions, first I should get Allan on board as he has access to Anne's diaries. (These are not personal diaries but containing detailed background information on the world of Letters.) Second, I needed someone who could edit and proof my work. She suggested Reshma or Asami. 
      My talk with Allan was very fruitful. The idea of getting one over Anne, Susan and Shandra nothing short of delighted him. But, he did warn me that Anne is very resourceful. If she got wind of anything she would dig it out. He said he would get his step-sister Reshma on board to help me with the writing and Asami to do the publishing and online work.
      Next, we had a meeting of our 'team' online in a special chat room I opened in Trillian. That was when I told them of my plan to use the statue as the central point of my story. Allan offered to search for any information Anne had on that statue. He and Janet agreed to set up an idea of him helping Janet write a story in case Anne got wind of what was going on.
      A week later, Allan and I spoke online and he told me he had found a half-completed story about that statue that would be set far into the future from where my story would be set. I won't tell you more but we agreed that my story would not harm Anne's. 
      So, I started to write. Reshma started too and she soon had a draft of a sex scene for Payam with Kalki and with Sharon. The Sharon part was dropped from the story but much of Reshma's work with Kalki has made it into the first part of the story. Of course, I wanted to do the three parts based on Awesome Anne, Sexy Sue, and Sensational Sandra myself. It was going well with others, including Moa, helping where they could. 
      Then Asami made a slip and Anne suspected something was going on. Quickly, we put the plan about Allan & Janet writing into action. It worked. That took the heat off me as Anne even managed to send Janet word that she was ok with the idea. So we all knew Allan had sold her well on that idea.
      Finally, I completed the project at the end of August. Reshma and Allan liked it with a few little to changes Then I sent a draft copy to Asami. She found some problems and so by September 3rd I'd fixed those and the final manuscript was again in Asami's hands. She uploaded it that night and I began writing this background.
       That is it. Job well done! Hope you like it. 
                 We also hope it will get you, girls, writing again too.
                           Love you all,
                                   James and his team. 

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 212.


Monday 18 June 2018

Story 211 Naughty Games.


Hi from Tom & Betty.
Part One - Tom Here First.
        When we decided to go on the trip to India, Betty and I planned to get into all the fun, everything we could. We knew it was going to be sexual. Steve and Sharon had made that very clear. That evening in our lounge, as Betty lay there recovering from that huge orgasm, Steve told her there would be more of those if we went to India with them. So, we both had no doubts, what we were getting into.
       So far, that had been the case too. Even before we reached India, we’d had some fun in Singapore. In India, there had been lots more. Our ages didn’t seem to matter with these younger Indian girls, they still wanted to play.
       Now, our stay in India was coming to an end. There was only one weekend left, the nude weekend at Sarvesh’s house. This was going well too. After all the fun with the chess games, things were a bit quiet during the afternoon. Sarvesh had told us that there would be a big evening so I think many of us were relaxing waiting for that. Some of us getting a bit of shut-eye too. He also said there would be a contest called ‘Pussy Row’ and any men who wanted to take part had to avoid sex from lunchtime onwards. That had the effect of quietening things down too.
       Late that afternoon, we began to prepare for the party. Not much needed doing outside but there was a lot going on in the kitchen. I went in and offered to help. Got placed at the table with an endless supply of food items to be cut, sliced and prepared for the various dishes the girls were doing. I don’t mind that really, just happy I could help. Anyway, in the kitchen I got to participate in the comments, teasing and laughing as they worked. These Indian women were as bad as us men Their conversation became rather x-rated as they talked about other nude weekends and what they intended doing this time.

Story 211 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 211.

Hi from Mary,
         During the early winter of 2018, the writer's team hit a roadblock. We became distracted by other things and found it hard to know how to go on. The goal of the wedding had been reached and now we were in the nude weekend. There had to be a party for the second night but no one knew how it would go. It had to be sexy of course, but we felt everything had been tried. Like I said, the writing had stopped as we couldn't see a way forward.
       Then I had an idea. Since Ayaka has recorded what passed between Anne and me, I have included here where I challenged Anne with the idea. Anne will usually test your idea before either excepting or rejecting it.

