Thursday 16 February 2012

Letter 2 Joseph’s First Reply.

Index of Letters                  Letter 2 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 1.

Forward to Letter 3.

The Game Reserve,            
Andhra Pradesh,            

            New Zealand.

Dear Shanti,
        I was happy to hear from you. I put that advert in sometimes ago and was never receiving a single reply. Now after all this time I am coming to know that you are writing to me. Yes, it is a surprise for me to be receiving this letter from you.
        As you of course know, my name is Joseph Koor. I am being a game warden at the Kedish Game Reserve where we are having a large range of native Indian animals which are kept as much as possible in their natural surroundings.
        I live with my wife in a small house in the small town at the northern borders to the park. My wife is working as a teacher in a nearby school. We are being very happy in this place. The people are all being very nice and the countrysides is very beautiful. It is a very nice place to be and we are liking it very much.
        I was very pleased to be receiving your photograph. You are the very beautiful woman. I have enclosed my photograph for your inspection and I am hoping you are liking it. Please tell me if you are liking my photograph.
        I have seen videos of New Zealand and it is the very beautiful place. We would like to see that place one day if we are getting the chance to see.
        Let me end my letter by saying, I am happy to be knowing you as my penfriend. I also wish that this will be starting as a long and happy friendship.

                Your friend,

        P.S. By “broad-minded conversation” I mean being able to talk about those things of more personal nature.

Index of Letters                  Letter 2 Background Notes.                  Back to Letter 1.

Forward to Letter 3.


  1. Oh it makes sense now.
    This is a conversation. A correspondence you call it.
    Neat way of doing things.

  2. "Broad-minded Conversation:- His reply was a bit lame.

  3. Hi Moa
    I'm replying for Anne. Yes according to her diary she was unsure how to reply to that.
    They were only 17yr girls. Just learning.

  4. Nice reply getting things started, feeling the way and opening up to further conversations. Peter

  5. Found this blog by clicking a profile. Has me curious. Is this based off a true story?

    1. Ha Ha, We wondered when you would find your way in here.
      If you read the background notes it will give you some idea of what is true of not but all the stories are fiction but sometimes based on real events. Anne always says things should be tested first to see if they are possible before we put them in our stories.
      But the problem is where does the fiction end and truth begin. This is had going for so long that not even Anne could probably answer that now.
      Letter 1 was written in 1999. But it didn't get published until Kim established this blog in 2012.

      Anne is the boss here. I don't write. I'm the IT person.

    2. Asami just warned me to say, you've finely got here. We've been expecting you for a while.
      This blog is huge. If you thought Allan's blog has a lot of reading, it is nothing compared to this. And it's still growing too. Story 283 is almost ready to be published. There are 713 published pages.

      In this blog you don't have author rights like you do in the other blog so that means you posts alert us for moderation. I can fix that for you if you plan to visit here and write comments a lot.

      Now you probably know now that this is a huge story following a group of people though their sexual adventures. Shanti actually has a long sex scene in Story 283. There are some great stories here and some not so good. We have a variety of writers here. Keep in mind these early stories were written by two silly teenage girls. Can you believe, I was writing about sex and hadn't even tried it. LOL.

      Finally, the background photo will change with each story. We have all submitted bikini pics to Asami and as she publishes she will change the background picture. She tries to match the picture to the writer of the current letter but this is not always the case. The girls name is used it the blog description under the blog title. eg Hi from xxxxxxx (the woman in the background)

      Have fun.
      Awesome Anne.
      PS - Certain naughty boys can't spell awesome and end up putting awful but we all know that's not true. LOL
