Friday 26 June 2015

Story 148 Work Out!

Hi, it's Mega.
      For those who are interested, I was born in Southern India and happily living there with my husband and three children. When my Uncle died I suddenly discovered I had inherited a lot of money. We got Sarvesh to help invest some and put some more with his business making me a shareholder.
     Then so since we had missed on the trip going to New Zealand we decided to take a trip there. The outcome of this was we decided to move there. We sold our business in India and established a similar one in Riverhead a location near to our friends in Auckland.
     There was a period of about six weeks while we waited to move to our new property. During that time we lived with our friends Peter and Jenny with their two twin daughters. (6 years old). This story will take place during that period.

      When I arrived in New Zealand, I found the food was very rich with too much meat for my liking. I weighed myself one morning and discovered I was putting on weight! I’d gained so much in only a few weeks and I also noticed some of my clothes were getting tight. I was shocked!
      Later that day I asked Jenny. She is always so slim and small, I thought she would know. She said there were two things I could do, either cut my food intake and go on some kind of controlled diet or I could exercise more to increase my energy consumption or even go to a gym. Then she added that a bit of both would be the best strategy. That was what I made my mind to do. I would cut down my food and watch what I ate and then I would find out about a gym.
      I’d never been to a gym before, not entirely sure what it was. Jenny told me our friend Steve owned a gym as one of his businesses. She offered to talk with him. I don’t know why it worked out like that. I could have talked with him myself, but she offered, and I said OK.

      That night Steve rang me saying he had been talking to Jenny. We had a nice conversation about his gym.
      He asked me, “What do you know about a gym?”
      I was telling, “I know absolutely nothing.”
      "Ahhh," he goes. Then he asked me, “Now what do you want to achieve?
      I didn’t know what to say so all I said was, “I want to lose weight I’ve been putting on.”
      This was obviously not the right answer because he said “That’s OK. We’ll talk about it later.”
      I’ve come to learn often when Europeans say ‘it’s OK’ they really mean it’s not Ok but are just being too polite to say so.
      It seems he doesn’t go there every day as he has employed a manager now, but he offered to meet me and show me around. If I was still interested I could do an assessment at the same time. He also said he would give me a free two weeks trial period and a good discount rate after that.
      Then the conversation returned to what I wanted to get out of the gym.
      Again I said, “I just want to lose weight.”
      He asked me, “Where have you put it on?”
      It was mainly my breasts, thighs and bum but I wasn’t telling him that!
      “Oh, just some parts are showing it,” I said.
      “OK then, I get it,” he said with a laugh. “You want to tone up your breasts and take some off your butt.”
      That surprised me, him saying that but I saw the funny side of it too.”
      “You are very forward,” I told him.
      “Talking about my naughty bits like that.”
      “Well, I’ve got to. You weren’t going too,” he replied. “That’s where all you girls want to make changes, isn’t it?”
      He was right there too. But I found it just a tiny bit naughty he had mentioned them while being on the telephone. But of course, I keep forgetting, New Zealand phones are more private than those in India.
      We ended that call with us arranging a time to meet at his gym. Then I could see what it was all about, maybe do a trial and start a subscription.
      As I hung up the phone, I smiled to myself, thinking ‘and talk about my breasts and butt again too.’ I don't know why but that kind of amused me a bit too.

      He also told me to bring some clothes to work-out in too so before my appointment I asked Jenny about this gym. I wanted to know what I was getting myself into. She was informing me of some information about it. One question I really needed to ask was what I should wear. I had no idea of that one but didn’t want to appear out of place. It would be bad enough me being Indian with being dressed funny too.
      “Lizamoa wears shorts and a t-shirt,” Jenny explained. “But Shanti and I wear a type of leotard.”
      Then she was grinning as she added, “It’s a bit sexier.”
      That sort of attracted me. I liked the idea of a 'bit sexy' and wanted to see one. We went up to their bedroom, she opened a draw and dumped some out on the bed.
      They were kind of like a one-piece swimsuit. Fairly full at the top but very cut away down below around the bottom. It was cut high on the hips, coming down to a strip over the front with almost nothing much at the back. They all seemed to be about the same, only different colours. She explained that these were of a more modern design, being sexier than the traditional leotards.
      I was surprised that was all she would wear. I thought exercising like that would be very revealing. And things could easily slip out on show. When I said so, she laughed and showed me some tight pants, like shorts but skin-tight, that covered from the waist to partway down the thigh. I could see now that the wearer would be covered but at the same time still looking sexy.