       "Anne, we have parties that carry themes from our letters, don't we? I said.
       "Yes," she agreed not sure where this was going.
       "Why not have a story based on the theme of one of our parties?"
       I think she began to see it. "Yes, but it would take a lot to write a story like that, Mary."
       "We have one written already."
       She looked at me confused so I continued.
       "I Ronnie and I, our page, there is a story of a party. Can we change names and adapt it for this group in India."
       "It would be a copy of your own story, Mary."
       "Yes, but it doesn't have to be the same."
       "Go on."
       "We can change it and add more as we go."
       I think she began to see it now.
       "Do you want to try it?"
       "Yes, Anne. I might need some help."
       "I'll help," said Susan.
       "Me too," added Rajah.

       So that was it. We had our writing team, had our storyline. It was just a matter of doing it. I got to work on it straight away. It didn't take long to change all the names and drop some parts where it referred to Ronnie's wheelchair. I became Betty and Ronnie became Tom. Rajah worked over Tom's part and then Susan came up with the theme of Betty and Mootie getting together. Some conversation and it was looking good. Finally, a few days before we were finished Susan had the idea of the shaving contest. We didn't have time to add Tom's side so we just said he forgot about it. There we were story complete and uploaded ready for the proofreading process.
       Hope you enjoy,
                  Mary, Susan & Rajah.
Rajah here,
       So here is fiction (the stories), becoming reality (our party as told by Mary & Ronnie) to become fiction again in this story. Who says fiction and reality don't mix. Who can say in Letters where the boundary between fiction and reality lays.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 211.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Story 210 Chess Final.


Hi from Mike.
        The chess games were going well - we were getting through them fairly swiftly. Before long we were down to the finals. As teams got knocked out they would either sit on the side and watch or wander off to do something else. I can play chess so I decided to watch as they moved towards the last few games.
        Of course, in more than a few games, there was a lot more than chess going on. Some became quite sexual, you could almost say X-rated. It wasn’t just the players involved either. Some of us watching got into the action too. In some cases, people left the games to continue elsewhere, either private or putting on a show on the mats over near the house.
       During one of the last games, Joyce was helping Sarvesh, playing against Katrina. Yes, he wasn’t having much luck with his female assistants with them changing almost every game. Part way through she began cheeking him. For some reason she didn't like a move he made, suggesting how useless his chess playing was. He tried to ignore it but I think this began to get to him, I noticed he made a few bad moves. Finally, he had enough!
       “Come here, Joyce,” he said. “I’ll show you what, I am good at.”
       She’s a sharp one, Joyce. She got his meaning straight away!
       “No, you won’t,” she laughed.
       “Yes, I will!” he replied stepping towards her.
       The way this was developing, I could see this game being abandoned.
       “Sarvesh!” she cried in protest as he reached to grab her.
       “Come here, naughty girl!”
       “No way!” 

Story 210 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 210.

Allan here, (Anne's Allan)
       Does that mean I belong to her or she belongs to me?  LOL

       Now this story. I was looking for something just a little bit different. They were short a story so I agreed to doing this one for them. Time was a bit of a problem. It would have been better putting another woman with Mike but I was kind of forced into using Joyce. Anyway, you work with what you've got, don't you? I had Mike and Joyce, I also had the task of ending the chess games.  

      So I thought to take her away from the chess game might be fun. Going back up to the same room she had used with Jeremy worked for me too. I borrowed that theme of undressing and playing with a girl in front of the mirror. That's always sexy. Something, I like doing. They didn't have that much to take off Joyce and nothing to take off Mike but the scene works for me as a sexual starter.
       I wanted a good sex scene but nothing over the top. Again what I ended up with works for me too. They only did it once because I wanted to keep it short, then they returned to the fun. Finally, I added that sudden twist where Joyce goes off with Peter. As far as I know, there are no plans to follow them with their story.

       Early in this story, I mentioned Shanti and Sarvesh getting together. This became the second half of my story. Here I want the opposite. Two strong characters to play off each other. Both happy to have sex while putting on a show for everyone. 
      That first sexual position was no good for good sexual enjoyment, just designed to show off all the action. Later they changed so he could get off too. 

      So that is it, two couples, two sex scenes. A story that gives the idea that lots were going on among these people, much of it will remain untold. As I said above, it deliverers and that is all I was aiming for.

                  Allan, (Anne's Allan)

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 210.

Wednesday 14 March 2018

Story 209 Relaxing Beside the Pool.


Hi from Lizamoa,
        Some say I have not been involved in these more recent letters but I think if you were to explore further with the eyes open, you will discover it is very regular with my appearances in the stories.
        I was one who didn’t get involved much in the chess games. Our team was taken out in our first game so with a little bit of stripping fun it was all over for me. Since I had been returned to naked, which was very Ok for me, I returned to the shade on the other side of the pool to relax. I must confess there had not been much sleep for me during the night, Jeremy had given me a good run for my money. (And no comments about us from New Zealand not appreciating Aussies, Ok!)
        Now, while they were all over watching or playing chess and getting naughtier and naughtier in the process, I intended to sit back and relax. Maybe even get some shut-eye too. I pulled up two of those foam pads we used the night before and took a cushion from a seat. It made a nice soft bed for lying back on. I lay watching the fun across the pool for a while but must have dropped into a pleasant sleep. I must have rolled over with sleep because I had returned to my usual sleeping position, partly on my front when I woke from sleeping.

Story 209 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 209.

Hi, Rochelle here.
       Marceau and I like to play a little game sometimes when we are alone. We like to give each other a massage, relaxing us before a gentle session of lovemaking. One day he wanted to try something different. He produced a headband like one would wear at the gym but instead of placing it over my forehead he placed it over my eyes.
       Now he made me lay face down on the massage mat while he began giving me a full erotic massage. With my eyes covered, it made my other senses sharper and not knowing where he was and what he was going to do next made it even more exciting. Of course, this blindfold effect was even more arousing when I rolled onto my back.
      Once he had finished with my breasts and pussy then we proceeded to full sex. Again I was kept blindfolded so I couldn't see. All my attention was on smelling, hearing and feeling. It was only after our love-making was over that he allowed me to remove the blindfold. It had been different, exciting and I had to admit to him I enjoyed it.
      Now over time, we developed this new game. Sometimes he would do it to me and sometimes I would do it to him. Sometimes fantasy would be included where the person massaging would pretend to be a stranger. Sometime, I would talk about someone else doing the massage as my hands worked over his body. It was all fun and added something new to our love life.

     Now I wondered about including this into a story for Letters. I talked with Anne and Susan and they suggested I give it a go. Susan suggested the couple should be Lizamoa and Joseph. I don't know why she chose them as I was thinking of someone more Western where the English would be easier to write. But I decided to follow her suggestion anyway. 
      So there was the filling out of my idea. I just had to write the story. It didn't go well at first until I called in Marceau and then Anne to help. Once they kick-started my brain again, I finally got it finished.
     So here it is. A short side story for the nude weekend. In fact, it could be said that this story would fit almost anywhere. But here it is and here it will stay.
         Love you all.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 209.

Thursday 15 February 2018

Story 208 Different but Very Good

From the Writers.
        In Story 207 Part Two, Sairu and Tom go off together. It hadn’t been our intention to follow them, rather just speculating that they had a good time. In the comments at the bottom of that story, it was mentioned by a reader that it would be interesting to see what happened. Some of us in the writer’s team thought so too, so let’s go find out.
       The third section of Story 207 has now been officially dropped. Some of the younger members of the writing team felt that we have done enough with chess. Not sure how we will tell you the results of the chess contest or even if they are needed,      
       Now to our story.