      “Do you want one?” she asked.
      I was interested, particularly now I could wear those tight pants underneath.
      “Can I try one on?”
      “Sure. Which do you want?”
      I like pink so my selection was a light pink one. She pulled out a grey pair of pants to match it as grey and pink contrast but go matching together. I started taking off my clothes to try it on. Soon I was down to my bra and panties. I reached for the pants.
      “No,” she said. “You need to take those off too.”
      I looked at her in surprise.
      She explained, “They will show if you leave them on.”
      OK then, so off came my bra and panties too. I was a bit surprised but made my mind to try so soon I was standing in front of her naked. Then I stepped into the grey pants, pulling them up so the material pulled against me, tightly hugging to my pussy. It was almost skin-tight, so tight you could see the shape of my pussy lips. Then I stepped into the leotard again, pulling it up over my body until the straps reached over my shoulder. It also tightly hugged to my body but the two levels of material smoothed over my pussy.
      I looked at myself in the mirror. I liked it. Through I was looking good in it, a bit sexy too until I saw my breasts. My nipples were sticking through the thin fabric, boldly standing out. My hands reached up to cover them. I don’t know why I did that, just reaction since just before I’d been naked in front of her.
      She saw it too. “We’ll have to do something about those,” she said with a laugh.
      Jenny pulled out a garment and handed it to me. “Here, put this on underneath. It is a sort of sports bra,” she said.
      It was made of the same tight material as the pants I was wearing. It was sort of shaped like a sari blouse but all in one piece with no buttons on the front. It was designed to be just pulled on over your head. She told me it could even be used just with shorts too.
      I peeled down the leotard and soon had it pulled on, adjusted and fitting properly over my breasts.
      “That will flatten those big Indian nipples,” she laughed. “And also give you support too.”
      As I pulled the leotard back up she explained, “Shanti wears a top like that too. Like you, she’s bigger than me, needs the extra support.”
      I looked good in the mirror. Wearing that, I almost wondered if, in fact, I did need to lose weight. As I turned around in front of the mirror, I adjusted it a couple of times until I was happy with the fit. I loved the way it was clinging to my body, really showing me off. I looked sexy in it and felt sexy too.
      “Can I borrow this?” I asked.
      “Sure,” Jenny replied. “That’s why I got it out for you.”

      Next morning I met Steve at his gym, for my physical checking and gym try-out. At the reception, they gave me a form to complete and sign. As I sat down, I heard her calling to Steve, announcing I had arrived.
      “Steve will be out soon,” she informed me.
      It’s amazing these New Zealanders, how casual they can be with those of authority. In India, nobody would dare call their employer by his first name. But here, in this country, it seems so common. My husband's employees only call him 'Brian' as well.
      I had completed the form and was sitting waiting when Steve appeared. He came out, spoke briefly to the girl at reception before turning to me.
      “Hi Mega,” he greeted as he walked towards me.
      I returned his ‘hi’ of course.
      I was also interested as what he was wearing caught my attention. He had his work-out clothes on. A very tight T-shirt, with tight pants, similar to mine, that came partway down to his knees. He looked good, even a bit sexy like that. I was noticing the muscles of his chest and body standing out through the thin fabric of his shirt. What interested me most was the bulge in front at the top of his legs. I’m sure you girls know what I mean.
      As he approached, I looked down, directly at the bulge, then back up at his face. Looking him directly in the eye, I licked my lips.
      He hesitated, he mouth slightly opened with surprise before he regained his confidence again. I don’t think he was expecting such an “I’m interested,” signal from me like that.

      We began on a tour of the gym and saw all the various exercise areas and other facilities they had. It was a modern place, a lot larger than I had been expecting. With so much equipment there, it seemed a waste with only a few people were there to use it. I told this to Steve and he smiled.
      “You wait until tonight, at about 6pm.”
      “Does it get busy?”
      “Very busy,” he replied.
      I made my mind not to go to the gym in evening times.
      There was one area where they did sporting training. A man was there punching at a very big hanging bag. I realised this was boxing. He had been working very hard because his arms and legs were strong and tanned. He was also sweating which made his dark skin shiny too.
      To be honest I found him covered sweat to be rather sexy. I have enjoyed the love games with Brian after he has been working and is wet with nice slippery slimy sweat.
      A very naughty idea came into my mind that I would like to see him naked and maybe play the love-games with him.
      As we walked away, Steve said, “And stop checking out the guys too.”
      “Was I that obvious?”
      “To me you were.”
      “Rule Number One! No lusting after the guys,” I said with a laugh.
      “Something like that,” he laughed.

      Finally, we came back to where we began beside some offices.
      “Well, what do you think, Mega?”
      “It’s nice,” I said. “You have a nice place here.”
      “Do you want to have a trial?”
      “What’s a trial?”
      “I give you some free sessions over two weeks. Time to confirm this is for you. Then we can talk about your joining.”
      “Do I have to join?”
      “Yes, you need to buy a subscription. I’ll give you a good deal, Mega.”
      “Do I just start like that? I don’t know what to do.”
      “No! No! Of course not. We do an assessment first. Then I will set you up an exercise program.”
      “What’s an assessment?”
      “Just some tests to find out how fit you are. Take your weight, blood pressure, a few measurements and things,” he explained.
      I nodded my understanding before he continued.
      “Then we sit down and talk about your goals and objectives.”
      “Is that where we get to talk about my breasts and butt again?” I asked him with a smile.
      “If necessary, yes,” he replied with a laugh.
      I gave a giggle at that too.
      “Do you want to do your assessment now, Mega?” Steve asked.
      “I can think of a better assessment than your one,” I said. “More fun too.”
      “Oh, I’m sure you can but let’s just start with my one today.”
      I can’t believe I was coming on to him like that. It was beyond flirting. More like ‘come and get me!’
      “Did you bring your gym gear?” he asked.
      "No I forgot, so can I do it naked?"
      "Oh don't we both wish but I think you should look in your bag first."
      I held up the bag I was holding. “Oh Yes, I have them here.”
      “I thought so. Ok then, go get changed. And try to behave yourself. Meet me back in the office here.”
      I looked around, wondering where I would change. He saw this and realised my confusion.
      “The ladies are over there. First on the left, so don't go into the men's on the right” he said laughing. “There are lockers for your clothes. With padlocks. Just remember your number.”
      "The men might like to see me there."
      "I'm sure they would but you might get distracted and we'll never get your assessment done."
      I just smiled at that.