      Here I was on a large bed in the guest room being used by Paula and Donald. I was naked and the man beside me was too. He was older than me, a lot older than even my own father. A white man, European too. As I lay on my side towards him, my full frontal body was on view for him but I had no worry of that. I reached for him, taking his cock within my hand. He was hard but still, it barely peeped over the top of my fist.
      As I looked down at my hand, for a moment many questions came to my mind. What was I doing here with this man? Would this tiny thing be able to please me? Would we do good love-games together? So many questions running to my mind! Many answers required!
      Then the idea came from what my friend Kalki had said after breakfast. She had been with Tom the night before. She had not time to say much but I remember her words, “Different but very good.” We didn’t have time for me to ask more. So, I made my mind to do my best to make a good time.

Story 208 - Backgground.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 208.

Hi from Shandra,
          "Different but very nice!" That was a title suggested at the Writer's Meeting so I wanted to use it if I could. The story was a basic one where a younger Indian woman, Sairu, goes off for some quick sex with an older European man, Farmer Tom. But the first problem was this man has been written as having a very small cock. My second challenge from this title was that it referred back to an earlier story (Story 203  Naughty Farmer) where a younger woman Kalki, went off with this same man.
         I realised there was the danger of making it the same, just a repeat of the earlier story using a different woman. I knew I could wrap it up with a different story and different conversations but I felt something different had to be done with the sex too. So there was my goal for this story, come up with something "Different but very nice."

         First I read that other story again. Susan had written it and done a pretty good job of it too. Of course, since it was Susan, mine had to be better! Next, I did some research on both characters. 
        Tom, an older man but still a cheeky fellow. He had an eye from the ladies and as has been mentioned a number of times, wandering hands. He is a farmer, so is fitter and stronger than he looks and of course, has this tiny cock. Tom is named after a friend of ours, also called Tom, a regular reader of this blog and also 'blessed'with a tiny cock. He tells us sex is not very successful so he mainly uses oral while we wrote about our Tom as if he could achieve some kind of sexual intercourse but was only in Story 203 that we revealed how he does it.
        Now Sairu, a younger Indian woman, fairly new character, and fairly new to the sexual activities we use in our stories. She has an interest in the white visitors from Australia and New Zealand and was keen to get as much action with them as she could. In Story 191 Part One, the first time she meets and talks with Steve from New Zealand online, she ends up doing an exciting cam strip with him. In story 195 Part Three, during the party at the Big House after the wedding, she sneaks off with Jeremy, the best man, for some sex in a bedroom. So she is capable and open for naughty fun too.

       With this background behind me, I began to write. The story turned out Ok. I was not really happy with it and the sex scene seemed to let it down. I was beginning to stall so I called Susan and Anne in for a look. 
       Susan went straight for the sex scene, filling that part of my story with ideas and notes which I built into the current sex scene as published. The difference being Tom got Sairu off with his hands rather than using any oral on her pussy. In the actual sex, Susan suggested a different way, slightly different positions and a good result for both of them.   
       Anne went over the story, first adding and strengthing conversation. It was at this point that the running theme "silly girl" was added. Next came the part where Payam was laughing at his wife for going with Tom. That annoyed her too. I worked on the doubts, second thoughts, Sairu had about Tom. I even added where he guessed how she was thinking and laughed about it.

       So there it is. Not so much from personal experience this time but I think we got there in the end. Go read it, everyone!
                       Shandra, Anne & Susan.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 208.

Saturday 20 January 2018

Story 207 Part Two - The Strip Chess Contest.

Hi, this is Mandara again – for the second part of my story.
        This is to be called “The Chess Contest.”