      Leaving him, I went off to find the ladies changing rooms. It was big inside, with showers and toilets, a very large room with low seats for changing and small lockers around the walls. I realised that many ladies would be able to use these facilities at the same time. I was the only one there at that time.
      I looked around me. I was surprised it was an open plan like that. It meant all the girls and women would be dressing/undressing, in various states of nudity, in front of each other. I wasn’t sure I liked that. I put my bag on a seat and selected a locker. Inside I found a padlock and a small card telling me how to set it.
      Anyway, at that time there was no one there, nobody to see me, so I laid out my gym gear on the seat. Quickly I took off my clothes, then just as quickly I pulled up the pants to cover my pussy and lower body. Then the sports bra top was pulled down over my head. Now I was modest again I could take a bit more time stepping into my leotard and pulling it up over my body. There was a very large mirror at one end of the room where I could check myself to confirm everything looked OK.
      Taking a small towel I had brought with me, I went off to find Steve. As I came out of the changing room I met the man who had been doing the boxing. He was checking me out too. I wasn’t sure if I should hide myself or just walk past. Then I became bold when I smiled at him as I walked by. He smiled back and greeted me with a ‘hi’ then he was gone. I didn’t look back to see if he had turned to look, to catch my back view but I wondered if he did in fact, checking out my arse too. I had the feeling he might have.

      I found Steve in the assessment room as he told, sitting at a desk.
      "Looking hot Mega," he said.
      I felt a tiny bit shy at his attention but pleased he had noticed.
      "Thanks," was my reply.
      He got up from the desk and shut the door, clicking the lock.
      “Locking me in! So something is going to happen?” I asked being a bit cheeky.
      “Not what you are thinking,” he replied smiling.
      “Oh!” was all I answered.
      “First, before we do anything, I need to take your blood pressure.”
      As he wrapped it around my arm he added, “Hope you didn’t get too excited watching the men working-out!”
      The cheeky guy! My free hand came up to punch him but he avoided me, my fist finding only air.
      “The punching bag is in the sports-room Mega.”
      “You’re asking for trouble, Mister,” I said.
      He didn’t reply, just continuing with what he was doing. By now he was testing my blood-pressure as the wrap got tighter on my arm.
      “Mmmmm!” he said looking very worried.
      Becoming slightly concerned myself, I asked, “What is wrong?”
      “No pulse, nothing!” he replied. “Mega, I think you are dead.”
      If I could have reached him, he would have got another punch for that but he was well out of reach before I could hit him.
      He laughed, then informed me that my pulse was actually quite good.
      He did some other measurements, some of which I thought were a bit personal and naughty. Like he placed a tape measure across the tips of my breasts, without touching them with his hands of course, but I felt the tape pull tighter against my nipples.
      “Do you have to measure all my naughty bits?”
      “Well, didn't you say that was where you need to work on?”
      I nodded, yes because he was right with that. It was where I wanted to lose weight.
      He measured my waist, then went on to measure me around my bum.
      “Oh, dear, I think I need a bigger tape measure,” he told.
      This time he was too slow and my fist struck him in the arm. It was a hard one too, harder than I expected, it hurt me a bit as well.
      “Violent woman!” rubbing his arm with a grin.
      “You asked for that.”
      Each measurement was carefully recorded before we continued to the next. I think measuring my thighs was a surprise too. He passed the tape between my legs without touching me, his hand holding it just inches in front of my pussy mound. I was looking down, watching him. I suddenly had the naughty idea of thrusting my pelvis forward so he would make contact with me. But in the end, I didn’t do it.
      “Now what do we want to achieve here?” he finally asked me.
      We began to talk about some goals I could achieve working-out. When he talked about my chest, how I could pull my breasts back and up, I was a bit amused how he demonstrated on himself as if he had breasts too. I have to admit, I was looking at his chest under that tight T-shirt too. Later we were talking about my bum and thighs. His hands went around his own thighs to show me. But I wasn’t looking at his thighs. My attention was on the bulge between them.
      He noticed it too. “Pay attention Mega,” he said.
      “I am,” I grinned as my eyes returned to his face."And I like what I see too."
      “Sure you are,” he replied.
      The final part of my assessment was done on a bike he pulled from the corner. It was a fixed bike on which you could ride, never going anywhere. I tried to get on but it was set too high. He reached, almost between my legs to adjust the seat. All this naughty stuff was really getting to me now. When he touched my ankle to put my foot into the peddle strap it was like an electric shock, my whole body jumped.
      “Calm down, Mega,” he laughed. “We haven’t even started yet.”
      “Started what?”
      “Your test,” he said smiling.
      I had to keep the speed to a certain point. First, it was easy and I felt too confident but then the resistance got stronger and stronger. I was struggling to do it and keep up to speed.
      “Keep going,” he said. “It’s designed to measure your strength... Just do the best you can.”
      I felt my self slightly out of breath and discovered I was beginning to sweat between my breasts and down between my legs. That wasn’t all I was feeling either. The sticky, slightly wetness there made me feel even hornier, too.

      I was now sitting at the desk while he did some writing on a large sheet. Finally, he handed me a folder.
      “This is your workout program,” he said. “It tells you what exercises you will need to do each time you come into the gym.”
      Normally they set the program up and the person returns to go over it with a trainer but in my case, Steve was fast-tracking the process so I could begin quickly. He went over the program quickly then we went out into the gym to try the exercises.
      First, he showed me some stretching exercises which we did in front of the mirror. I knew he was checking me out and I wasn't shy about checking him out too. I could see the muscles of his body stretching as he performed different poses.
      After that, we went on to another bike. This is where I would warm my body up he explained. He showed me how to set up a program and then while I did that be talked about exercising and how it affected my body. I began to realise there was more to this exercising than it first seemed.
      He then took me to a machine where I sat on a seat and had to reach around slightly behind me to pull two handles forward. Reaching back like that pushed my chest forward and I was very aware of how my breasts were pressed out.
      I tried to push but the weights seemed too heavy. I couldn’t do it.
      “Ok let’s try a bit less.”
      He reached over and took some weights off. As he did his face came very close to my breast. I could see him looking straight at it but he didn’t touch it.
      I tried again but this time it felt easy. I could push forward and the weights came flying up then fell back with a bang.
      “Oh!” I said with a giggle. “Sorry, it was lighter than I expected.”
      “Yes, I took off too much.”
      Again his head came close to me as he reached around behind me to adjust the weights. But this time as he moved away, his hand came up and gave my breast a squeeze.
      “Hey!” I said in protest.
      “You squeezed my boob.”
      “Sticking out like that it was asking for a squeeze.”
      “That’s not very professional. I thought you were a professional trainer.”
      “Now I’m not wearing that hat!”
      He wasn’t wearing any hat so I asked, “What hat?”
      “I’m wearing my naughty gym owner hat now.”
      I had to giggle at that.
      “So how do I know which hat you are wearing?”
      “I would have thought that would be pretty obvious.”
      “Yes,” I agreed. “I think so.”

      These exercise machines are really quite sexy. I found I was getting into what I thought were very sexy poses as I used them. I was also knowing he was watching too. Wearing that leotard which clung tightly to my body and with the flirting between us, had got me really horny, now what we were doing was only making it worse.
      We came to the bench press where I lay back on a bench. He said I could lift up my legs and lay then straight on the bench or I could place a foot on the floor each side. I immediately saw the potential of this. Placing a foot each side of the bench left my legs open. Laying back on the beach pushed my pussy mound up. I just knew how sexy that would look. It felt sexy enough doing it too.
      He placed a bar with some smaller weights on the stands over me and showed me how to grip the bar. Now it was just a matter of pressing up to lift the weight. For such tiny weights, it felt surprisingly heavy. But I did it. I managed to lift it OK.
      After five presses he asked me to rest and then when I was ready to do five more. As I reached for the bar again I grasped it in a wrong way. He reached over to correct me saying, “Do it like this.”
      I was also thinking of how I was positioned with my legs open like that.
      “Am I in a suitable position?” I asked him.
      “Suitable for what?” came his reply.
      “For whatever you think I need.”
      “Oh, I know what you need Mega. But here is not the place.”
      “Isn’t it your job to help the client with her needs?”
      “What you need might be considered beyond the role of my job.”
      “Well, you could make exceptions. To please the client, of course.”
      “You’re a horny little minx today, aren’t you?”

      My next exercise involved taking a small weight and holding it behind my head, then bending over a padded bar while my legs were under a second padding to hold me. I was having trouble doing this as my legs slipped out.
      “Try it again,” he said. “I’ll hold you.”
      I bent over the bar again and slipped my legs under the other bar. I felt him take hold of my thighs just above the knees. My body gave a shudder at his touch. I was very aware of his warm hands holding me and I sure he must have noticed it too.
      With him holding me like that, I could then do the exercise with ease. But as I was bending up and down I realised my bum was sticking up in the air. He was behind me so I knew he must have been looking straight at my bum and the strip down between my legs. I had the thought, ‘What if I was doing this nude? What would he be seeing then?’ I wondered if he actually had the same idea too.
      I completed the ten times I had to do. Rested in position then did 10 more. Then I stood up and faced him. Looking him straight in the eyes as asked, “What were you looking at?”
      He smiled and replied, “A very sexy arse.”
      “I’m surprised you didn’t squeeze it.”
      “I wanted to.”
      “Then why didn’t you?”
      “That girl over there was watching us,” he said.
      “Did you think you would make her jealous?”
      “Something like that.”