        I have fully informed you of the adventure for me during the night and at the breakfast table to the following morning. This brings me to the second half of my story, the strip chess contest. Normally on a Saturday morning of our nude weekends, we would involve in playing tennis or other such games but this time nobody seemed interested in that. I think maybe when it was late and getting too hot out by the tennis court. Maybe many of us didn’t have the energy for that either. Ha! Ha! We all just seemed to drift out into the shade beside the pool.
        It was then that Hansini and Sarvesh began to organize her chess contest. The large, outdoor chess set was undercover too so those playing and watching, would be protected from the heating sun. Everyone seemed to be willing for playing so soon teams were forming and a contest was set to find the final champion. I was sure it would be Hansini and I believe she was too, the way she was teasing the men. She is amusing how cheeky she becomes to the men. She gets them to where they feel bound to play her, even when they know most likely they will get beaten. This is how it was this time too.

207 Part Two Background

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 207 Part Two.

Hello, all our naughty readers. It's Reshma again.
       Now, a game of chess. That's a bit boring, had to be spiced up a bit. I play chess, fairly good too if I say so myself. They've had contests on the farm sometimes. Most, like in my story, it is playing Strip Chess. They have the rules well defined now with eight items of clothing equaling eight chess pieces from the back row. When was play pairs then the eight pawns came be used to. They get out of hand a bit and sexy too. Naughty boys!
       For the story, I added the idea of stripping someone from the opposite team. Girls stripping boys and boys stripping girls. Of course, there had to be more than just stripping. They are going to try this idea at our next party.
       Shanti is very similar to Anne. A leader, a strong personality. Likes to be in control and running things. More than once I've seen her cheeking and teasing a guy until a few gang up and take her to a table to get her pussy eaten or fucked. She always fights back. I don't know why. She is the one going to get some fun. I decided on that for Shanti too. It was easy to write, just a case of deciding if she would be eaten or fucked.

      The main theme of this section was the interaction between Mandara and Payam. Yes, they live in the same country. Most likely had the chance to be with each other already but I wanted two different personalities to play off against each other. They had started things in section one. I'd added the tit cleaning bit as I had an idea what was going to happen here. 
       Susan suggested that they defend their patch a bit during the early games. I went for that, including Payam claiming Mandara off Steve and Mandara taking Payam off Sharon. You might say a distraction but a bit of fun too.
       Then came the final sex scene. It has been obvious they were going to get together. It was just how I would play out the sex between them. I had a few suggestions from others (see my notes for 207 Part One) but in the end, decided myself. I would just run with the two of them. I wouldn't focus much on him just tell the whole story through Mandara.   
       I went back over the story as my sister often does and roughed up the English a bit. And we were having, you are learning the story. I like for that one too. Ha! ha!

       There is a new development. Anne and Susan wanted to do the third section. I think my step-brother Allan is in on it too. This is nothing to do with me. I was intending we would end the Strip Chess games here. So their story will hopefully appear in a couple of weeks time.  

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 207 Part Two.

Sunday 7 January 2018

Story 207 Part One - Aggressive Hot Sex


Hello, from Mandara.
         After that sticky, sexy game on the breakfast table, I wondered what would happen next. There had been so many fun things for me during the previous day and into the night that I only knew more good things were in store for me, sexy things would happen for the following day. While I hadn’t played the sexy game the night before, I had become involved in the fun that followed. In the end, I’d taken the hot sexy New Zealand man, Peter, to my bed. I was wondering after all he had done that he could find any more for me but he did and it was good. We played the love-games together and enjoyed. This morning we had woken up together and played again before going for breakfast. Some sexy fun involving Katrina and Jenny occurred on the breakfast table and then we went on to some more sexy fun outside.

Story 207 Part One Background

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 207 Part One.

Hi from Reshma,
        When the making a movie idea fell over, I was left with the only story partly written. I agreed to pick it up and run with it, see what I could do. My goal was the 1st of January and you could say I had made it but they gave me another week to go over and improve some places. This has made for a much better story, well worth the wait in my opinion. So here we are publishing tomorrow morning.

        Now Mandara is a long time cast member, first appearing in Letter 18where she joins a game of Strip. And yes, you've guessed it, another character invented by my sister Shandra. Over the years she has taken more of a supporting role, often there but not often the star. When we came to these stories surrounding the wedding in India, it was suggested we bring Mandara out a bit more, Give her the chance to shine. 

        Mary did this was sending visitors from New Zealand Tom and Betty up to stay at their house. Story 194 Part Three. Remember that hot sex scene Mandara has with naughty Tom. Yes, I don't really need to say it, she likes naughty boys! Don't we all! Ha! Ha! After the wedding Mandara and Betty teamed up to capture some hot cock, Brian, to take back for the night, Story 194 Part Four.
       Now we move on to this nude weekend idea. Mandara and Jeevan were there and she lines up Peter, a New Zealand guy for a night's entertainment. 

      Mandara does not write that often, particularly not in English so you can expect to see that in her story. Starting off a bit confused, maybe English grammar not so good but she does have a good story to tell. The story has turned out to be so big that we've divided it into two sections, so I have more time to work on the second half. 
       The sex which seems to cover much of this story, came from various ideas, stories and experiences. Of course, the second scene of mango jam all over Jenny was a bit confined as much has been set by Kim's Story 206. 
      Well, that's it for me. Now go read the story if you haven't already. I hope you all enjoy it and come back for my next part in a week or so.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 207 Part One.

Friday 1 December 2017

Story 206 Mango Jam for Breakfast.


Hi, from Katrina again,
          It was breakfast and we were all sitting around the table.
          “More toast, Peter,” Shanti asked.
          “Thanks. Do you have any of that mango jam.”
          “Yes, Peter,” I said. “I’ll get it.”
          “Don’t worry about the toast, Katrina. Just spread it over your pussy will be fine.”
          “You heard me. On your pussy is fine.”
          I laughed at that. “Oh, you wish, Peter.”
         But I was mildly surprised. These men were still horny.
         “You can have Katrina,” Sarvesh said. “I’ll take mine on Joyce’s. Nice and smooth.”
         “Hey! Sarvesh!” Joyce exclaimed.
         “Joyce hasn’t got a pussy,” Sharon said. “It’s a bare beaver.”
         They all laughed at that.
         “Like yours Sharon,” Jeevan said. “I’ll put my mango jam there.”
         “You guys! We’re not having an orgy on the breakfast table. Ok?”
         “Hey, that’s a good idea, Hansini?” Steve replied.
         “It was not an idea,” Shanti said.
         “You guys are beyond helping,” Hansini said, shaking her head. 

206 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 206.

Kimberley here,
        Ok guys, how about some sticky, messy sex to start the day? Maybe a food orgy on the breakfast table? Jam spread all over my naked body while you guys lick it off?  Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
       We needed a story to begin the second day of the nude weekend. At that point, I didn't know Shandra was going to write Story 205 Hot Indian Pussy. So when Susan asked for someone to write a short fill-in story for this section, I volunteered. Like many of our stories, fiction and reality overlapped each other. 

       One day, after we had just been swimming, skinny dipping, of course. Ayaka and I were sitting out on the deck. It was a hot day so we had cups full of ice-cream. Ayaka, being her usual cheeky mischievous self, flicked some ice-cream at me with her spoon. It hit me on my upper chest. It felt cold at first against my warm then as it melted, running down on to my left breast. 
       Of course, I was quick to return the favour to her, scoring a direct hit on her nipple. I bet that felt cold. Some more ice-cream flew between us, each taking a number of hits to our upper bodies. Suddenly, she reached over and began rubbing the cream all over my breasts. Now, that felt good and it also must have felt good when I began doing it to her too.
       About this time, Allan and Rajah walked out on to the deck and caught us having our little food-fight. We were ready to drag them into the fight when Rajah suggested a better idea. He wanted some ice-cream too. Soon he got some too, licking it off my tits. Meanwhile, Allan was quite happy to get his ice-cream from Ayaka.
       This was developed into the story we have this week. Mango jam was used, a larger group helped with the "clean-up" but its still the same idea. Reality and fiction meet once again.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 206.