      This was how we continued through my program. He would show me, teach me each exercise then I would perform it in front of him. The sexy comments and flirting between us continued too. Finally, we came to the bike again, followed by the stretching to cool down.
      That was it. That would be my exercise program for each time I came to the gym. I could also do other things such as join classes too but for the time of my trial, I was to mainly stay with what he had given me.
      I was finished now but I still felt hot and sweaty. I felt very naughty too. I was intending to take time in the shower to give my pussy a work-out, relieve the sexual tension of my body too if you know what I am saying. Well, that was what I intended but it didn’t happen like that.
      “Have you ever tried a sauna, Mega?” he asked me.
      “No, I have heard of them but never tried.”
      “We have two here. A ladies' and a men's.”
      “Separate? That’s not fun. Don’t you get naked in a sauna?”
      “Well normally our clients are not going there for the ‘fun’ you mean but it can be arranged if you want.”
      “Arrange what?”
      “A mixed sauna.”
      “Naked too?” I asked.
      “Yes naked.”
      “You and I?”
      “Yes, just you and I. Completely private.”
      Suddenly I saw where this was going. I knew after all the flirting I’d been doing that getting alone and naked with him could only lead to one thing.
      I surprised myself a bit by saying, “OK.”
      He took me to the ladies sauna.
      “You can’t come in here,” I said.
      “Yes, I can. Just check for me that no one is inside.”
      I put my head inside and confirmed no one was there. Then he took a sign off a hook on the wall and hung it on the door. The sign said, “Closed for Maintenance.”
      “And what maintenance do you have in mind?” I asked with a grin.
      “You know exactly what I have in mind.”
      "Do I?"
      "Yes, you've been asking for it, all morning."
      "So now I'm going to..."
      "Yes, Mega. So now you're going to get it!"
      “Sounds like fun!”
      He opened the door for me and I stepped inside. The heat hit me as I realised how hot it really was in there. He followed me, clicking a lock on the inside of the door. Then he turned to face me.
      “We’re alone and private now,” he said.
      “Yes, I can see that, but not naked yet.”
      “That will soon be fixed, I’m sure.”
      I was sure too. I was ready actually, to tear my clothes off for him but I decided to wait and let him play this his way.
      He came up to me, his arms going around me as he pulled me to him. Our lips came together and we kissed. I felt his body press against mine. My breasts pressed against his chest, my pussy mound against his thigh. I could feel he was hard too; a hard ridge pressing against my thigh.
      We pulled apart and he started to undress me. I thought he would have been in a rush to get me naked, but he wasn’t. Willing to take his time and enjoy the process. First, his hands came up to my breasts, rubbing them all over before they continued up, one to each shoulder. He slipped the straps of my leotard down and it peeled easily away from my body revealing more and more of my body as it went. My top was uncovered now and soon so was the bottom as the last of the leotard pealed from between my legs, fell to the floor and I stepped out of it.
      His hands now went for my top. Taking it by the lower edge and pulling it up until my breasts were freed from the tight material. He pulled the top up over my head, leaving me topless and naked except for my pants.
      Now his hands returned to my breasts, rubbing over the bare exposed flesh of them, his fingers finding my nipples. He played with them, making them even harder than they had been before. Oh, it felt good, making me give a sigh with the enjoyment he was making.
      Of course, next came my pants. They came off next, he was pulling them down my body, over my hips so they dropped to the floor and I stepped out of them too. Now I was naked before him.
      Pulling down my pants had brought his face in-line with my breasts. I felt his hands come up to them again, then his face making contact with a nipple. I closed my eyes to enjoy it. Sucking and licking one nipple, then moving to do the same with the other, before returning to the first again. It felt so good too, as I held his head tightly against my breast. Normally I like having my nipples sucked anyway, but somehow this felt extra good with what he was doing at that time.
      My hands were busy too. I pulled his T-shirt up his back, trying to take it off. Finally, when he pulled back from me I was allowed to pull it over his head. My hands went straight for his pants, pulling both the tight pants and what he wore under, down in one go. There in front of my face, his cock sprang free and pointed straight at me.
      So what does a girl do when a hot, hard cock is pointing straight at her face? Take him in her mouth of course. And that was what I did also. Taking his cock in my hand, bringing my face down to it, I gave him a few exploring licks around the head and upper shaft before taking him into my mouth. I know I should have taken longer but I was also in a bit of a hurry to get to the main event.
      It must have felt good for him because soon he gave a soft moan. Encouraged by this I pressed down taking as much as I could of him into my mouth. This was good feeling him so deep inside me but not effective for the most successful blow-job so soon I pulled back so not much more than his head was inside my mouth.
      In this way, with my lips wrapped around that sensitive part just below the head, I sucked at him, then wrapping my tongue around and over it before sucking again. Meanwhile, I had brought up both hands, one hand my fingers gripping his shaft, slowly pumping him in time with my sucking, the other hand reached for the sack of his balls, holding them, lightly rubbing my fingers over them, finding the beans inside.
      Before long he was responding. His pelvis gently humped at me, his moans had now become deeper and throatier. I was just at the point of considering whether I should stop or continue and bring him off when the hands grasping my head pushed me back. His cock slipped out from between my lips as I looked up at him.
      “That’s about all I can take,” he said.
      I just smiled. I knew what he wanted. He was saving himself for inside me.
      He pushed me so my back fell against the seat. The touch of the wood against my skin made me jump up again. It was hot, too hot to lie on. Quickly we spread out some towels before I lay back again.
      He was kneeling in front of me, looking down at me. One leg was bent with the knee up and foot on the bench, the other hung over the edge leaving me open and exposed to him. I knew what he was looking at, what he could see. I didn’t mind, I wanted him to look, enjoy the sight of my pussy secrets. I know how much some men enjoy looking, doing that before they take a woman for love-games. But, us girls also enjoy a man viewing their woman-hood before he takes them for the sex. My hand moved, my fingers brushing up along my open, exposed pussy lips.
      For a moment I was unsure if he would move to full sex but instead, his face came down towards my pussy. I was so wet down there, a juicy mixture of sweat and cum-juice. I was ready for him too, my lips engorged and open. I couldn’t help letting a soft moan of anticipation, even before he touched me.
      Pulling my fingers aside, the contact, when it came was powerful. A shudder swept through my body making me gasp for breath. His first touch was a lick right up, ending at the top. It had been a light sweep over my wet swollen lips but it felt good. When he pressed deeper with the second one it felt even better. I couldn’t help it, a deep moan escaped my mouth. It just felt so good. The third lick my pussy lips were parted and I could feel the wet of his tongue pressing between them.
      It was at about that point that I closed my eyes as my hands reached down to hold his head. I pulled him in towards me; pulling his face hard against my pussy, pulling his tongue deeper inside me. What happened over the next few minutes was mind-blowing. Quickly I felt my cum building. Quickly my body was responding to his attention until I exploded into a strong orgasm.
      I was surprised at that. It was unexpected that I would cum that fast and so powerful too. I was going to wait until we went to full sex but I just couldn’t. Maybe I should have stopped him sooner before we went too far.

      Now we were ready to move on to full sex. First, we tried the normal way with him on top. I lay back on the hard wooden bench with only towels under me. He got on top of me and tried to enter me. He got inside me but it wasn’t working. The wooden surface under me was too hard. It was very uncomfortable.
      “This is no good,” I told him. “It’s too hard.”
      “Ok,” he replied, pulling back from me. “How do we do it?”
      “Let’s try with me on top.”
      “Ok,” he agreed, getting out of my way.