Saturday 30 September 2017

Story 205 Hot Indian Pussy.


Donald here.
          Sarvesh and I were sitting together. We had made a coffee and took it out beside the pool. In the early morning, it was nice and cool out there, quiet too as everyone else was asleep. 
         We were just sitting there, talking, sipping on our coffee. No, you smart arse girls; it wasn’t business. Sarvesh and I have other things we can talk about, besides business. Like how cheeky you girls are for example.
         I knew before long some of the girls would surface and then we intended going in to help with breakfast. But it had been a late night for many so I knew that breakfast would most likely become more like lunch. Then they would sort out our ‘fun’ for the rest of the day.
        I was looking over at Sarvesh while he was talking, telling me about some of the strange customs of India. He is a tall man, taller than me, maybe not as tall as Joseph. He was slim too, looked to be in good shape for a man of his age. 
        Since I’ve been in business with him, I’ve come to know Sarvesh quite well. I’ve met him a few times, although we seem to see Jeevan in Australia more than Sarvesh. I talk with him online almost every week and once a month, join online for the board meetings too. He comes across as being tough when you first meet him. It’s an image he likes to project but as you get to know him, Sarvesh has another side, being more easy-going with those he knows.
        In business, he likes things done his way and expects results too but I’ve found him approachable and will listen to reason, suggestions if they make sense. He had helped us a lot in Perth and the business there had grown far bigger than I had imagined it would. Taught me a lot along the way too. 

Story 205 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 205.

Shandra here,
       When they needed a story as a fill-in here, I thought of something that had happened the morning after one of our big parties. Let me explain: -

      It was March 2016, a week after Ayaka and Geoff had got married. All our guests from overseas were still with us so on Friday night we held one of our more sexual parties. It had gone well with most of us having hot party fun before going off with one of the men to get laid again. Well, that was how it worked out for me, anyway.
      Next morning, a few of us were sitting on the deck, waiting to start on a very late breakfast. Most, including that horny young Japanese guy I'd been with, were still sleeping. I was sipping my coffee while talking quietly with James and his wife Raviprabha.
      Susan appeared. All she was wearing was a sarong wrapped around her waist with the top half bare. She likes going like that and looks sexy doing so. Certainly, she captured the attention of everyone sitting there that morning completely unself-conscious of her naked breasts. She sat near us and began talking with James. Straight off, the conversation turned sexual as they began talking about what Susan had done the night before. 
      As they were talking I noticed James move in his seat, trying to get more comfortable but there was an obvious bulge growing in the front of his swimming shorts. Susan saw it too. "You need a hand with that," she said. It was a statement, not a question. Before any of us knew what was happening she was kneeling in front of him, pulling his shorts down. Well, soon she was giving him a great blow-job and it was clear she intended getting him off.
      Suddenly she stopped saying, "I want some of this too." Her sarong was off showing she was naked underneath. She climbed onto his seat, one knee each side of him as she brought her bare, smooth pussy down to his cock. With one hand resting against his chest, she guided him in with the other hand. The sex that followed, didn't take that long, with her cumming first to be followed closely by him. That was it, she got off him, wrapping her sarong around her waist again. "I better go help with breakfast," she laughed as she turned and walked away with Raviprabha, leaving us sitting there astonished.

      That is where this story came from. The names changed, more detail of the sex and it was written. I've confirmed with James that I can use his name in this background. 
      He said, "Being able to claim I've been with Susan. Of course, you can use my name."