      Then we change with me on top, sitting up looking down at him. So he could bring his hands up, playing with my breasts and I could control our movements like that.
      I stood up and he lay on the towel. I then moved to climb on over him with a foot each side of him. I was going to get down kneeling, with a knee each side when I noticed him looking up at me. I couldn’t resist giving him a little show. Standing over him like that, a foot each side, him looking straight up at me. My hands went to my pussy, my fingers rubbing over it then pulling my lips open for him.
      Soon I was thrusting my fingers deep inside. We could both hear the sloppy wet noise as I did. That had a sexy reaction too.
      “Oh so hot!” he said.
      His hands came up to my hips, pulling me down on to him. As much as he liked to look, he also wanted to be inside me too. As I kneeled down my hand guided him to my wet pussy. I felt him press against me. I felt him press through my lips and enter me. My lips parted further as my weight pressed me down onto him. My wetness was enough to allow him to sink deeply inside me. The full feeling as an erect man enters me is a feeling I always like and enjoy. With a deep sigh, I sank down on to him until I had taken all of him.
      As my hips begin to move I feel his hard cock sliding in and out of my wet cunt. As he did his shaft rubbed over my hard erect clitty. That was soon affecting me again. In turn, this made me desire to increase my speed which made me even more excited. Soon my hips were driving my body down on to him, driving his cock deep into my wet cunt. I remember how hot I was. The heat of the sauna, the heat of what we were doing had my body soaking with sweat. It was running down across my face, running down over my breasts and dripping onto his chest. Running down my stomach, down between my legs to add to the juice and cum already there.
      Then my pussy exploded with a powerful cum. Even better than my first one had been. My body shook, my pussy clenched at his cock, gripping him and pulling the cum out of him. I felt the strong jerk he gave as he began to cum. I felt the hotness of his cum bursting from him deep inside me. I felt my pussy send me into another orgasm.
      I fell forward on to him exhausted. I was breathing heavy and sweating so much now. I felt like I’d lost 2kg during that session. Maybe I’ve discovered the perfect weight loss program. Ha! Ha!

      Then I realise he is still hard. Then I noticed that he was still inside me. That he was still hard for me. I wondered if he wanted me again.
      “You’re still hard.”
      “Yes with what we’ve been doing, I hardly went down.”
      “You want to again?”
      “What do you think?”
      “I think, yes!”
      “Ok, can I do it from behind this time?”
      I was OK with that. I bent over the bench as he stood behind. I felt his hands on my hips and then one moved over my behind. Some fingers went down between my arse cheeks. They found my bum hole and played there for a minute. For a moment I thought he might arse fuck me but then he had moved into my pussy. There was not much foreplay, just rubbed over me a few times before he was lining me up to enter me.
      I felt his cock go inside me. He went in very deep this time and then began pumping away at me. His hands held my hips pulling me back against him. I could feel his body hit against me with each thrust he made. Soon I heard his breathing quicken and I knew he was on the way. Moments later he was now gasping for breath and I knew he was almost there.
      With a loud moan, he cum. His orgasm must have been a good one as it appeared to go on and on. When it was over I felt him stop. He remained inside me while he recovered his breathing, meanwhile I was feeling his cock has begun to soften.
      Finally, he pulled out of me, giving me a hard slap me on the bum.
      “Why did you slap me?”
      “You needed that.”
      “No, I didn’t.”
      “Yes, for seducing me in the sauna.”
      “Yes, Mega. You are a bad girl.”
      “I’m not the only one. I seem to remember you suggested we come in here.”
      “And we did cum in here too. Both of us at least twice.”
      I laughed his twist of my words. I had to agree with him there too.
      "So does you changing the subject mean I won?"
      "You won nothing Mega."
      "Two cums each and nobody wins. Must be a draw."
      "Something like that," he replied.

      We were both soaking with sweat. A hot sauna is probably not the best place for hard, physical sex such as we’d just done. But in other ways it was good. There weren’t too many other places in the gym where two people could find privacy like that.
      I pulled him to me, my lips finding him and we kissed. It was a good kiss, a deep one as our tongues danced together. I could feel my chest pressed against him, with our bodies so wet and slippery, a little movement of my shoulders caused my breasts to slip against his body. It felt good and for a few moments, I considered trying with him again before he pulled away.
      “We better get out of here before someone notices me missing,” he told me.
      “Would they?”
      “Sure, they might. They know I came in this morning.”
      So quickly we wiped up any mess on the bench then pulled our clothes back on. It was a bit hard now our bodies were so sweaty but with some help from each other, we managed to get dressed again.
      I went out first to confirm no one was watching before he came out too. We quickly separated going to our separate changing rooms.
      The shower felt good too. I set the water to just warm. My body needed more cooling down rather than warming up. As the water splashed over me I rubbed the soap over my body. It felt nice after what we’d been doing. When my hand came to my pussy I suddenly realised I was sore down there.
      Just shows you how hard I worked. Don't they always say that sore muscles are the sign of a good work-out? I must have had a good work-out!

Story 148 Background

                                                                               Posted by Kim.
        We had fun writing this one. Allan snr helped me a lot too since we have been going to the gym and working out together. Doing some of the exercises wearing a sexy leotard certainly makes me feel horny at times. Oh and it keeps his attention too. 
        I was talking to a friend online and he thought I had the a theme for a good story. "Sexy and funny," he said. When I mentioned this to Anne she agreed I should put this into a story too. That night in bed I talked to Allan and he agreed to help. So here it is our sexy gym story.
        Also I want to thank Susan for her help with some of the conversations too. She added humour and made them sound real. 