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 205.

Friday 15 September 2017

Story 204 Two Men in My Life – Part Two.

Hi from Katrina,
        A few days later, during the nude weekend, I had the opportunity to be with the second important man in my life. Yes, you've guessed it, his name is Mike. 
        In this case, we had spent most of the afternoon naked by the pool and got into some sexy fun there and then came the Stripping XX game that followed in the evening. I’d played that game before and knew how it would go but for everyone else playing, it was something new. Once again, I’d got my share of attention from the men too which had been a lot of fun. I’d been paired up with Tom, the naughty farmer and he had been a lot of fun. Made me laugh a lot and we did some sexy things. I know why the other women, Hansini and Amita, are attracted to him.
       Now it was over and we were going off to bed. I noticed some swapping among people and knew many were getting into some hot sex that night but David and I didn’t take part in that as our plans had already been made.  
       During the afternoon, we had talked with Mike and Shanti again and they agreed to swap partners for the evening. This time it was to be a proper swap with two couples in different rooms. This time it would be Mike and me, just the two of us sharing a bed. I was looking forward to that, looking forward to having a night of sex with him. Shanti wanted to stay in their room so Mike and I took a room in the guest house. David, of course, was with Shanti. I hear she gave him a good time too.
        After the game, Strip XXX, I was a bit messy and sweaty. I wanted a shower. When the food had been introduced, some of us had got really messy. Mike joined me, of course. We were in the shower downstairs in the room where the spa was. Yes, it was open-plan so anyone could walk in on us but I was ok with that. Nothing we’d do there could be any worse to what I had just done in the game. Yes, we were also in the guest house. I could have used the master bedroom but I had given that to David so he could enjoy being there with Shanti. I later learnt they had moved to Shanti’s room and I heard Sarvesh was in the master bedroom in the end. Not sure who he took there but I know he was not alone. (I think Shanti wanted to be close to her little girl, as Petra had been a bit sick earlier in the day.)

Story 204 Background.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 204.

         First, I want you women, (Susan, Anne, Ayaka) to take notice. No matter how good you think you are at writing, you can't capture the feelings of a man during sex just right. Read this story and pay attention. I'll show you how it's really done! Ha! Ha!
        Rexy, Spot and Jane, move over. After this, I'll be in the dog house with you. LOL

Hi, Allan here.
        Now this story was intended to be a joint venture between Ayaka and me but after writing the opening she pulled out to go on to other things. I continued, using a night I had with her recently as my inspiration. Let me explain.
        Ayaka and I had just finished a game of strip chess which I had decisively won, demonstrating my superior skills at the game. Really, it had been a tough game and we had both lost most of our clothing before it was over. Now I was claiming my rights as the winner. Getting to fuck her.
       She laughed when I asked her for a night with her. "I think that has already been decided."
       I looked behind me where she nodded. There was Anne on the couch, sitting on Geoff's lap, snogging with him. Her blouse was open and his hand on her tit. This story is based on the evening that followed. Anne and Geoff took our bedroom while Ayaka and I went over to her flat since she wanted to be close to their baby there. Susan said she would put the kids to bed and sleep in our daughter Rebecca's room.

       The sex that followed is close to the final version of this story. Then came that conversation. Both Ayaka and I were thinking about her first time when I'd taken her virginity. She was scratching my beard, which I love having done. She joked about me purring like our cat Princess. She laughed when I went "Purr! Purr! Purr!
       When she moved to the mass of hairs on my chest, it was then that I asked her if she was now going to call me a monkey. She did that after my first night with her. She laughed at that too. We had used both those ideas from my first time with her when we wrote the final sexy scene between Mike and Katrina. It seemed natural to use it again here.

       So you can see that this turned out to be a story linking to Mike's first time with Katrina (Story 102) while maintaining strong links to the reality of Ayaka and I as well.

Index of Letters                      Return to Story 204.