                                                                                                         Added by Allan snr.
         I am beginning to think that my Kim might be a bit kinky with some of the stories she writes. Let me explain:-
         First we have Letter/Story 73 – Mud, Rain and Sex. An orgy in the rain and mud – what a delightful idea that was. Then there is that Story134 – Food Fight. Just imagine; food such as cake, jam, cream and ice cream, then sticky fizzy drink smeared all over you while having sex.
        Not to mention the Background Extra for Story 72 where in a real story, after some of Anne's best red wine, she is taken by my son and his friend over a desk top. Now here we have another good story with a rather kinky theme too, hot sweaty sex in a sauna.
        See what I mean; Kim, the one who is always so prim and proper with never a hair out of place, is turned-on by getting messy during sex.  

Friday 19 June 2015

Story 147 Joseph – A Very Big Man!

Hi again from Mega.
         When I came to New Zealand at first I only had my husband Brian as my sex partner. It sort of felt right for me at that time not to have anyone else. I know the other men were interested and I also knew their wives would not have cared either. Even Brian said, I was free to enjoy if I was willing to, but I was happy for a while just being with him. I am thinking that with respect for me, Brian was not with another sex partner anyway although I had an idea he would have liked it.     

Story 147 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Shandra.
       Time for some more sex don’t you think? Yes, I think so too. So that is what this story is about. Sex!
       This is an old story, written a long time ago. The storyline was Mega’s first adventures when she moved to New Zealand to live with Peter. But then the younger writers pushed us to keep Jenny and Brian in the stories. An intensive period of re-writing and re-building began and my story here was involved in this too. It has been split into two parts with Kim’s Story 148 Work-Out placed between them.
        Now Mega and Brian are both in New Zealand and they are away with the rest of the group on a holiday to Rotorua. At least one other story is mentioned about this holiday but according to Anne’s diary, none were ever written. We got on to other stories and this theme was forgotten.
        My basic plot here is simple. I smaller girl gets to be with a big man and try his extra-large cock. Not much of a story but it works Ok. Well, I think so. As I said above, this story is about sex, so let's not knock it but rather just enjoy it for what it is.   

Thursday 11 June 2015

Story 146 Mega and Brian move to New Zealand

         The big day finally came when we left India. It had been a rush to get things ready. Just so much to do but with our kind friends from India and the girls from New Zealand we got it all done.

         Hi, Brian here.
         I not really much of a writer but it seems I have been given this story to record. Shanti told me if I get the main details down she will help to finish it off.
         Jenny has told you how she and Shanti came over to help during those last few weeks. Those girls were amazing; they seemed to know just what needed doing. Thank you, girls, you were a great help.   

Story 146 Background.

                                                                               Posted by Ayaka.
         Recently I seem to be getting all the fill-in stories. I don’t mind really as they are important to the story.
         There is only one purpose for this story and I think that is made pretty obvious by the title. Mega and Brian were coming to live in New Zealand and so we had to get them there. Along the way, their old life in India had to be tidied up and their new life began in their new country. I think this story covers that fairly well.
         Now about the writer. I decided to use Brian because Mega has a lot of stories at around this point. Brian doesn’t write very much at all so considering the content of this story I thought it could be likely he could write it.

Thursday 4 June 2015

Story 145 Emails.

Hi, Sarvesh again.
      Now after Amita had sent a copy of my story to everyone there was a little series of e-mails which took place over the course of a few days. You see, Shanti couldn’t help herself. She had to mention the most minor of points I made in my story. This led to my reply and that from my friend Joseph. They are interesting emails and also a bit funny too, so I have decided included them here for you all to enjoy. 

Email – From Shanti to Sarvesh.   cc to everyone.
Hi Sarvesh
       A good story. That sexy scene was so good. Finally, you and Katrina have got together. I wondered if it would ever happen.
      You were doing very well with the story; you even mentioned how Amita gave you business and investment advice. Then you ruined it by saying you always have the final say. Always the same you Indian guys, always wanting to be the big boss.

Email – From Sarvesh to Shanti   cc to everyone.  
Hi Shanti
      Thank you for your comments on my story but I did not except your words about Amita. She is happy to allow me the final business decisions as she does not require being involved in those. Like a good wife, she accepts my judgment on these.
      Please save your advice and comments for Mike’s business and don’t be involved in mine.

Story 145 Background

                                                                               Posted by Anne.
         Shandra added a couple of E-mails to the bottom of her story where Shanti pulls Sarvesh up on a comment he makes. Of course, Sarvesh quickly replies to that.
        It was at a recent meeting that we decided to enlarge on this. I argued that since these emails would have happened after the story had been sent (published) it made sense that they might be recorded later as well.
        Everyone was in agreement with this so I cut them out of Shandra’s story and created a new one with a working title of “Emails.” Others made suggestions at the meeting and got involved too, so I can’t really take much credit for writing much of this other than coordinating everything into one story.  

Friday 29 May 2015

Story 144 Visit to New Zealand with Katrina.

Hi from Sarvesh.
         When Katrina began working for us in the exporting business we thought it was very important that she understood how the business operated, particularly the shipping of containers between international countries. We decided to take her on two international business trips; Jeevan would take her to Australia, and I would take her to New Zealand. We got the trip to New Zealand done but the Australian one had to be postponed when Donald announced he was coming to visit India.
        Our first trip was to visit Steve in New Zealand, to see one of our containers being unloaded at the warehousing operation we had established in Auckland. The trip was only for a few days and we spent most of this time either at the warehouse with Steve or visiting some farms and glass-house farms where produce was being grown for shipment to India. We also visited a honey farm and a couple of small manufacturing companies. On the final day, we watched an air freight shipment of flowers being prepared for dispatch on the same flight we were taking to Singapore.
       During the evenings we were free to visit and spend time with our friends. We even had a few sexy adventures too which were some added fun. Some of the highlights were playing a new stripping game they had found, reading some of the new stories, and not forgetting a trip to Nudie Night at the hot pools.
      One night Katrina spent the night with Shanti and Mike and I believe she had a very good night there too. Maybe she will be telling you about it sometime. That night I had more than enough with Sharron and Lizamoa, while Steve went over to help Joseph look after their children. That was nice of you guys doing that. You left me two very horny ladies that night. I did hear that Joseph was there to 'help' them.
     Yes, it was a very successful business trip and a sexy holiday one too. I enjoyed it very much and I know Katrina was enjoying it too. 

Story 144 Background

                                                                               Posted by Shandra.
         One thing that stands out in our stories is that Katrina and Sarvesh never got together. At first, this was actually by accident. We had written about all her adventures in New Zealand but somehow forgotten to include a sex session with Sarvesh. Poor Sarvesh, he missed out on some hot Indian pussy. Ha! Ha!
         At first, it was decided to write a special story for them but when this didn’t fly a couple of comments were inserted into other stories about Katrina feeling like Sarvesh was a sort of father figure to her. You may remember right back at the Resort, Katrina asked his permission before she had dinner with David.
        Well, this whole thing still bugged me (bothered me). Finally, I decided to write a story, putting them together. By then Anne had moved Katrina to the warehouse so it made sense that she might travel with Sarvesh at some point. So an ‘accidental’ booking putting them into a double bed together was all I needed to get things started. I had a story just waiting to be written.
       I had it quickly done and placed in Volume 11 until our recent rebuild of the Letter Series landed it here in Volume 10. Anyway, you guys online don’t care, the volumes don’t mean much on the blog. When we begin publishing the complete volumes then it will be different of course.
        So finally, Sarvesh and Katrina get to be together. Go and enjoy the story.

Friday 22 May 2015

Story 143 Katrina Leaves the Big House.

Hi, it’s Amita again.
             We are sorry if we have been a bit slow in writing any stories over here. 

           When we arrived back in India from our trip to Australia and New Zealand there was a letter waiting for Katrina. She was so pleased. I knew she was just a little bit worried that David might not write to her. But he did, so all is well with the world, well Katrina’s world anyway.
            Katrina took a trip home to visit her family and showed them many of the great places we visited and seen. She was telling them about what these two countries were like. They were pleased that she had a good trip and a good time. Little did they know how much of a good time she actually had!
            When she returned to our house, of course, she began her usual duties taking care of Steven and working in the big house. She then got the chance to reply to David. When she asked me what she should write about, I told her to tell him how happy she was to find his letter and you hope that this is going to be the start of a good friendship writing to each other. I also told her there is so much to tell him about our trip to New Zealand, and she could tell him about India and her life she had here.
         “Oh,” she replied. “I forgot about that.”
         I don’t know why she needed that kick-start, it seemed like she had a total brain block. I really think when it comes to David that girl’s brain is switched off! Ha! Ha!
         His reply to that letter came back quickly and soon they had two sets of letters passing each other somewhere between Katrina in India and David in Australia. I don’t know what was in a lot of those letters, she only told me a few bits but I believe David has turned out to be good at writing too. 

Story 143 Background

                                                                              Posted by Anne.
        This story was written a long time ago when I thought the Letters Series might only continue until Katrina got married. I wanted to move her to a job new job where she might have regular contact with her new boyfriend David. Susan came up with the idea of putting both Katrina and David into positions shipping containers between India, Australia and New Zealand, then it made sense they would talk regularly online.

        So she is settled in the nanny role and seemed to like it. My first problem was; how do I get her out of there? I came up with the idea of being caught hugging Sarvesh. It was an innocent action, totally misunderstood by those who saw it. So it was easy after that. Katrina was soon in her new position at the warehouse and the David/Katrina stories could begin. Originally I had this story placed straight after they had arrived back from New Zealand but the rearranging and adding of other stories now meant a decent amount of time has gone by.

       I suppose you might be bored with all this grand strategy stuff so I’ll end now and let you get on with the story.

      Oh, that titty flash. We can blame Ayaka for that!


Saturday 16 May 2015

Story 142 Chocolate.

Hi from India. Amita here.
          While we were in New Zealand we found some foods that we really enjoyed but were not available in India. One that Sarvesh particularly liked was from the local New Zealand company; Whittaker’s Chocolates. They claimed their chocolates were made with the best ingredients with marketing phrases like, “Good honest chocolates.”
         I noticed that when I unpacked his bag there was a large package wrapping in foil. It contained a supply of these bars. He kept them in a fridge to keep them cool and treated them like gold. No one was allowed any except him. Some of the staff saw them but no one in the house would dare touch them. I know he would have given me some if I asked but since it was his little treat, I was happy to leave them for him. When his little supply was used up I noticed more arrived. Katrina told me he was ordering and having it sent by Steve in New Zealand.
         So each night a small strip of a few cubes appeared on the bedside table to be eaten just before he went to sleep.
        His habit was to place the chocolate on the bedside table then go to the bathroom to complete his bed preparations. I always thought this was a bit silly, him doing his teeth etc, then coming back to eat chocolate.